1physical & theoretical chemistry temperature at

μ = reduced part. mass !"# % &'()*+, -",,./."# 0"1',/ 23!4!5& 4"1(,'/6 3)+7/7-+, 8.9(/."# 3.0(,+7"# !"#"$ 2:(+6 ;+*1 3<='*' -",,./."# 0"1', !%"&$ 2:(+6 >'+-7"# 3.0(,+7"# 4"1(,' !'"$ 2:(+6 8+)+ +#+,?/./ +#1 @./(+,.A+7"# 2B?)="# 4+)<,"),.CD 3-.B?6 RS can be used as user program for SIMION or in a stand-alone mode assuming isotropic conditions chemical kinetics data (concentrations vs. time) ion trajectory data It is well established that the addi-onal kine-c energy ions gain from an electric field can be modeled in terms of an elevated “ion temperature”[1,2]. At the rela-vely high reduced field strengths ions are subject to in modern mass spectrometric devices, par-cularly with medium pressure transfer stages e.g. ion funnels, the effec-ve ion temperature can readily become dras-cally higher than thermal. Numerical models which consider the chemical dynamics of ions under such condi-ons have thus to take into account the electrically driven temperature effects. The reac-on simula-on (RS) algorithm [3, 4] in combina-on with SIMION is an ideal basis for such a model, which provides the founda-on for the simula-on of analy-cal methods inherently u-lizing the elevated effec-ve ion temperature (e.g. PTR, CID, FAIMS/DMS). The cluster building (forward) reac-on is considered as collision controlled [6], thus its rate k f can be calculated from the collision frequency: [HAcn(H 2 O) n1 ] + + H 2 O N 2 −− −− [HAcn(H 2 O) n ] + ln K 2 K 1 = H 0 R 1 T 2 1 T 1 σ = collision cross section k f = σ 16RT πμ T eff = T + Mv 2 3k B k B =Boltzmann constant v =ion velocity M R =mass reaction partner M B =mass bulk particle m =ion mass H 3 O + + H 2 O N 2 −− −− [H(H 2 O) 2 ] + [H(H 2 O) n1 ] + + H 2 O N 2 −− −− [H(H 2 O) n ] + Introduction Conclusions Walter Wißdorf 1 ; Yessica Brachthäuser 1 ; Christine Polaczek 1 ; Philipp Cochems 2 ; Stefan Zimmermann 2 ; Thorsten Benter 1 Ion Temperature Model Acknowledgement Financial support is gratefully acknowledged: DFG (BE2124/6-1) Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien (BU Wuppertal) iGenTraX References Chemical Reaction Systems Field driven chemical effects in API: Numerical modeling of the ion temperature at atmospheric and intermediate pressure with SIMION-RS SDS-RS: Temperature dependent drift in IMS Methods [1] Mason, E. A.; McDaniel, E. W., Transport Proper,es of Ions in Gases; WileyInterscience: New York, 1988. [2] Viehland, L. a; Siems, W. F., Uniform moment theory for charged parKcle moKon in gases. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. 2012, 23, 1841–54. DOI: 10.1007/s1336101204507. [3] Wissdorf, W.; Seifert, L.; Derpmann, V.; Klee, S.; Vautz, W.; Benter, T., Monte Carlo SimulaKon of Ion Trajectories of ReacKng Chemical Systems: Mobility of Small Water Clusters in Ion Mobility Spectrometry. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. 2013, 24, 632–641. DOI: 10.1007/s1336101205531. [4] Wissdorf, W.; Derpmann, V.; Klee, S.; Kersten, H.; Benter, T.; Vautz, W., Numerical SimulaKon of ReacKng Flows of Ions at Atmospheric Pressure the Reactant Ion Peak in IMS; In Proceedings of the 60th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics; Vancouver, Canada, 2012. [5] Shvartsburg, A. A., Differen,al Ion Mobility Spectrometry: Nonlinear Ion Transport and Fundamentals of FAIMS; CRC Press: Boca Raton, 2008. [6] Lau, Y. K.; Ikuta, S.; Kebarle, P., Thermodynamics and kineKcs of the gasphase reacKons H3O +(H2O)n1 + water = H3O+(H2O)n. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 1982, 104, 1462–1469. DOI: 10.1021/ja00370a002. [7] Young, C. E., Water Cluster Ions: FormaKon and DecomposiKon of Cluster Ions in the Oxygen Water System. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1972, 57, 918. DOI: 10.1063/1.1678340. [8] Ross, S. K.; McDonald, G.; Marchant, S., The use of dopants in high field asymmetric waveform spectrometry. The Analyst. 2008, 133, 602–7. DOI: 10.1039/b801457b. HS1-RS: Declustering in ion funnel RS: Collision Cell Declustering High fields at AP: Chemical effects in FAIMS / DMS (RS) : higher temperatures = smaller clusters Modeling of temperature dependence of reac2on rates: The temperature dependent dri5 2mes in a low field ion mobility spectrometer (IMS) at atmospheric pressure were modeled to validate temperature dependent sets of reacKon rates. The experimental drik Kmes decline due to the decreasing mean cluster size at elevated gas temperature (fig.2). Due to nearly isotropic condiKons in the drik tube, the simplified direct model (direct RS simulaKon) was applicable. Trajectory simulaKon (SIMIONRS) and direct RS simulaKon reproduce the drik Kme decline, but the models exhibit significant discrepancies for the temporal behavior of the RIP with respect to both, arrival Kme and the nonlinear response of the experimental RIP with the temperature. Figure 1) Experimental and simulated drift times for the water cluster RIP and the acetone-water clusters At atmospheric pressure ioniza-on (API) condi-ons, a rela-vely high level of background water in the ppmV range is almost unavoidable. Therefore, the forma-on of ion bound clusters is commonly in API and AP methods such as ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) or differen-al ion mobility spectrometry (DMS / FAIMS). The cluster systems oYen exist in very fast temperature dependent chemical equilibria and thus allow the inves-ga-on of the validity of numerical ion temperature models. H 3 O + from chemical ionization As commonly known, chemical ioniza-on (e.g. induced by corona discharge or β radia-on) produces H 3 O + via N 2 + charge transfer to H 2 O and subsequent self protona-on. Proton bound water clusters (RIP) H 3 O + clusters with neutral water: The relaxa-on -me of the resul-ng cluster equilibrium is very short. The corresponding signal is oYen called “Reactant Ion Peak” (RIP). Acetone–water clusters Neutral acetone (Acn) can associate to the water cluster, which forms a second cluster system: The backward reac-on rate is calculated from the equilibrium constant K, which is given by the Gibbs enthalpy G 0 of the clustering reac-on: The temperature dependence of the eqilibrium constant is es-mated e.g. by the van’t Hoff equa-on: G 0 = RT ln(K ) The addi-onal collision energy gained by ions from the electric field can be modeled in terms of a two temperature model with an increased effec-ve ion reac-on temperature T eff [1]: T eff = T + M R v 2 m +M B m +M R 3k B If the par-cle masses are assumed as equal this simplifies to [5,2]: which can also be expressed in terms of the ion mobility K and the electric field E: T eff = T + M (KE ) 2 3k B Trajectory simula-ons with SIMION 8.2 + SDS / HS1 RS module with integrated ion temperature model New implemented connec-on between RS and HS1 24 ppmV background water Figure 2) Decreasing water cluster sizes at 24 ppmV background water mixing ratio The decomposi2on of proton bound water clusters in a collision cell at reduced pressure was modeled with RS in standalone mode under the assump-on of isotropic condi-ons Simula2on parameter: background pressure approximately 1 mbar 1% water in the background gas isotropic condi-ons (assump-on of an ideally s-rred reactor) 1000 simulated par-cles analysis of the sta-c equilibrated cluster distribu-on in dependence of the reduced field strength varia-on of the background pressure in the calcula-on of the local ion mobility (K) for the calcula-on of T eff Figure 3) Simulated and experimental cluster concentrations in dependence on reduced field strength Simula2on: ., H 3 0+; D, Hn02+; e, H,03+; 0, H.O,+. cm-'·tore in the preliminary (1.0 em) I- Z w a:: a:: :0 u z 2 --' <l I- 0 I- LL 0 if 80 60 40 20 00 20 40 50 60 ElP o IV cm- 1 TORR-') FIG. 10. Relative currents of the ions H3 0+ (H2 0)n as a p= 1.9 Torr O 2 p=1.9 Torr N 2 Experiment (Young et al. [7]) Simula-on shows good agreement with experiment for clusters n=1 and n=2. With lower reduced field, the simula-on diverges increasingly, due to the addi-onal clusters with n=5,6 The simula-on predicts existence of clusters with n=5,6 which is not found experimentally Reduced field dependence and comparison with experiment: Absolute field dependence: Figure 4) Ion temperature in dependence of electrical field E p= 1 mbar p= 2 mbar Figure 5) Cluster in dependence on field E In terms of the absolute electric field, the effec-ve ion temperature is strongly dependent on the background pressure in the collision cell. At medium pressure condi-ons, very high ion temperatures are readily achievable. The pressure dependence of the ion temperature results in a severe pressure sensi-vity of the cluster decomposi-on reac-ons as func-on of the electrical field E Simula2on parameter: Calcula-on of the effec-ve ion temperature directly from ion velocity SIMION example ion funnel model 40 V DC offset along the funnel 500 kHz RF frequency 10 ppmV water due to rela-vely long simula-on -mes, reduced number of ions (50200 ions per run) The RS model was coupled to the HS1 hard sphere collision model to provide a trajectory model for reac-ng ions which is applicable for medium and low pressure condi2ons in addi-on to SIMIONSDSRS. As a proof of concept, the decomposi2on of proton bound water clusters in a medium pressure ion funnel was modeled with HS1RS. Ion trajectories Figure 6) Cluster trajectories and concentrations in the ion funnel in dependence on the background pressure and the RF amplitude Smaller clusters (n=1,2) are depicted in red and orange, larger (n=6,5) in yellow p=133 Pa 50 V RF amplitude p=133 Pa 150 V RF amplitude p=66 Pa 50 V RF amplitude The simula-on clearly shows the decomposi-on of the water clusters in proximity to the funnel electrodes where the electric field becomes high. Ion concentra2ons At the modelled water concentra-on, the RF poten-al is able to produce bare H 3 O + . One possible mechanism which leads to a field dependence of the ion mobility K at high field strengths is the effect of the elevated ion temperature on chemical equilibria. The RS model was used to simulate the chemical kine-cs of the proton bound water cluster system (RIP) in Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectrometry (FAIMS) or Differen-al Ion Mobility Spectrometry (DMS). In those methods, ions oscillate rapidly between low and high field condi-ons in an asymmetric RF high voltage dispersion poten-al. The difference between high and low field mobility is compensated by a DC poten-al (compensa-on voltage – CV). By adjus-ng the CV a differen-al mobility scan can be performed. In the presented RS simula-ons only chemical high field effects (modifica-on of the water cluster equilibrium by the ion temperature) were considered while physical high field effects were not taken into account. Oscilla2on of the reac2on system: 100 ppm water, 19 kV/cm disp., square wave 100 ppm water, 19 kV/cm disp., Biscayin. wave 100 ppm water, 9 kV/cm disp., square wave 1000 ppm water, 19 kV/cm disp., square wave At atmospheric pressure, the chemical system is able to follow the field / ion temperature oscillaKon. The field strength (cf. a and c), water background (cf. a and d) and RF wave form (cf. a and b) strongly impact on the cluster response. a) c) b) d) Resul2ng differen2al mobility / CV: Results: Effects of water background and wave form From the mean cluster sizes in high (marked blue in fig. 8) and low field phases, the mean mobility in the phases and therefore a theore2cal compensa2on voltage can be calculated. Analyte separa2on by differen2al mobility right: Figure 7) Simulated compensation voltage in dependence on the dispersion potential left: Figure 8) Water cluster number densities and ion temperatures in the FAIMS model The increase of the differen-al mobility with the dispersion voltage and water mixing ra-o is clearly observable. The RIP and the acetone water cluster show different behavior and should thus be separable by FAIMS / DMS. Verifica2on of the reac2on system at AP: Qualita-ve agreement between experimental and simulated IMS driY -mes for the RIP and acetone– water cluster systems Basic verifica-on of the temperature dependent set of reac-on rates Verifica2on of the reac2on system at medium pressure: Good agreement of simula-on and experiment for collision cell declustering at high reduced field Absence of clusters with n=5,6 in experiment probably due to experimental condi-ons (injec-on of rela-vely hot ions into the collision cell) New connec2on between hard sphere model and RS: The well established HS1 hard sphere collision model was coupled with RS Applicability of resul-ng model at medium pressure is demonstrated by declustering in ion funnel Qualita2ve simula2on of chemical kine2cs in FAIMS: The basic chemical kine-cs in a FAIMS / DMS device was qualita-vely modeled for the RIP and the acetone– water clusters Outlook: Inves2ga2on of model / experiment divergences: The temporal merging of the RIP and acetone signal in IMS is not well reproduced by the simula-ons, possibly this is due to chemical interac-ons of the two cluster systems at elevated temperature The current simula-ons tend to overes-mate the compensa-on voltage for FAIMS (see [8] for experimental data) More detailed es2ma2on of temperature dependent reac2on rates: A more sophis-cated es-ma-on of the temperature dependence of the reac-on rates, in par-cular for high effec-ve temperatures, will significantly improve the overall model accuracy Alterna2ve reac2on models for very high reduced fields: More detailed reac-on models for low pressure / high field condi-ons, e.g., incorpora-ng three temperature models or explicit pooling of internal molecular energy 1 Physical & Theoretical Chemistry Wuppertal, Germany Institute for Pure and Applied Mass Spectrometry 2 Department of Sensors - Measurement Technology Hannover, Germany Institute of Electrical Engineering and Measurement Technology [H(H 2 O) 1 ] + [H(H 2 O) 2 ] + [H(H 2 O) 3 ] + [H(H 2 O) 4 ] + [H(H 2 O) 5 ] + [H(H 2 O) 6 ] + [H(H 2 O) 1 ] + [H(H 2 O) 2 ] + [H(H 2 O) 3 ] + [H(H 2 O) 4 ] + [H(H 2 O) 5 ] + [H(H 2 O) 6 ] + [H(H 2 O) 7 ] + [H(H 2 O) 1 ] + [H(H 2 O) 2 ] + [H(H 2 O) 3 ] + [H(H 2 O) 4 ] + [H(H 2 O) 5 ] + [H(H 2 O) 6 ] + [H(H O) ] + n=5 n=6 n=4 mass

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Page 1: 1Physical & Theoretical Chemistry temperature at

µ= reduced part. mass









RS can be used as user program for SIMION or in a stand-alone mode assuming isotropic conditions

chemical kinetics data(concentrations vs. time)ion trajectory data

It  is  well  established  that  the  addi-onal  kine-c  energy  ions  gain  from  an  electric  field  can  be  modeled  in  terms  of  an  elevated  “ion  temperature”[1,2].  At  the  rela-vely  high  reduced  field  strengths  ions  are  subject  to  in  modern  mass  spectrometric  devices,  par-cularly  with  medium  pressure  transfer  stages  e.g.  ion  funnels,  the  effec-ve  ion  temperature  can  readily  become  dras-cally  higher  than  thermal.  Numerical  models  which  consider  the  chemical  dynamics  of  ions  under  such  condi-ons  have  thus  to  take  into  account  the  electrically  driven  temperature  effects.  The  reac-on  simula-on  (RS)  algorithm  [3,  4]  in  combina-on  with  SIMION  is  an  ideal  basis  for  such  a  model,  which  provides  the  founda-on  for  the  simula-on  of  analy-cal  methods  inherently  u-lizing  the  elevated  effec-ve  ion  temperature  (e.g.  PTR,  CID,  FAIMS/DMS).    

The  cluster  building  (forward)  reac-on  is  considered  as  collision  controlled  [6],  thus  its  rate  kf  can  be  calculated  from  the  collision  frequency:  

[HAcn(H2O)n−1]++H2ON2−−��−− [HAcn(H2O)n]+




�= −∆H




T2− 1


σ= collision cross sectionk f =σ�


Teff = T + M v2


kB =Boltzmann constantv =ion velocity

MR =mass reaction partnerMB =mass bulk particle

m =ion massH3O++H2O

N2−−��−− [H(H2O)2]+

[H(H2O)n−1]++H2ON2−−��−− [H(H2O)n]+

Introduction Conclusions

Walter Wißdorf1; Yessica Brachthäuser1; Christine Polaczek1; Philipp Cochems2; Stefan Zimmermann2; Thorsten Benter1

Ion Temperature Model

AcknowledgementFinancial support is gratefully acknowledged:

• DFG (BE2124/6-1)• Zentrum für Graduiertenstudien (BU Wuppertal)• iGenTraX


Chemical Reaction Systems

Field driven chemical effects in API: Numerical modeling of the ion temperature at atmospheric and intermediate pressure with SIMION-RS

SDS-RS: Temperature dependent drift in IMS


[1]  Mason,  E.  A.;  McDaniel,  E.  W.,  Transport  Proper,es  of  Ions  in  Gases;  Wiley-­‐Interscience:  New  York,  1988.

[2]  Viehland,  L.  a;  Siems,  W.  F.,  Uniform  moment  theory  for  charged  parKcle  moKon  in  gases.  Journal  of  the  American  Society  for  Mass  Spectrometry.  2012,  23,  1841–54.  DOI:  10.1007/s13361-­‐012-­‐0450-­‐7.

[3]  Wissdorf,  W.;  Seifert,  L.;  Derpmann,  V.;  Klee,  S.;  Vautz,  W.;  Benter,  T.,  Monte  Carlo  SimulaKon  of  Ion  Trajectories  of  ReacKng  Chemical  Systems:  Mobility  of  Small  Water  Clusters  in  Ion  Mobility  Spectrometry.  Journal  of  the  American  Society  for  Mass  Spectrometry.  2013,  24,  632–641.  DOI:  10.1007/s13361-­‐012-­‐0553-­‐1.

[4]  Wissdorf,  W.;  Derpmann,  V.;  Klee,  S.;  Kersten,  H.;  Benter,  T.;  Vautz,  W.,  Numerical  SimulaKon  of  ReacKng  Flows  of  Ions  at  Atmospheric  Pressure  -­‐  the  Reactant  Ion  Peak  in  IMS;  In  Proceedings  of  the  60th  ASMS  Conference  on  Mass  Spectrometry  and  Allied  Topics;  Vancouver,  Canada,  2012.

[5]  Shvartsburg,  A.  A.,  Differen,al  Ion  Mobility  Spectrometry:  Nonlinear  Ion  Transport  and  Fundamentals  of  FAIMS;  CRC  Press:  Boca  Raton,  2008.

[6]  Lau,  Y.  K.;  Ikuta,  S.;  Kebarle,  P.,  Thermodynamics  and  kineKcs  of  the  gas-­‐phase  reacKons  H3O+(H2O)n-­‐1  +  water  =  H3O+(H2O)n.  Journal  of  the  American  Chemical  Society.  1982,  104,  1462–1469.  DOI:  10.1021/ja00370a002.

[7]  Young,  C.  E.,  Water  Cluster  Ions:  FormaKon  and  DecomposiKon  of  Cluster  Ions  in  the  Oxygen-­‐Water  System.  The  Journal  of  Chemical  Physics.  1972,  57,  918.  DOI:  10.1063/1.1678340.

[8]  Ross,  S.  K.;  McDonald,  G.;  Marchant,  S.,  The  use  of  dopants  in  high  field  asymmetric  waveform  spectrometry.  The  Analyst.  2008,  133,  602–7.  DOI:  10.1039/b801457b.

HS1-RS: Declustering in ion funnel

RS: Collision Cell Declustering

High fields at AP: Chemical effects in FAIMS / DMS (RS)Modeling of temperature dependence of reaction rates:

higher temperatures = smaller clusters

Modeling  of  temperature  dependence  of  reac2on  rates:  

DriY  -mes  decline  due  to  declining  cluster  size

The  temperature  dependent  dri5  2mes  in  a  low  field  ion  mobility  spectrometer  (IMS)  at  atmospheric  pressure  were  modeled  to  validate  temperature  dependent  sets  of  reacKon  rates.  The  experimental  drik  Kmes  decline  due  to  the  decreasing  mean  cluster  size  at  elevated  gas  temperature  (fig.2).  Due  to  nearly  isotropic  condiKons  in  the  drik  tube,  the  simplified  direct  model  (direct  RS  simulaKon)  was  applicable.  Trajectory  simulaKon  (SIMION-­‐RS)  and  direct  RS  simulaKon  reproduce  the  drik  Kme  decline,  but  the  models  exhibit  significant  discrepancies  for  the  temporal  behavior  of  the  RIP  with  respect  to  both,  arrival  Kme  and  the  non-­‐linear  response  of  the  experimental  RIP    with  the  temperature.  

Figure 1) Experimental and simulated drift times for the water cluster RIP and the acetone-water clusters

At  atmospheric  pressure  ioniza-on  (API)  condi-ons,  a  rela-vely  high  level  of  background  water  in  the  ppmV  range  is  almost  unavoidable.  Therefore,  the  forma-on  of  ion  bound  clusters  is  commonly  in  API  and  AP  methods  such  as  ion  mobility  spectrometry  (IMS)  or  differen-al  ion  mobility  spectrometry  (DMS  /  FAIMS).  The  cluster  systems  oYen  exist  in  very  fast  temperature  dependent  chemical  equilibria  and  thus  allow  the  inves-ga-on  of  the  validity  of  numerical  ion  temperature  models.  

H3O+ from chemical ionizationAs  commonly  known,  chemical  ioniza-on  (e.g.  induced  by  corona  discharge  or  β-­‐  radia-on)  produces  H3O+  via  N2+  charge  transfer  to  H2O  and  subsequent  self  protona-on.

Proton bound water clusters (RIP)H3O+  clusters  with  neutral  water:

The  relaxa-on  -me  of  the  resul-ng  cluster  equilibrium  is  very  short.  The  corresponding  signal  is  oYen  called  “Reactant  Ion  Peak”  (RIP).  

Acetone–water clusters Neutral  acetone  (Acn)  can  associate  to  the  water  cluster,  which  forms  a  second  cluster  system:  

The  backward  reac-on  rate  is  calculated  from  the  equilibrium  constant  K,  which  is  given  by  the  Gibbs  enthalpy  G0  of  the  clustering  reac-on:  

The  temperature  dependence  of  the  eqilibrium  constant  is  es-mated  e.g.  by  the  van’t  Hoff  equa-on:  

G0 =−RT ln(K )

The  addi-onal  collision  energy  gained  by  ions  from  the  electric  field  can  be  modeled  in  terms  of  a  two  temperature  model  with  an  increased  effec-ve  ion  reac-on  temperature  Teff  [1]:

Teff = T +MR v2 m+MB



If  the  par-cle  masses  are  assumed  as  equal  this  simplifies  to  [5,2]:  

which  can  also  be  expressed  in  terms  of  the  ion  mobility  K  and  the  electric  field  E:    

Teff = T + M(K E)2


• Trajectory  simula-ons  with  SIMION  8.2  +  SDS  /  HS1

• RS  module  with  integrated  ion  temperature  model  

• New  implemented  connec-on  between  RS  and  HS1

24 ppmV background water

Figure 2) Decreasing water cluster sizes at 24 ppmV background water mixing ratio

The  decomposi2on  of  proton  bound  water  clusters  in  a  collision  cell  at  reduced  pressure  was  modeled  with  RS  in  stand-­‐alone  mode  under  the  assump-on  of  isotropic  condi-ons

Simula2on  parameter:  

• background  pressure  approximately  1  mbar

• 1%  water  in  the  background  gas  

• isotropic  condi-ons  (assump-on  of  an  ideally  s-rred  reactor)

• 1000  simulated  par-cles

• analysis  of  the  sta-c  equilibrated  cluster  distribu-on  in  dependence  of  the  reduced  field  strength

• varia-on  of  the  background  pressure  in  the  calcula-on  of  the  local  ion  mobility  (K)  for  the  calcula-on  of  Teff

Figure 3) Simulated and experimental cluster concentrations in dependence on reduced field strength



pressure mass spectrometerlO and flowing afterglow24

investigations obtained 2X 10-27 cm6 secl, the latter measurement again referring to hydrogen as third body. Puckett and Teague25 found k=3.5±0.8XlO-27

cm6 secl in stationary afterglow measurements with NO as third body.

Some rate measurements were made for formation of H l10 5+, though the ion current from this species was always relatively small. The range of E/ Po from 5 to 15 V cm-I·torel was covered, in which the rate constant showed a similar trend to that seen in Figs. 8 and 9. A thermal rate constant of 2XlO-29 cm6 secl was obtained. Substantial effects from reverse reac-tion may be involved in this case, so that the value quoted should be taken as a lower limit. However, the flowing afterglow measurements of Burt et al.24

also revealed a considerable decrease in clustering rate at the step leading to H l10 5+, the value 1 X 10-29 cm6 secl being measured with H2 as third body. Such an effect was not observed in the high pressure mass spectrometer studies,1O for which k=9XI0-28 cm6 secl was reported.

iii. Reaction rate and branching ratio for O2+, H 20. The cluster 02+·H20 reacts by Eqs. (3a) and (3b). Mass 50 was a minor component of the ion signal extracted from the drift tube, and could be monitored reliably only at the lowest water concentrations. Under such conditions, a bimolecular rate constant of 1 X 10-9 cm3 seCI was obtained at thermal energies. The de-pendence on E/ P was weaker than observed for three body processes, k3 falling to about 5XIO-iO cm3 secl at E/ Po= 30. Good et al.1O reported rate constants k3a =0.9XI0-9 cm3 secl and k3b =0.3XlO-9 cm3 secl; Fehsenfeld et al.3 give 1.9 and 0.3 X 10-9 cm3 secl, respectively. Agreement as to the overall value of k3=k3a+k3b is satisfactory, but the branching ratio of the two published studies is significantly different.

The ratio k3a/k3b is of interest because of its effect on the relative production of H50 2+ and H30+ in the D region. This ratio can be estimated from pulsed drift-tube experiments in which H30+ was detectable over a range of arrival times, such as shown in Fig. 1.

In Fig. 1, the H30+ peak at ,....,105 comes from a small amount of H30+ introduced through the elec-trical shutter at t=O. Its contribution to the higher cluster signal is also evident. However, additional H30+ is detected at later drift times with a peak shape similar to that of H502+' It is this peak which permits an estimation of k3a/k3b. The dashed curves of Fig. 1 show that the late-arriving H30+ does not simply result from the breakup of H50 2+ via the reverse of Reaction (5) during its drift to the sam-pling orifice. If this were the case, the observed H 30+ would spend a considerable portion of its drift time as the relatively mobile species H50 2+ and H30+ re-sulting in an arrival pattern earlier and different in shape than that observed. A second possibility is the partial breakup of H50 2+ upon extraction into the

mass spectrometer, accounting for similarity in the H3O+ and H50 2+ late arrival patterns. This process appeared to make a small contribution and is dis-cussed further in Sec. III.B. v. Finally, one can con-sider the effect of nearly simultaneous production of H30+ and H50 2+ in the drift tube via Reactions (3) and (4). Estimation of the effect of subsequent clus-tering as well as extraction breakup gave ratios k3a/k3b in the range 8-20 for a variety of experimental con-ditions. The scatter appeared to arise mostly from uncertainty in the breakup effect for cases where H30+ and H50 2+ currents were small, rather than from variation in E/ P or water concentration. This apparent independence of average energy of the re-actants (determined by E/ P) is perhaps surprising.1

The ratio of k3a/k3b obtained in this way is significantly larger than that of Good et al. 1O but agrees with that determined by Fehsenfeld et al.3

iv. Reaction of H30+·OH. A species of mass 36 was detectable in runs performed at low water concentra-tion. However, its lifetime was only a few microseconds and considerable interference was encountered due to the relatively intense peak at mass 37. This was the only step in the reaction mechanism where the low resolution of the mass spectrometer was a source of difficulty. Rough measurements were consistent with the mass spectrometric1° and flowing afterglow3 values of 10-9 and k4= 3X 10-9 cm3 secl, respectively.

v. Cluster breakup studies. Several continuous-drift runs were performed in which E/ P prior to the elec-trical shutter was maintained at a low value (typi-cally ,.....,,5 V cm-I. torel), allowing H90 4+ to become the major ionic species present. Variation of E/ P in the final drift space then produced the range of ionic

I-Z w a:: a:: :0 u z 2 --' <l I-0 I-

LL 0 if





00 20 40 50 60 ElPo IV cm- 1 TORR-')

FIG. 10. Relative currents of the ions H 30+ (H20)n as a function of E/ Po in the final (3.2 em) drift region. Symbols are: ., H30+; D, Hn02+; e, H,03+; 0, H.O,+. With E/Po=6.2 V cm-'·tore' in the preliminary (1.0 em) drift space, mo.stly H.O,+ was initially present at the electrical shutter. Other IOns observed result from subsequent detachment of H20 molecules. 0, pressure was 1.96 torr with 1.21% H20.

Downloaded 15 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions


pressure mass spectrometerlO and flowing afterglow24

investigations obtained 2X 10-27 cm6 secl, the latter measurement again referring to hydrogen as third body. Puckett and Teague25 found k=3.5±0.8XlO-27

cm6 secl in stationary afterglow measurements with NO as third body.

Some rate measurements were made for formation of H l10 5+, though the ion current from this species was always relatively small. The range of E/ Po from 5 to 15 V cm-I·torel was covered, in which the rate constant showed a similar trend to that seen in Figs. 8 and 9. A thermal rate constant of 2XlO-29 cm6 secl was obtained. Substantial effects from reverse reac-tion may be involved in this case, so that the value quoted should be taken as a lower limit. However, the flowing afterglow measurements of Burt et al.24

also revealed a considerable decrease in clustering rate at the step leading to H l10 5+, the value 1 X 10-29 cm6 secl being measured with H2 as third body. Such an effect was not observed in the high pressure mass spectrometer studies,1O for which k=9XI0-28 cm6 secl was reported.

iii. Reaction rate and branching ratio for O2+, H 20. The cluster 02+·H20 reacts by Eqs. (3a) and (3b). Mass 50 was a minor component of the ion signal extracted from the drift tube, and could be monitored reliably only at the lowest water concentrations. Under such conditions, a bimolecular rate constant of 1 X 10-9 cm3 seCI was obtained at thermal energies. The de-pendence on E/ P was weaker than observed for three body processes, k3 falling to about 5XIO-iO cm3 secl at E/ Po= 30. Good et al.1O reported rate constants k3a =0.9XI0-9 cm3 secl and k3b =0.3XlO-9 cm3 secl; Fehsenfeld et al.3 give 1.9 and 0.3 X 10-9 cm3 secl, respectively. Agreement as to the overall value of k3=k3a+k3b is satisfactory, but the branching ratio of the two published studies is significantly different.

The ratio k3a/k3b is of interest because of its effect on the relative production of H50 2+ and H30+ in the D region. This ratio can be estimated from pulsed drift-tube experiments in which H30+ was detectable over a range of arrival times, such as shown in Fig. 1.

In Fig. 1, the H30+ peak at ,....,105 comes from a small amount of H30+ introduced through the elec-trical shutter at t=O. Its contribution to the higher cluster signal is also evident. However, additional H30+ is detected at later drift times with a peak shape similar to that of H502+' It is this peak which permits an estimation of k3a/k3b. The dashed curves of Fig. 1 show that the late-arriving H30+ does not simply result from the breakup of H50 2+ via the reverse of Reaction (5) during its drift to the sam-pling orifice. If this were the case, the observed H 30+ would spend a considerable portion of its drift time as the relatively mobile species H50 2+ and H30+ re-sulting in an arrival pattern earlier and different in shape than that observed. A second possibility is the partial breakup of H50 2+ upon extraction into the

mass spectrometer, accounting for similarity in the H3O+ and H50 2+ late arrival patterns. This process appeared to make a small contribution and is dis-cussed further in Sec. III.B. v. Finally, one can con-sider the effect of nearly simultaneous production of H30+ and H50 2+ in the drift tube via Reactions (3) and (4). Estimation of the effect of subsequent clus-tering as well as extraction breakup gave ratios k3a/k3b in the range 8-20 for a variety of experimental con-ditions. The scatter appeared to arise mostly from uncertainty in the breakup effect for cases where H30+ and H50 2+ currents were small, rather than from variation in E/ P or water concentration. This apparent independence of average energy of the re-actants (determined by E/ P) is perhaps surprising.1

The ratio of k3a/k3b obtained in this way is significantly larger than that of Good et al. 1O but agrees with that determined by Fehsenfeld et al.3

iv. Reaction of H30+·OH. A species of mass 36 was detectable in runs performed at low water concentra-tion. However, its lifetime was only a few microseconds and considerable interference was encountered due to the relatively intense peak at mass 37. This was the only step in the reaction mechanism where the low resolution of the mass spectrometer was a source of difficulty. Rough measurements were consistent with the mass spectrometric1° and flowing afterglow3 values of 10-9 and k4= 3X 10-9 cm3 secl, respectively.

v. Cluster breakup studies. Several continuous-drift runs were performed in which E/ P prior to the elec-trical shutter was maintained at a low value (typi-cally ,.....,,5 V cm-I. torel), allowing H90 4+ to become the major ionic species present. Variation of E/ P in the final drift space then produced the range of ionic

I-Z w a:: a:: :0 u z 2 --' <l I-0 I-

LL 0 if





00 20 40 50 60 ElPo IV cm- 1 TORR-')

FIG. 10. Relative currents of the ions H 30+ (H20)n as a function of E/ Po in the final (3.2 em) drift region. Symbols are: ., H30+; D, Hn02+; e, H,03+; 0, H.O,+. With E/Po=6.2 V cm-'·tore' in the preliminary (1.0 em) drift space, mo.stly H.O,+ was initially present at the electrical shutter. Other IOns observed result from subsequent detachment of H20 molecules. 0, pressure was 1.96 torr with 1.21% H20.

Downloaded 15 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions

p= 1.9 Torr O2

p=1.9 Torr N2

Experiment (Young et al. [7])

Simula-on  shows  good  agreement  with  experiment  for  clusters  n=1  and  n=2.  With  lower  reduced  field,  the  simula-on  diverges  increasingly,  due  to  the  addi-onal  clusters  with  n=5,6

The  simula-on  predicts  existence  of  clusters  with  n=5,6  which  is  not  found  experimentally

Reduced  field  dependence  and  comparison  with  experiment:   Absolute  field  dependence:  

Figure 4) Ion temperature in dependence of electrical field E

p= 1 mbar p= 2 mbar

Figure 5) Cluster in dependence on field E

In  terms  of  the  absolute  electric  field,  the  effec-ve  ion  temperature  is  strongly  dependent  on  the  background  pressure  in  the  collision  cell.  At  medium  pressure  condi-ons,  very  high  ion  temperatures  are  readily  achievable.

The  pressure  dependence  of  the  ion  temperature  results  in  

a  severe  pressure  sensi-vity  of  the  

cluster  decomposi-on  reac-ons  as  func-on  

of  the  electrical  field  E

Simula2on  parameter:  

• Calcula-on  of  the  effec-ve  ion  temperature  directly  from  ion  velocity

• SIMION  example  ion  funnel  model

• 40  V  DC  offset  along  the  funnel

• 500  kHz  RF  frequency

• 10  ppmV  water

• due  to  rela-vely  long  simula-on  -mes,  reduced  number  of  ions  (50-­‐200  ions  per  run)

The  RS  model  was  coupled  to  the  HS1  hard  sphere  collision  model  to  provide  a  trajectory  model  for  reac-ng  ions  which  is  applicable  for  medium  and  low  pressure  condi2ons  in  addi-on  to  SIMION-­‐SDS-­‐RS.  

As  a  proof  of  concept,  the  decomposi2on  of  proton  bound  water  clusters  in  a  medium  pressure  ion  funnel  was  modeled  with  HS1-­‐RS.

Ion  trajectorie


Figure 6) Cluster trajectories and concentrations in the ion funnel in dependence on the background pressure and the RF amplitude

Smaller  clusters  (n=1,2)  are  depicted  in  red  and  orange,  larger  (n=6,5)  in  yellow

p=133 Pa50 V RF amplitude

p=133 Pa150 V RF amplitude

p=66 Pa50 V RF amplitude

The  simula-on  clearly  shows  the  decomposi-on  of  the  water  clusters  in  proximity  to  the  funnel  electrodes  where  the  electric  field  becomes  high.

Ion  concen



At  the  modelled  water  concentra-on,  the  RF  poten-al  is  able  to  produce  bare  H3O+.

One  possible  mechanism  which  leads  to  a  field  dependence  of  the  ion  mobility  K  at  high  field  strengths  is  the  effect  of  the  elevated  ion  temperature  on  chemical  equilibria.  The  RS  model  was  used  to  simulate  the  chemical  kine-cs  of  the  proton  bound  water  cluster  system  (RIP)  in  Field  Asymmetric  Ion  Mobility  Spectrometry  (FAIMS)  or  Differen-al  Ion  Mobility  Spectrometry  (DMS).  

In  those  methods,  ions  oscillate  rapidly  between  low  and  high  field  condi-ons  in  an  asymmetric  RF  high  voltage  dispersion  poten-al.  The  difference  between  high  and  low  field  mobility  is  compensated  by  a  DC  poten-al  (compensa-on  voltage  –  CV).  By  adjus-ng  the  CV  a  differen-al  mobility  scan  can  be  performed.  

In  the  presented  RS  simula-ons  only  chemical  high  field  effects  (modifica-on  of  the  water  cluster  equilibrium  by  the  ion  temperature)  were  considered  while  physical  high  field  effects  were  not  taken  into  account.  

Oscilla2on  of  the  reac2on  system:  100 ppm water, 19 kV/cm disp., square wave 100 ppm water, 19 kV/cm disp., Biscayin. wave

100 ppm water, 9 kV/cm disp., square wave 1000 ppm water, 19 kV/cm disp., square wave

At  atmospheric  pressure,  the  chemical  system  is  able  to  follow  the  field  /  ion  temperature  oscillaKon.  

The  field  strength  (cf.  a  and  c),  water  background  (cf.  a  and  d)  and  RF  wave  form  (cf.  a  and  b)  strongly  impact  on  the  cluster  response.





Resul2ng  differen2al  mobility  /  CV:


Effects  of    water  background  and  wave  formFrom  the  mean  cluster  sizes  in  high  (marked  blue  in  fig.  8)  and  low  field  phases,  the  mean  mobility  in  the  phases  and  therefore  a  theore2cal  compensa2on  voltage  can  be  calculated.

Analyte  separa2on  by  differen2al  mobility

right: Figure 7) Simulated compensation voltage in

dependence on the dispersion potential

left: Figure 8) Water cluster number densities and ion temperatures in the FAIMS model

The  increase  of  the  differen-al  mobility  with  the  dispersion  voltage  and  water  mixing  ra-o  is  clearly  observable.

The  RIP  and  the  acetone-­‐water  cluster  show  different  behavior  and  should  thus  be  separable  by  FAIMS  /  DMS.

Verifica2on  of  the  reac2on  system  at  AP:• Qualita-ve  agreement  between  experimental  and  

simulated  IMS  driY  -mes  for  the  RIP  and  acetone–water  cluster  systems

• Basic  verifica-on  of  the  temperature  dependent  set  of  reac-on  rates

Verifica2on  of  the  reac2on  system  at  medium  pressure:• Good  agreement  of  simula-on  and  experiment  for  

collision  cell  declustering  at  high  reduced  field• Absence  of  clusters  with  n=5,6  in  experiment  probably  

due  to  experimental  condi-ons  (injec-on  of  rela-vely  hot  ions  into  the  collision  cell)

New  connec2on  between  hard  sphere  model  and  RS:  • The  well  established  HS1  hard  sphere  collision  model  

was  coupled  with  RS• Applicability  of  resul-ng  model  at  medium  pressure  is  

demonstrated  by  declustering  in  ion  funnelQualita2ve  simula2on  of  chemical  kine2cs  in  FAIMS:  • The  basic  chemical  kine-cs  in  a  FAIMS  /  DMS  device  

was  qualita-vely  modeled  for  the  RIP  and  the  acetone–water  clusters  

Outlook:Inves2ga2on  of  model  /  experiment  divergences:• The  temporal  merging  of  the  RIP  and  acetone  signal  in  

IMS  is  not  well  reproduced  by  the  simula-ons,  possibly  this  is  due  to  chemical  interac-ons  of  the  two  cluster  systems  at  elevated  temperature

• The  current  simula-ons  tend  to  overes-mate  the  compensa-on  voltage  for  FAIMS  (see  [8]  for  experimental  data)

More  detailed  es2ma2on  of  temperature  dependent  reac2on  rates:• A  more  sophis-cated  es-ma-on  of  the  temperature  

dependence  of  the  reac-on  rates,  in  par-cular  for  high  effec-ve  temperatures,  will  significantly  improve  the  overall  model  accuracy

Alterna2ve  reac2on  models  for  very  high  reduced  fields:• More  detailed  reac-on  models  for  low  pressure  /  high  

field  condi-ons,  e.g.,  incorpora-ng  three  temperature  models  or  explicit  pooling  of  internal  molecular  energy

1Physical & Theoretical Chemistry

Wuppertal, GermanyInstitute for Pure and Applied Mass


2Department of Sensors - Measurement Technology

Hannover, GermanyInstitute of Electrical Engineering and

Measurement Technology
























µ= reduced part. mass