1929 gem of the mountains, volume 27 - university of idaho yearbook


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1929 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 27 - University of Idaho Yearbook


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    't0he-Gem of the mountains )_9 2 9

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  • FROM year to year the Gem of the Mountain incorporate in an en-during form a record of per sonalities, events and incid ents; and these volume , in future years, will each be accepted a a chapteT in the his-tory of the U ni versity. But the r ealities, the fa cto1 whi ch cannot beset down u pon the printed page- the toil and the play, the silent hours of study, the tears and the t ri umphs and above all the friendships that have been estab-li sh ed these factors will have et ched their indelible imprint upon the scroll of memory and will forever remain, con tituting a part of that in definable something called character. Fortunate are they who, a a re ult of their experience, learn the worth and truth of the e line :

    " elf reverence, self knowledge, elf control The e three alo ne lead life to sovereign power! Yet not for power - power of itself would come uncalled for! But to li ve by la\ , acting the law\ e live by without fear Becan e righ t is right, to follow right were wi dom In the co on of con eq uences." N t. (;] ~..__,

  • THE first year of my sojourn on the beautiful campus of the niver sity of Idaho is drawing to a close. ~Iy freshman cxpe1i ence arc about over. I can hardly expect any subsequent year to be crowded as full of thrills as has this one.

    The most vivid impression which this year's experience has made upon my mind is that Idaho students are very frank and fri endly. They are fa cing t he adventure of their education with assuran ce and zest typical of wholesome youth. As years go on, I hope to see them manife l a bit more of initiative and intere tin the problems of student self govemmcnl. I hall hope also to see in them a growing curiosity concerning thing intellectual. But I have a firm faith , that with their sound character , their genuinene and their eager spirit of cooperation an ever gr eater and greater uni\'er ity will deYelop under the guidance of a fa culty imbued with the courage of educational p1oneers.

  • To the everlasting me1nory of those men of Idaho who gave their lives in the service of their count1y, and 'whose nantes will be enshrined on the bronze plaque in the new Jl!fe1norial Gyntna si unt this Th e Gent oj'J929 is dedicated





  • FOREWOBD The happy memories of

    an o ther year at Idaho, though its true friendship , its problems and its joys are n ow mo s t v ivid in our mind s, will gradually fade and die . The collegiate year 1928-29 has been a busy year. ince it ha fallen our lot to obser ve and reco rd the activiti e and experiences of our fellow tudcnt , we have endeavored, as have pa t editor , to con truct a volume that will call to mind plea ant thought of the pa l in the time that is to come. C] But our ignal purpo e in editing this book h as been to give cr edit wher e cr edit is due; to port1ay equally all phases of our life: academic as well as athletic, ocial and political.

  • THE MEMORIAL GYMN SlUM n the prin g of ninet een twenty-three a joint com1nittee

    con i Ling of n1emher of the An1erican Legion of the State and of University alunn1i was forn1ed to consider plan for the erection of a war men1orlal on the campus of the Univer ity of Idaho. During the pring and sum-mer of the an1e year the project was put hefore the Legion convention and the alu1nni association, and the proposal to build a n1en1orial in the form of a modern gyn1nasium 'vas accepted by hoth. n association wa forn1ed and later incorporated under the la,vs of the tate. T he hoard of director for the a ociation were: R. D. Leeper of Lewiston, pre ident; J. S. Arner, vice president; Paul Davi , second vice pre ident; George Horton, secretary-trea urer; Harry Einhouse and L. V. Patch. P aul Davis was commander of the Legion at this time and shortly thereafter was n1ade director of the drive for funds which wa conducted by counties throughout the state. L ater , the corporation secured the ervice of the Ward Systen1 con1pany to complete the drive, which fell short of the required amount. Slightly n1ore than tj 100,000 was raised, the corporation bonding for the balance and enter-ing into a contract with the University concernin g control

  • and owner hip of the new building after iL con1pletion. T he ite of the building on the north ide of MacLean field \Va dedicated t'vo years ago with the erection of a flagpole. l mJnediaLely follo,ving a fonnal cere1nony of turning up the fir t padeful of earth, in the ununer of 1927, con-struction was begun and continued Leadily till the building was conpletecl, in spite of a severe winte r which 1naterially handicapped the contractors. The pouring of concrete for the 1na ive foundations and lower wall of the structure wa con1pletecl during the winter of 1927-28. C oming of pring a'v the h eavy teel girder being hoi Led into place

    and the brick \vall gradually ri e kyward. By June the new building had taken on definite ize and hape, and 'vork on the interior had begun. W hen the tudent returned to chool in Septen1ber, 1928, their ne\v gyn1na iun1 was

    practically con1pleted and ready for use, it. heautifu] walls and tower ri ing majestically above MacLean field. In addition Lo constituting a lasting men1orial to Idaho's war dead, the new edifice is an attractive addition to the beautiful buildings on the Idaho campus, and has becon1e an important center in our tudent life. T he con1pletion of the n1uch needed structure ha 1nade po ihle a very e ten ive program of physical education for all tudents, and ha given Idaho' athletic tean1 a hon1e of ' vhich they

  • are j u tly proud. T he spacious gymna itun floor is one of the fine t on the Pacific coast. Con1fortablc quarters are provided for a progressive military deparlinent. On Jovcn1ber 3, 1928, preceding the annual ho1necoming gan1e with W a bington State College, Colonel L. V. Patch, speaking in behalf of the Idaho War Men1orial A sociation, officially presented the building to the u nivcrsity. The Stale was represented by Lieutenant- Governor Oscar E. Hailey. Mr. R. D. Leeper delivered the 1nain address in which he explained the reason for the location, saying that in being here the Memorial was made u eful , that it was a proper in piration to the youth of the talc, and a fitting honor to univer ity students and faculty 1ne1nbers who served and acrificed in the Spanish-A1nerican and World Wars. e expressed his hope that " It would serve the people of our state in the spiritual conception out of which it had arisen." In keeping with its purpose as a Men1orial in honor of the war veteran who gave their lives to their country, a bronze tablet i to be installed in the building, giving the names of all veteran of Idaho who made the uprcn1e acrifice in service, on1e nine hundred being included. T hi 1nemorial tablet, together with trophies of war, will he placed in the tower. German fieldpiece \vill guard the n1ain entrance.

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  • C(i)he Engineering 93uilding

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  • c5Lidministration

  • \\'. 0. \"1'\CF'\T

    The Conunissioner of' Education TODAY we are recognizing the value of a college education more than ever before in the practical affairs of our country. President Hoover in choos-ing a cabinet, looked wisely toward college men for his advisors. i ndustries of a ll kinds are seeking men of high educational standing for the key position a ll along the line. The professions long since have demanded a well-rou nded education as a prime requisite in their en trance conditions.

    In fact, wherever there is a real service to be performed, be it public or private, we as a nation are demanding trained workers. So it is that a col lege ed ucation is no longer a luxury- it has become a necessity. The inexorable law of supply and demand has forced upon us rather suddenly the need for more college graduates.

    A few years back some people were prone to look upon college attendance as a fad indulged in by the wealthy and overly ambitious, but not so now. P ublic service, industry and professions are demanding a higher and still higher type of educational attainment.

    Idaho has given rather generously of her wealth to provide a Universit}' wherein her youth may be trained for this larger service, and you, the students, are to be in demand in just the proportion that you take advantage of your opportunities.

    Pagt 25

  • wru;o ' ()AVIS


    Board of Regents GI~AVI.LP.Y


    F IVI' 1\ I F.J~



    Administrative Officers


    Dllu:cT adm inistration of the Uni vers ity of Idaho on the ca111pus rests wi t h the Adm inistrative O ffi cers of the Un i,rers ity. It puts into opera-t ion those th ings autho rized by t he State Board of Education and Board of Regents, as well as carries out work that must be done in order that the

    niversity continue as an institution. The Administrative Officers, as listed in the catalog of the University, are automatically designated by virtue of their offices.

    Administration officials are : Frederick J. Kell)' , president of the niver-sity; Irving \V. J ones, assistant president of the Universit)'; L. F . Parsons, comptroller of the University; P ermeal J. F rench, dean of women; F rancis J enkins, proctor; Frank Stanton, bursar; i\ l ar)' Belle weet, librarian; Ella L. Olesen, registrar ; Edward F. Mason, university editor and secretary of the facu It y; H elen R . Kersey, assistant dean of women; Theodore \V. Turner, assistant proctor; George E. H orton, graduate manager; and Oren :\ . F itzgerald, director of publ icity.

    Page 27

  • IR\"1:-.'G \\". JO:>:ES

    Assistant President

    FORTH E first time in the history of the institution, the niversity of Idaho has an assistant president. This system was inaugurated by President F. J. Kelly when he brought Irving W . Jones to Idaho from t he University of Minnesota to fill the position. Mr. J ones has become a popular figure on the niversity of Idaho campus.

    Establishment of t he office of assistant president was made necessar y partly on the general principle that the duties of a uni-versity president are too great for any one man to handle. Then, too, the president must be absent from the campus many times fulfilling his duties and during such periods the assistant president exercises executive power. Many administrative problems have been worked out by President Kelly and Mr. J ones.

    Ir. J ones was originally trained hS a musician. He then went into educational work and has gradually come into the administrative field. He received his Ph.B. degree at the Vniversiry of Wisconsin and then held professorships at Beloit College, University of Texas, University of Wisconsin and 1innesota.

    Page 28


    Dean of Wo1nen

    UNIVERSITY OF TDAHO students are on the campus but a short time before they come into contact with one of the busiest persons here, t his being Miss P ermeal J. F rench, dean of women . Upon her fa lls the responsibil ity of developing ideals in each student in order that when he goes out into the state he will be the highest type of citizen . H er office in the Administration bui lding is becomi ng more popul a r each year as t he meeting place of men ::tnd women to discuss problems relating to campus conduct.

    Miss French came to the University of Idaho in 1908 as t he first dean of women. H er stay on the campus has been broken but once, that being a one-year leave of absence in 192.0-21. Miss F rench is a true native of Idaho. he was born at Idaho City and was partially educated in Idaho schools. She was the first woman to hold the office of State Superintendent of P ublic Instruction.

    D uring the years Miss French has spent as Dean of Women she has contributed much to Idaho's younger generations. Her work is known throughout the \\'est.

    Page 29

    \ ' 101.."\ \\'EI D:'.IA ~ Surtt" ' l


    University Faculty

    T WENTY-srx years ago the Board of Regents of the University of Idaho created the office of dean of the University faculty and appointed the present dean of the faculty, J. G . Eldridge . The board thus abolished the executive committee, which for eleven years handled student and adminis-ttativc afFairs. When Dean E ldridge was appointed he had many and varied duti es, but in T920 D r. A. H. Upham, who was president at that time,

    DOIWTIIY ROl iSF Surttnn

    developed an effective organization. Committees on scholarship, cou rses of study, and the granting of degrees were formed, and Dean Eldridge acted as the chairman of these meetings. T he Academic Counci l was formed in T925, with Dr. Upham as t he chairman and Dean Eldridge as vice-chairman. This plan is followed at the present.

    Dean Eldridge is also head of the department of mcdern languages, and he has spent much time in Europe stud}' ing. H is last trip was made in 1927.

    During his many years of service here Dean Eld-ridge has become a prominent figure on the campus . He has seen t he University progress and looks ahead.

    Page 30


    College of Letters and Science T HF: r.ARCF:ST division of the University of Idaho is the College of Letters and Science. The chief aim of this college is the development among students of a proper attitude toward life. The college has the onl y non-professional curriculum in the University.

    D uring t he past two years students here have been denied associa-tion with M. F. Angell, dean of the college, due to the fact that he has been ac ting executive dean of the University of Idaho, South- ll!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!l ern Branch, at P ocatello. Dean Angell wi ll be back on the main campus next fall. During his absence the col lege has been under the direction of J. G. Eldridge, dean of the faculty.

    The College of Letters and Science was the first department formed in the University, and it has been one of the most progressive in the institution. I t is the first branch to adopt the Junior College plan, which will be inaugurated in t he falL

    D ean Angell is one of the leading educators in the countr y and has done much in bringing the University a=iiiii-=:=: to the high level which it now maintains.

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  • DEA:-." EDWARD JOH:-." IDDJ:'\GS

    College of Agriculture

    I DAHO's College of Agriculture is giving to the state a service that cannot be estimated in a few words. Through the organ ization, made up of the instructional division, the agricultural experiment station, and the extension service in agriculture and home economics, every corner of the state is reached . At the head of this organization is D ean E . .J. fddings, a man whose ability cannot be su rpassed in the West. H e has held t he position since r9 1 5

    At the University t he college offers facilities and instruction sufficient to prepare the s tudent for scien-tific farming, research work, extension work, and su r-vey. L aboratories are maintained by the college for agricultural chemistry, agricul rural engineering, agron-omy, animal husbandry, bacteriology, dairy husbandry, horticulture, plant pathology and poultry. Five experi-mental sta tions are also maintained at various places in the state along with othe r eq uipment.

    Dean Iddings is known throughout the W est. One big contribution is in developing the agricultural exten-sion work of the Cniversity so that all people engaged ~,.,, \I Au.un ~IARno.Y in agricul rural work may be henefi tted.

    Surthln .

    Pagr .]2

  • DEA~ ROBERT l\Jc:-.'AJR DA\"IS

    College of Law

    GRADUATES of the College of Law at the University of Idaho are stepping into the lead in the legal profession, and are holding important offi cial positions in Tda ho and in other parts of the country. The coll ege was organ-ized at Idaho in 1909 and has grown to be one of the outstanding branches of the University. At the head of the college is Dean Robert Me air D ,wis, sixth dean of the college and outstanding in law circles of the Uni ted States.

    Much improvement has been made by the present administration of the College of Law in the standards of legal ed ucation. The college is cooperating with the commissioners of the Idaho Bar in bringing about higher requirements for admission into the legal profession. A hi gh scholastic standard is maintained in the college.

    Poli cies of professional education for the state are formulated by the dean, who also cooperates with the bar asso

  • '


    College of ' Engineering

    As YEARS go by, the University of Idaho College of Engineering becomes more and more prominent throughout the country. Idaho points to its engineering graduates with pride. Although the college is comparatively young on the Idaho campus, it has developed rapidly, and a large per cent of this can be attributed to the work done by D ean T van C. Crawford, head of the college since 1923. The college has four departments giving training in

    civil, electrical, mechanical and chemical engineering. Laboratories of each of the departments contain the

    best of equipment, which is always at the disposal of the student. Engineering students a re instilled under the leadership of Dean Crawford with the desire for attain-ment, and upon graduation the outstanding persons in each department are employed by nationally prominent engineering concerns. 1any of l daho's graduates have brought fame to their Alma i\Iater.

    The college also strives to send men into the world prepared to become self-supporting units of society, capable of contributing to the advancement of our civilization, says D ean Crawford.

  • OEM\ FRA~CIS G:\R:\ER \111.1.1 R

    School of' Forest1y

    UNDER the guidance of D ean F . G . Miller the School of Forestry has g rown since its establ ishment in 1917. L umbering and other related industries a re impor tant in Idaho, and t he demand for t rained foresters is great. Before 1917 t he University had a department of forestry whi ch was fou ncled in 1907.

    Tn the vicini ty of the U ni versity campus can be found much heavy fo rest areas and lumber camps. These fu rn ish many advan-tages for t he students in research work and practical experience. T rips are made by forestr y students to study cond itions in mills, logging camps, virgin and cut-over forests, and other problems.

    The chool of Forestry endeavors to equip Idaho men and women so that they may combat successfully such problems as present themselves, such as economic operation, conservation, and reforestation. Success is shown by the national recognition given the school. Graduates of the niversity of Idaho School of Forestry are quickly placed in important positions in the nited ~ States and other countries. ~JARGARF.T FOX



  • '


    School of Mines M INI NG interests of Idaho receive material aid through the University of Idaho School of Mines. Training of students in aiding in the discovery and production of minerals is the aim of the school.

    Dean F. f\. Thomson headed the school from 1917 unti l the spring of 1928, when he resigned. Following his resignation, Ernest W. E llis, assistant professor of mining and metallurgy, was named as acting dean. He served

    ~IRS. INF.Z TRACY Surtlary

    in this position for five months, then resigned to become metallurgical expert with the Anaconda Copper Mining Company of Montana. Since Professor Ellis' resigna-tion President Kelly has handled all administrative matters for the school pending appointment of a dean .

    Graduates of the ldaho chool of 1ines have been successful in the practical field. i\1ining alumni are fill-ing important positions from Alaska to i\Jexico and from Eastern Canada to ).lew Caledonia.

    Applied and practical research work can be carried on in the school through irs relations with the State Bureau ofi\ Iines and Geology. i\ lining interests of north Idaho contribute their plants for use as laboratories.


  • DE:\~ JAMES FR:\~KI.I:-\ .\I ESSF.:-\GER

    School of Education

    ADtVtSION of the University of Idaho that has contributed much toward the development of education in the State of Idaho is t he School of Education . Since the school was organ ized in 1920, the Un iversity has suppli ed a great number of teachers in elementary and high schools of the state. High offices of the state, such as commissioner of education, state superintendent of public instruction, have been held by Idaho grad uates. Not a ll have stayed in Idaho, there being more gradu- ...,111111!!!111111!!!111111!!!111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ates teaching in Oregon, Washington and California than in Idaho.

    When the school was authorized, J. Franklin Mes-senger was named as dean, and under his leadership the school has grown by leaps and bounds. Dean l\1essenger came to the Idaho campus from the University of Ver-mont in 1920 to head the school. H e has a national standing as a progressive educator, being a fellow of the A.meri can Association for the :\ dvancement of cience, a member of the :\merican Psychological Association, and a member of the :\Tational Association of College Teachers of Education.


    GEORG IE urrLE Surttary

  • DE.-\:-; RALPH Hli:->'TER F:\R~Ifo.R

    School of Business

    ONE OF THE last divisions to be designated in the University of Idaho is the School of Business, created in T925. Pol itical science and economics have been offered by the University since 1894, but until 1915-19 16 th ere was not a big enough demand for t he course to organize a departm ent. T he demand for business t r~i n i ng grew until in 1925 t he School of Business was authorized and H . C. D ale named as dean.

    T he position of dean was held by Dean D ale until t he spri ng of 1928, when he resigned to accept a similar position at M iami Un iversity, Oxford, Ohio. D uring the present school year, Ralph H. Farmer has acted as the head of the schooL

    A study of business problems is taken up in the School of Business and the purpose of the school is to train men and women so they may be capable of solving such problems of production and finance, labor distribu-tion, including national and international transpor ta-tion, as well as those related to Jdaho .

    . -\ppointment of ~ Ir. Farmer as full dean of t he School of Business was announced recently.

    Page J 8


    Graduate School

    GRADUATE study throughout the University of fdaho is covered by the Graduate School. Original research is carried on by those students in t he school under the direction of facu lty members, the initiative being taken by such students. More than t hir ty departments ofrer majors toward advanced degrees, while a number of departments offer several majors.

    D emand for graduate work grew to such a point that in 1925 it became necessary to estab lish a Graduate School. J. E. Wodse-dalek was named as dean of the school. General super-vision of the en tire field of graduate work in the University is under the dean. To promote graduate study and research, the Graduate School offers a num-ber of fellowships with annual stipends of five hundred dollars, along with teaching fellowships and scholar-ships.

    Dean \\'odsedalek is away from the campus this year on his sabbatical leave of absence. H e is doing con-siderable research work and study along with some teaching at the niversity of Minnesota. Dean Eldridge is acting head of the school during this year.

    Page 39


  • Gail llubert Church

    Sargent Retherfo rd Jensen

    l\liller Kratt Hickman

    Ruhle l.aney Ru\\ell

    University Professors

    Kostalek Johnson Gauss

    FLOYD WA RN LCK .ATK ESON, B. S . (Agr.) Professor of /)airy Husbrmd1~y H AROU) L uc1us AxTELL, Ph.D. Pro.fessot of Classical Languages .J oSEPH WES LEY B ARTON , Ph.D. Professor of Psychology H OBART B ERESFORD, B. S . ( Agr.Eng.) Professor of Agricultural Engineering CuRTIS \ VoRTH CHENOWETH, 1.A. Professor of P!Jilosophy ED\VARD R oBERT CHRISMAN, Col.,U.S.:\ . Professor of Military Science FR EDER ICK CoRSS CHuRCH, Ph.D. - Professor of European History J o HN H ouSTON CusH~IA~, M.A.. Professor of English and Dramatics PLOY D WHI TNEY GAlL, Ph.D. - - Professor of Bolan)' 1-h : NRY F AI.I.EN TEIN G Auss, I.E . ... Professor of Mechanical Engineering CuTHBERT \\' RIGHT H ICKMAN, B.S . ( A gr.) ... Professor of /lnimall-lusbandry ERN EST E vERETT H uBERT, Ph.D. ... - Professor of Forestr.v H AROI.D W ATKINS H uLBERT, l\1.S. ( .-\gr.) Professor of Agronomy CH \RLES \\'1 LLIA~r H uNGERFORD, Ph. D. Professor of Plant Pathology R ALPH 1'. H uTCHINSON Professor of Physical Education

    Page .f.O

  • Axtell Chrisman t\loreau Kerr

    t\loshcr l.:tmpman

    Barton Hutchinson


    Chenoweth Cushman Atchison ll ungerfortl


    University Professors KATH I: RINI: j ENSEN, M.S. - - P1o,fessor o.f !!orne l!.'couomics .J. H uGo j oHNSON, E. F. P1o,fessor o.f Electrical E11gineeriug J o H N ANTO N KosTA LEK, Ph.D. Professor o.f Organic C!Jemistt)'

    THo~tAS S. K ERR, LL.B. Pro,fessor o.f Political Science TH~:oooRE KRATT, Mus.M Professor of Music C. E. L AM P\1AN, B.S. (Agr.) - Professor of Pou/trv FRANC IS B AKER L ANEY, Ph.D. Prqfessor qf Geoloiv G F.oRm: l OREY l\1tLLER, Ph.D. - Professor o.f F.nglislz R AY\tOND lo. HER, Ph.D. Pro,fessor o.f Eduwtionrd Psyc!Jolog_v J ESSE E. R ETHERFORD, l\1.:\. Professor of /lmeriam History GoDFREY L EONARD ALVI X R uEHLE, l\I.S.(Chem.) Pro,fessor o.f Bacteriolog_v RALPH D ouGLAS R usSELL, Ph.D. Professor of Secondary Education i\1ARGARETF. LouiSE SARGENT, l\I.A. Professor o.f Romance Languages E uGENE T AYLOR, .M.A. Professor of Mathematics CARl .. L~::orow voN E~

  • (


    ~4ssistant Dean of' Wo1nen and Proctors of' Jfen STt.,DE~T activities and affairs that do not come under the scope of the :\.S.L' . I. are handled by three members of the faculty. These members are !iss Helen R. Kersey, assistant dean of women, Francis Jenkins and Theodore \\'. Turner, proctors. Dormitories of the University are managed by these faculty representatives.

    i\ l iss Kersey works with the dean of women on matters pertaining to university women. Miss Kersey came to the niversity of Idaho campus last fall, filling the vacancy caused by the resignation of 1rs. Louise Blom-quist, who became dean of women at Whitman College, Walla Walla, \Vashington . Miss Kersey is a graduate of DeP auw niversity, Greencastle, Indiana, and following grad uation she studied social ser vice work. For two years prior to her coming to t he Un iversity, Miss Kersey was supervisor of Red Cross work in Idaho.

    In the position of proctor, Mr. T urner has supervision of all men's do rmitories and t he men livi ng t herein. H is duties include hand li ng of feeding, housing and discipline in the halls. Mr. T urner is also in charge of the student employment bu reau. Mr. Turner is a graduate of the Un iversity of Idaho, receiving his degree in 1926. W hile in college he was one of the leading men on the campus, and for four years he acted as yell king. H e is a charter member of the fdaho chapter of Blue Key, national honorary upperclassman service fraternity, and originator of the Idaho chapter of the Intercollegiate Knights. Following graduation, Mr. Turner served one year as principal of the schools at Emmett, Tdaho, returning to Idaho as assistant proctor in .-\ugust, 192; .

    .-\ man who has seen the University of idaho grow from one building to its present size is Proctor J enkins. For more than twenty-five years 1r. J enkins has served the University. H e was at one time registrar and for years he was bursar. l\fr. Jenkins is a man of extremely high ideals.

    Page 42

  • The Graduate ... llfanager of' the A . . U. I. r 1 HE head of the business affairs of the Associ a ted Student Bod,.

    of the University of Idaho is one ~f the busiest men on the campus, and this man is George E. Horton, better known as "Cap." :\ s graduate man-ager "Cap" has charge of all prop-erty and funds of the association . 1-le also has gene ral control over ath-letics, publi cations, mus ic, d r amatics, debate and intercol-legiate Cund that 1\ I r . I lorton was the captain of the Idaho footbal l team t hat defeated the Univer-sit ies of Washington


    T he job of grn?u-ate manager reqlllres a man who is more or less a "jack of all trades" because of irs many and varied duties . . ~nd the man who is the present m a n age r is fi IIi n g the bill in fine shape. "Cap" has charge of ex penditure of all c lass fund s which arc deposited in the

    and Spoknne for the championship of the Torthwest. I t was t hen that he got the name of "Cap." During his college career he was also a track and baseball man. :\ s a member of the student committee "Cap" helped draft the first constitution of the :\ . ' . .I. He was also a member of the first committee to make athletic awards. l ie was under-graduate foot-ball manager in 1905 and he brought the University of Washington grid team here for a game which gave Idaho the championship. ln those

    student treasury. I land ling all of the affairs related to ath letics, puulica-rions, government, and any number of other details, the g raduate man-ager has plenty to do. He also repre-sents Idaho at Pacific Coast Confer-ence meetings, where he, along with the athletic coach, lines up Idaho's conference games.

    The duties of keeping the:\ .. U .I. affairs clearly outlined and straight takes a man of much abilitv, and "Cap" has made a good record since becoming graduate manager here.

    Page 4+

  • The President of the A . . U.I.

    T HROLC.H the office of chief execu-tive, the .-\ssociated Student Body of the l 1niversity of Idaho is brought into contact with other stu-dent and business organizations of the country. T he presidency, a goal sought by all college puliticians, is held this year by Alvin H. Reading.

    Going by the nickname of "AI," J~ eading has been one of the leading figu res on the Idaho campus during his four years in the col-lege. Debating was probably his major ex tra-cu rricul ar ac-tivity up to this year. In the spring of 192H, ".-\I" was named president of the .-\.S.L! .I., defeat-mg a strong oppon-ent by a very close margin in the hard-est fought campaign

    ~een on the campus tn many years.

    body president, to a meeting of Pa-cific Coast college and university student body chief executives at the

    niversity of 1lontana at J!issou la, i\lonrana. He was named secretary of the Pacific Coast organizatior~ . Then, short! y before the Christmas recess, AI attended a meeting of the Nationa l Student F ede rat ion of

    America, at Colum-bia, Missou ri. M r. Reading is a member of Blue Key, nation-al hone rary service fraternity for upper classmen, which is helping to build up the University.

    Du ring the year 1928-1929, Reading

    1\L\' IN 1-T. ru: ... DIN(;

    ( 'pon completion of the new l\ lema-rial Gymnasium this fall, the general .-\ . . l'. J. offices were all moved from the :~dministration Build-ing to the new struc-ture. This gives the officers of the stu-dent organization a real place to work.

    has gu ided the destinies of the :\ .S. U. l. with a steady hand and headed the student bodr in one of the best years in the history of the University of Idaho. As president of the student body, Heading acts as chairman of meetings of the executive board, the governing body of the organization. Close cooperation between the stu-dents and the officials has aided very materially in making this )'ear a suc-cessful one.

    Last spring lr. Reading accom-panied Frank Click, then the student

    An organization, easily capable of handling such matters as may come up before the student body, was per-fected by President Reading this year, and he has accomplished much for Idaho.

    Each vear the office of Associated Student Body president has assumed more importance and come in to a closer relation with the l}niversity. P resident Reading has cooperated in every way possible with the office of the President of the University to better the institution.

    Page 45


    Th e A ssociated Students PROMOTION OF student in itiative and leadership stand out as the most important functions of the .-\ssociated Students of the University of Idaho, an organization which embraces all students enrolled in the Univer-sity of Idaho who have paid all regular association dues. All collegiate and intercollegiate activities are sponsored by the .-\.S. . 1.

    With the inauguration of the present administration of the Un iversity of Idaho practical ly all student problems were placed in t he ha nds of the A.S.U. I. The student body organization was put upon a basis which places upon it the responsibilities of student control. This is part of the educational plan of P resident F. J. Kelly of the niversity, making student government as much a part of the education of men and women on the campus as classroom work.

    i\ lachiner y for the operation of the A.S.U.I. is provided for in the Con-stitution of the organization . Officers of the student body, including the president, v ice-president and secretary, along with a number of minor officers, are selected at a general election held each spring. All legislative and executive powers are vested in an executive board.

    Activities promoted by the association are those in the field of athletics, music, debate and publications . . -\ny member of the association is entitled to participate in any activity fostered hy the :\ . . U .L, providing he meets requi rements stipulated by the regulations of the Un iversity . Awards arc made to those doing exceptional work in each activity.

    Officers of the .\.. .LT. I. for 19~8-19 are .-\lvin H. Reading, president; Burton f.. Ellis, vice-president; and .\~'eva Rice, secretary. Contact between the administration and the governing body of the .-\ .S. . I. is established through a facu lty advisor. D ean I van C. Crawford of the College of Engi-neering has held this position for five years. Because of h is keen interest in student affai rs and broad-minded views, Dean Crawford has been chosen unanimously each year.



    The Executive Board 1.0051.1 IIUIIEH

    LEGISLI\T I v..: and executive power of the Associated Students of t he Uni-versity o f [daho is placed in the hands of an Executive Board. Delving back into history, it is found that the Executive Board cam e into existence in 191+ during the administration of T albot Jennings as student body head. T he board is provided for in the constitution of the association.

    The president of the:\ .. U.I. acts as chairman of the E xecutive Board, while other officers on the board are : Bur ton F. Ellis, vice-president, and

    ~reva Rice, secretar y. ix members of the board are elected bv the student bodr. These are : .-\ldon T all, Samuel C. H utchings, senio~ men; Et hel Lafferty, senior woman; George H uber and Cia yton Loosli, junior men; Francis Gallet, junior woman. Three ex-officio members of the board, with-out vote, are : I Jelen T aylor, president of the :\ ssociated \\'omen; Horace P orter, yell king, and Cecil H agen, editor of T!te , Jrgounul. The graduate manager au tomatically becomes a member of the board. Dean I van C. Crawford is faculty advisor.

    Page +7

  • (?lasses

  • First Semester

    EvERE:n C. L\\VRENCE Pie.rident

    K ENNETH O'NEil.. Vice-Presidmt

    MAR ION M. W H ITE Serrl'lnt')'

    ] OSIOI'Iiii\E A. 1-I J\IU.ANl) T rM.rurer

    Senior Class Officers

    Page 52

    Second Semester

    \ VnLIAM R. CAI..I..A \\ ' A\' Ptesidenl

    iVI ARYVINA Go 1.PSM ITH Vice-President

    >\I) I NE E. T ucKF.R SecrelmJ

    MAUHICE A. NE I.SON T1ens urer

  • D EAN A RNOI.D Cap and Gown

    ELMER B ERG I.U Nl) Pirnic


    D oN R ANDJ\ 1.1. Gift

    Senior Class Co1nmittees

    Page 53


    MAU IHCF. r " I,SON Mi:ws

    P AUl. B OYI) Stunt

    B uR DC::TT~: B E I.K NA I' /Jssemb~r

  • En ~I \RG \R~:T Ll rJ.~::-JH'.R(,f.R, B.S.(Ed.) Colfax llit.l Srhuol, Co/fa, ll'ashin~/(J/1

    Alpha Chi Omega; English Club.

    1)\\ 1\RI) L. K ~:t:~>; ~: Proutlmrr, Nlwtlr Island

    Lindlq Hall.

    THOMAS j oHN 1\lcGoNJGI.E, B.S. l~wis twd Clnrlt 1/i;

  • Rr.x WENDLE, B.A.(Porcstrr) Sfllulpoim 1-lix/, Sr!tool

    Sigma Nu.

    En.A WAwROI' w~:N r>I.F., B.S.(Ed .) Parma II ith Srhonl

    Alpha Phi; Phi l'psilon Omicron; Y.\\'.C.A. Cabinet.

    CLEO FERN DECKER, B .. ~. Kooskia II igh School

    Alpha Phi: \\'.A.A.; Highest Honors, 2-3.

    FREDERICK CANN, R.S.( Bus.) Mosrow Hitlt Srhool

    RAI.PH A. TAnOR, B.S.(E.E.)

    l\[ERRI'IT GRF.F.I.ING, B.S.(Ed.) lnttrmountain lnstitlllr, ll'r/Jrr, Idaho

    Tau Kappa Epsilon; "1" Club; Captain R.O.T.C.; Glee Club, t-'l,l

    LoRRAINE c. CHRISTF.N SP.N , B.S.(F.d.) S l~tllty High Stl10ol

    Forney Hal!.

    MAURICE AusTIN NEI.SON, B.S.(Bus.) Boisr High Srhool

    Bera Chi; Alpho Koppo Psi, President, 4; Secretary, J; Delta Sigma Rho; Tru~urer Senior Clus, -1; Chairman Senior lllixer Committee: Intramural De-bate lllanager, J; \ 'ar,ir) Debate, 'l; Pep Band, 1-'l J -1: Universit) Orchestra, t 2; Ad Club.

    MELCHER \V. PRIEBE, B.A.(Ed.) 1'wi" Ftd Is II~~ It S rltool.

    MARCARF.T E1.SIF. ScHO I.F.R, B.S.(F.d.) Ruptrl Htth Srhool; Allnon Stlllt Normal School

    Forney Hall; Tren~urer Pi Lambda Thera, 4; English Club; \\'.A.A.; Treble Clef Club; Highest Honors, ,1: Tennis, .1: llaske1 ball, -1

    k'- IARG \RET k\1. S11 KF.R, B.S.( Ed.) f-'V:is and ClnrJ: ll(ch Srhool, Spoltanr, II' ash.

    KENNETH ll uG H MARCHF.sr, B.S.(Bus.) Uuion II ith Srltool, K rllog,t, I dalto

    Het:t Theta Pi: Alpha Knppa Psi; Seni or Manager Basketball nnrl Minor Sports; Arhleric Managers' Club.

    Pag~ 55

  • P tiUL RoYo, B.A. Bu!J/ H i.!h School

    Lindley Hall; /lrgonnul, J, 4; Blttt Bucket, 4; Chairman Senior Stunt Committee.

    ELEANOR GALLOWAY, B.S.(F.d .) Weiser High Sdwol; College of ldfllto.

    Kappa Kappa Gamma; Y.W.C.A.

    (I.IFFORD BROWN, R.S.(E.E.) /IJitlon !!(!It Srhool

    ADAI.INF. ALBERTA AMES, B.S. (H.Ec.) Ruprrl High Schoof

    Forney Hall; Home Economics Club.

    R uTH Rowut, B.S.(Ed.) l.cwiston H iglt School

    K:. ppa Alpha Theta; Pi Lambda Theta; English Club; \\' .A.A.; Highest Honors, 3 ; Basketball, J .t ; Baseball, 3

    GEoRGE H. PowELL, B.S.(Agr.) Blackfoot High Sdtool

    Delta Chi; Football, 3-4; Ag Club.

    CARL R EUTER, B.S.(Rus.) Fmn H iglt School

    Ri denbaugh Hall.

    MJWREO GEORGIA T!MKEN, B.S.(H.Ec.) K cllogg H ig!t School

    Alpha Phi; Home Ec. Club.

    L AURA G A I L M ANNING , B.S.(Fd.) Ashton High School

    Forney Hall; F:nglish Club.

    O sCAR B. HouMANN, B.S. (Bus.) .Vflmptl Higlt Scltool Lind ley Hall; Alpha Kappa Psi, Vi te-Pres., 4; Eng-li sh Club.

    ARTEMUS D ARI US DAvis, B.S.(Bus.) Burlty /-1 iglt St!tool.

    Sigma Chi; Alpha Kappa Psi, Sec., 4; Scabbard and Blade, Sec., 4 ; President Ad Club, 4

    PERCY P. L ANTZY, B.S.(E.E.) Mosrow 1/igh Srlwol.

  • GOJ.Dif: l\ IAY SMITH, B.S.(Ed.) Boiu II i.th Stl10of

    Kappa Alpha T heta; Mortar Board; Sigma Alpha Iota, Sec. 3; Pres. 4; Women's " I" Club; A. W. S. Cabinet, l-4: Pi Lambda T heta; \\'.A.A., Sec., ~; Cla~s Trta~urer, J; Captain l~ig Sister ;\lovemenr, 2, 4; Highest llonors, 3-4; BaskNball, lJ; \'olle~ Ball, 1 1 ,1; \l atrix Table, J; Gun of .lloumai11s, .1 .. : !'an-Hellenic, l-J-4

    \Vri.LJAM H ARO I.D BoYER, B.S. Cu!desar !! iJ(/1 Srhool.

    Beta Theta Pi; Blue Key; Highest llonors, t-2-.14

    Jo~F.I'II ;\ltRrH\' STOI'F.R, j R., B.S.(Ed.) 1/'dur llt,(h School.

    T au Kappa Epsi lon; Kappa Delta Pi .

    ETHEL STAN FORD L AFFI': RTY, B.A . North Cemra! II ig/1 Stl10ol, Spofta11t, If/ ask

    Kappa Kappa Gamma; Curtain; English Club: Dramatics, 2-,1-4; ;\latrix Table, J; F'ecutive Board, 4; A. \\'. S. Ydl Leader, 4; Cha1rman Clas. So~~ Committee, 1 J: Pep Band Sho", 1 1.

    Al.ll " RT M URPH Y, B.S.(Agr.) Twi11 Pa!!s II igh St/,oo!

    J \MES SwroN, B.S. (.-\ gr.) Emmm lligh Srhool

    AR IIA R. M VSH I.I'I'Z, B.S.(E.E.) Tro,1 lli,th Sthool

    Tau \tern Aleph.

    :-JEu A . T~RNF.R, B.S. (H .Ec.) Rmneau !! i,th Srhoo!

    Alpha Phi; Phi Upsilon Omicron; I lome Ec. Club.

    ARTIIl'R c. CHEYNE, B.S.(Ed.) St. Mariu High School

    Sigma Alpha Epsilon; " I" Club; Football, ~,14: llaskerhall, 1-4; Fl aseball, 1 2J4

    II F.I.E:-.1 J ANE \ 'oAK, B.:\ . Boiu High Srhool

    Kappa .-\lpha Theta.

    M ARGUE RI TE V. GR EEN, B.S. Troy !I igh Srhool

    Alpha Chi Omega.

    J IMES H F.NR\' 1\IANNJNG, B.S.(Ed.) Plummrr fl i,'(h Stl,oo!

    Beta C hi ; T reasurer Kappa Delt:1 Pi, ,1-4; H ighest llonors, 2-J4

    l'ngr 5i

  • .. '

    CtARF.NC E FRF.O i\lYRENE, B.S. (Gcol.) f.ewis and Clark lli.v;h St/,ool, Spokane, Wasil.

    Sigma Chi.

    RonER"r H ousTON, B.S. (Bus.) Goodin.t: II i.v;h Srhool

    H EI.EN H ARTI.E\" T AYLOR, B.A. lnurmounlflin lmtituu, 11/eiur, Idaho

    Delta Gamma; Secretary 1\lortar Board; President A. \\'.S.; Treasurer, J; Pre~iden t Pan-Hellenic, -1; Pres-ident Spurs, "l; Nationnl Treasurer Spurs, J-o~; Class Treasurer, "l; Secretary Y. \\'.C.A., 3; Treasurer of \\'.A.A. , J ; Tennis ~lanager, "l; English Club (Mem-bership Chairman).

    FoR EST BRI GHAM, B.M. Gmnu II i.v;h Sd1ool

    Tau Kappa Epsilon; Glee Club, 3-4; Varsity Quar-tette, _1.

    FRED j ACOB'-, B.S. Duln 1/i.(h Srhool

    GEORGIA A LMORINE H ALt, B.A. Poulltllo II i.v;h Srhool

    Forney Hall ; English Club; \\'.A.A.; General Chair-man Taps and Terpsichore, 4; Horseshoe and Golf Manager.

    l.rr.r.rAN Dr t.TH F. r.M, R.S.(H.Ec.) Mnsmw II ~r:h Stlwol.

    II \ROI.O TF.F.I., B.S.(Agr.) Goodrnx 1/i.v;h Srhonl.

    H OWARI> T. ANDREWS, B.S. (Ed .) Parma II ~r;h Srhool

    Tau Kappa Epsi lon; English Club; Grm ~( Moumniw, "l-3-4; Artonnut, 4; Cross-Country, 3; Oebate, 4; C:~prain R.O.T .C.

    A N~

  • G RAYCE L n.LJAN GooDI NG, R.S.(Ed.) If/ tiur High School

    Kappa Alpha Theta; Glee Club, 1-1; T reble ClefT, 4

    WALTER J uosoN Dr.AN, B .A. Fori Dodgr !ligh Srltool, Fori Dodge, Iowa

    Ridenbaugh Holl; Oebote, 3-4; Co~mopolitan Club.

    A MY B. R EEVES, B.A. Craigmonl High School

    Forney Hall; English Club.

    R ussEL l. LowF. t.l. T utn.r., B.S.(Chcm.E .) Walla W11lla l l i.t!J Sr!Jool, Walla Walla, Wmlt.

    Sigma Chi; Scabbard :tnd Blade; I nterfraternit)' Council; Associated Engineers; Business Manager of Ida/to Enginur, 4; t-Jajor R.O.T.C.; Advertising Club

    FI.OYO W1o~ER, B.S.(Agr.) Mosrou; High School

    GwENDOLY~ GRrnJTH, B.S.(H.Ec.) Burlty High Srhool

    Omega Alpho; t-lorror Board, Treasurer, 4; Phi Upsi-lon Omicron, President 4, Secretary 3; W.A.A. Horse-shoe Manager, 3; Volleyba ll , 1-3; Baseball, 2; Basket-bal l, 1-3; General Chairman Co-Ed Prom; Pan-H elleni c Council.

    V iRG I N IA A NGE LL, B.A. Mosrow High Srhool

    Gammo Phi Beta.

    EDWIN T. B EYF.R, LL.B. Boise !ligh Srhoo/; Co!lrgr of Idaho

    Sigma Chi; Phi Alpha Delta; Bench and Bar; Basket -ball, 1.

    EA R I.E C OMSTOC K BI.ODGF.1"1', B.S.(Agr.) Boiu !! igll ScJ.ool; Co!lrf(r of fda/to

    Lindley Hall; Ag Club; Alph:~ Zeta, T reasu rer, 4; Dairy Cat tle J udging T eam.

    O wiGHT I NGI.F., R.S.(F.d.) Kmdrirlt lli,ch Srhool

    SARA Lois L ARKAM, B . .-\. uwisiOII Higll School

    Omega Alpha; English Club; \\'.A.A.; Y. \\'.C.A.

    H ARRY W. Coumti.AN, B.S.{A rch.) Monlpdirr lliglt Srlwol

    Beta Chi.

    Page 59

  • BYRON BuRDErrE BEJ.KNAP, B.S. Co11onwood High School

    Beta T he ta Pi; E nglish Club; Curtain; President, 4; Manager "From U nder the Helmet," 4 ; General Chairma n Senior Ball; Genera l C hairman Senior As sembly; Ary:onaut, 1-3; Gem of lilt J11ounltlim, z-34; Associate Editor, 4; Debate, 4; Dramatics, J-Z-.14

    l\1IABEI. KIENHOLTZ, B.A. Mouow High Sc/,ool

    MARGARET MA RY M n 'CHEI.L, B.S. Sl. Maries High Scl10ol

    Pi Beta Phi .

    HowARD W. BAY I.EY, R.S.(Eng.) Nelson High School, Britis/, Columbia.

    Lindley H all; Associated Engineers.

    EvA M ARIAN VoRous, B.S.(Ed .) Clarlwon High School, ff/ashingiM

    Pi Beta P hi.

    W JJ, LI AM D. MA RK, B.S.(Geol.) Blac"fool Hig/1 School

    Senior H al l.

    FLOREN A. GRABNER, B.S.(Ed.) Fruitland High Scl10ol

    T au Kappa Epsilon; Kappa Delta Pi; " I " Club; Baseball, I Z J-1; Charles Erb Scholarship Cup, :; .

    FRANCES E. ANDERTON, B.S.(H.Ec.) Moscow llig/, School

    MARGUERITE T. OLIVER, B.S.(Ed.) Mouow High Srhool

    K ENNETH R. J ONES, B .S.(E.E .) Blac"foot Hig/, Sc/,ool

    Lindley Hall; Sigma Tau; Associated Engineers, Vice-President, 4; A. I. E. E., Vice- President, 4

    MARY FRANCES GAJ..l-0\VAY, B.S. W dser II iy:h School

    Kappa Kappa Gamma; Sec.-Treas. Delta Sigma R ho.

    R oBERT GLENN WRIGHT, B.S.(Bus.) fl ailq fl igh Srlwol

    Phi Gamma Delta.

    Pnge 6o

  • FREI) G. CooPER, B.S. (Ed .) Tacoma lfigh Sclzool, Tacoma, Jf/ashinglou

    Kappa Sigma.

    CLARA SwANSON, B.A. Pocatello lliKiz Stlzool: U. of!., Soutlzrm Branrh

    l'i Beta Phi; English Cluh; W.A.A.

    I NGER HovE, B.A. Moscow High School

    Oaleth Teth Gimel; Spurs; English Club.

    GEORGE A. GORECKI, B.S .(Chcm .E .) Comr d ' /llmc High Stlzool

    Senior Hall.

    L AWRENCE HERMAN LANGE, B.S. (M.E .) Nortlz Cmtrnl Higlz School, Spokane, Jf/aslziuglou

    Lindley Hall; Gamma Epsi lon; Associated Miners, Secretary, 4; Secretary Gamma Epsi lon, 4

    HELEN KATHRYN VAUI'ELI., B.A. Tekoa lligh Sclzool, Tekoa, Washi>zl(tou

    Forney Hall.

    VIRGINIA VANCE, B.S .(H. Ec.) Ogdm Higlz School, Ogdm, U1ah

    f.orney Hall; Home Economics Club.

    IRENE WELLS SMITH, B.S.(Ed.) Moscow High School

    FRED BAUMGA RTNER, B.S.(Ed.) Gmnee Higlz Stlzool

    Tau Mem Aleph.

    D OROTHY HIRSCHMAN, B.S.(Ed .) Btaverhtad Couuty 1-!i.~h Stlzool, Di!!ou, Moulana

    Kappa Kappa Gamma

    M ARGUE RI TE W ARD, B.A . Moscow High School

    Alpha Phi; Daleth Teth Gi mel; Class T reasurer, 1; English Club; W.A.A.; Matrix Table.

    RoB ERT ANDREW MooRE, B.S. (Agr.) Boise lligh School

    Ridenbaugh Hall ; Ag Club; Glee Club, 4

    Page 61

  • HERMAN W F.I.KF.R, LL.B. Weiurlliglt Stltoof

    Sigma Chi; Bench and Bar; Phi Alpha Delta; llasc-ball, 1; Class President, J

    B EUI.AH Ea.IZABETH PArESH, B.S.( Ed.) Ktffogg lfigh Srhoof; Unictrsity of Cafijomi11

    Oelra Gamma.

    STANLEY D EAN ARNOLD, LL.B. Prtsro/111 igh Srhoof, If/ ashingto11

    Kappa Sigma; Blue 1\ey; Bench and Bar; Executive Board, J; Interfraternity Council, 3; Chairman Cap and Gown Committee, 4

    DoROTHY SIMS BucKs, B.S. Potnttffo If igh SrltOof

    Kappa Alpha Theta; English Club; W.A.A., .1; A. W.S. Cabinet, J; Highest Honors, 2-3-4; First Pri7e S.A. R. History Trophy Contest Essay, 2; Matrix Table, J; Associate Editor Gem of Mountaim, 3

    CHARI.E~ . SI'ENCER, B. .(Agr.) Pirtor II igh Srhoof

    J osEI'HINE AMY HARLAND, B.:\. 'lh_v ff i,~h Schoof

    1\appa 1\nppa Gamma; Mortar Board, President, 4; Sigma Alpha Iota, Sec., 2; President, J ; Secretary of A.W.S., J; English Club; Matrix Table.

    MARIAN AGNE~ WORMELL, B.S.(Ed.) Lewiston lfigh Srhoo/; l~wiuon S111u Normal Srltoof.

    Forner Hall; Pi l.:tmbda Thera; English Club; \\'om-en's Editor Argonaut; Highest Honors, .1.

    E~-~ICE EDWARDS D t;KES, B.S.(Ed.) Ca/dru/1 lligh Srhoo/; Co{{tgt nf Idaho.

    MAR\'\' INA Goi.DSMITH, B.A. Idaho Fa/Is ffigh Srhoof

    Pi Beta Phi; 'W.A.A.; English Club; Spurs; Argonaut, '2; Bfut Burktt, '2; l:cliror, 3; Class Secretary, '2; Vice-President, 4

    L A\\RENCE DONALD SCHMIT'.l, R.S. (E.F..) Mosrow ffi,v;h Srhno/

    Senior llall.

    CYRIL AI.I.El", B.S.(F.d.) Grna 1/igh Srhoof

    H t: I.F.N \'IOI.ET AMES, B.S.(Ed .) S111tdpoi111 ffi,~h Schoof

    Kappa Kappa Gamma; English Club; President of Treble Clef Club; Gmt of tltt M ountflim, 3; Matrix Table; Co-Eel ArKounut, 1; J>ep II and Show, 1.

    Pagr 62

  • Wn,t.ARt> C. K a.tNGt,t:R, B.S.(E.E.) II nifty llrxh Srhool

    Delta Chi; Sigma Tau; "I" Club; Track, 1-2-3-4; Cross Countq, 2.

    Do aos Fot.'CH, R.S.(Prc-Nursing) Parma llrxh Srhool

    Alpha l'hi; Alpha Tou Uclta; Highest Honors, J-+

    II AZE I. 01-SE, B.S.(Ed.) Lewis r11rtf Clark lli,~h Srlrool, Spokane, If/ash.

    Forney 11:111; Pi Lambda Theta; English Club.

    ll amnEtn S. Rt ESBOt., B.S. (C.E.) l .apwai lligh Srlrool

    Mosr-:s j OIINSON, 13.S.(Min.E.) Council II (~h Sclrool

    Ft.ORENCE PHti.OMERA CuNNINGHAM, (Bus.) Aratfrm_v of I.II.M., Coeur tf' Almt

    Pi Beta Phi; l'hi Chi Theta; English Club.

    A t.tcE C uut

  • (

    FRED H. KE~~EDY, B . '.(For.) Dul>ois High Srhool

    Tau Kappa Epsilon; Xi Sigma Pi; A~'IOCiated For-est.,rs, Pr.,siden t, 3

    \\'JNH'RED B E H L ArONI>, B.A. Boiu High Srhool

    Alpha Chi Omega; Theta Sigma; English Club, 4; Co-Ed Argonaut, ~-3-4; A

  • 1\I A RY Et.t'l..\IIF."IIi THO\IAS, B.A. Goodmx lli.(h Srhool; Mills Collf.(t, California

    Kappa Kappa Gamma; Treble Clef Club, J; English Club.

    lloYTF. Sn:tHF.NSON, B.S.(E.E.) Tr.cin Falls /lith Srhool

    Lambda Chi Alpha; Pep Band.

    C A Rl . II F.N RY L ARSON, B.S.{Bus.) S piril I.J1Iu II i.(/1 Sd,ool

    Ridenbaugh fl ail.

    ERSIE l Srllool, Jl/t>sldnglon

    'l'au Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Zeta; Ag Club; Captain, R.O.T.C.

    II AROI. I> L F.F. 1\ l c Kt Nt.r.Y, B.S.(~I ct.) 1/'allau II ith Srhool

    i\lpha Tau Omega; (;amma ~.psilon; 1\.I.M.E.; Presi-dent ihsociated t.l iners, ,., Idaho Enginur; Idaho Bureau of t. lincs and Geolog)', J.

    :\\ \ ll ti.I)A St' l,l.l\ AN, B.:\. ll'hlllttr Union /lith Srhool, Cal.; fl/hi11irr Collttt

    Forne) fla il; Sigma Ddta Pi; H ighest Honors, J-4

    Page 65

  • ARTHUR \V1uts ENstGN, jR., B.S.( Bus.) 1/ailt_v 1/igh Srhool

    Phi Delta Theta; 1\lpha l'si; Curtain; Dramatics, '2 3-o~; Gnn of Jlfountains, '23o~; Blue Budrtt, '2-34

    MARntA ll u~tt'H tn:\' 1 B.S. (Ed.) Gooding 1/igh Srhool

    Gamma Phi Ueta.

    Gtt.BERT \ ' . ScHUMA~o.N, U.S.(l\ lin.) Moscow II iglt School

    ARTHl R J. PEA\'F.\', jR., LL.B. Twin Falls 1/igh Srhool

    Phi Dclr:t Thera; Della Sigma Rho; Business Man-ager Ary:onaut, 4; Circul:uion Manager AtJonaut, 3; lmercollegiate Debate, 1 2.

    KATH RY N l\ l A RGA R ~:t Il ANNA, B.t\. Tekoa 1/i,v;lt Srhool, Tekoa, f//11shingto11

    Alpha Phi; English Club; W.A.A.; Y.W.C.A.

    L OLI!>E ELIZl\BETH I.\\IIELt.E, B.A. K ello.f:,'( II igh Srhool.

    Gamma Phi Beta; Cunnin; English Club; Sopho-more Swnt Fest; Junior Assembly; Senior Swnt Fest; lllatrix Table.

    0-n-o KRt.r.GER, B.S.(For.) Rio l.iuda, California

    \ ' tiH:tl' tA H ARRII,'t CoRNELl. , B.A. Poratt!lo High Srhool; Southn-11 Brnnrh, U. of I.

    Forne) Hall; \\'.A.A.; \ 'olleyball ~lanager, J; Basket ball, J-o~; Baseball, 3--1; Tennis, J; \\'omen's "I" Club.

    J oHN D. EwiNG, B.A. Boiu 1/igh Srhool; Southtrn Brmu/,, U. "f I.

    Ridenbaugh Hall; Delta Sigma Rho; Pacific Coast Extemporaneous Speaking Contest, Second !'lace; Debate, J-1

    j MH:!> R. O'BRn:N, B.S.(Ed.) Corur d'Aiuu High Srhool.

    Kappa Sigma; " I" Club; English Club: R.O.'f.C.; Frosh Football; Basketball; Baseball; \ 'arsi ty Foot-ball, '2-3-4; Track, '2-.14

    LuLU GR \CE A LLEN, B.S.(Ed.) Uv:iston lftgh Srhool

    Kappa Alpha Theta; Pi Lambda Theta; English Club; \\'.A.A.; Uaseba ll, ,1 ; \'olleyball, 4

    Pagt! 66

  • C tt AIU.ES R. P ARK, B.S. Idnllo Falls High Sd:ool

    l.ambda Chi Alpha.

    Lll.A GRACE J AIN, B.S. Gennee HiKh Srhool

    Alpha Phi; Winged Helmet; ~.nglish Club, Secretar), J; Co-ed Argonaul, 1; Grm tif lht !ofounlaim, '2.

    1-:I.I.EN C\'EL\'N EKJ. lllW, B.l\1. Burlq High School

    Forney Hall ; Sigma Alpha lora, F~liror, 4; Treble Clef, 4; Highest Honors, r-J-4

    Bo\'D 'vV. HoosoN, B.S.(Ed .) Blnclcfoo/ H i,~h Scl:ool

    Delta Chi; Track, J-4

    R. L EROY Jo~Es, B.S.(Bus.) Malad llixh SchO'JI.

    EoA Lou iSE \'w~ts, B.S.(Ed.) .Vorl/: Cmlml II igh Srhool, S pok11ut, If/ ash.

    Alpha Ph;.

    v I, I, MA AM EI.ING, B.S.(Ed.) /1/ouow lligh Srl:ool

    \ 'ERNON l. ffl i>EI.SON, f~ .S. Cambrid.~t II i,t;h School

    Senior Hall; Track, 1.

    Sl E\\ ART SHERMAN l\ IAXF.\', LL.B. Ct~ldwtll II igh Srhool

    Lambda Chi Alpha; Phi Alpha Delta; Bendt and liar, 1\ ssociatc Justice, 4; Glee Club, '1 ,j; ~~ lolnnthct .. 'l.

    GF.ORGE I J.I .ICII F.\'SK \' 1 B.S.(For.) Mosrow lli,t;h Srl:ool

    b,TF.I.I.E l\1 \RGL'ERI'J'F. PlCJo..RF.I.J., B.S. l.tu:is aut! Cl11rt 1/ir;/: Srl:ool, Spok11ut, 1/'usl:.

  • t\ l ARGUERITE A~tEs, 13. .( Bac.) Boist lligh School

    Alpha Chi Omega; \\'.A.A., PreOI\, B.S.(E.E.) Lo11gdrw lligh Srhool

    Page 68

  • GoRDON H Auc, B.S. (Agr. ) Kdowna, B.C., lfigh Sthool

    Lambda Chi Alpha

    SHIRLEY G uNJH: RSON, 13.S.(Ed.) Huntington lli,th Srltool, lfumington, Oregon Uni~ersil)' of lf/isronsin Hays Hall; English Club; \l atrix Table.

    FRJTt\ B. P ETE RSON, B.S.(E.E.) / .1/Jtrtlun High School

    H ARRY SPENCF., Jtt., B.S.(Agr.) Maine Top llixlt School, Do Palinu, Illinois

    Delta Chi; Alpha Zeta; Football, 1 :z; Baseba ll , ~; Grain J udging Team, 3; Stock J udgi ng Team, 4; "Ag" Club, Treasurer, .1

    E~l~l ,\ NEJ.SON, B.A. /Jiosro!J) 1/i~h School

    Dalcth Tcth Gimel; English Club; I llghest llonors, I Z-4; Class Secretary, 1.

    FLORENCE 0J.JVF.R, B.S . ( li. Ec.) Mostow High School

    EMM A SOLBERG, B.S.(Ed.) Kamialt 1/igh School

    BR UCE ~IERCF.R, B.S.(~ I. E.) M osco!J) 1/igh School

    A.S.:\I.E., \ 'ice-Pres., J, Pre~ . 4; Captain, R.O.T.C.

    R "UIJEN B AUER, B.S.( A gr. ) St. Anthony 1/i~lr Sr!tool

    l.ambd:. Chi Alpha

    ORMA GEoJH:s, B.A. Winchuter lli.tlr School

    Alpha Chi Omega; :l lnrtar Board; Y.W.C.A., Pre~ . 4 ; \\'.A.A., Secretary; \\'omen's "I" Club; l\laid of Honor; English Club.

    B LRTON Et.us, LL.B. A1anchester High School, /lfmulustn, lou:a

    Alpha Tau Omega; Blue Ke)'; A.S.U.I., \ 'ice-Pres., 4; 4; Interfraternity Council, 4; Bench and Bar.

    VERA AMEI.JNG, B.S.(Ed.) Kendrick High School

    Page 69

  • ;\!ARION :\lcLICHl . IX \\'unr., B.S. (II.Ec.) lLtcisto11 ll~th Srhool Ha~s Hall; .\latri'\ Table; Spurs; Y.\\ .C.A.; \\'.A.A.; Treasurer,,.; \\'omen's "l" Club; Class Secretar), 4; Big Sister Captain; !lome Er. Club.

    ):r.I.S \Yr.R~ER, B.S.( :\U .. ) ,\ uholas Sum l!txh Srhool, CIIIUI,(O, Illinois

    Sigma Chi.

    JI ARRY Et>\1' \Rl> JoNr.~, B.S.( Bus.) .Vortl1 Cmtral ll~(l1 Srhool, Spolwnr, 11/a.th.

    Phi Delta Theta; Blue Ker; ln tcnollcgi:uc Knights; Delta 1\lu Chi; Senior Track Manager; Athletic Man-agers' Club.

    PR ENTISS A. B AI.C H, B.S. (For.) Sort/1 Cmtml 1/i,tl' Srhool, Spolumr, If/fish.

    FRA !';I( j\ I. R ETI JG, 1.1.. B. ,\apolrol 1/i.tlt Srltool, Ohw

    Phi Gamma Delta.

    Do~ \l.t> i\1. Got l>'l.\1 \RJ>, B.S.(Ed .) .\louote lhth Srhool

    \\'u.I.IAM R. Rr.r.1>, B.S.(C. I .. ) Clarksto11 lli,th Srhool, ll't~JIIIII,(IOII

    D oROTHY E. Stot J.J.K, B.S. Jlf OUIJIC I h.(h Sdwol

    I l ARRY S. GAL J.T, B.S. (t\ gr.) BuM 1/igh Sri11Jol

    Riclcnbaugh llall; t\lpha Zeta; (;rain J ud!(ing T eam, 3; Dairy Judging 'J'carn,J; Animnl llusbandry 'l'c:un, 4

    EI.TON s. P I.ATO, B.S.(F.d.) /Jumws Ftn.v II 'K'' Sdwol

    Sigma ;\l pha Epsilon .

    .J \\IF. ~ :\1. Lnr., JH ., B.S.(Pn: :\lctl.) L..ru:iston llt.tl> Sr/,ool

    Beta T heta l'i; Pre :\lc, 13 .S.(Ed.) \ losrou lhth Srhool

    Daleth Teth Gimmel; Pt l ~,mlxla Theta.

  • TH0\1\S \\'n~OI\ 11 \-\II'HRY, B.S. lf~lma lft_ch SrhQol, \ lomana

    Alpha Tau Omega; En!!li~h Club; Odta Sigma.

    FI.ORF.N('F. ;\L\\" BR \SHF. IR, B.S. /'ost Fni!J lft.th Srhool

    II a)' I loll ; \\'.:\ .. \ .; I lome Ec. Club, Tcasurer, 4

    1\ I IR I ,\M Bti i~'ION, B.S.i\ 1. /1/outJtc 1/i.~/i Srlwol

    GIWIWE W A I.I.ACI' D uNN, B.S.(Chcm.F..) l .rtvis '""' Cltt~l: 1/ig/i Srlinol, Spoknllt, lf/nsk

    Gr.oRGE II. i\ I ERRICK, B.S.(Fd.) Mosrow lli,tlt Srltool

    CI.INIO'I II. \\'i .S\\'AI.I., B.S. Jrromr II i.th Srltool

    R \YMOIW P. ~1\1~. B.S.(Ed.) Colln11u:ood I !t_ch Srhool

    Lambda Chi Alpho; Interfraternity Council, 3-4; 11.-ketball. 1.

    L l'C\' fRANcr.s H UR I.F. \', B.S.(H.Ec.) St. lofnrv's Aradrml', Snit i.Aitt Citv, Utah

    Forney H;ll; Phi up.~ilon Omicron; Home F.c. Club, \ 'ice-President, 4; Orchestro, 3-4.

    D ANIEl. S. CouRTN~:v, B.S.(Agr.) Mostow 1/i,'(lt Srhool

    AI.VIN II. R F.i\I) I NC, B.S. dmeriran Falls lli.~h Srltool

    f)clta Chi; lll ue 1-:e)'; Delta Sigma Rho; A.S.ll.l. President, "' I nterfratcrnit)' Council; Debote, 1-3; P.S.P. \ ., Secretary, Treasurer.

    B lJ RRi s 1.. YoL N

  • Orro T eRI:>l>KY, R.S.(Chcm.E.) Sat~dfHJit~t II igh S
  • GoRDON FLACK, B.S.(Ed.) Lewis and Clark High School, Spolca11t, Wash.

    HESTER REvNows, B.S. (H.Ec.) Wltilworlh /lcadtmy, Spokane, lf/nslt.; Jf/hilworllt Colltgt, Spokane, Wash.

    Forney Hall; Home E~. Club.

    L EONARD FRAZIER, B.S. (F.d .) Culdnac Higlt School

    M ARGARET WrLSON, R.A. Moscow lli'(lt Srltool

    TERESA H AYES, R.A. Lewis1o11 High School

    FRED BrmRv, B.S. (Bus.) S1111dpoinl Higlt School

    Beta Chi; Alpha Kappa Psi, Treasurer, 4

    CARL W. HoiSINGToN, B.S. (Ed .) Moscow lligh School

    HERRERT CtARE, B.S. (Chem .E.) Cambridgt lfiglt Scltool

    Senior Hall; Sigma Tau; Chairman "Engineers' Day" Committee, 3; Associated Engineers.

    BESSIE DrLLON, B.S.(H.Ec.) Moscow lligh Scl10ol

    VERLA CHASE, B.A. Grangevillt ffigh Srhool

    Forney Hall.

    NADINE T UC KER, B.A. Emmtll lligh School

    Alpha Phi; Sigma Alpha Iota; Class Sccrct:try, 4; Y.W.C.A.

    Ft.OYD OrrR, B.S.(For. ) Moscow High Sthool

    Pnge 73 -.

  • CHARLEs 1\l.num 'I'F.RH UNF., j R., B.S. (Prc-i\ lcd.) Burlq II ij(h Srhool

    Sigma Chi; Prc-1\led C'luh; Pep Band, 1 -~-3-4

    El. IZAilf.T ll L AY D u NN, B.S. Wnl/nu ll(th Srhool

    c;amrna l'h i Beta; Spur~; Engl ish Cluh; \\'ingrtl Hdmrt.

    DoROTHY T. \\'un EN \CK, B.i\1. Shoshont l!t,th Srhool

    Gamma Phi Beta; Sigma Alpha Iota; Orchestra, 2 .1 4; Treble Clef Club, 4

    J ER E J AM l:s LON(~, B.S.(Rus.) T win F11lls II i,~h Sr/,ool

    Tau Kapp:o l:psilon; Alpha Kappa P>i; lnllrfrnll'r nil)' Council.

    } ESSIE H EI.I ERT, B.~ I. .lfosrw: lhth Srhool

    T HF.I.\t.\ G. i\h ncr.rr, B.S.(Bus.) H QJtiJ!C ll1,th S rl10nl

    I vAN THOMPSON, B.S. (Bus.) M osriJW lli/{h Srl10ol

    Z o1.A G EoDEl>, B.A. Winrhtsttr /lith Srhool

    Alpha Chi Omtga; \\'.A.A.; \\'oman's " I" Club: \latnx Table; T ennis ~l anager. 'l-J.

    Cr.c11. A NDF.RSON P tosT, B.S.(Bus.) Boist llit.h Srhool

    Beta Theta Pi ; Athletit l\lanagcr~ Club; Senior Ba ~ehall 1\lanag~r, 4; l l niver~ity Orchestra, 'l; Univer>i ry Glee Club, .1

    A\' 1S \\'. ~.:I.SON, B.A. Portlnnd, Ort.(OII

    .\IIRIA~I IIO\\ f. RTO!\, B.A. Jmmu llith Srhool

    Alpha Chi Ome11a; Curtain; English Club; Stunt Fest, 2; Y.\\'.C.A., 2-,1-4; Dramatics, l-J-4

    F.J.Mf.R i\ 1. ROI SE, R.S. (F.ct.) Alosrow 1/ix/, Srhool

    Pt~gt 71

  • '

    First Semester

    E I)OIE A. PI:TERSON Prf'.!irll'lll

    J r.~!>IE 1 .1111.1'. SNrrtm:1

    i\LIRJORI E J>. FoRD Trtas urer

    ] unior Class Officers

    Y ERA J. CHANDLER f/ice-Presidmt

    Page 76

    Second Semester

    J OHN W. SonF.N President

    DoRo-.m \'. SHEARs Srrrrlan"

    J oliN J.. 1-J i\ RRI ~ON Treasurer

  • J"ss E cu RRO J.A Pam de

    FRANK \VJ NZP.l. ER /lsumb~v

    F.owARO Pen J.ToN Finanu

    lh :T'I'\' GRAMMF.R Party

    P ATRICK \\' \l.Kf:R 1\1iur.r

    ] unior Class Committees

    Page 77

    Ron ERT BRowN :Jnninr / f/,l'k

    D o ROTII \ ' FR ~-:oR 1 C'KSON Song

    C 1. \\ TO!oO l.oosu Strt nmlt

    ANORF.W TIIOMSON Pnblirity

    CuF.STF.R \\'un-nKF.R Stunt

  • F.owARo CooN, B.S.(Ed.) Boist !lith SchotJI

    Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Blue Key; Tntercollegiate Knigh ts; Ad Club; Class President, z; Business Man-ager of Gem tJjlhr Moumains, .1

    MYRTLE I. RACH, B.S.(Ed.) MtJuow 1/i~h Scl>ool

    Alpha Chi Or~ega; Pi l.:tmhda Theta; Y.W.C.:\.

    R UTH A. RAMSTEIYr, B.S.(Ed .) MosttJW lligl> Sd10tJI

    Gamma Phi Beta; Glee Clul>.

    RHODA M. WooDWARD, B.S. (Prc-N urs. ) NtJrll> Cmlrnllligl> SchtJol, Spoknne, lf/ruh.

    Hays Hall; Alpha Tau Ddt:t, President, 3

    DAVID L. \ViKS, B.A. Corm d' /llmt 1/i:t:l> Sc/10ol

    Track, r-2-3.

    JosEPH E . T uRNER, B.S.(Rus.) GonZtlgn High SchotJI, Spoknnr, lf/11sh.

    K:tppa Sigma; Alpha Kappa Psi

    SIDNEY p, ERSON, B.S.(Bus.) Lewis tmd Clnrk lfigh SchotJI, Spokane, IF11siJ.

    Phi Delta Theta; Track, 1-2-3; " I" Club.

    CLEMENT H. AutT, B.S. (Agr. ) Gooding lfigh SchotJI

    Tau Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Zeta; Ag Club.

    GERTRUDE A. STRINGER, B.A. Wriur High Srhool

    Alpha Phi.

    'vVll.LIAM D. LE1\TON, B.S.(Mcr.) C!wllis 1/ig/, Sd>ool

    ANDREW THOMSON, B.A. Moscow Hi.~h Scl10ol

    Sigma Nu; /lrgonnul Staff, r-2-3, Sports Editor; /lrgo-1/llul Hoard; Chairman Junior \\'eekly Publicity Com-mittee; Highest Honors, 1-2.

    B uRTON L. STEWART, B.S.(Pre-Med.) Moun1ni11 Homr High Sc!10ol

    Delta Chi; Pre-Med Club, President, 3; Highest Honors, 2.

  • J ~ss Ecu RROLA, B.S.( Bu~.) Bois. 1/igh Sd,ool

    Beta Theta Pi; Basketba ll tllgr., 2 .1; Ath letic il l an-agers' Club; Bllu Budut Staff, J; Gmt of Moulllains StaR, 3; Chairman of J unior Parade Committee.

    C ATHRYN 0. (AI.l.A\\'AY, B.A. Cald!t:tll High Srhool: Colltgt of Idaho, Caldll:tl!

    Hays H all; Theta Sigma; Argonaut, 2J; Co-Ed Argonaut. 'l-J; English Club.

    , .JOI.A PALM ER R EDFORD, H.S.(Ed.) A!tll"'l City High Sthoo/

    t\lph:t Chi Omega.

    DENN\' Ron F.RT ll o

  • FRANK II. D A\'IDSON, LL.B. Boiu lligh Srlrool

    Tau Kappa l:psi lon .

    1':1.~: \NOR E. SoNGER, B.S. (Ed .) .lft.-idillll 1/rglt Sdrool

    :\I ph a Phi; T reble Clef Club, 2-J; Y. \\'.C1\.

    Eo:-: A ~ I. R 1c11 \IW~, B.S.(! I.Ec.) M ouou: 1/i_~h Srlrool

    I)ANif'l. II. ZI EMAN, B.S.(Prc-Mcd.) Snu1l1widr lligh Stl,ool

    l .ambdn Chi Alpha.

    W u.I.JA\1 T. KRt \1\IF.s, B.S. (For.} Boiu 1/r.r:h Srhool

    Tau Kappa Fp,ilon; X i Sigma Pi; Associated For-esters, \ 'icc- l'rc,idcnt, J: Idaho Fornur, Associate Editor, J: I ntcrfratcrnu) Council, J.

    FR .\1\0:s C. L ONG, B.A. Boiu llr,~lr Srhool

    I lays l lall.

    EARl. F. i\ l tl\NET, B.S.(Ed .) uwisiOII llr,th Srlwol

    Lamhda Chi Alpha.

    \ \ 'Esi.H AI.IIF.Rr BoiCE, B.S.(Agr.) 8/aafool llrt.h Srlrool

    Ridcnbaugh llall; Intercollegiate Knights; Debate, 1.

    ART H UR KR\'( , F. R, B.S. (Bus.) Com.- tl' /1/mt lli,tl' Srhool

    Sigma Nu: Pep Band ; Ad Club.

    j F.R ,\1.1) \ 'NF. SHF.RfEY, ll .M . BuM llrgl1 Srhool: U. of 1., Sou1Mm Brn11dr

    Fornc) II all; Glee Club, z-.1; Dramatics, '2 ,1; English Club; Y. \\'.C.A.; Freshman Commission.

    ~ I ARJORIF. :\. ~kCI. .\IN, B.:\. Jouph llrr:h Srhool, Jouph, Ortgon

    Hays Hall.

    KENNETII McCO\' G RABNER, B.S.(Ed .) Fruii11111d lli.~h Sdrool

    T au Kapp:t Epsilon; Glee Club.

    Page So

  • 1\l vRTJ.E G ERTRUDE ll ALGSI:, B.S.( Bus.) Smtdpoint !liglt School

    Delta Del ta Delta; Phi Chi Theta, President, J; English Clu b; Y.W.C.A.

    W. R Ex WEsTcon, B.S.( Bus.) Kello~.t H ~(It Srhool

    Sigma 1'\u; junior Foothall t\ lanagor; lntc:rfraternit) Council.

    t \i.FRF.D W. J ACKSON, B.S.(Agr.) RuptrtlliJh Scltool

    W ALTER A. TH OMAs, B.S.( Bus.) Mouow 1/iglt Sr!10ol

    DolWTIIY \ 'tRGINIA SuE \Rs, B.S.( Bus.) uxme /lith School

    Forno) Hall; Phi Chi Theta; Y. \\'.C.\.; Froshman Commission; Class &cretary, J; :\.\\.$., Treasurer.

    R Ex lo~nE T ootM>N, B.S.(Agr.) Bnncrojtlligh Srhool

    Lambda Chi Alpha; English Club; /lrgonrwl, 3

    DI:AN L. SHERFEY, B .S.(B us.) Moscow lligh School

    T au 1\appa Epsilon.

    J AMES W. IIAW"-INl>, B.S.(Pre-~ l ed.) Comr d"/llme 1/ixlt Srhool

    Tau 1\appa Ep

  • RoBF.Rt . \. Z\RICK, L L.ll. Sarrammlo, California

    1\ IARGARET YJRG INIA IIA 1-. BLCKI:-IGHA\1, B.S.( Prc-:\lcd.) Knmtnh flt.(h Stltool

    Tau Kappa Ep,ilon.

    1\ I AliR ICE F. MuZZ\' , B.S.(Chcm.E.) Stmdpoinl High Sd,ool

    Tau Kappa Epsilon; Sigma T:w, President, J; Asso-cia ted Fngineer~.

    \ '101.F.1 If" T1rcs, B.S.(Ed.) Rup~rt llt.(h Srhool; Spolumt Unhtrlll_v

    Kappa 1-. appa Gamma; Treble Clef Club; Y. \\'.C. r\ .

    EI>I> IF: P ETE RSON, B.A .(A .-ch.) 1\r//ogg High Sthool

    Sigma :\lpha Epsilon; Cl.-s President, J

    L F.!-.1.11' R. \~ ~cE, B.S.(Gcol.) Brllt lit llt,(h Srhool

    Tau 1-.appa Fpsilon; Sigma Tau; (;amnm Epsi lon; Intercollegiate !\nigh ts.

    1: . FRANK ll u NT, J R., B.S.( Prc-Mcd.) /Joist 1/igh Srlwol; Mon/111111 St111r Collegt

    Sigma Chi; Pre-;\ted Club; Junior Basketball 1\t an aucr, J; Junior Ba.eball .\lanaQer; Senior Football \l,magcr, _., Athletic \lanagcrs' Club, President, 4

    R ti>OI.I'II \\'. C\RLS0:-1, B.S. (Bus. ) 11/osrr,u, ll1gh Srltool

    Tau K:tppa l~psi lon.

    01\1. R . \\' 11.1.1 \\1!-., B.S.(Ed.) Filn llt.tll Srlwol Furnc~ Hall.

    \\'11.1.1M1 Cunu i\ loORE, B.S.( Bus.) S111r,'(i.r 1/ig/, Sdwol, S111rgis, Sasl:tllrhtwfln, Cr11uul11

    Lindley llall

    c~:OR(.E \\'II.I.IA\1 j

  • W AYNE A. l\1cCm, B.S.(E.E.) Moscow 1/igh School

    R onF.RT WRI GHT S-r. CLA I R, B.A. Ida/10 Falls 1/igh Scllool

    l'hi l)clw T heta; Junior T rack Manager; Athletic i\ lanagers' Club.

    I .ERO\' FOWl.F.R, B.A. Wmdr/1 H(~h School

    G~:ORGF. M. FI SHER, B.S . ( I 'or.) Ames, Iowa

    B ETTY D RISCOl.l. , B.A. Ursuline Acadrm.Y, 1\.Jouow, Idaho

    Alpha Chi Omega; Spurs; English Club; Y.\\ .C. A.; Executive Hoard, A. W.S.

    H . WEST CoDDINGTON, B .S.( B us.) lf/oshinxton High School, Portland, Orrgon

    Lindley Hall.

    CLARENCE E. STO\\'ASSER, B.S.(For.) Coeur d'Aimt 1/igh School

    Ridenbaugh Hall.

    FRANK B. EGIIERS, B.S.(Ed.) Comr d'Aimr 1/igh School

    Dramatics, 1-2-J.

    DANA HoMF.R W Hrrr::, B.S.(Bus.) Bonners Ftrry II igh School

    Sigm:o u

    \ 'rROIN IA R uTH VANDF.RttOI F, B.A. RocJ:f~rd llixh School, Rockford, 1//mois

    Hays llall; English Club; Orchestra, J.

    0. D EL.EVAN SMITH, B.S.{Pre-Mcd.) Priest Riur lligh Sr/,ool

    Sigm:o Alpha Epsi lon; Pre-Med Club; Ct~n of t/1( J\1ouJJiaiiJJ, 1 2.

    OR I.E\' :"\E\\ ELL CAJ.u: xoF.R, B.S.{Prc-~ lcd.)

    Boiu 1/igh School Ridenbaugh Hall.

  • MAR\'I.OU CRAVEN, B.S.(Ed.) St. Margartt 's School, Boiu, Idaho

    Pi Beta Phi; l'i l.nmbdn Thera; Spurs, Vice-Presi-dent; English Club; Pan-Hellenic Association, J ; Uig Sister Captain, .1 ; \V.A.A.; Women's "I" Club, 3; Rifle Team, 11J; Gnn of Mountains Staff, J; Stunt Fest, 1; Class Secretarr, z.

    R \I.I'H j AMES M c C ABE, B.S.(P rc- 1cd.) Co/fa High Sthool; Washington Sttllt Colltgt

    Delta Chi.

    J\IA ROA RF.T OwF.NS, B.A. Twin Falls 1/igh Srhool; Col!tgt of Jdal1o, Caldwtll

    Alpha Phi; English Club; Treble Clef Club.

    FRANCIS V. 10N INJ, B.S. (Ed.) A!tulw.v II igh School

    l.indle)' Hall.

    A LfREI> I.. l\ IAl CHN, B.S.(Agr.) Wtston lft.th Srhool

    ~! ARION ANNA ~lcGoN J GI.E, B.S.(II. Ec.) l.ewi.< and Clarlt High Sthool, Spoltant, If/ash.

    1\appa 1\appa Gamma; Spurs; llomc Ec. Club; Ch:tirman Program Committee Co-Ed Prom, J; Glee Club, z.

    1\] ,\ R IAN J oSEI'HINE SHv, B.A. Ruptrt 1/igh Srhool

    FornC}' Hall; English Club; Highest Honor., 1 .

    lh s!>F.I.I. J. Joe No, B.S.(Agr.) Comr d'Aimt High School

    Tau " appa Epsilon; Ag Club; Football, 1 2 ,1

    DAJ.E A. THOMAS, B.S.(Ed.) ]trome lli,'(ll Srhool

    Sigma Alpha Epsi lon.

    \'1 RG J 1. S. CRoss, B.S.(Agr.) Goodwg II igh Sthool

    H AzF.I. J. \ 'o1.1., B.S.(Ed.) Jtromt 1/r.th Srhool; Albion Slatt .Yormal School; Utah Agricul-tural Colltgt; Unitrsit) of Califomia at Los Angtlts

    Forne}' Hall ; Pi Lambda Theta.

    G r-:O RCE L. K ALOUSEK, B.S .(Ch em.) Buhl ~~~~h School

    Page 8-1

  • C 1.AYTON G. LoosLI, B.S.(Prc-Med.) Riclts lfigh School, R~xburg, Idaho; Rides Collegt, Rt.vburg, Idaho

    Ridenbaugh Hall; Jntercollegiate Knights; Pre-Med Club; Glee Club, 2; Executive Board, 3; Chairman junior Serenade, 3

    ARTH UR Bt:CKINCHAM, B.S.(For.) Gifford High School

    CIIAKI.ES T. LYNCH, B.S.(Bus.) St. / lnthony If igh School

    MARTHA M. SHAWEN, B.S.(Ed.) Pomeroy High School

    Hays Hall.

    LA '''RENCE L. PEcK, B.S. Buhl High School

    Ridenbaugh Hall.

    i\JA\' l\IosMAN, B.S.(Bus.) M oscow High School

    Daleth Teth Gimel

    OI.IVE LIBBY, B.S.(Ed.) Sandpoint High Stllool

    EowJN CARJ.SON, B.S.(Bus.) M oscow 1/igh School

    Lindley Hall.

    PA Ul. PARKS, B.S.(Ed.) Culdtsac fl igh Sthoal

    Tau Kapp:~ Epsilon; Glee Club.

    GEORGE w. MII.I.ER, B.S.(E.E.) Hagerman High Sthoal

    Senior Hall; Associated Engineers; A.l.E.E.

    IIAROI.D ARTHUR \\'A'rrERS, B .. (Agr. ) M oscow High School

    Tau Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Zeta.

    MARGARET CLAIRE BECKER, B.S.M. Gmesu High SchMI Alpha Phi; English Club; Sigma Alpha Iota; Treble Clef Club, 2-.); Y.W.C.A.; W.A.A.

    Page 85

  • ER!'IEST II \TCH, B.S. (E.E.) Wdstr l!t,(h School

    Senior I tall; .

  • DAN i\ l cGRATH, B.A. W"ll"rt II igh Schopf

    Sigma Chi; In tercollegiate Knights; Hlue Key, Treas-urer, 3; English Club; Ad Club; Dramatics, 11-J; Chairman Ida ho Committ.

    NoRMAN\'. TEDTFEL.D, LL.B. Poc(//tl/o lligh Sthool

    Del ta Chi.

    L A R ETA B ERYl. B EESON, B.S.(Ed.) Ptrshmt County Hith Sthool, LIJoelodt, ,\e,ada

    Delta Delta Delta; Pi Lamlxla Theta; English Club; \\'omen's " I" Club, \ 'ice-President, 1; \\'.A.A. ; Ha,c-bnll 1\hnnger, 'l; Tennis Manager, 3; Rifl e Team, 1-1-J.

    CLAUDE ~1. L \YNE, B.S.(Bus.) Buhl Hith Sthool

    Alpha Tau Omega

    FRANK AMIL. WARNER, B.S.(Pre-i\l cd .) Boise II ig/1 School

    Phi Gamma Del ta; Pre-Med Club.

    DOROTHY R uTLEDGE, B.S. (Prc-:-.'rus.) Nampa lligh Sthool

    B EATR ICE PEARCE, B.A. lf/ashluma lligh Sthool, lf/ashtuma, lf/ashiii[I0/1

    Hap 11311; /lrtonaul Staff, l 'lJ; English Club.

    Wll.l.IAM DA\' 10 SHAMBERGER, B.S.M. Payelle fl i_t;/1 School

    Lambda Chi Alphn; I nterfraternit)' Council, 3; Glee Club; Male Quartet.

    1-lA ROI.D T. :-.'ELSON, B.S.(C.E.) If/ all"u II (t;h School

    Lambda Chi Alpha; Associated Engineers; .>\.sociate Editor l dallo Enginur, z; l\l:tn:tging Editor, .1; ll igh-est Honors, l 'l J

    J \MES F. CONE, B.S. (Bus.) Parma fligh School

    CLARENCE N. L AYNE, B.S. (Bus.) Bultl lligh School

    Alpha Tau Omega

    OscAR LF.F. BRowN, B.S. (F.d.) St. Marin llig/1 Sthool

    Alpha Tau Omega; Class President, 1; Stunt Fest, l 'l; Gtm of tht A1ounlains, 1-J.

  • FRED ELLIS Dicus, JR., B.S.(E.E.) Gmcsee Hig/1 School

    Beta Chi; A.I.E.E., Secrctaq-Treasurer, 3; Associ-ated Engineers.

    DEAN PRITCHARD KEt.I,Y, B.S. (E.E.) Idallo Falls High School

    Alpha Tau Omega; Sigma Tau; Associated Engineers; A. l. E.E.

    AI.lCE STAMM, B.S.(Pre- urs. ) Bonners Ferry High School

    Alpha Phi; Alpha Tau Delta; W.A.A.; Y.W.C.A.

    WALTER A. SLAUGHTER, B.S.(Bus.) Twin Falls High Sthool

    Tau Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Kappa Psi ; Delta Sigma Rho; Intercollegiate Knights; Engli sh Club; Debate, 1-2-3, Manager, 3; Mid-Western Debate Tour, 3

    AsAEt. T At. t., B.S.(Pre-Med.) Rigby Hi_~h School

    Lindley Hall; Class Vice- Presiden t, 3; Pre-Med Club; Orchestra. 'l-J-4

    ARCHIE R uEHLE, B.S. Port Townsend High Sthool, lf/ashintJOn

    L uEtLA McFADDEN, B.A. Hail(_y Hig/1 School

    Hays Hall; W.A.A.; English Club.

    R ussE t.t. C. WHITE, B.S. Salmon High School

    ERICH TH EODOR RI CHTER, B.S.(Bus.) Lewis and Clark High Sc/,ool, Spokane, Wash.

    Beta Theta Pi.

    MARCELLA B. WINTER, B.A. Rexburg High School; Ricks College, Re.~lmrg; Uni-versity of Ultth

    Forney Hall; English Club.

    LAURA A. CLARK, B.S.M. Filer High School

    Alpha Phi; Engli sh Club; Sigma Alpha Iota, Secre-tary; Big Sister Captain; A.W.I., Secretary, 3; Treble Clef Club; Highes t Honors, l'l3

    ELMER E . PosTON, B.S. (Bus.) Elk Grouc High School, California

    Phi Gamma Delta.

    Page 8S

  • H ERMAN W ILLIAM ASS, B.S.(Bus.) Granger High Sdlool, Wmhington

    Ridenbaugh Hall.

    MrLLJCENT MARTHA KuNE, B.S.(Ed.) Twin Falls High Scltool

    Forney Hall; Horne Ec. Club.

    WJI.LJAM S. BRONSON, B.A. Craigmont f/ iglt Srltool

    Lindley Hall.

    M ERRITT H . McARTHUR, B.S.(E.E.) Bonntrs Ftn~v High Scltool

    R ACHEL E LIZAllETH J ENKS, B.S.M. Lewiston High School

    Pi Beta Phi; Sigma Alpha Iota; Glee Club, 1 '2 3; Stunt Fest, 1; Pep Band Show, 1-2.

    DAMON MnTON FLACK, B.S.(Pre-Med.) Meridian High Scl10ol

    Lindley Hall; Rifle Team, 1- '2.

    WESLEY R. St>ENCER, B.S.(Agr. ) Moscow High School

    MARCELLA EvE LYN KRAEMER, B.A. Plummer II igh School

    Omega Alpha; Spurs; Pan-Hel lenic; University Or-chestra; W.A.A.; Dance Festival, Business Manager, '2; Basketball, 1-'2-J.

    MA RJORI E P . FoRo, B.S.(Bus.) Wmdc/1 High ScltO

  • PAt:L L. R ICE, B.S. (Agr.) Parma 1/igh School

    Tau Kappa Epsilon; t.:ni,ersit)' Glee Club.

    M. GEORGEtrE t\ IILLER, B.S. (HomeEc.) .Yampa High Sclrool

    Alpha Phi; Spurs; Home Ec. Club.

    VERA ~1. SACKETT, B.S.(Ed.) Twin Falls High School

    Delta Delta Del ta; Pi Lambda Thera; Y.W.C.A.

    LAU RANCE R. MANN ING, B.S.( Bus.) /lsluon 1/igh School

    Lambda Chi Alpha.

    CARL G. L EONARD, B.S.(Agr.) Fil" High Sthool

    Ridenbaugh Hall.

    OLIVER \\'. Es 1E, B.S. (Agr.) 1/il~vard 1/igh Sthool, Spoluwt, Wash.

    Tau Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Zeta; Ag Club.

    LAwRENCE L. BuRTON, B.S.(t\ lin.) E,mutl High Sthnol

    Senior Hall; Baseball, 1.

    BEATRICE TALKER, B.S. (H.Ec.) Ut&istort lligh Sthool

    Delta Delta Delta; Phi llp\ilon Omicron, Corre-sponding Secretarr, :J; Spurs; W.A.A.; Home Ec. Club; Y.W.C.A.; General Chairman Co-Ed Prom.

    CARL J. SHAW, B.S.(Ed.) Caldwt/1 II igh Sthool

    Senior Hall.

    CHARLES R. ScARilOROUGH, B.S.(Gcol.) Comr d'/llmr lli?h Srl10ol

    Ridenbaugh I tall; Cla\s \'ice l'rcsitlenr, .1

    JosEPHINE i\ 1. KIN CA JO, B.S.( H.Ec.) Ut&is1o11 High School

    Alpha Chi Omega.

    GEORGE R. i\ IJJ.I.ER, B.S.(E.E.) llagrrma11 lli,~h Srhool

    Senior Hall.

    Page 90

  • LOTs GORI)ON KENNEDY, B.A. Frances Shimtr Junior College, Illinois

    Delta Gamma.

    R AYMOND J. CoMPTON, LL.B. PotloiCI> High Sdwol

    Lindley Hall ; Phi Alpha Delta; Bench and Bar; Highest Honors, 1-2 .

    FRANK L. W INZELER, B.S. (Bus.) Mtridiall High Sd>ool

    Beta Chi; Blue Key; Gun of Mountoim, Advertising Mgr., 3; Blue Buclltl, Asst. Business Mgr., J; Junior Baseball Mgr.; Managers' Club; Ad Club, T reasurer, J; Chairman of Junior Assembly.

    JoH N C. G LASE, B.S.(Bus.) Boise High Sthool

    Beta Chi; Alpha Kappa Psi; Scabbard and Blade; R.O.T.C. Lieutenant Colonel, J

    CALVIN E. WRIGHT, B.A. Burley High School

    Sigma Chi.

    FRANCIS MARIAN GALLET, B.A. Boise Hif.h School

    Pi Beta Phi; A. S. U. I. Executive Board, 3; A. W. S. Cabinet; English Club; Dramatics; /lrgollnl/1 Staff, 1; Co-Ed /lrgonaut, 1; Highest Honors, 1-2 -3 .

    L ETHA WILTON, B.A. St. /lnthony's High School

    Pi Beta Phi; Theta Sigma; English Club; /lt-gonaut Stall', 1-2-3; Co-Ed /lrgo11aut, 1-2-3; Gem Staff, 3

    ALDON T ALL, B.S.(Pre-Med.) Rigby High Sdwol

    Lindley Hall; Blue Key; Silver Lance; Pep Band; Executive Board, 3-4; University Orchestra; Pre-Med. Club.

    ORVILLE H ULT, B.S. (Ed.) Burley Higl> Sdwol Sigma Chi; ''I'' Club; Football, 1-2-3.

    VIVIAN R EED, B.A. Clarkston Hig/1 School

    Alpha Phi.

    HAROI.D BRYANT TH ORNH ILL, B.S.(Bus.) Kellogg Higl> Sd1ool

    Phi Delta Theta; " I" Club; Basketball, 1-2; Track, 1; Baseball, 1; Ad Club.

    S. L EE JoH NSON, B.S.(Geol.) Hagerman Higl> School

    Beta Theta Pi.

    Pnge 9I

  • GEORGE L. H unF.R, B.A. Ktlloxx II i.~ll Scllool

    Sigma Chi; English Club; Delta Sigma R ho; Blue Key; Scabbard and lllacle; Chairman F ros h Glee; Class President, J; Interfraternity Council; Executive Board, J; Asst. Debate l\1gr., 3; Varsity Debate, 1-Z-J

    1\'oRMAI'I \\'.McG INTY, B.S.(E.F..) \ orth CmtrallliKh School, Spolran~, If/ash.

    Phi Gamma Ddta; Ad Club; Idaho En.r:inur, A.-t. Business \lanager.

    J ESSIE L ITTI.F., B.S.(Ed.) Emmtff lfi.~h Srhool

    Delta Gamma; \\' .A.A., President 3; C!ass Secretary, 3; Executive Board, A.W.S., J

    \Vi i. I.IAM L. KE RSH ISN I K, R.S.(Ed.) Burle.v 1/ixh Srhool

    Sigma Chi; "I" Club; Football, 1-Z-J ; Track, 1-z.

    FREDERICK A. ~ I \RK, B.S.(Agr.) Blarlrfool llt,r;h Srhool

    Senior Hall; \ 'orsil) Debate, Z-J; English Club; Ao ciate Editor Idaho .1r;rimlturist.

    CHARI.O'I"I'E Tol. l.ETH, B.S.( Rus.) Mtritli1111 lli,r;h Schoo!

    Alpha Chi Omega.

    JoHN EHRHARDT, B.S.(Rus.) uwiston 1/igh Srllool

    Phi Gamma Delta.

    KENNETH BARRETT, B.S.( F.d.) l'ornullo 1/ix_h Srhool

    Sigma Alpha ~.p~ilon.

    H ELEN \\'. i\ I F.I.GA IW, B.A. Mosrow lli,t:h Stlool

    Kappa Alpha Theta; J:ng lish Club.

    T HF.OI>ORE jENSEN, B.S.(Ed.) 8/arlrfoot 1/igh Srhool

    Phi Delta Theta; Football, 1-Z-J.

    LESTER H . K1 RKI'ATRICK, B.S.(Bus.) Ut&is and Clarlr llr.t:h Srh?ol, Spolrant, Wash.

    Phi Delta Theta;"(" Club; Football, 1-Z-J.

    R uTH L. R ANDALl., B.S.(Ed .) Flntht11d County lligl School, Kalispell, Mo>lffllltl

    Kappa Alpha Theta; P i Lambda T hetn; Eng li sh Cluh.

    Page 92

  • JEss M. HoNEYWELl., B.S. (Ed.) Orofino High School

    Beta Theta Pi; Dramatics, 1-Z-J ; Intercollegiate Knights, 1-z.

    DoROTHY FREDERICKSON, B.M. Malad High School

    Alpha Chi Omega; Sigma Alpha Iota; Spurs, Secre-tary-Treasurer, z; Glee Club; Y.W.C.A.; Class Treasurer, J; English Club; Chairman Junior Song.

    YOI. E. LAKE, B.S. (Ed .) Blackfoot Hig/1 School Sigma Chi.

    JoH N EDWARD DoNLO N, B.S.(F..E.) Pocnttllo High School

    Al pha Tau Omega; Sigma Tau. I

    EuGENE E. D AHL.K EY, B.S. (Pre-Med.) St. Mnrits High ScJ,ool

    Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Pre-Med Club, Secretary-Treasurer, 3

    STELL C. Hot.MES, B.S. (Bus.) Pnytlle High School

    Beta Theta Pi; In terfraternit y Counci l; Gem of tlu Mountains, 'l-3

    L uE J.t.A McFADDEN, B.A. llniley High School

    Hays Hall

    ALVIN F. KROLL, B.S. (Met.) Cowr d'/llme Hig/1 Sc/,ool

    Senior Hall .

    R ussELL RANDA LL, LL.B. Moscow High School

    MARY MARSHALL, B.S.(Ed.) Lewiston High Scl10ol

    Kappa Alpha Theta.

    J AMES MoRR!SON HocKADAY, B.S.(For. ) Rupert High Scl!ool

    Beta Theta Pi; Gem of the Moun/aim Staff, 1.

    WrurAM RoBERT McBIItNEY, B.S. (Agr. ) Boise High School

    Beta Theta Pi; Ag Club.

    Page 93

  • H ERBERT H. SHOOK, B.S.(G~ol.) Sandpoint High Sch~Q/

    Alpha Tau Omega.

    ZELDA G. :\' EWCOMB, B.A. Sama Cru; High School, Santa Cruz, California; San Jou Stair Colhgt, San Jost, California

    Kappa Kappa Gamma; Engli'h Club; Dramatics; Y. \\'.C.A.; Ar,r;o11aut Staff, A. \\'.S. Cabinet.

    RoBERT J. L ANSBERR'' B.A. Mouow High School

    HoMER C. BROCK, R.S. ( Ru~ . ) St, Mariu HiJ(h School

    Sigma Alpha Epsi lon.

    JEAN H AWKINS, B.S.(Ed.) [.ewiston High School

    Alpha Pi.

    R OBERT \\'. Ol.IN, B.S.(E.E.) Culduac llr.~h Sthool

    Lindley Hall.

    ~liLFORD COLI, INS, B.S.(E.E.) M ouow High School

    Beta Theta Pi; "I" Club; A~'IOCiated F.nginee

  • BERNARD FI.E~IIN(,, B.S.(Bus.) Burlrr 1/ir.h Srhool

    Ridenbaugh llall.

    T IIO\IAS \\' . G ALIGHER, B.S . { ~l.E .) Bom lltf.h Srltool

    CHANI) I.F.R \V. SM ITH, B.S. Soutlt West Ttxns Tenrhrrs Coller.e

    Ridenb:ough Hall.

    G1.11DI'CE L ocKE, B.S.(Bus.) f dnlto l'ftlls II iglt Sc!tool

    Alph:o Phi.

    L uc11.F. IIARRI F.TT G I.INDEMAN, B.A . Comr t!'/1/me lliglt Srltool

    Forney Hall; Spurs; English Club; Orchestra; Y. \\'. C.A.; Hig Sister Captain (J}; Woman's Rifle Team.

    j AME~ R. THROCKMORTON, B.S.(C.E.) T~~:i11 Fnlls lltr.h Sthool

    RosF.RT A 1.RF.RT llocc, B.S.(C.E.) Pn.ullr llir.lt Sthool

    Lambda Chi i\lpha; A.S.C.E.

    FAY ST. ORES T ATRO, B . . (Ed .) Porntrllo H ir.lt Srhool

    Pi Beta Phi; W.A.A.; \'olleyball; Basketball.

    JOHN EDWA RD SHEEHAN, LL.B. Boiu II i,tlt Srl10ol

    Sigma Chi ; Scabb:ml and Blade; Cha irman J unior Prom; llnscball , 1 -~.

    I lARR Y ELrGENE D AUBERT, B.S. (Ed.) Colfnx l lif.lt Stltool, lf/nsltillf.IOII

    Alpha T au Omega; Glee Club; Chairman J unior Cabaret.

    JoHN FR~:n~:RIC CROMWEI.I., B.A. Gootftltf. I !tr.h St!tool

    Delta Chi; Glee Club.

    Rl TH I RENE 1\'F.\\'HOliSF., B .A. 1\mtn lltr.h Stltool

    Kappa Alpha Theta; English Club; Spurs, President, 2; Sigma Alpha Iota, \ 'ice-President, 3; Class Secre-tary, .1; String Quartet, J; Orchestra, 1-'l-J; A \\' S, Treasurer, J

    Page 95

  • A ut.BERT fool

    Pi Beta Phi; Spurs; W A A

    RICHARD T AnoR, B.S.(.\ Iin.E.) Boiu 1/ixh School

    Kappa Sigma

    EARL 'vVJLLIAM M c D ONAJ.O, B.S.(Agr. ) Collonwood High School

    Kappa Sigma; Intcrcollcgi:nc Kn ights; J unior Bas ketball :llanager

    \'lOL A \ \' f.ll)M \N, B.S. Boise lligh School

    Hays Hall

    R uTH GRAY, B.A. Caldwtll High Sd1ool

    Forney Hall

    EvEL\'N SnNER, B.S.(Homcl-.c.) Mouow 1/i,th School

    R onF:RT G. CROOKs, B.S.( Bu5.) Boiu lligh School

    Oclta Chi

    FRED E. \\'F.uHER, B.S.(Bu~.) Pidouu II i.~l' Scl>ool

    Delta Chi

    lh:ssn: L. Ct.A RF:, B.S.(I IomeEc.) Cambridge High Srhool

    Alpha Phi; \\'A.:\. ; Home 1~. Club; Basketball, 1-2; \"olleyball, J; Y.W.CA.

    M A RY C\THERINE STEELE, B.A. /l cademy of I mmamlatt fle11rl of A1m;v, Coeur d'Aime, fdt>llo

    Gamma Phi Beta; English Club.

    OR\'JUE H ut.T, B.S.(Ed.) Burlq High School

    Sigma Chi.

    Pnge 96

  • LOUISE I. D UN I,AP, B.A. Clarkston fl igh Scltool, Clarkston, Waslt.

    Alpha Phi; English Club; Page to May Queen, 2 . D ARWIN K. BuRGHER, B.S. (For.)

    Rupert High School Beta Theta Pi; Blue Key; Silver Lance; " ! " Club, President, 4; Football, 1-2-3-4; Captain, 4; Basket-ball, 1-2-3-4, Captain, 4; Track, 1.

    SAM C. H uTCHINGS, }R., B.S.(Arch.) Lewiston High School

    Sigma u; Silver Lance; Blue Key; Executive Board; Pep Band, 1-2-3, Director, J

    EowARD E . Pou LTON, LL.B. Burley High Sc/zQo/

    Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Kappa Psi; Phi Alpha Delta, Associate Justice; Blue Key, Secretary; Scab-bard and Blade; Hench and Bar, Chief Justice; Inter-fraternity Council; Chairman Junior Week Finance Committee; R.O.T.C., Colonel.

    CHARLES McCoNNELL, B.A. Moscow II igh SchoQ/

    GEORGE McDoNA r.o, B.A. l.incQin High School, Portltmd, Oregon

    Beta Theta Pi; Ulue Key; English Club; Delta Sigma; Argonaut Staff, 1; Dramatics, 1 -'2; Gem of Mountains, '2-J; Editor-in-Chief, 3; Pre-Legal Association, 1-2, President, 2.

    DAROLD SMITH, LL.B. Moscow High SclzoQ/

    Beta Theta Pi.

    HELEN KERR, B.A. MQscow High Scltool

    Kappa Alpha Theta; Winged H elmet; Y.W.C.A.; English Club; W.A.A., Argonaut, 2-3; Editorof"From Under the Helmet," 4; Editor of Co-Ed Argonaut, 4; Theta Sigma, Secretary; Managing Editor Co-Ed Argonaut, 3; Sophomore Stunt Chairman; 13ase-ball; Rifl e; Basketball; Volleyball .

    P AUL H uTC HI NSON, B.S.(Pre-Mcd .) Clzewclalt High School, Chewelah, Waslt .

    Phi Gamma Delta; Football, 1-2-3.

    KATHERI NE E . BEAM, B.A. Meridian High Sclzool

    Delta Gamma.

    EowARD R. WAH I., B.A. Newberg High Sdtool, Newberg, OregM.

    Tau Kappa Epsilon; Delta Sigma; Winged Helmet; English Club; Argonaut, 1-2-3; Lieutenant R.O.T.C.; "From Under the H elmet," Associate Business Mgr.

    HELEN I. DALTON, B.S. (Pre- urs.) Mullan High SchMI

    Forney Hall; W.A.A.; Rifle Team, 1-2; Cosmopoli tan Club, President, 3

    Page 97

  • AGNES W ARI,JCK, B.S.(Ed.) Perk II iglt School

    X oR.\IAN Sn:mtF.I.o, LL.B. Poratdlo llir.h School

    P ATRICK IIENRY W AL.KER, LL.B. Wollnu 1/iglr School

    Kappa Sigma; Scabbard and lllade; Chairman junior l\l ixer; Blttt Budut, J; Ar,tonaut, J; Dramatic~, 2-J.

    D o ROTHY lEAl., B.S .( H.Ec.) Meridian llir.h School

    Alpha Chi Omega.

    H ELEN II II.FI K ER, B.S.(Ed.) Filer 11((11 Sclwol

    CATHERDIE R. II ANSON, B.S. Grange:ille llrr.h School

    Kappa Alpha Theta.

    M u RTHA C I.I NE, LL.B. Sprinr.dale 1/igh School, Washington

    D o ROTH\' SIMMONs, B.S .(Ed.) Kellogg II i,(h S rlwol

    Gamma Phi Beta; Phi Chi Theta, 'J'rca~urer.

    D oROIHY .\lr xcER, B.:\ . Boiu llir.h School

    Pi Bem Phi; E ng lish Club.

    CHARI.ES L \NC.F.R, B.S.(F or.) Stites llir.h School

    J AN" MAIHAN 1\tcCoMn, B.A. Tro.v II ir.h School

    Forne) llall; Sigma Alpha Iota, Treasurer, J; Treble Clef Club.

    l'vl EWON C 1.1 HORD B Et KNA I', B.S.(Bus.) Farmingtonllir.(Sclrool, Washin,(lon

    Hidenbaugh Hall.

  • \\'11.1. \REI.I.E .\I \R\ II \ ICH, B.S.( ... d.) l.ro:is and Clm! lft.(h Srhool; Spokalll, //'ash.; Chmn Stat( \ OY/IIal Srhool, /J/11Jit.

    Forney II all; Treble Clef Club; English Club.

    F~:H>~o. J. Tn u.,, B.S.(Ed.) Comr ,/',1/m, lft,th Srhool

    Tau 1-.appa Epsilon; Football, IZJ; Track, 123

    \' EUI,\ [\I F.n:Rs, B.S.(Ed.) MtJuow 1/i,tlt Srhool

    Fu-:I>A "'w NIA w~ ..... E, B.A. lloisr II iglt Sr/lf)o/

    Alph:t l'hi; Winged II elmer: English Club; Gem of the Aloul/llliiiJ Staff, J; /lrgo1111111 Staff, 2-3; G>- l~d di'J[IJ-1111111 St:tff, ~ J; l'cn-llellcnic; A. W.S., Execu tive Board, J; Y.W.C.A.

    M \ ' RT IIl s Ev \1'\s, B.S. (Agr. ) Ala/ad lli,t:h Srhool

    DoROTII\' K1 ~:sHo1.z, ll.S.(Bus.) ,\fouow llt.(h Srhool

    II ur.N \ ' t: \~u, B.:\. lf.wlr P11rk !lt,(lt Srhool, Clttwr:o, 1//i,ois

    (;arnma l'ho llera; Wongcd Helmet, Prcsodcnt, J; . lr,(Oiumt Staff, 1 2; Co-b! . lrgomml, J; Blul Butktl Staff, z; ~nglish Club; Y.\\'.C . \. ; Gnn of tM Alounlnins, J.

    t h i.F.N S. J \1\;~sEN, B.S. (.-\rch.) Roiu 1/igh SrhotJI

    llcr:t Chi; llluc I-. e), President, J;