1990 03 amiga world

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March 1990U.SA. $3.95

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An IDCCommuni€ations


Page 2: 1990 03 Amiga World

4096 Colors in High Resolution

Only $199.95Digi·View Gold is available nowat your local Amiga dealer.Or call1-SOQ-843.a934. INC 0 A

See us at the AmIEXPO In Washington, DCCwde 119 on Reader seoee card.

Digi-View Gold, the best video digitizer for the.Amiga,just got one hell of a lot better. With the all new Diqi-View4.0 software you can do the one thing most people thoughtwas impossible-digitize and display all 4096 colors In highresolution! We call this revolutionary new graphics modeDynamic HiRes and you will have to see it on your ownscreen to believe it. But thaI's just the start of what makesDigi-View 4.0 a breakthrough. Other new features include:Dynamic HAM (fringe free HAM), Noise Reducllon (for th.esharpest images ever), ARexx support, super bitmap diqitiz-ing (directly into Digi-Paint 3), 24 bit color support, 68020compatibility and dozens of other new features makingDigi-View Gold the hottest Amiga graphics product ever.

II's still just as easy to use as before. Simply focusyour video camera on any object or picture, and in secondsDigi-View Gold turns it into Amiga graphics that glow Withvibrant color and stunning clarity. Whether you are creat-ing graphics for desktop publishing, presentations, video,or just for fun, Digi-View Gold gives you dazzling imageswith amazing simplicity. .

Digi-View Gold is designed specifically for the Amlga500, 2000, and 2500, and plugs directly into the parallelport. With complete software control of color saturation,brightness, sharpness, hue, resolution, and palette,advanced image processing IS as easy as adjusting the

"Requires standard gender cnangElf lor use with Amiga 1000. DiQi·View Gold, DigI·PainI3 ~Video Toaster are trademarks ofNewTek. Inc. Give a man a VC~ and he can watch reruns, gtv8him a Video Toaster and he can make his 0Wfl1

controls on your television.If you want the best graphics possible for your Amiga,

then you need the best selling video digitizer of all time:Digi-View Gold.Only Digl-View Gold: .• Can digitize in all Amiga resolution modes from 320x200

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March 16-18

Page 3: 1990 03 Amiga World


PageSetter IIThe easy-to-learn, simple-to-usedesktop publishing program for

quick!y creating all kinds of greatlooking documents.

Gold Disk PageSetter 11gives youHigh Quality Low Cost Desktop Publish-ing For Dot Matrix Printers. Gold DiskPageSetter II will help you quickly andeasily produce any kind of document:newsletters, Ilyers, resumes, ads,brochures, and more.

Full FeaturedPageSetter II is easy to learn and

simple to use. Import text from anyAmiga word processor or type directlyonto your page. Use multiple type facesand type sizes. YOII call even fill textwith user specified patterns.

Import bitmap graphics from anyAmiga IFF paint program and structuredgraphics from Professional Draw.PageSetter II will automatically convertyour graphics into high quality greyscaled images.

Based on Professional PageGold Disk PageSetter 11is based on

Gold Disk's Professional Page -theleading DTP package on the Amiga-and features many of the same powerfulcapabilities and the same high level ofreliability.

High Quality OutputBecause PageSetter 11uses the same

AGFA Compugraphic Outline fonts asProfessional Page, you can ouputyour pages at the highest resolu-

tion of any preference supportedprinter. This means you get

smooth, jaggie-free, text and graphicsregard less of the type of printer - dotmatrix, inkjet, or laser.

Key FeaturesLayout:

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Circle 177 on Reader 5efvice card.

Page 4: 1990 03 Amiga World
Page 5: 1990 03 Amiga World


FEATURESNow HEAR THIS! BJ Mitch Wens .... 20Eight easy sampling tips to help you ere-ate beuer-qualhy, more polished Amigaaudio for your business presentations,home-video productions, or any otherapplication requiring sound or music.

PATCHWORK BJ Tim TaU, 26Harnessing the potential of MIDI synthe-sizers depends on effective patch editors.Which editor/librarian offers high-perfor-mance support for the synthesizer youneed?

MAKING 'SPARKS' FLYBJjanjacluon 32Noted jazz/blues guitarist and composerMelvin Sparks thinks using an Amiga lO

help him write music is definitely hip.

ARTICLESTHE AMIGA WORLD HARDWAREBUYER'S GUIDE Compiled byJan Jackson and Tim Walsh 34Nobody has an in with hardware devel-opers like our gal Jan. So when she says,"Is that a new add-on/peripheral in yOUT

pocket, big boy, or are you just trying tobluff your way into the AW Buyer'sGuide?" she can tell the fluff from thereal stuff It's no Mae West pm-on: We'vegot the vital stars on over 275 products.

COLUMNSCHIEF CONCERNS B, Doag Barn" .... 6From the keyboard cacophony we'vebeen hearing from his office this pastmonth, we think the editor is ready 10

mount a synthesizer assault on CarnegieHall ... but if he fails we're laking awayhis music software and returning hisukelele.

ACCENT ON GRAPHICSBJ jo<l Hagen 56Take the "pencil test" this month in thefirst of a twa-pan series on freehand ani-mation using popular paint programs.

INFO.PHILE By MorA L. Von Nom~ andBill Catchings •.................... 58New Amiga users get more helpful Work-bench tips in the second installment ofinfo.phik's "Back to Basics" mini-series.

POINTERS B,john Foust 62"Routine" advice on managing memoryresources in C.


"Piny it again, Sam ... if you 've gol enoughRAM." Music and sound are the high notes Ihismonth. As time goes by, the Amiga is becoming aserious sound machine-s-umether for makingmusic or adding audio oomph to multimediaappluations.

DEPARTMENTSREPARTEE 8Drop us a line with what's on your mind.

NarEPAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10Some great-looking pictures from outer'space are becoming available on Amiganets. Plus news from Commodore.

WHAT'S NEW? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I()()We don't know whether hemlines will beup or down this spring, but we do knowwhat's in fashion in software, hardware,and other newware.

HORS D'OEUVRES 104Take a tip-take several-from your fel-low AW readers. .

HELP KEy 106No mission is impossible for Agent Wal-lace. so send your tale of technical trou-ble on a self-destructing tape any time.

LAsT LiCKS 112Always firing from the hip, AW takessome more paning shots-whether up inthe air, dead on center. below the belt, orat its own foot.

REVIEWS68030 ACCELERATOR BOARDS,A2630 (Commodore), HURRICANE 2800(IMtronics), and IMPACT A3000/A4000(Great Volt., Prodacls) 12Who will gain the pole position in the68030 Derby? Our reviewer rates threecontenders on performance, value anddesign.

MIDI SAMPLE WRENCH(dissidents) 80This MIDI sample-editing program hasdozens of wonderful features-but youcan't use it with every sampler.

PROFESSIONAL PAGE 1.3(GoIdDisk) 86New and improved features put Pro Pageahead of the desktop-publishing pack.

IMAGELINK (Active Circuits) .. _ ... _ . 90A format-conversion program for profes-sional graphics users who need to moveamong Amiga, Mac, and PC environments.

BACK TALK 96Speak up and be heard! There is no finalword when it comes to AW reviews.

GAMESCRIB NarES 66Unlike Mr. Connery, "Crib Notes" colum-nist Peter Olafson may not be the "SexiestPerson Alive," but he's been getting ac-quainted with Sean, Harrison, and the restofthe crew in "Indiana Jones and the LastCrusade" (plus a few other game favorites)to give you tips on beating the odds. Gamereviews follow his column:

BATTLE SQUADRON (Inncrprise) ..... 66Blast away at Ban-ax baddies on theplanet Terrainia.

SPACE QUEST III: THE PIRATES OFPESTUWN (Sierra On-Line) . . . . . . . .. 74Journey with Roger Wileo [0 rescue kid-napped programmers.

INOIANA JONES AND THE LAsTCRUSADE (Luctufilm / Electronic Arts) .. 74Take your choice of two versions-arcadeaction or graphics adventure-of this su-per game based on the rnegahit movie.

ROMANCE OF THE THREEKINGDOMS (Koci Corp.) 76Replay the historical unification of Chinain this su-aregic-simulation game.

AmigaWorld 3

Page 6: 1990 03 Amiga World


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As the 3-D blocksappear, flip, rotate andmaneuver them into

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Plus, with more and more complex sets ofblocks, faster and faster action and hundreds andhundreds of pits, there's a version of BLaCKOUTfor every player.

Contact your local dealer for details.Available for IBM [email protected],AMIGATl<I,andMACINTOSHTN computers.

BLOCKOUT is a trademark of Kadon Enterprtses.lnc,and is used by permission. California Dreams. 780Montague Expressway, .403, San Jose, CA 95131(4081435-1445 Cl1989 Logical Design Works, Inc.,

Circle 116 on Reader sevce card.


DoUGLAS BARNEY, Editor-In-ChiefDAN SULLIVAN, Eucutive Editor

SHAWN LAF1.AMME. Managing EditorLoUIS R. WALLACE. Senior Editor, Technology

LINDr\. J. BARRETI, Acquisitions EditorBARBARA GEFVERT TYSON, Review Editor

JAN JACKSON, New Products EditorTIM WALSH, Technical Editor


MARK L. VAN NAME, Contributing Editors

HOWARD G. HApP, Art DirectorANN DILLON, Designer

LAURA JOHNSON, DesignerALANA KORDA, Production Superoisor

KENNETH BLAKEMAN, National Advertising Sales ManagerMICHAEL MCGoLDRICK, Sales Representative

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ROGER]. MURPHY, PresidentSTEPHEN D. TwOMBLY, Eucutive Vice President/Publishing Director

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WILUAM M. BOYER, Director of Credit Saks & CollectionsAmigtiWorld (ISSN 0883-2390) is an indepelldentjournal not connected with Commodore BusinessMachines, Inc. AmigaWllI"ld is published monthly by IDC Communic:ationsJPeterborough. Inc., 80Elm St., Pelerborough, NH 03458. U.S, subscription rate is $29.97, one year; $46.00. two years;$64.00, three yean. Canada $38.97 (U.S. funds), one year only. Mexic:o $38.97, Foreign Surface$49.97, Foreign Airmail $84.97 (prepayment is required on Foreign Surface and Airmail subscrip-tions in U.S. funds drawn on U.S. hank). Ail rates are one-yrar only. Second-class postage paid atPeeerborough. NH, and at additional mailing offices. Phone: 603-924-9471. Entire contents copy-right 1990 by I DC CommunicationsJPelerborough, Inc. No pari of this publication may be printedor OIherwisc reproduced without written permission from the: publisher. POIltnwiter: Send addresschanges to AmigaWorld, Subscription Services, 1'0 60x 58804, 6oulder, CO 80322-8804. NationaUy

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Page 7: 1990 03 Amiga World

GREAT VALLEY PRQDUaS INC.225 ptank Ave., Paoli, PA 19301

For more 1nIormaIion, or lor your nearest GYP dealer, call today. Dealer inquiries welcome.Tel. (215) 889-9411 • FAX(215) 889-9416 • BBS (215) lIll9-4994

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• GYP's unique DRAM design uses sute-o/·tbe-an SOns NIBBLE MODE DRAMs, whichallows full support and advanrage to be taken01 the 68030'0 BURST mode. In fact duringbunt mode, this amazing design manages toachie"" an average of ZERO WMfSTATESeven at25Mhz! This DRAM design issimilar to that used in Steve Jobs' NeX~machine, although that design [according to

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Why wait, upgrade your A2000 to au A3001today!

IMPACT and GVP ar. ttademattls 01 Ore.t Valley Products, Inc.Amlga Is • registered trademer1l 01 Commodore·Amiga, Inc.NeXT 18 a registered Irademark 01 NeXT, Inc.UNIX Is a registered tradermuk of AT&T, Inc.

See ua •• the ArnIEXPO In Washington, DC March 16-18

Consumef's Circle 127 on Readef SeMce CItd

Page 8: 1990 03 Amiga World

USING COMPUTERS lD create andplay music is a double-edged sword.Swords are plenty of fun to hack awaywith, but not much fun when they sliceyour finger off.

For some musicians and composers,computers are the greatest thing sincegroupies. They can create artificial or-chestras, allowing an individual to com-pose and playa symphony withoutknowing how to play any of the instru-ments. They can help fill in the gaps inan undermanned jam session, and theytremendously ease the highly detailedand tedious work of creating complexcompositions.

Most importantly, they allow non-mu-sicians such as myself to make noise, andsometimes even pleasant sounds.

Also, computers in general are reli-able. Unlike real musicians, computersdon't have cars that break down, hang-overs, or appointments to keep else-where. They are never distracted byfans, and as long as the power supply isgood, they keep a good steady beat. Andin the long run they are world's cheaperthan a group of skilled musicians. Inshort, computers are an almost infallibletool that has helped ease the creationand playing of music.

Amigas are particularly good for mu-sic, and superbly adept at handling theintegration of music, video andanimation.

But computers-even Amigas-are notmusicians. They have trouble duplicatingthe raw sound of an acoustic guitar or aset of jazz drums. And it is very difficultfor them to be spontaneous.

Like all machines, computers have thenasty habit of throwing people out of

6 March 1990

CHIEF CONCERNSTune in or turn of!?

work. Rock drummers, particularly stu-dio-based one's, have really suffered fromthe advent of computer-driven drummachines. Instead of arms flailing, mi-crochips keep careful synchopation.There are fewer mistakes, but thatslightly off, unmistakably human soundof a real drummer is missing from studiotracks.

Sometimes computers are a bother inthe studio. For musicians who are notcomputer-oriented, computers can bemore annoying than a rock critic. Atsome jam sessions, the bassist and guitar-ists simply plug in, and the drummersets up. Then some technology-drivenkeyboard player gets the disk driveswhirring. After that, the pace is dictatedby the computer. "Oops! Wrong file.Hold it." Meanwhile, the real musicianssit idly by while the computer kills theentire spirit of the session.

There is a more insidious side to com-puters in music. While it is great thatcomputers allow people like me to createsound, it is not great if I force you tolisten to it. Computers have createdmore bad music than anything, exceptmaybe the ukelele. Computers them-

selves are not pioneers. They cannot dowhat Beethoven or Miles Davis or PeteTownshend have done, which is createnew ways of looking at music, and carrytheir vision through to its ultimate, hu-man manifestation.

Fortunately with computers, the goodusually outweighs the bad. And in music,computers have done many. many greatthings. No longer do composers sit withpen in hand, carefully forming notes,and then start all over again when theymake a mistake. Instead, they can put apiece through its paces, over and overagain, until it is correct. Then a laserprinter can deliver the score with speedand beauty. The end result is oftenmuch better than that created by a tiredcomposer with writer's cramp.

Computer musicians should keepthese lessons in mind, and use com-puters only where they are most appro-priate. Professionals and near-professionals should use computers, notabuse them. Sometimes an old-fashionedjam session is the way to go. Buddingmusicians should experiment as much asthey like, but keep the awful soundingresults to themselves.

As for me, I'll keep playing with thegreat music software packages that comethrough our offices. Because I happen tolike my staff, I'll try to keep the doorshut. •

Page 9: 1990 03 Amiga World


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• Now FASTER Data Transfers withGVP BOOST Advanced DriverSoftware Kit installed,

~e~ISCSIConn~or20MB to 102MB Hard Disk Drive

Amiga is a registered trademark of CIMPACT, BOOST,TapeStor9 and GVP aGreat Valley Products, Inc.

See us at the AmlEXPO In Washington. DC March 16-18

Dealers Circle 145 on Reader sevce card

3today. Dealer inquiries welcome,

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Page 10: 1990 03 Amiga World


J. VANDER Brook's letterabout the marketing and salesof Amiga products ("Dealingwith Dealers," Repartee, Jan.'90, p. 8) was so much on tar-get it's uncanny! He's right.Retail outlets that sell Amigasare not much more than per-sonalized video arcades, wherestore staff engage in one-on-one sessions on games and inpersonal, time-consuming con-sultations on the use of thecomputer. On the other hand,stores that deal in IBM and/orApple products seem to takeeach customer more seriously.

I suspect this is because(after all these years), theAmiga line is still not beingtaken very seriously by thepublic. It's thought of as justanother great game machine.And Commodore's answer toall of this? Running TV com-mercials with flying houses,and calling the whole issue"creativity."

G. MajewskiChicago,IL

... ORSCAPEGOATS?HAVING BEEN AN Amigasalesman (and support person)for over two years, I was an-

8 March 1990

REPARTEEComments, complaints, and concerns

from Amiga World readers.

gered by Mr. Vander Brook'scondemnation of the Amigadealer as the source of poorAmiga sales.

Apple and IBM retailer'have the reputation and excel-lent marketing of their respec-tive companies to bolster thesalability (and prices) of theirproducts. Amiga dealers typi-cally have to do their own ad-vertising to stir up business.They must explain why such awonderful machine is not theleading computer, regardlessof its excellent capabilities andlow price.

The lower cost of Amigaproducts result in smallerprofits for the Amiga dealer,restricting their resources.That laser printer that Mr.Vander Brook wanted to seein every Amiga store wouldhave cost the Amiga dealeraround $4000-money thatthe dealer could more effec-tively spend on software andhardware that the typical com-puter enthusiast would bemore likely to buy.

I also take offense to his at-tacks on the capabilities ofdealership staffs. I was proudof everyone who sold and sup-ported the Amiga alongsideme, and I did my very best togive my customers what theyneeded. At the store I workedfor, we gave the customer freesupport for life.

Also, the people who putproducts on back order aredistributors, not dealers.

Those matters are completelyout of the dealer's control.

I pray that people with thisattitude about their Amigadealer someday go into busi-ness for themselves, so thatthey can see what it is like inthe dealer's shoes. Commo-dore is causing poor Amigasales, and the dealer is beingmade into the scapegoat.

Nikola DerpichWatsonville, CA

IN THE NAMEOF SCIENCEIN HIS NOVEMBER ·89 edi-torial (""ChiefConcerns," p. 6),Doug Barney deplores thelack of marketing of the Amigafor applications such as multi-media, desktop video and ani-mation. However, he makesno mention of the use of theAmiga for scientific analysisand presentation of data. Inthe Repartee and Help Keycolumns of the same issue, thelack of suitable software forsuch applications is pointedout, and I think it is for thisreason that the Macintosh iscapturing much of the ex-panding market of scientistsand science students.

Spreadsheet programs suchas MaxiPlan Plus (IntuitiveTechnologies) and Analyze!(Micro-Systems) will not fit

mathematical functions to dataand display the fitted curves.Math-Amation (faurus-Impex)has some of this capability, butlack, the ability to handle hy-perbolic and parabolic func-tions, fit multiple regressions,or carry out analysis ofvariance.

I cannot recall a single arti-cle in Amiga World that ade-quately dealt with the subjectand critically reviewed avail-able software. If good softwaredoes exist for scientific appli-cations, it is certainly notbrought to the attention of thecustomer.

May I suggest you invite sci-entists using Amigas to com-ment on software they use orwould like to see developed.This might bring to light pro-grams that many peoplewould find valuable and per-haps give guidance to softwaremanufacturers.

K.A. FergusonQueanbeyan, NSW, Australia

Send your letters to: Repartee,AmigaWorld, Editorial Dept.,80 Elm si., Peterborough, NH03458. Letter, may be editedfor space and clarity .•

Page 11: 1990 03 Amiga World


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Page 12: 1990 03 Amiga World

NOTEPADCompiled by Barbara Gefvert Tyson

Sweeping BeautyFOR OVER 12 years, the spacecraft Voyager 2 has trekked throughthe solar system beaming hack clean images of planets in its path,reminding us of the nature of science, the wisdom of uncertainty,and the beauty of diversity.

Recently, Amiga owners have been treated to amazingly high-quality Voyager images on electronic bulletin boards, thanks toimaging specialist Bob Deen of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory inPasadena, California, command center for the craft's missions. Bobtransforms data from JPL's Multimission Image Processing Lab-oratory into IFF formal. He resizes Voyager's 800 X BOO-pixelres-olution images to fit Amiga resolution and aspect ratio, thenconverts them to monochrome IFF format, and downloads themto an Amiga. For color, the separate red, green, and blue com-ponents are merged using Perfect Vision (SunRize Industries)software into a single HAM image. Bob does not limit himself toVoyager images though; he alsoconverts data sent back by Viking,Landsat, and other craft. Mars,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and evenEarth are represented in the gallery.

VET£RANAMIClAUSERS IIIld do-....".. _ • oolI opol In __ ••••QoIIW~~

heed of •••• comm ada rw AppIIca-ttono IIIldT_ "-" (CATS)group, GIll •• recenItr' I'$ : I ••DInclor of ~ fIraIo*. _Ing 001, we _ groM IhIngo.

Tho ••• _ 01 CATS •• _R. _ ~ _ tho ••••••.••••• end mlulcomp ••••.~ I t ""alcp'F Cull••••• tsonw.'w. JeffbrInp killCalt •• of ••• aced com-

10 March 1990

ArIel, one of the moons of Uranus.

LastAugust, before continuing on the long journey to the helio-pause and interstellar space, Voyager brushed by Neptune. It willbe a short while before the data from that encounter is availablefor conversion, but in the meantime, Amiga users can find re-markable views ofthe rest of the solar system and anticipate whatthe computer eyes of Galileo and the Hubble telescope willbring.

-Joel Hagen

AllOver Changespuling arch"tcturM, COlpol'" com-puling, IIIld tho oblllly to __•• , complex II•• alopn••ut pro-••••• tn a recent lna.vtaw wtthAmIgo-*/, he __ In-

oIghl _ tho AmIgo'. •••••••••••ehoi'co"' •••• and ••• 1I'.m and_ to iIllpn>w tho .,.....

Soon after ace .pllng hit new po.-. __ thoftnt..-ngof the eo..if1 lIdcn-Amlgt DewI-__ ~ CouncIl lor _-. Tho _ of nino _opara HI de.aloplu.1t prtorttIM,cfIa'CllII'lld rna1letIng Iaau., and •••••••••• gne Commodarw an NI'fuL_ bnl<Ighl up •• tho ..-ng

Include programming Int.rtec •• ,•.•••. IntertIlce ••• ndtrdl, lnatallttlonproc:oduroo, end ••••• " -.._'lly. (Tho CouncIl 10 _'""" tho Amigo oe.",-" Aooo-c-._ to -.. tho Am~gt'a villblllty end communlcetede•• lap.rt' QOlIII to Commodore.)

C8M ..-lIly oIgnod _ mojor

-- - ~ ConIo<o,• 1~ choln, end Col'_IllPoInt of Amea1ct, e fnlnchltor wtthovw 325 outIMt. Cornmodot.11 h0p-Ing III __ '"""' 01 tho ._GO'<'w"•• " and LItIn Amerlctn .,. •Uta with two rww ••••• omc..Moybo••• prIco •••• -10 to 15per-

cent on ••.••A2000 ter1n-wlll help.To enter the 1990 AmlEXPO Irt

and video cont.... tend In SASEto: Art Contest Rul.. enet EntryForm, AmiEXPO, 465 ColumbulA'IfI.,'285, Velhalll, NY10595. Theftvt flne erla cttegorill Include 2-0, 3-D, dlglttzed, animation vkSeo,and mixed medle, .net there ere twogroupe; tor commercttl ert: one tortt1111enet one tor t8pe. DeedUnetorentry II Mtrch 1; wlnnerl will beannounced enet prlzet IWIIrded Itthe AmIEXPOIhow In Withington,DC, which runl Mtrch 16-18. Fordetalll, cell 1-8Q0.32·AMIGA.


Page 13: 1990 03 Amiga World

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BLASTEAOIDS. VINDICATORS, APB, XVBOTS:Trademarks of Atari Games;@1989Tengen, Inc.

ROlLINGTHUNDER:Trademark and ce1989 Narnco, Ltd.

Circle 144 on Aeadef sevce card,

Page 14: 1990 03 Amiga World




IMPACT A3000/4000

Faster, faster, faster!

By Sheldon Leemon

THE FIRST AMIGA speedsters couldrun programs two or three times as fastas a stock machine by adding a 68020accelerator board LO their systems. Now,there is a group of 68030 acceleratorboards that run two to three times as fastas the 020 boards. and up to ten times asfast as an A2000. These screamers, Com-modore's A2630, Imtronics' Hurricane2800, and GVP's Impact A3000 andA4000, provide performance on a parwith the fastest of desktop computers.

Each of these boards fits into theAmiga 2000's Sti-pin coprocessor SIOland increases the computer's perfor-mance in a number of ways. For onething, the 68030 processor can operateat much higher clock speeds than the68000 (your computer's stock processor)or 68020. The Hurricane 2800 boardruns at 28 MHz, twice as fast as the68020 boards, and four times the speedof the standard A2000 processor, whilethe Impact board runs at speeds from 25to 33 MHz. The A2630 normally runs at25 MHz, but can also run faster.

Like the 68020 processor, the 68030has a 256-byte instruction cache, whichallows short program loops to run en-tirely within the processor's own mem-ory, eliminating the time required tofetch instructions. In addition, it has a

12 March 1990

256-byte data cache, so you can accessfrequently-used data without taking the.time to retrieve it from main computermemory.

Use of the data cache speeds up pro-gram execution significantly, but cancause problems with DMA devices, in-cluding DMA hard-drive controllers. Theproblem is that the CPU does not knowwhen DMA devices change the contentsof the memory. Thus, if the 68030 hasthe data at location 100,000 cached, anda DMA device changes the contents ofthat memory location, the CPU willthink that its cached data is valid, andwon't read from memory if it needs thedata at that location. Although such anoccurrence is not very likely, it intro-

(1;,--r (c:;;::J: YO V R TV R N!~ /) ,

Y",I have eight megs of 32-bit RAM on my25 MHz Impact board and have foundit to be very reliable, although 1 wouldlike to exceed the nine-meg limit. I likethe fact that it has a host adapter forrunning a hard disk. GVP has beensupportive.

-Craig HoUnt1HJc1cCos Cob, CT

duces the possibility of error. All of theboards have hardware protection tokeep them from caching data containedin chip RAM, which can be changed byDMA devices like the blitter. But DMAhard-drive owners may want to refrainfrom turning the data cache on.

The 68030 has a built-in MemoryManagement Unit (MMU), which youcan use to relocate the Kickstart ROMsto fast 32-bit memory, reducing accesstime to ROM routines. The 68882 float-

ing-point math chip, a coprocessor thatis optional on these boards, performscomplex math operations at dozens oftimes the speed of comparable softwareroutines. The majority of programs-word processors, terminals, and games,for instance-never use floating-pointmath and are not affected by the pres-ence of a 68882. A math chip can speedup applications like CAD packages,spreadsheets, and 3-D graphics, how-ever, from ten to 100 times.

DESIGN SAYS.Despite their similarities, these boardshave important design differences. Likethe 68020 accelerator boards, the Hurri-cane 2800 uses a synchronous design,which means that it can run only at aneven multiple of the A2000's 7.1 MHzclock speed (in this case, approximately28.4 MHz). The A2630 and GVP Impactboards, on the other hand, are asyn-chronous, and can run at anyone of awhole range of frequencies (thoughCommodore sells just one version of theA2630, running at 25 MHz). Some earlyversions of the GVP board used 16 MHz68030 chips, but since faster processorshave become cheaper and more readilyavailable, GVP sells versions that run at25, 28, and even 33 MHz. Changing theoperating speed of the board can be assimple as putting in a faster processorand the appropriate oscillator crystal.

In fact, it is possible to increase theoperating speed of the Impact board orA2630 just by changing the clock crystal(the I mpact board's crystal is socketed,while the A2630's is soldered in). Run-ning a 68030 processor faster than itsrated speed, however, is controversial at

Page 15: 1990 03 Amiga World


best. Proponents of this practice, calledover-oscillation or over-clocking, pointout that the speed ratings on chips areonly approximate, and that they allowfor a fairly wide margin of safety. Moreconservative types argue that it's neces-sary to leave yourself a little leeway, be-cause running a chip too fast can cause itto overheat and possibly fail. The possi-bility of erratic performance is enough todiscourage them from pushing the chips.Besides, while increasing clock speedboosts performance, the speed increase isnot linear; running a board at 33 MHzwon't necessarily make it twice as fast asrunning it at 16 MHz. The speed atwhich the processor can access memoryis a limiting factor, so unless you havevery fast memory chips, you won't getthe full benefit of the higher dock rate.

Whether you are for or against over-docking, you should be aware that theHurricane 2800 is shipped with a 25MHz 68030 running at 28 MHz, whileGVP uses either a 25 MHz chip runningat 25 MHz (the A3000 model) or a 33MHz chip running at 33 MHz (MOOO).(GVP reports that it will be shipping 28MHz boards in place of the 25 MHzmodel when the appropriate parts be-come available.) The A2630 is availableonly with a 25 MHz processor runningat 25 MHz. The Hurricane math copro-cessor is clocked at a fixed 28 MHzspeed, while the GVP Impact board andthe Commodore A2630 can either beclocked at the same speed as the proces-sor, or at a different speed, using a sepa-rate clock crystal.


Both the GVP Impact and Hurricane2800 boards have built-in hard-drive in-

terfaces, but each takes a different ap-proach. The Hurricane 2800 boardfeatures the familiar SCSI interface com-monly used to attach up to seven harddrives to the Amiga. I could not evaluatethis interface, however, because thedriver software was not completed intime for this review. GVP's hard-driveinterface, on the other hand. has beenup and running for a while. The Impactboard includes an JU"·stylebus interfacethat allows it to connect with two IDE

Y'?c-;J= YOlJR TlJRN!~,'I have found the 25 MHz Impactboard to be quick and reliable. It iseasy to install, and the company hasmade some nice improvements to it.

-Charles Bor1Jao1omewAudubon, PA

(Imegrated Drive Electronics) harddrives, a style designed for use with [BMAT-cornpatible computers. GVP offerscombination accelerator/hard drive pack-ages that include a Quantum Al"" harddrive, the same drive used by Comrno-dare in its PC-40 III computers. Boot

At the atartIng line are(top to bottom): GVPs 1m-poet A3OOO, •••• A2630from Commodore, and theImtronic:s 2800.

ROMs that plug into the Impact boardenable the computer to auto-boot fromthe accelerator's hard drive, using theFastFileSystem. The included drive-in-stallation software makes it easy to parti-tion the drive, and to install Workbenchonil.

Using 32-bit RAM speeds up an accel-erator because it eliminates the bottle-neck that results when the 68030 proces-sor has to slow down to talk with 16-bitmemory (such as chip RAM) and thecustom chips. All three accelerators canuse 32-bit memory, but only the A2630provides space for this RAM on the mainaccelerator board. In order to add mem-ory to either the Hurricane 2800 or theImpact board, you must plug a separatememory board into the main acceleratorboard. This results in a somewhat bulkytwo-board sandwich, but gives you a lotmore flexibility in configuring the sys-tem. With the Hurricane and Impactboards, you can initially purchase themain accelerator board by itself, and add32·bit memory as your budget permits.The Hurricane 2800 uses the samememory board as previous Hurricaneaccelerators-one socketed for either ••

AmigaWorld 13

Page 16: 1990 03 Amiga World

one-megabit (256 x 4) or four megabit(1024 x4) RAM chips. You can addmemory in increments of a single mega-byte using the smaller chips. or four mega-bytes using the larger ones, up to amaximum of fOUT or 16 megs respec-


lively. The GVP memory board usesnybble-mode addressing, which allowsfaster memory access, but requires thatmemory be added in four-meg incre-ments. The GVP board uses eight-mega-bit-by-one bit nybble-mode SIMMs (not

to be confused with the page-modeSIMMs used in the Macintosh and PS/2computers) to add either four or eightmegabytes of 32-bit RAM.

With the Commodore A2630, yourchoices are a bit more limited. ILcomes ~

LET'S Go!For purposes of comparison, I per-formed the same speed tests on the68030 accelerator boards that I usedfor the 68020 boards (see p. 38 in theJuly '89 issue). Although some of theprograms used in the prior test havebeen upgraded since then, I used thesame program versions so as to main-tain comparability. Three categories oftests were performed. The first timesapplications that do not use floating-point math. The RAM speed tests (FastRAM/Chip RAM/RAM Speed) on theeSA disk clock instructions executedfrom fast RAM and chip RAM with theinstruction cache turned off. Nsievecomes from eSA, while the other Sieveprograms (Sievel100 and CPU/Mem-test) come from Ronin, developers ofthe Hurricane board. These run varia-tions on a famous program that findsprime numbers, a common test of non-floating-point compute speed. TheSearch/Replace test shows the time re-quired to perform 800 search-and-re-place operations in a 96,OOO-charactertext file, using the TxEd text editor byMicrosmiths. The Remap test showshow long DeluxePaint II (ElectronicArts) takes to reduce a 640 x 400 pic-ture from 16 colors to two colors.Write Pixel docks the time it takes to filla rectangle on the screen with color us-ing the ROM Kernel Write Pixel func-tion. FinaUy, Speed is a benchmarkrecently devised by Jez San to comparethe speed of 68030 accelerators withthe A2620.

The second class of tests show how68030 boards can speed operationsthat use software floating-point rou-tines. The two Savage tests give you theresults of a famous floating-pointbenchmark, as executed by the pro-grams on the eSA and Ronin disks.The MandelTest program comes fromthe CSA disk, and shows the time re-quired to draw the Mandelbrot set, a

graphic that requires calculation of 68881 either directly or through theover two million floating-point opera- Amiga IEEE math libraries. The finaltions. The Worldmap test shows the test in this category shows the time totime required to draw a map of the render a 3-D image of the Utah teapotworld using a set of about 5000 coordi- in 320 x 400 HAM mode using thenates and an orthographic projection floating-point version of Impulse'sscheme. (This program has a greater Turbo Silver. All accelerators testedratio of drawing time to figuring time used the 68882 math chip running atthan the MandeITest.) same speed as the main processor.

The third set of tests show how much They aU used 32-bit RAM, though thefaster the various floating-point pro- access times of those RAM chips variedgrams executed when written to take (the A2630 was supplied with lOOnsadvantage of the 68881 math co-pro- RAMs, the Impact board with 80nscessor. Mostly duplicates of the Fast chips, and the Hurricane 2800 withFloating Point tests, these use the 70ns RAMs).

Non Floating. Point Tests A2630 GVP25 GVP28 H2800 GVP33RAMtest Fast (sees) 2.04 2.08 1.90 1.52 1.58RAMtest Chip (secs) 9.52 11.06 10.46 7.91 7.98RAMspeed (MHz) 20.39 20.39 20.67 26.72 25.00CSA Nsieve (secs) .27 .27 .23 .23 .20eSA Nsieve (gain) 8.61 8.76 10.01 10.79 11.81CSA Write Pixel (sees) 3.98 3.66 3.34 3.34 3.10CSA Writepixel (gain) 3.60 3.90 4.20 4.30 4.60Ronin Sieve (sees) 5.70 5.66 5.06 4.76 4.25Ronin CPU/Memtest (gain) 10.62 10.62 11.50 12.55 14.53Search/Replace (sees) 58.40 57.00 48.20 44.90 46.60Remap Colors (sees) 6.00 5.90 5.60 5.60 5.50Speed (ticks) 116.00 96.00 85.00 89.00 71.00Speed (gain) 2.01 2.43 2.75 2.62 3.29

Fast Floating-Point TestsCSA Savage (secs) 6.30 5.90 5.32 4.94 4.34CSA Savage (gain) 8.71 9.27 10.28 11.07 12.60Ronin Savage/ffp (secs) 1.53 1.38 1.22 1.20 1.03Mandeltest 68000 (sees) 53.58 48.48 44.54 42.88 37.74World map ffp (sees) 7.90 6.60 6.10 6.10 5.21

68882 Floating. Point testsCSA Savage/020 (sees) .22 .22 .19 .20 .15Ronin Savage/ieee (sees) .43 .42 .38 .38 .30Ronin Savagel881 (sees) .22 .22 .19 .18 .15Mandeltest (secs) 11.92 11.56 10.40 10.32 9.04Mandeltest (gain) 35.40 36.50 40.60 40.90 46.70Worldmap/ieee (secs) 5.30 5.30 4.75 4.60 3.70Worldmap/882 (sees) 2.75 2.45 2.23 2.23 2.05Silver render (mins:secs) 61:04 36:38 33:52 39.46 31:26

14 March 1990

Page 17: 1990 03 Amiga World

Simply The BestAmiga Hard Drive.

Before you buy a hard drive, look around. Look closely. Compare speeds, but also look at Interfaces ...Software ...Value.We think you'll agree that SupraDrives are Simply The Best Amiga Hard Drives. Here's why ...


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Supra Drive, WordSync, SupraFormat, and SupraEdit are trademarks of Supra Corp. Amiga is a registered trademark and Workbench is atrademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer.

Page 18: 1990 03 Amiga World

with two megabytes of 32-bit RAM,andwhile you can upgrade an A2630 to fourmegs, doing so is not a simple plug-inoperation as with the other boards. In-stead, you must solder in 16 RAMchips(256 X 4 Zips), a job best left to "qualifiedservice personnel." Another drawback tothe Commodore board is that it comeswith relatively slow lOOns(nanosecond)memory chips. Although the board willrun faster with 80ns parts, you cannot


take advantage of this feature unless youcare to unsolder and replace the stan-dard memory chips. As with the otherboards, the A2630 has a connector thatprovides access to the 32-bit bus, leavingopen the possibility of faster memory ex-pansion beyond the four-meg mark.


Both the A2630 and Impact memoryboards auto-configure-that is, the com-

Using the Perfect Sound 1M

stereo sampler, you can recordand edit any sound from atape, radio, CD player, ormicrophone with your Amiga.

If you've ever used anAmiga before, you'll qUicklymaster Perfect Sound's power-ful editor. Just use your mouseto rearrange, mix, cut or pastesound. Create IFF instrumentsfor use in music programs.

Easily loop sec-tions of a sound.You can even ad-just the loopingsection while thesound plays.

SunRize Industries

16 March 1990

Perfect Sound comes withone of the most advancedeight bit digitizers available forany computer. 8eparate Leftand Right line inputs allow youto record in stereo or mono. Amic input allows you to recordfrom a microphone. Digital gainlets you adjUst input volumelevels with easy software con-trols. Sampling rates up to40,000 samples per second.

The sound you arecurrently editing isgraphed here. Youcan easily mark sec-tions to edit by drag-ging your mouseover the graph.

Zoom in on yoursound. Individualsamples are shownfor precise editing.


Circle 157 on Readef Service card

puter recognizes their memory automati-cally at startup time, and places it firston the list within its eight-megabyte ex-pansion-memory space. The memorythat both of these boards provide can beaccessed by DMA devices, which shouldspeed access by such hard-drive control-lers. The Hurricane memory board, onthe other hand, does not auto-configure,so you must run the Hurricane Config-ure program to add the memory to thesystem and to copy the Kickstart ROMcode to 32-bit memory. Normally, thememory is added within the eight-megexpansion-memory space, but it can alsobe configured above this space, allowingyou to exceed a total of nine megabytesof memory. Running the Configure pro-gram is not much of a burden becauseyou can add it to your startup-sequence;also, it does not need to be run againwhen you warm boot. The lack of anability to auto configure has other conse-quences, however. Unlike the GVP andCommodore accelerators, the HurricaneH2800 does not work with Dave Hay-nie's SetCPU program, which the otherboards use to control the caches, remapKickstart to fast memory, and to allowthe use of a Kickstart disk for booting al-ternate operating system versions. TheHurricane Configure program performsthe first two functions, but does not al-low you to start the machine from aKickstart disk.

Although the 68030 processors inthese accelerator boards functionally re-place the 68000 processor, it is possibleto temporarily disable the 68030 and usethe 68000 for running that rare piece ofsoftware (copy-protected games, for themost part) that will not work with the030. In the case of both the Impact andHurricane units, this is accomplished bymeans of a hardware switch you mustbuy and attach to a pair of jumper pinson the board. With the switch in one po-sition. the computer boots using the68000 processor; in the other position, ituses the 68030. Commodore's A2630board uses a more sophisticated ap·proach: If you hold down both mousebuttons at boot time, a menu appearsletting you choose AmigaDOS on 68000,AmigaDOS on 68030, or Amix (theAmiga version of Unix). Despite the fact •.

Page 19: 1990 03 Amiga World


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Page 20: 1990 03 Amiga World

that GVP does not support this selectionmechanism, the company claims thatwith the right boot ROMs, its board willallow software selection of Unix.

Turning off the 68030 board restoresfull software compatibility, but also dis-ables everything anached to the board.This means that neither the 32-bit mem-ory nor the 68882 coprocessor is accessi-ble when in 68000 mode. Likewise,GVP's hard-disk interface does not work

REV E IV Swhen the 68030 is turned off. Imtronics,however, claims that its SCSI hard-driveinterface will continue to operate in68000 mode.

How FAST Is FAST?The speed increase realized with theseboards depends on the application,though there will be a marked boost inany application. Floating-point mathaside, these boards perform most opera-

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./ SUppol'ts Amlua IFFSounds

./ And It's FUN"I

J 8 March J 990

Circle 35 on Reader servce cere.

tions at five to nine times the speed of anunaccelerated Amiga. Speed increase willbe most noticeable in applications thatare normally slow, such as desktop pub-lishing and CAD, and in multitasking sit-uations, where the machine tends to bogdown. An 030 with Kickstart in 32-bitmemory makes a big difference in thetime it takes to redraw windows in al-most any application.

The performance tests I conductedcame down, as expected, in favor of theboards with the fastest clock speeds andthe fastest memory. At the 25 MHz clockspeed, the GVP Impact board using80ns RAMs was faster than the Commo-dore A2630 which uses lOOns RAMs. At28 MHz, the Hurricane 2800 with 70nsRAMs was marginally faster than theGVP with 80ns RAMs. But at 33 MHz,the GVP Impact board was clearly thefastest of the systems tested.

The same factors that made the Com-modore A2620 a favorite among 68020accelerators work to the disadvantage ofthe A2630. Selling just one configurationof the board makes sense when it runs ata fixed processor speed, but not whenthe board uses an asynchronous design.And the fact that the board comes onlywith relatively slow lOOns RAMs is notgoing to please the performanceminded, either. Although the tests showthe A2630 to be a bit slower than theother boards in most categories, it didparticularly badly in the ray-trace test, inwhich the 68020 version of Turbo Silver(Impulse) was used to render the Utahteapot. While most other boards ren-dered the picture in about half the timerequired by the A2620, the A2630 wasonly about 15% faster than its pre-decessor. Unless you are willing to re-place the processor and the memorywith faster versions, the A2630 is notyour best choice if speed is your primaryconcern. Its low price and the Cornrno-dore label are its best selling points.

Like its 68020 counterpart, the Hurri-cane 2800 gives you a lot for your·money. For about the same price as theA2630, it provides faster performance,easier memory expansion, and a SCSIinterface to boot. There are, however,factors that might make you think twiceabout its purchase. Because the SCSI in-terface is not yet operational, there is noclear indication how it will perform. The

Continued on p. 80

Page 21: 1990 03 Amiga World
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\ ,

Page 23: 1990 03 Amiga World

Good 'sound' advice in eight easy-to-master techniques

for making better sound samples to use in any Amiga production

you rrw,yhave in mind.

By Mitch Wells

nless you are a musician, you mightforget the many ways that sound fig-ures into all the things you can do withyour Amiga. So consider for just a mo-ment: voiceovers and narrations for

business or professional presentations; sound tracksfor home video productions: sound effects for ani-marion sequences; musical accompaniment for slideshows; or just some wild sound show of music, voices,and off-the-wall effects of your own design. The listof possibilities is endless.

Effectively using the sound-sampling capabilities ofyour Amiga is the key to doing any or all of thesethings. And the following hints and tips will makeyou a better Amiga audio producer, musical director,sound technician -or whatever other role you needto play.

You can use the Amiga to produce sound in threeways: through its built-in speech synthesizer, by mod-ifying the registers in its sound chip, or in samplingwith the help of digitizing hardware and software.The first, and most primitive method, is known tothose of you who plowed through the introductorymanuals. The second, and probably least useful, issomething for the technical aficionado who is at homeprogramming a professional synthesizer. Althoughthere are a few good programs that can help you outhere-notably, Sonix (Oxxi, 79.95) and Synthia (The

Other Guys, $99)-creating original sounds can betedious. Sampling, however, with its entire range ofreal-world sound and music at ready disposal, isclearly the easiest route and has the most widespreadapplication.

Sampling, simply, is the process of converting ordi-nary, analog sounds into digital information (throughthe sampling hardware's analog-to-digital converter,or ADC) to be stored in the Arniga's memory. This in-formation is then reconverted into analog soundwaves, through one offour digital-to-analog converters(DACs)within the system's Paula chip, a stereo pream-plifier also found within the Amiga, and your soundsystem (or the amplifier within your monitor). In orderto make samples yourself, what you need is some exter-nal sampling hardware (sound digitizer), samplingsoftware, and something to sample.

As for the hardware and software, there are anumber of fairly inexpensive packages to choosefrom. Hardware {digitizer)-and-software (sample ed-iting program) combinations include Perfect Sound(SunRize, $89.95); A.M.A.S. (Microdeal / MichTron,$169.95); Stereo Sound Sampler+ Jammer (Darel,$99.95); and SP8 (Creative Sound Systems, $100). Ifyou already have the digitizer, you can purchasesample-editing software separately; AudioMaster I I(Oxxi, 59.95) and Studio Magic (SunRize, S99.99)are two that readily come to mind. For the purposes •.

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22 March 1990

of this ankle J will refer to a system consisting ofPerfect Sound hardware and Audio Master I I soft-ware. Although Perfect Sound can be a bit noisy, Ilike AudioMaster II. The two complement eachother well.

Don't worry. however, if this particular duo is notyour own setup. because the techniques and tips 1will discuss will apply to just about any combination.(For comparative evaluations of the sampling hard-ware and software products mentioned above-andfor a compatibility chart to guide you in mixing andmatching cornponenu-csee "Sizzling Sounds," p. 48in Oct. '89 issue.)

# 1 Is TlJls on the Level?To get the best results, preparing for sampling canbe as important, if not more important, than actuallytaking the sample. Although some sampling hard-ware will give you a choice between input types, mostsampling hardware requires that the sound comefrom a "line-level" source. Line-level devices includeCD players, cassette or reel-to-reel tape recorders,audio outputs from videotape, an AMJFM receiver,a keyboard, or a "live" source recorded with a mi-crophone and a mixer. Trying to sample from aheadphone or speaker output, when the hardwarerequires line level, will usually cause distortion. Sam-pling from a microphone without a preamplifier (ormixer) will create large amounts of noise. In short,use the right hardware.

Deciding what to sample is obviously the next step.Perhaps you know a section of a pop song or classicalpiece that would work great at the beginning of youranimation, or maybe you recorded voice onto cassettefor a narrative. If you have a CD player, there are anumber of professional sound and sound effects li-braries available. A favorite with many professionalmusicians is the ProSonus Sample Library. You canfind similar offerings among the numerous cassettelibraries advertised in the c1assifieds of most keyboardmagazines. Also, many record stores and public li-braries carry sound-effects records.

Whatever your source material, choosing the bestsounds for sampling should meet the followingcriteria:

The sound should beeasily isolated. If you choose a sectionof music or narration from a tape or CD, silencebefore or after the sound is preferable. Backgroundnoise, especially noticeable from cassettes, is not. CDplayers offer the advantage of allowing you to accu-rately pause and play small sections of a CD withouthaving to get "up to speed" and leaving you withthat annoying click or glitch usually accompanyingsuch transitions.

The sOlmd should have an "even" dyna.mic range. Soundsthat get loud and then soft (or vice versa), or have along decay (as you would get by holding down apiano key), are not as desirable as sounds with a quickdecay (like the beep of a car horn), or those with aneven volume level.

The sound should 110tbe distorted, but it should be a good,strong Level.This is especially important when workingwith cassettes. When recording or choosing a soundon cassette to be sampled later, the sound should beat or around 0 vu on the meter. Having a volumecontrol at the source of the sample (as with a keyboardor a cassette player with an output knob) will helpyou match levels to overcome "sampler noise" (moreabout this later).

The sou lid should be the best fidelity possible. Again, CDshave obvious advantages here. For creating your ownsounds from scratch, however, a good microphoneand mixer beats a cassette recorder any day. If youdo not already own a microphone and mixer, don'twaste your money on the cheap ones made for homevideo recording. If you are interested in acquiring agood mic and mixer for a one-time sampling session,contact the music and NV rental stores in your area.The occasional rental will probably not break yourbank account, and you will enjoy all the benefits ofusing superior quality equipment.

# 3 Thanks for the Memory ...Before you actually make your sample, there is stillanother consideration: memory. How much, andwhat kind of memory you have relates directly tohow high a level of fidelity you can achieve, so decidehow you are going to use the sample first If youplan to use your sounds in Sonix (Oxxi), DeluxeMusic Construction Set-DMCS (Electronic Arts,599.95), or with a sequencing program such as KCS(Dr. T's Music Software, S249) or Dynamic Studio(New Wave, 199.95), you will probably want thehighest fidelity possible. Most sample players use chipmemory; if you have more available, your samplecan be longer and of higher fidelity. Installing a one-meg Agnus chip on machines with one megabyte ormore will be a great help when working with longersamples. (You may already have the new one-megAgnus chip in your A2000 if it was purchased afterSeptember 1989-type AVAIL in a ell window tosee how much chip memory your machine has avail-able.)

How much memory )'ou have also may determinethe sampling rate at which you will take your sample.(The sampling rate denotes how many times persecond the computer takes the "picture" of )'oursound.) The more samples an ADC takes per second,the more accurately it will record the sound (hencethe higher resolution-and greater fidelity-e-whenthat sound is played back). The Amiga's maximum

Page 25: 1990 03 Amiga World

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playback rate, however, is 28,867 samples per second(sps), so it does not really matter if your digitizer cansample at higher rates. Also, when sampling in stereo,the sampling rate is automatically cut in half, from28k to 14k. Fortunately, most people do not hearsounds beyond 15k.

Thus, if you are going to use your sample withsomething memory-intensive like an animation, con-sider sampling at a lower sampling rate to conservememory. A sound sampled at 28.000 sps will takeless memory than the same sound sampled at 44,000sps; sam piing the sound at 16,000 sps will takeeven less memory. The fidelity ceiling (calculatedat half the sampling rate) of the sound sampled at28k will be 14k, while that of the sound sampled at16k will be 8k-which might be okay for someapplications.

You will have to decide your own level of acceptabletrade-off for fidelity vs. memory constraints, but,in general, sampling at lower rates is usually agood, practical idea for capturing long passages ofsound and music if you have a system with limitedmemory.

# 4 The GreatE'luaUzerNo matter what sampling rate you decide on, thereare a few tricks that can provide you with betterresults. One of the most effective is equalization.Equalizing (or EQing) a sound involves running aline-level sound through a series of filters, usuallycalled high-pass/low-pass, band-pass, or parametricfilters. These filters emphasize or de-emphasize cer-tain frequency bands-hence the names. Hi-pass/low-pass is most commonly found at the bass and treblecontrols in stereo systems. Using your stereo systemfor EQing would be fine if you could sample fromthe speaker outputs, but, as mentioned earlier, mostsampling hardware will not allow this. Unfortunately,using the bass and treble controls on most stereosdoes not affect the line outputs (the tape monitoroutput, for instance). Thus, you need an in-line EQthat can be put after your source device but beforethe sampling hardware.

The most common type of in-line EQ is the 10-band Graphic Equalizer available almost anywherestereo equipment is sold. Radio Shack makes a 10-band Graphic EQ for under $80, while Teac offers aIO-band with an LED frequency analyzer (to showwhich frequencies are the loudest) for not muchmore. Many others sell for around $100; if you planto do much sampling, owning one of these is a must.

Don't go overboard when using a graphic EQ. Theproper use of any EQ is to correct aural deficiencies.EQing for a cassette source often involves just slightlyde-emphasizing frequencies above 12k to reduce tapenoise, while emphasizing 8-12k to make up for thereduced highs associated with cassettes. EQing a livevoice might mean emphasizing high frequencies a

.,.",.-------small amount to increase sibilance, and cutting downon the very low end to decrease pops from P's andB's. With instruments, many have specific mid-rangefrequencies that make them sound somewhat nasal,so here you might want to use EQing to reduce these.In the back of some music theory or audio engi-neering textbooks, and in the manuals of all graphicequalizers, you will usually find a chart showing thefrequency ranges of various instruments and voices.These are very good sources to have around forreference.

# Ii Hlgh·§peed FldeUtyAnother way to increase the perceived fidelity ceilingis to speed up the sample. Speeding up the samplealso reduces the likelihood that you will notice "0 toA noise" (a fuzziness usually heard in the high fre-quency range of a sample). This noise is distortioncreated by Digital-to-Analog converter errors whenthe DAC reads in-between steps of a sample; it ispresent in all samplers. When a sampler takes "pic-tures" of a sound (digitizing), it takes a number ofpictures (or samples) to make up the complete wave-form. In 12- and l6-bit samples, there are morediscrete steps to the sample, so fewer errors occurthan with an 8-bit sample.

Recognizing that this distortion is a problem, Com-modore put low-pass filters in all Amigas. While thefilter reduces the distortion, it does so at the price ofeliminating frequencies above 7.5k. Thus, in manysituations you need to bypass the output filter. Whileyou cannot do this on the A 1000 without a hardwaremodification, the filter is software switchable on theA500 and A2000. With the public-domain programLED (found on the Sonix 2.0 disk and on many •.

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A standard setup tor nne-level sampling: from tape deck to equalizer tosampler to Amlga.

A miga World 23

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24 March J 990

networks), for instance, you can [Urn the filter off thelatter two models.

Once the filter is disabled, of course, you have yourdistortion problem again. If you speed up the sample,however, not only do you raise the frequency (pitch)of the sample. but you also elevate the frequency ofthe noise as well. With a sample that was made at28k and moved up an octave. most of the Duo-Anoise will probably occur out of human hearingrange! Your sample, however, will play back twice asfast-which probably is not exactly what you wanted.

One way LO get around this is to get a fairly high-quality dual-speed tape deck. Most consumer reel-to-reel decks, such as those made by Sony, Panasonic,or Teac, offer two speeds; if expense is a problem,you might be surprised how often you can find theseat many second-hand stores. In addition, there areseveral four-track casseue recorders, such as the Ya-maha MT3X or the Tascam 644, that offer dual-speedoperation. Also, in the back of some music magazinesyou will see dual-speed casseue decks advertised forguitaris,s wanting to learn licks from their favoritetapes. Many old turntables offer dual (or more)speeds, too.

In whatever way you get your equipment,the trickhere is to record your desired sound onto tape athigh speed, then sample the sound while playingback the tape at low speed (which is almost alwaysan octave jump). Finally, kick the sample up an octavewith your sample-editing software. When using Au-diomaster Il, choose Tune Waveform from the Spe-cial Effects menu. Click once on the Octave slider tothe right of the indicating bar. Now click on theWaveform gadget in the bottom half of the screen tohear your changes. Finally, click on OK within theTune Waveform window to accept the octave jump.

Be prepared, however, because this eats up a lotof memory and is usually best done with short sam-ples. Sampling in stereo eats up even more memory.so if you sample is stereo, be sure you really needstereo. Many programs, such as Dr. Ts KCS, forexample, do not support stereo samples.

# 6 Got the Signal'!After you have decided the rate at which you willsample, and you have set up your EQ. making thesample is pretty straightforward. Have your software"listen" to your sampler before actually starting yoursound. This way, you can see how much noise (if any)is being introduced by the sampling hardware. PerfectSound, for instance, is quite noisy. In order to get agood sample with it, I first adjust the input controlto find the point at which there is the least noise, butthe most input signal. J need to make sure my inputsignal to the sampling hardware is pretty "hot"-almost but not quite dipping. Clipping is distortioncaused by the input signal level being too great foreither the sampler to handle, or the source device

(or tape itself) to put out (or record) properly. OnAudiornaster I J, it is easy to tell when the signal clips;the waveform displayed will break up. Once the signalseems right, try making a few samples. Save yourwork often, and sample and save different versionsofthe same sounds for comparison. Experiment andhave fun!

# 7SampHng SaversMost programs use the I FF format, so saving yoursamples to I FF files is the safest bet. If you want tomake an entire soundtrack from IFF samples, Sonixcan take these and use them as segments of a songrather than instruments. Compose a complete songby sampling entire bars of music that can repeat, andassign these samples to any of the four instruments.The instruments can then be thought of as verse.chorus, and so on. Simply compose with whole notesand rests. When using Dr. T's KCS, you can assignup to 16 samples to specific MIDJ channels andkeyboard ranges. Allocating four sounds to four noteranges and one MIDI channel will create some for-midable keyboard splits.

# 8 Let's Get Looped!If your samples are going to repeat after they areplayed out once, you will need to tell your editingsoftware where to begin to repeat a loop. Somethingto remember about making loops is that an instru-ment gets it perceived characteristics from the firstfew milliseconds of attack. Even for complex instru-ments and sounds, the loop does not have to be long,although the initial auack might have to be. Audio-Master II offers two features to help you make thebest loops possible: Seek Zero and Seek Loop. Theselook for the quietest points in a sample (zero meaningno volume) (0 set repeat points in a loop. Seekingzero points helps to avoid clicks in loop repeats. Suchclicks are simply jumps in both volume and waveformcomposition. When making a loop, I frequently movethe beginning and ending loop pointers manually tomake my loop as short as possible, while still retainingthe characteristics of the sound. I then use the SeekZero function to find the best repeating point in thevicinity of the loop pointers. Looping the samplemerely requires a little experimenting. Thus, savingdifferent versions of your sample with different looppoints is a crucial element in making the bestsample .•

Mitch Wells runs an audio-recording, video-production,and desktop-publishing service in Michigan. He has workedin a number of recording studios, both as an engineer anda session musician. He has also taught classes in MIDI andother aspects of computer-assisted music production. Writeto him c/o Amiga World, Editorial Dept .• 80 Elm St.,Peterborough, NH 03458.

Page 27: 1990 03 Amiga World

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Manufacturers' AddressesCreative Sound SystemsGillesager 2642650 HvidovreDenmark+45 I 474614

Date] Computers3430 E. Tropicana #67Las Vegas, NV 89121702/454-7700800/782-9110

Electronic Arts1820 Gateway Dr.San Mateo, CA 94404414/571-7171

Microdealdistributed by MichTron576 S. TelegraphPontiac, M1 48053313/334-5700After April /,/990:3825 Lapeer Rd. W.Auburn Hills, M1 48075313/377-8998

Oxxi Inc.PO Box 90309Long Beach, CA 90809213/427-1227

ProSonus1616 Vista Del MarHollywood, CA 90028213/463-6191

SunRize IndustriesPO Box 1453College Station, TX 77841409/846-131 I

The Other GuysPO Box HLogan, LIT 84321801/753-7620800/942-9402

Yamaha Music Corp.PO Box 6600Buena Park, CA 90622714/522-90 II

Dr. T's Music Software220 Boylston St.Suite 206Chestnut Hill, MA 02167617/244-6954


• FullcoverageofAmigaDOS1.3• A new chapter on hard disks• ExpandedCLIandSHELLcommands• Over 50 additional pages of userfriendly

examples and tips• A new MicroEMACS appendix• All topics completely revised and updated

New Wave SoftwarePO Box 438St. Clair Shores, M1 48080313/771-4465

TeacITascam7733 Telegraph Rd.Montebello, CA 90604213/726-0303

YESl Send me copies of the AMIGACOMPANION, Second Edition, for just $19.95each plus $2.50 per copy for first class delivery.

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Page 28: 1990 03 Amiga World



Page 29: 1990 03 Amiga World

PatchworkCompared to squinting

at your synth's LCD readout, these

editor/librarians make editing MIDI patches easter,

but still not perfect .

SYNTHESIZERS USED 10 look like some-thing out of an old Buck Rogers movie. Rowsof knobs, dials, sliders, and buttons covereda panel attached to a piano-like keyboard.Programming the syrnh required you to setevery control at the right level to create a"patch" that produced a sound. These earlyanalog synths had no memory. so gettinganother sound required resetting each con-trol, a time-consuming and inexact process.

Today's electronic instruments give youmore control-but at a price. Their internalsoftware lets you program multiple sounds(patches), store them in the synthesizer'smemory. then recall them at a touch. Gone.however, is the array of controls that servedas a map of every parameter's setting andhow they interrelated. Modern synthesizersoffer sometimes as few as four programmingbuttons with which you can change func-tions. Youbase your decisions on the readoutfrom one (typically tiny) LCD screen. whichshows a single setting at a time. Often youmust scroll through dozens of cryptic nu-meric parameters to find the one you want.

••••Programming with the LCD-screen interfaceis tedious, unintuitive, and frustrating.

The alternative is software that lets youuse the Amiga's power to edit the synth'ssettings. The field of Amiga synth editors isdominated by two companies: Sound Questand Dr. T's Music Software, each of whommake editor/librarians for over 25 instru-ments. In addition, a number of small com-panies offer programs for individual synths.(See the accompanying chart for a completelist of supported synthesizers.) Prices rangefrom $35 to $195. averaging around $150.

The ideal editor should speed and easeediting by using a screen that gives an at-a-glance map. as did the old-fashioned hard-ware controls, displaying an overview of allparameters while letting you focus on a par-ticular control or group of controls. It woulduse the precision inherent in alphanumericsto augment, not replace, these graphic icons.With it you should be able to move easilyfrom parameter to parameter as you set upa patch and see how the various settingsinteract, much as the Sound Quest editor •.

By Tim Tully



Page 30: 1990 03 Amiga World

for the Roland D-50 does (Figure I). Unlike the D-50 editor, however, the perfect program should letyou play your synth, just as you would in a realsituation, then continue editing the patch until youhave a sound you like. The program would also letyou edit a symh's characteristic features, such aslayering of sounds and MIDI SysEx settings. A goodeditor would include a librarian for storing soundsin banks matching the configuration of the synth'smemory. and let you load these banks without unduefuss, so you can get back to the music.

DISCORD IN PARADISEBe warned: Amiga editor/librarians are not ideal.Their user interfaces have serious limitations. and

figure 1. Sound Quest". D-5OIdltor clspIIrys an •••• InRrumenra IrIterT.-l8ted pa,..meters on one 1CI"Mn. Tllree subscreens cowt1ng more globalfunctions can be displayed In the I.". square In •••• lower rtght, leaving•••• other ~lleter. visible.

figure 2. The C-ZAR Idttor for the CUIo CZ •••.••• makes ucen.nt UN

of editable graphic icons to clspIay the sc.tus of ~ and .now""'-"-no.

28 March 1990

the documentation is atrocious across the board. Mostlibrarian functions are handled straightforwardly andsimply,but the editors enhance personal productivityonly because the alternative-LCD-screen program-ming-is such a struggle.

Consider, for example, the ubiquitous YamahaTX81Z FM synthesizer. At its basic level, this instru-ment contains 32 editable patches to which a TX81 Zeditor must devote a screen. On a higher level, theTX8lZ has configurations called "performances," inwhich you can assign up to eight patches to playtogether on anyone key. In addition to a patch-editing screen, a TX81Z editor needs a separatescreen that facilitates editing a performance andshows the relationships between a performance andthe individual patches you can load into it. Theseneeds are only partially addressed by Dr. Ts andSound Quest's programs.

Although both programs extensively use alpha-numerics to communicate parameter values, theirpatch-editing screens make only fair use of graphictools. The programs do use graphics effectively inthe display and editing of the instrument's complexenvelopes. With Dr.T's there is a further nice graphictouch in the "virtual slider," found at the left of thescreen, with which you can adjust any parameter:Highlight the parameter's value, then dick and dragon any blank point of the screen.

Editing a TX81Z performance is another matter.Youmust juggle a performance's structure, selectingand placing up to eight patches and occasionallytweaking a patch. Quick recognition of individualvalues and the ability to see an overview are para-mount, but both programs' performance editorsdrop the ball. Aside from the Doctor's virtual sliderand Sound Quest's turning altered values orange, nographic communication occurs. Relative volumes-prime candidates for graphic representation-are allnumeric.

Knowing which patches comprise a performanceis also difficult. Dr. Ts lists a performance's patcheshere by name, there by number, and Sound Quest'sprogram can read only patch numbers, not names,from one of the synthesizer's banks. To see a list ofavailable patches, both programs make you go toanother screen.

In contrast with such unfriendly screens is theediting interface in C-ZAR, Diemer Development'sed/lib for the Casio CZ series of synthesizers (Figure2). Though the CZ synths have six eight-stage en-velopes, up to four waveforms per patch, and a num-ber of other parameters, C-ZAR is able to displaythem all at once. During a complex editing sessionyou will appreciate this help in keeping oriented. C-ZARalso uses easy-to-read, on-screen knobs to showvalues both numerically and graphically; to change avalue, click on the knob. The interface is not onlyhighly intuitive, but also communicates very well withthe user. The CZ synths are less complex than theTX81Z, true, but Sound Quest's 0-50 screen, and ~

Page 31: 1990 03 Amiga World

Synthesizers Supportedby Amiga Editor/Librarians

eRB Diemer Sound Synthetic TriangleProd. Develop. Digitools Dr. T's MIDITALK New Wave Quest· Reality Audio

CasioeZ-101/lOoo • • • • •cz-i • • •eZ-3000/5OO0 • • •VZ-I •

E-MProteus • •

EnsoniqSQ·80 • •ESQ-I/M • •VFX •

KawaiK-l • •K·4 •K-5 •

KorgMI • •MIR •M3R •OW-8000 •EX-8oo0 •

LexiconPCM-70 •

OberheimMatrix 6/1000 • •

Roland0-11011 0/20 • •MT-32 • •0·50 • •0-70 •

YamahaOX-711 • •OX7IID/7IIFD •OX7 • • •OX7S •OX9 • •TFI •TX7 • •TX802 • •OXII •TX81Z • • •OX 100/27/21 • •F8-01 • • • •

valse available: Synergy-Universal Editor/Librarian, which can control most MIDI synthesizers.

AmigaWQrld 29

Page 32: 1990 03 Amiga World

figure 3. The graphJc sliders In DweI tor the Korg DW-8000let you seeall your settings at once.

Synthetic Reality's Dwel for the Korg DW-8000 (Fig-ure 3),both prove that a simple interface to a complexinstrument can be created.

SLAVE LABOROne of the benefits of MIDI is the ability to play onesynthesizer from the keyboard of another or from analternate controller you play like a guitar or windinstrument. In response, manufacturers have builtsmaller and less expensive "slave" synths that comewithout keyboards and can be played only via MIDI.The units typicallyoffer very few on-board controls,but Amiga software developers have answered thecall for controlling help, offering editor/librarians forOberheim's M-IOOO, Roland's D-llO, Yamaha'sTXSIZ, and several others.

That an editor for such a synth would not allowyou to play it from an external controller would seemcounterproductive. Yet this is just the situation pre-sented by both Dr. T's and Sound Quest's programs.Both product lines let you play the instrument youare editing only by clicking the right mouse button:high notes on the right of the screen, lows notes onthe left. This is not an effective, real-world way totest the usefulness of a patch. For wind and guitarcontrollers, for which aftertouch and pitchbend areessential, it is useless. Even with a keyboard, unlessyou patch and repatch your MIDI connections eachtime you make an edit, these programs give you noway to test a sound's response to aftertouch, modwheel or pitch bend movements, or any tonal subtletybut velocity,which you control by the mouse's verticalposition.

Aside from their superior interfaces, C-ZAR andDwel offer about the same levels of performance asSound Quest and Dr. T's programs. Others, such asMIDITALK's TXS, are primitive. Triangle Audio'sData Filer for the Yamaha FB-O1 offers adequatelibrarian functions, but no editing controls.

The arrival of such pro-level Amiga sequencers asDr.T's KCSand Passport's Master Tracks Pro createsthe potential for the Amiga to become a serious musiccomputer. If the machine is to aid productivity in aMIDI environment, fast and friendly synth editorsare a must. Both Sound Quest and Dr. T's are talent-laden organizations, and have done impressive workon the machine side. Now it's time they address theuser interface .•

Timothy Tully is a former editor for Electronic Musicianand umus about and reviews music products extensively.Write to him c/o Amiga World Editorial Dept., 80 ElmSt., Peterborough, NH 03458,

Manufacturers' AddressesCRB Productions15 Norton St.Nashua, NH 03060

DigiToolsPO Box 7417Buffalo Grove, II. 600893121459-8781

Diemer Development12814 Landale SI.Studio City, CA 916048181762-0804

Dr. T's Music Software220 Boylston SI.Suite 206Chestnut Hill, MA 021676171244-5243

MIDITALKPO Box 211Averill Park, NY 120185181674-8466

New Wave SoftwarePO Box 438SI. Clair Shores, MI 480803131771-4465

Synthetic RealityPO Box 6066SI. Cloud, MN 563026121259-9499

Sound Quest Inc.1573 Eglington Ave. WestSuite 200Toronto, OntarioCanada M6E 2G94161256-04668001387-8720

Triangle AudioPO Box 1108Sterling, VA 221703011526-6224

30 March J 990

Page 33: 1990 03 Amiga World
Page 34: 1990 03 Amiga World

Jazz/bI •••• 8ubrlst MelvIn SpMtc; ••

A COMPUfER WITH some mu-sical notation on screen doesn't ex-actly conjure up visions of DexterGordon wailing on his sax, or B.B.King wringing the blues from hisguitar. Yet, many jazz. and bluesmusicians-including MelvinSparks-have found that com-puters help considerably withmany time-consuming detailswhen composing. "Imagine ifDuke Ellington or Quincy Jones


Making 'Sparks' Flyhad had a computer," musesSparks, a noted blues/jazz guitarist,composer, and Amiga proponent."Just think of all the music theyproduced-and all handwritten!"

Sparks started out with a C64and then traded up for an Amigalate in 1985 after he heard aboutan Arniga composition programcalled SoundScape (Mimetics). "Itwas exactly what I wanted and Iwent right out and bought it." Tra-ditionally, musicians would gatherin a loft somewhere and just play,he explained. While Sparks wouldbe the first to say there's no sub-stitute for jamming, the truth is,he admus, that musicians justdon't play together as often any-more. Solitary musicians are com-pelled to look for alternativemethods to develop and perfecttheir music. Many, like Sparks, dis-covered that computers converttime previously spent document-ing scores and testing for mistakes

into time devoted purely to thejob at hand-making music.

And Melvin Sparks knows morethan a little about making music.Sparks left Houston, Texas, at age16 to play with legendary per-former Little Richard and hisband, The Upsetters. He's playedwith the likes of Sam Cooke.jackieWilson, Dr. John, and GeorgeBenson. Moving from rock to jazzand blues, he went to New Yorkin the late '60s. Under the influ-ence first of Jack McDuff and laterLou Donaldson, Sparks went onto record six albums, while ap-pearing on more than two dozenothers. His latest venture. a 1989release, teamed him with saxistHank Crawford and organistJimmy McGriff.

Sparks remained loyal toSoundScape as long as possible,but found support for it lacking.He began searching for the pro-gram's author, Todor Fay, now at

Blue Ribbon Bakery in Atlanta.Sparks discovered Fay's latest pro-ject-Bars & Pipes-was just whathe wanted. Now he's back in hisMt. Vernon, NY-based studioworking on his next recording.

"Bars & Pipes is so much bet-ter," claims Sparks. who especiallyfavors the program's graphic in-terface. "Other programs wantyou to grab a calculator. With Bars& Pipes, I just play and get backto the music and don't worryabout the computer. It's like a taperecorder ... no typing."

Sparks is equally enthusiasticabout the Arniga's role in his workand believes he has personally sold10 to 12 machines to other musi-cians. "I really love this computerand I've seen them all," he laughs."I really mean it; I think it's thebest. People who come by and seemine wind up getting an Amiga."

Are you listening, Commodore?-Jan Jackson

, Sensational Service With

Sprite %clinofogyORDERS: 800-634-9315

SOFTWAllEDesign 3D................... . $59Draw 2000 . $1691Jurlaj> U'~ies...... . $50Exce.ence. .$185HiSott BASe Professional $106IriroCAD.............. .. $54Max~1an Plus ..$94On lila P1alioom $97PAGErender3D. . $99pagestteam .. $125Pen Pal $94Performer/Elan.. .. $38Pixit Scrip!:........................ .. $94Professional Draw.. . $123Professional Page $246Prowrite 2.5 .. $78Ouartefback....... . 1«WOIl!Perlect...... . $185WofW)era,1.3Update... . $19WOfks Platinum $156GAMESArch~elagos $24Chessmaster 2000 $34Dislant SIXIS $44Dragon's lair .. $39Dungeon Master... . $25Eye of HonJS $24Kingdoms of England. . $28Magic JohnsorV1 M.. .. $31Om_I BaslteM $35Popubus.... .. $38 Holiday GIU PICk-Pro Tennis TotX..... . $28 Master Type, PHA$AR 3.0, Who·What·Sim Cky...................... . $30 Where-When, F· 40, Hole il One GoW, aSpace /Q . $37 pystkk, $310 valoe $89

I!OefecMl ret.ms ITUSttlaYe a retJm a.nhoriz~on OOrrDer. ShiWing and handing ire non~efuncl.ilie.RetLrTlSsuqtd 10 restocking fee. We cannot guarantee COf'l1)ata~li!y. All sales are final. Pricessu~ect to chal'lll8 without nob. Allslodl.ed ilems not listed. Ask lor otJ' co~ete proOOClbtin~

HARDWAllEAmga 500 CAll.Amga 20M HDlA500 $649Amiga501 RAM Card $159Amga 520 Video Adapler $4<lAmiga 1010 Ex. Drive $l29Amiga 1084 Monitor $:K»Amga 2000 CAll.Amga 2000HD CAll.Amga 2500. . CAll.Amga 2500130 . CAll.Amiga 2010 In. Flcppy $159Amga 2088 Bridgeboanl $499Amga 2288 Bridgeboanl .•............... $l125Amga 2091 SCSI C"'roIer $2993.5"ln. FIoppyJChinon $1123.5" Ex. FIoppylC.A $139CSA Tulboi5OO CAll.Frame Grabber CALlGenOne ..........................•............... $589GVP Hanleatds CAll.GVP 68030 Accelerator. .. CALlMictobotics8UP $172Mictobotics Hard Frame .$246Maotlolics SlerB2· 0KI1 M CAll.MicroWay Rkker RX8f .$489Panasonie 1410 camera w/lens $241

Customer Service & order status: 404·535·8806HOURS: 9-6 MoN·FRI EST

Scanlock.... . $879STAR Rairbow pmer .. $254~rGen........ . $699&4lerGen 2000s .. CAlLSi4>ra 512KiA500 $110S~ra 2400 Modem $124S\4lra Internal Modem....... .. $134Sl4lra 8M12MRAM A2OOO $349Si4>ra 8 WOK RAM A2OOO $175Sl4lra Hard Drives...... . CAlLVIDEOANlMagic.................. . $63Animalion Apprentice $185Animotion.................. . $63Broadcast Tiller $189Deluxe Pan: III $99DV-Pan: 3 ....$62DiglVlewGoId 4.0.. . $149Oirec1or......... .. $45Fanlavision... .. $38Moden., 30 . $63Photon Pail12.0 $94ProVideo Gold $195Sculpt Animale 4D Jr $94TIMbo SI... . $125Vdeoscape 3D.................... .. $125Vdeotkler. .. $93

32 March J 990

MUSIC WARE'!'MAS. MmSam~er $127Audiomasler II . $62Bats & Pees $188Deluxe Music..... . $65Dr.T> Cql~~ Pro $165Dr.T's KCS $156OrTs KCS Levell! $219Master Trax Pro $237Music X $186M lor Amiga $152Pertect Sound 3.0 $75Pro MIDI Studio.... .. $126Sonix... . $50Synlhia. . $63Texture... $94

AIIGA ACCESSORIESGol Cap - grey or while. ...$8Gol Shirt·L or Xl.. . .$18Sweat StWI-L or Xl $16Sport. Bag $19

SOOY BLANK DISK SPECIALSOOY OS 00 (box of 10) $13.85SOOV HD (box 0(10) $ 29.95BULK OS DO (no Iabels) 99 cents each

Starter Software Kit·TV Text, Money Mentor, Text Craft Plus,Marold, Graphics Studio $79

Circle 206 on Reader Service card.

Amiga II a registered tradernar1l; of Commodofe Bualneu Machines, INC.

Page 35: 1990 03 Amiga World

The difference between theGEnie'" service and Cornpuserve"could make a big difference to you.Here's why.GEnie's rate for 1200baudaccess isjust $6 per non-prime hour:"Theirs is more than twice as much.Which means GEnie lets you stayonline longer for lots less.

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press RETlJRJ~. And have a majorcredit card or your checking accountnwnber ready. For informanon in theU.s. or Canada, call 1-800-638-9636.Or write GE Information Services,401N.WJshington,Rockville,MD 20850.

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*A/1Jlips mIl)' ill U.s. Mml.-Fri. 6Pj\1·8AM loca!tillU' ami all rlfl)' SIlI.,Swl.,rmd lIal7 holidrlj''i. 51/1jl'(l to seuo (ro(li/flbili~'. Smnl'seruicl'SIfUl)' bl' sl/bjerlln 1l.1'lIrchflrgt'.

Circle 111 on Reader sevce C81d.

Page 36: 1990 03 Amiga World

IT BEGINS AS a wistful look in your eyes when yourfriend's powerhouse Amiga tears through applica-tions in mere seconds, while your stock system, sansaccelerator and hard disk, plods along like an oldfarm tractor.

Then you begin imagining how much more pro-ductive you could be if you only had a hard disk andother fancy stuff. We've seen this kind of thing before;SLOp fantasizing and buy yourself some hardware.

To help satisfy your wishes, our list includes every-thing from mini replacement mice to mega 32-bit68030 boards.

Clocks ..............•......... 36Coprocessors 36Drives/Controllers .....•.•....... 36Expansion 38Graphics/Video .......•......... 39

Information listed here is subject to change as themarket fluctuates. The companies we contacted sup-plied us only with products they expect to ship byMarch 1990. Where prices had not been set, "Call"was placed in the price column-meaning, contactthe manufacturer, not us. For items with price ranges,the starting price is listed. The Port column describeshow items are installed: Peripherals installed exter-nally connect to pons; boards are installed internallyin slots. The Machine column codes are as follows:A=A500, B =AlOOO, C=A2000 only, and D=A2000series.

Interfacing/Networking .40Memory .40Miscellaneous .42Music/Sound .44Manufacturers' Addresses .46

Compiled by Tim Walsb and Jan Jackson


Page 37: 1990 03 Amiga World
Page 38: 1990 03 Amiga World

HAIDWAII • II Y 1 1 8 G II D 1


r-:"~p-~5~1~2:--~-~----;;:P':::"Il'="'=;':::':---'$;-;';::69;.;;9"'A----;M:<n0'1 ----.';12:;:K~d;:oc:;kI""'::;:"':::n:::da::':"~,,~pa~n':!'K>~n.boa~,:::d~.----------..,

Mou.seTime MicroBotics $ 39.95 B Mouse Clock.


02H 50002H280003H 500MH!800..-IIHZIGO68020 CPU BoardA2088D BridgeboardA2286D BridgeBoardAUOI U••••••• Il.il-_.A2630A300 I Upgrade KitHurricane 500 (olH 500)........u_~ .u_1l.UIII

~_I'Impatt A2000..o30116

Impaa A2000-0301!8Impact A2000·030188V!8..••..-M__











$ 698.00 A$1595.00 C$ 998.00 A11195.00 C11595.00 C$2195.00 CS 995.00 C

$ 699.9' 0$1599.00 D

c..a11495.00 C$2799.00 C$2195.00 C

Call C

$ 549.00 A

15199.00 C11049.00 C$ 849.00 C$ 999.00 C$1425.00 CI •••. w AI1 99.95 AI

InternalCPU Slot


CPU slot



CPU SlotInternal


CPU Sk>t



68020/16 accelerator with 68881116 coprocessor.68030125 accelerator and 68882/25 coprocessor.68020116 accelerator and 68881/16 DRAM controller.-,......,..6I8!tOtI5 ' ialUf •••• 18882I2S cupi ••ocoe_on.-. ~.68020 Board; opuonal 16-33Mhz 68882, 68030/16.Intel 8088 coprocessor, Sv., 360K drive.Intel 80286 coprocessor board. Sv. drive.

I ""M. biI· RAM.••do__ 6888I._I......., •••••••••••••• 2MB RAM._ 68881. _I •• MB RAM.68030 ac<:cLer.ator boards.

28Mhz 68030. 68882, w/4MB bit-wide RAM and drive.68020116 accelerator.

Widi8M1152••••·wide RAM np. dausJuefboanl.68030 SI-Ilk MotanJIa CPU. wl6888! C&protttIOI'.

68030 32·bit Motorola CPU w/16Mhz clock.68030 32-bit Motorola CPU w128Mhz dock.68030 32·bit Motorola CPU w128Mhz clock. 68882.•• _ , r ••••••.68881 _ dod, oUcly cIiK. parity dlod.


tOMB SCSI Drive &: Cootro Comp-U-Save $ '89.00 A,B B", 20MB SCSI hard drive and controller.~~••utemal Floppy Commodore $ 299.9' All Drive 880K micro floppy disk dr-ive.3Y," Disk Drive Comp-u-Save $ 145.00 All Drive Single Dappy drive with power supply.0\1000 SCSI 1_ Supra 199.00 B IIUi PUS Ibru. au • iiiCJUdei ••••••••_I. Commodore $ 199.9' D Dri¥e SIal 880K miao floppy _ dm..

A2090A HD CoIIIIrOIIer Commodore $ 599.00 D SIal ST506. SCSI DMA control~.ASOOHD Controller PacifM:Peripberals Call A 8", SCSI controller, can hold up to 2MB RAM.A500 SCSI Interface Supra $ 199.00 A Bus Optional 2MB RAM.MOO Commodore $ 799.00 A Bus 20MB HO, allows 2MB RAM expansion and SCSI porL,- ..-ALF·AF·IIFII 01' au. Pre' op«t Cal D SIal -...•...•.....•......ALF-AG-MW 01' au. •••.••op«t c..a A lui Induda .un oIw in PROM •••••.

•••.• ·""·SCSI Pre sped Call A Bu, Controller w/ALF2 S/W in PROMS.ALF·DCMFM or RLL Pre'spect Call 0 Siol V,-card controller, autoboot.ALF·OE·MFM or RLL Pre'spect Call A.B Bus Controller, adaptor wlo case ..u.F·~MnI 01' llLL •••.••op«t UUI A,B •••• .._.ALF·Jt&.MnI 01' au. •••.••op«t Cal D SIal CaaInlIa-. 1\ <ani, oIw. __

ALF·8ICSCSI •••.••op«t Cal D SIac ~-_.AU·JtE,. ••••• 01' au. •••.••op«t Cal A,II •• .' I ' I ~.an 1DWer•

36 March /990

Page 39: 1990 03 Amiga World

• A I D • A I B B II Y B I s G II D B



ALF2 Card

AUlAGAlIa • " DIllE••••Auto Card

AUlobootable Overdrive



CII_ _CSI 6100 Autoboot

DRAMDual ,Vt" Disk Drive1IiiI~ __


Enhanced TwinDrive

Enhanced TwinDrive

~IEscort Hard Drive Card

ESCORT Hard Drive Systems


-Jr.-FaslTrak SA·S Host Adapt.

FasITrd. SA-5 Hosl AdapL

FaslTrak SAIO-_ ..- -.....Filerunner So. (Hvy.)

Filerunner CardFireball

_1-':--__ IIC

Flash Card

Flash Card ControllerFloppy Drives--.,.----_ ••..HardFrmnd2000

H0500UO Subsystems---Impact A2000/810

Impact A500 UD Series




Pre'tpe<tPre'tpe<tMAS.T .

Expansion Tech

Pacific Peripherals

California AccessCcnlaurCentaurCeacwr



Comp- lj-Save




MAGYPEx~TechExpansion Tech

Expansion Tech









Expansion Tech

Expansion TechExpansion Tech'-CSA


IMtronksCasbe Systems



Call A,S

Call ACall 0Cal A,B

'1200.00 0199.00 AD

S 179.95 A,S

S 249.00 C$ 229.95 All

'IH.OO AD'195.00 AD

149.00 C$ 119.00 D$ 35.00 As 395.00 All, 199.00

'173.00 B, m.oo A,C

S 199.00 GCall AllCall All

'17. All'IMl.OO C'179.93 AD$ 199.95 A,B$ 335.00 A,B$ 199.95 C

'699.95 A.B1099.95

$ 249.95 A$ 249.95 A$ 249.95 B1149.'199.95 All'698.00 A,B$ 698.00 A,BS 525.00 D$ 229.00 D'17!l9.00 0

'759.00 D'1109.00 D$ 749.95 CS 229.95 G$ 179.95 All

S"19.95 Ii.'ll9!.00 C'749.95 Ii.$ 329.00 C$ 698.00 A

Call All

649.'849.00 Ii.

'165.00 A.CS 399.00 G

Call A







SlotDriveExt. DriveonveController



X BoxBox






Ca,dInimWIn •••••••






Controller, adaptor, bus driver.SCSI controller, plthru.SCSI controller (6), ST506 (2 drives).ST506 controllrr kit.

44MB HD, •• lemaI ('1400). SCSI.MacinloslHDm tibIe 3V.· . use w/emulators.Converts non-autoboot COil troller to autoboot.DMNSCSI overdrive controller.External floppy disk drive.3y'-inch extemal8oppy.Extemal80ppy w/BAD. accekrator 5Oftware.EnhancaXT8~rd, uptoI.OM81l~.Allows full autoboot of 2090 and 2090A.DRAM controller.Dual Iloppy drive, power supply and 6' cord.W/out pown' supply.Atigns diu. _ perlOnno ceadIwrit< •••••.~ diu. dri>a. modIwrile _.

Interface for hard disks and devices.Two 3Yt-inch external floppy drives in one case.Dual drive with built-in virus protection.5Yr oopp,. w,1:Kiih-1n VIrus protectKln.

Adw.nced autobool Eprom w/l'ftDOwb&e media ItOnF.

t10pp drive.SCSI interface card.SCSI DMA controllers, autoboot.SCSI controller, supports 3Vt-inch drives on card.Suranung tape up Iystenu, toComplete system wl20MB drive. Fast RAM option.Quantum drift 40MB SCSIcontroller.Up to 8MB RAM option, SCSI, software included.

SCSI controller, RAM expansion 8MB and up.SCSI cntroller, with optional RAM up to 8MB.

Dual &opp, diu. dm<.31-114MB capodty, Jo.h; ••••• ronnatt<d.

32 124MB ($1677) w/fan.20--180MB ($1899) available.SCSI DMA controller, Burst, Share, Throttle modes.SCSI DMA ronti"oUeT. Burst. Shared;Throu)e moon.Autoboot. SCSI controDer: 90. 136. 182MB available.SCSI DMA controller. Bunt. Share. Throttle. modes.32MB hard card, 48MB: $939.95.SCSI interface. autoboot, DMA.3Vt-inch external drive.Kit lOr SCSI hard diIll)'lteJD.

20MB drive'. SCSI conuoIIC'r. 40MB available.20MB. 30MB: .95. availabar wl2:MBRAM $269.95.DMA SCSI hard disk interface, auto-booting.32MB hard drive.20MB to 6660MB capacities.n 8 Drive.

32M8 hard dri~ and fMBIO KB.HD ~1CI'facr; ST·SC)6 MFM or RLLSCSVRAM DMA autobooting controller, up to 8MB RAM.20.30, 45MB, 4OQ, 8OQ. IOOQ HD, RAM subsystems .•

Page 40: 1990 03 Amiga World

R A I D " A I I B lJ Y I I 8 GlJlDI

Impact HC PlusImpact HC Q SttiesImpact HC Series



Muter'·AMuter 5·A_HD----SAIOOOSA2000 Hosl Adaptor

SMOO HOlt AdaptorSCSI__

SCSI_--StarDrive SCSI ModuleSupraDrive 2o-5S0MBSupnDrive 44R.....-4.4"pi ••••••

TwindriveUnidriveVaullW...,.. "IOIQW...,.. SCSI_X·1lAIiI




IJIICIUIitJ Int.•.•..,.usi.eComspee


MicroBoIK5SupraSupraSupraSupra Colt>





Call CCall CCall C

Cd C'149.00 C

9!l!I.00 CCall A,C

$ 159.00 All$ 2j!g.00 All

'499.00 C'119.115 AI,$ ~.OO B$ 246.00 0$ 336,00 A

'179.115 C'~.OO C

$ 129.95$ 499.00$ 995.00, 799.00, 179.00, 199.M

Call$ 139.00

Call, 899.00, 179.00, 519.00



NASv.Ext/Int.ExternalExt. DriveI••••••••


X Box






StarBoard2Bu,Slot, BusSlotSlotSloe



20, 30, 45MB SCSI HO on autoboot HOD controller.40, 80, )00 Quantum SCSI HD on autoboot, DMA.20, 30, 45MB SCSI HO. autoboot, DMA controller.40. 80, 100 I HD •••_ 5_ Diok •••••••.

44Y HDController, SyQuest drive. removable media.floppy disk drive.Sy'·inch floppy drive.-... diPal40YB _ w/QJd ••••• _.

8801t miao lloppy dill drift •

AutobootingISCSl. supporu removable media.HD SCSI controller, supports removable media.SCSI controller. supports removable media devices.Auto<onlip•••••a• ...-s from,... bard disk.1_•••bard diob ad __

High-speed SCSI interface. clock.Byte sync, SCSI, pass rhru, and auto-conflg.Unlimited capacity with removable 44MB cartridges.20MB SCSI oyystem; SOYB ••••• 60MB available.InlAmlal modem. adda a oerial pon.SCSI hard dilk conrnUor. ••••••••• AMAX.

Two 3Y,,-inchfloppy drives in one case, pass rhru.Upgradable to twin drive. 3y"·inch external floppy.20, 30, 40, 65 MB hard drive.Hard card. prefi>mwted. Wordoync DNA. 105Q0 _.Allows HD IICCeII dunn, modem or MIDI oprration.,xpuu'abIe &om OK10•••• in 2MB iDm:menu.


AX., Spirit $1195.00 A.B Bus Allows PC/XT.i\T.$lyle board expansion.But; Expandtt Bill's Boards $ 495.00 A.B Bu, Sub Assemblies turn BabyAT Box into expan. chassis.Dual Serial Board ASDG $ 249.00 C Slot Provides IWOadditional serial ports.110oo1__ ASDG , 199.00 C Twia X •••••••••• 2 oeria1 puna ••• Twia-X board._1IDe.. GVP , 259.00 A.C Slot Eo.temaI HD ••• -... .- V•.•••••• arda.GPD_ ASDG 199.00 C Twin X Givn Twin X GPIBInfinity Machine MAST. Call A.B Bus Up to 64MB of 32-bit memory, SCSI controller. 08882.Mini·nck C ASDG $ 195.00 B Bus 2-sIot lorro I SU~I, + 5 \'011 pow~r supply,SD Chusis Ccmspec $ "9.00 All Drive Chasis holds 2 5Y.- or 3y'.inch d~vtces.-- Chodpoinl , 199.00 C •••••••• puna.

SIlAMIM+ 1IiD'._ CaB D Slot _1lAIiI card..-,. •••• up. .--.q.Subsystem 500 PacifIC Peripherals $ 249.00 A Bus 2·A2000 slots: $399 wirh floppy disk drive.TB·2122 Micro R&D Call B Bus Toolbus; allows use of A2000-51yl~cards.TB·2522 Micro R&D Call A Bus Toolbus; allows use of A2000-slyl~ cards.TU-UOI Yim>RIoD Cd A IIua •• espoado<'" 111-2522.TooI_ bpanoioa Tech , 189.M A.B IIua 2-A2OOO-. 1 _ •••••••••auppIy: 5 amp; SlSS.M.TJ • dllO IntmlCti've' Vd. , MIl •• A IIua Indudea "P"mjon _. SCSI c0ntr0lier. cable.

TwIa X ASDG , 519.00 C Slot Dual IEEE lI59 _ board.

J8M=h /990

Page 41: 1990 03 Amiga World



4004 Geolockable Encoder40045 GenJockable EncoderA2!OO Genlock

.••••••up. - -AmiGeDAmlUn!<




CalarSpli_O;P-Droid~.VIew GaIdEasyl 1000

Easy12000Euyl500fF GeaIock C-f"DpedNJJty

FIlck-Oll'-...Frame BufferFrame CaptureFrameGrabber

Fa Cr tb .256

FUhlre Touch 15 Kit

Fa•••• TouchS~Gcnisc:an

Image Worksyscem

Imprint 3.0

•••••••••• -. CoodroUerIS __





MIP ED Beta Video

MIPHI 8101MVIdeoMIP_s,-MIP VIIS Video PloductiooMediaphile 1.3 Sy.ternMicl"OSeaTch Digi-View

miniGENNeriJd~ _ Pni

o-l-GEN 7GlnnOaud-GEN 711Omni·GEN 721/722Presentation WorkstationProCEN

_ VIdeo DiIl-SoV •••• SrerieII5-View: n.e eM ~doa

Magni Systems

Magni Systems



RGB Video

R & DLR & DLR & DLMicroSrarch

New Tek

New Tek

Anakin Research

AnakinAnakin Research





Liquid LightSpiritEdu-Vid Research




ASOOShMpInk weD Systems

A·~ ua redA-SquarwA-Squared

Interactive Micro

Interactive MICro

Interactive Micro

Interactive Micro

Interactive Micro



Nen"klOmicron Vtdeo

Omicron vtdec


Amicore 101.


0.",1AnUro",Software Sensations

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S 18000.00 NlA

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S 695.00 All

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S 3995.00 C

S 6995.00 C$ 129.95 AllS 295.00 BS 450.00 C

S 399.00 A

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$18000.00 N/A

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18M, Video

IBMVideo slot

Moo ••









Denise soc



Frame Buff















Genlock. w/fuding, keying; wzconrrol box: $1995.

Adds SIMS output capability to 4004 features.

(h'erlay Amiga graphics on PAL or l\'TSC video.

light pen and driver.

NTSC genlock; overlay.

Inleractive video editiPK.cOntroller.

9 x 6 Summagraphies draw tablet w/stylus, cursor.

12)( 12 Summagraphics draw tablet w/slylus, cursor.

12 x 18 Summagraphics draw tablet w/stylus, cursor.

EJectronic color wparator; UJe with digitizers.

Automated 6kcr wheel for Digi.Vaew.

Video digitizer will! PQ!'e~ gender chanRr.

Pressure sensuive graphics tablet; auro-config.

Pressure sensitive graphics tablet: auro-config.

Pressure sensiti\'e drawing tablet; aUIO-config.

Enhanumelll; leu IF work. with NTSC genkd..

Reduces hi-res jitttt on Multi-sync monitors.

RedllttS intttlatt fticker scan Ii"no","__ "":"~ ,,

Stores and displays color frame overscanned image.

Optional chip set for use with Frame Buffer.

Real-time color digitizer.

Real-liD\(' color digitizer.

Converts video monitors into touch screens.

Kiosk w/A2000, drive, 1MB RAM, and TIS monitor.

Hand scanner; 4V•. inch scanning width, 4000 dpi.

Image processing and analysis sySlem, up 10 30K.

Polaroid Palette image r«ordrr and software.

cmkiC1: with lOOPing YKIco input; NTSC. PAL

Control infrarrd devices via software .

Tabid w/cordlns drvices. cable, softwaT\~,

Graphic tablet with driver software and cables.

200 dpi, 4)( 6.4 inches, 18-bit color scanner.

300 dpi, 8.5 x II inches, 24-bil color scanner.

~ dpi, II x 17 inches. 24.bit color scanner.

Hi-reslightpen and ~re.RraJ...time video dillritizrr w/HAM IUDDOn.

Real-rime video digitizer w/video effects.

Real-time video digitizer w/power supply

Sony ED Beta deck, camera, and A2500.

Sony HI 8MM deck, camcorder, and A500.

Sony MDP-510 Laarr disk. player.

Son VHS video deck., AmiK'l: Iflltm.

Audio{Video editing, hardware/software package.

Replaces color wheel for digitizers.

Broadcast-quality genlock, switches modes.

Encodes an syna RCB output to compositt signal.

Produces composite or VIC !58 video signals, PAL.

S·VHSINTSC ~nlock. system oroducel Sl:Darate VIC PAL

Muhi-forrnat genlock system.

Produces mulu- media presentations.

Genock..s from VHS, S-VHS, MIl. or Betacam formaLS.

Takes compoute VidCO from video, recorder.

Commercial post production system.CabIt compatible with Amiga 50 Video encoders, ~

A.,;g. World 39

Page 42: 1990 03 Amiga World

B A I D A I I • y I 8UIDI

Scanlock VSI...t

Scanner Interface Package


so;mew I__ 0

~SuperGen 20005SuperGe.n-SC

TCRG-I02,-..sa-._~-IVideo Pro SeriesVideo Toaster


VidT«hGold Disk

Inset Systems



Digital Creation

Digital Creation



New Tek


$ 99'.00$1195.00

$ 250.00

II 29.11!1I 749.11!1$199'.00$ 599.95

$ 799.9>

11595.00I 49.11!1



$ 124.95







RCB out





Video SIOlMouse

External broadcast-quafiry genlock; pit. auto-config.

Canon IX12 300 DP) scanner with interface.

Interface cable and software for HP Laser Jet.

a to N"IW: i II color c:rJIt'm1er.""""" 1GBID dlr_ _____ ._Ia__

True S-VHS compatible genlock and overlay device.

Internal version. encodes RCB to composite.

Time code reader/generator syncs graphics, sound.

., iadt IIGII;••• _ .t_1GB SoDy_..1u •••• \cAwe ••••

Post production system w/Amiga character generator.

Digual video effects, frame capture, genlock.

Three dimensional viewing glasses.


~~•••• p.IlS -l:!I'!!!!Fasl FAXMCS 1000

Micl'OlIhare MCS 8000

••••••••...•-..P. S ; ! ••••••••

Proto "OK






Conup«Inccnctifto V.ee-...ASDGACDAACDA

$ 49.00

$ 129.00

$ 495.00

I 29 ••• 15

I .''''1517 ••• 15

$ 699.95

$ 199.00

$ 599.00

I 79.11!1Cd

I ll!I5.OOCall

$ 279.00













CompositelRF adapter.

SCSI cable adaptor connects to printer.

IEEE-488 interface to 14 devices w/software.

"ClI'~1SOI ' Mh'MiaIerfIc:e.•••....•. . •..-.la- _.

Group III fax machine capabilities.

IEEE primer interface.

Allows 8 computers to share a parallel printer.C _

Net ••• _-- ••..•..--.I&<hannel 12-bit ND; 2-channcl 8-bit NO.

l-channcl ND converter; amplifier, VU meter.

MEMORY .'..••..5MB ClockfCaJendaT


1.5MB Internal Memory

v. •••••11lIW-,_110I_8 MEG Memory Board



BIolIl •••••••• -, -..._.-"..-A2501 ..••MB/OA250 •..••MB/"OO""OI .• MllI8OQ.u.1'-.u.I-tIIMIQ








$ 79.95 A

$ 498.00 C

$ 249.95 B

I "9.00 AI 1_ B12811.1115$ 275.00 B

$ 199.00 C

$ 199.00 C

I •••. llI5 CI •••.llI5 A

79ll.00 D$2499.00 C$2959.00 C

$~249.00 C








CPU Slot

CPU Slot

CPU Slot

Unpopulated A501 replacement; w/512K RAM: $179.95

Memory board for H2000 and H2800.

Unpopulated; .5MB-$3~9.95; IMB-$399.95; 1.5MB-$530.

.15U , : 7 , 1MB -,. ••••••••••• I

Unpopulated 8MB memory board. lorro I.

Unpopulated 8MB board. uses standard 1M-hit DRAMS.

Unpopulated 8MB RAM board, uses PopSimms or SIMM.

••••• _ 11/I, •• 8101_,••••••• wIdl I " I_..... ID DIll BAM.16MHz 680~O, 68882, 4MB RM,i.

16MHz 680~O, 68882, 400 drive.

16MHz 680~O, 68882, 4MB RAM, 80Q drive.---- 4OQ-.

Page 43: 1990 03 Amiga World

---SCSI 3.5" HInI DIsk ome.miJabIe from 20MB llIlO2M11,caJl8b1e of SlIlring up to 116 fkwydiSItetla.

IWIIIIIIM ClIIIIII1EIIDMA direct to ooboard 16KB buffer,provides A2lXXlDedonnance withno DMA side efkcts .

• I'll CNlII EDGEl3IECTOIIThis compact snap-on unit connectsdirectly to the Amiga bus, ensuringthe highest possible performance andreliability.

AIJ11IIIOOTfEATIJIlEAllows the ASOOto be booteddirectly off the hard disk, no floppiesrequired! All hard disk partitions canbe Fast File System partitions.

RAM EXPANSOIUp to 4MB 01ZERO-WAITSTATE,FAST RAM can be added internally.

EXT9IIIAL SCSI COllECTORAllows up to six additiJnal SCSIdevices to be attached.

IlEIJICATBJ POWBl SUPPlYRobust power supply is included sothat your ASOOis not over-loaded.

GREAT VALLEY PRODUCTS INC.225 Plank Ave., Paoli, PA 19301

For more inlonnation, or lor your nearest GVP dealer, call today. Dealer inquiries wel00me.Tel. (215) 889-9411 • FAX (215) 889-9416 • BBS (215) 889-4994

Amiga Is a registered trademark 01Commodofe-Amiga Inc.IMPACT and GVP are trademarks of Greal Valley Products, Inc:.

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Page 44: 1990 03 Amiga World



A!OOI-4MB/8OQAmmeg 1

AX 2000CSI -I




••• tRam

IN lOGOIN_•_IIM501 Memory It Clock Exp.

Maxi Megs

Megaboan:l 2000


MIDI TnmlportMiniMegsIoIbdmep

IoIbdmep ••••


Kline- Tronies








101_SlIpraInreractive Vid


Passport DesignsMAS.T.MAS.T.MAS.T.



Octo-PlusPico Meg.PopSIMMs

ProIlAMI08O\lAM I!lrpuoiaa ConI

\lC4.-RC4 RaJlu::ard

RE 2000-0


Su~SupraRam 2000

SupraRam 2000The Phantom



SpiritMicroBotiaiSupraSu raSupra

SupraDr. Ts

$3599.00 C

$ 163.95 8$ 870.00 BS .10.00 AS 795.00 CS 299.95 AS 429.95 A$1295.00 C, 99.95 A,B

f 289.00 BS 289.00 AS !O9.00 B'129.00 A

Call A

'229.95 CS 149.00 AS 549.00 A,B

S 529.95 CS 109.00 AS 459.00 All

Call A,B

S 169.00 A,BCaD A,B

289.00 CCall C

Call A,B

, B9.95 C

f 299.95 Cf 99.95 Af 225.00 C$ 225.00 A$ 280.00 C

'289.00 A'559.00 A:B'119.00 Af 549.00 A'499.00 D'399.00 D$ 300.00 All

69. A

CPU Slot







A50l slotSlot1.1emaISupraDriveEx •. SlotInternal










25MHz 68030, 68882, 4MB RAM, 80Q drive.

1MB 0 wait state design, auto-config.

2MB expansion.

Memory expalUlOn. dock., unpopulated. up to 2MB.

Con"cru l6-bit RAM to 32 bits.1MB internal ex~n board. auto-<onfig.

Autoconfiguring 8MB expansion board.

32-bit static RAM board includes KickStart.

Memory option for FastTrak systems, socketed SIMMs.

• yer PC bOard. socketed, expandable from OK.I_~MB inlerna1 memory expansion from OK.Un . RAM boards; I fd8: 369, I VaMa: $129; clock .

Standard 512K expansion with dock, unpop.: $54.95.

2MB internal, can be switched in, out of video RAM.

2MB expansion board, upgrades to 8MB.

npopulated memory expansion boar .

2MB memory board. fiu insKie SCSI interface.

14MB RAM ~pansKm in 1MB incremenll .

5l2K RAM board, w/dock, calendar, uses 1MB DRAMS.

Professional MIDI-SMPTE interface.

2MB external RAM board, amo-configs, tachometer.

2MB RAM board. auto-confip. compact Size.

8MB RAM board. converts to 16- or 52-bit,Exp!ndabIe from OK to 8MB in 2MB increments.

8MB RAM, autoconfigures.32-bit 2MB memory module for Infinity Machine.

Unpopulated SIMM boards, 1MB capacity.

Expansion IiCiiro. u es to 8MB,512K RAM expansion card; clockIcaIendar option,

A 100- in~sion card. ~u RAMchip!.OK; $325 for expansion box.

Unpopulated card expandable to 2MB.

OK, expandable to 2MB, uses 256K x 4 DRAMS.

2 RAId. upgrade. to M8.512& RAId and dock.2MB RAM for Su Fa SCSI interface.

2MB memory expansion, 4, 6, and 8MB available.

Supports 2, 4, 6, and 8MB: four-layer PCB.

Allows MIDI sequencers to sync with SMPTE.

1 memory expansion,


At680 Commodore ,149.95 All Serial 1200 baud external modem.

AM-200A Prototyping Board NES Inc. , 49.95 C N/A Provides architecture for custom boards.

A-Max ReadySoft ,199.95 All Ext. Drive Macintosh emulator.

BrldpDmoC ! MJ5yslomi S 97.'" c- 1m. Drive leU Bridgeboard use "Amiga drive&.

"- DroldMit_ell f 59.95 AU NJA

Color 5 - Sunltile Indus. f 99.95 AU NJACordless Mouse Practical Solutions ,129.95 All Mouse

Cordlels Mouse Meridian ,199.00 All Mouse

CSt 5500 Boingl Mouse Centaur ,149.00 All Mouse

DtP·Drold New • 9.911 All ••••~Gua~ A<aonware f 59.95 A,C JOfIIlck

42 MtJTCh/990

Motorius nisi- Vte'W color wheel.Replaces coklr wbeel for digitizen.

Mouse with no srnngs attached.Infrared controlled device accurate to 4 feet.

Optical 3 button mouse.

AUtomatICmoconied &ltei wheel for D d.Allows UK of two PIwer GUDlRmultaneou.ly .•

Page 45: 1990 03 Amiga World
Page 46: 1990 03 Amiga World

• A • • A I • I • GUIDI


Genius MouseImpact TapestoreImpact WT150----PC Elevator 586

PbuerCunPrototypinC Board

_ .•••••••e-t--Serial upander %000Supramodem !<IOOtiSync.bro Es:prnsTI_ne_



1lidIipa--~Applied ReasoningActionwareCelestial Systems


CIAGolden Hawk


, , 1\dI

---$ 49.95 All$ 125.00 C$ 899.00 C.-.• ••• AI$1795.00 CS 49.95 AllS 49.95 C

•• ft.. C._ C

$ 19.95 C$ 179.00 2000$ 69.95 All


Controller5Y, Bay-IBMJoystickSiol



Mouse replacement. 6-foot cord.EPROM kit w/one 150MB tape cartridge.Wangtelr. 150MB streaming tape backup system.

••••• U _ •• 110M. ocWol58It JW(.IIIouIe •••• • •• ' :Increases power of Commodore A2088 Bridgeboard.Light gun for compatible games.Unpopulated Zarro 2 board.

•••••AdopIa _ 1000 _10 AlOOO•

_ _ CIA ••••••••• cImo.Allows use of AIOOO serial devices.Internal modern, asynchronous 2400/1200/300 baud.Ha •..dware/sof"tware combination disk copying system.

•••F ':



AmiSoundAudio 2000

" ClIeUifU.',?;;---Harmony

MIDI For AmigaMIDI Gold Insider------MIDl-Gold .500MlDl-Star


7----_ •.•Practice CenterPr.MIDl InterlaceSound Sampler

IIoiiiiii •••••,•• Ow

. n "sI_n n r •••••••

U M."A /990


AmiTechDay's-•••••TnolicImpulseSkylesGolden Hawk--.-Golden HawkSpiritDale!

Vi---'The Piano ProfessorPro-TronicMirneucs

•••• _ e

$ 169.95 All$ 99.95 All$ 79.95 C

7'1_ AI• •••• AI$ 200.00 All$ 49.95 All$ 89.95 C

• _ AI• ••• AI$ 79.00 A$ 26S.00 All$ 59.95 All


• I•••••AI• ••• AJl

csu N/A

$ 64.95 All$ 99.95 All






,I_AI._ AI

.-. AI


2nd Joystick

8-bit stereo digitizer w/MlD1 interface.Sound amplifier. power control box.Internal stereo amplifier.

-... ••• dIIpIay _ boun 10 ••••••••••••••.IN, 11lllU. 11lllUIOUT ._.Recognition of tonal frequencies.MIDI w/one IN, two OUTs, one THRU.MIDI·INfI1-fRU. 20lffs.

•••.•.....•-AflDI-IN, two OlITs. and swuchable OlIT.Multiple port MIDI interface; 2 INs, 6 OlJT, THRU.Standard MIDI interface; IN, OlJT, THRU.

a.a.eI_ e_ pi,."., ± , -- •••••••••••••••••

Interactive workstation. MIDI keyboard, computer.

IN. THRU. 20lITs.Audio digitizer.

eecral.VoIc:e ISle-....-........,-,...•••.•.__ -' .-50..

Page 47: 1990 03 Amiga World
Page 48: 1990 03 Amiga World

BUYER'S GUIDE COMPANY LISTAClW A-sparwd DiIIrlInIdoIu Ct FIlii •••••••••••••• Mae.'." DIciIGl Ct J , ••••

220 BeUe Meade Ave. 6114 La Salle Ave. 1200 Wdaon Dr. 2865 Sunrize Blvd.Setauket, NY 11755 Suite 526 West Chester, PA 19580 Suite 1055161689-7722 Oakland, CA 94611 2151451·9100 Rancho Cordova, CA 95742

4151559-0559 9161544-4825AcIioawarw c."'II-«rt58 W. 255 Deerpath Rd. ..", Uro,.,.,.., PO Box 712 DiJiIroltIaBatavia, IL 60510 87 Summit SL Victoria Station PO Box 206800/848-2555 Brooklyn, NY 11251 Montral, Quebec Villanova, PA 190853121879-8998 7181852-8646 Canada H5Z 2V8 2151459-4493

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Suite 165 4161'185-5555 4151656-2890AISiT«1s I1I6-A 8th St.PO Box 65 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 DaIel~ MaiIIk DGIa s,.-Boystown, NE 68010 2131372-1229 3450 E. Tropicana Ave. 10503 Forest La.4021493-7852 Unit 67 Dallas. TX 75243

CIwtG.r Softwan Las Vegas, NV 89121 2141644-1689AtIG1sitslUuorels lite. 4451-B Redondo Beach Blvd. 702/454·7700100 Westmore Dr.• IIC Lawndale, CA 90278 ,."...... MIUicIIWlea s,-Rexdale, Ontario 2131542-2226 0.,', Box 1090Canada. M9V 5C3 17538 Glen Rd. Reno, NV 895044161744-4246 CIslo"""" l«b.,.".. Gambier, OH 45022

PO Box 2035 6141597·5659 GoItlDiMAfIIJIW lUtutmlrsr CorJI· Manassas, VA 22110 PO Box 789 Streetsville86 Sherman St. 7031530-5353 DIfhl A••• ,.. Mississauga, OntarioCambridge. MA 02140 ,.,..dar cficM, Canada L5M 2C2617/492-0700 Clad ••• ,,. ~ 79 ML Vernon SL 8OOI1l87-8192

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Nashua, NH 030636031424-0269 •

46 March 1990

Page 49: 1990 03 Amiga World

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Along the way, you'll prove toyourself the amazing power of Amigaas the platform of choice for mind-bending, award-winning images at everylevel of skill and ability!

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Page 50: 1990 03 Amiga World


HAIlDWARI•••. 14~ 14•.•••••. ,1In Pl/PIK. I~•••• 1 canTil ••••...•...•••"1·11"" tII'IK. ,••.•••• J.f••• rr-. ,••.•....,·ft IITI-. ....•__.UlIl'JIIM .... ltul••• IIAIIP\.U...•••.. laMoWUIITUmlIIfT naM••• 111 ...•••....•....••.••••••. 11•• fJlllrilll,. 114.•••. 11•• fIIM ••_ 114.•••• _NCl U•.•AMUlIllIl.ICI .•........ 14t..uAUlPUllD ........•••.•",..".IUI, .........••.•",-,W1PlrW/CIL ... 411.•

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Page 54: 1990 03 Amiga World

Open Any Drawerand Discover

Something Extraordinary!Introducing the AmigaWotld Tool Chest,

an Amiga software celebration that makesyou even more creative and productive

than ever before!Entertaining games, useful utilities, pro-

fessional clip art, detailed animation, wildsound effects, music, and more ... exclusivelyfrom the AmigaWorld Tool Chest.

Users of every Amiga model-and atevery level of computing skill-will be thrilledwith these top quality programs and tools.Released in a two-disk set every other month,the AmigaWorld Tool Chest is a fantasticway to enhance your computing career.

CREATIVITYThe Amiga is a graphic goldmine, and theTool Chest has plenty of nuggets ready forvou to fmd!

Each issue brings you elaborate animationobjects, ready for you to make them come alivein your own creations! Choose from a multitudeof vector images, from out-of-this-world space-ships to exquisite dinner table objects, lamps,and more!

Are you into desktop publishing ordesktop design? Looking for original clip artto incorporate into your IFF paint programs?Then you'll be overjoyed with each issue'scollection of clip art that's been speciallycommissioned from some of the mosttalented Amiga artists around.

Plus there's an ample supply of soundand music accessories. Be it bizarre soundclips, melodious music. or computer speechutilities, the Tool Chest will have youraudiences clamoring for encore performances!

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Discovered a corrupteddisk? Need to recover a delet-ed file? Problems in format-ting a bunch of new disks?The Tool Chest is here tohelp! We'll save you time,money, and needless aggra-vation with programs like TJFormat and Disk salvage.

Contents of Volume 1, #3(Available as a back issue)

Life Cycles biorhythm plotterstrucoen data structure generator

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PLUS-AN ORIGINALANIMATION IN EVERY ISSUE!Complete with player program, each ToolChest edition will delight and fascinate youand your friends with original creations fromleading Amiga animators. Classic, colorful,inventive, these are animations you'll wantto see and show again and again! Andthroughout the year, your animation librarywill continue to grow in both value and variety!

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Page 55: 1990 03 Amiga World
Page 56: 1990 03 Amiga World


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17408 Chatsworth St.Haitn Resource, Konyo I,,1n1uJtionDl Granada Hills, CA 91344 Pnu:IietJl SoI,,1UmsPO Box 20609 1073 N. Batavia 'B 8181360-3715 1135 N. Jones Blvd.Charleston, SC 29413 Orange, CA 92667 Tucson, AZ 85716803/881-7518 7141633-1026 MicroS.",.." 1"". 6021322-6100

9896 Southwest FreewayImpulse K"rltJ Corporotioft Houston, TX 77074 Pre'spect Tecltnic"6870 Shingle Creek Pkwy. 2007 E. Chambers 7131988-2818 PO Box 670 Station HMinneapolis, MN 55430 Phoenix, AZ 85040 Montreal, Quebec6121566-0221 6021276-5533 Micn>W.., Canada H3G 2M6

PO Box 79 5141954-1483IMtronks Ufuid LigItl Kingston. MA 0236412301 SW 132 CI. 230 I W. 205th St. 5081746-7341 Prorreulve PmplterolsMiami, FL 33186 Suite 106 ~ Softwtlre305/255-9302, 6903 Torrance, CA 9050 I MlmeIic>ICorporotioft 464 Kalamath SI.

213/618-0274 PO Box 1560 Denver, CO 80204Ingenuity Inc, Cupertino, CA 95015 303/825-414414922M Ramona Blvd. M",..I Sysl ••••• 1"". 4081741-0117Baldwin Park, CA 91706 9500 SW Gemini Dr. Pro-Tronic Sy_ Ltd.800/346-0811 Beaverton, OR 97005 MJSy"- 720 6th St. '227818/960-1485 503/626-8400 1222 Brookwood Rd. New Westminster, Be

Dept. lOA Canada V3L 3C5InbeU Sy', ••••• M.A.S.T. Madison. WI 53711-3118 6041290-16311050·R Pioneer Way 1395 Greg SI. '106 800/448-4564Suite R Sparks. NV 89431 R~DL ProduelimuEI Cajon, CA 92020 702/359-0444 NeriJti eo.puter Gmpltm 11-24 46th Ave. 2A619/440-7666 distributed in USA Long Island City, NY 1110I

Micltip" Softwtlre by Comp-U-Art 7181392-4090Insel Systems 43345 Grand River distributed outside USA71 Commerce Dr. Nevi, MI 48050 by Telmak Ply. Lmt. RetulySoftBrookfield, CT 06804 313/348-4477 30 Wertbeim Ct., Unit '22031775-5866 N.E.S. Corp. Richmond Hill, Ontario

MicltTron 6805 S. W. 8th Ave. Canada L4B IB9Inlemclive Micn>Sy,'ems 576 S. Telegraph Portland. OR 97219 4161731-417580 Merrimac St. Pontiac, MJ 48053 5031246-9311Landmark Suite 20 313/334-5700 RGB VIdeo CreolUmsPO Box 1446 After April I, 1989: New Telt 3944 Florida Blvd., Suite 4Haverhill, MA 01831 3285 Lapeer Rd. W. 115 W. Crane St. Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410508/372-0400 Auburn Hills, MJ 48075 Topeka. KS 66603 407/622-0138

313/377 -8998 913/354-1146Inleroclive Fuko Syst••••• 800/843-8934 Ricolt CorportJIicm11612 Knott Ave. Micn>R~D 5 Dedrich PI.Suite 13 906 Juniata Ave. Ooricron Fuko West Caldwell, NHGarden Grove, CA 92641 Juniata, NE 68955 21882-Lassen St. 2011882-2000714/890-7040 4021751-2780 Chatsworth. CA 91311-3680

8181700-0742 ~JlJJd;"K ~ M Tecltnowgy MicroBolicr I"". PO Box 16660551833 Reddington Rd. 811 Alpha Dr. Padfic Pmplterols Irving, TX 75016Newark, OH 43055 Suite 335 1080 Hiawatha Ct. 2141255-7490614/522-3718 Richardson, TX 75081 Fremont. CA 94539

214/437 ·5330 415/651-1905

54 March J 990

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Skyle, Electric W"'*'231 S. Whisman, Suite EMountain View, CA 94041415/965-1735

Softwa •••S••••ations1441 Robertson Blvd.Los Angeles, CA 90035213/277-8272

Saftwa ••• Tenlrinal3014 Alta MereFort Worth, TX 76116817/244-4151

Spirit T•• 1tno101l1Corp,220 W. 2950 SouthSalt Lake City, UT 84115801/485-4233800/433-7572

Starvision IlIlcrnatianal305 Madison Ave., Suite '3San Jose, CA 95123408/972-2434

Sull1liu IndlUtric,380 I Old College Rd.Bryan, TX 77801409/846-1311

Supra Caf1>oration1133 Commercial WayAlbany, OR 97321503/967 -907 5

Synergy Pmphcral Syst•••5638 Allen Ave., Suite '3San Jose, CA 95123408/972-2434

T.I"",. Ply UtIUnit 12, 126 Queens Rd.Five Dock, N.S.W. 2046Australia 206502/0745-3466

V-ulTcelo IIIlC1'1Ultionallncl2822 N.W. 79th Ave.Miami, FL 33122305/477-2228


V-lIual Aurol Ani_tionsPO Box 4898Arcata, CA 95521707/822-4800

WDIIMr A"ocialcs3306 Horseman La.Falls Church, VA 22042703/533-1236

Xetec lru:2804 Arnold Rd.Salina, KS 67401913/827-0685 •

Now Beauty is in theEye of the Composer

Computers are supposed to save time andtake you beyond your wildest dreams. Why,then, has music software been so difficult touse? Screens full of numbers, awkwarduser-interfaces, and rigid boundaries set bysome programmer's idea of how you shouldcompose. /t doesn't have to be thisway ... Introducing Bars&Pipes, the CreativeMusical Advantage.

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AmigaWorld 55

Page 58: 1990 03 Amiga World

# 13•

Acontinuing series

of tips, techniques,

and tricks for

creating more

imaginative Amiga


•By .Ioel Dagen

56 March 1990


Part I: The Pencil TestREAL-TIME ANIMMION is one of thedistinguishing strengths of the Amiga,and any number of excellent Amiga pro-grams complement the system's capabili-ties in this area. While "Accent" has notfeatured specific animation proceduresvery often in the past, a previous column(june '89. p. 50) did examine eel tech-niques with The Director (Right AnswersGroup) using its partial-screen page-flip-ping, or "BLIT," feature. Here, and inthe next issue, we will take one of thiscolumn's special favorites-c-Deluxel'airuIII (Electronic Arts)-and explore somefundamentals of freehand animation.

By "freehand animation," I am refer-ring to the process of drawing eachframe by hand, making gradual changesto create the illusion of smooth motion.The subject could be anything from acartoon character to a tree waving in thewind. The technique I will outline in-volves creating the finished animation intwo to four stages. Stage one-the "pen-cil test" phase of drawing and testing-isthe subject of the present column. I willcover the three other stages-coloring,compositing elements, and postproduc-tion enhancement-next month.


A face is a good subject to experimentwith in developing animation techniques.You can achieve a great deal of characterwith fairly elementary drawing skills. Re-call how easily we acknowledge a fewlines and a circle as a "happy face." Ourperception is so acutely tuned to nu-ances of facial expressions in other hu-mans, that by simply shifting a few linesin a very symbolic abstraction, we canconvey a great range of expression. Theprimary elements conveying expressionare the eyebrows and the mouth. Simplelines-an upturned mouth and browsarching up in the middle of the fore-

head-make a cartoon face happy. Makethe face sad by turning the mouth cor-ners down, register surprise by makingthe mouth a small circle and raising thebrows higher, or suggest anger bychanging the brows to angle down in thecenter of the forehead while turning themouth corners down. Keep your first ex-periments relatively simple for clarity,and to reduce the work road over a longsequence. Learn how much detail isenough to convey character.

From the Anim menu select Frames,then Set II. To begin you might try work-ing with only five or six frames just tosee how things operate. Create a palettewith an easy-to-view "paper" color, andtwo different drawing colors. (I am pur-posely using the term "paper" color in-stead of background color to avoidconfusion later. Remember that this pal-ette is for the drawing stage of the ani-marion; you can adjust all colors later atthe coloring stage to suit the nature andrequirements of the finished piece.)

Clear All Frames to the paper coloryou have created. You will be drawingonly the animated character. Any back-ground scene you may want behind thecharacter will be painted separately andcomposited with the character at stagethree. The two drawing colors should beadjacent to each other in the palette, al-lowing you to toggle between them withthe bracket keys ([ and ]). Select one ofthese colors and draw the first frame.For this project, choose a style that lendsitself to later coloring with the Fill tool.Use solid, unbroken lines to delineateany area to be colored. 1 suggest usingthe single-pixel brush in the solid-linemode-"d" from the keyboard.

When the frame is finished and youhave made any necessary corrections, goto the Effect menu and select Back-ground> Fix. Fixing the background

Page 59: 1990 03 Amiga World

Mastering these few simple techniques

can put you on the move towards creating crisp,

means that you may now draw over theimage. and then erase or clear to thatimage rather than to a blank screen. Inthis case it is also the key to simulatingan animator's light table (see the accom-panying illustration). An animator, work-ing on a glass drawing table lighted fromunderneath, can register a new sheet ofpaper over a previous frame and see thelines of that frame through the newsheet. He or she then uses this as adrawing reference. We can do much thesame thing in DPaint.

ANDroTopMvPREVIOUS EFFORT.In our illustration, the upper left cornerof the men u bar still shows us on frameone of our animation. Select the seconddrawing color or use the [ ] keys to tog-gle between the two colors. Using thelines of the first image as a reference,draw the second frame right on top of itas shown. Feel free to make any neces-sary corrections because the underlyingimage is protected. When you are fin-ished, hit the 2 key to advance to thenext frame of the animation. The newimage will disappear from frame one,and transfer to frame two. Select Back-ground> Free in the Effect menu tostamp that image down in frame two,and immediately fix the background (Fix> Background) again in preparation fordrawing the third frame.

Being able to see the previous frameas you draw the current frame allowsyou to accurately judge the amount ofmovement to create and to keep all ele-ments well registered, so that, for exam-ple, the nose is not jittering around onthe face while the character smiles. Tog-gling between two drawing colors keepsthe lines of the new image distinct fromthose of the previous one. Continue thissequence of Fix, Toggle Color, Draw, Ad-

smoothly Rowing animations.

In the "Pencil Test" phase of the animation, using Fix Background from the Effect menu allowsyou to simulate the light-table approach of tradtuonal animators.

vance Frame, and Free until you havecompleted all frames. You can always rollthe pages of your animation backwardand forward with the 1 and 2 keys tocheck the flow of motion. When youhave finsihed, play the animation withthe 4, 5, or 6 key.

The animated image will flicker an-noyingly because alternate frames aredrawn in different colors. To make thelines in all frames the same color, go tothe Stencil tool in the Effect menu andselect the "paper" color of your anima-tion frames. Click on Make Stencil andreturn to the main menu and tools. Usethe Clear tool to make the line color inall frames the same. Knowing that Clearwill change any unlocked colors on thescreen to the currently selected back-

ground color, choose a good line coloras the background color, hit Clear, andclick the All Frames option. Stencil pro-tects the "paper" color of your anima-tion, while Clear changes all other colorsframe by frame to the background coloryou have just selected. Free the Stencilwhen finished. The result is a clean lineanimation ready for coloring.

In my next column we will continue theexploration of freehand animation tech-nique-addressing coloring, compositing,and postproduction enhancement .•

Joel Hagen's credits include work in art, as-tronomy, science fiction, and software develop-ment. Write to him at 10512 Sawyer,Oakdale, C4 95361. Please include astamped, self-addressed envelope.

AmigaWorld 57

Page 60: 1990 03 Amiga World


Back to BasicsPart 2Our AmigaDOS experts continue their introductory series to

help acquaint new users with the Amigo's operating system.

By Mark L. Van Name and Bill Catchings

oIN OUR LAST column we concentratedon Workbench tools that let you workwith disks. Disks, however. are only oneof several ways that the Workbench al-lows you to organize information. To ex-plore these methods, let's put a new spinon an old metaphor.


The Workbench treats each disk as a sortof electronic filing cabinet. A disk can

58 March J 990

contain three kinds of objects: projects,tools, and drawers.

A project is basically the electronicequivalent of a paper file. It is typically afile created with a spreadsheet, database,word processor, or graphics program-in shan, anything that you store andmanipulate with your Amiga.

To manipulate a project you need atool-generally a piece of software. Likeyour Workbench Notepad and Calcula-tor, it may have come with your Amiga,or it may be a program you purchasedseparately from a third-party vendor.

A drawer is simply a named holdingplace. It can contain tools, projects, oreven other drawers-allowing you to or-ganize your information hierarchically.For example, you might have a Taxesdrawer that contains one drawer foreach year, and in each year's drawerstore the tax spreadsheets for that year.

All four of these basic Amiga informa-tion objects-disks, drawers, tools, andprojects-have icons that you can seeand manipulate, at least in the Work-bench environment. As you might al-ready know, the Amiga is a two-headedbeast: In addition to the icon-orientedWorkbench, there is a command-lineuser interface, the CLI (also referred toas the Shell in AmigaDOS 1.3). The Ct.Iuses the same basic information objectsas the Workbench, but it gives some ofthem different names. Disks are stilldisks, but drawers are listed as directo- ~


Page 61: 1990 03 Amiga World
Page 62: 1990 03 Amiga World

ries. The CLI also treats projects andtools as files, but with a difference: Youcan execute some files as programs(tools), but not others (projects).

Inside the CLI, files and directoriesalso have icons, but those icons are justspecial files with a particular type ofname. (The icon name of a file is the fileor directory name plus the extension".info." Thus, the Notepad's icon file is

otepad.info.) The eLI also lets youhave files and directories without icons.There are many such files on the Work-bench disk, and none of them are visiblefrom the Workbench. To see a file dis-played on the Workbench screen, it musthave an icon.

KNow YOUR DISK OBJECTSBack to the Workbench-for now. TheWorkbench gives you several ways tolearn about disk objects. The easiest wayto examine an object is to open it. Youcan open an object either by selecting it(positioning the pointer over its icon andclicking once with the left mouse button)and then choosing Open from the Work-bench menu, or by double-clicking the

n f 0 P h e

cerning every object. You can see suchinformation by "selecting" (see above)that object and choosing Info from theWorkbench menu. A full window of in-formation will appear.

That window will show a few commonfacts about every object: its NAME,TYPE (disk, drawer, project, tool), a linecalled lDOL TYPES, and some type ofSTAT S. The mOL TYPES line ismerely a place that shows some specialadditional tools you can use to work withthat object. The contents of the STATUSarea vary with the type of object, as dothe contents of the rest of the window.


For disks, the STMUS area showswhether the disk is "Read/Write" or"Read Only" -that is, whether you haveset the disk's write-protect tab so thatyou can change that disk. An additionalarea displays some size informationabout the disk, including "Bytes perBlock" (488 for floppies), "Number ofBlocks" (the total number on the disk),"Number Used," and "Number Free."These last two measures tell you how

left mouse buuon (again with the pointerpositioned over its icon).

When you open a disk or drawer, youget to see the drawers and files inside itthat have icons assigned to them. If youopen the Workbench disk, you will seeseveral drawers. including one labeledUtilities. Open the Utilities drawer tofind such tools as the Notepad and theCalculator.

Opening a tool or project, however,produces a different result. When youopen a tool, the Workbench starts thattool, but not on any particular project.The tool will then let you load any proj-ect on which you want to work. Whenyou open a project, the Workbenchknows that you need a tool to see what isinside that project. (That tool is knownas the project's default tool; it's typicallythe tool you used to create the project.)The Workbench therefore starts that toolon the project, so that you can both seewhat's inside the project and, if youwant, continue working on it.

The Workbench's knowledge of eachproject's default tool is just one of themany kinds of information it stores con-

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Page 63: 1990 03 Amiga World

n f 0 P h e

much disk space you are currently usingand how much is available. Finally, aDEFAULT mOL line shows you that thedefault tool for disks is the dlskcopy pro-gram. (This line actually reads, "SYS:System/Diskcopy," which is the full CLIname of that program.)

Drawers do not have a default tool,but they do have a COMMENT linewhere you can enter a few words aboutwhy you created a drawer or what kindsof things you want to store in it. Drawershave the same STATUS options as toolsand projects, but different ones thandisks. The STATUS area for drawers,tools, and projects will show four op-tions: ARCHIVED, READABLE,WRITEABLE, and DELETEABLE. Theylimit what you can do to any object(READABLE, WRITEABLE, DELETE-ABLE) and tell whether you have manu-ally marked that object as recentlybacked up (ARCHIVED). Any optionthat is not true will be highlighted andwill have NOT preceding it. The initialstatus for most objects will be NOT AR-CHIVED, READABLE, WRITEABLE,DELETEABLE.

Not only can you merely read the in-formation in this window, you can alsochange it. To protect an object fromdeletion, for example, click on DELETE-ABLE and it will change to Nor DE-LETEABLE. When you then click onSAVE in the lower-left corner, thatchange in status will be reflected thenext time the object's Info is checked. Toexit this screen without making anychanges, click either on QUIT in thelower-right corner or on the close box inthe window's upper-left corner.

Like drawers, tools and projects alsohave a COMMENT area in their infor-mation windows. In addition, they havea SIZE area that shows their size on diskin both bytes and disk blocks. Projects,like disks, also have a DEFAULT mOLand a mOL TYPES area. (There is alsoone other line, STACK, that lets you setthe amount of stack memory that youwant to use when you work on this proj-ect. Advanced users regularly alter thestack size for specific reasons.)

change an object's name. You cannot dothis from the information window-itwill not let you type in the NAME area-but you can easily take care of it fromthe Workbench itself. To change thename of any drawer, project, or tool, usethe same procedure we discussed lastmonth for changing the name of a disk.First, select the object and choose Re-name from the Workbench menu. Astring gadget containing the object'sname will appear in the middle of yourscreen. Now edit the name into the formyou want and hit the Return key. That'sall there is to it.

Next month we'll take a look at someof the other basic operations that theWorkbench lets you perform on disks,drawers, tools, and projects. If you havethe time between now and then, there'sno better way to learn how the Work-bench works than to experiment with it.Good luck! •

Mark L. Van Name and Bill Catchings arecontributing editors to Amiga World. Wnte tothem at 10024 Sycamore Dr., Durham, NC27703.

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Page 64: 1990 03 Amiga World

pointers Information and Ideas on Amiga Programming

ALL PROGRAMMERS SHOULD learnproper memory etiquette. When a pro-gram needs memory. it should ask theoperating system for it. When a programfinishes with a piece of memory. it mustreturn it for other programs to use. Dy-namic memory allocation is easy and themost polite form of using memory. Chandles this process via the Exec libraryfunctions A1locMem( ) and FreeMem( ),and its own functions malloe( ) andfree( ).

With AllocMem( ) you can make an ar-ray called values, for example. adjustableaccording to an integer variable callednum. The AllocMem( ) function has twoarguments: the number of bytes of mem-ory and the type of memory to get.(These flags, such as MEMF_PUBLIC,are listed in the exedmemory.h includefile.) You could write a calculation pro-gram that uses AllocMem( ) as shownbelow:

Int Calculate( num )Int numj{Int success;Int ~alues;ULONG vaLu;

1* And the size of the array, In bytes */vaLaz = (ULONG) num '" slzeof(lnt);1* Then ask for the memory "tvalues =AllocMem(vaLaz,MEMF _PUBUC);If (values I=NULL) {

62 March 1990

Managing Memory• cIn

By John Foust

.ucces. =TRUE;1* Calculations go here "'/FreeMem( value., vaLu )j

}el•• {

succ •• s=FALSEj}return success;


Calculate( ) is careful about memory allo-cation. If the AllocMem( ) returns NULL,the program does not perform the calcu-lations. If the memory is found, you canuse the values variable as if it were a staticarray, in expressions such as:

v8Iues(5)=34 '" values[4];

Instead of an int array, your array couldbe declared to contain anything, includ-ing structures. Just be sure to correctlycalculate the size of the memory block,using the sizeof operator. For accuracy,perform the calculation as an unsignedlong.

You will notice the program reflects agreat concern for failure of AllocMem( ),no matter how tiny the amount of mem-ory. Calculate( ) returns a value ofTRUE or FALSE, depending on whetherthe memory could be allocated. Anyfunction that calls Calculate( ) mustcheck the return value to be sure thatthe calculation went smoothly. If itdidn't, the program should warn theuser that lack of memory caused an er-ror. In more complex programs, an er-ror in the lowest-level subroutine shouldpercolate upwards until a higher-levelfunction can recover from the error, and

all functions along the way should cleanup any memory they allocate.

You return allocated memory to thesystem via the FreeMem( ) call. The pre-vious example calls FreeMem( ) with thepointer to the memory and the memo-ry's size. With FreeMem( ), the programmust remember the size of the allocatedblock.


Every standard C library includes theresident functions malloc( ) and free( ),which are similar to the Exec library'sA1locMem( ) and FreeMem( ). Both mal-loc( ) and free( ) are very portable, let-ting you compile the same program onmany different machines, (Youcan easilytranslate the Calculate( ) example to usemalloc( ).)

The malloc( ) and free( ) routines arewritten in terms of AllocMem( ) andFreeMem( ), In the Manx C compiler, amalloc( ) call for 32 bytes translates to acall to A1locMem( ) for 40 bytes. The sys-tem uses the extra memory to maintain alinked list that keeps track of allocatedmemory to free later. The file mise/mal-loc.c in the Manx C library source codeshows this simple memory scheme. ~


Page 65: 1990 03 Amiga World

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Page 66: 1990 03 Amiga World

Instead of simply calling NlocMem( )for each call to malloc, most C compilersmanage their own lists of memory. Theseroutines usually mimic low-level Unixmemory management functions. such assbrk( ). In Manx you must link the heap-rnern.o file for this type of management;Lattice offers it by default. On the firstcall to maIloc( ), the function sbrk( ) iscalled to get memory from the operat-ing system. It uses AllocMem( ) (0 askfor a large block of memory, a defaultof 40K for Manx C. Each subsequentmalloc( ) consumes a portion of thislarger block.

For the Manx libraries. look at sysio/heaprnern.c to see this imeracuon be-tween maIloc( ), NlocMem( ), andsbrk( ). The block size is adustablethrough a _Heapsize variable, which youcan declare as "extern unsigned long_Heapsize;" if yOli want to reset its valuein your code. Note that you need to setit before making calls to malloc( ) or tostandard 110 functions. Lattice uses_MNEED and _MSTEP for the samepurpose.

In Manx, only one heap block is allo-


cated. In Lattice, the routines manage alist of heap blocks. As a heap block of40K is consumed, malloc( ) calls sbrk( )to allocate another. minimizing the callsto NlocMem( ). Calls to free( ) mark por-tions of these blocks for re-use; Free-Mem( ) is never called. Unlike Free-Mem( ). free( ) needs only a pointer tothe memory. not the size of the alloca-tion. The size is stored within a structurethat precedes the actual allocated mem-ory. within the larger block.

CLEANING SERVICEThe standard C memory functions pro-vide automatic cleanup. No matter whatyour source code says. C programs donot start at the top of the maine ) routineor end at the last line of maine ). C li-brary code is executed both before andafter the call to maine ). Your maine ) isactually called by a library functionnamed .cmainf ). When your maine )function returns (the program ends).control returns to c.rnainf ). \Vithin_maine ). all memory that was allocatedwith malloc( ) is automatically returnedby a standard library function called

exit( ). as a safegaurd against sloppy pro-gramming. During exit( ) cleanup, the Cmemory management routines run Free-Mem( ) on all the large blocks of mem-ory. essentially ignoring any informationin the blocks.

This automatic cleanup does not elimi-nate your responsibility of freeing allo-cated memory. As soon as the programis finished with a piece of memory. youshould return it via free( ) or Free-Mem( ), so other programs can use it.You can use exit( ), however, to clean upafter catastrophic errors. If somethinggoes wrong. just call exit( ). and all mal-loc( ) memory is returned.

While malIoc( ) and Freet ) make someprogramming easier. you cannot usethem for every AmigaDOS job. For ex-ample, graphics imagery must be placedin chip memory. Malloc( ) does not offera way to specify chip or fast memory;you need AJlocMem( ). Be careful: Mix-ing calls to maIloc( ) and NlocMem( ) inthe same program has a downside. Thefirst call to malloc( ) allocates a largeblock of memory that is not returneduntil the program exits, even though

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Page 67: 1990 03 Amiga World

you may need only a portion of thechunk.

Without another layer of memorymanagement like C's routines, AlI()(>Mem( ) has its faults, too. When manysmall AllocMem( )s are made by severalprograms at the same time, memory be-comes fragmented. This means the sys-tem's free memory is broken into manyrelatively tiny pieces. Memory allocations(from different programs) become inter-leaved, and when one program exits, ahoneycomb of free memory is left.

Even though a large total sum of freememory may he present, requests forlarge pieces of memory will fail, becausethe available pieces are so small. Toavoid fragmentation, Exec provides rou-tines called A1locate( ) and Deallocatef ),which make writing an intermediatelayer of memory management easy.

Along the same line is the standard Cfunction called realloc( ), which changesthe size of a block of memory and copiesdata stored in the old block to the newblock. You must supply realloc( ) withtwo arguments: a pointer to a piece ofmemory previously allocated via mal-

P 0 N T E R SCopyMem(ptr, n8W-F, copyslze );1* Free the old block .,FreeMem( ptr, oldalze );

}retum new---Ptr;


If the reallocation can't be made, thenthe old block remains as it was, andReAllocMem() returns NULL. If thereallocation succeeds, the old block is au-tomatically freed. Note that the effect ofthe MEMF_CLEAR nag is ignored inReAllocMem( ), because any old data iscopied to the new block. If the new blockis larger, at least MEMF_CLEAR willguarantee that the extended part of theblock will be set to zero. With Re-AllocMem( ), it's easy to change the sizeof dynamic arrays during the executionof a program, leaving you no excuse forpoor memory management. •

John Foust is president oj Syndesis Corpora-tion and a contributor to a number of Amigamagazines. Write to him clo AmigaWorld,Editorial Dept., 80 Elm St., Peterborough,NH 03458.

loc( ) and a new size for the block ofmemory. The function returns a pointerto the new block. Be sure to use the re-turn value to reassign any variables thatpoint to this memory.

You can write your own version ofrealloc( ) in terms of A1locMem( ) andFreeMem( ). Because A1locMem( ) needsa memory type nag, and FreeMem( )needs the size of the memory to deallo-cate, however, the function is more com-plicated than realloc( ). For example:

1* reallocmem.c .,'Include "execltypea.h"'Include "exec/memory.h"'define MIN(e,b) (e)<(b)? (e) ; (b) )void ·ReAlIocMem( pU, newslze, oldsize, type )void .ptr:ULONG newsize, oldsae, type;(void ·new.-p1:r:ULONG copy.ae;

,. Allocate a block of the new size .,new-Ptr=AllocMem( newslze, type ):If (new_ptr I=NULL) (1* Copy old data to new block .,copy.lze=MIN( new81ze, oldslze );

See us at the AmlEXPO In Washington, DC March 16-18 Circle58 on Readerservicecard. AmigaWorld 65

Page 68: 1990 03 Amiga World


By Linda Barrett

"ELIMINArE BARRAX life-forms from the planet Terrain-ia's surface and subterraneanemplacements" is your mis-sion. It translates to "Keepshooting!" as you (and afriend if you wish) pilot yourspaceship through this verti-cally-scrolling arcade gem.

While the Barrax appear tohave a sizeable defensebudget. you have only yourflying skills (use the mouse,not the joystick, for the bestcontrol), three Nova SmartBombs (which destroy every-thing within a half-screen ra-dius of the ship), and your"ready" weapon. As in mostshoot-tern-ups, destroy a fleetof fighters or a specific shipand they wi1ljettison weaponscapsules. Catch the M capsuleand you gain a much-appreci-ated Nova bomb. Catch a col-ored capsule and you eitherupgrade your current weaponor convert to a new one: redMagnetic Torps, blue Anti-Matter Particle Beams, orangeMagma Waves, or green Em-erald Lasers. Tailor theweapon to the target: fighters,invisible ships, mother ships,and ground installations. Easyto say but harder to do with25 weapons configurationsand five levels.

66 March 1990

You can easily tailor thegame to your skills in the Op-tions screen. Choose one,three, or five extra lives, yourinitial ready weapon, the max-imum number of enemy bul-lets, their bullet speed, and thedelay between enemy bulletfirings. The minimum settingsgive you a chance to see trou-

The game's most impressiveelement is speed, both of theon-screen action and your re-turn to it after you die. Youdon't have to wait for gronk-ing disk drives after you lose aship (or all your ships) whileyou are fighting on the sur-face-just click the mouse but-ton and go.

Rampant destruction to a , •.•• t but.

ble developing, while the max-imums require instinctivemovements. I found the de-faults challenging enough fora start.

Battle Squadron's presenta-tion can't be beat. The graph-ics are sharp and provide agood feeling of depth. Themusic and sound effects matchthe mood of the scenes well(sinister winds blow you downto the subterranean levels).

Stunning graphics, stirringmusic, and fast action: This isthe kind of game the Amigawas meant for. Buy it! ($49.95,lnnerprise, 128 CockeysvilleRd., Hunt Valley, MD 21030,301/785-2266. No specialrequirements.)

Crib NotesBy Peter Olafson

SNAKE-HATER INDIANA Jonel wouldprobably buy a pet boa bato", hawould be able to completa the actionYel'llon 0' Indiana Jonel and the LaltCrusade (lucaafllm, $39.95). It'l thathard.

• Some general IldvIca on Level One:The knlfHhrowel'l are pretty unpre-dictable and crazy guys; It's hard totell just when they'll let fly, and they''''perched clo.. enough to platfonn'sedge to make dispatching them In-convenient at best. Try to IUp betweentheir throws. Do not atop on brldgel.They'll collapse as you croll.

Watch your head: The cellIngl are-. than tIlay look ••. yow lumpo •••higher. Etther way, It'l a good idea to)\Imp from ropea at a pol" _

below the platform you're aiming tor.If posalble, my down and avokl Jurnt>Ing _ an anomy fsclng you, •• tIlaywill typically choose this moment toshoot you. Keep an eye on those Ita-Iactttes. Every ding you take counts.

Heading down and to the r1gh~you'll eventually come to a kmg hang-Ing rope, a torch, and a narrow rockpassage. You can reach this appar·entty lnaccesllble area from above byrope, but you don' want to go there,even wtth a parent or adun guardian.Ifs a big red herrlng. The lone torchIt holds II Inadequate recompense 'orthe time spent to obtain It, and twodeath traps make It a painful leamlngprocess. You'll want to go up the rope.But not right awey. wan until the sta-lacttte falll before getting the toreh.(Keep an ear open 'or those CNnch-Ing sounds.) Don' be In a hurry toJump on the platform at rope top.WItCh a bit to Judge the re&atlYeSpeedl and positions 0' the cllmbefa.

ContInued on p. 14

Page 69: 1990 03 Amiga World

WHICH WOULD YOU RATHER FACE-OFFAGAINST?Konaml" introduces two more ruthless opponents

for your home computer.Whether you want to get crushed against the boards or have

your body drained of blood. the choice is yours.

In Blades of Steel~control ice-blistering speed andmomentum. asyou fire the puck past tenacious defenders.duck punches thrown by high-sticking enforcers oreven protect the net from 100 mph penalty shots.

And in Castrevania" joumey through the mosthorrifying maze of evil ever devised. battling unearthlycreatures with your mystic whip and masterful sensesuntil you come face-to-fang with the death defyingCount Dracula.

So grab your hockey stick and silver cross. then gohead-to-head against the kind of competition you've

dreamed about J 1'''11' A "6''"And feared. V '.U'III1'"'' 81aMs otStHlls awrl<lble tor Commodore~

IBM" _rid Amlgaf'Q1stlewl~ Is ft<a'lable tor Commodo~ and

IBM. Available tor Amlga Fall 1990.

Circle 25 on Readef sevce card.

Page 70: 1990 03 Amiga World


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Page 71: 1990 03 Amiga World


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SHIPPING INFQ: Soltwara ShlpPlna rates are $2.50 per item usinO UPS Ground service (1TIIJr.$1.50) or $4.50 per item usino 'UPS 2nd Day Air service (JTW;. $13.50). For Fadertl E:qIJISSshlP91flO rates and conditions, see first paoe. APQ, MaO, torelon shIPt>inO e~ra. Call lor liard-ware rates and other shiWino Into. "RETURN' REFUND POUCY:' All rsturns must ha ••.••InRMA-I. Call CuSlomer service 10 requtSl onto Defective mercha!ldiu under warranty wII berepaired or replaced. Returned product must be returned poslaoe Pfapaid with all orioinal pack-l{IinO. bchanpes lor same product only. OTHER POUCIEI: We don' cha/oe your card untHthe product ships. PurchaSf! ~r customers must hm credit application on lile. No wrcllataelor VISA and Me. WIlen orderino with cledit card. lea •• incIudll ftlUl. dalft and name o! !WI'l

Amlga Is alradftmar1l of COmmodore·Amlga. Go Amigo Is In no way associaled with CommOdor~·AmlgaDe~Yery sut\iect to proouct mllability • Prices subject to change" Cl1111 2e o. Rudel SIJTlu Cln!

Page 73: 1990 03 Amiga World



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.H~. (NewV~)••••••••eesec.•••Of! TIfIlIPnI••..''''''''''".,..hll!TUIllr

SAMES'" ....lh & klcne$••••5BllAllJdl sm

AS"".--~-••••------...~"'"--•... ',,'"••••••••••••••••••••••••••Ao_Ao""""",,-•.........,~......,."'."'"AsIrl1rl1lhAunl ArtlJC Adventure•••••••••

J6 '" ""'"15 ~olPowef52 BiIlInce01Powef1990).l ila.$ll.24 ilartllrunliol Q" ilartllrunll25 ilalil'Shlell27 ilallTWl.15 ilattleChess.23 ••. Battle 01 Britlan74 ••. ilattle01MIlIwa116 ll.-l ilanle !>Guadron24 !llInleTech,.37 BallJehawks1942







"". 43~.~


GUIrriIlIWlI/ 31Glmhip .... 37•..... "IWriIr COmIlaI 35•••• _ 39ftIronolINl.lI/lce 29ItgIISteeI 28_ J6

ttl DIsk! 34-HoIIi~0nI: 25HoIIi~ OneCOl.na 15-- ,..- 51-"" "-.-.. "ItlslIgI . . 30

••••ltou'ldolS/llilow 31IU'nIrl K*lQ MKIlIlt 28IUt ~ Red0d0Der 36

- .21,,- "I.'lNu .lanes (Doom) 28Indy .lanes. AlMnbn 36Indy Jones. Atcade _ . 29:mFill ~IIllIma*lnaI 5oa:If 28

"'~TrlIdIer1,. 31••• 11CJmt from TI'e Oesert. . 35

JHDlausGoll 37.•••••sc-y 20Rws 29

'" J5.Jiln 21••• JoIn 01 Are . 31

Joker..... . 33

~ ~Ka/I'cIr~ ,_46IClIrlile Kid. .. 28

ll.-I Keel IN Tile! 36Kerwledy,l,pptoacl'l. solGc*sllII12. . 17KidT~ 34-~ 20I(tlQ A.rtllur , 37~orE~ 3:2KniQ/11force . . 31I<ristaI . .. 35lanuster.. .. 31Ll/M;elo1. 29

••. tlS ViOlS. .. 19last Duel,.. .. ,.28Last I~, 28Lealhemecks 29LEO Storm. 29legeJlCl .. ".. 29LegeJlCl or lljrI 36

'IlooILi::1ll1t1to kiI. . 29linur. Suitlarry II .. 34lombflrdRat1 29lordsolIhlRisintlSoo .. 33--W Hoops(1MB). . 32Major Molkrl V

•••.~I.bnsIoo 34MlIrl1l!MlIdness 19Mull 18 VMInact. . , 24...~"...I..:.::::~

w1.lillllJum2_2 37MinllAoI 22~Con8lII 35••••••• .J6~Oleek. . ",.25Nighll)ftn .... 25Hir'lllMIs:sIon 18

"'North&SoullI 34Hlldur WlI/ 36-- '"OIlShortW_ 29

&~BakI~ ;0per&1JCIICIun Slretls. 28-- '"'""" 21•.•.. ~POW 28•.•... ."- "PUdinSmIlIIllI 19

"--~ .32••••PIr$Yn~ Inferno 29••• Pwsonal NigIlIrrIare . 29

PI\a'llasII. 31-- "...... "" ..- ""*-' PIIgue vP\pIDrum 31'*'" IlllllSl 29

""""' "-- "PocoM-. 31PlllIIfSciWt 24

.~PooIoI~ Call....- 33~WllIIdsDisk ... 21

••• Postman P" 29I'vwefSllcks 24I'vwef SlnJOgIt 29PowefOrome 29"""- fm. 27Pnsott. ,." .., ,28

••• Pro f~ SimlA.llor 27••. Pro TIIlflIS Tour 31

Project NePI~ 27PulzMSt~,. 29~" . .. 27

ll.-lOulirtz " " 36ll.-IO!HJst fGr Time BirdS 3G

O!HJstron II.. .. 35

lWnDoMI 27

~ThlSUrl. ~Rulm of \hi Trolls 37Rulm III\hi WlII10dI 25

""'..... 39""'""" "- 21RelJ;mToAlIlIIrbs. 19llMnve 01Oetencler 'l7AIIynIng'**book 31AICIlDangerou$ 37- "-- "~ ~_-.. Z7__ 33

""""" "RogelIIIbtit 31AoI Oul 21

••• AoIIfeo...-l\Iltie 3D••• f'lonIn» 01 3 Kingdoms <Ill

Fll:Ima*E-*1 29RVf Hcn:II 31•..•...... "ScaryM~ 'l7Scer*Y C\IsIc1 or 11 18Soenery C\IsIc,. 20Seanls Oulllolang 21ShViolltlsFrom Spac:e 2951..-. 01tile!lust 34•••••••• 33ShqhIi.. 29S/wIotlI.... 33..•~~ ~So:leShoo<. 31..•..•. "SiemSerw;e 2.SiliconDrums 25

llolISimCityT!ffJirl£Qlor 11SimCily .. 31

orSbteWIB 34~lIluter... .2.~(;h,se...... ..28Sky f9Jler... 19Sk)1oJ M 19SlrtOOn'....... ...29~trNm.. .. "..."".11Smooth hlQr.. ..36SnaQ Pit. . 24Sc*tillr.I'loyalI ,,,,,.,,, .. 22Sorceref lord" 28

'IlooI~Ace 39Spice Cutter , ,.20Spice ~rrler " 36Spice Racer.. 21Spice Ranger ' .. ". 18Spice SdlOOISO'nINtor 24Spice SlaUOl"l.. 16•..•... "

wS/ll'llriCll... 29Sl*lWorlcl. ... 25SpitIWlgI~.. 29SUirGooslI 29Slar Rq... 31Star WlIISTriloQy 35::.,," ~SLlIfGIiderII 32

=:erw.:;e" ~:SlDckMMm GlIrm 19SlorySOfir 29StreetC. 19__ 29

Stndef. 29Sll1l Peter om (£acfI) 15~Pd:er I 28

••• SlIIll car "- 34-..- "-- "SwonI01Sc$n 34••• SwonIs IIITlliIiIp. 36- "l*Sra'I 31~:r=- ~

T~. 36

'''' Z7TICIn!CIlps 34T.EIK 'Z7'....... ",_ 29T•••• I 'Z7'- "TeslQriwI 3DTal QriwI om (lid.) 15tal DriveI MusdIc.n. 15Tl1rlIlluesI 'Z7Tetris.. 25TIne StooQes 31nul Riclge 34

""""'" 21flmll!llndils 28flmll&1.bgik 31fllll/l 31Tom & JerTy 23TrJce<li 21Tr~er 24Triad.,. 36T~X 29TrMfI PurSI.it 29Turbo ".. 11

••••TVSports !llIslletD.Il 36TVSports footml 36TwilillhtZOOl! 29Ulbllllllll.... 29tiflJlIIlIlV.. .39UMS~laOisks." 25Under Sea ComlllllnOO . 304Uninvited " 31UnrI, Miotlry Sim. .. 3Ii

lIr'oYerMlit .35Varrcw,'s Errcw. .. 11Vegas GImblrr .. 3ll

orVtt18 Call

~ .:~VOf\tll •• 29WlI/~ MlOdIIElI/IIl 35Wlll1odl. 28W""" GttUly Itodlty ).lWIlert ~ Gods U. 36

••• WIlleONIII 39__ 21

Wltllffllllm 31W_ ~WMl aass COurst DIsk 15WorldClaaWdllIlolrll 2SIWorld01fliQIll 109WorllISnooIlwllikds 22WorldTropIly5oa:If 2lI_. "-- ""'- "bnyGoll 19ZIlOGrwny 21Z_ "ZOI1cZtro fwlGrJlQ::sl 40

EOUCAnONMoof5llDlll .. 35AeslJp's f-. cur-nl... 33AeslJp's f-. (HiIlOa1 .. 19AI ADoul.t.rlllriQ ....• 42__ J5

ArlIIunN9Jts :J5AI TI'II ZOO 31CtId<Ittl.ittIe .19~rlIU01"l 30

=O.,l(jl ....~Oinosaurs.-.r.Fortver. 29lllscoYery Qa,1aDisks .15Oi$cOYeryMlIlh 25lllscoYerySoel. . .. ".25

llooOIDrstant Sl.ns 51Am letltfl....:l Words 36Ant Sl\IpU. . 34~raetionActiott .. ,,33Grlllle"''"'tier. . 69Inlelitype. .19~SlIIII'.. 29IOnller'lIIlI ... ".... . 33lnrnlOll Curv!,. 55lirlkwonlllOllu'tleS . 24liltll Red Hen". 19logic:Multr. 36MIQlCilIM\'IM 36Mlle~k". 29"'lthT_ .. ".. 34Math T~ frXlions 34MlIlh Wlntd .. 35MalNmation 59MI'IIs 8ucon . 33Music: SIUll!nI 1 c

"'Mutri fh 43OppositesAttract 31Ptrltct Sccrt SAT ... 52

••••~ .• 51!Wad& Rh'frrle 33!Wld-A·~ 33Reope fa>; 2lI_... ~Tllrllllllrs. 22Ttvee til1lI Pigs 19Trip 35

:"~USA ~W!lere ~ TI'e Wort! 30__ J5

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or Arro;I sr.;s . 12Aldo lMsIIr 2.0 . 63

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Page 74: 1990 03 Amiga World

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Page 75: 1990 03 Amiga World


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Page 76: 1990 03 Amiga World


••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• II •••••••••••••••••••••••••••


By Patrick Quaid

SOFTWARE PIRACY TAKES anasty turn in Space Quest II I.Instead of stealing programs,the pirates kidnap the pro-grammers. As Roger Wileo, youmust rescue the Two GuysFrom Andromeda. so they cancontinue writing a series ofcomputer adventures aboutyou.

With the keyboard ormouse, you control Roger ashe rummages around full-screen, cleverly designedscenes. He can be hidden byforeground objects and canmove in and out of shadows,creating a convincing three-dimensional effect. When theaction geLS too complex, youcan type in commands. Theinterface works well because itfocuses your attention on thepuzzle rather than on the sub-tleties of the interface itself.

The puzzles, to be honest,are more fun than difficult. Infact, Space Quest II I has moreof the personality and peculiarlogic of The Hitchhiker's Guide tothe Galaxy than the Hitchhik-er's game did. You get toknow the strange charactersand outrageous situations, andbefore you realize it you'vefinished the adventure (if you

can avoid the quick deathlurking around every corner).As the game progresses the sit-uations become increasinglyinteresting, and the biggestsurprises come in a hectic andexciting final sequence.

The graphics are obviouslydesigned to be portableamong computers, so al-though they look fine, they arenot up to Amiga standards.The character animation, how-ever, shows an uncommonpersonality and style. The

background music changeswith the scenes to enhancethem. You'll miss it during si-lent sequences.

Space Quest II I requiresonly 512K and one disk drive,but because almost everyscene has to be read fromdisk, a hard disk helps loadtimes keep pace with thegame's tempo and humor.($59.95, Sierra On-Line lnc.,PO Box 485, Coarsegold, Qt93614,209/683-4468. No '/J<-cial requirements.}

Park your .~.hlp and h8Ve a k)ok around.

..................... .INDIANA JONES AND THE LAsT CRUSADE

By Peter Olafson

LUCASFlLM HAS PULLEDoff a pair of cracking goodgames: an addictive actiongame and an ambitious ani-mated adventure built aroundthe movie Indiana Jones and theLast Crusade, Face it. You'regoing to be up late.

74 March J 990

They're two very differentsacks of snakes, so let's takethem separately. The actiongame (produced by U.S. Goldfor Lucasfilm, $39.95) is anabove-average rendering ofthe classic platform game:climbing, jumping, ducking,punching. You guide the Styl-ishly Unshaven One through

four difficult levels-a mine, acastle. a blimp, and the finalticklish run for the HolyGrail-while collecting torchesand whips and punching outminions of evil. (See "Crib •.

""'" p. 66You'll need to do , bit of rope switch-ing your"tf on the way up.

Now, how to get at the crou? tf.too high to Jumpto Ind the rope's nouse. The obvious routa up entail.much frultl.s. banging of the headagelnst the ceiling. Aim a IltUehigher.tf. e,.y 10 mi•• tt the flr.t time. Butwatch that other climber. There I.room above him on the rope.

Now you're In the clear lor the runacross the train-top. Don't stop run-ning once you've triggered the train.Walt until .ny enemies nave turnedtheir backs before jumping. Nextthingyou know, you're In the castle. Con-gratulations. Now you help me.

• You've e~ored the catacombs be-neath the library In Indy's companiongraphic .dventure (Lucasfllm, 549.95)and come up almoat dry. Juat thathook. You can't Iitt the slab (It's nottmpcrtant anyway), and the torchwouldn't move for the mud. Youfoundeverything available for the taking, butperhaps you could do somethingabout the mud. There's plenty 01water. You just need something 10carry tlln. You'll needto be more thandiplomatic to get tl Usa psychology.

• Oneof the loughest puzz~s In GoldRushl (Slerre On-Una, $39.95) Is •••.sembling points In NewYork.Where'.that bank account number? Yourfriend at the bank will get it for you,but there'. a better way. Soon, you'llbe on a roll.

Another lough nut Is finding yourbrother. The path to the aectIonof themlna he'. In doesn't look like a path.Do you recall a ladder that doesn'tlook like It's going anywhere?

• Wlnler leaguer. In Earl We.verBaseball (ElectronicArts, 549.95):Thecomputer m.nager'. recommendedlineups can be weird. Earl doesn't .p-peer to con.lder secondary positions.The way around it: You ~ck the play-er•• and let the computer managersetthe lineup with them.

• Shadowgale (Mlndscape, $49.95)can seem as .mall as I loolshad atthe beginning, even atter you find thatodd looking rock In the pessagewall.•.

Page 77: 1990 03 Amiga World
Page 78: 1990 03 Amiga World

Notes" for a walk-through oflevel One.)

Every level has somethingdistinctive, whether it's the air-sickness-inducing bobbing ofthe blimp, the bank-cameraangle of the final level, or thecute animation of the ropeclimbers on the first. Indy andthe backgrounds are very welldrawn. The routes throughthe levels are devious. Play isjust hard enough to infuriateand just easy enough to dragyou back.

Some of the logistics, how-ever, didn't quite work for me.For instance, a whip should bea near-inexhaustible resource,but here they are treated asexpendable ammo. Beyondthat, a less useful weaponwould be difficult to find. Theanimation for cracking thewhip is slow, meaning you canuse them safely only whenyour opponent's back isturned. It's much easier towaste the whips on rocks anduse your fists for people.

The action game couldprobably have existed withoutthe movie. The real Indygame is the graphic adventure(from Lucasfilm itself $49.95).Moving from the intro at In-dy's college, to his father's ran-sacked apartment, Italiancatacombs, a German-occupiedcastle, a zeppelin, and the trapand tricks of the Grail trials,the game has lots of puzzles.Be prepared, they gel pro-gressively nastier. The goodnews is that you don't have todo everything the way Indydid in the movie; I found asmany as four potential solu-


Tour the catKombs wtth Incllaiu .Jones.

tions to one puzzle.The standard Lucasfilm in-

terface takes on a new andbetter look in Indiana Jones.You still click on verbs listed atthe bottom of the screen andobjects either appearing in thescene or listed below, and,voila, Indy or his father Henrytry to do your bidding. Talk-ing and fighting, however, arenow part of strategy. (You'llhave to learn to do one or theother in the castle.) In addi-tion, the Look option providesmore description, and thegame uses overhead viewswhen Indy explores corridors,which eliminates mapping.

All the usual quiet Lucasfilmhumor, bright graphics, goodsounds (slushy shoes), and at-tention to detail are here.(fake a look around your of-fice, or at the bulletin boardon the way out.) The anima-tion, on the other hand, seems

curiously slower than usualand the pace is less compel-ling. While you can movefreely within each discretearea, you can't travel at willbetween them, making it feellike you are following thedead hand of the movie.

It's also somewhat less inti-mate in "feel." I didn't playthis as obsessively as I playedZak MacCracken and the AlienMindbenders or identify withIndy quite as readily as I didwith Zak. That may owe to thegame's popular origins, therather removed perspective ofthe overhead views, or thesmall size of the Indy charac-ter compared to characters inthe earlier games. He's really alittle fellow, and actually kindof cute. (Luccsfilm, distributed bytilecmmic Arts, 1820 GatewayDr., San Mateo, CA 94404, 4 J 5/57/ -7 J 71. joystick required forthe action gamL.)

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS

By Timothy Trimble

BASEDON HISmRICAL ac-counts of China as it grewfrom chaos to three kingdomsto one nation, Romance of theThree Kingdoms is one of the

76 March J 990

best strategic simulations Ihave ever played.

Your main goal is to uniteChina under one ruler. Withhistorically accurate personali-

ties of 65 generals, you face amajor challenge as you fightand negotiate your way to rul-ership. You can win stateswithin China through battles, ~

(You did find the rodl, rtght?) The woy

to the larger world It: In the MirrorRoom, and I don't maen the hole Inthe noor. You'll need something fromthe Drogon Room 10 lHu. through.

." you're WIIndering allover themountain at the beginning of Journey(Infocom, 549.95), stop, restart, r.ItOr e. tt won't bike youany place. Youneed the map 'rom the shop In thevlllag., and even that's not enough.

Do I have to spell tt out for you?

• The B power pilla are the most dey·aatatJng weapon In 1k8r1 Warriors(Elite, $39.95). Grab them Ind ovoid

plckJ"ll up onythl"ll but ommo-Iovelyfor entertaining "rue crowd&. StandIttll while you're toning them, h0w-ever, as Wa ••• y to advance Into theblest I'8dlua while on the move.

Don't .~ndon your tlnk until treout of fuel and smoking. Allow tt toblow up In tome judicloul place (likenext door to • bunker).

Don't bypall too many enemy acl-die,., bec8u•• they will reappear 11the bottom of acteen. He who ad-vanc•• too awtftly up the screen I,aent home In a beg. Take tt one step

at. time.

L.OIId~ move out, and we'll do It Bg8Jnnext month. 0


EJectronIc Arlo, 1820 G_ 0<., SonMateo, CA 94404, 415/571-7171.

Elite Systems Ud., distributed In theU.S. by Keypunch Softwara, 1221 PIo-

neer Building, 51. PaUl, MN 55101,612/292-1490.

Infocom, dlatrlbuted by Medlegtnlc,388S Bohannon Dr., Menlo Park, CA94025, 4151329-0800 .

Lucutllm, dlatr1buted by EJectronk:Arts, 1M add •.•••• bove.

Mlndacaptl, 3444 Dundee Rd., N0rth-brook, IL 60062. 3121~7667, 8001221·9884.

SIerrI ~ne Inc., PO Box 485,Coarsegold, CA 93614, 209/683-4488.

Page 79: 1990 03 Amiga World


diplomatic relations, and con-vincing other generals to joinyour forces. Keep the peasantshappy by increasing landvalue through cultivation,building up flood prevention,and offering rice and gold.The last thing you need is tohave your general killed bythe masses. Plundering willdrop loyalties but will increasethe amount of gold, rice. andwomen that you have. You can


tion per turn, either move-ment or combat. The mobilityof the troops is dependent onthe amount of training theyhave received, the amount ofweaponry they are carrying,and the weather. Various typesof attack are available, includ-ing an option that allows youto trick and tfap the enemy.The intelligence of your com-manding general has a lot todo with the success of this op·

Now you control the f8te of China.

give women as gifts to yourgenerals, which is great for in-creasing their loyalties.

Should all else fail, attackthe other states. The battlescreen is a very colorful hexlayout of the countryside, cas-tles, rivers, and mountains. Anice table is also displayed,showing the statistics of theenemy. Battles allow one ac-

tion. Watch the supply of ricefor your hungry troops; itdoesn't matter how muchstronger you are than the en-emy if your rice gets taken.

Overall, the game is a verywell-done simulation with afantastic manual. While I wishit relied on the mouse insteadof the keyboard, I highly rec-ommend Romance of theThree Kingdoms. ($69.95,Koei Corp., Suite 540, 1350 Bay-shore Hury., Burlingame, G494010. One megabyte required.) •

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Page 80: 1990 03 Amiga World

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Buy the Mela4 500 with up 104MB RAM, and later addthe Trumpcard SCSI controller.Mela4 500 w/2MB $SISt;_ ~>Trumpcard Option $165

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Circle 132 on Readet sevce C81d.

Page 82: 1990 03 Amiga World

from p. 18board's synchronous design makes itmore sensitive to system timing than theothers, and the non-auto-configuringmemory makes it a bit non-standard.Though there are jumper settings thathelp adapt the board to your particularsystem, I found one A2000 in which Icould not make it work at all. The Hur-ricane 2800 should appeal primarily tothose most concerned with getting themaximum performance for the mini-mum price.

GVP's is the original 68030 acceleratorboard for the Amiga, and a proven per-former. Since its initial release, GVP hasfixed a number of minor design flaws, sothat the board is now functioning quitesolidly. Also, while early versions of theIrnpacl drive interface were reported tobe fairly slow, the interface now ranksamong the fastest available for theAmiga, with drive reads of up to 650kilobytes per second. Finally, in its 33MHz incarnation, the GVP board isclearly the fastest of all acceleratorstested so far. Its biggest drawback is thedesign of its memory board, to which


you can add 32-bit memory only in fairlyexpensive four-meg increments. Al-though the company insists that nybble-mode RAMsincrease performance, mytests show the Impact board to be nofaster than the Hurricane 2800 whenrun at the same clock speed, even withburst-mode memory access enabled. Iwould also prefer a SCSI interface.While the AT-bus interface is a cheapway to add a hard drive, it does not sup-port devices such as rernoveable-mediadrives, tape backup units, and CDROMs. Despite these reservations, GVP'sboard is an excellent choice. It can beconfigured to suit a variety of speed re-quirements and budgets, and even with-out its expensive memory, it providesperformance rivaling 68020 acceleratorswith 32-bit memory.

A2630Commodore Business Machines1200 Wilson Dr.West Chester, PA 19380215/436-4200$2195No special requirements.

80 Marcil 1990

see ua at the AmIEXPO In Waahlngton, DC March 16-18

cece 90 on Aeadef seoce card

Hurricane 2800Imtronics1230 I S.W. 132 CourtMiami, FL 33186305/255-9302$1195 (28 MHz with two megs RAM)No special requirements.

Impact A3000/A4000Great Vall., ProductsPO Box 391Malvern, PA 19355215/889-9411$2999 (25 MHz with four megs RAM)$3999 (33 MHz with four meg' RAM)No special requirements,


Tighten up your sound samples.

By Steve Quinzi

THE LIBRARY OF Amiga music soft-ware has been growing nicely forthe past few years, except for onedisappointing void-the area of sampleediting. Sure, there are several goodsample-capture and -edit programs formanipulating IFF sound files in theAmiga's internal audio domain, but out-side of Sound Lab from Blank Software(which works only with the EnsoniqMirage), there has been no Amiga soft-ware to support the multitude of profes-sional-level sound samplers on themarket.

All of this is changing now with the re-lease of the MIDI Sample Wrench bydissidents software. With this programyou can transfer waveforms to the Amigafrom any sampler that supports theMMA Sample Dump Standard, a formatset forth by the MIDI Manufacturers As-sociation for the transfer of sound sam-ples through MIDI. Once loaded intothe 'Wrench, samples can be modifiedextensively through a number of very so-phisticated editing features with high-fi-delity 16-bit format, and stored indissidents' own MSWl formal.

The package includes a program disk

Page 83: 1990 03 Amiga World

Catch a wa". In a window.

and a disk of sampled sounds. There aresome very useful utilities thrown in, suchas the 85VX-lO-M5W I and M5W I-to-8SVX utilities, which convert 8SVX (IFF)samples to MSW1 format and vice versa;the Talk 12 and Talk 16 functions, whichexchange sounds directly between theAmiga disk and a sampler without open-ing Wrench; Play MSWI, a tool thattakes sounds directly from disk and playsthem from the Amiga's keyboard; andPlay Remote, which triggers a remotesampler from the Amiga's keyboard. An-other utility allows for communicationwith the Akai 5700, 5900, and 5950 sam-plers, which interpret the Sample DumpStandard a bit differently.

The program's copy-protection schemeasks you to type in a randomly selectedword from the manual. If you type the

R E v E IV S

Not your ulual Envelope Generator.

ing the window to get a bigger picture.The CTRL-M and CTRL-L key combina-tions put you into Play mode, allowingyou to hear the waveform either througha MIDI keyboard or the Amiga key-board, using the Amiga's internal soundchip. Although the fidelity of the eight-bit Amiga audio will be noticeably lowerthan when playing from your 12- or 16-bit sampler, you will probably end upusing the Amiga sounds to check youredits-waiting till the end to send thesound back to the sampler-as a transfercan take minutes. (The slow transmissionrate is inherent in MIDI.)

Dumps (transfers) are initiated by se-lecting either Send or Receive from theMIDI menu. Data transfer is made possi-ble by the Wrench's library file, whichcontains the information necessary for •.

wrong word or misspell it, you arequickly returned to the Workbenchscreen (a non-copy-protected disk isavailable for an additional $30). Theprogram requires 512K of RAM to run,but one meg is recommended. I triedrunning Wrench without expansionRAM and found it so limiting that it waspractically useless.

MIDI Sample wrench opens onto anempty screen with a menu bar. From theProject menu you can open edit win-dows one through three; the Setupmenu offers options to vary screen color,define backups (internal, external disk,or none), and to choose between a 200-or 400-line display; the MIDI menu letsyou specify the sampler you are usingand to initiate sample dumps betweenthe Amiga and the sampler.

IN THE WINDOWSEach of the three edit windows sports adifferent color and a different set of con-trols. All can be open at the same time.Each is topped off by a color-matchedmenu bar containing options pertinentonly to that window. The Wrench is nota sample-capture program, but you canget a waveform into an edit windoweither by loading it from disk or bydumping it from a sampler.

Once a waveform is in a window youcan scrutinize it pretty thoroughly bymagnifying, zooming in and out, scroll-ing left, right, up, and down, or by resiz-

cece 73 on Reader Servce cere A miga World 8/

Page 84: 1990 03 Amiga World

the program to communicate with sam-plers. There are two libraries to choosefrom: one for 12- and another for 16-bitsamplers. I tested MIDI Sample Wrenchwith a Yamaha TX 16W and an AkaiS1000, and found that dumps to andfrom the Yamaha came off without ahitch using the 12-bit library. The S1000,however, required that dumps gothrough the Talk 16 utility, thanks toAkai's improvisation on the SampleDump Standard. Though the sound wastransferred flawlessly,having to use theutility rather than the Wrench libraryproved a bit cumbersome.

PROCESSED SIGNALSThe program offers an array of verypowerful DSP (digital signal processing)features in its Functions menu: The Gainand Scale to Full options let you vary thegain (level) of a sampled sound. Gain in-creases or decreases the level in .1 dB in-crements up to 30 dB, while Scale toFull automatically increases gain to thehighest level available without clipping.The Reverse function plays sound back-ward, while Invert performs phase re-


from .1 to 3 octaves and a center fre-quency adjustable from 5 Hz to 95% ofthe Nyquist frequency (half the samplingrate). It also has bass and treble shelvingwith a definable break point. Both EQscan be applied for either a boost or cutof 20 decibels (dB). In addition, thereare high- and low-pass filters with a de-finable cut-off frequency. You can selectfrom three filter orders (slopes): first (asix-db-per-octave roil-oil), second (12 dBper octave), or fifth (40 dB). While a 40-dB roll-off may seem severe, it is handyfor preventing aliasing when transposingor resampling. I am surprised that thisotherwise-complete section does not in-clude a 24-dB-per-octave or 4-pole filter,as 24 dB is such a common slope.

ENVEWPE, PLEASEThe Envelope Generator turned out [0

be different than I had expected. Not atraditional envelope generator that ap-plies an overall envelope to an existinggain shape, the MIDI Sample Wrenchversion is like a graphic gain shaper withwhich you can draw (via mouse) a spe-cific gain characteristic for a wave or •.

Y-'?C-;f: YOUR TURN!~ /7 -


MIDI Sample Wrench is very flexibleand does everything that an Amigasample editor should do. The tech sup-port person called me right back andwas very informative.

-Do", Travi",Schen"tad" NY

versal, flipping the wave upside down.Combine Samples mixes waves from anyof the three edit windows: You can de-fine an offset so that one of the wavesstarts before or after another, and youcan set their relative levels. A wave canbe combined with itself in this way for aflanging effect. DC Offset attempts tocompensate for direct current (a squarewave), which may have been impartedduring the sampling process, by addingan equal but opposite amount of DC tocancel out whatever is there.

The Digital EQ section is great. It hasa parametric EQ with a range adjustable

AMIGAProgrammersWanted!The AmigaWorld Tool Chest has created afantastic opportunity to publish new, uncir-culated Amiga programs. If you've writtensomething special for the Amiga, and wouldlike to earn some extra money, please con-tact us for our Tool Chest Author Guidelines.Perhaps you'll be the next Tool Chest Star!

AmigaWorId Tool ChestSubmissions Dept.AmigaWorld Magazine80 Elm St.Peterborough, NH 03458

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Page 85: 1990 03 Amiga World










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.., -lD& _ OD-boanl e.-toa L8.IChip, e,-bto.bpn:N hu tIM power to traaa(er u IQ1( tmaeeof the cm,tn.aI dJ..U;d1.reetly to ,.. bIaAk dbk • qalcldy, NmpIy ad without an,. 1IM1' ~e.80 It dou.'t matter wbat kiItd of Data H there or whetber the dMk •• "protected'" • 8YDCUobpl'eU wW make aa J4eatlul "CIODe" of your oJilln&l wltbout,.... ODe external dbk dri_ ••required·,

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Circle 83 on Reader sevce C81d.

Page 86: 1990 03 Amiga World

part of a wave. The Envelope Generatorwindow opens over the edit window, lin-ing up precisely with the left edge. Theenvelope affects only that pan of thewave in view.The Envelope Generatorwindow has a center line representingzero dB and offers three ranges of sever-ity: +/- 10, +/- 20, and +/- 40 dBof gain. Once you draw the envelope inthe window freehand, the program goesto work calculating and then displays thenew shape in the wave edit window.

The Fs Transposition option can re-sample to different sampling rates,change the sample-playback rate, andtranspose waves to different pitches. Ithink pitch transposition could havebeen better implemented; as it is, youmust calculate the frequency at which toresample, then bring the wave back to itsoriginal playback rate. Maybe I'm lazy,but I would like to see the program per-form the calculations.

A Compression facility is available forleveling the dynamic range of a sound.The Wrench's compressor is much like ahardware unit. The Treshhold, or levelat which compression starts, is adjustable


a window opens with a graph, the x axisrepresenting input (the wave shape be-fore transfer) and the y axis representingoutput (after transfer). A straight lineplotted at a 45-degree angle through theintersection of the axes (unity) results inno change to the sound, as input in thiscase is on a one-to-one correspondencewith output. Changing the line with oneof the preset shapes or by drawing withthe mouse, however, alters output. Whateffect does this have? You can never tell.Think of it as a quick and easy way toadd weirdness to a wave.

FIT, or Fast Fourier Transform, calcu-lates the harmonic content of a wave asit changes in time, and presents it as apsuedo 3-D graph on screen. Frequencyis plotted along the horizontal, ampli-tude on the vertical, and time on the di-agonal of the graph. Six resolutions areavailable from 1024 point to 32 point,with 1024 having the highest frequencyresolution (and taking the longest to cal-culate) and 32 point having the greatertime resolution. According to the manualthis function is not accurate enough tobe used as a serious analysis tool and is •.

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from 0 dB (which in this case is cali-brated to represent maximum level) to-60 dB. The Ratio-degree of compres-sion-is adjustable from 10:I to .2: 1.

MIDI Sample Wrench is excellent, andonce you learn it, it is easy to use. Ittakes advantage of the Amiga's style,which some ported programs do not.The more you work with the program,the more you find you can do with it.

GiIbm&UriSeaute, WA

Note that the fractional ratio will resultin expansion and must be used with cau-tion as this function has no safeguardagainst clipping. You can adjust Attack,or length of lime before compressionstarts, from .01 to 20 milliseconds, andRelease, the length of time compressionlasts, from .01 to two seconds.

When you select the Transfer function,


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Page 87: 1990 03 Amiga World
Page 88: 1990 03 Amiga World

meant only to serve as a guide. I like itjust the same.


Looping is the meat and potatoes of anysample editor, and the Wrench is no ex-ception. You make a loop by placingmarkers-either using the mouse or bytyping in sample numbers-at the endsof the section that you want to affect. Tofacilitate the looping process there is azero crossing finder and a Cross FadeLooping option that mixes material fromthe end of the loop with that at the be-ginning, or some of the waveform fromthe start of the loop with the end, orboth. View Markers lets you see the looppoints, and View Loops draws a horizon-tal line below the two markers to indi-cate a sustain loop and above to indicatea release loop.

Markers can serve not only to set offloops, but also to help keep your placewhen zooming and so on. The ViewMarkers menu presents the six markeroptions and takes you directly to the oneselected without scrolling.

The Clips menu is home to the Cut,


sampler, MIDI Sample Wrench is amust. It is the most powerful Amigasample editor of any kind I have seen.You may consider using the wrench justto edit Amiga sounds-a little expensivefor this purpose maybe. but the DSPfunctions alone could prove worth it.

MIDI Sample Wrenchdissidents730 Dawes Ave.Utica, NY 13502315/797-0343$279No special requirements.

PROFESSIONAL PAGE 1.3Screen mirrors page.By Chris Dickman

GOLD DISK'S UPGRADE of Profes-sional Page, the leading high-end Amigapage-makeup program, has a number ofimprovements and new features. It's also •.

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Copy, and Paste functions. Before youcan use these options you must define anarea of the wave-with the mouse ormarkers-as a Clip. The Wrench can ac-commodate six dips on a clipboard. Youcan name each of these individually, andplay them from the clipboard itself. Youcan also cut and paste them among thethree editing windows, and if you findthat your splices look a bit sloppy, youcan smooth them out with Free HandDraw, a function that lets you redrawwaveforms with the mouse.

Not only is MIDI Sample Wrench awell-written and professional program,in some ways it is a milestone productfor the Amiga. Unfortunately. though,not many samplers support the SampleDump Standard. and some of these donot adhere strictly to the MMAspecifica-lions. So if the wrench is to succeed, itmust support a variety of samplers-50Simplemented or not. Dissidents says thatsupport for the Casio FZI and the En-soniq EPS is coming soon. That's a goodstart, but Roland and Korg owners arestill out in the cold.

In any event, if you own a supported


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The AmigaWorld Tool Chesthas created a fantastic opportu-nity to publish new, uncircu-lated Amigaprograms. Ifyou'vewritten something special forthe Amiga,and would like toearn some extra money, pleasecontact us for our Tool ChestAuthor Guidelines. Perhapsyou'll be the next Tool ChestStar!

AmigaWorld Tool ChestSubmissions Dept.AmigaWorld Magazine80 Elm St.""terborougb, NH03458

Page 89: 1990 03 Amiga World

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Circle 110 on Reader Sevce card

Page 90: 1990 03 Amiga World

the first serious attempt to address aproblem that plagues such programs onall computer platforms-that is, the needto create as exact a match as possible be-tween the screen and printed page.

Differing resolutions and imagingmodels of display and output deviceshave made this problem the Achilles heelof graphics-based electronic publishing.For those using Postscript printers, theNeXT computer has come closest toachieving this elusive goal by driving thescreen with Display PostScript, therebyusing the same imaging model for bothscreen and printer. Adobe Systems re-leased a scaled-down version of DisplayPostScript last fall for Mac and later forPCs called Adobe Type Manager. JU"M'svastly improved screen fonts can also beused for output to non-PostScript de-vices, such as dot-matrix printers. Theresulting print quality of medium- tolarge-size fonts is far better, althoughsmall fOOlSprint much the same.


For US,the problem of matching thescreen and the page has been exacer-


bated by the unwillingness of main-stream software developers, such asAdobe, to develop Amiga publishing so-lutions. Thankfully, Gold Disk has re-sponded with a solution that may extendits domination of high-end Amiga pub-lishing by including more dot-manxprinter owners, The company has li-censed fonts and font-scaling technologyfrom Compugraphic, a manufacturer oftraditional typesetting equipment andPostScript imageseuers.

Compugraphic versions of the venera-ble Times Roman and Helvetica are in-cluded with Professional Page 1.3, andmore type styles are available from GoldDisk ($99.95 for 35 fonts). You can stilluse standard Amiga bitmap fonts andeven mix them with Compugraphic fontsin a publication. but the result, as always,is jagged-edged characters.

When you select a Compugraphic faceand start typing, a separate program be-gins scaling the fonts for screen displayfor the current type face, size, and pagemagnification. The process can take awhile and the resulting scaled charactersstick around, taking up memory and/or

disk space. Professional Page simply isn'tviable on a system with one megabyte ofmemory. I found that it crashed andprovided an out-of-memory error aftercreating only four lines of text in twoCompugraphic faces and sizes on a sin-gle-meg system. A requester lets you al-locate various combinations of disk orRAM space for holding constructedfonts, but you will need at least two megsand a hard disk to do useful work.

The same slow font-scaling process oc-curs when you print to a dot-matrixprinter. While the cache you create in asession is automatically saved to diskwhen you quit, a cache-editing programhas been included to create custom setsof permanem screen and printer fonts.

Are the fuss and hardware require-ments worth it? The Cornpugraphicscreen fonts are definitely the best I'veseen in the Amiga environment, andeven rival those of Adobe Type Managerat large point sizes. On dot-matrix print-ers, Compugraphic type will be goodenough for many users down to 10points. but it's cleaner at larger sizes. Itake issue, however, with Gold Disk's ~

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="':'~~::.:::::~::Nt:hiIettrtural design . 23.00.Art gIlIery t . • • 20.00.Artglll8lyll 20.00.Art_I. .. 20.00.Artplrtsl... ...20.00M pI(\S II 20.00Award maker plus . . 32.00BroedcI3I TIller 1811.00Butc:het .. . 25.00C light 3d eclilor .. . 39.00Calligrapher help . . 28.000Ir0ma Plinl .. . .. 48.lXlColor splitl~ 79,00Comicletler . . .. 1lei.00OeIUlCepa)ntII 89.00OeIUlCePlinlill . 102.00OIIuxe print II . . 55.00OeIuxe photo lib 102.00OIIuxe proOuc;tion .137.000eIUJl8 't'ideo II . 69.00OeIlgf\lSllUl"\JS ..... 32.00DigI peinl . . 39.00Oigi pIIlnt help 2<4.00Oigl..... 131.00Director'. Toolkit 26.00OpWItheip 2<4.00ExprsI paint. . . 65.00Expre. pPlllll .. . 88.00FormIInIlighlI, n.oofutln deIign 3-d . .. .. 23.00Graphic stWio • . . 35.00tbnIn deIign 3-d 23.00kon~ ..58.00In.-:t 55.00Inter'chIl"08 32.001n'IiIion............ ..108.00LightI c:.r.. Action 49.00Micr'obot d8Ilgn 3-d 23.00Modeter 3d 64.00McMIIl!fter lIi5.OOPIgI flippIr Ix . .• •.•.••. 11600Pwtet:t 'Iieion ..•............ 175.00Photon~c:isk 19.00Pt1oIon ~ 85JXlAlOkln •.•• 2.0 ......•...... 97.00Photon pIinI: help .. . . . • .. . .. 2'3.00Pt1oIon 'Iideoc:elllll'lim. IJ1.ooPbmIIe C3.lXlPml:n...-plu$ 33.00PriIm C3.lXlPro ¥ideo plunetl.. .. 8lOOPro ¥ideoplu$set n 8lOOPro. ~ lolling dpeint 35JXlProvideo plus, . un.ooSculpt 3-d •••• 64.00Silver turbo .. . ... 129.00The Diredor . -46.00Turtlo....... .129.00T'HIt'Iow... . .. 64.00T .••.tex\ .. . .. 64.00VideOeffects3d 121.00VIdeo.::epe 3-d .. 120.00Videotitlet 95.00Zoetrope . {ll'OO

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Clrt:le 134 on Reader Service card.SHOWROOM: 22 Front Slree', Woree.ter, MA 0161"

Page 92: 1990 03 Amiga World

claim that "even a dot-matrix printer willproduce professional-looking typesetdocuments, making a PostScript laserprinter unnecessary." No program canproduce professional-looking typesetdocuments on a dot-matrix printer. Pe-riod. If you need professional quality,get a laser or use a service bureau.

And what of the PostScript environ-ment? PostScript versions are includedwith the Compugraphic fonts, so you willnot only get better screen representa-tion, but be able to use the downloadablefont at prim time. Gold Disk has said itwill be supplying a library of Compu-graphic fOOlSin the near future-goodnews for those of us starved for Post-Script fonts in Amiga format.

WHAT'S MOREBeyond the addition of Compugraphicfonts, Professional Page 1.3 has enoughimprovements that most publishers wouldhave called it 2.0. Support has beenadded for the QMS ColorScript colorPostScript primer and color-separationabilities are enhanced with the addition ofundercolor removal and gray-component

REV E W SProfessional Page from its position as thepreeminent professional-level page-makeup program. This version justlengthens the gap.

Professional Page 1.3GDld DiskPO Box 789Streets villeMississauga, OntarioCanada L5M 2C2$395One megabyte required.


Linking with the rest of the

professional computer-graphics


By Mitch Wells

ONE HALLMARK OF a truly "profes-sional" computer is its ability to inter- •.

replacement. A "wireframe" mode for dis-playing vector graphics speeds up screenredisplay, as does the new ability to dis-play text in "greeked" (scribbled) fashion.If you use Gold Disk's Transcript wordprocessor, you can now display that pro-gram in a window and quickly move textback and forth between it and Profes-sional Page documents. This makes majorediting much easier.

Graphics import has been improved ina number of ways, notably with the abil-ity to import bitmaps limited in size onlyby memory. Professional Page 1.3 auto-matically scales birrnapped images to fitthe box created for them. Also, you cannow import and print EPS (Encapsu-lated PostScript) files created withProfessional Draw (Gold Disk) or withMacintosh and IBM PC structured-draw-ing programs such as Adobe Illustrator,complete with color information.

This is not to say that Professional Page1.3 is without limitations. It cannot rotatetext, for example, or display facing pages,automatically wrap text around objects, oruse style tags to format text. Still, no otherAmiga program comes close to dislodging

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90 March 1990


Circle 74 on Reader service card.

Page 93: 1990 03 Amiga World




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Page 94: 1990 03 Amiga World

1. Sculpt-to-Targa at a 12x10 aspect ratio.

face, or exchange and interchangeinformation, with other "professional"computers. Certainly the Amiga is one ofthe front-runners in the computergraphics arena, but computer artistswant to know how well the Amiga inter-faces with PCs and Macintoshes.

ImageLink by Active Circuits can offerthe Amiga that interfacing ability.ImageLink is a format-conversion pro-gram that transforms most Amiga 21-and 24-bit pictures into the 8-, 16-, 24-,and 32-bit formats currently in use on


Macs and pes. ImageLink also convertsfiles between different Amiga 24-bit for-mats, and can create standard IFF pic-tures from 24-bit files. Finally.ImageLink allows Bridgeboard users torender Sculpt (Byte by Byte) 24-bit RGBfiles directly to an AT&T Targa graphicsboard installed on the PC side of anAmiga 2000.


In this context, 24-bit video refers to thenumber of bits it takes to represent thenumber of possible colors in a picture.Five bits allows the standard Amiga 32color modes, eight bits gives 256 colors,and with 24 bits, any pixel is capable ofdisplaying anyone of over 16 millioncolors. While the Amiga by itself cannotdisplay a 24-bit picture, there are a num-ber of boards you can hook up to theAmiga that do. Among these are Mimet-ics' Frame Buffer, Impulse's VD-i, andfor Bridgeboard owners, AT&Ts familyofTarga boards. Unfortunately, becausethese boards will display only a singleframe of video at a time, doing anima-tion with them requires a single-frame

2. Targa-to-HAM at 320x 480-no cropping.

controller and a capable video deck.Further, the least expensive of theseboards goes for around $800, with Targaboards starting at around $2000. Theyare certainly for the serious user.

ImageLink too, is priced for theprofessional user, but it fills some criticalgaps that graphic artists and video pro-ducers are keenly aware of. Besides ren-dering directly to Targa boards (with theSculpt-direct and Targa-direct modules),ImageLink does file conversions betweenthe following formats: IFF (including •.


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Page 96: 1990 03 Amiga World

ASDG's 24-bit IFF spec), Sculpt-AnimateRGB, NewTek's Digi-View 21 bit, Macin-tosh PIc[, TargaFile, and Impulse'sTurbo Silver RGBN format. Active Cir-cuits promises future modules to inter-change GIF, Sun Rasterfile, and TIFFfiles. and as we go to press, the companyhas released a module to read CaligariBroadcast files and to read and write 8-bitplane IFF files.

MAKING CHANGESUsers of Interchange (Syndesis) will beright at home with ImageLink's inter-face. Double clicking on the ImageLinkicon brings up a requester that lets youchoose between the To and From for-mats installed. As a VD-l user, I was im-mediately disappointed to find that whileImageLink reads Impulse's RGBN for-mal, it cannot write it. (Fortunately. theVD-l also displays Sculpt RGB files).Once you select formats, bitplanes, andfile names, ImageLink displays what itthinks is the pixel width and height, andpixel ratio, of your file, and offers you thechoice of scaling the image. I was not ableto get the scaling mechanism-a vital fea-


ture-to work. Sculpt-Animate defaults toan RGB image size of 640 x 480 pixels,while many Targa boards expect imagesizes of 512 x 482. After rendering a file

ImageLink. is a wonderful and amaz-ingly powerful product. You can renderfrom Sculpt and Turbo Silver rightfrom it. It doesn't seem to take anylonger than normal to render, and youget great quality. It is the only 24-bitsolution I would go with.

-Ri<ll ••rd Payo.San Francisco. C1

with Sculpt using the defaults, I called Ac-tive Circuits when my Targa conversionswould not load. They told me I had to re-render my Sculpt image at 512 x 482. Idid, but had to call again to find out whymy images came out squashed. They toldme to try re-rendering with a pixel ratioof 12 by 10, This time the image renderedproperly, and the ImageLink conversion

looked fabulous on the Targa board. I amdisappointed. though. that the manualdoes not offer this information and thatImageLink's scaling features did not fixthe conversions after rendering the firsttime.

Next, I tried converting from Targa toSculpt RGB format. The resulting pic-ture was squashed as well, and I had noway of fixing it, as the software I used togenerate the Targa file did not offerpixel-ratio adjustments. J then converteda Sculpt RGB file and a Targa file to IFFHAM format. Both these conversionslooked good; I was pleasantly surprisedby the results. A Digi-View 21-bit fileconverted to Sculpt and HAM with noproblems. and a Turbo Silver file alsoconverted flawlessly. In doing conver-sions to Macintosh PIeT format, I dis-covered that the PIer file wasimproperly created. This one is irnpor-tam, because there are a number of pro-grams that will convert PIer files toPostScript for high resolution output forprint. After a few more calls to ActiveCircuits, they admitted that there was abug in the eariler version of the PIer •.

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Page 98: 1990 03 Amiga World

converter and offered to upload me acorrected version, which worked fine.

I was unable to give the Targa Directand Sculpt Direct modules a completeworkout, as I do not own a Targa board.I have an XT Bridgeboard, and al-though tbe 16-bit Targa board will workwith it, real-time paint programs, likeTIPPS and Lumena run too slow to useon an XT. On an AT Bridgeboard, theseprograms would work fine. But with thenumber of Amiga-specific 24-bit boardsnow and soon to be available, and con-sidering a 24-bit Targa board is morethan twice the price of most of them (mylocal AT&TTrueVision dealer quotedme a price of $3000), I cannot recom-mend buying a Targa board withoutbuying the AT Bridgeboard. One advan-tage of Targa boards is that they offerRGB outputs, but putting this signalonto videotape requires an RGB-to-NTSC composite video converter (read:more dollars), and incidentally, TIPPSgoes for s I500.

ImageLink fills a hole in the profes-sional graphics community. It has astraightforward, simple-to-understand

REV E W Sinterface, and the fact that it supportsTarga, PICf, and soon, TIFF formats,helps bring legitimacy to the Amiga as alow cost, high-end graphics prod ucer.Further, support for ASDG's 24-bit IFFformat not only gives it a promising fu-ture, but makes it a must-buy for Profes-sional ScanLab (ASDG)owners wishingto convert Sculpt and Digi-View files forpublication. ImageLink's ARexx interfaceallows it to be part of a more complexenvironment or a turnkey system. Thecurrent incarnation of this program is in

many ways incomplete, however. Lack ofimage- and pixel-ratio scaling and inade-quate documentation are critical draw-backs of an otherwise superb program.

ImageLinkActive Circuits Inc.106 Highway 71Suite 101Manasquan, NJ 08736201/223-5999$299.95No special requirements. 0


toolbox. The article faults City Desk'sdot-matrix font support, yet this is oneof the program's strongest features andsets it apart from its competitors. Whilethe reviewer says there are no instruc-tions for manual installation of the pro-gram on a hard drive when running •.


City Desk 2.0 (MicroSearch)Regarding the City Desk 2.0 review

by Nancy Devitt in your December '89issue (p. 121l, Font selection and for-matting is not accomplished solely viaembedded commands; we also providea text attributes tool in an on-screen

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from a shell, the HDInstall.readme sec-tion clearly states you should executeHDlnswl from a "virgin CLI with nocommands aliased, no commands inthe Resident list, and the path reset,"

- Tony JohnsonMicroSeaTlh

Embedded commands are a reflec-tion of City Desk 2.0's power. I thinkthe intention was to make an easytransition from old-style printers tocomputerized typesetting. As far ascolor capability goes, not everyonehas need of it-just look at IBM andApple. I agree with the page-sizeproblem, but lack of a WYSIWYGdisplay is a problem only becauseeveryone thinks it has to be there.City Desk 2.0 turns out high-qualitywork on common, inexpensive printequipment.

-Patrick SmithMt. Airy, NC

con l • • e d

tM text editor). Detailed manipulmion oftext olmuly loaded into City Dtsk, how-ever, must be done in the editor. J believeembedded. commands should b« a [easure ofevery page lnyoul program, but not theonly or dominant option. If ttu Amiga isto compete in the real world. iu softwaremust perform as intuitively as the MlU'SPagemaJrn (Aldus), for example. Also,other Amiga programs offer outline fontsthat can be resiud and manipulated withease, and that take advantage of the capa-bilities of both dot matrix and HP compos-ible printers. Concerning hard-driveinstallation instructions, I do not thiuk theread.me file phrase quoted is intelligiblt tothe average user. Plus, it is simpler to as-sign SYS: to the appropriate drive. CityDesk is the second most expensive Amigadesktop publishing program, and as suchshould offer peiformance second only toGold Disk's Professional Page. I don't be-lieve it does.

-Nancy Devitt.

I Beta tested City Desk 2.0 with a24-pin dot-matrix printer and con-tinue to gel excellent results. Thisprogram prints regular Amiga fontswithout jaggies at the printer's bestresolution, not just at 72 dpi likesome other programs. Embeddedcommands give you great typographi-cal control, and the Preview displayshows dearly how the printed bit-mapped fonts will appear. Finely de-tailed bitrnapped fonts are large,therefore additional memory will helpprevent system crashing. I have hadsuccess multitasking City Desk witheither WordPerfect (WordPerfect) orDeluxePaim III (Electronic Arts) on a2.5-meg A1000.

-Michael B. SaferAlbany, CA

It is true that City Dtsk 2.0 provides aText Options tool for setting default attri-butes and attributes of selected new text(incoming from either a word processor or

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3 Stereo Amplifier- 6 watts/channel (max. into 4 ohms .3% THO)- dual, front-mounted volume controls, NO modifications needed

$99.95 Order or Info:1-402·493-7852

98 March 1990

::::::::1-----'.0 .••• 6j80)'--.1'(£61010

Circle 378 on Reader Service card.

Page 101: 1990 03 Amiga World


Archipelagos Bards Tale $15 $129 Lattice C V5.0Bad Dudes $29 Bards Tale II $39 AREXX $32 LsNleft C++

BlocIr.oul $27 BaNIe of Britain $39 BenchmarleModu/a·2 $129 Magellan $129Blood Money $27 Chessmaster 2100 $32 G.F.A. BASIC $89 Manx Aztec C Devel $199

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Elan Performer $32 Falcon Mission Disk $17 FI16 Combat Pilot $32Grabbltl $8 Gaunllet II $35 _lion $32

HomebuIlder's CAD $129 _t Weve $29 Halls 01Montezuma $27Modeler 30 $65 Jetsons $32 Hillslar $32

Photon Paint II $99 King's Quest IV $39 It Came I Desert $32Pic Magic $65 Omega $35 LIIe end Death $32

ProVideoGOLD $199 Police Questlt $39 Maniac Mansion $29Starshlp 2050 $32 Pro Football Sim. $23 Marble Madness $15

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UllraDeslgn $265 Sim City $32 Pool of Radiance $32Videoscape30 $129 Space Ace $39 Populous $32

(-CAD Deslgnsr $99 Stunl Track Racer $27 Reach tor Ihe Stars $27-GADProfessional $329 Test Drive II $29 688 ANack SUb $32

Muscle Cars $14 Skate OTDfe $2~ PRODUCnVfTYSupercars $14 Star Command $32 Analyzel

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$99$199 HARD DRIVES RAM BOARDS$99 SU",. 20MB A5DO $499 8·UP OKlBMB

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$45 SU",. 80MB A5DO $999 Supra 2MBlBMB$165 Al000versionsadd $80 Supra4MBlBMB


ShIppIng Info: Software is $2.501Item($7.50 max)via UPS ground. For UPS 2nd Day Air add $2.00

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Books, Fed·Ex, and foreign shipments.

Other Policies: No charge to credit card untilshipping date, and no surcharges. Exchanges

only for defective items, and tor same itemonly. We cannot guarantee product satisfaction.

Receive a Iree UghtSpeed mousepad($6 value) with the purchase of either a

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633S SE 82nd, PortMnd, OR e7266, (503)m-fOOB, FAX: (503) 777·1252A Division of Doxsls Systems, Inc

Circle 122 on Reader Service Card.

Page 102: 1990 03 Amiga World

WHAT'S NEW?March will come in like an expansion board, and go out

like an alien race of intelligent plants ...

Compiled by Jan Jackson

HERE COMES THE BRIDECV OESIG 5' LATEST re- other ceremonial occasions. Gellease. Volume 8: The Video- down on one knee and call CVmaker (24.95), offers a variety Designs (61 Clewley Rd., Med-of objecu for use in your videos ford, MA 02155, 617/396-of weddings, anniversaries, and 8354). RSI 502.

ONE MORE TIMEEditor's note: the following is acorrection to an item that ap-peared in January J 990', What',New. The AX·S ExpansionSystem offers a variety of ex-pansion options-not justA2000-style cards in an epan-sian chassis. AX-S lets you uti-lize a variety of PC-style

00 you take this program, to have and to hold..•

boards as well as serial portexpanders. controllers, mo-dems, handscanners, FAXboards, tape backups. andmore. Details and pricing maybe obtained from Spirit Tech-nology (220 W. 2950 S., SaltLake City, UT 84115,801/485·4233). RSI 501.

DOLLARS AND CENTSKEEP YOUR SMALL businessrecords audit-ready with aBilling And DisbursementSystem ($249.95) accountingmodule from Sax Man Sys-tems (400 Walnut St., Suite403, Redwood City, CA 94063,415/368-6499). Designed foruse with Superbase Profes-sional (Precision SoftwareLtd.), you can purchase themodule in Run-Time formator as stand-alone files.

Taking a break from busi-ness concerns? Try Sax Man'scollection of Golf Course DataDisks for use with World ClassLeaderboard (Access Software)or World Tour Golf (ElectronicArts). Select from over 50courses. Each of six disks, TheMajors. The CaliforniaCourses, TPC Clubs, or PGATours II, 12. or '3, includeseight courses and retails forS 18. RSI 503.

AND THEN SOMETELEGRAPHICS INTERNATIONAL at-tempts to demysttfy A2000 h.rd-dlakInstallation and setup proe••••• 'orlhe unlnftlated wRh the Amlg_ IVrdDrlve.: The Complete Guide (149.95)vkteotape. The guide hlghllghta GreatV.lley Produetl' ~2/2 andC0m-modore'. A2091. Topics covered in-clude autoboottng, pertltlonlng, for-mlttJng, and lnteriNve tKtora. Gettho •• _ 'acts In>mT.1egroph1co(605 Dock St., Wilmington.NC 28411,919/762-8028). R$I 509.

The updated Pag ••• ".' II($149.95) _kt_l.hlng eyotemheipi you print newllettera, tty.,., re-

/00 March 1990

,ume" advertl,ement., and ere-chu•.•• on any Preterence ••• uppor1edgraphic. printer. Pageutter II u",AGFA Compugraphlc tontl and letayou Import text In>m.ny Amigo_proceuor. You can also Import IFFbftmap graphlea or Itructured graph-lea from Gold Dlak'. Prot••• lonIIlDraw .nd then reaIze, ace••, crop, ormow them a, neceuary. The drawingtool, Included let you create rectan-gl•••• 11_ end polygons.GoldDllk (PO Box 789, StreaUvllle, MI.II••• uga, Ontario, c.neda l5M 2C2,800/387-81 ez, 410/82&<l913) will getyouoterted.RSl5D4.

n_, gnlbyo..-_ng Ironand roll up yow aIMYea-now you can

build your own MIOIIntertace. AlbIComputer Ud.'. (15 Western BroomGarden, edinburgh, Scotland, EH127RA, 031-318-4171)MIDI Irrtertac. ICJt(I24.ll5) come. with • lull ~of rnlatora, c:apKttora, DIN lOCkets,D-connectora, and cabtea to aaaemb4e• unit eoct<eted for MIDIIn, out. and thru. RSI 506.

Electronic Arta hal cut the ribbonson Ita bItaat ott""ng to dnktop vId-eogrophefe, OeIlDreV1deo11/($149.95).Thll v••.•1on dllm. to tully Integrm.sound etl'ects, mullc, and MIDItoraud~1UI1 prnentaUona. Just clickon DeluxeVldeo Ill', IntIt'Kttve ob-

Jectl and Ietlvate other video ••quence., mUllc, or any other data theprogram manlpulat... The packageIUppol"tI Amlga resolution mod•••SuperBltM'pl, tdgtHpeed animation.MIDIoutput, Ind IFF-etandard audiofltea. and you can un Anlm. or Anlm-Btueh.. crMted In DeluxePalnt III(ilso EA.)and add them to your pr0-duction. The program ~I exter-nal devtCII auch II MIDIequipment,genlock., and Iingle·trime VCR•.Owners of the Of1glnalDeluxeVldeo •.

Page 103: 1990 03 Amiga World

~JrtraordinaryExpansion.ower For AMIGA!are's access ('AX-S"TN) to all the plug-in expansion boards you could ever need.

lIAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES!link what a powerhouse your A500 or A 1000 would be with such devices as 3 hardves, a tape backup, a FAX card, an internal modem, a multiple serial port, and AIconverter and 8MB of RAM memory right at your fingertips ALL RUNNING FROMAIGADOS.

rHAT IS "AX·ST"?"(-STM is a hardware interface ... an adaptor ... an "interpreter" ... AX-$TN interfaces3 Amiga Bus Structure/Expansion Port to the PC industry's PC/XT-AT bus stan-rrds. This system allows your Amiga to use the hundreds of low cost plug-in ex-rnsion boards that virtually flood the PC/XT·AT marketplace.l!lowing is a brief list of typical easy. plug-in boards that are tested, proven PCIr·AT designs available now, in discount stores and mail order houses.Jltiple Serial Port, (4) .. $ 79ardDrive controller, 8116 bit, MFMJRLL... .. $551$110xlem card, 2400 baud... .. $ 99,!Workingboard.... .. $159sodsoanner.. .. . . $171o converters. . $199IX card, 9600 baud... .. $389) data cartridge/drive... .. $350ard Drive, 40MB complete system... . .. $359ard Drive, 80MB complete system... . . $575rpe Backup, 40MB complete system $299

(_STh!connects Amiga's Bus/Expansion port to a chassis with a heavy duty - - -lOw - - - power supply, ventilation fan, 7 plug-in expansion slots - - - 6 PCIXT-ATIS slots and one OCTABYTEN RAM expansion slot - - - multiple peripheral driverys. hard drive power connectors and an optional power cord for the Amiga 500.

addition, complete installation instructions are included plus Driver Software fornne plug-in PC/XT-AT cards on disk.

pecial Note For Amiga Software Developers:)irit Technology will make available the Copywrited MAX_STMResource Library"sk to enable developers to write drivers between Amiga and PC/XT-AT hardwareevices. For more information on AX·STM look for Spirit AXS.OOC on Compuserve,sople Link and Gene Networks. To order the AX_STMResource Library disk call or'ita us at Spirit.


Spirit Technology is in its third year of producing the finest quality Amiga hardware.Tens of thousands of Spirit expansion products are in use throughout the world.Spirit is committed to continued development of additional, superior Amiga peri-pherals.

NEW!"OCTABTTE"'" 8MB RAM Expansion• A2000 or AX-S'" plug-in board.• Autoconfig, expandable, 2, 4, 6 and 8MB.• Smart DRAM Controller gives 0 wait-state plus unique refresh for lower power con-

sumption.• Fully socketed, uses 1 Mx 1 DRAMS.o Software support disk includes RAM test.

NEW!"X·RAM"'"8MB RAM Expansion for A500 a A1000• Same features and specs as OCTABYTE'" (above).o Easy expansion port plug-in with low profile external chassis and external power

supply. .

NEW!"INTERLOK"''' Video GENLOCK For Ali AMIGASINTERLOKTM includes advanced video circuitry that locks Amiqa's scan rate toNTSC or PAL broadcast synchronizing standards ... and, is also able to lock tosync pulses that output directly from typical low-cost VCR's. It is virtually comput-er-crash proof (caused by fast forward/rewind).o Input, looping video, switchable, 75 ohm/Hi z.• Oulputs, NTSC or PAL plus filtered R.G.& B.o Pgm. out: 1.0vpp, <1,0% ditto gain, <0.2% diH phase /75 ohm.• Key out (Amiga color 0).• Front panel includes program on/off, genlock on/off and 0 to 100% fade control

slider.o Front panel & controls remoteable to 25 ft.

Internal 1.5MB RAM EXPANSION for A1000o Battery backed clock/calendar.• Autoconfig, expandable, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5MB.o Dynamic Ram Controller for 0 wait state.o Fully socketed, uses 256x1 DRAMS.o Software support disk includes RAM test.

Internal z MB RAM EXPANSIONfor A500• Autoconfig, expandable, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0MB.o Simple plug-in installation, no jumpers.o Dynamic Ram Controller for 0 wait state.o Fully socketed, uses 156x4 DRAMS.o Software support disk includes RAM test.

NEW!"TRAPPER"''' 5uK Memory Expansiono Easy plug-in installation into the "trapdoor" expansion slot.o Includes battery backed clock/calendar.o Available OK with 256x4 or 256x 1 board versions.

Hard Drive Adaptors, ST·50b•••o The low cost solution to mass storage.o In chassis with passthru for A500 and A 1000.o As Hard Card or drive bay installation, A2000.o Autoboot and Driver Software.• Easy to use, mouse driven low level format utility with bad track remapping and


For A500

"MIDI·STAR"''' Professional MIDI Interface.• 2 INs, 6 OUT/OFFfTHRU ports.• Switch control and LED status indicators.



Corporate Office: 220 West 2950 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Phone: (801) 485-4233 FAX: (801) 485-6957 USA Sales: Phone: (918) 834·2509Canada: Phone: (416) 823-4821 • United Kingdom: Phone: 44·253·734218' France: Phone: 33-56-37-4378' Australia: Phone: 61·3-369·7020

AMlGAI •• AeglIteredTritdlm.koICommodorelAm9l'.lnc.; ,,-MAX it. aTrlld.",.kof RMdySolt nc.: AX-S. OCTABYTE, INTERLOI<, SLOT MACHINE. WId MIOI-STAR •• Tr.,.",.k1otSpiril:TechnCIIogyCa'p.

Circle 19 0t1 Reader sevce card.

Page 104: 1990 03 Amiga World

v.,.k)n c.n upgrade by •• ndl"" theirmllnu1l'l front cov... Ind $4St" toEJeclronIc_ (1820 GIIIWIy Or. sanMatIO. CA e.woc, .15/571.7171. 800'245-<225). RSI _.

Comput., Publ_ lumpo onthe vkSeoblndwIgon wtth the r-' ••••01 ~ Onktop VIdoo (S2U5) ••book _ to .llpIoftng Iho fun.do_I. 01"'"ouOject01Iho _.The VOhHMIncludel technlq...... Igtolury'. end I 1111of mllnufactureraand countr1eI wtth the lime Y1dIOIUndIrdl II the US. Chltton BookCompony (Rodnor. PA 18089. 2151N4-4ODO. 8OOJ3t5.121.) off.... thebook. RSI 507.

AJaonow oft the ~ •• Addllon-Wnloy'. (Roodlng,MA01M7. 5171M4-3700) •••• 1nIngtwo ~ 01 "'"Aml"l technlc.l ref.r.nc. ,.rl •• :AmIgo ROM_ R_ Monuo/:Llb.r/ ••• nd D,"/c •• (13•. 85) IndAmlg. H.rd"".r. R.f.r.nc. M,nu,1(124.85). RSI _.

Mavertck Software Inc:. (l&OllW.55th St. MI••••• poll•• MN55435. 512/i2e-0302) Dl.cowry Serle. of fKI~CIItIonalprogrtm. COV••.• I Ylrlety ofIUbJecte: .lphlbIt, numbet'l. meth,U.S. hillory • geQDrtphy, .nd chern-latry It $18." 'Ich. RSI 610.

Witch FrfKIthe .lIen d.nce whll,


you ploy Fun K.p, th. p<ogrom _•••••• y<)UI'Amigo'. koyllootd Into onelectronic _no AI you ploy dllloront1OUnd.Ind InetrumentI, Fun Keys ee-compln'" you wtth OM of 11 dttf••.•on! _ground _ from funk to11111. ClII MIcroSelrch, ene S.W.Freeway, HoUltOn,TXnon, 713J'iA.2818. RSI 511.

Popullr text ,dltor Cygnu.EdProf ••• /on.' V'fllon 2.0 ($".50)omot'god from Iho I...... uno1um 01ASOO (m S_ St.. Modi•••• WI53713. 5OllI27:H555) __ trleu.UnJlmltld undo Ind r.cto c:ommand,.nd Turllo _ ond AopIoco....-Itr"mlln, ,xecutlon •. Other ,n·_ Include moro ond _rnacroe•• xpanded ARnx auppon. ••..1emIt, ac,..." fonts for hkft, and •Modul.2 IUpport future to 11I1•• InIocdng .net correcting error8. MOOI. milkingthe pr'Ogl'llm'.nlH"lqUHterlIbn1ry1MI11l1bleto __ ~•• ,n InvttaUon to help ItIndlrdlzlUHf' InterflCft. Original Yltlion own-••••Cln upgrade by Hndlng their pro-"rim dllk plul S25to ASDQ.RSl612.

Aprof••• lonal veralon of Devpec2,In •• ..",~y·llnguag. progrtmmlngenvironment. II 8Yllllbl. from Mlch-Tron (575 S. T.logroph, Ponti•• , MI48053. 313/334-5700; 8her .'1180:

s NEW ?

lI4404. 415/571-7171). RSI 515.Get I look •• 3-0 IVII beta. rata.

apt••.•• 8nd IUrreal rnonatlrl whll..•• ndertng through 8n old Engll8h ••uti In e..tII MIlt.,., an 1Ction/8d-venture game from IncenttYeSoftwlr.(2aphyr One. CoI_ POlk,AkIomla.ton, BerUhlre, Englllnd RG7 4QW,0734 517255). RSI 513.

Only y<)UI'-"' for puce end y<)UI'courage wtll KCOmpliny you •• you_ to • tor IWIy klngdom. Froolngtta aubjec:tI from an evil power II yourgaol In Ring. 01 tho _ ($4U5).Thl. otrotogy advonturo ehllllongoIyou to trade, pmbte. gain wtadom,.nd conduct raid. In order to fill the8rmy'. coff.... 10 tt CIIn do t.ItI.8gllnat the net8r1ou1 Meduu.

On • lighter .-, ~ Iho Clownneedl your http IocIttng 8 country fullof pt1ce1e.. cryltlli. Eneml... aut-pre•••• r1ddlel. 8net 3-0 IndcI ••• ttyou _ CIo_.n/o ($34.85).

With T.bl. T.nnl. Simul.flon(S3.a.") you een pllly .Ingle. or dou-~ •• ,nhIt' llone or wtth I "roup-who knowl; you ml"ht tlik. the WorkIChllmplonlhlpl Volley your queltlonlregarding Mldu•• , BIppo, Ind T.b1.Tennl' to SlIrOl.,...1 (708 W. Buff.1oAv•. , Sutt, 200. Tlmpl, FL 33803).RSI 515 .•


INTRODUCINGHere it isl Proal that theAMIG •.•(un) Computer is more than

just great for graphics and JOUnd. We all know about its ability to producethe BEST Dcsk Top Publishing. the BEST Desk Top Video.ond the BESTDesk. Top Mwic. But did you know It could also do the BEST JOBPOSSIBLE with your accounting?

We. It SaxMan Systems have taken the BESTdata-bue availablefor the AM/GA (1m), SUPEBBA$E PROFESSlQNIoL(Im), fnxn Precision,Inc., and created two powerful. and easy to we Iccountingsystems.

System III • Billing and Disbursements CtmlThis system is designed for we by small businessCl. Itproceues cash and credit sales. prints invoices and statements.and Iges your accounts receivable. It also will track. your cashdisbursements, and print a check register. Finally. it tracks andreports on the general ledger accounts necesslry to fill outtax returns. List price is $ 249.95

System It 2 - SAxMan Accowlling Systgn 'tm)This is a complete accounting package. Including: GeneralLedger, Accounts Receivable. Acoounts Payable, Payroll,Inventory Control. and Job Cost Analysis. Iu features aremuch too extensive to list here. List Prie is $ 499.95

For Information contact: SaxMan Systems, 400 Walnut St., #403,Redwood Clly. CA 94063,(415)368·6499

102 March 1990

Circle 338 on Reader service card.

3255 ~ Ad.• W. Aubum Hili•• MI48075.31313n_). Oovpoc Do•• ~opmom I. .........- compatible_ DoYpoc2,• .- to •••••• dll·t••.• output-fUe forrTll'tl. IlkMI fordirect remote _uembIy 8netcrOll d.bugging. 8nd Includel , mulll-forrnmlinker. ContKt MIchTron for In .x·_1101011_.

M_r. -., Sound umplorI.tl you record 8nd m8n'pullt.-. muoIc, .nd off_ You ..,play up to 20 umplol In uquoncaond, _ "'" Included damo _ram,oynchronlza _ _ IFF pIctlwadllp/oyl. RSI 514.

In S1orlfll/ht, ($4U5). __811enracn can mMn the dlff••.encebetween cokHItZlUon or Wltfl,.. In~ opoco. A_ your dopenur.coordlnlt •• from EI.ctronlc Artl(1120 Gllteway Or., 58n MMIO. CAlI4404,4151571-7171)ond npIora Ihoflnol_ In thla futunotlc ~oy •Ing 1ldvenIure. Trtln Ind commIndyour craw of human,. lnetroldl, In-Met·llke V.Iox, reptllI.n Thrynn, 8ndEJowln. 8 race of IntllI-oent p18nta.By gathlf1ng mlner8118net Incllf'\'t er-ttflCtl, you !eem the Mereta of Illenml•• lon•. Rec.lv. you d,plrturecoordln8ntl from EI'ctronlc Artl(1820 aollWly Or, Son Mollo, CA

Tired of "Times"?ELE;jant



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The POSTScriPT Prlnrer UTI/rTres (TO download Post-SCript (onTS and f,ies). many ~oIumes of EPS cUp arT.and QI,lr Sample DIsk are also a~a'table. $65 US each.

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Pir.elarions. Inc. P.O. Box 5~7.Norrhboro. fr1A 01532 USA 508-393-7866

Circle 284 on Reader service card

Page 105: 1990 03 Amiga World

ItO __ WW.•.HWW'M"W"M'"25.tlIXI PoolM"M,,_..MMM.M._... 21.tlI••••T•• a ...._._.M..W•.M.._ .. e4.tlI~,1hI __ W._.W. C••••LMiwlnnfllwllTmf _ •..IICI.tlI,..1uII.- •...w...w.._.w_lICI.tlI""*"" AtngIr M.._M.M28.tlIAbnda.lf W.W..WH.ao.tlI"'*"'CIlo,w"_"w,,w"_'_M82.tlIAniHpIIIgDI'M.__ .._._D.tlIAldcl ••••••• _._._ ..ww82.tlIAlI'Il~ .IcMIl .... _w._ .. 2oI.tlIlAO. M._.M_M"M 2t.tlI1..\ T.M'_W.•.W"_W"_'W"lI.tlI"nDtd'''-llltO.wwao.tlI1IIlItyll_ ..w._ .. w.tI.tlI••'m. .w_w._'M._wwZl.tlI••.•• I'd ••• w'_"_M_Iet.HIIrtIIrIIn 11_.w.._ ..www.w.2A.tlI••• T.II •...•..•M_..M._.M.tlI1IlrrwI ..w._._ ..wZl.tlIIIlII Cf.- •...w.._w__ 29.tlI1IlII'-.1MZ M._M_a1.tlI1IlII'~ H.__ .w2A.tlI•••• d' NIp(IIIon _ww..w31.tlIIIlIItIcIl:TbI C, Hlllne. .. 1ICI.tlIIIUClllrd __ ..w.w_w_lICI.tlIIbokOlf _ •._._ ..•.._ .••..•2A.tlIlbod Monev M._M_M..M... 25.tlII~"'" H'M_._'W._w.ZI.tlIIrllIdoal TIlw •.._w .•.. 117.H1~~ M22.tlICanDa __ M_.M._M_.W.._I4.tlICIm'MIItnDlfQG'!lItIPt .ao.tlICIm'MI"r(l~" 'WMao.tlIClm'MlIIrD1IlJlIWOlld wao.tlIClwrflDnI d' Kr)'m .ww.w.lI.tlIClIIot __ '_' __ M'MHM.2A.tlIC'-IMIIIr tlOO a1.tlICbwml'nIlM _W'WW_.__ tl.tlIeoa.-'-'M ST.tlICakIIlIr•••••• w._ww_ST.tlI••

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Page 106: 1990 03 Amiga World


ITS EASIER THAN you may think tomake your Amiga's hard-disk drive a lit-tle more efficient and user friendly. Ifyou use, say. Electronic Arts' DeluxePaintIII regularly, why not make it easy to in-voke from the eLI with a minimal num-ber of keystrokes.

Just save a copy of the DeluxePaint IIIprogram to the C directory in yOUT harddisk's work partition. Next, rename theprogram "OP" to minimize keystrokes.Then set the S protect bit to the Onmode by entering the following com-mand from the CLI or Shell:

Protect 0 P + s

Activating DeluxePaint III is now aseasy as typing DP from the CLI or Shell,regardless of the current directory. Natu-rally, this process can be applied to yourword processor and other frequentlyused utilities and applications.

Alan Stank;;Prince Edward Island, Canada

PERSONALIZED RAMDISK ICONCREATING A MORE attractive RAMdisk icon to replace the default icon is arelatively easy process. Using your favor-ite icon editor, load a Disk icon from aWorkbench disk or other suitable source.Once you've edited the icon to your lik-ing, save it to a copy of your Workbenchdisk, using a "RAM.info" filename. It'simportant not to save it with a filenameof Disk.info, or else it will replace the ex-isting Workbench disk icon.

104 March 1990

oaRS D'OEUVRESHints, tips and techniques from

your fellow Amiga users,

Compiled by Tim Walsh

Next, add the following commands tothe startup-sequence on a copy of yourWorkbench disk:

c:Copy RAM.info ram:Disk.infoc:LoadWB> nil:

For a system with an autobootinghard-disk drive. follow the above proce-dure using a copy of your autobootingWorkbench on floppy disk. Once youhave it working properly, copy theRAM.info and revamped startup-se-quence to your hard-disk drive's auto-boot partition.

Mark KlaphekeFort Wayne, IN

How IT STACKSUPKNOWING HOW 10 adjust your Ami-ga's stack area can be a sure cure formany of your multitasking woes. Fre-quently, attempting to load a large appli-cation program, such as PrecisionSoftware's Superbase Professional, usingthe CLI or Shell instead of the Work-bench will result in an Insufficient StackSpace message to appear. That's becauseit requires a stack size of 8000 bytes torun. (You can find this program infor-mation by selecting Info from the Work-bench menu.) Trying to launch somelesser applications from the CLI usingtoo small a stack causes the computer tocrash and a Guru message to appear.

Rather than continually resorting tothe Workbench to run such programs,try adjusting the CLI's stack size. To findout the current stack size, enter the fol-lowing from the CLI or Shell:


The size of the current stack will be re-ported. To increase the stack size to 16K,

enter the following from the CLI orShell:

Stack 16000

Occasionally, a program may crash thecomputer even after you have adjustedthe stack size. If that's the case, youprobably have some other problem be-sides the size of the stack.

Steve MatsumotoHouston, TX

AUTOBOarING WITH RADIF YOU HAVE an autobooting harddisk, you may have problems using theAmigaDOS 1.3 RAD (recoverable RAMdisk). When a RAD is active, resettingthe computer may result in the RAD re-booting, while the autobooting hard-diskdrive usually doesn't reboot.

Fortunately, there is a solution short ofpowering down the computer. Just addthe following line to the RAD: descrip-tion in your mountlist:

BOafPRI = - 129

Afterwards, whenever you perform awarm reboot, the hard disk will rebootalong with the RAD.

Thomas J. ChristopherNew Haven, CT

If you have an idea you'd like to share withour readers, send it to HOTS d'oeuvres, Amiga-World Editorial, 80 Elm St., Peterborough,NH 03458. If your idea gels published, you'llreceive an Amiga World surprise gift .•

Page 107: 1990 03 Amiga World





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Page 108: 1990 03 Amiga World

Nor MY TYPEQ: Why can', I copy an entiredisk to the RA D: disk droice? Ichanged HighCyc to equal 79 ill

my mouniiisi, alld I have plellty ofRAM. If I drag a disk icon overto the RAD: icon I get the message"Disks art of incompatible typeand cannot be copied." If J useDISKCOPY from the Shell, theRAD: icon disappears from theWorkbench. When I then try toaccess HAD: J get the message"It's not a DOS disk."

D. BushKnoxville, TN

A: I get the same results if Iattempt to use Workbench tocopy a disk onto the RAD: (re-coverable RAM disk) drive.But I can use the Shell or eLIto invoke the DISKCOPYcommand and copy from afloppy to the RAD: drive, withthe following syntax:OISKCOPY OFO: to RAn:

As long as the RAD: drive isthe proper size (matching thesize of the standard floppydisk) it works fine. When it isdone, the old RAD: disk is re-placed with a copy of whateverdisk was in OFO:, icon and all.If your mountlist entry forRAD: is properly defined, itshould work. Check yourmountlist and make sure theRAD: entry is correct.

If ),ou have the memory tospare, the recoverable RAMdisk is a great addition to yourworking environment. Unlikethe normal RAM: disk, once

106 March 1990

HELP KEYWhen you're without a clue and feeling blue,

just call Lou.

By Louis R, Wallace

the RAn: drive has been for-matted it's contents will sur-vive a warm reboot (pressingGrRL-RI GHT-AMIGA-LEFT-AMIGA). To use the RAD:drive. insert the commandMOUNT RAD: in yourstartup-sequence, and, using atext editor, add the followinglines to your rnountlist (on acopy of your boot disk):

RAe: Device =ramdrtve.devlceUnlt=OFlagl=OSurface. =2BlocklPerTrack =11Reserved=2Imerle.ve =0LowCyt=O : HtghCyt=79Butf••.• =5BufMemType =1,

(Notice that I defined RAD:to have exactly the same num-ber of cylinders as a floppy,resulting in an 880K capacity.)

The next time you reboot,the system will define a RAn:device. Like any disk, it mustbe formatted before it can beused (you must format RAn:once each time you turn onthe Amiga). In the Shell, type(on one line):SYS:SYSTEM/FORMAT DRIVE RAO:


The RAD: disk will be formattedquickly. After that you can copyfiles or directories (or copywhole disks using DISKCOPY)to the RAD: device.

If for some reason your sys-tem is reset before you can copythe contents of the RAn: disk to

more permanent storage. thecontents should reappear whenthe MOUNT RAD: command isissued. Unless the RAM hasbeen corrupted, everything willbe intact. Remember there is noneed to reformat the RAn: diskwhen you reboot; just remount-ing it should be sufficient.

TWISTERQ: Iam teaching myself program-ming by wn"ting a game in AmigaBasic. but I can't seem to make ani-mated objects rotate and changesize. For example, I want the objectto always bepointing forward, evenwhen it turns. When it moves to-ward or away from you it shouldget larger or smaller. I am usingsprites created with the standard ob-ject editor and then convertingthem to data statements. Ihaveread many books on animation inAmiga Basic but none have ad-dressed this subject. Is it possible!

S. BuccellaPt. Washingtoll, NY

A: Yes, you can give your ani-mated objects the illusion ofgetting larger in the fore-ground or smaller as you re-cede into the background, aswell as making them appearpointing in any direction. Iam sure you have seen Amigaanimations (created with pow-erful and expensive commer-cial software) that have objectsthat appear solid and three di-mensional. Amiga Basic, how-ever, does not have thosekinds of features, and wouldbe far too slow for a real-time

activity like a game even if youwrote 3-D object functions forit. To get that kind of action inan Amiga Basic game will re-quire you to do a lot of thework yourself, because thecomputer considers the ani-mated sprites as flat, one-di-mensional data.

The trick is to create severaldifferent versions of each ob-ject, some smaller and somelarger than the default size.The only limits to this ap-proach is that it takes a lot ofmemory to store multiplesprite or object definitions.When you want them to ap-pear to be moving away,change the shape to smallerand smaller versions; to makeit appear to grow, change tolarger and larger sprites. Thesame technique applies formaking the sprite appear toturn. Draw a different spritefor every position, thenchange the images to make itappear the sprite is turning.To make the change, use thecommand (on one line):OBJECT.SHAPE OBJECT 1d1,


This will change the shape ofobject id I into whatever objectid2 was. By making successiveshape changes, you can createthe illusion of continuouschange. Here's an examplethat would change shape Iinto 24 other shapes.

FOR 1=2 TO 25



Page 109: 1990 03 Amiga World


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1----------------- Make Check or Money Order Payable to:---------------- -- AmiEXPO 465 Columbus Ave., Ste. 285 IL ~~~~~~~~~halla,~~ __

Page 112: 1990 03 Amiga World

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Page 113: 1990 03 Amiga World

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Circle 371 on Reader service card.

AmigaWorld 111

Page 114: 1990 03 Amiga World

Readers Speak(ltuslion of lhi Month: "If you wereelected president of Commodore, wlullwould be the first thing you would do?"

"Commodore is already starting todo what I would do. I would try forheavy penetration of the Amiga intothe commercial world."

Dave SpitlerLouisville, KY

"I would get rid of that terriblehyped-up advertising campaignand replace it with a beuer one."

AnonymousSanta Anna, CA

"I would increase the advertising ofthe Amiga and point out character-istics that are different from otherpes like IBM and Apple ... 1 wouldpush the Amiga. They (Commo-dore) have been doing that thisChristmas so I've bought stock inCommodore."

Harold E. RatcliffeBethesda. M D

Ear to the WallYiAt": According to the popular television show TheComputer Chronicles, the new Macintosh operating sys-tem (System 7.0) will take up 3MB of RAM and stillwill not muhnask. That is because individual bitmapped. graphics-intensive applications already tax itssingle 68000 familyprocessor. Sounds likeApple needsa few custom coprocessors if they want to do morethan one thing at once.

ToasteT, Toaster, Where's My Toaster?: NewTek is stillworking out bugs in the Toaster software, and nowplans a Spring kickoff. Look for underground celebsPenn & Teller to be involved in a special Toaster videoproject. We may even get a cameo appearance by DanaCarvey (Saturday Night Live's Church Lady), sinceDana's more technically astute brother Brad is a keymember of the Toaster team.

Hots Off!: A quick thanks to two of our competitors.Amazing and Info, for helping us to publicize the AmigaDevelopers Association. We may have started it, butthis association is open to all in the Amiga market. andit will hopefully help all in the Amiga market. Thanksfor good words.

Enough Already: Last month's issue mentioned thename Mike Halverson, and spelled it the same way it

112 March 1990


was spelled in the previous month's editorial. We havebeen talking about Mike because he is a colorful guy,thought up the idea of the Amiga Developers Associ-ation, and is doing some wild stuff in the area of voicerecognition. But we have also been consistently mis-spelling his name. According to our sources, it isspelledHALVORSONl

OUCH!: Amiga.Welt is not what you get when yourcomputer falls on your leg. It is the German editionof AmigaWorld. Now that East Germany (which is be-ginning to earn irs formal name, German DemocraticRepublic) has opened up the Berlin Wall, Amiga-Weltisstepping over. Amiga-Welt willbe distributed throughDie Wirtschaft, an East German publishing company.

New Kid in Town: Preferred Technologies Inc. re-cently scooped two employees from Southern, a majorAmiga Software distributor now under new ownership.

Unlike Southern, which focused on software disrri-bution, Preferred is more of a developer/publisher. Itrecently acquired the rights to M2Sprint, a Modula-2Compiler/Debugger, and has developed Spectrum, aproduct aimed at Digi-View that has yet to ship. Thefirm is also planning launches of hard drives, mice,MIDI, and sound sampling products. -Doug Barney

So What?!?It Is funny to sit behind an Amlga andwatch the rest of the PC and work4station Industry get all excited aboutUnix. For those In the dark, Unix Is a2O-yearold operating system that con-sumes every ounce of computingpower tossed at It. In fact, It seemsthat there have been more articlesabout Unix lately than there are users.

Unix Is hot because OS/2 from IBMand Microsoft Is not Unix. accordingto Its backers, has It all: munltaskJng.large amounts of addressable RAM,graphical user Inter1aces, and appli-cations. OS/2, meanwhile, has the firstthree Items nailed down, but falls mi·serably on the last

Unix and OS/2 backers make theseteatures sound awfully new. But toArnlganl, they are awful familiar. TheArnlga operating system has all ot theabove attributes, and runs In a verytight memory space. " Is just that n0-body seems to care. Why muttltask ona $2000 system when you can buy a$25,000 workstation to do the samething with Unix?

Soon enough, users will be able tocompare the Amlga native operatingsystem with Unix. That II becausethey will both be running on the samemachine!

For many applications, the Arnlga'snative mode will be clearly superior.

But tor others, Unix will shine. ThatIs because some super high-end ap-plications have been written exelu-slvety tor Unix.and some devices suchas super-hl-res graphics boards havebeen designed to work with It Andwith a Brktgeboard, you should alsobe able to run OS/2, If you've a mindto. The Arnlga doesn't sound 80 pro-prietary or 80 bad after all.

-Doug Barney

Page 115: 1990 03 Amiga World

ProWrite 2.5,The Best Amiga Word Processor.

Guaranteed.Feature hlWdle excellence Pen Pal Kind Words ScribbleTrue Multiple Fonts ". -I tIColor Pictures "- " ,f VWrap Text Around Pictures " "WYSIWYG Display " " sometimes ,f,


Spelling Checker ., -I " -I "/

Mail Merge ~ " v' V "Typing Speed fast slow medium slow mediumSpell Check as You Type " ,fSimultaneous Text and Graphics Printing " "Automatically Adjust to Printer's Capabilities "PostScript Support q>liooal VParagraph Sorting ..,User Definable Delimits 01Can Multi-Task with 1 Meg of Memory .,

" VSuggested Retail Price 17 299.95 149.95 99.95 149.95


ProWrite is the most reliable full-featured Amiga word processor-and it's the only one that's guaranteed. Look at the chart again. Ithighlights just a few of the features you get with ProWrite 2.5.

Unlike other word processors, ProWrite can use multiple fonts,can place graphics next to multiple lines of text, can keep upwith your typing, can check spelling as you type, can multi-taskwith just one meg of memory, and does have that solid Amigafeel. And we support our product better than anyone.

See how easy and powerful Amiga word processing can be.Trade in your current word processor and for only 575we'll send you ProWrite 2.5. Don't miss this excitingopportunity.

o Yes, send me ProWrite 2.5at a $50 savings!

"Call or write to us for details on ProWrite's bug free guarantee.

Here's my word processor program disk and a check or moneyorder for $75 (Texas residents please add S5.81 sales tax).

First In Personal Productivity And Creativity. NAME

206 WiJd Basin Road, Suite 109 / Austin, Texas 78746(512) 328·6650 / FAX(512) 328·1925 ADDRESS

ProWrite is a trademarK of New Horizons SOt'tWllf"(\ Inc

See US at the AmlEXPO In Washington, DC March 1&-18CI1Y, STATE, ZIP Offer '-.ilid in USA and Canada only..............................................................

Circle 38 on Reader Service card

Page 116: 1990 03 Amiga World

listWhat Makes Digi-Paint 3the Ultimate Paint Program?

"Why is Digi-Paint 3 betterthan DeluxePaint liP"?"

Digi-Paint 3 works in the Amiga'spowerful Hold And Modify (HAM)mode, which allows you to paintusing all 4096 colors simulta-neously. By comparison, DeluxePaint III (by Electronic Arts) oper-ates in less sophisticated modes,restricting you to a maximum ofonly 64 colors. Advanced featuresavailable in Digi-Paint 3 - includingColorizing, Variable Transparency, Shad-ing, Lighten, Darken and Range Painting-are simply not possible in Deluxe Paint III due toits 64 color Umitation. AMIGAWORLDwarns, "Competitors maywant to head back to the drawing board, because Digi-Paint 3 ishard to beat!"

"What makes Digi-Paint 3 better thanother HAMpaint programs?"

Digi-Paint 3 is the only Amiga paint program written in 100%assembly language. Although challenging to program (taking up to10 times longer than other computer languages), it's the only wayto achieve the incredible speed found in Digi-Paint 3. AMIGAWORLDcalls it "the fastest HAMpaint program yet" and AMlGASENTRYestimates it's, "6-IP times faster" than the nearest contender.

Other advanced features found only in Digi-Paint 3 include: anti-aUased texture mapping, anti-aUased fonts, ARexxsupport, 1024 x1024 super bitmaps with auto-scrolling and dithering to 30 bits perpixel (over a billion colors internally, givingyou tens of thousands ofapparent colors). COMPlJl'ERSHOPPERmagazine reports "Digi-Paint3 is without a doubt the most advanced HAMpaint program to date!"

"Finding the hest paintprogram for your Amigo canbe confusing, but once youI!!!ve the facts it's simple."

Laura LongfeUowSales Manoge<NeWI'ek Inc.

"But is Digi-Paint 3 easy to use?"I've learned that no matter how powerful a program is, if it's

not friendly it's not worth my time. Wedesigned Digi-Paint 3 with allusers in mind - from the beginner just starting out with computers,to the "power user" who demands the most advanced featurespossible. The spiral-bound manual contains a step-by-step GuidedTour, II hands-on tutorials, a color coded reference card, andalmost one hundred example photos.

Digi-Paint 3's intuitive user interface was created by Digi-Viewdesigner (and NewTekFounder) Tim Jenison and renowned Amigaartist Jim Sachs. It features innovative "Dashboard" controls whichAMIGAWORLDregards as "a joy to use" and "very easy to learn andunderstand': INFOMAGAZINEsays the new interface "looks greatand works logically':

''What is the Transfer 24 program.included with Digi-Paint 3?"

Transfer 24 is a separate programdisk included in the Digi-Paint 3 package,allowing you to alter any picture's bright-ness, color saturation, contrast, hue andsharpness, almost as easily as adjustingthe controls on your televisionset Transfer24.also lets you modify the size, palette,and resolution of any picture. Thesepowerful features, known as "Image Pro-cessing'; giveyou incredible control overyour final artwork. Youcan also save yourimage in any of the Amiga's 24 resolutionmodes (up to 768x480) making it com-patible with all Amiga graphics sofrware.AXMAGAZINEnotes that "Transfer 24givesyou even more options as to the finalappearance of your work': AMIGAWORLDdeclares, "Transfer 24 is great for makingoverall changes."

''What technical support does NeWfek offer?"Digi-Paint 3 has one other thing you won't find in any ordinary paint program:

a toll-free help line, If you should have any questions while using Digi-Paint 3,you're not on your own. Call NewTek'stechnical support team at 1-800-736-7617Monday through Friday,8 am -7 pm central Time.

Digi-Paint 3, Digi-Vlew, and Transfer 24 are trlldemaf1ts of NewTek Inc.[)e1uxePalnl III IS 8 trademark of Electronic Arts.All brand and pmdlJCl names are lJademal1ls ollheir respective holders.

Digi-Paint 3 is available now at yourlocal Amiga dealer or call1-800-843-8934 or 1-913-354-1146.

N=wT=KSee u. at the AmlEXPOIn Washington,DC March 1~18

Circle 102 on Reader sevce card.
