1934 rolls royce - tdspersonalpages.tds.net/~johgie/bcnh/bcnh newsletter 02 -13...ready for my first...

February, 2013 1934 Rolls Royce Next Meeting February 4 th , 2013 7:00 pm at Historic Motor Sports (603) 587-0577

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February, 2013

1934 Rolls Royce

Next MeetingFebruary 4th, 2013 7:00 pm at Historic Motor Sports

(603) 587-0577

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2continued page 10

Car of the Month

Some of the story of CCB(Chitty Chitty Bankrupt)

by Mark Harrison

It started with the same conversation withmy wife(Amy): My mother wouldn’t letme buy Mr. Keeny’s Nash Metropolitanconvertible (when I was a 14 year oldboarding student in high school) for$100.00. She said I didn’t need it, wouldnot have time to use it, where would Istore it while I was away….

Amy said for my 50th birthday she wouldlike to buy me a Nash to go along withBaby, my 1974 TR-6, and hopefully Iwould be quiet after that for a while.Welcome to Ebay. We bought one, wentto see it , drove it, and then drove it on tothe new trailer I bought for the occasion.The drive home was uneventful, I un-loaded the car and thought all was well ,a few repairs and I would be off to theraces with my 1958 Nash Metro convert-ible. Or so I thought. A few weeks later,Amy sends me an email at work, some-thing to the effect that we have threeLBCs that are not really family cars- weshould have one that all three of us couldfit in……we have to take two cars to goout in an LBC ....and I agreed and soanother search began…..

I thought of what I wanted, and blindlystarted looking for something with bigheadlights and large fenders. Ebay again.Somehow (and I don’t know why) Iended up looking at Pre-War cars, andfound myself looking at a 1934 RollsRoyce with a wooden body. I sent thepage back to Amy, and she said that itwould fit the needs of a family toy car.The chase was on. Amy bid on it, shewas the eBay bidder back then, and wehad the highest bid but did not reach thereserve bid. Three auctions, still the high-est bid, but not at reserve. The sales agentcalled and after much hassle and nego-tiation we were ready to buy the car. Ifound someone who was an expert tomeet us at the car and take it for a pre-inspection drive with us and off we went

to Philadelphia to see the car. It was pro-nounced fine, a good entry level vehicle,but would never win first prize and sothe car was bought and then the discus-sion of how to get it back to NH began.Suitable transport was arranged, and ea-ger anticipation for its arrival began. Afew weeks later the transport truck and Iagreed to unload on the strip mall park-ing lot near our house and I would drive ithome from there (two blocks away). Thetime and the car arrived and now it wasready for my first actual drive in the car.I had made a quick measurement of thegarage it was going into and I thought itwould fit. It was a nice fit but from be-hind the wheel (right hand drive and nosynchromesh 4-speed transmission) itseemed like a real close fit. Dinner con-versation was about what was going tobe with the car, etc.

The next morning it was time to take Davidto school. Amy left for work early, andDavid wanted to go in the new car. With-out proper guidance, the boys plotted. Iknew how to start, stop, shift, and steer,so off we went. Did I mention there wereno seat belts, no registration, no insuranceand no brains involved on this trip to schoolin Amesbury? Off we went, the two boysenjoying the trip and the car. All went welluntil right near arrival when I made a leftturn to go down a small hill and the steer-ing locked almost putting us into a stone

wall. Expected thoughts went through mymind, but I had to move the car and childout of the situation….

For some reason the steering unlockeditself and we continued off to school, quiteshaken, with the only apparent damagedone to our egos. The return after dropoff was uneventful.

Several phone calls later, the advice wasto start looking at the steering and checkthe tire pressures. Off to the gas stationfor air and a quick look under the car. Asteering stabilizer was found and the pos-sibility existed that it was the cause ofthe lock up. Tire pressures were broughtup to 35 lbs and a phone call made to theguy in Philadelphia about the stabilizer, asit looked too new to really belong to thecar. The advice was to remove it asapand drive the car. If there was any shak-ing in the steering that would be anotherproblem, and so off I went. With the sta-bilizer off and tire pressures up the ridewas extremely different and unacceptable.I was almost shaken out of the car. Prob-lems!

I knew a person who did work on antiquecars (I found out later he used to workfor Paul Russell) and called him. And somy introduction into the world of antiquecar restoration began. I got the car to him

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Visit us at www.bcnh.org

If possible, please submit a photo and article of your car to be included inThe Boot, Hood & Bonnet - BCNH’s monthly newsletter.

Any photos submitted will be returned.

Name_______________________________ Spouse______________________


City____________________ State____ Zip________ Phone_______________

E-mail address____________________________________________________

Year, Make, Model of Your Auto(s)___________________________________


Name of Referring Member_________________________________________

British Cars of New Hampshire (BCNH) is an organization devoted tothe preservation, restoration and enjoyment of all British automobiles.

BCNH provides to its members and their families British auto-orientedactivities and social events throughout the year. Benefits of the club par-ticipation include monthly meetings, rallies, tech sessions, club socials,car shows and other events.

The club publishes a monthly newsletter, The Boot, Hood & Bonnet.News of upcoming events, club activities, car show results, technical tipsand articles submitted by members are included in the newsletter. Mem-bers also receive a discount on a subscription to the British Marque, amonthly car club newspaper.

A club logo window decal is provided. Additional decals may be pur-chased.

Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at the Weathervanerestaurant unless otherwise announced. All members are encouraged toattend and bring guests.

BCNH invites you to become a member of our active and growing clubby submitting the application above.

___ Paper Newsletter or ___ electronic copy of the Newsletter





John Giese

NEWSLETTERJohn & Joan Giese

Owen & Virginia Christiansen



WEBMASTERKate Stanley Robinson










Contact information on page 4

Please send application and $30 annual dues (payable to BCNH) to:Lou Belanger, 11 Forest Lane, Litchfield, NH 03052

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Prime Minister’sMissive

I am regularly reminded of just how nice– and how interesting – “car people” are.In ramping up both the Storage and theConsignment Sales portions of the newbusiness at historic Motor Sports, Clarkeand I have ongoing opportunities to meetnew “car people” – and we like them. Ifyou have to “go to work” every day, it’shard to think of a better “work” to go tothan one that exposes you to the joys ofcars and “car people” all day.

In addition to that, I have discovered yetanother way that we (BCNH Members)can serve as a “resource” to other carpeople. I got an e-mail about a week agofrom a British Ex-Pat currently living inGrand Rapids, Michigan – having beenbrought there from England as an Engi-

neer on the Contour “World Car” Projectby Ford Motor Company. Now he is ap-proaching retirement and he and his wifeare considering New Hampshire as apotential new home.

He found BCNH on-line and wrote to me.He was more than pleased to hear thatthere was such an active group of “carpeople” (and more specifically British CarPeople) in New Hampshire. We havehad a number of chats now and it is obvi-ous that he may be as valuable a resourceto us as we may be to him.

The first thing we can do for him is to act


Treasurer’s Report

Start BalanceMembership renewalClub web siteNewsletterEnd Balance

December 15 to January 15Club account


Show of Dreams accountStart BalanceEnd Balance


Aluminum Alloy Cooling Fan SystemsPolyurethane Suspension Bushings

Electric Wire Harness/Loom SetsFuel Injection Rebuild Kits

LED Upgradesfor all British and European Classic Cars

Contact informationLouis Belanger 11 Forest Lane, Litchfield, NH 03052 (603) 424-7835 [email protected] Bernstein 14 Franconia Drive, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 882-8682 [email protected] Christiansen7 Sycamore Lane, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883-0288 [email protected] dos Santos PO Box 840, Manchester, NH 03105 (603) 497-3911 [email protected] Dougherty 28 Ledgewood Drive, Strafford, NH 03884 (603) 948-2078 [email protected] Giese 153 Crooked S Road, Lyndeborough, NH 03082 (603) 654-2565 [email protected] Karle 22 Partridge Lane, Londonderry, NH 03053 (603) 437-8931 [email protected] MacDuff 510 Sand Hill Road, Peterborough, NH 03458 (603) 924-1066 [email protected] Mitchell PO Box 270, Stratham, NH 03885 (603) 772-1116 [email protected] Stanley 64 North Shore Drive, Center Barnstead, NH 03225(603) 776-6698 [email protected] Sweet 50 High Street, Penacook,, NH 03301 (603) 753-9164 [email protected] Young 204 Concord Hill Road, Pittsfield, NH 02363 (603) 435-8660 [email protected]

as “tour guides” when he and his wifecome for a visit during the last two weeksin May. I have tried to impress on himthat there is a tremendous variation inlandscape and in culture in various partsof the state and that the best way to getan accurate “feel” for those differencesis to spend some time with “locals” in eacharea.

That’s where the Club comes in. As thedate gets closer and I get a better feel fortheir preferences, I may ask individualmembers if they would be willing to play“tour guide” for a day or so. I can’t thinkof a better way to be introduced to thebenefits of life in New Hampshire thanbeing introduced to LBC life in NewHampshire.

I look forward to meeting these newfriends and integrating them into the club.

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Disclaimer:As a matter of policy, British Carsof New Hampshire does notendorse any of the businesses thatadvertise in this newsletter.


February4th Meeting and Pizza Party, BYOB andBYOC (Bring Your Own Chair) HistoricMotor Sports, 174 Raymond Road (Route27), Candia NH 6pm

March4th Meeting at Weathervane, Bedford

April8th Meeting at Weathervane, Bedford12-14th Kimber Festival NEMGTR,Bennington VT

May6th Meeting at Weathervane, Bedford25th-June 2nd British Car Week

June2nd CT MG British By The Sea, HarknessMemorial Park, Waterford CT3rd Meeting at Weathervane, Bedford8-9th Manchester Antique Car Show,Manchester VT

July1st Meeting at Weathervane, Bedford27th Show of Dreams, Wolfeboro, NH30th-August 4th Vintage RacingCelebration, NHMS

August5th Meeting at Weathervane, Bedford23-25th British Marque Triathlon X,Jimney Peak, Hancock, MA

September2nd Meeting at Weathervane, Bedford9th Meeting at Weathervane, Bedford20-22nd British Invasion, Stowe, VT

October4-6th Speckled Hen Run7th Meeting at Weathervane, Bedford

November4th Meeting at Weathervane, Bedford

Decembertbd Holiday Party

BCNH 2013 Calendar of Events

The January 2013 BCNH meeting wascalled to order at 7PM by Director BobMitchell.

There were 35 members in attendance.First order of monkey business was toaccept the secretary’s report and thetreasurer’s report as printed in the lastnewsletter. Once that was dispatched weheaded off into other areas of interest.

The manager of the Weathervane tookthe time to speak with us. There havebeen some complaints from membersabout the food and the service. We haveagreed to try to make it work - dinner willbe served from 6PM to 7PM so that wecan then have the meeting. Dinner orderswill be taken from 6PM until about 6:30so that it can be cooked and served. Theywill also add additional wait staff to handlethe number of members who attend. Thishas been a problem recently.

Old Business

We discussed the drive to the Gilmantonwinery for brunch, the record turnout wasunexpected and we over whelmed thestaff. However, we all had a good timeand the food was great. When we leftthere we headed over to the Laconia air-port to see Nick Grewel’s collection. Acouple of us took a detour down the flightline and could not figure out how to getout. We were rescued by another car andfollowed them out. Whoops. Another placewe will not be invited to visit again (thelist does get long as you get older). Wefinally were able to find the collection(GPS was no help at all) and met up witheveryone else. We toured the collectionand Nick had to have the drool cleanedoff his cars after we left.

Next up was the Holiday Party - thanksto Doris for pulling that together. Every-one had a good time and the food wasexcellent.

Several members - Bob Mitchell with hisRiley, Dave and Liz Herrick with theirRolls Royce and Pinch and Suzi Polenchar

with the Renown were all invited to at-tend a special event for Channel 11; thescreening of the new Downton Abbeyseason. They parked up front at the en-trance and were part of the color of theevent.

New business

1. election of officers - nothing new herejust the same group with a couple of ad-ditions, Joan Young has agreed to takeregalia and Sue MacDuff is our new cal-endar girl. Tech session coordinator isWade dos Santos, inter club coordinatoris Bob Dougherty. The full list of officersis somewhere in the newsletter.

2. The membership list is available. wewill gladly send it to you if you want acopy. Contact one of the “royalty”. Wevoted and recorded the results. All doneuntil the end of 2013.

3. Future events - the only thing reallycoming up is the annual Pizza night. Thiswill be held at the BCNH clubhouse atHistoric Motorsports. 174 Raymond Road,Candia. This will be a BYOB, BYOC(bring your own chair) event.

4. We then coerced some members to joinan event planning committee. We willhave our first planning meeting on Jan 27th

4:00 at “the BCNH Clubhouse” at 174Raymond Road, Candia. Please feel freeto contact Norma or Bob if you’d like toparticipate. We will be sampling pizza toselect the pizza shop for the annual Pizzanight.

And that is that,

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Driving in Snow and Ice

Reprinted from the eChatter, newsletter of the

Emerald Necklace MG Register

The best advice for driving in bad winterweather is not to drive at all, if you canavoid it.

Don’t go out until the snow plows andsanding trucks have had a chance to dotheir work, and allow yourself extra timeto reach your destination.

If you must drive in snowy conditions,make sure your car is prepared (TIPS),and that you know how to handle roadconditions.

It’s helpful to practice winter driving tech-niques in a snowy, open parking lot, soyou’re familiar with how your car handles.

Consult your owner’s manual for tips spe-cific to your vehicle.

Driving safely on icy roads

1. Decrease your speed and leave your-self plenty of room to stop. You shouldallow at least three times more space thanusual between you and the car in front ofyou.

2. Brake gently to avoid skidding. If yourwheels start to lock up, ease off thebrake.

3. Turn on your lights to increase yourvisibility to other motorists.

4. Keep your lights and windshield clean.

5. Use low gears to keep traction, espe-cially on hills.

6. Don’t use cruise control or overdriveon icy roads.

7. Be especially careful on bridges, over-passes and infrequently traveled roads,which will freeze first. Even at tempera-tures above freezing, if the conditions arewet, you might encounter ice in shadyareas or on exposed roadways likebridges.

8. Don’t pass snow plows and sanding

trucks. The drivers have limited visibility,and you’re likely to find the road in frontof them worse than the road behind.

9. Don’t assume your vehicle can handleall conditions. Even four-wheel and frontwheel drive vehicles can encountertrouble on winter roads.

If your rear wheels skid...

1. Take your foot off the accelerator.

2. Steer in the direction you want the frontwheels to go. If your rear wheels are slid-ing left, steer left. If they’re sliding right,steer right.

3. If your rear wheels start sliding theother way as you recover, ease the steer-ing wheel toward that side. You mighthave to steer left and right a few times toget your vehicle completely under con-trol.

4. If you have standard brakes, pumpthem gently.

5. If you have anti-lock brakes (ABS),do not pump the brakes. Apply steadypressure to the brakes. You will feel thebrakes pulse—this is normal.

If your front wheels skid...

1. Take your foot off the gas and shift toneutral, but don’t try to steer immediately.

2. As the wheels skid sideways, they will

slow the vehicle and traction will return.As it does, steer in the direction you wantto go. Then put the transmission in “drive”or release the clutch, and accelerate gen-tly.

If you get stuck...

1. Do not spin your wheels. This will onlydig you in deeper.

2. Turn your wheels from side to side afew times to push snow out of the way.

3. Use a light touch on the gas, to easeyour car out.

4. Use a shovel to clear snow away fromthe wheels and the underside of the car.

5. Pour sand, kitty litter, gravel or salt inthe path of the wheels, to help get trac-tion.

6. Try rocking the vehicle. (Check yourowner’s manual first — it can damagethe transmission on some vehicles.) Shiftfrom forward to reverse, and back again.Each time you’re in gear, give a light touchon the gas until the vehicle gets going.

7. More Tips

Sources: National Safety Council, NewYork State Department of Motor Vehicles,Washington State Government Informa-tion &Services

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Show of DreamsMeeting Notes

JANUARY 19, 2013

Nineteen Committee Members attendedthe first SOD meeting of the new year.The meeting was hosted by Norma & Rodat their home in Londonderry.

High on the agenda was the discussionof the 2013 Featured Marque. DaveLeBlanc has contacted the Austin HealeyClub and the Lotus Club to see which onewould be agreeable to attending the Showof Dreams as an event for their club.

Bob Mitchell mentioned that he is ac-quainted with Bob Abbott, one of the lead-ers of the Austin Healey Club, and hewould be willing to team up with Dave tocontact Bob Abbott to discuss the mat-ter. End result; we should have a Fea-tured Marque by the next SOD meeting.

Bob Mitchell brought wine glass andscreen printing samples to be reviewedas the wine glasses, bottle of BCNH wineand glass holder we are interested in us-ing as 1st place trophies for the 2013 show.Bob presented several examples of sizeand shape, both for red, white and a ge-neric style appropriate for both. The dis-cussion led to price of each individual glassincluding the screen printing process.

It was suggested that we purchase theglasses from a source other than theprinting company who would produce theimage. At this point, the committee mem-bers are going to gather pricing informa-tion so a decision can be made by theFebruary meeting. Then the glass sizeinformation will be relayed to DaveCorbett who has volunteered to make thewood wine bottle glass holders.

John Giese has asked the committee toappoint an “official” Show of Dreamsphotographer and show reporter so thataspect of the show will be well covered.The committee will contact the two peoplesuggested to see if they would be willingto take on these very important jobs.

Several weeks ago, it was suggested theShow of Dreams needed a Public Rela-tions Tent so new and/or present mem-bers could have a place to go to havequestions answered about the show or theclub in general. Mike Sweet has volun-teered to be the Public Relations personat the show.

The new PR tent will be placed next tothe Registration Tent and will included thetask of handling new memberships.

The placement of the High Hopes Wish-ing well was discussed. At the 2012 showthe well was moved twice resulting in avery small amount of money placed in thewell. This year the well will be placed atthe entrance to the field and we are re-questing that a High Hopes representa-tive be stationed at the well to greet thespectators, hand out High Hopes pam-phlets and remind people to donate. Thiswas done in 2010 and 2011 with greatresults. Wayne Bolen suggested a listof Wishes Granted be prepared for dis-play on the field at the Wishing Well orthe High Hopes Tent. If photos can beacquired that would add to the impact ofthe list. This would give the show par-ticipants and spectators an idea as towhere the money they are donating isspent.

Wayne & Maggie Bolen lead the MegaRaffle team. They mentioned they wouldneed at least four tables in their area toaccommodate the number if raffle itemsreceived. The tables will be separated

by the color of the table cloth materialused.

DJ, Jim George and family will once againentertain and inform us at the SOD.

Joan Young has volunteered to take overthe Regalia for the club and the SOD.(Thank you, thank you, thank you Joan.)Joan mentioned requests she and her teamreceived at the last Show. In particular,the ladies have been asking for visors andcolored tee shirts printed with the BCNHlogo.

Linda Blackford suggested light weightscarves. The other items suggested werewindbreaker jackets and spray bottleswith fans.

We also discussed linking into the Lands’End system so the club members can or-der from the Lands’ End catalog and havethe BCNH logo embroidered on whateveritem buyers choose. Joan is researchingthis and, if the system is going to be userfriendly, will get BCNH registered in theLands’ End system. The ordering instruc-tions will be published in the newsletteronce completed.

Bob Mitchell will gather the Gallery ofCollections for the show.

Doris Karle will contact the British BeerCompany to see if they would be inter-ested in a monthly “British Car CruiseNight” .

The February Show of Dreams meetingis scheduled for Saturday, February, 23,2013 at the home of Paul & Doris Karlein Milford. Doris will send out an e-mailwith the details.

The March Show of Dreams meeting isscheduled for Saturday, March 16, 2013at the home of Fred Goodrich and SylviaBlakslee in Barnstead, NH. An e-mailwill be sent out with the details.

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MYSTERY CARThe Mystery Car in last month’s Newsletter was an Alvis Speed 20 Saloonabout 1936 vintage. Between 1931 and 1940 the Alvis company made thisrange of “ Speed” models ,either fitted with their own Saloon bodies or, if thecustomer preferred, with a body made by one of the custom body specialiststhen doing business in England. Most of these were open two or four seatTourers of high quality and impressive appearance.

The Alvis Speed models were basically handmade. They were big and fast butdid not do well in racing because they were strongly built and therefore heavy.In design and build quality they were the equal to the best of their time, inparticular the transmission which was a four speed all synchromesh and hadits own internal oil pump. It was virtually indestructible and later became thefavorite of the early drag racers.

The company also made excellent aircraft engines and as WW2 approachedthey received a contract from the Royal Air Force. In the infamous air raid onCoventry in November 1940 all the German aircrews had the location of theAlvis works and they bombed it to the ground. After the war the factory wasrebuilt and they started making cars again but the market had changed andafter about ten years they wrapped up the car business.

However, they are still in business making very rugged fast armored cars forthe British Military, so the only way to drive a new Alvis now is to sign on in theQueen’s Army.

Editor’s Note: Ted Smith came close with his guess of a 1937 AlvisSpeed 25.

Tea Time Techby Wade dos Santos

Time to have some tea and talk.

How is your car insurance doing? Do youthink you are completely covered?Andwhy is your tech guy writing about insur-ance?

Well, just in-case your vintage vehicle letsyou down (and you want your insurancecompany take financial responsibility) thisarticle is for you.

Look closely at your insurance coverage.You probably have property damage cov-erage with a maximum of $100,000. Thisseems reasonable, but think about this sce-nario: you are driving your classic cardown a country road... there are threevehicles following behind you with a com-bined value of $240,000. What would hap-pen if something goes wrong with yourcar and you wipe out all four cars? Well,everybody is OK, but all of the cars are atotal loss. Your insurance will only payout$100,000... and YOU have to pay the dif-ference!

So, your tech guy suggests contacting yourinsurance agent and upping the propertydamage coverage to $250,000... just incase you slide into a couple of those beau-tiful 2012 Aston Martins.

And by the way, you can increase yourauto insurance coverage for under $40

Enjoy your tea.

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I shot this picture the day afterThanksgiving at Nubble Light in YorkME.

The car is an early 50's Reliant Con-vertible. The owner tells me it is oneof three in existence.

The camera was a Kodak BrownieFlash camera made in 1953.

Jim Munro

Scenes from a BCNH Summer Drive

Leesa Knudson HudakDon Hudak, Owners


[email protected]

149 Morrill RoadCanterbury, Nh 03224

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and a ride back. It would be almost 18months and many dollars later before Icould drive the car again.

First the shaking problem was addressed.It turned out the wire wheels were so badthey couldn’t be balanced and only onlysolution was to to send them to DaytonWire Wheel for the full spa treatment:complete rebuild with new spokes,straightening, and paint.

Next my friend Dave did some enginetesting and found out there was a com-pression problem. More money later itwas found that there was a crack in thehead on #5 exhaust valve seat, a com-mon problem in that engine if the ‘techni-cal service bulletins’ from 1936 were notfollowed (and they were not.) Now thelearning experience of rebuilding a pre-war Rolls-Royce engine began. In parts,the engine migrated down to the guru ofRR engine rebuilding in North Brookfield,Massachusetts and I began to learn thingsabout the large deep pit I found myself in:Whitworth and BA fasteners, pouredwhite metal bearings and line boring them, swagging copper tubes, magnafluxing acast iron head, and how expensive partsand labor could be. On one delivery tripwe wanted to take Bill Cooke for lunchbut had to settle for picking up pizza andbeer and bringing it back to the shop asthe Model A club was expected. We hadto rough it going to pick up the lunch inthe Stanley Steamer.

After a long wait Bill finally re-leased the car back to me soDavid and I went to trailer ithome and start enjoying it again,or so we thought. It turned outseveral other things wereneeded: springs cleaned, re-arched, and covered with Rudy’sGators, new wiring, a generaltune up of other systems,brushes for the generator, etc.

By now the car did have a name“Chitty Chitty Bankrupt” (CCB),but we were beginning to enjoy

the spirit of the car. She went to severalcar shows and drew crowds. The firstquestion, “Is that really a Rolls Royce?”“Yes it is”, was followed by “I neverknew they made station-wagons” “No, inthis time period they only made chassis,then you had the body of your choice andspecification erected.”

The car has had many adventures. At al-most every show that is judged by people’schoice, Chitty has won a first or secondin her class. But then there was the daywe lost to a tractor (a very nice tractor)at the Kingston Plains Days. That wasredeemed by the trip to Hilton Head whereChitty was a Concors d’Elegance placewinner along with a stuffed chicken toaccompany the “agrarian vehicle”. And

Car of the Monthcontinued

the trips to Memories for ice cream withCharlie, the Great Pyrenees dog riding onthe floor in the immense space betweenthe back seat and the front. Or the ridefor friends to their daughters wedding.Not just the bride had a special ride thatday.

The car: Chitty is a 1934 small horsepowerRoll-Royce. She has a straight 6 cylinderlow compression 3 ½ liter engine withKitering ignition,12 volt negative ground,an Autovac fuel pump, and full chassisBejur lubrication system. It has right-handdrive and a four speed transmission with-out synchromesh on first or second gears.The headlights (Lucas P-80s) have sil-vered reflectors, not chrome. Thetrafficators do work, although modern

LED lighting including turnsignals have been installed(unobtrusively) for safety.We have also installed seatbelts. The body was originallya four-door six-light (win-dows) sedan painted blue butthe body was changed forsome reason to the currentestate wagon configuration.Many more projects lieahead. Next project will bebetter sound/heat insulationalong the firewall and aproper tool holder for thecarry along tools.

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Annual BCNH Club Birthday Party

Pizza – Pizza – Pizza

February 4, 2013

at the New BCNH Clubhouse

BYOB – BYOC (Chair)

February is the month when we officially celebrate the birth of BCNH. The Club was formed inFebruary of 1991 by Mike Sweet of Barnstead, NH. Mike had been a member of the NewHampshire Chapter of British Motor Cars of New England, which was headquartered in Fall River,Massachusetts.

Our tradition is to have a PIZZA PARTY as a form of celebration with the Pizza and soft drinkspaid for out of the Club Treasury.

This year for the first time we have access to the new BCNH Clubhouse which is on the 2nd floorof Prime Minister Bob’s Historic Motor Sports building on Route 27 in Candia.

Get on Route 101 and take Exit 3 – the Candia/Deerfield Exit. The BCNH Clubhouse is 2 ½ milesfrom the right turn at the end of the exit ramp. Just follow the yellow centerline. Do NOT turn leftat Route 43 – stay straight. There will be a sweeping right bend when you join with Route 27. Atthat bend there is a white housewith a red metal roof. Continueeast on Route 27 (RaymondRoad.) You will pass theCandia Courthouse and CarWorld on your left. HistoricMotor Sports is about 1/8 of amile after Car World on yourleft (directly across from aMobil Gas Station.)

Hope to see you there.

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The Connecticut MG Club proudly announces plans for BRITISH BY THE SEA2013, its annual Gathering which brings together all Marques of British cars, trucksand motorcycles. The 2013 event will take place on SUNDAY, June 2nd at HarknessMemorial State Park in Waterford, Connecticut. British By The Sea is not a ConcoursEvent, but rather, it is a popular vote, fun Gathering. More than 350 vehicles areexpected to be on display competing for prizes in 35 classes. Such famous BritishMarques as Aston Martin, MG, Triumph, Lotus, TVR, Riley, Rover, Morgan, Sun-beam, Austin Healey, Cooper, Rolls Royce and Jaguar, to name a few, will be ondisplay. Our Marque Of The Year for the 2013 Gathering will be Aston Martin, tocelebrate 100 years of production of these fabulous machines!

Entrants come from throughout New England and the Mid-Atlantic states to takepart in this popular show at the beautiful Harkness Memorial State Park, which islocated on the north shore of Long Island Sound. Spectators are not charged ad-mission to the Gathering, however, the Park will charge a Spectator parking fee..The ample size of the display area allows for Auto products vendors to be locatedalongside the display vehicles on the field. British By The Sea is held “rain or shine.”

At the 2012 event, we had over 339 vehicles displayed in 35 Classes, with etchedglass mugs being awarded for first, second and third place in each class. We dohave food vendors at the event, but we also encourage you to bring a picnic lunchto enjoy by your car or go for a relaxing walk on the beach. You can also tour theMansion Eolia, and enjoy the gardens that were originally designed by BeatrixFerrand. For the past 18 years, the CT MG Club has been providing a yearlymonetary donation as well as “People Power” to plant the gardens, bringing themback to their original grandeur.

Car enthusiasts who wish to enter a vehicle may request additional information andregistration materials from the show’s co-chairpersons, Annie and Steve Winczevia email at: [email protected], or via phone at (860) 693-4249. Club website www.ctmgclub.com








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An Invitation to Subscribe to

British MarqueCAR CLUB NEWS

We are now a Participating Club of the British Marque Car Club News, a monthly tabloidnewspaper featuring the news of our club and numerous other British car clubs as well.

Members of Participating Clubs can subscribe to the Marque at a discounted subscriptionrate. You can use the form below to subscribe and begin receiving 11 issues/year full ofinformation about British car events, tech tips, special features, parts supplies andclassifieds.

Free Classified Privilege

Each subscriber from Participating Clubs is also entitled to one free non-commercialclassified (up to 20 words) per issue. An additional 15 cents will be charged per wordover the 20 word limit. Photos are also additional, at $7.50 each.

Subscriptions for U.S. Participating Club members are only $15.00/year.Subscriptions for Canadian club members are only $19.00 (U.S.)/year.

Subscriptions for U.K. and elsewhere overseas are only $25.00 (U.S.)/year.

Don’t delay ~ Subscribe today!

British Marque Car Club Newsc/o Enthusiast Publications, LLC5 Old Nasonville RoadHarrisville, RI 02830U.S.A.


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Form and cheque must be received by the 20th of month prior to receive next issue.

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Free to good home60 spoke MGB wheels. In OK shapebut would be better with a good blasting.800-221-6238, [email protected]

2 rebuilt Zenith carburetors, Ser.#175SCD-2, plus 2 new air filters and newmanual choke. Total price $350. Haveother misc. parts for British sports cars.Contact John at 225-6915, [email protected]

1980 TR-7 convertible, white (originalpaint), no visible rust or major dents, carwas never in any accident. Engine runswell and shifts well. Tires in goodcondition. Top is black and in faircondition. Car is garaged. It was registerin NH for many years and in MA the past12 years. I was a previous member ofBCNH and as such you may have seenthis car at shows. Asking $3300. Dr.Bruce Witte (508) 875-5552

MG Parts for sale: 1800 bare block - $75 cylinder head - $100 (4) rods/pistons - $25 manifold and (2) SU's Radiator with electric cooling fan - $75Dick Merrill 603 224-6822

Free to good home1. Owners Workshop Manual (softback)for MGB Roadster & GT Coupe 1962to 1974 by Haynes2. SU- Hitachi Carburetors Manual(softback) by Carbooks, Inc. - Tune,Adjust, Repair, Rebuildemail me at: [email protected]

1953 Jaguar Mark 7 salon sedan -original California car -metal sun roof-needs restoration. All there. In barn for15 years now. Too many projects. Makeoffer. I will email pictures. [email protected]

I received the notice found belowfrom a number of sources in our club(ENMGR). Before I sent it out tothe club membership I did some re-search to determine that this was notsome kind of scam. After talkingwith the father (William Broome) Icame to the conclusion that the mes-sage was legitimate. William is 76and has accumulated over 1000sports cars including MG's, Tri-umphs and Jags of all ages - mostlyparts cars. The message is belowbut as in all cases neither I or theclub assume any responsibility.

Message From:Kelley Broome

Classic & Sports Car Parts1708 Donna Dr.

Columbia, SC 29203803-743-5537

I have over 300 MG MG-B & GTautos of all years that have lots ofhard to find parts that will be goingto the crusher, if there are any partsthat you might need or think that oneday you might at a large saving. Sendme a list of what you need or wouldlike to stock for the future when Istill have them. My email [email protected]

MG PARTSfrom John TribleMG Cleveland

1979 MGB - $16000 (Westbrook,Maine) Allright all of you British LeylandCar Lovers. A MUST SEE BRITISHLEYAND TOURING SPORTS CAR. Itwas an end of the era, of a true BritishTouring Sports Car. Call Anytime, 1-207-318-2769

McLean Enterprises Inc.

Sales & ServiceOrderingInformationFax

Over 30 Fine British Sports Cars in stock14 Sagamore Road (Rte.1A) Rye. Nh

Check out our Web Site at www.britbits.com

603 436-1989800 995-2487603 433-0001603 433-0009

MG • Austin Healey • Triumph •Sunbeam • Jaguar • Morris MinorSales & Service • Parts, New & Used • Gifts • Clothing • Accessories

Brit Bits at

To order your BCNH name badgecontact John Giese at:

(603) 654-2565 or

[email protected]

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1953 TD Engine I would appreciateanyone’s help in finding a 1250cc Engineto rebuild. Ivan [email protected]

1975 TR6 - 54,087 original miles. Redwith black interior. This is a two ownervehicle and the first owner is family.Always garaged. Never had any bodywork except paint about twenty yearsago. Bondo-free. Michelin red-lines.Seats and carpet were to be next project.Small patch on conv top, but otherwise ingood shape with very clear windows.New stainless exhaust. $10,250. Pleaseemail with further inquiries and [email protected]

TR6 Metal rims for sale: I'm convertingover to wire wheels so I'm selling 4 newlypainted rims, spare tire rim, four chromewheel trim rings, and black hub caps.The 4 wheel rims were bead blasted andpower coated only about 5 months agoand look great! Spare rim in good shapebut has not been repainted. Chrome wheelrim rings are in great shape with no rustor nicks... Black hub caps are also in verygood shape.I'm looking for: $275 for the 4 newly painted rims $25 for the spare tire rim $50 for the 4 chrome wheel trim rings $35 for the 4 hub capsLocal pickup only. Willing to meet you foran exchange if the distance isn't too far.Please call (603) 512-2675, ask forDennisNote: pictures show the rims mountedon red line tires... this sale is for therims, trims and caps only...not the redline tires.

MGA 1500 short block - fresh groundbalanced crank and rods crank .020 and.030 Bore .020 Block only No head. Allwork performed by Auto machinist$2,400.00 call 603-652-4717 Ivan.

Jensen Healey Factory Workshopand Owner’s Manual Both in verygood condition, $100.00 for both

TR6 and Spitfire Restoration Guides.Like new, $20.00 each

Big Healeys Collector’s Guide.Excellent condition, $30.00

MGB GT V8 Owner’s Manual.Damaged cover, $10.00

Contact Mike at:[email protected]

1979 Triumph Spitfire Red with whitestripe. Low mileage. New paint job. Hardtop, new soft top, tonneau cover, magwheels. $5000 or B.O. Call John 225-6915

Austin Marina Dealership LightedSign: Two sided Austin Marina sign,works great. $250. Contact Mike Sweetat [email protected]

Marquette DTNA VISIONOwned by a local garage since NEW. Ithink one cable got lost asI never got it from owner.I never used it because Ihave 2 others in mygarage. A real classic toolpriced to move $150.00or best offer [email protected]

Antique 1973 MGB Convertible.Condition is very good. Running conditionis excellent. Have owned this sports carfor approximately 14 years. It has beenput up for the winter each of these. Wehave service and repair orders of whatwe have done. Well maintained. $7995Call Bob at 603-332-9038

1970 E-Type Jaguar - plus parts Plaistow, NHPAUL NARKUS 603-382-2064

MGA battery coverContact Gerry Cleary at603-626-7599

Sandblasting cabinet that Wade canborrow. Contact Wade at 603-361-2653

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British Cars of New Hampshire22 Partridge Lane

Londonderry, NH 03053

Mystery Car - Can you guess it?