1ii. mandarine.tech ai mint - sales presentation - 20-11-2016

MA NDERI NE TECHNOLOGY Artificial & Machine Intelligence Visionaries www.Mandarine.tech Linked In – Mandarine.Technology Connecting our clients with knowledge and thought leaders in the AI & MINT space Creating winners in this 4 th industrial revolution Research Insight Market Intelligence Foresight & Futurology CLIENT SALES PRESENTATION

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Artificial & Machine Intelligence Visionaries


Linked In – Mandarine.Technology

Connecting our clients with knowledge and thought

leaders in the AI & MINT space

Creating winners in this 4th industrial revolution



Market Intelligence

Foresight & Futurology


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Artificial & Machine Intelligence Visionaries

We’re a unique research firm – bringing to you knowledge of Artificial Intelligence [AI] and Machine Intelligence [MINT].

Companies are now starting to grasp that Artificial

Intelligence is no longer just a tech issue for the IT

team, it’s a board and shareholder and survival

issue in terms of opportunity and threat.

We sell a portfolio of research and advisory services

which help clients:

- Understand, appreciate and think through AI &


- Address the opportunities for their market

- Harness the power of these technologies for their


- Engage across this 4th Industrial revolution

What makes Mandarine.Tech unique in this space

and what we should talk is:

- We focus solely on AI and MINT

- We hold a community of 1200+ thought leaders

- We are wholly independent of vendors

In this sales pack we set out how we can support and work with you to make you winners

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Artificial & Machine Intelligence Visionaries

It has arrived…

this 4th industrial

revolution of AI & MINT

is upon us!

Much is being written – but here at Mandarine.Tech we help clients to act and become winners in this revolution

This isn’t just tech change it’s a business revolutionApollo 11 realised the dream of sending a man to the

moon and returning him to earth – a huge challenge at the


Now AI and MINT present similarly huge challenges and

ambitions to companies.

Mandarine.Tech is here to be your knowledge partner on

this exciting and challenging voyage.

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Artificial & Machine Intelligence Visionaries

We offer a portfolio tailored AI & MINT research to each and every client’s needs and budget – the common element being that we bring thought leadership to you

- Specialist commissioned research on AI & MINTWe provide both market and product research to companies and IT

departments spanning news, developments and products

- A general introduction to AI & MINT

½ day presentation, training and discussion – understand the subject

Allows your senior team to understand the risks and challenges

Delivered for £10,000 ex VAT

- Briefing of AI & MINT applicable to you and your firmA day of presentations, talks and workshops – address the changes

your organisation will face in this 4th industrial revolution

Delivered for £20,000 ex VAT

- AI & MINT making you a winner in your unique situation

Sessions, events and discussions – including thought leaders

Risk and opportunities, planning, dialogue and discussion

Delivered for c£45,000 ex VAT

- AI & MINT in your plans – making you a winnerBespoke to your corporate plans and ambitions – harnessing AI

Deep engagement, exploration and empowering you for this

revolution – including working sessions with global thought leaders

Delivered for c£99,000+ dependent on specification ex VAT

- Coming in 2017…

Our portfolio

6 service offerings – as

little or as much as you


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Artificial & Machine Intelligence Visionaries

- We’re specialists in AI & MINT and the go-to firm

This is all we do, we work with others but this is our sole focus allowing us

to be very close to the cutting edge and leaders rather than followers

- Nobody can bring you access to thought leaders as we can, circa 1,200 of the world’s thought leaders

Our business model is unique – we can bring unrivalled mindpower to

you. Why would you want just the next consultant available to advise

you when with our model you can gain access to the leading thinkers?

Those thought leaders are drawn from the world’s leading universities,

research institutes and commercial labs and are driv ing this revolution

- We speak business English (and other languages!) not impenetrable technobabble

Sure, there is complex maths and science here, but ultimately we seek

to make our knowledge and insight accessible to the whole board

- AI & MINT in your plans – your programme to win

We bring rigorous method to our work and use best scientific

approaches to authoring to separate facts, opinions and projections

- We bring you far better insights and foresight together with robust thinking than others

We do bring together what’s going on across the world and what’s

both making the news and being academically published but that’s just

a part of what we do – we are not just a news consolidator. At our heart

is to dialogue with thought leaders to understand what is over the

horizon and is going to rock the world – and bring it to you.

Why clients come to us

above others

… our unique offering

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Artificial & Machine Intelligence Visionaries

Specialist commissioned research on AI & MINT

We offer a comprehensive range of research – both topics and also product selection

To all our work we bring the power of thought leaders to bear uniting SMEs from universities, institutes and labs, we also use our own research functions and sources

It may be that you are seeking to explore a specific market, industry or products – we can offer exception insight and efficiency to you… at speed

We are currently engaged on research projects which span all scales

- A thought piece for a consulting firm about what AI & MINT means for

their global supply chain clients

- Helping a leading construction company to think through the

challenges and opportunities ahead to feed into their 3 year plan

- A research study and market survey for a leading consultancy about

what this revolution might mean for the supply chain of the auto majors

- Working in financial services to help a client think through how AI &

MINT will impact retail interactions with customers and compliance

- Helping a major government department to think through business

intelligence in the future

Our portfolio of services

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Expert research

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Artificial & Machine Intelligence Visionaries

A general introduction to AI & MINT

This is a half day briefing for boards or senior management teams – very strong visuals presentations with lots of video content and easy messages

- It presents the ‘big picture’ of AI & MINT – not just tech and IT but the

application of these technologies

- It’s a great in way for a senior team to gather to begin to address the

revolution ahead – it’s an event and so bring focus to your challenge

Topic areas

- Overview of this 4th industrial revolution – addressing the total subject

- The sciences and maths which make up AI & MINT

- What’s going on and what’s just about to hit


- Presented by one of our thought leaders – lots of video

- We can tailor as part of a senior management / board away session

Outcome, justification and value

- Give the participants an understanding of the power of what’s ahead

- Allow for you to commence your own debate about how to begin

- Giving a very accessible, intense and time effective introduction

Our portfolio of services

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Artificial & Machine Intelligence Visionaries

Briefing of AI & MINT applicable to you and your firm

Three days of working with you culminating in a day event / workshop including an interactive discussion session with thought leaders

Our focus in this event is about the market(s) you operate in and how AI & MINT will impact and drive change

Topic areas:

- What are the technologies and what will be their impact

- Change assessment – what will this revolution mean, and it’s speed

- Areas of focus – where there are opportunities, risks and new markets

- Case studies and market briefing

Presenters / facilitaors

- This is a facilitated event with thought leaders participating as well as

drawing on the wider community

- Though leaders / SMEs leading events and discussions


- Preparing you so that you can begin to scope – putting the basics in

place for an options analysis and business case

Our portfolio of services

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Artificial & Machine Intelligence Visionaries

AI & MINT making you a winner in your unique situation

Five days of working with you culminating in two days of sessions / workshops including an interactive discussion session with thought leaders

Our focus is about your own unique situation and delving beneath the market into what AI & MINT will and could mean for your firm

Topic areas:

- Understanding the impacting technologies and concept – cross sector

- What others are up to – existing and new entrants

- Innovations, opportunities and change


- This is a facilitated event with thought leaders participating as well as

drawing on the wider community

- Though leaders / SMEs leading events and discussions


- Working on a developing a strategy, principles and targets and summary

plan KPIs (and MoS and CSFs)

- Beginning of financial and budgetary targets and goals

Our portfolio of services

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Deep Dive

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Artificial & Machine Intelligence Visionaries

AI & MINT in your plans – your programme to win

We can build support and access to thought leaders together with research to your individual programme or project

Lots of interactive working and engagement with you to bespoke our work and that of the thought leaders to your specific programme and situation – typically 4 to 8 months of engagement aligned with your plan

From strategy and business case through to implementation, delivery and benefits realisation

We arrange and facilitate access to thought leading SME’s and squirrel out market insight about what’s being developed and competitors

We help you to create your own programme / campaign and its plan of action – lots of thought leader participation

Working at both a deep technical / product level and also at a concept / theoretical level to bring you the research support that is so vital in making you a winner

Our portfolio of services

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Unique to you – your


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Artificial & Machine Intelligence Visionaries

For 2017 – a monthly subscription offering – AI & MINT Live!

We’re still putting plans in place – in 2017 we shall start to deliver

The offering will comprise a tiered set of general monthly updates – covering both technology and business –together with a bespoke option to allow clients to opt for research / knowledge / insight / foresight applicable to their situation and needs

‘Lunar’ is our prototype name of the general monthly offer

- Each month a magazine, online content and videos

- Webinars

- Access to our research library

For the bespoke offers – the variables being: a. the amount of units of time from thought leaders / SMEs, and; b. participation in an annual global study tour, we plan

- Personalised to your company and it’s sector

- Face-to-face and videoconferences directly with thought leaders / SMEs

- Specialist research and access to monthly dialogues across the 12 ares of

AI & MINT (definitions of these groupings on our web site)

Our portfolio of services

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Coming soon… with

you every step on the

journey ahead

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Artificial & Machine Intelligence Visionaries

AI & MINT’s transformations will be too legion to list here –one thing is for sure they won’t just be across manual tasks, they will be impact the professions, how we interact as people and care for each other

As with the first three revolutions; steam, water and mechanisation, then; electricity, division of labour and mass production, then; electronics, IT and robot machines, so this forth revolution of cyber technologies will spawn winners and losers

Here at Mandarine.Tech we want to provide you with the knowledge assets to make you and your company winners

It’s good to talk

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Let’s talk so that we can

explain how we can help you to be

winners in this 4th industrial

revolution – we want this to be a

really great journey where we can

serve you as your loyal companion

and guide.

Contact us at our London office:

Annie Alta – Chief Digital Officer

UK 07961042831 / [email protected]

David von Ackerman – CEO

UK 07759044313 / [email protected]



Artificial & Machine Intelligence Visionaries