1a. introduction - basic concepts in instrumentation

EP 320 Process Instrumentation and Instrumental Analysis January – April, 2015 1a. Introduction - Basic concepts in instrumentation.

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Process instrumentation


  • EP 320Process Instrumentation and Instrumental Analysis

    January April, 2015

    1a. Introduction - Basic concepts in instrumentation.

  • Teaching Plan: EP320(W1 to W4)

  • https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Who-makes-better-Process-Controls-3880479.S.275395438https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Who-makes-better-Process-Controls-3880479.S.275395438
  • Typical application

    Measurement of system parameters

    Control of a certain operation/process

    Simulation of system condition

    Experimental design studies

    To perform various manipulation

    Testing materials, maintenance of standard and specification

    Verification of physical phenomenal scientific theories

    Quality control in industry

  • Functional Elements

    In general:

    1. Basic functional Elements Transducer element

    Signal conditioning or intermediate modifying element

    Data presentation element

    2. Auxiliary Functional Elements Calibration element

    External Power element

    Feedback Element

    Microprocessor element

  • In general:

    1. Basic functional Elements Transducer element

    Signal conditioning or intermediate modifying element

    Data presentation element

    Basic functional Elements

  • Transducer Element

    It sense the desired input in one physical form and convert it to an output in other physical form.








    Liquid movement

    Inductance change








    Blood flow

  • Example 1 Manometer

    Input: Pressure

    Output: Movement of a liquid column

    Operation The impressed pressure is balanced by the pressure generated by a column of liquid.

  • Example 2: Thermocouple

    Input: Temperature

    Output: Voltage

    Operation An emf is generated across the junctions of two dissimilar metals when that junction is heated.


    Small voltage

  • Example 3 Electrodynamic generatorInput: Motion

    Output: Voltage

    Operation Relative motion of a coil with respect to a magnetic field generates a voltage

  • Signal Conditioning element

    The output from transducer is TOO SMALL to acquire and tend to be influenced by unwanted noise.

    Type of Signal conditioning

    1. Amplification

    2. Signal filtration

    Note: Other signal conditioning operators are such as:

    Signal compensation/ linearization, differentiation/integration, Analog-to-Digital conversion, averaging/sampling, and etc.

  • Type of Signal conditioning

    1. Amplification Mechanical such as levers, gear or combination of both.

    Hydraulic/Pneumatic valve or orifice (constrictions items)etc .

    Optical lenses, mirror or combination of both

    Electrical transistor circuits or integrated circuits.

    2. Filtration Mechanical mechanical element to protect from external

    factor. i.e. Water bath

    Pneumatic to avoid fluctuation during measurement. i.esmall orifice

    Electrical remove stray signal due to magnetic and electrical fields. i.e. R-C curcuits

  • Data Presentation Element

    This element gather the output of the signal conditioning element and PRESENT to be read or seen by operator.

    Criteria of the Data Presentation Element:

    Fast response

    Impose little drag on the system

    Small inertia

  • Analogue Digital


    Pointer- scale indicator


    Recorder/ Printer







    Data Presentation Elements

  • Displays

  • Recorder/ Printer

  • Measuring Device: Analog Multi-meter

    Permanent magnet moving coilgalvanometer

  • Permanent magnet

    Lower control spring

    Upper control spring

    Permanent magnet



    Voltage, Vor

    Current, I

    PMMC galvanometer

  • Input variable

    Transducer element Signal conditioning element

    Data presentationelement

    Current carrying


    Control spring

    Pointer and scaleT q0

    DC source: Voltage or


    Transduced Torque


    Scale deflection

    Measurement Process flow:1. The transducer element converts the

    current I in amperes (A) into a torque T(N.m) with a transfer function gain KT(N.m/A)

    2. The signal conditioning elementconverts the torque T (N.m) intoangular displacement ) with transferfunction gain Ks /(N.m).

    3. The data-presentation elementconverts the angular displacement

    4. into scale deflection q0 with transferfunction gain KD (/mm)

    Block diagramPMMC galvanometer

  • Input variable

    Transducer element Signal conditioning element

    Data presentationelement

    Current carrying


    Control spring

    Pointer and scaleT q0

    DC source: Voltage or


    Transduced Torque


    Scale deflection

    Block diagramPMMC galvanometer

    The transfer function gain can be express as:

    Note: The measurement is assumed operate for a steady-state system. Transfer function gain also known as sensitivity or amplification of respective functional element.

    0 =

    Overall sensitivity function

    = OR0/ =

    Measurement element calculation:

  • Exercise 1

    An elastic type of pressure-measuring instrument is ofdiaphragm type. The central deflection of the diaphragmwas found to be 0.25 mm of an applied pressure of 106

    Pa. The output displacement of diaphragm has been fedto an LVDT (linear variable transducer) with a built-inamplifier having a sensitivity of 40 V/mm. Finally, theoutput is displayed on an analog voltmeter which has aradius of scale line as 60 mm and has a voltage rangefrom zero to 10 volts in an arc of 150o.

    Determine the sensitivity of the given diaphragm gaugein terms of mm/bar.

    Given: 1 bar = 105 Pa

    [10 Marks]

  • Exercise 1 - Solution


    Transducer element Signal conditioning element

    Data presentationelement

    Diaphragm type of pressure


    LVDT with built-in


    Analogvoltmeterdx V q0

    Pressure, Pa Displacementmm

    Voltage, V Pointer & scale

    Determine the sensitivity of the given diaphragm gauge interms of mm/bar.

    The central deflection of the diaphragm was found to be0.25 mm of an applied pressure of 106 Pa.

    The output displacement of diaphragm has been fed to anLVDT (linear variable transducer) with a built-in amplifierhaving a sensitivity of 40 V/mm.

    Finally, the output is displayed on an analog voltmeterwhich has a radius of scale line as 60 mm and has a voltagerange from zero to 10 volts in an arc of 150o.

  • Exercise 1 - Solution

    P = 106 Pa

    Transducer element Signal conditioning element

    Data presentationelement

    Diaphragm type of pressure


    LVDT with built-in


    Analogvoltmeterdx = 0.25 mm V = ? volt

    q0 = ?scale line as 60 mm

    Pressure, Pa Displacementmm

    Voltage, V Pointer & scale

    KT = ? mm/Pa Ks = 40 Volt/mm KD = ? mm/Volt

    Since the deflection of diaphragm gauge is 0.25 mm for an applied pressure of 106 Pa, thus the gain, KT is



    106= 2.5 107 /

    The output for signal conditioning element can be calculated as:

    = = 40 0.25 = 10

    Therefore, Gain KD for data presentation element is computed by:

    =0=60 150

    2 360

    10= 15.7 /

    Finally, the sensitivity (Overall gain) Koverall of the measurement element is determined as:

    = = 15.7 /

  • Homework exercise

    Textbook Q1.6

    A thermocouple having a sensitivity of 4.8 mV/oC hasbeen used for the measurement of temperature. Itsoutput is connected to a moving coil milivoltmeterwhich has sensitivity of 1o/mV.

    If the length of the pointer of the instrument is 30mm, determine the overall sensitivity oftemperature-sensing system in mm/oC.

    [10 Marks]

    Answer: 2.5 105 /2

  • To be continuedClassification of instruments