1951_09_09 how to be healed and stay healed by w.v. grant sr

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  • 8/2/2019 1951_09_09 How to Be Healed and Stay Healed by W.v. Grant Sr


  • 8/2/2019 1951_09_09 How to Be Healed and Stay Healed by W.v. Grant Sr


    Divorce and Remarriage

    in PortlandLuthe rans ' i n Po r t l and , Oregon , s oldo the Buddllis ts to become theoy a s an Hen j yo j i t emple . The re a r e

    .4ccord ing to Pres ident Truman,s are a much n ioreces in K orea . H e r e -

    cap tu red , and wounded ." A t th et ime he r epo r ted tha t the r e we re35,000 deaths and in jur ies on Am er i-

    H e added : " A h ighway acciden t does

    t i le agents ." Bu t wha t the Pres iden tf ic accidents are caused by dr inking .ha t i s the repor t of the Anier ican


    In May , 1942 , two hund red hood lumsB urma , command ing the s evenrepudia te t lieisti an faith-or die. All the childr enfled, but the teachers-all betw eenof seventeen a nd twenty-fivemained. T h e yo un ge st of the sev ensed. Th e rest fell on their kneesay er : . the lieadniis tress then led

    is risen."Th ey confronted the men. "Come on ,l l! " shouted one of the men, and ,f t l ic gir ls froni her shou lders . Th e

    Not one f o r sookr L o r d .Thr ee yea rs a f t e rward s a l awyer f ron i

    of the Chris tian faitl i , was coiivert-bap ti zed . H e was a s ked wha tasn ' t a rgumen t or reasoning ," he"I saw seven women d ie . They d ied

    I fliink tliat a faitli tliat could

    Jews Opposed to CommunismThe C a l i fo rn ia Tenney R epo r t s ays :" There a r e men who a r e u sing an t i -C om mu n is ~ n s a p r e tex t f o r a t tac lt s onJews." Tlie f indings of ' the conim itteear e tliat "more than 997'0 of th e Jewsin tlie U . S. are opposed to Com-nuni ism."Darwin's Theory Rejected

    One of the mos t famous names inpsychology is t l iat of Dr. Mortimer J .Adler . In a recent lec ture a t Chicago hetossed a bonibshell . Adler attacked theDarw inian hypothes is by s t a t ing thatnien and apes differ essentially in kind,not merely in degree.Ma n and apes , s a id he , a r e a s f a r ap a r ta s . a s q u a re a n d a t ri an g le . T h e r e c a nhe no in termediates and there can be nocommon ances tor . Thus he complete lyre jected Darwin ' s hypothes is and heproposed these two a l ternat ives : f i r s t ,a theory of "eme rgent evolution" inwhich a higher species "evolves" fro m alower wi th no in te rmed ia te f o rms ; o rsecond, the possibility of man's specialcreat ion by God in His own image.The Red Menace

    I s the Amer ican gove rnyen t coun t ingon the Py renees and the C aucas usAiIountains a s the main lines of defe ncefor con taining tl ie Ru ssian. armie s, oncethey begin to mar ch ? Th e recent deal-ings with Spain would indicate this .Mi l i t a ry exp e r t s ag ree tha t the R edscould over run a l l o f Europe, exceptSpain , wi th in s ix ty days , and couldpour in to Spain and Turkey in poss ib lyninety days as defences now s tand . TheRe ds have f iEty divis ions poised onwes tern borders , can have a hundredand fif ty divis ions in the f ield in thir tyclays, and ' can mus ter f ive hundreddivis ions within ninety days. Since 1915the Sovie t Union has taken 7 ,500 ,000squ are miles of new t erritory ancl mo rethan 500,000,000 people under i ts con-trol.Oth e r s s ee Is r ae l, r a the r than Tu rkey ,as the N ear E as t l ine of defence agains tCoinmunism. Quent in Reynolds , thewel l -known war cor respondent , recent lysaid: "Israel could well be the front l ineof defence in case of war. They couldwell be on our s ide. Tlie whole countrywould make a natural airf ield."Th e thought of Pales t ine being thefron t l ine of defence for the f ree worldis not at all new to students of Biln!eprophecy.

    According to a newspaper repor t ,new marriage regulation has beadopted by the General Assembly of tPresbyter ian Church in the U. S.Presbyter ian minis ters mus t no t pform marr iage for d ivorced persons , trepor t sa id , un t i l a year af ter td ivo rce . W e w onder w ha t d i f f er enceyea r would make. T h e passage of t idoes not in i tself alter the r ightness wron gness of the case.General MacArthur Honored

    Genera l Douglas Ma cAr th u r has bevoted an honorary l i fe membersh ip the Americ an Bible Society "in recogtion of his emphasis on the need ofnew sp ir i tual foundat ion in the Far Eand h is encouragement and suppor t the Bible societies to dis tr ibute the HoScr ip tures throughout t lie popula t iof Japan and Korea ."New Version Accepted

    The Amer ican Bib le Socie ty , whici rcu la tes the King James Vers ion , tEngl ish Revised V ers ion , and tAmer ican S tand a rd Ver s ion o f tScript ures , has decided to publish tR ev i s ed S tanda rd Ver s ion a l s o . Evs ince the Revised Sta nda rd V ers ion 'the New Tes tamen t appea red in 194the Society has been s tudying the reat ion of t he churches . Af ter f ive years waiting it has decided the many denomnat ions suppor t ing the Socie ty wouoverwheln i ingly approve or would nobject to the circulation of the nVer s ion .On the Cover Page

    Down in the s ou theast pa r t o f , NeMexico is a busy li t t le town called Rowel l. S tand ing a t the co rne r o f E as t 4and G arden s t ree ts i s the s tucco build ishown o n the cover page. I t i s tFi rs t Assen11)ly of God-"the fri en dchurch where revival never ends."P a u l W . S a v a g e i s p a st o r. A p p r o xmately 200 gather each Lord ' s Day fSunda y Schoo l. Th e chu rch was founed in 192 8 by "Daddy" Whit lock , nodeceased . Brother Savage went to Rowell in 1945. T h e following year a neaudi tor ium was bui l t , and in 1947 was completed .Th e new audi tor ium is a i r -condi tionand equipped w'ith cushioned opera-stychairs . Th e o ld audi tor ium has been cover ted in to Sunday School rooms , nusery , and res t rooms .T h e c h u r c h h as a th i r ty-minute broacas t each week. I t has been on the samsta t ion a t the same t ime each Sunday fa period of about nine years . Consquentlj l i t has gained a wide audience-and has made many f r i ends fo r tchu rch ancl po in ted m any souls Calvary.

  • 8/2/2019 1951_09_09 How to Be Healed and Stay Healed by W.v. Grant Sr


    u r Dual Spiritual Heritage in PentecosW. R. Steelberg at the General Council

    "Give ear , 0 wy people, to n ty l a w :cliire your ears to t lzc wo rd s of ~ z yI wzll operz m y mo ut h in aablc : I zwill fttt er dark sayirlgs o f: W h i c h w e h azle h ea rd a n d k n o a m ,olcr f a the r s hav e t o ld us . W e wi l lidc t h e m f r o m thc i r c h i ldren , she w-to the gencr at ior~ to come t lzeises of the Lor d, and his s t rcu gth,

    hi^ wowderfrr l works that he hat l za l a w in Isracl ,c h hc c o~ iz inandc d o w fa the r s, t hn ts ho ul d v la k e t h e m k ~ ~ o w r to t he i r

    : That the generat iogl to roweh t k ~ r o w h e ~ n , cvcn the childrelzich s l zo~t ld be born ; w h o s lzotr lda t t he y w igh t s et t he i r hope irz G o d ,not forge t the w or ks of Go d, buth i s c owz~nandm er~ t s. " sa l~ n 8 :1-7.I a m s u r e t h a t y o u t a n r ea d il y s e e inf t h i s Sc r ip tu r e t he t ho ugh t

    e blessed tes t imony, the glor iou sthe holy pr ivi lege , - th e divines ion whic h God m a de in H i s de a l-

    l low . M y t e x te br e ws 13 :7 ,A s s e m b le d a s w e a r e , f o r t h is g r e a t

    e second hal f centu ryr ing of t he Holy S p i r i t up-esh as God in H is inf inite mercy

    e a cknowle dge tha t we a r e t heO u r h e r i t a g e - m a y i e d iv id ed i n to

    t a nce f r o m d iv ine sour ce s , ' a nd theond i s our i nhe r i t a nc e f r om hum a nW e a r e a ll a w a r e of w h a t t h e g l o r io u s

    I a m som e t im e s m a de toa s a p -a t ive o f t he Holy Sp i r i t a nd H i s

    l lo w s h ip a s w e o u g h t t o b e ? I teasy for us , because of hum an inc lina-f a m i l i a r . Bu t m y he a r t ' s c r y

    reverence the stately steppings of theth i r d pe r son o f t he T r in i t y a nd tha t weshal l g ive deference to and sh ow re-spec t unto the person of the Holy Spi r i t .T ha t we sha l l be r e spons ive t o t hetouch, ' to the check, to the leadership,a nd to t he i n lpu lse o f t he Hol y Sp i r i t ,for i t i s the Divine Comfor te r a lonet h a t h a s m a d e u s w h a t w e a r e a n d c a nk ee p u s ~ v h a twe ough t t o be .

    T he d iv ine g i f t o f God a s we l< now i ti s a n e x p e r i e ~ ~ c en one sens e of thewor d . Bu t t he e xpe r i e nc e i s on ly a ne n t r a nc e i n to a n i n t im a cy o f c onm uni ona nd a n a s soc i a t i on w i th t he d iv ine t ha ti s beyond the descr ipt ion of humantongue . T o know, t o be l ie ve , a nd to a p-prec ia te the indwel l ing uf the Comfor te rf r o m a l ~ o v e s s o m e t h i n g t h a t c a n o n lybe ful ly apprec ia ted when God openso u r u n d e r s ta n d i n g a n d q u i c k e n s o u r-ELECTED AT THE GENERAL

    COUNCILTo s e n e for two years beginningJonuary 1 , 1952.

    ..................eneral Superintendent............................. Weeley R. Steelberg

    Aest . Cen. Supt ............ Cayle F. LewisI, >I I , ............ Ralph M. Riggs, I 3 , ,7 .................. Fred VoglerI t I , I, .................... B ert Webb

    ....eneral Secretary J. Roewell Flower....eneral Treaeurer Wilfred A. Brown

    ............oreign Miseions SecretaryN o Perkin..........xecut ive Presbyter W . I. Evane....xecut ive Preebyter D. P. Hol loway................................xecut ive Presbyter

    ................ ! .................. Bartlett Peterson........xecut ive Presbyter A. A. Wileon

    be ing so t ha t we r e spond to H i s d iv ineleadership in o ur . individua l l ives. H ebr ings w i th H im a s t he pa r a c l e te ofG o d t h e e n d u e m e r ~ tof power f rom onh i gh . W e n e ed t h is e n d u e m e nt o fpowe r n luc h m o r e t oda y tha n weneeded i t whe n we f i rs t ' r eceived thee xpe ri e nce . Yo u m a y n o t a g r e e w i th t ha te xpr e ss ion , bu t I say wi th the increaseof iniquity, with the inclination towardapostasy, wi th the subt le snare of S a tantha t woulc l turn us as ide unt i l we be-colne vic t ims who are fol lowing in atreadmill of religiosity instead of soar-ing on the wings of the Spi r i t , I say weneed the enduement of power more to-da y tha n we ha ve in t he - pa s t .

    ~ i l e e m a nd s of God a r e sa cr e d a ndgr e a t . I t i s on ly t h r ough the g lo r ioushe lp of the H oly Spi r i t tha t we sha l l

    ever be enabled to meet the demaof God a n d of t h i s hour . T he w or ldlooking upon us as they looked upon fa th ers of old and they a re sayingus', " Whe r e i s your God? " I f we woindeed he representa t ives , anlbassadof the most high God in the ful les t seof al l that that involves, we must Spi r i t - f i l led, Spi r i t -dominated, Spicontrollecl men and women continuaT h e ena b l ings of t he Holy Sp i r i t wonder ful indeed, and the conf i rmatof the Holy Spi r i t i s glor ious beyoc om pa r e .

    W h e n a h u m b l e s e r v a n t o r h am a ide n o f t he L or d c a n kne e l a nd p robedient to the divine command l ay ha nd s on a nd p r a y f o r une a no ta n d G o d c o n f i rm s H i s W o r d , w e a r edeed a people who can say, "Sure ly L or d i s g r a c ious be yond c om pa r et h e c h ~ l d r e n f m e n . " T o k n o w t h e ut i on o f t he Sp i r i t i n a ny e f f o r t t ha t make , whether i t be to minis te r ors i n g o r t o w it n es s o r t o p r a y o re xe r c i se a ny de vo t iona l e f f o r t i n name is glor ious in the ful les t se

    W h a t o u r f a t h e r s w e r e a s m enGod, wha t t he m e ssa ge wa s i n dgone by , wha t t he m ove m e nt i s a nd he , we owe to t he c r e a t i ve p r om otof t he Holy Sp i r i t . T he pe r pe tua t ionth i s t e s t im ony de pe nds upon tha t HSpir i t having access to our l ives every chamber of our be ing, quicking the t hough t s o f our m ind , i nsp i rus , s t i r r i ng us e m ot iona l ly , us ing usi ~ ~ s t r u r n e n t sp o n w h i ch H e c a n pa hym n of p r a i se o r t h r ough whic h c a n pour a pa ssion o f p r a ye r , o r t h r ouw l ~ o mH e m a y s o u n d o u t f ea r le s sl y W or d o f t he li v ing God . I t is no tw h o u se H i m ; it i s H e who use s Thi s , my bre thren , i s the gi f t of Ho ly Gh os t , a nd the ho ly a nd sa cn ~ a n i f e s t a t io n s a t t e n d a n t u p o n Pentecosta l worship should a l l he cc u l a t e d t o e d i f y one a no the r a ndglor i fy God. There i s no place for pro r p om p o r d isp l a y of t h e na tu r a l , in a l l humil i ty we say aga in tha t wwe a r e , wha t we hope to be , wha t de s i r e to be, wha t God c a n m a ke us , does through the agency of the blesHo ly Sp i r i t . T h i s , m y b r e th re n a nd te r s , i s a br ie f summary of the pic tof the divine aspect of o ur spir i ther i tage .

    Re c ogn iz ing inde e d tha t we mmake no a l lowance for the boast ingpr ide , we a lso recognize tha t we

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    not terrified by our adversaries, for thecnabling grace of the living God causesus to l~olcl ou r heads e rect, to lift o urhands high, to sound ollr voices clearand strong in praise to God for Pente-cost. May we never be asllarned of it,for it is not a denomination as such,nor a doctrine as such, nor an experi-ence as such. It is indeed the person ofhas brought forth doctrinally the truthf H is ministries and gra nted us an

    fort of an individual or a group of in-

    If the Hol y ' Spi r i t does anyth ing , H es verything that is pure, every-e . W e p ra i se God tha t H e

    ake- the impression upono simply become another in the

    I have a firm conviction in my heart ,

    e of respect, fore ar e nlade especially for a designed

    f i t , my brother, my sister,e apostles fel t i t so keenly

    Our lat ter day leaders received, andtradition.y have left us a test iwoxy. T h e r e a r e

    I have lived in

    held in the thrall of the traditions of' the fathers that they dared not departtherefroin. But th ai ~k God, I 'entecost .is not a tradit ion. It is a test imony.W e read in the 11th chapter of Actsbeginning \\-ith the 7th verse as follows:"And I heard a voice saying unto me,Arise , Pe te r ; slay and eat . But I sa id ,Not so . Lord: for noth ing common orunclean hat11 at any' time entered intomy mo ut l ~ . 3ut the voice answered meagain from heaven, What God hathcleansed, that call not thou common.And this was done three t imes: and allwere d r a ~ n p again into heaven. And,behold, immediately there were threemen already come into the house whereI was, sent from Caesarea unto me. Andthe Spiri t bade me go with them, noth-ing doubting. Moreover these six breth-ren accompanied me, and we en tered intothe man 's house: And he shewed ushow he had seen an angel in his house,which stood and said unto him, sendmen to Jop pa, and call for Sim on, whosesurname is Peter ; \Yho shall tell theewords, whereby thou and all thy houseshall he saved. And as I began to speak,the Holy Ghost fel l on them, as on usat the beginning."Th ere is the , test imony, my friend.A s we witness, as we testify of- thetest imony of our fathers, the HolyGhost bears witness. And our est 'eemedBrother Peter concludcs with this state-ment , "Forasmuch then as God gavethem the l ike gift as he did unto us,who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ ;what was I , that I could withstandGod?" Hal le lu jah !Oh, beloved- friends; I believe thatthe testimony of the experiences of thefathers should be our test imony. Thewitness of the apostles was a witness tothe ministry, the miracles, the mani-festations of C hrist. W e also bear wit-ness of Christ plus the perpetuation ofthe ministry of Christ as seen in thelives of the apostles and the fatherseven in this hour.May I call your a t ten tion . again tothe Scripture which I read at the be-ginning, the 78th P salm, the 5th throughthe 7th verses, "For he established atestimony in Jacob, and appointed alaw in Israel , which he co~ninanded urfathers, that they should make themknown to thei r ch i ldren: That the gen-.eration t o ,come might know them, eventhe children which should be born; whoshould .arise and declare them to theirchildren: That they might set their hopein God, and not forget the works ofGod."God grant , dear friends, that everyone of us may be able to pass on toevery succeeding generation that shallrise unti l Jesu s comes, the fulness of thettst imorty. O ur fa thers were determined.

    They purposed in their hearts, theyemplified in their lives, this determtion to answer "Yes" to the great qt ion of Jesus . Wh en H e cometh wi llfind the fai th? If you look in the oinal you will find exactly that t"When H e coineth will H e f indfai th?" Not a faith, not some fa i th ,the fai th. W e ar e called upon to earnly contend for the faith once delivto the saints. I believe that all the ness of the experience that was privilege of the 120 in the upper roon the day of Pentecost is our privilGod has the same program. And I halready said it is not a gift, nor atrine, nor a tenacity of conviction, bfulness of all that supernatural messmanifestat ion, and confirmation mean. Th e Holy S piri t makes it so. Twas what our fa thers contended Th is , i s the legacy they have left to

    N O W the application of the tes"whose fai th follow." Are we followthe fa i t h of ou r fa the rs? Oh , I knwe sing all about the "faith of fathers, holy faith, we will be truethee till death." But God help us thamight not be just a song with wobut that i t may be a reali ty, a fou ndaof fervent faith, a manifestation of huity, an operation of simplicity, a realt ion of utter dependence upon Godn~o tiva tion of divine compassion, expec tation of in~ mi ne nt realizatThese are the factors of a posses

    (Continued on page thirteen)


    of the Aaaemblies d Cod h U.S.A.W. R. STEELBERG . . General SuperintenJ. ROSWELL F L O W B ~ . . O n e n l SecrWILFRED A. BROWN . . . Celrenl TreaNOEL PERKIN . . . Forelan Miaaio~SecrAbslatmt Cm a a l Superintendent.

    CAYLE F. LEWIS RALPH M. RlCCSFRED VOCLER BERT WEBBExecutive PreabvtersA. A. WILSON D. k. HOLLOWAYBARTLETT PETERSON W. I. EVANPublished weekly by the Go& Publishing H434 Went Pacific Street. Springfield 1, Mo., UJ. 2. Kamerer, General ManagerS I N G L E COPIES, 5 cents; 50 copies for $1.50q u a r t e r l y bundle orders . 4 or more w e e k l y toaddress, 3 cents per copy in U.S.A., 4 cents ouU.S.A.B Y SUBSCRIPTION: I n U.S.A., $1.00 fmonths. $1.50 fo r a year. 53.00 for 2 years,for 4 years. O u t s i d e U.S.A.. $LOO p r ye3r.

    Entered a s second-class matter J u n e 25, 191post office in Springfield, hlo., u n d e r A c t of M3. 1879. Accepted for mailing at special rate vidcd in Sec. 1103. ol Oct. 3. 1917. authorized3, 1918. P R I N T E D I N THE U.S.A.

  • 8/2/2019 1951_09_09 How to Be Healed and Stay Healed by W.v. Grant Sr


    on television. H e called fo r a famWhat HappenednAtlanta altar and a well-regulated godly lin every Pentecostal home.Brother Steelberg presided over tReport of the General Council in Atlanta, Georgia,

    August 16-23, 1951Any work that is effective for God

    s with anT he Asseinblies of G od have neverf this fac t. In 1914 the plan

    prayer. In 1951 the 24th biennial

    16The platform was nearly filled withof the G eneral Council

    W . I . Evans brought a nies-

    The prayer meeting was followed bye called on Ro bert

    az ar, Chester, Pa., led in pray-

    er of Jesus ' Name." Following the

    a s s the mighty rush of m any waters .Steelberg asked the General

    . Eac h meniher was presente of reg ret say ing that he would

    R. C. Jones, Georgia District Super-

    e apologized for the warmer. H e said it was one of the

    "it is 'mo st unusua l'."Mayor William .B. Hartsfield bal-

    ' from

    served to inform the people that he wasa Bapt is t . H e ad ded, however , that hewas glad to know that the Assemhliesare growing rapidly. "You have thir-teen churches in the city," he said, "andI understand you will soon catch up withtile Baptists. I think it will he a goodthing. W e can't have too many of them."R. M. Riggs, in his response, pointedout that the growth of the Assembliesin Atlanta (thirteen churches establish-ed since 1935) is typicaf of the growthall over the nation. There are Assem-blies in every state of th e union. Th ou ghit is only 37 years since the Assenlbliesof God were organized, today they arethe twenty-third largest denomination inthe U.S.A.

    "IVe are turning the clock backward,"said Brother Riggs, "bringing back theday s of the old-fashioned gospel whichthe older denominations used to preachand practice. W e are glad to be herein this part of the 'Bible belt' which isa stronghold of evangelical Christianity.\Ve trust we shall be a blessing to thecity and a blessing to the entire coun-try ."Brother Jones introduced the Super-intendents of the eight south-easternDistrict Councils which were joint hoststo the General Council, and mentionedthe names of the local churches and theirpastors. H e said the East Side Assenlblywas only two weeks old.Brother and Sis ter Fred Henry sang

    :Iduct , "The Radiance that Shines FroinHim." Then Gayle F. Lewis introducedtlie keynote speaker of the convention,\17esley R . Steelberg, whose addressis reported in this issue of the EVANGEL.Thursday Af ternomGene Martin had charge of the de-votional service and Wesley P. Steel-berg led the singing. Prayer was of-fered by E. W . Mincey, Fullerton, C alif .Brother and Sister Ralph Wilkersonsang, "Th e Lang uage of My Soul." T heafternoon sermon was preached by J.Neely, District Superintendent ofWyoming .

    Brother hreely said that God has call-ed the Pentecostal people out of otherdeno n~inat ions nd the pi tfalls that thedevil used to rob those denominations ofspiritual power and blessing will notwork with us. H e attacks. us by desecrat-ing our homes and destroying our pray-er l ife, he said. H e warned against al-lowing worldly music to enter our homeson the radio and worldly shows to enter

    I~us iness meet ing and var ious Exective Presbyters gave a sumnlary of threports . A printed copy of the full rp& was ghen to each-delegate.Fridoy Morning, August 17A t 8 a.m. a good numher gatheron the platform for prayer. BrothEvans gave another stirring messafrom Acts 4 before the people went their knees.Carl Perry took charge of the devtional service and Williani Land ltl ie singing. Edwin Anderson san"I Bowed in the S had ow of the CrossTh e nlmning sermo n was preached J. Roswell Flower. He traced the bacground of tlie Pentecostal Movemenshowing how the truths of Divine Heaing and the Second Coming had beemphasized earlie r, and .how the Honess movement had stirred the peopto seek God until the Spirit fell.Brother Flower conlpared our Pentcostal exp erien ces with those of tI rvingites over a century ago an d w ared of the danger of falling into somof the same erro rs. "W ha t kind Pentecostal Movement are we going have in the future?" he asked. "Is i t ging to be a people who simply haspoken in ton gue s? O r is it going to a people who have been filled with tHoly Ghost and Fire, and whose faiis founded in the \Vord of G od, and whwill have a burden for souls?"

    Bro ther Steelberg opened the businemeeting by telling of a wonderful sesion of the General Presbytery oThursda y evening. H e said that E.Crump and \V. T . Gaston had spoken the Presbyters as they were moved bthe Holy Ghost, and instead of transacing business the Preshyters had> sat the soul-searching light of the presenof God.T he Presb yters began their meetinon Tuesday ' morning, August 14, anmet several times each day. In thesessions they were able to clar~fy number of issues which later were presenteto the General Council. Their prelimnary work saved the larger body a gredeal of time .A new General Manager was ?pointed , for the Gospel Puh l~shHouse. J . 2. Kamerer, who came to tlPublishing H ouse 32 years ago anserved as General Manager for manyears, has passed retirement age. Thhrethren have named him ManagEmeritus and have asked him to servas Credi t Manager . There were manwa rm ex pressions .of ap preciation fothe efficient and faithful manner which Brother Kamerer has manage

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    the Publis l i ing House. The new GeneralManager will be J' . 0 . Har re l l , whojoined the staff 26 year s ago and whoIias been superintendent of productionfor some years .Af ter vo t ing to r a t i fy th i s appo iu t -mcnt, the Ginera1 Presbytery voted toapprove a new method of handlingchurch accounts at tlie Gospel Publish-i n g H o r ~s e .Each church wil l be givenan account nun ~b er , nd when o rder ingsupplics it will he asked to mention :hisnwnber. If all tlie supplies for a churchor Sunday School were ordered in thenam e of the church! and if all the or der sf o r t h a t ch u r ch w er e a~~ t h o r i ze t ly thesame individual i t would save the Busi-ness Office a great deal of confusion andwould enable the Gospel PublishingHouse to handle the church accounts ina more eff icient manner .Two d is t ingu ished gues ts were in -t- roduced to the General Council . DavidJ. du Plessis spoke a few words on he-

    hal f o f the Wor ld ~ en te co s ta lFellow-ship, of which he is secr eta ry; and D r.C. R I . \Vor tnian, Executive Secretaryof the Pe ntecostal Assen11)lies o f C ana -da, brought greeting s f rom the brethrenin Canada.T h e remainder of the morning wa sspent in the giving of departmental re-ports.Fvidoy AfternoonThe Sunday School Promot ional De-partment had charge of the devotionalper iod. Duane Hurst led the s inging.T h e n a panel of speakers considered theques tion , "W hat can Sund ay Schools doto perpetuate Pentecost ?" Four d i f f er -ent speakers spoke br ief ly in answer tothis question. Victor Tr immer sa idthe Sunday Schools car1 trnrn people.Raynicrnd W hit e showed how Su ndaySchool convr~ t t i ows can inspire peopleto remain true to Pentecost . GeorgeDavis pointed out that they can teachour people to be loyal to Pentecostal

    primiplcs. Charles Denton emphasizedthat through VBS and sunmter campsour children can be iudoctrinatcd withPen tecos ta l t ru ths . V ic to r Tr immercli~ nax ed he panel discussion by sayingthat the Sunday Schools mus t go ou tto the lost and win men and womenthrough personal work i f Pentecost isto be perpetuated.George Davis gave a visual presenta-tion of the Sunday School calendar for

    1952. J an ua r y is Wo r k e r s T r a i n i n g,month. March is National Conventionmonth. The per iod f rom East er unti lPen tecos t Sunday ( June 1') will he usedfor the Loyalty Campaign. June is VRSmon th. October is Enlargenient rnonth.A pr inted booklet was handed outwhich shou ld be of. grea t value to theSunday School super intendents in plan-n ing ahead on the i r year ' s p rogram. T hebooklet contains a calendar for each

    (Continued on page eleven)

    THE GENERAL COUNCIL THROUGH THE EYE OF THE CANDID CAMERA1. Visiting in the lobby of the auditor ium: 5.Fran k Lindq uist, David d u Plessis, L. D.Wells, and J . 33.Davis. 6.2. A friendly discussion at the Sunday Schoolexhibit.3. Threo Sunday School men: Paul Co ylan d,Charles Denton, and'Duan e Hurst. 7.4. Robert Fierro (center) introducing D. Bazan.Superintendent of the Latin American work,to Thom. F. Zimmerman.

    W. R . Williamson, Newton Chase, BenHardin, and T. M. Kimberlin.Jimmie Mayo, aggressive Atlanta pastor, andhis wife. Brother Mayo and his church havesponsored five new Sunday Schools in thecity since last November.R . M. Riggs telling the Council how happyhe was to be back in the South. "I was bornand raised (not reared) within 200 miles ofAtlanta," he said.

    8. Ray Soper chatting with the E. ,A . Balliets.9. A group of minis ters and delegates.10. Not all' the debate was confined to the busi-ness sessions. Here Arthur Graves andArthur Berg give their undivided attentionto Wiley Davia (center).11. At the refreshment booth: E. T. Quanabush,Don Waggoner, William Kautz, and WilliamDevereaux.12. D. V. Williams and W. R. Steelberg.

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    and Stay HeaEvangelist W. V. Grant

    THE Q U E S T I O N i n th e m in d of t h es ick and su fferi ng is , "Ho w can I obtainand retain my heal ing?"Firs t we must be convinced thathealth and healing is God's highest willf o r H i s c h i l d r e n . W h e n s o n l e o n e a s k sme whether it is God's will to heal usand to keep us healed , I ask them, "Isi t God ' s wi ll to keep us hones t? I s i tGod 's wil l to keep us t ru thful? "The Bible says that God wil l heal al lcjur diseases. "W ho healeth all thydiseases." Psa lm 103 3. H e will heal al lpeop le . Whe n they b rough t the su f fe re rsto Jesus , i t i s wr i tt en tha t H e "healedall that were s ick ." Matthew 8:16. TheSo n of God ,was manifes ted " that H emight destroy the works of the devil."1 John 3 :8. Jesus "went about doinggood, and heal ing al l that were oppressedof the devil." Ac ts 10: 38.A divine prescription is given inPsa lm 37, verses 1 t o 7. "Fret not ,"i t says . Then i t goes on to mention fourpart icular th ings that we must do i f wewan t the Lord t o heal u s and to keep ushealed.

    It is against the religion of some folk, to praise the Lor d when they do not (eellike doing it. B ut th is verse says , "De-light thyself." I t is a good thing to re-ioice evermore-in eve rythi ng to givethanks-and to be con tent with suchthings as you have.T o fear and fret w111 hinder d iges t ionof food. Discontent h inders d iges t ion .Grumbling and grudging wil l bringdespair and d isas ter . A wrong spiri twill give you indigestion.I went to p ray fo r a s i s t e r . I openedthe Bible to James 3, and I asked i f shehad been discontented and dissatisfied,or if she had been findi ng fault. Sh e

    answered, "Yes-why ?" I to ld her thataccording to th is chapter the tongue wil ldefile the whole bcdy. I told her shewould be 'healthy if she would notg rumble fo r s ix mon ths !Afte r al l , the physician usually asks tosee you r tongue. H e knows ju s t abou twhat you have been eat ing when helooks a t you r tongue . God knows whatyou have been say ing when H e looks a tyour tongue. You must delight your,selfin Him or you wil l he defi led .Paul pract iced what he preached. Not

    only did he tell others to be always re-joicing, but when put in prison he did ith imself . H e praised G od and shouted forjoy , ins tead of pout ing and doubtingS o m e a r e p oo r a n d p u n y b ec au se t h y d onot fo l low Paul 's exanlple. Some seen1to be more concerned over their tooth-ache than over the thousands perish-ing in sin.2. C O M M I T HYW A YU N T O HE LOIIL).v. 5.

    Self will wa nt to have his way. H ewil l want to fuss and fume and findfau l t and never fas t . Keep you r bodyunder . Your ways a re no t God ' s ways ,and God 's ways ar e not your ways.Old self will not give thanks in every-th ing . H e canno t s ee tha t every th ingworks together for good to them thatlove God.Obey the laws of nature. Do notoverea t , o r overwork , o r oversleep. God1:either wants us to be lazy nor restless.Take t ime to p ray , o r you may taketime to lie in a sick bed.Remem ber the s to ry of Na an~ an .H ewould not hu nh le h imself , and obey theprophet 's prescrip t ion . H e wanted i tdone his way . He w c t ~ ~ l dot commit h isway u nto the Lo rd. A lot of folk have

    Naaman ' s na tu re . They a re s tub l~ o rnand self-willed, and not until ihey bendand humble themselves in obedience toGo d can they get their hea!ing. Againand again we read where Jes t is wouldstart to heal s o n w s tu l .horn person andH e w ou ld ask the pcrson to du some-th ing. \Yhatcver He tells us to do, LL7e

    FOR YOU .

    had better o l~ ey f we desire health a ndhappiness .Som e say they cannot t rus t th e L o r d !I could understand I they said theycannot t r us t the devi l , but surely theycan t ru s t in God ! You t ru s t o therth ings . You t ru s t you r ca r ; you t ru s tyour ch ai r; you do not l ie awake wor-ry lng as to whether your bed might fal lw t h v o u !You s tep in to an elevator and t rus tyour life to the operator. If you cantrus t another person with your l i fe ,surely you can t rus t God with yourbody. Many people t rus t their doctors .On e mis take, an d tiley might die iustant-ly ; yet they t rus t a human physician .W h y no t tru s t the Grea t Phys ic ian whomakes no mis takes ?T r u s t t h e w h o is t r u s t w c r th y .H i s W o r d i s t ru t h fu l . H i s p r o m is e s a r enot as good as goid-thcy a.re betterthan gold . Take a lesson from the baby.It does not worry over what i t wil l cattomorrow. It does not fear that its

    mother wil l drop i t . I t exercises perfectt ru s t , and God wan ts ou r fa i th to be ass imple and as s t rong a s a l i t t le chi ld 's .If you are real ly t rus t ing the One whois t rus tworthy, you can meet the nextcondition :When you a re res t ing you a re no tworry ing . Wo rry causes dce rs , cancers ,and goi ters . Fear or anger wil l upseta person and ru in a s trong con~t i tu t ion ,but love will conquer 1)oth.Q ui t complaining. So m e of the peopleof Israel failed to ente r into the prom-

    ised rest because of unbel ief (Hebrews3:19). Paul said that the th ing thathappened to them was meant to be awarn ing to u s . "Nei ther murmur ye , asson-IC f them also rr~urn lured , nd weredestroyed of the destroyer." 1 Corin-thians 1 0 :lo.W11c:-c. there is i2ithl there is no fear.Fa ith, is the opposite of fear. W hilethe disciples were Eeariul clnr.! airaid ,Jesus had His head O I I a pillow resting.H e was t ru s t ing th rough the t empest ,res t ing in the assurance tha t H is l ife wasnot at the mercy of the waves but washeld securely in His Father 's hand.Fr iend , you can he healed arid stayhea!ed if you w ill do these thin gs whichGod requires . Firs t y c u must he sureyou a re in the Lor d. Ther.. you m ust de-light yourself in :Him, yield y our ownw ay to H i n ~ ,ru s t in Xi m, and rest con -fidently in Him. If you are s ick , Godwants to heal you. If you are well, Godwan ts to keep you well . T o the one whowi l l mee t the cond i t ions , His p ro~~i i seis: "There shall no evil befall you,neither shall any plague come near yourdwelling ." Psalm 91 :lo.

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    Famine in IndiaB y Maynard L. Ketcham

    T H E E N T I R E W O R L D h a s been s ti rr ed othe famine which holds sway in many sect ionsIndia, and threatens al l of the land. The United Stgovernment h as passed emergency legislat ion, makavailable to India food grains. Red Russia has helEven war-torn, impoverished China has dipped her scanty store of r ice to send aid to India. WN o doubt some of the' help has been prom ptedhuma nitarian motives, but , without quest ion much been given a s an out-and-out b ribe to win Indfavor in the battle of ideologies.Where do we Christ ians stand in this pictuWh at should be our a t t i tude? Wh at can and shoulddo to help? I t is obvious that our resources would ba drop in the bucket in comparison with India 's gneed. India has too many people to the amount of lThere are so many empty s tomachs tha t we could hope to f i l l al l of them. Someone may ask then, "Wtry?" In answer let me give a personal experieBefore leaving India to return to the Stateswas my privi lege to visi t a town in the central

    of India. I found an act ive Christ ian communityclose to 1,000 persons. O n Su nday I preached tooverflow congregation. I found a progressive Chrisschool, attended by most of the children of the toThere was a leper asylum, an industr ial school , evgelistic wor k, outstation work--all evidences of wawake Christ ian development.I asked the missionary in charge how the remable work had received i ts start . H e told me ofamine tha t had s t ruck the area years ago. government gave aid, i t is t rue, but corrupt officpocketed most of the aid, gave the food to their clofriends, and let the poor 'vi l lagers starve. Into situation came missionaries with only a few hunddollars ' worth of r ice. The y 'could not feed everywho was starving, but wha t food they did give

    given careful ly to the greatest sufferers, and was companied by true love and genuine sympathy. caused an awakening-the community wanted to kthe na ture , of the God worsh iped by the missionaThe door of opportunity was opened, the gomessage was preached, and many accepted ChHe r e again is nrch a11 opporttc t t i ty!The Assemblies of God have more than eigfive nl issionaries in act ive service in India at present time. All of them a re surround ed by suffein varying degrees. Som e of them know wh ameans da i ly to rub shodders wi th famine suf fererdest i tute as those shown in the pictures at the Our orphanages and other ins t i tu t ions a re crowTh e ,hungry are knocking a t ou r missionaries ' doMany times a meal of rice will open hearts otherclosed to the gospel. Your offerings not only will lives, hut be a means of spreadin g the 'gospel.Send al l offerings marked "India Famine ReliefNoel Perkin , Foreign Missions Secre tary, 434 WPaci f ic St ree t , Spr ingf ie ld 1, Missour i .

    The pictures on this page tell the story ata glance of the suffering and need in the famineareas of India. We have other picturea of faminesufferers even more horrible. Lean bodies, andto the lean bodies belong lean soulr! Csn we,dare we withhold of our means and of ourknowledge of th e true God from there?

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    Biennial Report of ForeignMissions Department

    (continued from lost week)By Noel Perkin, Foreign Missions Secretary

    Cor~tirlrtntioil o f report oil the N e w Easta s g i z w ~ by G c o r g e H . Carinichael , Fic ldSecrctnr> i for that . f i e l d :Throughout Greece we have thir teen nat ion-a l workers , 288 baptized believers and 260non-baptized bel ievers. The work in Greeceis practically indigenous.

    There is a steady growth in our work inthe new s tate of Israel . Th e group of bel ieversis rather small and the converts are hand-picked frui t . Many hours are spent by thetvorkers in personal interviews with inquirers.There i s a grea t hunger mani fes ted amongthe inm igra nts for the Bible . We have en-countered no opposit ion to our evangelist ic ef-forts from the government since rel igiousl iberty is granted in Israel .Th e doors are opening throughout the Ne arEast f ield, and we are hoping that funds wil lbe available so that we may take advantage ofth e opportunities afforded us to carry thegospel to these neglected. Bible Lands.

    EltropeOur Fie ld Secre tary for Europe , Gus taveKinderman, wr i tes :Th e great uncertainty which has gripped the\ \ .hole world and in part icular , Europe, is~.esu lt ing in t remendous ac t ivi ty in rearm a-ment. This may mean that our days of servicefor Europe will be limited.The need in 'Europe is for qualif ied nat ionalworkers . Many are ready to g ive the i r ent i retime to gospel service, but there is a lackoi funds to t ake care of workers . Help mustbe given from outside. Th busa nds of buildingswere ruined during the war, depriving he-lievers of their places of wors hip. He lp is~ ~ e c d e do restore such places even if itshould be in the form of loans.A g rea t need in Eu rope is for Spiri t -iilled evangelism and for the development ofSunday Schools. Anlong the twelve mil l ionrefugees in the Western and Russian zonesof Gcrman y are many Pentecostal bel ieverswho a re st i ll dest i tute. This st i ll cal ls forfuod parcels and for the providing of reliefin the form of clothing which may be selitto Assenlbl ies of God, Kornstrasse 240,

    Bremcll-Neustadt , Germany. Funds for rel iefshould be channeled as usual through theFore ign Miss ions Depar tment , Spr ingf ie ld ,LIissouri.Loti11 America

    H . C . Bal l, Fie ld Secre tary for Lat inAmerica, reports :Th e Holy Spi r i t has wrought , wonders inthe hearts of L atin Am ericans dur ing the pasttwo years. Revivals have broken out inArgent ina and Venezuela , in Peru and El -Salvador, w ith Cu ba witne ssing' a revivalthat has aroused nat ionwide interest , such asno other revival in recent t imes. Thousandshave stood for hours in the stadiums to hearthe gospel , to accept Chr i s t as th e i r Saviour ,and t o he healed of thei r diseases. \?'e ar e

    trust ing these revivals may reach other Latin -American lands short ly.Evidently our enemy has been great ly in-censed and has caused a wave of persecutionin Colo mbia , such as has not been witnessedanywhere in the pas t century . Large numbershave lost their l ives as a test imony to theirfa ith in Chr i s t . ~v 'en Mexico, next door , hashad her m ar tyrs for Chr i s t , wi th as many a snine Assemblies of God believers being mur-dered at one t ime.Encouraging repor t s come f rom our p ioneerfields, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay.Satisfactory progress has been made in spi teof comparat ively f e w missionaries.More than a thousand promising young peo-ple ar e at tending our nineteen B ible inst i tutesor taking the cou rses by correspondence. Justas in the homeland, news comes to us thatfor days at a t ime classes are suspended dueto Pentecostal blessings, many of the studentsbeing f i l led with the Spiri t during such visi-tat ions. .Ou r two publishing houses, located inEr azi l and in Pe r u a r e t u rn i ng out t ho us a~ ~d sof pieces of full-gospel literature yearly, andour own Spanish Department of the GospelPublishing Hou se ' in Sp ringfie ld publisheda quarter of a mil l ion Sunday School quar-terl ies and other pieces of l i terature in theSpanish language last year.The chal lenge to move forward for Godin Latin America comes forcefully to us. Great

    congregations need adequate tabernacles. Inthe present cramped quarters several servicesare required to part ial ly accommodate the be-l i evers . Uruguay, Paraguay, Bol iv ia and theDominican Republic are cal l ing for addit ionalmissionary personnel . A great harvest of

    souls is now w ithin ou r grasp if w e were onprepared to improve the opportunit ies tha r e ou r s .* I *

    A real need many of our missionary familhave faced when re turning home on fulough is the secur ing of a suitable place which to locate so that the children may haopportunity to at tend an American school fa year and enjoy home l i fe ra ther than for tentire missionary family to be dependent upthe ,hospitality of friend s and relatives. Tcost of renting furnished apar tmen ts or housin most cities has been almost prohibitivW ith the. co-operat ion of Central Bible Instute a thir teen-acre tract has been securnorth of the Central Bible Inst i tute campus fthe m issionaries. W e ,have been able to otain some government surplus buildings whihave been converted into f ive-room bungalofor their use in a very delightful situatioclose to a grade school and easi ly accessibto busses for junior high and high schoIt gives the missionaries the privilege of tending chapel services and classes at CentBible Inst i tute. W e have ten of these hounow available besides four other homes fmissionaries in the city of Springfield. Soof these are occupied by ou r Field Secr etarwho ar e necessarily resident for only a shotime in ' the homeland, inasmuch as thspend half of their time on the mission fieand half in the homeland. A nominal amouof rent is charged to the missionaries for tuse of these .homes and thi s amo unt is placin a fund for the replacing of the capital vestment, plus the defraying of maintenanexpense. T he homes north of Central BibInst i tute ar e si tuated in a grove of t rees, wsmall lakes, which makes a very pleasaenvironment, and we believe will prove veattract ive to our missionaries in general .Th e f l ights of o ur t tvo A m b a s s a d o r planthe C-46 and B-17 have brought the Asse

    blies of God into world-wide prominenW e find that both in Mrashington and in toffices of many governmcnt agencies our ganizat ion has become known through tvisits of the Ainbassador to foreign airpor(Continued on page thir teen)


    1. New York, New York . . . . . . . . . . . . Glad Tidings Tabernacle . . . . . . . $86,179.952. Cleveland, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . entecostal Church . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,965.033. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . Highway Mission Tabernacle . . . . . 38,004.014. Chicago, Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tone Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,937.635. Bakersfield, California . . . . . . . . . . . . Full Gospel Tabernacle . . . . . . . . . 30,524.386. Minneapolis, Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . Gospel Tabernacle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,469.047. Dayton, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ethel Temple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28,977.388. Goose Creek, Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trinity Tabernacle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,423.119 . Lor Angeles, California . . . . . . . . . . . . Bethel Temple . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . 25,016.7510. Houston, Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magnolia Park Assembly of God . .24,334.3411. Fresno, California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Full Gospel Tabernacle . . . . . . . . . 22,739.4812. North Hollywood, California . . . . . . . . Assembly of God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,672.3513. Minneapolis, Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . .Fremont Tabernacle . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,255.2314. Akron, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . entecostal Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,603.3215. New Castle, Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . First Pentecostal Church . . . . . . . . . 20.116.4416. Springfield, Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Central Assembly of God . . . . . . . . 9,937.2417. Battle Creek, Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . Church of the Four-Fold Gospel . . . 18,998.7 118. Tulsa, Oklahoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full Gospel Tabernacle . . . . . . . . . 18,338.4319. Tacoma, Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First Assembly of God . . . . . . . . . . . 18,293.0920. Sacramento, California . . . . . . . . . . . .Bethel Temple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,171.4321. Jersey City, New Jersey . . . . . . . . . . Calvary Gospel Church . . . . . . . . . 16,758.3622. Topeka, Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assembly of God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,642.4123. Washington, D. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full Gospel Tabernacle . . . . . . . . . 15,612.6424. Kansas City, Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . First Assembly of God . . . . . . . . . . . 5,509.0825. Union Gap, Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . Assembly of God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,369.77

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    JEHOSHAPHAT'S GREAT VICTORYLesson for September 162 Chron. 20:l-4, 4-23, 9. Whe n the ch i l dren o f I s rae l were on t he i rway f rom Egypt t o t he Promised Land , t heywere fo rb idden t o make any a t t ack upon t hedescendan ts of Esa u (Deut . 2 : l -7 ) ; nei therhere they to engage in bat t le against theMoahi t es (v . 9 ) . As for t he Ammoni t es ,they were not to dist ress them because Godhad. "g iven i t (Am mo n) un to t he ch i l dren o fLot f or a possession." v. 19. In o ur lesson fo rtoday we have an example of returning "evi lfor good." 2 Chron. 20:10, 11. Jehoshaphatreminds the Lord of this in the fervency ofhis prayer.1. Pressure

    Jehoshaphat h a s a good king, one of thebest that Judah had, but he could not longreign wi thout ru nning into di fficul t ies. In o urlesson he meets one of the most forniidable inhis career . Whe11 informed that Moab,A~ nm on , nd t he people o f Mo unt Se i r hadconfecleratcd to conq uer J uda h, his heartsank. lmmediatcly he real ized that the peopleof J uda h were ent i rely unable to resistsuch forces in thei r own st rength.Let us now apply the lesson to ourselves.There i s a peace which the Lord gives, peaceivi th Him, and the peace of assurance thatour l ivcs meet His approv al . But this peace

    by no means assure s us of peace in theworld. "In the world ye shal l have t ribula-t ion," said Jesus; and t ribulat ion i s not peace.However godly we may l ive, we must be pre-pared for sudden and even unreasonable at -t acks f rom Sa t an .2. Proyer

    Those who make prayer a ru l e o f l i fena tural l y go t o p rayer when met w i th sud-den t roubles. Jehoshaphat was a godly Inan,one wh o took del ight in seeking the fa ce ofGod. When the overwhelming news cameto him that neighboring countries plannedinvasion, "Jehoshaphat feared, and set himsel fto seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fastthroug hout al l Judah." v. 3. God somet imesal lows great and unexpected pressures forour good . W e do no t accuse Jehoshapha t , hu ti f he were l ike many of us he was indang er of rejoicing in the comfort of con-di t ions rather than in the Lord. Al l arein danger of this. Study the l i fe of th eapost le Paul . See how affl ict ions drove himnearer to God. See him on one occasion be-ginning to be exal ted "through the abundanceof revelat ions ;" then see the Lord permit -t ing Satan to give him "a tho rn in the flesh."God knows that the best of men need t imeswhen in a special way they feel their need ofGod.

    It has been said that the praye r of Jehosha-phat (vv. 6-13) is one of the most beautifulrecorded in the Old Testament . That i s notso important . Elegant words wi thout theSpiri t are vain. God hates empty words. Onthe o ther hand , when prayer g r i ps t he i n -most soul of a man his prayer i s alwayseloquent, not because of th e way it is phras ed,but because God is in it . God make us "fer-vent in spirit ."3. Promise

    God has promised that H e is "a rewa rderof them that diligently seek Him." Jehosha-phat i s an example of this. When his spi ri twas torn wi thin him, and when th e darkn ess ofdespai r could have engulfed him, he prayed.Then t he Lord sen t a messenger . How goodGod i s ! Ho w well H e can comfor t andchange the course of events! As the kingand the people held together in prayer (v. 13)the Lord touched Jahaziel "in the midst oft he congrega t i on" . (v . 14) . I t may be t ha tJahaziel was never used. this way before. Godis not bound to certain prophets, nei ther too thers of H i s se rvan t s . H e uses whom H ewil l . Under the anoint ing of the Spiri t Ja-haziel said, "Be not afraid nor dismayed byreason of this great mul t i tude; for the bat -t le i s not yours, but God's", (v. 15) . H o wrefreshing such a message became to theking and to the t rembl ing mul t i tude whowere gathered to seek the face of God.4. Providence

    Tho se of Judah were to go forth to meet theenemy, bnt were assured th at they would nothave to do a hi t 06 fight ing. God, who an -swers prayer, would do i t for them (vv. 16,I f ) . All H e required of them was fai th andobedience, and wc know that , fai th alway sbrings obedience. The next morning the menof lu da h obediently wentforih, the king enc&rag-ing them by say ing, "Be-lieve in the Lord yourGod, so shall ye be estab-lished ; believe his pro-phets, so shal l ye pros-per" (v. 20). Gocl 'speople need leadershipwhich is full of faith. Un-belief is contagious ; bu tfai th i s equal ly contag-ious. God help us to he ofgood courage.

    Now see the ful fi l lmentof divine providence.When Judah t ook ac t i onin fai th, God threw con-fusion into the camp ofthe enemy. Ammon andMoab "stood up againstthe inhabi tants of mountSei r." And when those ofMount Sei r had been de-s t royed , Moab and Am-mon went on to dest royeach o ther (v . 23) . Wh enGod gives assurance wemust s t ep ou t on H i sword . A s we obey He wi llgo before. Victories wi l lnot come always in thesame way . Each c r i s i sis di fferent . Each pro-vides its own way ofde l iverance . I t is our

    duty to pray, to bel ieve, to t rust God to guideand enable us to t riumph.5. Praise

    W e would ut terly fai l to get the pract icalbenefi t from his lesson were we to leave i twi thout ment ioning the importance of praise.Pra yer i s an expression of our need. Fai t h i sassurance that our need wi l l be met . Wherethere i s fai th, praise i s the resul t . Being ex-horted to "believe in the Lord your God,"the singers began to "praise the beauty ofhol iness, as they went out before the ar my ,a n d t o sa y , P r a is e t h e L o r d ; f o r H i s m e r c yendureth for ever" (v. 21). I t w a s a s t h e ypraised that the Lord set ambushmentsagainst the chi ldren of Am mon, Mo ab andMount Se i r (v . 22). Praise i s perfectedpr ay er ; i t i s the voice of fai th , the voice oft riumph.In t he ear l y days of this present outpouringof the Spiri t , seekers were told to praise theLord . They were shown the Scr ip tu re , "Theywere cont inual ly in the temple, praising andblessing God," before the Spiri t fel l. W ewere told that praise was not necessari lyno i sy . We were t aught t ha t our hear t s oughtt~ praise, our voice expressing the same. Goddelights in the praises of Hi s people. M or ewill be fi l led wi th the Spiri t as they reverent lypralse and worship than in any other way."Then be li eved they H i s wor ds ; t hey sangHi s p ra ise. " . h a p ra i se keeps the sou l inv i cto ry . W e need t o p ra i se God when we goout t o ba t t l e ; we need t o p rs i se H im whenthings go wrong. Praise i s comely for theupright .

    THIS WEEK'S LESSONDefea t ed Through Drunkenness ( l esson fo rSunday , Sep t ember 9 ) . Lesson Text : 1 K i n g s2 0 : l - 1 2 , . 16 , 17 , 20.


    pants a d eo rp i a~ s ,and over An the power


  • 8/2/2019 1951_09_09 How to Be Healed and Stay Healed by W.v. Grant Sr


    WHAT HAPPENED IN ATLANTA(Continued from page six)

    month of the year, and ha s many finesuggest ions. (W ri te to the SundaySchool Promotional Department, 43 4W. Pacif ic St. , Springfield 1, Missouri ,for your free copy.)Th e devotional service concluded w itha challenging message by Paul Cope-land, National Sunday School Director ,on the theme of "Perpe tuating Pen te-cost."Tlie Executive Presbyters presented:he reniainder of their repo rts, and thechairman then called for unfinished busi-ness. The Resolutions Committee re-ported that, in view of the instructionsgiven by the General Council in Seatt lein 1949 ,relating to the ma tter of edu ca-tion, it was their recomniendation thatArticle 10, Paragraph C, of the Con-sti tution be amended by adding thefollowing :"Any certain extent of academic edu-cation sliall never be a requirement forcredentials, but it shztll be requiredof applicants that they take such readingcourses and pass such kxaminations asmay be prescribed by District CouncilsIn agreement with the Credentials Coni-mittee of the General Council." Themotion carried unanimously.Two brethren f rom Europe were in-troduced. R obe rt Ba rrie of Scotland ,fornlerly Editor of "Redeniption Tid-ings," said a few w ords. Sve n 'B jor k,who formerly was a leading soloist inthe Filadelf ia Church in Stockholm,Swe den, but who is now making hishome in the U.S.A., was introduced andsang, "I t Is No Secret ."Soturdoy Morning, August 18

    Following the prayer meeting, AustinAmerine led the congregational singingand Clifford Burkett led in prayer.Charles Jones sang, "Tlie Lov er of M ySoul." Lawrence Borst , missionary tothe Fij i Islands, directed a t ime of per-sonal testinionies. On this as on otheroccasions throughout the Council theHoly Spiri t moved on different in-dividuals to prophesy or to bring a mes-sage in tongues or the interpretation

    MORE GLIMPSES OF THE COUNCIL1 . Paul Franklin, Bert Webb, and David duPlessis at the C. A. exhibit.2 . C. A. plans in the .making: Gwen Jones,Robert Ashcroft, and Don Mallough.3. Brother Steelberg presenting a new C. A.roject--gospel' teams for Europe.4. %he registration department was a busy place.5. Joe R. Bell and J. Raymond Ton.6. Raymond White, Walter Lane, and NolandSluter.7. Can you name this man?8. The Metodettes from Central Bible Institute.9. Prayer being offered during the Youth Rallyon the opening night of Council.10. Robert Ashcroft, Brother and Sister NoelPerkin, and F. Wildon 'Colbaugh.

  • 8/2/2019 1951_09_09 How to Be Healed and Stay Healed by W.v. Grant Sr


    J. A. Synan, Senior Bishop of t l jeosta l Hol iness Church and- Chai r - .

    e spoke about God 's " there '" H e showed how often ther God's people, but Go d

    T he entire business scssion was taken

    n is the result of fou r

    T he plan is not on an insurance Im is. is a self-ad minister ed plan. It willlace of our prese nt O ld

    r an addit ional six percent, if pos-til sthey become sixty -fiv e,d Jesus tarry . T he plan is entirely

    ed of these

    and will take part in this Christ ianbenevolence.Saturday Afternoon

    Th e Educat ional D epartment d i rectedthe devotional service. Special songswere heard from the Central Bible In-st i tute "bIelodettcs" and from an East-ern Bible Insti tute Alumni Quartet .Brother Riggs introduced the heads ofthe various schools.,There \ \ .ere three short addresses. R .L. Bennett spoke about the BibleSchools as the pastor looks at them.C. E. 3utterfielcl told what our schoolshave meant to the Pentecostal Move-ment . Arthu r H . Graves told what ourschools now have to offer to the youngpeople of our fellowship.The afternoon business session was ,opened, and the Cou~jci lvoted to makethe election of officers the first orderof business on Monday morning. -Invitations were received for the 1953General Counci l . Emma Taylor madcn speech inviting the Council to cometo Long Beach, Cal i f . Harry Myersgave a sales talk for St. Louis, Mis-souri . Stratford Anderson presented of-ficial invitat ions to come to Milwaukee,Wis. The decision as to the location ofthe next General Council will be madeby the Executive Presbytery in ductime.Wal lace S . Bragg presented the reportof the Foreign M issions Comm ittee. I tincorporated many suggestions as toways in whichgreater interest in foreignmissions could be obtained in the variousdis t r ic ts and churches. The Counci ladopted the report , and moved to haveit printed in booklet form so that everypastor will receive a copy.Glenn Renick gave the report of the


    14 Cards, with EnvelopesOne o f t he l ove l i e s t new ideas i n

    c ross ti t ch ing -on gen u-

    e m b r o i d e r y , w o r s t e d ! L o o k sthe hand iwork of l i t t l ees of gen e ra t ion s ago . S imp lyi n g a nd s u r e t o d e l ig h t t h o s e!

    EV 9981 .................................... $1.25

    Comm ittee on Benevolences. It appealfor more generous offerings for tOld Age Assis tance Fund, and a mo~ ig o r ou s f fo rt t o ob tain su f f ic i en t icome for the National Children's HonI t recom~nen ded hat boarding guesbe admitted to the Pinellas Park Homfor Retired Ministers anrl Missionari~tn ti l uch t ime as thc H om e is fi lleand that small cottages be built arounthe Home to take care of addit ionnumbers of elderly folk. It urged thdistrict homes be built for agcd membeo f the Assen11)lies of G od , and that tDepartment of Benevolences shoudraw up a policy f or the operation such h omes, so that all of them whave uniform standards. It bvas statethat wi th proper n~a nag et i~ ent hehomes could be made self-supportinThe report wa5 adopted. IThe report of the Home h , I i ss ioCom mittee was read by At\vood Fo steIt reaffirmed the six-year program adopte d in 1949, with the goal of 10,0churches by 1955. At present there aapproxinlately 6,000. T h e r e a r e m otha n 13,000 minister s so it should not difficult to have 10,000 churc hes.( T O be con t inued )A Prophecy Made in 1836Over a hundred years ago HirscKal ischer , Rabbi of Th orn , Germ anwrote to Anselm hlayer Rothschild eplaining his belief in the Messiah, anmade this statement :"Let no one imagine that the Messiawill appe ar suddenly, and , amid miracland wonders, lead the Israeli tes to theancient inheritance. T h e beginning the redemption will be in a natural waby the desire of the Jews to settle Palestine and the willingness of tnations to help them in this work. Aftmany Jews have sett led in Palestinand - Jerusalem has been rebuilt, tTem ple re-established, and the 'sacrfices are for a sweet savour to the Lordthen will God show them all the miraclin accordance with the description giveby the prophets and sages. First a mawill appear endowned with natural abilties, who will bring about, in a naturway, the settlement of Palestine by thJews. Then God will send His prophand H is Anointed King."This prophecy was made more thaa hundred years ago. Today we see thJews sett led in Palestine, and Jerusaleis being rebuilt, all by natural meanTh e re-establishing of the Temp le woship and the reappearance of the Kinof Israel , our L ord and Saviou r, are yfuture.

    Meditation leads to conversation. would be easier f o r us to "talk of Hdoings" if we thought more about themPEL PUBLlSHlNG HOUSE Springfield I, Missouri -Hallock.

  • 8/2/2019 1951_09_09 How to Be Healed and Stay Healed by W.v. Grant Sr


    Biennial Report of ForeignMissions Department(Cont inued f rom page nine)

    At t l ie t ime we first commenced overseas

    e ha d' a considerable

    Afr ic a , and we fel t tha t s ince we werepurchase %these a i rcraf t s a t a verynominal price, it would be profitable to operatea service of our own. As t ime has passed,trausportat ion faci l i t ies have become muchbetter and now i t is comparatively easy formiss ionar ies to get t ranspor ta t ion to WestAfrica which was formerly one of the mostdiff icult f ields to reach. W e are f in ding i tmore and more convenient for miss ionar iesrow to send thei r baggage on ships wherethey also can accompany i t rather than totravel by plane and have their baggage sentseparately. Another thing that confronted usthis past year was a rapid increase in in-surance rates, which made the operat ion o fI t was therefore 'decided that the large

    The C-46 was sold some t ime ago. Recent lythe B-17 was sold for $75,000.00 which wasthe original purchase price. There wil l besome adjustments of accounts to be made. Areq~ies t has come f rom Afr ic a that we re in-

    supplies to and f rom the W est Co as t of A fr icas under the 'comm and of o urpilot so perhaps the name and fame

    Our Dual Spiritual Heritage' in Pentecost

    (Cont inued on page four )

    have passed o n to u s thei r her i t age

    e we ready to obey the ins tructions! Ar eImplicit faith ! "He that cometh to God mustieve that H e i s and that H e i s a re-

    I am glad I don'te as history and say,

    nd t oday, and f o r eve r. " Fa i t h i n G od! Th eof God imparted to us-faith to be-- Wor d and b r i ng conv i c -

    the God who sent manna f rom heaven, to theIs rael i t es , i s our God. Though some mayfeel that they have become independent ofGod by reason of natural resource s, I want to

    say that every natural resource we have mayhe cut off in a moment of time.Not long ago we were in the midstof a grea t stor m and all of the elem ents thatwe ar e so dependent upon were cut off .No electr ici ty; no telephone service. I saidto my wife. "We are most .helpless because wehave geared ourselves to dcpend upon a cer-tain resource f or ,phys ica l comfor t . When t l ~ eelectrical power went off we didn't have anylight in thc house, we didn't havc any re-fr igerat ion; we didn't have any heat becausethe furnace was dcpcndent upon an electr ic

    fuel pump. W e didn't have any way to cleanthe house i f we were going to use the vacuumcl'eaner. W e couldn't do a ny thin g; we werehelpless. I think you can understand when Isay that when we get out of touch with theHoly Ghost , we l ikewise are absolutely help-less.W e stood in thc middle of the f loor andwished for the old lamp and the kerosene canand the stove \\-here we could kindle thefire with some newspapers and wood. W e\vished th at thc old broom had been- hangingin the broom closet . W e became conscious ofal l these things when the power was cut off .W e didn't have any comnlunication 'becausethe telephone was out of order. I want to tel lyou something, f r iends . When the Holy Spi r i tis not ill your individual life and the HolySpiri t is not in your meeting and the HolySpiri t is not in your efforts, you are ashelpless as a person ever could he. You haveno means of communication. You have 110means of motivation. You have no inspiration.You have n othing a t a l l. W e are dependentupon the Holy Spiri t .Not only mu st ar e have all implici t fai thin God, hut the Holy Spir i t keeps our visionundimmed. In a world that is f i l led with t l iesmo ke and f og of unbelief and whe re me11 ar econstantly bexvildered hy theories and falsecults, we need a clear vision-first of all,

    uf C alva ry, and then of the whitcned har -vest f ields. They go together. You can neverget a real Ho ly Gho st vision of C alva ry,without get t ing a vision of the whitened har-vest f ields. IVhen we lose the Holy Spiri ttcuch. we lose our missionary impetus, andwe become self-centered. W e become interest-ed only in the dcvelopnient of our own im-mediate circle of operat ions.Agpin, my f r iends , I say that the spiri t ofthe Holy Ghost is a spiri t of evangelism andmiss ionary endeavor . Our fa thers gave usin the legacy that they have handed downtn us a g lor iou s. spir i tual vision. Some ofthem went forth without any missionaryboard, without any visible means of support

    wi thout any guarantee of funds , wi thoutanything but the knowledge that God hadcalled them. Our God did not fai l them, andH e wi ll not fa i l us today. W e may have al i t t le more machinery, but we st i l l must havethe Ho ly S pi r i t . Unless the Spi r i t of Godcalls men and urges them with a divine pas-sion for the lost , they won't stay on themission field very long.A spirit of sacrifice is also embodied inthis divine legacy, and God grant that inthe midst of a dispensation of the grea tes tluxury that our great l and has ever knownwe may not turn aside from our f irst love-the love of God-and. become enamo red ofpossessions of, earth unti l we become vict imsof that terrible and horrible snare, the loveof money which is th e r oot of . all evil. If


    God has given us a distinctivetestimon y. W e must preserve itand spread it.Central Bible Institute, with itsenriched curriculum, and largewell-qualif ied faculty, is trainigconsecrated youth to these endsT o cont inue th is work we musthave your support. Donatio nslarge and small, are needed.We have the Living Endow-me nt Fellowship-a plan wherebyyou may give regularly to God'swork in CBI amounts of one dol-lar or more a year. As a memberyou will receive a special LivingEndowment Certif icate.

    If yo u are older and have mone yyou w ou ld like to give, but uponwhich you depend for income, youcan st il l help. T o you we recommend General Council Annuitiesbearing a high rate of interestThis is a golden opportunity forage to invest in youth with a mes-sage of life.

    We wil l g ladly send ful l infor-mation . Please write TODAY.CENTRAL BIBLE INSTITUTE

    3000 North Grant Are.Springfield, Missouri

  • 8/2/2019 1951_09_09 How to Be Healed and Stay Healed by W.v. Grant Sr


    thgre is anything I have prayed for for ourgreat fel lowship, and part icularly for ourtry, it is that th e call of God

    him there.

    Then summing i t up , my f r iends , may I sa yhol iness areol the man of God who representself to be a Spiri t - l i l led. Spir i t -anointed,ccupied vessel . Unfai thfulness seenx to'o f the dispensat ion in which we

    o is faithfu l in that which is least is faithfu lthe smal l v i l l ages, to the out ly i~lg d is -'l today f lour i s hi~lg churches are thel ives, are a

    cterize us and the legacy that is lef tG od g r an t u s t he cou r age t o he t r ue t or convictions, to let nothing sw ay us from

    f the holiness that o ur fa thers left us as a

    in the swi f t cur rent ofWP may s tand t rue to God,

    meet Him-an uncontamina ted, untaruished

    THE ASSEMBLIESSHOS HONE, WY0.-We had a wonderfulEvangelist and Mra. L. C.

    contacts were made.-L. F. Taylor, Pastor.Near GEN EVA , ALA.-We had a wonderful

    course.-John W. White, Pastor.GIR ARD , OHIO-We had a 2%-week meet-ng with Evangelist A. R. Vander Ploeg ofschool auditorium.There were many victories in the healing ofick bodies and the salvation of souls. A number

    The last night of the meeting aeemed to behe greatest. Brother Vander Ploeg preached onhe soon return of Christ. There was a messagein tongues and interpretation that confirmed thismessage. Conviction seized the sinners, and theycame to the alter. It was difficult to know justow many came to the altar as the auditoriumas crowded, but we know of 20 who weresaved that night. This brought the total to 43saved dur ~ng he meeting.-M. A. Hart, Pastor.

    GRACE LIVINGSTON HILLThe Street of the City

    L ove ly F rann ie Fern ley , wi th he r mother and f ive -year -o ld s i s t e r Bonn ihad jus t m oved in to a l i t t le co t t ag e by the r ive r . N e a r b y s t o o d t h e f im a n s i o n b e lo n g i n g t o g r a ci o u s o ld L a d y R ' i n t h r o p , w h o t o o k a n i m m e d i ai n t e r e s t in t h e y o u n g g ir l . O n e m o r n i n g a f t e r F r a n n i e h ad g o n e t o w o rL a d y W i n t h r o p w a s s t a r t l e d t o s e e R o n n i e c o m e r u n n i n g f r a n t i c a l l y u p t h e m a n s io n . H e r m o t h e r h a d c o ll ap s ed . U n a b l e to g o t o M r s . F e r n l y h e r s et h e o l d w o m a n c a ll ed t o y o u n g V a l i an t W i l lo u g h b y , a w o r k e r i n a m u n i t io np l a n t , w h o m s h e s a w p a s s i n g b y . A n d t h r o u g h t h i s , F r a n n i e a n d V a f i a n t m eB u t t h e t w o h a d t o c o p e w i t h t h e r i c h a n d s o ph i st ic a te d M a r i e t t a H o l l i s t ewh o cons ide red Va l he r ow n p roper ty , be fo re they could f ind happ inet o g e t h e r .

    GRACE L I V I N G S T O N H I L L ' S n ov el s a r e a s t h oo u g h l y m o d e r n a s t h e y a r e w h o l e s o m e an d r e f r e s h inI n h e r c h a r m i n g ro m a n c e s t h e r e is a sympathe t ibuoyan t sp i r i t t ha t conquer s d i scouragemen t , wh ict r u s t s t h a t t r u e l o v e a n d h a p p i n e s s w i l l c o m e o u t othe wor s t t r i a l . Her s i s t he p r i ce l ess g i f t o f undes t a n d i n g a n d it i s t h a t q u a l i t y t h a t m a k e s h e r s t o r iso t r u e to l if e and he r peop le so r ea l. L i s t ed be loa r e en te r t a in ing and insp i r a t iona l nove l s f r om whicyou can choose . All a r e ava i lab le in han dsomely bouninexpensive edi t ions.3 EV 990 All Through the Night3 EV 997 Amorelle3 EV 1060 Beauty for Ashes3 EV 1122 Blue Ruin3 EV 1155 Bright Arrows3 EV 1172 By Way of the SilverThorns3 EV 1195 The Challengers3 EV 1272 The Christmas Bride3 EV 1287 Cloudy Jewel3 EV 1320 Crimson Roses3 EV 1352 Daphne Dean3 EV 1410 The Enchanted Barn3 EV 1478 Found Treasure3 EV 1578 The Cold Shoe3 EV 1656 Happiness Hill3 EV 1711 Homing3 EV 1879 Ladybird3 EV 1989 Marigold3 EV 1992 Maris3 EV 2004 Matched Pearls

    3 EV 2067 More Than Conqueror3 EV 2127 A Ne w Name3 EV 2209 Out of the Storm3 EV 2234 The Patch of Blue3 EV 2242 Patricia3 EV 2328 The Prodigal Cirl3 EV 2358 Rainbow Cottage3 EV 2363 The Ransom3 EV 2375 Re-creations3 EV 2403 Rose Galbraith3 EV 2430 The Search3 EV 2483 The Seventh Hour3 EV 2513 Silver Wings3 EV 2553 Spice Box3 EV 2600 Stranger Within theGates3 EV 2613 The Substitute Cuest3 EV 2633 Sunrise3 EV 2868 White Orchids 2, ,3 EV 2905 The Witness


    GOSPEL PUBLISHING HOUSE springfield I , Mo

  • 8/2/2019 1951_09_09 How to Be Healed and Stay Healed by W.v. Grant Sr



    W h e t h e r Y O U w a n t d o l l a rs f o r t h e " li t tl e e x t r a s " l h a t r n ak ehappie r-o r mo ney to he lp you r Chu rch o r C. .A . group--y o u a r e l o o k i n g f o r a p l e a s an t a n d r e w a r d i n g h o bb y-y ou re r i s r i g h t h e r e b e f o r e y o u .E a c h y e a r m o r e p e o p l e e x p e r i e n c e t h e p l e a s u r e a n d > a t i s -an d d i s t r ibu t ing th i s love ly ca l endar in the i rl s e a s i l y ! A q u i c k e x a m i n a t i o n of t h ea r c o n v i n c e s a p e r s o n t h a t i t i s s o t n e t h i n g n e e d e d inh o m e ; a n d m o st p eo ple h y a d d i t i o n a l c o p i e s f o r C h r i s t m a s

    I T S M A N Y A P P E A L I N G F E A T U R E Son t Cover -A beau t i fu l f u l l - co lo r r ep rod uc t io i l of t he ou t -g a n d p o p u l a r Z a b a t e r i p a i n t i n g e n t i t l e d , " J e s u s a n dh e W o n i a n .o f S a m a r i a , " s u it a b le f o r f r a m i n g .P i c tu r e s -S k i l lf u l a n d a c c u r a t e r e p r o d u c t i o n s ofe e n f a m o u s re l i gi o u s p a i n ti n g s . A n o p p o r t u n i t y t o s t a r t

    l e c ti o n of o u t s t a n d i n g r e l i g i o u s a r t .o f t h e P ic tu r es - C on c is e a n d a c c u r a t e s to r i e s of t h ee g i v e n t o i n c r e as e o u r u n d e r s t a n d i n g a n dcr ip tu re Verse--A care ful ly sele cted Bible vers e ;o provid ei t h a h e lp f ul , i n s p i r i n g t h o u g h t .

    Pad i n l a r g e e a s i l y - r e a d C a r t o o n t y p e . A l s o p r e -i n g m o ' n t h p a d s f o r q u ic k r e f e r e n c e .y e r M e e t i n g T e x t s a n d L e q s o n s o f f e r a m o s t w o r t h w h i lei d w e e k B i b l e c o u r s e f o r i n d i v i d u a l o r g r o u p s t u d y .R e a d i n g F e at ur e- O n e a c h m o n t h i s p r e s e n t e d a S c r i p -u r e , " H o w t o R e a d t h e B i b le T h r o u g h in a, " w i t h r e f e r e n c e s t o r e a d e a c h d a y .30 EV 9875 Scripture Text CalendiarEACH 35c; .3 for $1 .OO


    Q U A N T I T Y P R I C E SQ u a nt it y C o s t S e l l F o r P r100 C a l e n d a r s .... $22.50 $ 35.00 $1200 C a l e n d a r s .... 43.00 70.00 2300 C a l e n d a r s .... 61.50 105.00 4

    S i n g l e C o p y $ .35;3 C o p i e s $1.00; 12 C o p i e s $3.50; 25 C o p i e s $7

    50 C o p i e s $12.50 .

    Springfield I, MissouROE , LA., Aug. &We thank God for DALLAS;TEX.-We had a wonderful meet-at revival t hat is sweeping our way. ing with Evangeli st Wendell Mang rum of Texas,t and Mrs. L. H. Eva ns of San An- t and his co-worker. Denver McCullouah. Aboute second week of thee being saved and believers

    ng healed.-(;. W. Reynolds , Pasto r.ERI AL BEAC H, CALIF.-We had a

    18 baptized in water.e were many outstanding healings. W e brokeei.ting.-Eva I. Bailey, Pastor, South Ba yMI, AR1Z.-We had a four-week meetingy Beason of Arkansas. W e had

    hed t he Word under t he anointing of theB. Reagan, Pastor.

    EL AND , TEX.-Evangelist Sara M.

    o our church a s the result of. this meet-J. Pate, Pastor.

    15 or 1 6 were sa;ed or reclaimed, ai d 15 re-ceived the baptism of th e Holy Ghost.Stephen W. Oates is now our 1 astor, as L. L.Ammons resigned to go into evangelistic work.-Mrs. Willie Ellaaon, Church Secreta ry, LoveField AsGmbly. . ,KALAMAZOO , M1CH.-We praise the Lordfor His goodness to us. We pastored the churchhere for nearly three years, and the Lord hasgiven us many seasons of refreshing. A litt leover a year agu we dedicated a new Qurch.We have now accepted the pastorate of t heAssembly of God in Mattoon, Ill. Th e churchpurchased a larger and more suitable parsonageat 1020 Charlest on St.-Pastor Milton R.Searles.AL TON , ILL.-Ten churches in the Altonarea co-operated in a two-week meeting withEvangelist Robert Fierro. Many were broughtout of spiritual darknes s into the glorious lightof salvation. Mirac ulou s healinga accompa niedthis meeting. One man who was totally blind inthe right eye for ten years, suddenly receivedsight while standing in the congregation. We

    greatly appreciated the well-balanced ministryof Brother Fierro. M en and women of ot herdenominations attended this meeting. Many ofthem came into the light of th e full gospel.-Pastor J . C. Kofahl, Secretary.

    SAN TA MARI A, CALIF.-We had a ming with Evangelist H. D. Star ks of WhiCali f. We a re thankful for t he onea who saved and for the many blessinga that God us during this meeting. The Sunday Schoocrease d in attendance.-J. W. Dollins, PaCOMING MEETINGS

    Notices should reach us three weeks invance, du e to the fact that the Evangel isup 18 day* before the da te which apupon it. However, there will be no annomenta of coming meetings in the issueOctober 7. Noti ces of mee ting s which between October 1 and October 14 will apin the issue of September 30, and thereforemust reach us by Monday, September 10ED INA , M0.-Sept. 16-; Joe Calaand Oran Duncan Gospel Team, Kansas Mo. (Merle J. White. Paator)SE ATT LE , WASH.-Calvary Temple69th and 8th Ave. N. E., Sept. 9-23; Egelist Robe rt Fierro.-by Watson Argue, PaBAS TRO P, LA.-Tent meeting (se at s) Sept. 8-23; Ogilvie Evangeli stic P( J . E. Allen is Pastor.)WACO, TEX.-Tent meeting. Sept .Evangelist .H. H . Leonard and party. Sponby Cal vary Assembly of God an d coroperchurches.-by W. A. Edwa rds, Pas tor.

  • 8/2/2019 1951_09_09 How to Be Healed and Stay Healed by W.v. Grant Sr


    -.DO DG E CIT Y. KANS.-Assembly of God ,Sep t. 2-16 or longer; Evangelist C. A. Waac k,Tulsa, Okla. (G. . Gaddis is Pastor.)OKLA HOMA CITY . 0KLA.-South We3tAssembly of God, Sep t. 16-30; EvangelistGeorge Hardcastle, %.-by H. H. Palme r,

    Pastor.BEL LWO OD, PA.-Meeting in progress;Evangel~s tand Mrs. David M. Wellard. (No raM. Verbonitz is Pastor.)

    IDETROIT, MICH.-Revival Tabernacle,Sep t. 11-23 or longer; Evangelist and Mrs.D. Fred Leader.-by Orie L. Robinson, Pastor.OCAL A, FLA.-Meeting in progress: Eva n-gelist Eugene Smit h, Cheyenne, Wyo. ( C. S.Brown is Pastor.)LORAIN, OHIO-Gospel Tabernacle, Sept.18-30; Evangelist and Mrs. David M. Wellard.(Earl J. Hance is Pastor.)WA TE RT OW N, WIS.-Assembly of Go d,Sept. 2-; Eva ng el~ st Bonetta C. Rabe.-byHarvey Flaherty, Pastor.LINDS AY, 0KLA.-First Assembly of God,Meeting in progress; Evangelist Ruth Specter.-by Fred James, Pastor.POU ND, WIS.-Full Gospel Tabernacle, Aug.26-Sept. 16; Evangelist Stanle y Karol.-byElmer L. Hoff, Pastor.AN TH ON Y, N. MEX.-Assembly of God,meeting in progress; Evangelist Marrles Moore.-by Paul Joyner, Pastor.McAL ISTER , 0KLA.-First Assembly ofGod, Sept. 9-; Evangelist Jimmie Adarns. ( L .H. Arnold is Pastor.)CH EW EL AH , WASH.--Sept. 4-23. Evan -gelists Carl and E dn a Goodwin, Pomona, Calif.(R . E. Miller is Pastor.)

    ALF ORD SVI LLE , 1ND.-Meeting in progress;Evangelist and Mrs. Glen McClure, Denver,Colo.-by Walte r H . Solmes, Pasto r.

    GARIBALDI, O R E G . - A ~ ~ & ~ ~ I ~f God,meeting in progress; Evangelist Mattie Howard.-by John Hoskins, Pasto r.LA CR ES EN TA , CALIF.-Assembly of God,meeting in progress; Evangelist Ro y Sa pp andparty, Monroe, La. ( Pau l Flemming is Pastor.)COLORADO SPRINGS, COL0.-Assemblyof God, Waln ut and West , Sept. 2-16; Eva n-gelists Virgil and Edythe Warens. (M. .Newman is Pastor.)LIND EN. N. J.-Tent meeting at Stilcs St.N. and Academy Terrace ( 1 block north of St.George's Ave.), meeting in progress; E\.nngelistRudy Cerullo, Philadelphia, Pa. (C. H. Zobert-son is Pastor.)CAL DWE LL, IDAHO-Sect:onil C. A . Rally,Assembly of Go d, 9th and Chicago , Sept. 10,a t 8 p.m. Evangelist Dick Colsen, Hillsboro,0reg.-by Bennie R. Harris, Sectional C. A.Representative.ELI ZAB ETH , N. J.-Ebenezer Church, 856'E . Jersey St., Sept. 9-23; Th e Cantelon Par ty(Paul and Lucile Cantelon, Myrtle Hansen, andNadine Grice) of Seattle, Wash. (Fr eder ick H.Huber is Pastor.)

    MISCELLANEOUS NOTICESNOTICE-W. B. Shows has accepted thepast orate of t he Assembly of God in Rosenberg,Tex.-by Mrs. E . C. Soats, Church Secretary. ,RA DI O PROGRAM-"Assembly of GodHour," station KN ED, 1150 kc., McAlester,Okla., Sund ays 8 to 8:30 a.m.-by L. H. Arnold,

    Enlist for Enlargement 9.;& Enlarge for Advancement

    O ne Million Calls for ChristAll t h e e q u i p m e n t y o u will need to c o n d u c t a n E n l a r g e m e n t C a m -palgn ha s been prepared fo r y o u by t h e National S u n d a y SchoolD e p a r t m e n t . W r i t e f o r a free E n l a r g e m e n t M o n t h Packe t whi ch

    contains a sample of each of t h e items available. T h e n o r g a n i z ey o u r w o r k e r s to e n l a r g e y o u r S u n d a y School and c h u r c h and to dot he i r part in r e a c h i n g t h e national goal of O n e Million Calls fo rC h r i s t .

    OCTOBER IS ENLARGEMENT MONTA special "Get Acquainted" issue of the Evangel will be published

    on October 7 , designed to introduce the Assemblies of God to newfriends and to interest them in our ful l gospel message. I t will bejust the thing you will want to hand to people who know nothingabout us. Use it in your visitation campaign.

    Kindly ma il your order a t once so that we will know how manycopies should be printed. Order enough copies to cover your entirecommunity.

    for ' the ENLARGEMENT ISSUE of th

    EVANGELGospel Publishing HouseSpringfield, Missouri

    ................ $1.50 per hun-Please send cop ies o f the spec io l En la rge ment Issue dred copies,ostof the Evonge l to : paid anywhere inth e US:*. Mini-Name ................................................. 1.................................. mum order. 100Street 8 N u m b e r o r R.F.D. .................................................... copies. ~ i n d i ~endcash with order.C i t y ..............................: ........ Z o n e ........ Sto te ................ N o Charges on thisspecial offer..I o m e n cl os i ng a c h e c k o r m o n e y o r d z r f o r $................ t o p a yfo r these .