1962 ais yeabook - ais/aes alumni networkaisaes.org/1962_ais_yearbook.pdfhowever, t hi s is not tim...


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Page 1: 1962 AIS Yeabook - AIS/AES Alumni Networkaisaes.org/1962_AIS_Yearbook.pdfHowever, t hi s is not Tim 's only claim to fa me. Since entering t he Taj in August, Tim has done more t han
Page 2: 1962 AIS Yeabook - AIS/AES Alumni Networkaisaes.org/1962_AIS_Yearbook.pdfHowever, t hi s is not Tim 's only claim to fa me. Since entering t he Taj in August, Tim has done more t han
Page 3: 1962 AIS Yeabook - AIS/AES Alumni Networkaisaes.org/1962_AIS_Yearbook.pdfHowever, t hi s is not Tim 's only claim to fa me. Since entering t he Taj in August, Tim has done more t han

ro, P, ...


Page 4: 1962 AIS Yeabook - AIS/AES Alumni Networkaisaes.org/1962_AIS_Yearbook.pdfHowever, t hi s is not Tim 's only claim to fa me. Since entering t he Taj in August, Tim has done more t han


Anlerican International School

New Delhi

Page 5: 1962 AIS Yeabook - AIS/AES Alumni Networkaisaes.org/1962_AIS_Yearbook.pdfHowever, t hi s is not Tim 's only claim to fa me. Since entering t he Taj in August, Tim has done more t han

Th is schoo l year 1961 -1962 has been a bl end ing of the old

and t he new. T his has been o ur last year at t he ol d Taj and

we have watc hEd t he n ew bU ild ing risi ng in Chan akya puri .

Man y students of yea r s past have united wit h nEW o nes

comi ng each mo nt h to fo r m an inte rnat ional student body.

Th is yea r for the fi rst time w e have had a p rin cipa l come

from the Un it ed St3t e s on a contract ,

Soon we s hall leave th is bu ild ing, tak ing w ith us fond

me mori es and pe rhaps t hat touch of sadn ess that gocd byes

always br ing. Ho w ever, we look t ow ard t he f ut ure wi th

pri de , knowi ng that th e bri g ht p rogress made thi s year , in which eac h o f us has played a part, is o nly a sam ple of what

is to come.

Flas hbac k '62 is a r ecord of th is year of transit io n

In our . ... . . . . .


• F A (~(JLT}T




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To begin with.

W e find ourselves this year in the

unique posit ;o n of bei ng both the first and

th e last class to grad uate from th is bui Id I ng .

We s hall cherish the memor ies of ou r school

d ays here, our teachers and friends. the baske t ­

ball ga m es and even the work. Because th is

school wi II always be a pa rt of each of us, we

d edicate thi s Fl as hback with respect and affec­

ti on to the o ld Taj .

• •

Page 7: 1962 AIS Yeabook - AIS/AES Alumni Networkaisaes.org/1962_AIS_Yearbook.pdfHowever, t hi s is not Tim 's only claim to fa me. Since entering t he Taj in August, Tim has done more t han


Mr . Wa llace Woo dbury Trea ure r

Administl--ation provides us with

Mrs . A ntoine tt e F. St epanek M mber a t Large

Mr. Robert Do nah o Vice -President

Mrs. Jan e Smith Sec retary

Mr. John E. Fobes Pres ident

The Impressive titl e. BOA RD O F GOVERNORS belo ngs to the r e p resenta t ives o f o u r parents who have wor ke d toge ther t o organize and de ve lop the Ameri can -In t ernational Sc hoo l so that we may have the bf'st education poss ible.

It was the initiative an d coope rati on of the parents th at opened th e sc heol in 19~,O fo r less th an te n pupil s. Mo re an d more of t he ir tim e and en e rgy has been req Ui red each ye a r as the e nro lment has lea pe d towa rds the present 300. Each year a Board o f Gove rn o rs is electe d to man age affa irs so that s taff. supplies and scho o l buil d ing keep up wi th the r isi ng enro lm en t. A diffe re nt gro up of parents serves on the Bo ard each year.

Thi s dem o nstrati o n of d Emoc racy in acti o n is proof of the hi g h valu es Americans place o n educati on. The tim e an d e nergy o f these pa re nt s. g iven fr ee ly after t he r egu lar day's wor k is o ve r. has broug ht t he o ppo rtu nity fo a fine educ a­ti on her e in Del h i t o ea ch o f us.

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an American education abroad and . ..


Dear Friends,

It has be n a gre a t h ono r a nd p r ivil eg e for me to h av e s e rve d the Americ a n-In erna tional School as Sup e rintendent thi s s c h oo l year.

Th e pupils , teachers and parents have ma de it a happy y ear for me through the ir kindne ss , coopera ­ti on and f r i endli n ess .

My best wishes a re ext e n d ed to the members of the Senior Class a nd to aU pupils who wi ll be l e a v ­ing us at the end o f thi s schoo l y e a r . To tho s e pupi l s who will be wi th us next year, I wish fo r y ou a ple a s a nt and e nj oyab l e vacation.

Slnc e r e l y your s ,

Rollin Mc Keeha n

Super intendent

Dr. Roll in McKeehan

Su peri ntendent

Page 9: 1962 AIS Yeabook - AIS/AES Alumni Networkaisaes.org/1962_AIS_Yearbook.pdfHowever, t hi s is not Tim 's only claim to fa me. Since entering t he Taj in August, Tim has done more t han

Our Faculty . cal"rles out the

Mrs. Marg aret Humph rey Acting Pr incipal in Dr. Mckeehan's Abse nce.

Mrs. Flo re nce Atkin son Thi rd Grade

Mrs . Jevra Bash ey Mu sic

Mrs. Ho mai Dalal Third Grade

Mrs. Preml ata Deep Art

Miss Eli zabeth El we ll


Genera l Science, Biology Mrs . Hazel Fobes

Lib rar ian

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Mrs. Barbara Fox Fourt h G rad e

Mr . A.K. Gup ta Mat hematic s. Physi cs

Mrs. Willa Gup ta Math ematl o . Physica l Edu ca t ion

Mrs. Loucele Horow itz French

Mrs. Vimla Kapur Hindi. His to ry

Mrs . Ge neva Laird Engl is h, Comm e rCial

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OLLr Libnll)" nOlt' conla ins

LIBRA RY STAFF: Mr s. Eve lyn D esai, Mrs. Jenni e Du gga l. Miss Me e na Jos hi; St anding: Mrs. Haze l Fobes .

The hus.iness Sl( ~ rr (l nd

BUSINE SS ST AFF: Mr . T . K. Sub ra ma nian. Mr . Patr ick Tu nious . Mr . M. K. N arayan a n

C USTO DIANS Su kan La l. Dal Chan d . Ch ar a n Sing h Pee ru Ram . Chid Ram , Harak Ba had u r

.. It ('P the Tuj Ina 'hin ry gOlng .

I I hUlUW I1d l 'olllllWS.

Th ere ha s been a re m a r k­ab l" c ha nge: in th e A- IS li b r r y fr o m w hEn it b gan in 1952 and t he p r\'se nt t im e. T h o ri g in al libra r y wa s asse m b le d t h ro ug h GO, at io ns by vario us peop le and w as cont in ed in t he p r e· se nt auditori u m unt il 1958. Th e pr ese n t l ib rary co nt ain s a pp rox lm atc:y 4,000 vo lum s. O u r li br ary is not rn e r e ly a pl ace fro m w hi c h to c h ck o u t a book. Th ere are mag zz in s to r ead a nd co lo r fu l di:;p lays. a nd it is l oa qui t pl ace to stu d y. A c rd catalogu e, as w e ll as gradEd rE ad in g lis ts. have beE n es t abl ishe d t o a id s tud e nts . Mrs. Ha ze l Fo bes. t he IIb l a ria n. has a lso stres­se d goo d li bra r y et iq ue tte. a necess ity in 2I1 y libr ar y. Du r ­in g he s umm r. t he li bra r ; is o pe n o n cer t a in days so t hat vacationin g stu de nt s may ch eck out boo ks.

Ou r lib ra r y has beco me an important an d e ffic ie nt part of A- IS ma inly beca use of th e e fforts of Mrs . Fo bES. Sh certai n ly d eserVES a bi g THAN K YOU !

lhf! CU. loC/iUt1

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outgrow the Taj

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Fifteen semors

graduating class,

I. Jeffre y Lee Myers. wi ll my wa istli ne to the less fortunate gir ls of t he sc hoo l.

I. Ju dy Z e ml a. wi ll my mu sc les t o Mary Sh aw in ho pes th at she wi ll gain. as ! have, fro m t hem.

I, T im C o re y, w ill my super ior ch arm , pe r­son a lit y (and conceit) to Mike Lo dge in hopes that it w ill benefi t him as mu ch as it has me.

I. Ke nn eth T o rbe t t, wi ll m y marve lo us abili ty t o p lay go lf to the less fo rtun ate Bill Ho lco mbe.

I. Bu r net ta Jo nes. w i ll my piano-p laying duties to Rick Odgers.

!, Nada Izzed in, w ill my ab ilit y t o d ance to Sus ie Donaho.

I, Je ff Weathe rsby. w ill leave J im Bu rke's ears alone.

I. Howa rd Auble, w ill to Mi ss Con nie Dess Brown, my hope th at her d esire to play in sil ent mo vies wil t be g ranted by th eir ret ur n to popu lar ity.

I, Judit h Ly nn Bud d, wil l my soundy la ugh­ter to Sharon Do nelan in ho pes th at she wi ll profi t by it.

I. Buddy Gl easo n, w i ll my fl at nose to Sp ike Stephenson so t hat it w ill ba lance the le ngt h of his.

I, Lynne Step he nson , w ill my mousey sneeze to Miss Ma nly t o add to her co ll ection.

J. Na ncy Jo Firema n, wi ll my pos it io n as Fl as hback Busi ness Manager to t he nEx t persc n fool e nough to ack le it.

I. Mike O'Ne ill , will the T j Tim es to Gordo n Fis her.

I. Ra j Kr isha n. wi ll my q ui t ma nn r to Barbara Cor y.

I. Mary McKeehan, wi ll my Ame ri can acce nt t o Paul des G ranges In ho pes t hat he 'll learn to speak cor rect Englis h.

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and leL1ve

Taj' first, and

a will . • •

HOWARD AU BL E If yo u hap pe n to wa lk into th e Se n io r class an d see a fu nny

ha t , you may be qui te sure Howa rd Aub le is und e r neat h. He has a k nack for w ea r ing od d th ings . After en t ering t he Senior C lass in November , he imme di ate ly made a p i ce fo r himse lf. Amo ng o t her thin gs he is a "wa lki ng encyclo pe di a" w ho loves to fo o l peo pl e by using lo ng wor ds.

W he n as ked abo ut his ho bbi es, How rd re pli es : " I do n't have any". However, he does enjoy mu sic and is inte rested in elec­t ro ni cs. Since hi s ar ri va l a t t he A-I S he has taken an ac t ive part in schoo l affa irs as a r epo rte r o n th e Ta j Tim es an d a par ti c ipant in t he Ta le nt Show,

H plans to major in " hu mor in co ll ege " . For Howa rd his sho uld be an easy cours e .


JU DY BUDD A co mpose r once wrote a so ng e nt itl e d " Let a Smile Be You r

U mb re ll a" . If t h is wo rks , t hen J ud y w ill nev e r be caug ht in th e rai n. It is o bvio us at fi r st me et ing w hy she was chose n C hr istmas Q u en. He r bea utiful sm ile and spar kling persona li ty nat urally att ract pe o pl e . Sh e has a he lpful fin ger in eve ry pie. Along w it h he r o ther t a le nts she has a lovely so prano vo ice a nd has freq ue ntly bee n 0'1 G le e C lub so lo ist. Judy's po pu la ri t y is no t confin ed to t he h igh scho o l a lone ; sh e is the dar ling of t he e leme ntary bo ys.

Judy 's fut ure plan s in clu de a nursi ng ca r eer . We're certain sh e will be a uccess-her smil e alo ne w ill do wo nders for some ­o ne w ho is ill.

TI M COR EY T his Sen ior ho lds t he t it l o f hav ing possessed "The Most

Ori g inal Beard " . However, t hi s is not T im 's o nly cla im to fa me . Since e nteri ng t he Ta j in August, T im has do ne more t ha n his s hare of t he work . He is a Sen ior Stu dent C oun ci l rep resen­t ati ve, Preside nt of BAA and th e Business Manage r of th e T a j T imes. He has a lso do ne an effect ive job as chai r man of t he socia l comm it tee as is il lust r at e d by t he successful Valenti ne 's Dance . If yo u are a ro und T im ve r y long, it becomes ap p re nt t hat his ho bby is gol f. T im p lans to at te nd An t io ch Co llege in O hio where he w ill st ud y sc ie nce and math matics. O ur lo ss w ill ce r ta inl y be Ant ioch's ga in

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NANCY FI REM AN One of t he cEnters of a t t€ nl io n in the Se nior C lass is a shin y

b lack bo uffant ha ird o. T his be longs to Na ncy Fi reman. T his Seni or g irl has more ene rgy th zn five gir ls p ut toget her. T h is e ne rgy. pl us he r ab ili ty to do a ha r d job we ll , e arned her t he po sitio n of Flas hback Bus iness Manag er . T he Talent Show was o ne o f t he resu lts of her effo r t s t o fi nance Flas hback. Alt hcugh f\' ancy is a busy g ir l, she Is a shy one. She does a grea t deal. but d oes it q Uiet ly. No tas k is too har d for he r , an d she can t u rn a du ll job int o a fie ld-day. W he n Na ncy leaves India she w ill re t ur n co he r nat ive Ca li forn ia for co llege. W hatever professicn s lle chooses. we know Nancy w ill be a success .

RALPH G LEASO N " For he's a joll y good fe ll ow" apt ly descr ibes Budd y Gleason.

Sout h Caro li na's co nt r ibu t io n to t he Se nio r class. With his s low Souther n d raw l and sho c k of red ha ir . he mig ht we ll bear t h ti t le of th e ,. Happ ies t Seni or" and most certainly of the " Most Easi ly Recogn ized " . H is infect ious laugh is usua lly accom ­pa n ied by a fur iou s b lush wh ic h makes his face a lm ost match his hair. Al thoug h Bu ddy's interests are many an d var ie d. hi! fa vo r ite is d r iv ing.

Many t h in gs can be sai d ab"ut t h is red- haired Se nior, but erha ps th n icest th ing o ne can say abo ut anybody can tr uly be

sai d abo ut Bud d y : .. He is a fri en d to everyone. "

N A DA IZZ ED IN Alth o ug h Nada possesses man y ta lents , pe r haps t he one for

w hi ch sh e is best known is her Arab ian dancing. Th is lovely doe -eyed gir l a r rived in Del h i in N ove mb"r from her home In

Leb non. Nad a is parti cularly interested in poli ties and kno ws a great deal abo ut t he top ic. She has t aken lo t s of in t erest in sc hool aff irs a nd was a part icipant in the T ale nt Show. as well as a me mber o f t he Taj Ti mes s ta ff and th e Glee C lu b. She is also a st r member of th e girls' volleyba ll t e am.

AfLe r graduat ion . N ada p lans t o re mai n in Oelhl and ma jor in pol iti Cal sc ie nce at De lh i U nivers ity. W hatever Nada 's future may be . we w is h her t he best of lu ck.

BU RNETTA JO NES Th e pr eside nt o f t he Senio r C lass is q uite a young woma n.

T he jo b of S. Y.F. secretary is no easy task, but Burnetta shoul d ers it like a so ld i r. As if thi s were no t e no ugh. she is o n man y Stu dent Cou nci l com mittees an d Is t he G lee Cl ub pia nist. She pl ays t he p iano bea utifull y and gives pr ivate le sso ns. Burn etta has a good sense o f hu mor and a f riendly at t itu de w hich makes her an ad mire d member of t he Ta j.

After gra du at ion. Bu r ne tt a w ill return to the U nited St ates t o Fisk Uni vers it y w here she w ill ma jo r in mu ie. W ith her zea l and wonder ful pe r sona lity s he wi ll sure ly su ccee d in anyth ing she attem pts.

Page 16: 1962 AIS Yeabook - AIS/AES Alumni Networkaisaes.org/1962_AIS_Yearbook.pdfHowever, t hi s is not Tim 's only claim to fa me. Since entering t he Taj in August, Tim has done more t han

MAR Y MCK EEHAN AI lll OSt e very one at A-IS has heard th e s in g in g of t he"4 I"

group. Ma ry Mc Kee han is th e " I" . She has a love ly al t o voice and a p re tty face t o go a long w ith it . an unusu al com bi natio n . Corning fro m Kno xv ill e. Tennessee , Mary arr ived in Se p tembe r when her fa th er. Dr. Ro l!in McKee hl n. bec me o u r supe rin te n­d ent. and imm ed iat ely pl unged in t o De lh i life . As we ll as bei ng vice- p res id ent of t he Senior c lass. s he is an e l1 e rget ic cheerleader a nd a mem be r o f a ll fiv e Sw de nt Coun.: il com mi ttees. She was a lso th e Seni o r C lass C hri stm as prin cess .

M3ry is t he only American member cf o ur class to rema in in In d ia fol low ing her grad ua t io n. As yet. she has not c hosen a pro fes ­si on . but we are su e t hat t hi s lovely g irl wi ll s ucceed in whatever she decides t o d o.


Eve n in a la rge h ig h sch oo l, the perfect " a ll- rou nd bo y" is a rarity. bu t t his Se ni o r Cl ass has o ne suc h boy. Jeff Myers. T his han dsome Sen io r was el ected Presi d e n r of t he Stu d e nt C oun cil. He w as also on the varsi t y baske t ba ll tea m an d has he lpe d to orga n ize coun tl ess ot he r act iv iti es. Be side s. he is a mem be r of t he " 4 + I", Insp ite of all t hi s ex tra work he is an exce llent st ude nt. If a vote were take n to d e t e rmi ne " T he Most Po li te Boy" at the TaJ. Jeff wo ul d w in by a lan ds lide.

jeff has ea rn e d the respec t and fri en dshi p of II w ho have come in contact with h im. He meets everyone w ith an o pen hand and an o pen heart and by doing t hi s he has him se lf fo un d a place in th e hea rt of each o f us .

RAJ KRIS HA N N ARAN G Raj Kr ishan ho lds a uniq ue pos it io n in the Seni or cl ass. He

has llread y g radu a t ed from t he Modern School , so in m any ways he ca n be consi de red a po st-graduate. He is t ak ing courses o prepare for co ll ege in the Un ite d St at es where he p lans to

st ud y engineer ing. Ra j a lso hol ds th e pos iti on o f be in g t he o nly India nm em ber

o f the Se nior c la ss . He is a very st udi OUS boy and Iso a q ui et o ne. H wor ks hard an d does very we ll in his subj ects. pa r t i­cu larly c he mistry. a fe a t env i d by many of his fellow chem ist ry class-mates.

Ra j has be e n :1 we lcom e dd it io n to the Se nio r c lass. and we hope t hat he w ill be as warmly we lco med in ou r coun try as we have been in hi


Withcut a doubt Mike r ece ive s t he ti t le o f " Th e Old est Seni o r " , I,av ing bee n he r e off and on for seve n yea rs. At fi rst glance Mike a ppears to be t he qu iet. reserved type. but fi rst im press io ns re ofte n mi sle2d ing. Mi ke is th e hard working ed it o r o f t he Taj T im es. a Stu d e nt Co un c il represe ntat ive , a me m be r of t he Sci e nce C lub and a Flas hb ac k . photographe r . Al t ho ug h busy he sti ll manages to kee p up a hig h scholastic average. Mike is Iso he lpful . As k Mr . G up ta abo ut t he p h y~ics eq ui pm ent.

Mike ho pes to attend he United States Nava l Academy at An na po lis, Ma ry land . W he n h I aves th e T a j. he w ill leave a spa ce t hat wi ll be ha r d to fil Ke e p up th e good work. Mike, an d yo u ' " be an ad mir I!

Page 17: 1962 AIS Yeabook - AIS/AES Alumni Networkaisaes.org/1962_AIS_Yearbook.pdfHowever, t hi s is not Tim 's only claim to fa me. Since entering t he Taj in August, Tim has done more t han

LYNNE STEPHENSON "Blondie" claims the South as her home territory! To be

more spEcific, Lynne Stepenson, 1962 Flashback editor, is a charm­ingyoung lady frem Savannah, Georgia. Though she is from the deeD South, even to this fellow SouthernEr. it is not extremely notice able. A five-year tour in Indil does ';on,ething to a Southern accent. Lynne. an interesting and intelligent girl with a lot of "get-up-and-go" , is a hard and Efficient worker. For those of you who must see in order to believe. take a look at the other 63 page s. Lynne pl ans to majo r in music. She has an excell e nt voice <i nd a n~ 2 g"iflcent teuch with J piano. In addition to th ese Significant talents. Lynne has an imaginative and crE 3tiv2 mir.d.

KEN TORBETT Ken Torbett has the distinction of being :, very prcflci ent

golfer. His ability has won him a po siticn o n th e A-IS Golf Team. He was 31so awarded the Pr es id ent's C up. :; 0 w e hav e a CElebrity <,mong us.

Ken has liVEd in New De lhi for two ye ", rs, but this is his fint year at A-IS. Until Novembe r, he attended Kod ::'; kanal Scheol in South India.

Ken, in the opinion of rncst pec p le is a pretty wonderful guy. He is friendly to everyone and makes everyone feEl at Ease at their first meeting. Ken has not yet chosen a profession, but will retum to Flerida in May with his parents. We'll miss hill' and so will the caddies at the golf course.


According to Rud/ard Kipling, "Everyone is more or less mad on one point". With JEff this point is football. A football player' himself, JEff can alw:;ys be drawn into a conversation on the SUbjEct with very little coaXing.

JEff, the last member to join the Senior Class, is an active member of the Taj Times staff and also types for the paper.

Jeff can be described "s a "quiet clown". He frequently goes into hysterical antics at the drop of a hat and can keep people in stitches. However, you must watch Jeff or you'll miss his actions. He performs witheut fanfare.

Delhi will lose J€.ffafcer graduatien when he returns to his home in Washington, D.C. His future college plans? You guessed it-football!


This Senior girl dc esn't believe in doing the things the usual way. She has already attended Junior College and has returned to High School to acquire a few more credits. Judy is the hard working Taj Times typist and is also a member of the Glee Club. Her energy is best illustrated by her cheer­leading ability, which won her a place on the cheer leading squad. When asked about her hobbies, she says that she enjoys any kind of sport. One of her other hobbies is modern dancing. Many of you will remember her in the Talent Show. After Judy graduates she hopes to either become a professional dancer or P.E. teacher. 'Whatever she may choose. we're sure she'll succeed.

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This has been a busy year for the first SEnior class at the Taj. Each me mber of the class has held some position of responsibility and sev e ral have held as r:l 2ny as two or three .

In OctobEr, the (l ass went e n mas~e to see the ,novie "Ma~beth " whi ch th EO Y had just studied in English cl3SS.

Another pr oj ect cf the class was to give their room a new look and this was done with some e nergy. initiative, and blue paint I Th e boys did most of the painting while the girls supervised.

The: Seniors have had an enjoyable yea r and will certain­ly miss A-IS when they leave in May.



SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS Howard Auble-Secretary Burnetta Jo nes-Preside nt Mary McKeeh an-V ice-President

Graduates study too.



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The Juniors do a lot

HerbErt A lva I'd

C c nni e B,cwn

Barbd ra Corey

Shar on Don elan

Gordon Fi sh er

with a little

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Ma r y Sh3YJ

JIJNIO R CLASS OFFICE RS He rb en: Alvord . Pres id e nt

Mary S h ~w . Secretary

Nea l Gl ad ston e

Rex G leJso n

W i Il am Holco mb ;:,

Ri ck O dgers

T he Juni o rs are most noto ri o us for th e ir lunch ­t ime jam sess ion s wi t h g uitJ rs strummi ng Jn d stude nt s fro m all classEs singi ng loud ly. Th e mu ­s ic is provided by th e famed " Hap pyroc kers' ·.

Th e mai n pro j Cl of the clJSS was t he plan­ni ng and g iving of th e Ju n io r-Sen io r Pro m which too k pl ace in April. A g r eat deal o f t i m and effo rt was de voted to make the prom th e suc­cess it was .

If th e Juni ors kee p up t he good wo r k. A-IS will have Cl w o n d e r f u I "secon d" grad uJ. ting class.

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Sopho more?

Sophomore's y ear was

Donald Ar mstro ng

Susan Barn ow


'Bo bby Blake

Ri chard Ca lve t t e Paul des Gran ges

Susan Die nel t

Barbara Donelan

Ji rr. Hagan Mark Ise nberg


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numerous arri vals

Ch rist ina Jones To mmy Noonan

Pat rici a Pal mer

Sh irley Pos t Tejwan t Sandhu

Jam es Stephenson


SOPHOM ORE C LASS OFFICE RS Chr is Jon es. Pr esi dent ; Bo bby Blak e.

Vi ce -Pres id e nt ; Su Dien It. Secreta ry ..


Th e Soph omo re Cl ass has bee n th e most transit iona l o ne in the entir e school . The ir history has been one of cont i­nua l departures and ar r ivals.

T h is cI ass had by far the most sp irit at C hristmas. Th ei r room was ga ily deco rat­ed (no t an eas y task in a sc ience roo m filled with ch arts and disp lays) a nd they invited t he Fresh men to jo in t he ir party.

This class has no t on ly humor. but brains as well. so no wo nder t hey are such a pop ula r gro up o f st ud en ts.

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The largest class In the High Schoo

Th e mo t to o f t he Fr es hm an cl as s cou ld ve ry we ll be " T he Mo r e th e Merrier ". It has 29 stu de n ts . m a kin g it t he la rges t c lass in t he w ho le sc ho o l.

: he chi ef project un dertake n by the c lass was to form a co mmitt ee ro be tter th e a ttitu d es and co nd uc t of th e mem bers of t he N inth Gra de. Pos t e rs were made ill ust r ati ng res pect fo r o t h e r s. c lass be havio r nd goo d con du ct . Thi s p ro ject was o bv iou sly su ccess fu l . because it is difficult t o fin d a n icer bunc h of st ude nts.

R.on a ld A lle n

Kri st an Alvord

Phili p A r m st rcng

In a Jan e Br adl ee

Rc sem ar y Bur ke

Chui-ue C hak abpa

Paul Day

Su sa n Do nah o

Reed Fin froc k

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Geoff Fobes

Davi d Garbe r

Stuart G rossmJ n

Tom Ho lcomb

haron J1sper St eve J,) hn ,on



Krist3n Alvo r d, Pres id ent ; Skip G r-;:' SS il lM" Vice-P res id ent ; L oe~ i ee W ood man. Se creta ry.


M ik e Lo dg e

Ruth Manly

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Me linda Miller

Bruce Rice

Asha Sh ah

Ethan Stein

Karen Stephenson

Cherie Studwell

Betty Vakil

Anne Weathersby

Leelee Woodman

Adil Yunus

Christine Zemla

Arlene Zucker

Not Shown Kit Kempter.

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High School

Classes in


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Eighth Graders

T his has been a busy year for the 8th Grade. Eve n th o ug h t he c lass is divi ded into two sect ions , th e y combin for many classes and proj cts . In th e ir h istory class they ma de ne ws papers, w ' it lng th em as if t he y w r e co vering t he ac tu al ne ws of a year o f g r at h istor ica l importance . One sectio n wrote an Ameri ca n news p' pe r and th e o ther wrote a Br itish news pape r. Boo k chart s, t o gauge t he num be r o f book s read by th e stude nts of t he 8 t h G r ade we re made in eac h Engl ish class. In th e field of spo r t s, th is class was an av id contrib uto r . Du ri ng t he year the famou s Vul t u re t eam was fo rmed and became a vit a l part of A-IS s ports. From wh at we ha ve seen th is year . t he 8th Gr ader s wi ll ce rta inly be welcomed into t he high sch oo l as Fr eshmen next year.

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prepare .for High

Homeroo m : Mr. W alk e r

Botto m Row: Ca r o l Jo n s , Janet D avey, Toni Stepanek , N nc y Lescall ett e : Middl e Row: T y Egb e rt, La uri a n O dgers, Morfudd Charles, Fritzi e He rma ns e n. Stephanie Mic hal ec , Paul Ho ro wi z: To p Ro w : Ia n Cam pbe ll, Ja me s Eg lin, Do na ld Bu dd , T hom as Bo yhan, Step hen Mic ha lec , Gregor Kud arauskas, Not in pic tu re: Jeannie des G ranges.

School, and .

H omeroom: Miss Manly ,

Bottom Row : Mary O man, Le igh Grossm a n, Becky Hill, Na ncy Blake: Midd le Row : Be r yl Flo re ll, Chris Lucas, Peggy Fisher, Jean Ensmi nger , Fran Purce ll To p Row : Do ugl as Day, Richa r d Kamm, Ha n k Free ma n, Mike McKee­ha n, Ro y Smith, Jo hn Sto ppe r, Not In Pic ture ' Mary Fri t schle.

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Ho m eroo m : Mrs. Singh

Seventh Grade

Th e t api ng of a r ad io pl ay was on ly on e of the interesti ng pr' o jects of t he 7th G raders. In Ma rch they went on an o ri n t a ­tio n fie ld tr ip of De lh i an d spent an en tire d ay vis it ing va r ious p laces of int res t. Th e students of th e clas s ha ve taken an active in terest in the Stu dent Council and hav e served on t he Stude nt Coun ci l committees. In soc ial s tudies t hey ma de ma ps and spe nt a lot o f ti me preparin g t he m. O n of the hig h li g hts o f the yea r was a cl ass sw immi ng pa r ty held in Marc h a t th e A hob Hotel. This has t ru ly bee n a busy and in teres ting year for t he 7t h Grad ers .

Bottom Ro w : Nancy Lake land , Manju K3 ~ ur, Kare n Woodb ury, Carol Flo rel1 Middle Row: Denn is Grossman, jana Donaho, Li sa Gregg, Li nd a De ver , Al ka Shah, Mike Sull ivan ; Top Row : Stanley Gl eason, C hris Wi lde r, Ricky En m in ger, Bob W a lkinsh aw , ).ck Hermanse n, Gregory Zago r in , Sha nka r Darbari, Tom m y Stud wel l. Not in Pict ure;

Ku lraun Sz nd hu, Jack Kempter .

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completes ~first year of junior High.

Homeroom : Mrs . H o rowitz

Botto m Row : Me li ssa Miller. Susan Potter : Middle Row : Patsy Oman, Aleida Kuda­rau skas. N ancy Sahs, Carolyn Bradlee . Susan Gifford : Top Ro w: Robert Vallefuoco, Brian Ric e , James Brad lee. Douglas Kam m, Gautam Ka n,ji­la l.

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FIFTH GRADE Mrs. Ja iwa nti Lawre nce

Many o f you ma y r eme m­be r th e pu pp e t s how an d t he In d ian dancin g a t th e T alen t Show he ld in February. Th ese e njoyab le acts were co ntrib u­t ions fro m M iss Law r e n ce 's Fifth Grad e .

Dur ing the past ye a r the c lass has stu die d life in Indi a. its custo ms . rel igi o n and cu l­tu ra l he ri tage, as w e ll a s th e reg ula r studi es. At Ch ri s t m as ti me t h mo t hers ga ve a wo nder ul pa rty a nd p re se nt ed a skit. George N oc na n. one of th e pup pe t e e rs port ra ye d Sa nt a Cl aus .


Bottom Row : Re becca Bohl. Christ in e Stephenso n' Middl e Ro w: Da niel Su lli ­v; n. Judith Ise nb e rg . Kri sti ne Ma lo ne . Jill Frederi ck, Paul Om an: Back Ro w : Geo rge Noona n. Shehab Fat he Aza m. Ka rl Herm a n en. Pet er Galbraith. JAmes Dever. Richard Vallefuoeo ; Not inplct ure : D ipak Ro y. Amrita Gh o sh Jea n Burke , Je ff rey He g ard. Ruth Fr itsc hl e

Elementary School outdoes all

SIXTH GRADE Mrs. Pa u lin e W a lkin shaw

Th is past year tn Si x th Grade pre pa red fo r t heir mov e to t he Junior Hi g h Schoo l. Th y wrote outlin es, poe try an d r e ports and al so s tu died s impl ge ometry "nd a lg e b ra. Th is wa s no t a year of all w ork a nd no pla y . How ­eve r . The cl ass wen t on field t ri ps and sa w mov les and slides . Th e Six th G raders als o partic ip at e d in choral re adings and s kits . This W1S

t ru ly a busy ye a r, but a ge o d intro duction in t o the hard work t o co me nex t year .

Bott o m Row : Ca t hy O · N e il l. Estre lli ta Jon es . An it a Jo nes . La u r ie LeCai n; Mi ddl e Row : D e bbie H ill. La ura Si m pson . Rene G ladstone , MarC Ia Zuc ker, Mary A rmstrong: To p Row : K at h r yn Town I y. Dean Leseall et te. Ma r k Luppi. Joh n Gentry . Jeffrey Ka mm, Vijay Kapur . Kathy Dan iel s ;

o t in pi ct ure : ath y Kempler .


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number and strength

FIFTH G RADE f"lr s. Lo r a in e N eed les

T he most interesti ng pro­jects m ad e by this section o f th e Fi ft h G rad e w e re done In o bserva nc e o f " Boo k W eek". Eac h s tudent m ad e a st ory boo k character fr o m pipe c lea ners , cotton , a nd ma t e rial. Th e y a lso ma d e a ch 3rt ca lled " Boo ks on Para d e" ma d e fr om bo ok jackets to which the students had addEd he ads. legs, a rms and an ythin g e lse ne ces sar y to make an a nim a l or a perso n.

These pro jec t s, pl us int e ­rest in g stu d ie s in a ri t h m eti c and la ng u age . made a s uccess ­ful a nd pr ospe rou s ye a r for t hi s Fif t h G ra d e.

Bottom Row : Peter Z agorin. Ro y Smith, Vicki N oonan, Linda Levi ck, Ch"i stopher Spu r r: Middle Row : Lesli e To lber t . Lou i se Lu cas, Jean Sc hn eider. A nne Hy de. Lisa Kudarauskas, Peggy D ien elt: T o p Row ; Ton y Gr egg, Pete r Book , A ll en Gifford. Rama K rl' shn as wam y. Dlp ;r k Darbari . N o t in pi cr ure ' R~ na Kanjll ;d

FOURTH GRADE -Mrs. Barbara Fox

The me mo r izati o n of a Hindi poe m w as one of t he ite m s on t he age nd a o f Mrs . Ba rbar a Fox 's Fo urth Grade , The cl ass a lso ga ve a Thanksg iv ing play and a pantomime for the Elementary Stu d e nt C ounci l, To ma ke th e ir st udies more in t e re st in g, Mr s. Fox has held contests and quizze s, and the childre n have wor ked o n va r ious p ro je ct s. These Fo u r th G rad e rs parti­cu la r ly Ii ke p lays, an d th ey have pa rti ci pated in seve r I. much to t h e e nj o yment of their audi ences .

Bo tto m Row : Fra nk Bourdrez, Randy To rb ett , De an Gleason, David Simpso n, Mark K udara usk s. Middle Row : K ris· tine G ent r y, San dy Ho r owitZ, K i rn Tolbert, Jane W o od m n, A nn Va l le­fuoco . Top ~ow : James Galbraith, Go r don Je nso n, Ti m Fi nfrock, La r ry Mill er, A jit Shah, M ike Levick, Tony Traywick, Not in pict ure : John Bourn e

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- Mrs. Pauline Th o mas

This cl ass ha s b e n very lucky to ha ve stud en t s r p r e­sen ting fo ur nationa liti e s so t ha t th ey cou ld exch ange ideas and learn more about ea ch other . O ut s id e reading and vario us projects have helped to ma ke thi s a busy yea r. In D e ce mber, the cl ass gave three short pl ay s on bein g good neighbo r s which w ere very successful. In soci a! studies, t he month of Febru ary was devot ed to th e stu dy of India and De lh i a nd ~e vera l field tr ips w ere made dur ing that time.

Bot tom Row : Raym on d Re nfro, Ke nt Rac hi e, Ta ka Yamanouchi , Fre d Swar tzen d r ub er . A lii Fe lder ; Middl e Row : Ma ry Pa r ker. Krist e n LeCain , D iann e Ray, Susan Purce ll ; Top Row : Ri chard Mayo­Smith, Jack Frede rick . Pa ul Lucas. Brin Lu ppi. Not in picture' Kare n Barnouw. Kir k Ke m pter.

THIRD GRA DE Mrs. Homai Dalal

Models of a dese rt, a dam and Am e rican Indian hom es are only a few o f the inter f'! st­ing projects mad e by Mrs. Hom a i Da lal's Thi r d G ra d e. They have t aken a great d ea l of interest in Indian His to ry an d have learned about th e custom s and religion of th e ea rly Hin d us. Th e children also organ ize d a n exhibition of electri ca l gadg ets and made expe riments and electricity scrapbooks. Al on g with all thi s w o rk the children joined the other Third Grade for fle1ld trips.

Bottom Row; An dy Schnei der , Ell e n Zagor in, Kat hy rin Studwell . An n Jenson , Coll ee n T own sley. Mi dd le Row : Stephe n Spurr , Lin da Smith, Susa n H ubinger , Michae l May o-Smith; To p Row: Gregory Z orth ia n, Ter r y Th iess . Steve n Dever . Richard Si m pso n. Geo rge You ng. Joh n Carver, Ravi Sri nivas.

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THIRD GRADE Mrs. Fl orence At ki nso n

Th ese Thi rd Grade rs are mos t famou s fo r th e ir ability to co ll ec t th e mo st mo ne y fo r fund d r ives . no ma tt e r w hat kind o f driv e it is. T hey have rea lly done 1 wo nd r ful job in thi s departm ent , O:1 e of t ht: ma in accompl ishme nts of the c lass is t he cha nge from man uscript w r it ing t o scr ipt. Sci en..:e and soci al st udi es have bee n th o rou ghl y e nj o y­ed by the Third G rade rs 35

well (IS fi e ld trips to J3ma Masjld. Lakshmi Na ri an Templ e ~ nd th Coca C ula Facto r y.

Botto m Row: Penny Pitze r. Shery l Bu r r ows. N api t Atki nson. Prissana Atk inso n. Ba r ba ra Ko pl ask l: Mid dle Row: Gretchen Mo h r . Marcia Da n ie ls . Louise Lu cas. Lisa Ste phe nson; To p Row : Roge r Si mpso n. Je ff r ey Baird . Lee H ill, Muh tar Kent . Michae l Stuart . Pe er Math sson. Char les G regg. Not in pictu re: J inx Lazarsky. D avid Gentry.

Bottom Row : Ste phe n Sm ith, Bob by Ren fro. Geo rge Ha nna h. Shellie Owe ns. Ly nne Bra ntl ey. D e bb ie Carso n. Steve n Sullivan . Rocky Parker; Midd le Row: Je nn ife r Bo hl . Susan O ma n. De boi e Ern est. Jane t Hu binger . G a il Rocke r , Kat hl ee n Do ne lan ; To p Ro w: Bill y Lucas. Boya n Kvede r. Ph ili p Ba ne. Gary Traywick . Ste phen Finfrock. R>nd y W ishmy e r. Jerome Goff . Not in pic t ure : Amanda Weath ersby, Eri c Schaeffer .

SECO ND GRA DE Mrs, Fay W al ke r

Thi s is th e larges t class in t he Ele men tar y Schoo l with 24 stud ents. Twenty- th ree of t he children are Ameri can. bu t the cl ass li ves up to t he int ernational pa rt of A-IS by including Boyan Kveder fr om Yugo sl avi a. In Decem ber .Mrs. Bea t r ice Fritschle. t he cl ass te che r . beca me ill and Mr s. Fay W al ker took over as substitu t e. but this tu rn ed ou t to be a full -t ime job,

Because th ey live in In d ia. t he Seco nd G raders st ud ie d li fe in an Indi an vill age. They a lso saw t he Re publi c Day pa rade with th e First Grad ers an d wh en they re turned to school . th ey co lo red Indian fl ags and e lep hant s fo r thei r roo m. Th ey also had severa enjoyable parti es.

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Bottom Ro w: Ru sse ll ~purr, An ne Rosi tzk e , Sydn e y Own es, Marth a H ill, De bbi e Woo dman ; Second Row: John Spragu e, DouglJs Young , Ned Mohr , A Sh by Pitze r , J :Je Lazlrsk y, Ch ri s Bane; Top Row : Steve Z o r thia n, Kurt Mill e r ; N o t in p ic t ure : N ick y Bo urn e, H e nry Dau , Martin So bol, James Wi shmyer, Jeffr e y Wi shmy e r . Ma r k Zagorin.

FIRST GRADE Mrs. Maude Murphy

Mrs. t1aude Murphy's First Grade h.as had a busy year. Along with th e ir regular studies of re ading and arithm etic, they have worked on seve ral inform ative pro­jects, including farms, t oys and zoos. As we ll as proj ec t work, they hwe jo ined th e other First Gr 2de to visit various places of inter est around Del hi. At Christm as t ime th e room was gay with decorations and th e sound of noise-ma ke rs (bo th the com­merci al t ype and t he children type ), and th e children exchanged gifts.

FIRST GRADE f'lr. Ann Trotti

This section of the First Grade consists of 18 ene rgetic children. During th e firs t six weeks of school the cl ass participat ed in a readiness program t o prep are them­se lves for reading and ar ith­metic. The class has also studied phonics, spelling, so ci a l studies and science during the pa st year , a busy schedule for first graders. For fiel d tri ps to the fire­station, the zoo, the Moghul G2r dens and the Re publi ': Day Parade, the two First Grades we re combined. These child­ren have seen a great deal of De lhi and will have much to t e ll their fri ends wh en they go back to the United States.

Bo ttom Row ; Mo lly Purce ll , N isa Rac hie . Suz e tt e Kauff m1n. Ma nees h a Na ik, Carl o tta Jo ne s ; Middle Row: [1 Jrk Ml singii l, Ro b ert Brown , Joe l Bair d , Pam e la C a rte r, Betsy Ma'ione, Rupak Roy , Ph ilip Ray ; Top Row : J eff ry Fox, Rich ard Di ene lt, Pre mch andran K ris hnasw amy , Sco tt Walkinshaw, Danny SWJrtze ndrub e r, Philip Studw e ll. N o t in pict ure: Pat Sim s, Z e yba Ra hman, Carla Boehme.

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The Elementary students learn by dOing.

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are many

and varied

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Bottom Ro w : Chris Jon es, 10th Rep.: Nea l Gl adst o ne. T reasurer; Con ni e Br ow n. Sec­retary; J ff Myers. Presid ent : Judy Budd. Yice -Pre~ id e nt. ; Che;-,e Studwell. 9th Rep.; Top Row; Sue Dienelt. 10th Rep. ; Tim Corey. 12th Rc,p.: Ron Al len . 9th Rep.: Rick Odgers. 11th Re p.:Mik e 0 Ne ill. 12th Rep.; Barbdr ' Co rey, I I th Re p. : 11,s. Fobes. A dvi sor.

first a11- choo} tudent Council

Jeff My ers St ud e nt C oun cil


Aft er the exc it e ment of e lection s was ove r, t he firt A- I Stud e nt C ou nc il bega n th e difficult task o f ru nni ng the Stu dent Go ve rnm e nt . Be­cau se it was th e first council, man y co mmittees had t o be formed t o ca rry ou t t he various f un c ti o ns of th e stud e nts' part in the cheo l. On e o f the ma in pro jec ts acco m p lis h€d thi s yea r w as t he compil at icn of a "St ud e nt Gove rnmen Handbook " t o be used as a guide for su ccee din g co uncil s . C o ke sa les an d the Valentine 's Da nce he lped to bu ild up the low tr ea sury of one ru pee with w hich the Council began. Th e Assem bl y Com mit tee o f t he Student Cou nc il has been respon s ibl for ma ny informa t ive ass emblies throug h­o u t t he past yea r ,

The Se ni or Stud e nt C ounc il has done more th an any other org niza­ti on to make the Taj a pl ac e of wh ic h we can a ll be p ro ud . A mere t hank yo u is not enough.

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IS set In Like the Sen i 0 r

Council, the Intermediate Council also organizEd a series of committees to ca rry out various tasks. Social, monitorial and c I ean-u p comm it tees as well as a safety patrol were formed'soon after the second semester be­gan. During the past year two projects were undertaken by the rep­resentatives. The first was the formation of cer­tain "KLles of Behavior" which were to better the school behavior of Taj students, and then after the formation, the en­forcement of these rules was undertaken. The second project was the Junior High "Valentine's Dance" held in February. This was a big success and the council gr2cicus­Iy donated the proceeds of the dance to the Flash­back Fund, :1 much wel­comed gHt.

motion this year.

INTERf"IEDIATE STUDENT COUNCIL: Bottom Row Miss Elwell, Advisor: Tommy 5tudwell, Vice-PresiderH: Jean Ensminger, President: Fran Purcell, Secretary Mrs, Needles, Advisor: Top Row: Cathy O'Neill, Treasurer; Paul Horo wi'z, Hank Freeman, Renee Gladstone, Carol Florell, Peter Ga lbraith, Br ian Ricc, Leslie Tolbert, Estrellita Jones, Representatives-H-Large.

ELEME~JTA'RY STUDENT COUNCIL: Front Row: P2ul Lucas, Treasurer: Jeffrey Baird, Vice Presi­dent: Raymond Renfro, Pres'dcnt· Prissana Atkinson, Secretary: David Gentry; Back Row: Jeffrey Fox, Jennifer Bohl, Bobby Renfro, Jlmes Gal braith, Jeffrey Wish meyer, Ajit Shrh, Kathy"';n Studwell.

What these represen­tatiVES lack in age, they certainly make up for in ability. Because this is their first year in Student Coullcil, the Elementary Council concentrated on learning the proper pro­cedure for holding meet­ings. They were aided in this project by the Sen:or Student Council.

Several programs and plays were prepared and presented to the Elemen-tary Council by their fe II ow-classmates, The training that they receiv­ed this year has been invaluable.

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MONITORIAL (above) Mo ~ fudd Charles, Tom Boyh an, Leolie Tolbert , Hank Freeman, Peter Galbraith, Gregor Kurl arausbs , B"i n Rice, Paul Horowi tz

SAFETY PATROL (right) E ~ ttom Row: Tom rllY Noonan, Tom Holcombe, Laura Simps:>n , Carol Jones, Aleid) Kud,)rau, kas , P~ter Book, t1i ke McKeeh,-, n Denni s, Grossman, Stephen Mich alec; Top Row; Rick Odgers , (J ptain) Dave Odge,·s , Karen Stephenson, Howa' d Auble, Ar lene Zucker, Bill H,')icorn be, Ch er ie Studwell, Ronald Allen , Susie D :>naho, Ruth Man ly.

Co 1111l ittee clirect

. . . act~vltl e '

COM M ITTEE MEMBEl\ s ; Bo tto m R:>w: M l ry Shaw, Le elee W ood­, an, Skip Gross man, To m Hol­combe, C heri e Stud well, Geo ff Fo bes; Mi Ie Row : Su zy ~ar­nu w , N ncy Fi re a n , Sue Di e­ncit, T im Corey , Jud y Budd, Ju cy Z emla; T op Ro w : Lynne St "ph er. so n, Ruth M;ln ly, 511.1ron Don el"n, Ch ri s Z em la, Mary Mc K eeh.1f", Pat Palm e'·. s inron J :, ~ pe .-, bU"nett, Jones, Daye Odgcr>, K "i s AI-lord, Co nn ie 8rc"·No. ~ u ~ j ;:; D:.r. :dlO, Rick C;:. I­

ve: t Cl , A r lenc Zuck ::r- Stev e J ~ hn so n, Borbar. '.JL'ncl'on. Ron Allen.

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,,' Flu hb ,ck" lJS (Lebll f, rn uJ,ile . ..


Edi tor Lynr, e Stephenson

Business Mana ger Nancy Fi rema n

Fhorography by Dave O dgers Mike O' Neil l Mrs. Gup ta Mrs. Hornoi VyJrawa lla Mr. Mehend ra Khanna

Edito ri a l Adviso r Mrs . Singh

Pr int ing Mrs. Gupt;!

Hou r s s pent poring ove r pictu res to find just the ri g ht one fo r the Christm as Dance or sea rching fo r the exact word need ed t o en d a sentence re o nly a few of t he jobs invol ved in pro ducin g a Yea rbo o k. Bec use this is really the first A-IS yearboo k o f it s size to be publi s he d. th e staff had to start fro m sc ratch . Al though it required a g reat d ea l of ti me . It was also ve ry inte res ting . Aft e r all the p ictures w ere co llec t ed and co py w ritten. the layo ut had to be do ne. This requ ires much cutting a nd pastin g and ma ny trips to th e pho tog raphe r to ge t t he nee de d s izes. Even though the p rod uctio n of t hi s Fl as hback ca used man y headach es a nd pr o ble ms w e, t he st ff. con sid e r then, w ell worth i t. We hav e been lucky to have ha d a cha nce to wo rk on this Flashback and we hope that you ge t as much pleasure o ut of it as we have .

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the "Taj

T ' , nne '


its fi.fi)l .year.

THE T A Edi tor-i n. , hi d Manag ing Ed ito r Fea tu re Ed itor

ports Editor Socia l Ed itor News Desk

Busi ness Manager T y pist Adviso r

TIM E S Mik e O ' Neil l Gordon Fi she r C hr istina Jo nes Dave O d gers Jud y Budd Susa n Dienelt Mary McKeehan Jud y Z e m la Lynn e Ste ph e nsl>n Howa rd Aubl e Na da Izzeddin Je ff Weathersby Tim Corey Judy Zem la

Al o ng w ith p roducing he "Taj Tim e s", th e jou rn alis m cl ass promoted o r s ponso r ed many so cia l ac t iv iti es and e x citin g co m pet it ions fo r the sc hool, At C hrist mas the re was t he Sho rt Story C o ntest for the enti re sc hoo! . For the Hig h Schoo l we ha d TW IRP Day an d Dan ce , the Christma s Dance. the Talen t Sh ow and the Bea rd-G row ing Contes t . Pr o ceeds fr o m d ancE's and the Ta l nt Sh ow w ent into thi s . t he second annual of the American -In t erna­ti on 1 Scho ol .

Althou g h th e journa li sm cl ass put much prec iou s t ime and hard wo rk into these acti v ities, by far the mos t interesting and important job was gHti ng out 1he " Taj Times" . It w as a con t inual ru s h-ru~h to get the copy in on time. followed by fu ss ing and fum ing o ver proofs th at never seem d to be correct. Then there w as a sho rt t ime fo r re laXing afte r ea ch iss ue came out on time.

W ith suc h a busy ~chedule, it does no t seem poss ible tha t the class could h ve had the tin,t' to study journal ism. But tim e w as sq ueezed in a nd ~he st ud ents we r e able to le a rn about the different aspects of produ­cin g :1 newspa per. Bes id s simpl y studyin g the b oo k, trips were made t o the printer' s shop and different stud e nts t o o k turn s at be ing th editor's a ppr entice. perha ps hi nde rin g th e hard-work in g e di tors at t imes but , a ll the same. giving ev eryon e , taste of re al newspaper work .

Mrs . Jacquelin Singh

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The ill;' 1'~ - - ,,) . [(enne(/r

One of the highlights of this scheol yea r was the v is it o f Mrs. Jo hn F. Ke nn ed y t o De lhi . On the m orni ng of he r a r r iva l. th e e nti re sc hoo l we nt ou t to th e a irpor t to great her. Jeff My e rs, Judy Bu d d and Je an Ens minger p rese nted he r w ith a bo uquet o f flow ers on be ha lf o f th e st uden t body . T he s tudents had hop ed th at Mrs. Kenn ed y could vis it th e choo l. but her cr owded schedule made this im po s ~ ibl e . How­ever. th e t rip to th e a irport was ve ry excitin g a nd w as a major topi c o f conv ersa ti on fo r many we e ks foJ/ ow ing he r vi , it.

Pictured bel o w ar e g ift s mad>= by ou r st ud e nt~ a nd prese nted t o Mrs. Ke nnedy

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SCIENCE CLU B : Bottom Row : Skip G rossman, Ron AliEn , Geoff Fobes, Tomm y Ho lcombe, Sharo n Jasp er: T op Row : M iss Elwell , Advi sor, M ike O,Neill, Bruce Rice, Reed Fin froc k . Raj Kri shan N ara ng. Adil Yun us

Louis Untermeye A mer ican Po t

De mo nst rat io n o f t r affi c r u les

W a lker Ci s ler Presi d nt , Detro it Ed ison Co., Michigan


This year the first A-IS Scien ce Club was organiz e d . The main pur­po se of th is club is to give the q ua lifi ­e d stud e nt who is pa rti cularly interes­te d in sc ie nce a ch ance to enrich hi s sc ience prog ram e. Thr e t ypes of pro­g ra ms w e re sta r t Ed : "Clinic Nights", "Career N igh t s " , a nd "Special Pr o­g rams" . T he fir st program gives th e stud ent working on a pro ject an o ppor­tu nity t o mee t w ith his advisor . "Career N ig hts " ar e mean t to introdu ce va ri ou s scient ifi c caree rs to studen t ·. The last p rogra m incl udes visits to p laces of scien t ifi c interes t in Delh i. Th e club members have al so been fo rtunate en o ug h t o hea r severa l guest speake rs. Th is has cert ai nl y been an important step in the prog r e ss o f t he Ame r ican- ln tern ati on I Schoo l.

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al1(1 as emblies, speakers , • • • •

~ENIOR GLEE CLUB. Bo ttom Row : Chu ckie Chabbp_:l, £:2: t y Yak ii, B a rb ~ r a Do nelan, N ada Izzed in. Barb ara Corey, Lynne Stephenson, Ju dy Budd, Su sie D ona ho . T ej wa nt Sa ndhu, Leeic2 Wood ma n, Mrs. Bas he y, Director ; Middl e Row: Che r ie Studwe ll, Me lin da Mill er, Ma.y McKceha~, Con ni e ~. r ~.w n , Su sie Ba rnouw, Sharon ja sper, Ina j ane Er2d!ee, N arcy Fire an, Kr is Alvord, A rlen e ZUCKc t', judy Z e ml a, Sharo n D :>n elan, Burn ettJ bnos; Top Row: Mar k I;enberg, B:>bby Blake , T ommy Hol c:lm be , D on Armstrong , D ave Odg'ers, Pon A l l n , Ric k Odgers, ~~ ea l GI Jdsru n(' , Geoff Fo bes.

Left to Right : Mrs. Bashey-Di re c::n' , M anju Kapur, jean En sm in ge r, Lis", G regg. Fr~ n Purcell, Caro l Flxell, M:lriudd Ch ;: r l c~ , N -tley La kel and, C~ro l j :> l1( o. Kat"en Woo dbury , j anet D :tv ey, Cht- is W i: oet ·.

SENIOR GLEE CLUB ,A,no t her of the ,~-IS

"fi rst s" this ye J r i; th e High Sch o o l G lee Club directed by f1 rs. jev !,J B a~ h ey, In Decem­ber , th e Gl ee Club brought th e spir it 'sf ChrisrmJs close r (0 t he st ud ents by caro ling JI,C sing ing at th e Chri stm as Assemb ly. Th e gro up :. Iso

erfonned in the Apri l Mu sic Fes t ival 2nd at th e Easte r assem bl y. A spec ial wo rd of th ::J nks goes to accom panist Bu rnc t l;l j l~ n ~s .


On ce;) w c l< thi s group g ts toge t her- wi th ~rs . j evra Bashe y to rehc.lrse , Even t ho ugh th e eu rri culum was crow ded , t hey were ab le to mak e t hei r contrib utio n r.o the MUS ic Dep:lrtment of A-IS, A i w c f th e mEmbers sang in the Tale nt Shew ~ nd all the mcnlbers represE nt ( d Sweden in t he 1'"1us ic FEstival, We 1001< fo rward to hea ring mo re from thell! n ext yea r.

Page 49: 1962 AIS Yeabook - AIS/AES Alumni Networkaisaes.org/1962_AIS_Yearbook.pdfHowever, t hi s is not Tim 's only claim to fa me. Since entering t he Taj in August, Tim has done more t han

.. Ou t - oJ'- tow n contests

. trtps and

Ihis ye ar. foul " On - the - s pot­Essay " compEtition s and one short story contest wEre held to find the hidden talent of many A-IS students. These contests were ~dso aimed at encour3ging ',1 n inte rest in cre ::\ tive writing in th e Gtud e nts. Th e first essa y contes t winner r ece ived 10 rupees. while the succeeding winn e rs received books of th e ir choice .

The task of choosing the winning essay or short story was a difficult one. but it W 3S ably handl e d by Mrs. Jacqu e lin Singh. Mrs . G e ne va Laird and Mrs . HJZe l Fo bes

Winners: Bottom Row : C o nnie Brown , Lis> Stephenson, Jeff My ers. Barbara Donelan. Fran Purc ell: Top Row : Bruce Rice , Rick Odgers , G :> rdon Fisher ; Not in picture : Nancy Sah s, H e rbert Alvord.

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provicZe of a .


The Senior and Junior Youth Fellowships have formed an integral part of life in Delhi as far as the teen ·agers are concerned. During the year the two groups each took a trip to places outside Delhi. The Senior group headed for the mountain resort of Sat Tal and later the Juniors m ade for the desert city of Jaipur . The Sat Tal group spent their holiday ,H

the E. Stanley Jones A~hram, swim­ming, boating and hiking in the surrounding wooded areas.

In Jaipur, the Junior group viewed the palaces and other sites of the beautiful City and played games and just genE rally had a good time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Minehart, their gracious host~, who formerly lived in Delhi. Both groups returned home very tired, but bursting wit~ adven­tures to relate and many happy memo­ries. A speCial "Thank You" goes to Reverend and Mrs. William Studwell (or their work with these two groups .

One of the many acti­vitiES sponsored by the Taj Times was the "Most Original Beard" ccntest. Four participants let thEir beards grow for two weeks. At the end of this pericd every H ig h School g i r I votEd fer the "Most Origin :1I Beard", The results were of course revealed in the Taj TimES ::.nc Tim Corey's "spartacus" beard emerged vi ctori­ous.

. lnterests.

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as .

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Christmas comes but once a year ,




Sus ie Do naho . Fres hman Pr incess

Sue Di enelt. Sop ho more Pr incess

Q uee n Judy Bud d

Mary Sh aw. Junior Pr incess

Mary McKee han. Senior Pri ncess

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Tal.ent d Taj stuclents staB;e

an(Z a .front la'l;vn, show .

Page 54: 1962 AIS Yeabook - AIS/AES Alumni Networkaisaes.org/1962_AIS_Yearbook.pdfHowever, t hi s is not Tim 's only claim to fa me. Since entering t he Taj in August, Tim has done more t han

· varlet) pr B,Tam

PROG RAM (9) Neal Glad sto ne an d Ric k


Spa nish Tu ne

February 2, 1962 "Variat io ns" of Hot Time in O ld To wn To nig ht

( I) Burnetta Jones Piano (1 0) lana and Susie Do naho Dance Chopin's Waltz in E Minar Ruth M nly

(2 Howard Auble , MikEo and Cathy C hri s Z em la O' Nei ll Skit Ka ren Steph enson

T he ew Teacher or Snow Li ttle Brow n G irl White an d t he Red Tape A na Pau

(3 Ju nio r Se ptet Singing ( II ) Jud y Budd 5v I t Nancy Lake land

YlI k i-N o - Hana Bleach Tom m y Swdwe ll

I C ream Fra n Pu rce ll

Jea nie En s minger (12) T he Happy Rockers Stri ng Ri ck y Ensmin ger Ne al Gladsto ne Ton i Stepanek Rex G leason Caro l Flore ll Steve Jo hnson

"If I I ve d You" Barbara Ca rey " They Were Doing thp W oo Hoo

Mambo" A Tee nagp. r in Love Accompanist . Burnerta Jan es

( 13) Nada Izze ddin Dance 4) Peggy Die ne lt Piano

Arab ian dance Two She ph erds (S ) George No onan and Jeff ry ( 14 ) Junior High G ro u p Teacher

Hegard Pu pp ets Fran Purce ll I mi t il t iv n ~ T ex and t he Mo nste r Bery l Florell

(6) Judy Z e m 13 a nd Mrs. W illa Le igh G ross man G u pta Dance Ro y Smith

First Day at D nCing Sc hoo l Jeanie Ens minger Q Uicksand (I S) Brot hers 4 I 'ii inging

(7 ) Judy Bud d Sin ging Mary McKe eha n It's a G ra nd N ig ht For Jeff Myers Singing La r ry Haga n

Accomp l nisc .. Lynne Rick Odg e rs Stephe nson Dave Odgers

(8 Becky Bo hl and Amri ta T he Ham'ller Song Ghosh Dance Frog

Kathak Hey-Li-Lee- Li-Lee- Li-Lee

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Troop 2 carrIes

on , •

Botto m Row: Li sa Stephe n'on, Je nni fe r B:>hl, KHhryn Stu d w ell , A nd rea Sc hn ei der, De bora h Ca rso n. C o ll ee n Townsley , Na pi t Atk inso n. Pr issa naAtki nso n , Louise Lucas . Midd le Row: Susa H lI bi nger , G ,i l R:>cker , Kay W ithy . Ba rbara Ke ll y. Mac ia Da n ie ls. Li nda Smith . C he r yl Bur ro ws. Pe n ny Pi tzer , Ma r y Parke r . Top Ro : Sandra HorOW itz. Debora h Ernst , Kristine Gentry , Kriste n LeCa ln . Elle n Zago r in . Ba rba ra Kap laski . Dia nn e Ray, A nne Kelly, Janet Hubinge r . Susa n Purce ll. Lynne Bra nt ley. L eade r~ : Mrs. R. E. Bur rows, Mrs. A. M, Pitzer.

" Mom , don ' t fo rget to g ive me my du es; w he re 's my hat ? I ca n't fi nd my pin . "

In t he hom s of t h i rty fam ili s here in De lhi , yo u may hea r t hese f ranti c vo ic ings every W edn esday mor nin g. Brow ni Day. O n O ctober 10, T roo p 2 ga th e r ed fo r th e ir fi rs t me e t ing w ith t he ir s ister Juni o r Scout s. Durin g t he yea r t he g irl s have mad e g ift s for t he ir mot he r s, wri tten letters to a t roop in the St<.tes an d had e nj oyable part ies . T hey a lso gave a t ea fo r t he ir mo t h e r ~ and mad e t r ip to t he Gut ab rvl in r o ut s id e D e lhi. Th e bigges t proj ect of t he tro o p w as t o a make a Di a r y of Happenin gs c f T roo p 2. Th e en jo yab le yea r w as du e to th e endl ess effo rts o f t roo p leaders, i 1r . Jod ie Pit ze r a nd Mrs . Burrows .

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foster sch,ool spirit

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Basketball remains top sport

B.A. A. Officers: Tim Corey. Presi den t ; Rick Cal vette-Secretary Ronald Allen-Treasurer G Eoff Fcbes-Vice-Presid€nt

Bottom Row: Tommy Holcom be, Steve lohnson, Phil Arm~(rong. Jeff Weathersby, Geoff Fobes, Bobby Blake. Ron Allen ; T;,p Row. Stephen Mich olec, Manager: Je ff Myers, Tim Corey, Bill Holcom b e , Dave Odgers, Larry Hag an , Hank Fr ee man. Jim Hagan, To mmy Noonan, Spike Stephenson .

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in popularity

The largest and most en joyed activitY:.lt A.-IS is bas ketball. If there is a game in session you m:;y be qUite certain a great majority of Taj students will be w3tchlng and rooting as loudly as is earthly possible.

The team this yea r has been 3 transiti o nal one, but nevertheless it has ma naged to do very well. The seascn got off to a roaring start with the Tige r s' victory over 3 touring Jaipur team. We were a lso victorious over Modern School, Khalsa College and Klrori f'1all College. Howeve r, we met our match with Delhi Police . The season e nded with the same bang with which it st a rted when we won :l thrilling Victory over our traditional rival, Harcourt Butler.

The good sportsmanship and spirit of th e team deserves mention. This ye::II-, sports lettel's were awarded for th e first time,

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CH EERLEADE RS (clockwise)

Judy Budd-captain Barbara Corey Judy Zeml a Mary Shaw Kriy Alvo rd Mars McKee han Leelee Woodman

(70111e 011


Let 's go rocka, rocka, and a cha ch a cha !

L~t's fight roc ka, rocka, and a cha cha cha !

Let 's w in rocka, rocka, and a cha cha cha !

Le t 's go ! Let's fight I

Let 's w in! Cha, cha, ch:l !

Page 60: 1962 AIS Yeabook - AIS/AES Alumni Networkaisaes.org/1962_AIS_Yearbook.pdfHowever, t hi s is not Tim 's only claim to fa me. Since entering t he Taj in August, Tim has done more t han

junior High Vultures

display superb teamwork.


Vult u r~ s -30 Freshmen -29

VulturEs -20 Vultures -31 Fr eshmen -14 D.P.S. (BTeam) -23

Vultur e s -16 Vultures -2 1 Sophomore s - 10 Soph o mores ·-24

Vul tu res -26 Vultures -19 Juni o rs ·-28 Sophomores - 21

Vult u r e~ -29 Vultures - 37 Ju n'crs - 24 luniors - 33

Botto m Row ; James Brad lee . Mik e Sullivan. Mike McKeeha n Jo han Stopper. James Eglin. Dc nni s Gross­man; Middle Row : Tommy Sr udw ell. Stanley Gle ason Paul Horowitz , Ricky Esminge r . Ty Egbert; Top Row; Bob W alkinshaw , Do n Bud d. Tom Boyhan. Hank Freeman. Ric hard Kamm, Roy Smith , Stephen Michal ec. Grego r Kudarauskas .

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VO LLE YBALL (upper lef t)

Bottom Row - Mary Shaw . Susie Dona h o. Jud y Budd . Mory McK ce i13 n ; Top Row : Chr is Zemla. Susie Barno u w. Conni e BrONn - ca pt ai n . Anne W ea th e rsb y N ad a Izze ddin .

Girls are also

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active sports ,

This is the first ye:H the A-IS girls have had a trained physical educlltion teacher. Under the guidance of Mrs. Willa Gupta the girls were outfitted with uniforms and participated in many games.

Because of the limited time for physical education, the girls have participated in only two SPOrtS, volleyball and basketball. The high school class was divided into two groups and one played volleyball while the other prac ticed basketball. These groups did not rotate but remained the same throughout the entire school year. The g irls played several games wi th ether fellow students and in f'1arch played a basketball and volleyb:lil game with the Delhi Public School girls; also a basketball game with the Convent. Games such as these not only give us pr3ctice. but help us become :lcquainted with Indian students of the same age.

BASKETBALL (upper right)

Botto,n Row : Barb~ra Donelan , Stephanie Mi c halec. Judy Zemla - captain_ Lcelee Woo dman. Chris Jones; Top Row : Barbara Corey. Sharon Don e lan . Sharon Jas per. Karen Steph~nson. In a Jane Br-ndlee. Nan cy ('ir e man.

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GO LF: Bill Hol co mb e, K en T orbt'tt , Tim Corpy , Jim Bur ke .

St llcZen,ts also take an

interes t in {j" l:( 0 •

Cl ncl voll e)rbal I.

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In conclusion • • we anticipate a ['

j"uture In a

brand new


In Chanakyapuri, th e new American-Interna· ti ona l School. designed by Mr. Jo seph A. Stein. is nearing completion. A g reat ded i of planning and money has gone into chis bea uti i ul buildin g. Its mod rn des ign and use­ful facilitie s will make it a sh owpl ace of De lhi . Next year when the A-IS studencs enter th is build­ing . it will mark th e end of 10 years of res ide nce at th e old T:i j, but more impor[ an t, it will begi n a new ph ase in the his­t o ry of A-IS. A phase which we know will be one of 3chievemosnr and progress, So Fl as hbac k '62 bids :ldieu to the Ta j and welcome to th e ne w sc hool I

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Page 67: 1962 AIS Yeabook - AIS/AES Alumni Networkaisaes.org/1962_AIS_Yearbook.pdfHowever, t hi s is not Tim 's only claim to fa me. Since entering t he Taj in August, Tim has done more t han