(1920) historical record of the 76th overseas battalion of the canadian expeditionary force,...

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  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    LT.-COL. J. BALLANTINE, D.S.O.O.C. 76th Overseas Battalion, C.E.F.

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916





    Compiled byTHE REV. E. R. J. BIGGS, B.A., B.D.

    Capt. jtfth Rigt. " Simcoe Foresters," C.M.Capt. and Chaplain fbtb O.S. Battalion, C.E.F.



  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    PREFACEKing s Regulations and Orders, both Imperial and Canadian,demand that an Historical Record of each unit in His Majesty s

    Service be kept.The present volume contains a record, in accordance with these

    requirements, of THE SEVENTY-SIXTH OVERSEAS BATTALION of the CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES,from the authorization of the Battalion to its being ordered onOverseas Service, 1916.

    By permission the Compiler dedicates this first volume of therecords to:

    (1) Major-General the Hon. Sir Sam Hughes, K.C.B., Ministerof Militia and Defence, to whose indomitable spirit, unflaggingenergy and whole-hearted devotion to the Empire s cause in thisWar beginning in the almost magical calling into being of Val-cartier Camp and the despatch of Canada s first heroic Contingent,and continued with undiminished vigor and determination as theCall of the Motherland found a ready response in Her Sons inCanada much of the success which has attended our efforts inthe Great Conflict is due; and

    (2) Lieut. -Colonel J. Ballantine, D.S.O., and the Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers amd Men of the Battalion, with the earnestprayer that the SEVENTY-SIXTH, under the command andguidance of the Colonel and his Officers may be enabled to emulatethe example of its earlier called Comrades, and add a later pageto this history of duty nobly done, and of Victory bravely won,so that future generations of Canadians may look back with prideto this among the many Battalions sent forth from the Dominion,as they enjoy, in quiet days and peaceful homes, a "BritannicaPax," won for them by the devotion and self-sacrifice of thosewho as members of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces bore theburden and heat of the struggle, and may re-read with joy thesepages in those serener hours which shall be theirs.


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916



    Adopted Battalion D.O. of Aug. 13, 1915.

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    , NIAGARA CAMP, 1915jLieut. MacMillan Lieut. Menzies, A. P. Lieut. Chisholm Lieut. Parke Lieut. Tudhope Lieut. Inglis,:oe Capt. Henry Capt. Biggs Capt. Appleton Lieut. Renwick Capt. Smyth

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916



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  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    76th O.S. Battalion C.E.F. 15"D" Co.Major G. R. Rodgers 35th Reg t. (Simcoe Foresters), 4th

    O.S. Batt. C.E.F., C.O.Capt. L- B. Henry 77th Wentworth Reg t., 2nd inCommand.Lieut. D. McCaughrin 20th Reg t. (Halton Rifles).Lieut. G. W. P. Every 34th Ontario Reg t.Lieut. J. E. Brown 23rd Reg t. (Northern Pioneers).Lieut. A. C. Bowles 36th Peel Reg t.Lieut. W. H. Fair 38th Reg t. (Dufferin Rifles of Can

    ada.)BASE.Capt. J. Verth 37th Reg t. (Haldimand Rifles).Lieut. E. V. Graham C.O.T.C.

    OFFICERS TRANSFERREDLieut. G. M. Hamilton, Sig. Off.Aug. 14, 1915, to P..SI.Lieut. F. J. Quinn Aug. 17, 1915, to P.S.I.Lieut. C. R. Fraser Aug. 17, 1915, to P.S.I.Lieut. H. C. Young Sept. 29, 1915. Overseas Draft.Lieut. C, E. H. ThomasLieut. W. O. BrownLieut. A. C. BowlesLieut. N. Nicholson " " " "Major S. J. Huggins, Sen. Maj.Nov. 29, 1915, to 120th O.S. Bn.Lieut. A. L. McDonald Dec. 28, 1915, to 120th O.S. Bn.Capt. A. H. A. C. Arbuthnot,Adj. Feb. 1, 1916, to 169th O.S. Bn.Lieut. A. H. Tudhope Feb. 14, 1916, to 157th O.S. Bn.Lieut. J. E. Brown Feb. 15, 1916, to 122nd O.S. Bn.

    OFFICERS RESIGNING APPOINTMENTSLieut. W. H. Fair Sept. 16, 1915.Lieut. J. Cane, M.G.O Oct. 5, 1915.Lieut. D. McCaughrin Oct. 21, 1915.Capt. J. Verth Oct. 21, 1915.Lieut. G. W. P. Every Oct. 22, 1915.Lieut. W. F. Annis Jan. 19, 1915.

    The following Officers were subsequently taken on the strengthof the Battalion and attached to the Companies named:1915

    Sept. 1st. Lieut. N. M. Young, 35th Reg t. (Simcoe Foresters)and 4th O.S. Battalion C.E.F. , to " B " Co. as 2nd in Command,with rank of Capt. from Sept. 1.Sept. 1st. Lieut. W. Rogers, 80th Nicolet Reg t., as Quartermas

    ter, with rank of Hon. Captain.

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    16 Historical Record of the1915

    Sept. 1st. Lieut. C. R. Fraser, 51st Reg t., as Signal Officer.Sept. 1st. Lieut. F. J. Quinn, 20th Reg t., to "D" Co.Aug. 28th. Lieut. E. V. Graham, C.O.T.C. to Base, afterwards"B" Co.

    Sept. 1st. Capt. G. R. Rodgers, 35th Reg t. (Simcoe Foresters)and 4th O.S. Battalion C.E.F., to "D" Co., as O.C.Sept. 27th. Lieut. T. D. McMillan, 35th Reg t. (Simcoe Foresters),to "D" Co., to date from Sept. 10th.Sept. 27th. Lieut. E. B. Baines, 2nd Reg t. (Queen s Own Rifles),to "A" Co., to date from Sept. 15th.Sept. 27th. Lieut. C. T. Miller, 35th Reg t. (Simcoe Foresters),to "C" Co., to date from Sept 18th.Sept. 27th. Lieut. M. M. Hart, 10th Reg t. (Royal Grenadiers),to "A" Co., to date from Sept. 18th.Oct. 1st. Lieut. A. H. Tudhope, 35th Reg t. (Simcoe Foresters),to "B" Co.Oct. 4th. Lieut. A. P. Menzies, 34th Ontario Reg t., to "C" Co.Oct. 12th. Lieut. J. M. Chisholm, 20th Reg t. (Halton Rifles,)to "C" Co.Dec. 28th. Lieut. W. F. Annis, 20th Reg t. (Halton Rifles), to

    "D" Co.Dec. 29th. Lieut. F. C. Peppiatt, 20th Reg t. (Halton Rifles), to

    "A" Co.1916

    Jan. 1st. Lieut. E. W. Lawrence, 27th Lambton Reg t., to "C"Co.Jan. 8th. Lieut. K. S. Drummond, 35th Reg t. (Simcoe Foresters),to "D" Co.Feb. 4th. Lieut. J. A. Menzies, 43rd Reg t., to "C" Co.Feb. 8th. Lieut. E- R. Reynolds, 13th Reg t., to "C" Co.Feb. 21st. Lieut. S. K. Lount, 35th Reg t. (Simcoe Foresters),to "C" Co.Feb. 28th. Lieut. E. L. Mahony, 20th Reg t. (Halton Rifles), to


    1915Oct. 20th. Capt. G. R. Rodgers, promoted to rank of Major, totake effect from the date of his provisional appointment tothe 76th Battalion.Oct. 21st. Capt. G. W. M. Ballard, promoted to rank of Majorin C.E.F. provisionally, with effect from Sept. 14, 1915.1916-Jan. 13th. Capt. J. R. Biscoe, promoted to rank of Major in the76th O.S. Battalion C.E.F. provisionally, with effect from

    Jan. 5, 1916.

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    76th O.S. Battalion C.E.F. 17

    1916Feb. 14th. Lieut. J. McClelland, promoted to rank of Captain,from Nov. 29th, 1915. (2 D. 34-7-44), (H. Q. 593-6-1, of

    Feb. 10, 1916).Mar. 2nd. Lieut. H. Parke, promoted to rank of Captain, fromFeb. 1st, 1916. (2 D. 34-7-44), (H. Q 593-6-1 of Feb. 23,1916).

    OFFICERS ATTACHED FOR INSTRUCTIONOct. 13th. Lieut. F. M. Jackson, transferred (temp.) to 37th O.S.Battalion.Oct. 29th. Lieut. E. R. Reynolds, transferred to P.S.I., Dec.

    28th, 1915.Feb 8th, 1916 Lieut. S. K. Lount, 35th Reg t., transferred to P.S.I.Dec. 28th.REGIMENTAL COMMITTEES

    The O.C., in Daily Orders No. 98, dated Aug. 13, 1915, appointed the following Regimental Committees:Regimental Committee Major Barber, Capt. Ballard, Lieut. Mc

    Donald.Canteen Capt. Henry, Lieuts. Rossiter and McDonald.Sports Capt. Biggs, Major Huggins, Capt.Arbuthnot.Mess Lieuts. McClelland, MacKay and Inglis.Band Capt. Biggs, Lieuts. McClelland andNicholson.

    Owing to the transfer of Officers, the Committeeswere neces

    sarily changed to the following:D.O. 798 of Nov. 1; 822 of Nov. 24.

    Regimental Committee Major Biscoe, Lieuts. Baines (Sec.), andMenzies.Canteen Capt. Henry, Lieuts. Rossiter and Hart.Sports Capt. Biggs, Major Rodgers, Lieut. T. D.McMillan.Mess Capt. McClelland, Lieuts. G. R. Inglesand C. T. Miller.Band Capt. Biggs, Capt. McClelland and

    By D.O. No. 852, dated Dec. 2, 1915, the following were appointed Auditors:Capt. Appleton, Lieuts. McMillan and Chisholm.

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    18 Historical Record of the

    THE SEVENTY-SIXTH IS BESTOur country has sent many menTo fight across the sea,And they were all most gallant ladsAs all of us agree.But there are many yet to goAnd out of all the restThe fact is undisputed thatThe Seventy-Sixth is best.This is no empty, idle boast,For they are tried and true,And prove their capabilityIn everything they do;When they have met the enemyAnd there put to the test,Then all the world will recognizeThe Seventy-Sixth is best.Perhaps a few are rough and toughOr over fond of fun,But what our country needs just now

    Is the man behind the gun ;In this, as in all other things,Should they be sorely pressed,They ll prove anew, this fact is trueThe Seventy-Sixth is best.No task is ever too severe

    For them to undertake,No record set by other menToo hard for them to break ;And officers and men alikeFeel neath each manly breast,A pride in knowledge of this factThe Seventy-Sixth is best.

    It may be hard to leave their homesAnd those they love so dear,But duty s call they will obeyAnd face without a fearWhate er may confront themAnd if they re laid to restThe last thought they will have is thatThe Seventy-Sixth is best. G. T. DUNCAN.

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    Kindree W. NuttallQ.M.S. H. Waddle J. L. Coates

    H. Morse W. G. PerkinsA. Burton

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916



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  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    76th O.S. Battalion C.E.F. 19

    TRAINING AT CAMP NIAGARAI CONGRATULATE you upon the splendid Camp at Niagara.The physique, spirit and bearing of the men are magnificent

    Sanitary and other arrangements are excellent.""By direct instructions of the Hon. The Minister of Militia

    and Defence, the above message from The Right Hon. Sir RobertBorden, G.C.M.G., etc., Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada, is published in Camp Orders No. 560, dated Sept. 28, 1915,for the information of all concerned."

    Here at once is a telling testimony to the fact that the manythousands of men, drawn from every sphere of social and industrial life, in response to the call of King and Country, in somemysterious way yet not mysterious to those "in the know"had, in the short period of two months, been transmuted fromwhat, militarily, we may call the base metal of civil life, into thepure gold of efficient soldiers of the Dominion and Empire.To those, to whose lot was entrusted the training and preparation of the heterogeneous units, who, as a "motley crew cameinto Camp about two months ago," the period had been one ofendless anxiety, yet of ever-increasing exultation, as from SectionCommander to Company Commanding Officer, and from Company Commanding Officer to O.C. of the Battalion, each and everyone had worked from Reveille to Last Post to bring his Section,Platoon, Company and Battalion into a state of such efficiency aswould justify its (The Battalion s) early call to the front theobjective of every man.

    "Form fours, right!" "Halt!" Why did you say "QuickMarch" when the men were marking time? "Present Arms!""For Heaven s sake, don t climb up your rifle you there in therear rank." "Now then, D Co., jump to it. Advance in foursfrom the right." "Oh, extend everywhere." Such were the orders,or mis-orders, coupled with many a muttered retort or outspokencriticism (only by officers please note) with which the days werefilled, and the nights made restless. Yet through it all evenwhen trench digging, Bombing, Physical Drill, at 6.15 a.m. N.B.,Bayonet Exercise, Sapping and Mining, were super-added to the

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    20 Historical Record of the

    day s work, while dreary Lectures from recently joined Subs, werean infliction almost too soporific to keep the hearer s lively thework was done, men, non-coms, and officers alike felt the exhilaration of the training, and were ready to follow the Col. into thevery jaws, aye, and right through to a cleansing end, of the Hellof Prussian Militarism.

    "To follow," we said. The Battalion had indeed learned tofollow. Week by week from Aug. 20th there had been RouteMarches to Queenston Heights, at first bemoaned, then suffered,at last almost eagerly looked forward to. But when on Oct. 2,through Camp Orders No. 602, "The Officer Commanding 2nd.Division desires to congratulate all ranks on the splendid showingmade in the route march last Friday," and singled out certainBattalions as specially worthy of a meed of praise, the spirit of the76th revived and for a period, variously named according to taste,as 7 days or 168 hours, or a week, preparations were made to "beatthe band" and "bust all records."

    We saw the result! All records went by the board, but whatever the Poet of the Battalion may, in his most afflated hours,suggest, there was one and only one who led the Battalion on thatrecord-breaking day Oh! no! you re wrong! No! I assure youit wasn t the Bandmaster, but it was the Colonel who was climbing (metaphorically speaking) over the heads of Band and Bandmaster, assisted by a gentle shove from the rear by No. 9 Platoon.

    Thus, day by day, week by week, the training of the Battalionwas carried on, with a rest day on Sunday, which, as soon as wehad been marched off Church Parade, was a continuous downpourof rain certified for 8 weeks by the astronomer or astrologer, orsome other meteorological authority and we were forced to restand yet Squad, Platoon, Company, Battalion, Brigade, andDivisional training with all the "side dishes" before mentioned,and many others, such as Bombing, sandwiched with Inoculation,and "Bathing Parades" with a slice of Vaccination between, and"Musketry" at the Chautauqua Ranges, all served the one andsupreme purpose of our enlistment; to make us man for man better physically, morally and, pray God, spiritually, than the individual Hun."

    Route marches, of which we have already spoken, were analmost unwearying joy. They began on Aug. 20th and had so farcaptivated the physical and mental aspirations of the men, that

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    76th O.S. Battalion C.E.F. 21

    when, on Oct. 15th, by Div. Order No. 694, "Attention is directedto the number of men, who, although suffering injuries, pluckilyresumed their march yesterday. All ranks are to be congratulatedfor their spirit and determination," another drop and that alarge one was added to the cup of rejoicing and satisfaction whichthe Battalion had experienced on Oct. 2nd.

    It would have been a thing incredible that such a body of men,who had been in training for so long, should pass from their Campof Instruction unreviewed. And thus it was that the Camp Battalions were honoured three times by Reviews: (1) By the Ministerof Militia; (2) by Sir Robert Borden, Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada, and (3) lastly, by H.R.H. The Governor-General of Canada.

    Probably no more glorious day ever broke over Niagara Common than did the early dawn of Sept. 22nd. Before Reveille wassounded, there was a perceptible hum of life in the lines, and whenat last the Battalion Parade "Fall in" rang out, every detail ofequipment and accoutrement, as well as personal clothing, wascleaned and polished to the limit. The Battalion was placed inthe Second Brigade, and as it swung by in column of companies, aspontaneous cry arose from the Inspecting Officer, and was echoedby the onlookers, both military and civil, "There goes the best."The Minister of Militia, as he took the salute, beamed his satisfaction and pleasure at the bearing of the Battalion, and turningto the many returned heroes from the Front, said, "Did you seeBallantine s Brigade go by?"

    After the Division had returned in close column, the variousBattalions were marched to their Camps, and shortly after, theMinister of Militia motored over to the Ante-Room of the 76th,there to congratulate the O.C. and the Officers on the bearing ofthe Battalion, and to repeat his desire already informally expressed that the Battalion should proceed to the Front as a Unit.

    In the Battalion orders of the following day the feelings of theCommanding Officer were thus expressed: D.O. Pt. 1, 23rd Sept.1915:

    "The Commanding Officer wishes to congratulate all ranks onthe splendid appearance of the Battalion during the Review onWednesday, which evoked the highest praise from Major GeneralSir Sam Hughes and Officers of the Headquarters Staff. Hetrusts that at the Review on Saturday, by Sir Robert Borden, theRegiment will make a similar showing."

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    22 Historical Record oj the

    This confidence and trust in the Officers and men of his Battalion was amply justified on the following Saturday. Althoughcalled for 10 a.m., it was nearly noon when the Parade began tomove, so that it was only possible to march past in Column, yetso well did the Battalions carry themselves, that the messagewhich heads this section of the History of the Battalion was despatched by Sir Robert Borden through the Minister of Militia andDefence to the Camp.

    CONGRATULATORY MESSAGE FROM SIR ROBERT BORDENBy direct instructions of the Hon. the Minister of Militia and

    Defence, the following message from Sir Robert Borden, PrimeMinister of the Dominion of Canada, is published for the information of all concerned. :

    "I congratulate you upon the splendid Camp at Niagara. Thephysique, spirit and bearing of the men are magnificent. Sanitary and other arrangements are excellent." Camp Orders No.560, of Sept. 28th, 1915.

    Once more, on Oct. 7th, the troops in Camp were reviewed,this being the most notable of the three, as His Royal Highnessthe Duke of Connaught, Governor-General of Canada, was thereviewing Officer. The various batteries of Artillery and threeBrigades of Infantry passed the saluting base, making again asplendid appearance, and impressing the Governor-General verygreatly.In after Orders of Oct. 7th, 1915, by the Camp Commandant,Col. W. A. Logie, the following congratulatory message from HisRoyal Highness was issued:

    "The Camp Commandant is commanded by Field MarshalHis Royal Highness, Arthur W. P. A. Duke of Connaught and ofStrathearn, K.G., etc., Governor-General of Canada, to promulgate the following order of His Royal Highness:

    "I congratulate the Officer Commanding upon the splendidspirit, bearing, and physique of the Officers, non-commissionedofficers and men of the Overseas forces Canadian ExpeditionaryForce, concentrated at Niagara Camp, upon the very evidentkeenness and earnestness of all ranks to acquire proficiency, andupon the progress they have made in their training, particularlythose units which have been only a short time in Camp.

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916







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  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    76th- O.S. Battalion C.E.F. 35


    FORCE. ALTERATIONS.With reference to the general instructions for enlistment in the

    C.E.F. the following alterations have been made:(1). Age is as at present 18 to 45.(2). Height will be reduced from 5 ft. 3 in. to 5 ft. 2 in, for all

    Corps except Artillery, and 5 ft. 4 in. for Artillery.(3). Chest measurement thirty-three (33) inches as a minimummeasurement for men between ages of 18 and 30, and thirty-four

    (34) inches for men from the ages of 30 to 45 years of age.(C.O. No. 4, dated 26th July, 1915.)

    ENLISTMENT REGULATIONS CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE.1. A General Order has been passed regarding enlistment

    Regulations in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, as follows:(a). Consent of wife not necesasry.(b). Enlistment of men at 18 years valid without consent of

    Parents or Guardians.(c). Discharge by purchase not a right, but a privilege to be

    granted only in very exceptional cases and subject to applicationtherefor to O.C. Unit and A.A.G. 2nd Division being made withinthree months after enlistment and accompanied by Deposit Receipt for Fifty Dollars. (Camp after Order 20 Aug., 1915.)CIVILIAN CLOTHING CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE.It is notified for the information of all concerned that the sumof $10, which is withheld for a period of six months from the payof every man enlisted on or after March 1st, 1915, is to provide forthe cost of Civilian Clothing supplied to men discharged within 6months of their enlistment, and also to partly compensate theGovernment for Military issues made to men who desert. After6 months service, or on termination of engagements, the amountmay be repaid, and Civilian Clothing supplied free of charge.In very special cases, for instance, where a man is seriouslyinjured in carrying out his military duties, and thereby discharged,the $10 may be remitted and Civilian Clothing issued to him onthe authority of the Officer Commanding the Division. (C.O.No. 4, dated August 6th, 1915.)

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    36 Historical Record oj the


    1915Aug. 26th. From 13th Royal Regiment Rank & File. 13Aug. 31st. " 35th Regt. Simcoe Foresters .. " 39Sept. 14th. " 20th Regt. Halton Rifles " 55Sept. 17th. " 91st Regt. Canadian High

    landers 77Sept. 18th. 20th Regt. Halton Rifles " 23Sept. 22nd. " 35th Regt. Simcoe Foresters " 50

    DRAFTS DESPATCHEDSept. 30th. Overseas Reinforcing Draft 5 Officers, 8 Ser

    geants, 8 Corporals, 2 Buglers, 232 Rank andFile 255

    Officers-Lieut. H. C. Young, 31st Regt.Lieut. C. E. H. Thomas, 19th Regt.Lieut. W. O. Brown, 91st Regt.Lieut. N. Nicholson, 91st Regt.Lieut. A. Bowles, 36th Regt.

    DRAFT FOR THE 37TH OVERSEAS BATTALION.Oct. 21st. Rank and File. 71

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    76th O.S. Battalion C.E.F. 37

    RE-INFORCING DRAFT FOR OVERSEASOn August 1st, word was received from Headquarters that the76th was to supply a draft for re-inforcing the Overseas Battalions

    of 5 Lieutenants, 8 Sergeants, 2 Buglers, 8 Corporals and 232Rank and File, a total of 255 all ranks.Though the O.C. would have greatly preferred to have takenhis Battalion overseas intact, yet the need of fresh drafts of men

    to fill up vacancies caused by "casualties" was so great, that stepswere at once taken to select, train and equip the quota asked for.Lieutenants H. C. Young, W. O. Brown, W. H. Fair, A. C. Bowlesand C. E. H. Thomas were selected by Colonel Ballantine asOfficers of the Draft, but owing to the resignation of Lieut. W. H.Fair, the name of Lieut. N. Nicholson was submitted in his placeand accepted, and after two months strenuous training, the Draftleft Camp for England on Thursday, Sept. 30th.The previous night was one long to be remembered. At half-past four the draft paraded and were addressed by the CampChaplain, who presented a Bible to each man. At supper theywere the honoured guests of the Battalion, objects alike of keensolicitude for their physical welfare, and of envy of their goodfortune. The good wishes of the Colonel, Officers and Men of the76th were conveyed to them with considerable feeling by theColonel, who, in the course of his remarks, said, "You are goingoverseas to be the vanguard and, for a while, the representativesof the 76th Battalion, and you have in your keeping the honourand the good name of this, one of the best Battalions in Canada.This honour and good name is something that cannot be boughtsave at the cost of personal effort and sacrifice. Into your keeping we entrust it as you go to "The Front," and we who are leftbehind will do all in our power to raise the standard of the Battalion still higher if possible. When you are called on to fight,fight hard, and may God in His love and mercy guide you throughall."

    The evening was spent in various fotms of amusement, a perambulation of the Camp being a leading feature, and next morn-

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    38 Historical Record of the

    ing saw the Draft embark for Toronto and "Further," leaving usa little sad, a trifle jealous because we were not going for a while.They were a fine body of officers and men, and will undoubtedlyplay their part with credit to the Battalion whence they weredrafted.

    On arriving at Toronto they were met by the Chaplain whowished them God speed and said good-bye as they entrained forQuebec.

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    J. H. Woodhousc G. H. Bryer G. Wilder C. Tadd G. Gallimore:orp. R. Guest Lce.-Corp. A. C. Clark G. C. Somerville E. Bryer H. Greenwood

    E. Gough N. Maxwell J. Button H. Little \V. Carter

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916






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  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    76th O.S. Battalion C.E.F. 47"B" Co. Lee. Corp. Bain."D" Co. Ptes. J. W. Hamilton, and J. Baker.Hd. Qrs. and Base. Pte. A. W. Potts.

    One Mile Race "A" Co. Ptes. R. E- Butterworth, E. G. Bell,S. E. Angove, and W. A. Cranston.

    "B" Co. Ptes. T. Brown, G. D. Geer, Lee.Corp. A. Bain.

    "C" Co. Corp. C. H. Howarth, Pte. W. Mc-Cann, Pte. F. Whyte.

    "D" Co. Corp. G. K. Riddle, Corp. R. Lundy,Pte. H. T. West.

    Hd. Qrs. and Base. Pte. A. W. Potts.High Jump "A" Co. Sergt. A. Cherriere.

    "B" Co. Ptes. J. B. Webb, and T. M. Kil-patrick.

    "C" Co. Pte. F. H. Brunton, Corp. F. J. Kil-gour.

    "D" Co. Ptes. W. E. Burrows, A. R. Arnold,Lt. J. E. Brown.Hd. Qrs. and Base. Pte. F. E. Hazell.

    Long Jump "A" Co. Ptes. E. G. Bell, and W. D. Stephens."B" Co. Pte. T. M. Kilpatrick."C" Co. Corp. D. J. Kilgour, and Pte. E. J.

    McGirr."D" Co. Ptes. A. R. Arnold, and W. E-

    Burrows.Hd. Qrs. and Base. Pte. F. E. Hazell.

    Hop, Step andJump "A" Co. Pte. E. G. Bell.

    "B" Co. Pte. T. M. Kilpatrick."C" Co. Corp. F. J. Kilgour, and Pte. E. J.

    McGirr."D"Co. Ptes. A. R. Arnold, and J. A. C.Baker.Hd. Qrs. and Base.

    Putting the Shot (16 Ibs.)

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    48 Historical Record of the


    LT.-COL. J. BALLANTINE, D.S.O., Commanding Officer.Battalion Sports Committee:


    RESULTS OF THE BATTALION FINAL CONTEST100 yards Dash 1st. Sergt. A. Cherriere, "A" Co.

    2d. Pte. A. R. Arnold, "D" Co.3rd. Lieut. J. E. Brown, "D" Co.

    220 yards Dash 1st. Lieut. J. E. Brown, "D" Co.2d. Pte. T. A. Lawrence "D" Co.3rd. Pte. F. E. Hazell, Hd. Qrs.

    440 yards Race 1st. Pte. S. E. Angove, "A" Co.2d. Pte. W. McCann, "C" Co.3rd. Lee. Corp. A. Bain, " B " Co.

    One Mile Race 1st. Pte. T. Brown, "B" Co.2d. Corp. C. H. Howarth, "C" Co.3rd. Pte. W. A. Cranston, "A" Co.

    Long Jump 1st. Pte. T. M. Kilpatrick, 16 ft. 8> ins., "B"Co.

    2d. Pte. W. E. Burrows, 15 ft. 10> ins., "D"Co.

    3rd. Pte. W. D. Stephens, "A" Co.

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    76th O.S. Battalion C.E.F. 49

    High Jump 1st. Pte. T. M. Kilpatrick, 4 ft. 10 ins., "B"Co.2d. Lieut. J. E. Brown, "D" Co.3rd. Sergt. A. Cherriere, "A" Co.

    Hop, Step andJump 1st. Pte. T. M. Kilpatrick, "B" Co., 38 ft.3^ ins.

    2d. Pte. E. G. Bell, "A" Co.Putting the Shot 1st. Pte. T. M. Kilpatrick, "B" Co., 29 ft. 3 ins.

    2d. Capt. L. B. Henry, "D" Co.3rd. Pte. C. Watson, "B" Co.

    One Mile WalkingRace Heavy Marching Order

    1st. Pte. R. E- Butterworth, "B" Co., Time:10 mins. 10 sec.

    2d. Pte. W. Mackie, "D" Co.3rd. Pte. J. A. Cottier, Hd. Qrs.4th. Q. M. Sergt. T. Rutherford, "B" Co.Best Athlete in

    the Battalion Pte. T. M. Kilpatrick.AT BARRIE

    The welcome given to the Half-Battalion when it marched intoBarrie augured well for the social life of the men during theirstay in Winter Quarters. But the first movement in that directionwas made by the Colonel, who immediately set about organizingthe recreations of the men.

    While the open weather continued baseball was indulged inon the Park, to give way at last to the winter sport of Hockey.The 76th Battalion was entered in the O.H.A. both in the Intermediates and Juniors, a strong organization being elected as follows :

    D.O. No. 875, d/. Dec. 7, 1915.PRESIDENT Lt.Col. J. Ballantine, D.S.O.HON. PRES. W. A. Boys, Esq., K.C., M.P.VicE-PRES. Major R. R. Barber.HON. VicE-PRES. Simon Dyment, Esq., Capt. Jory,

    122nd. Bn. ( C.E.F.

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    50 Historical Record oj the

    SECRETARY Major G. R. Rodgers.TREASURER Lt. A. P. Menzies.COMMITTEE Lts. T. D. McMillan, F. W. Burnham,

    C. T. Miller, A. H. Tudhope.The hockey players of the Battalion were quickly gathered

    together and at once began training under Lieut. McMillan. Theintermediates were played in Group 9 "A" and the Juniors inGroup 10 and the following schedule of games was arranged.

    INTERMEDIATE TEAMGroup 9 "A" Clubs: Alliston, Collingwood, Midland, 76th

    Battalion.January, 3rd, 1916 76th beat Midland at Midland, 10-9.

    7th, " 76th beat Midland at Barrie, 5-4.10th, " 76th lost to Collingwood at Barrie, 1-4.14th, " 76th beat Alliston at Alliston, 10-5.21st, " 76th beat Alliston at Barrie, 22-4.24th, " 76th lost to Collingwood at Collingwood,


    Matches played, 6; won 4, lost 2; goals for 50, against 32.Tied for Group with Collingwood and Midland.Bracebridge and Orillia tied for Group 9 "B".

    To decide the district the following schedule was arragned:A. Bracebridge v. Orillia; Bracebridge won.B. Collingwood v. Midland; Midland won.C. 76th Bn. v. Winner of "A"; 76th Bn. beat Bracebridge.D. Winner of "B" v. Winner of "C"; Midland beat 76th Bn.Feb. 4th, 76th O.S. Bn., lost to Bracebridge at Bracebridge,

    4-5.Feb. 9th 76th O.S. Bn., won from Bracebridge at Barrie, 6-3.76th Bn. won the round by 10 Goals to 8.D. Feb. 15th 76th O.S. Bn. beat Midland at Barrie, 4-3.D. Feb. 17th 76th O.S. Bn lost to Midland at Midland, 2-876th Bn. lost the round by 11 Goals to 6.

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916



    D. Moore E. Turner F. Moorhouse C. MclntoshJ. McRoberts \V. A. Dutch J. Wilkinson P. Reynolds T. Gardner

    ;orp. T. Drawbell F. Ewen P. Fahey E. \V. Swain T. BrownF. Parsons D. Jones H. Campbell

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


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  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    76th O.S. Battalion C.E.F.

  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


    70 Historical Record of the

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    76th O.S. Battalion C.E.F. 71

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    72 Historical Record of the

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    76th 0.5. Battalion C.E.F. 73

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  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916


  • 8/9/2019 (1920) Historical Record of the 76th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916
