18th sunday in ordinary time - the pilotleast six feet between each person. communion is in the...

St Eulalia Parish Winchester/Arlington St Eulalia Parish Winchester/Arlington 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Page 1: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Pilotleast six feet between each person. Communion is in the hand. At the end of Mass the congregation will leave the church row by row keeping social

St Eulalia Parish Winchester/ArlingtonSt Eulalia Parish Winchester/Arlington

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page 2: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Pilotleast six feet between each person. Communion is in the hand. At the end of Mass the congregation will leave the church row by row keeping social

S E P T E S O T A 2, 2020

Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Eulalia Parish,

Each summer I usually participate in the Annual International Fraternity of Priests Conference. Our conferences have at times taken place in our country: Tucson, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Boston, New York, Columbus, etc. I have also traveled once to Trinidad and once to Slovenia. This year we were scheduled for Cleveland in August. The pandemic put an end to Cleveland and plans were put in place to live stream the conference from here at St. Eulalia. Our principle speaker, Dr. Mary Healy, a scripture scholar, had planned to fly to Boston and be present for the conference. However, the recent policies for entrance to Massachusetts have altered this plan. Dr. Healy will live stream from Christ the King Parish in Ann Arbor Michigan. The conference will go out to priests in the US and Canada. There will also be priests from Africa, Trinidad, and Slovenia on line. Please pray that all goes well and that this conference will be a blessing for priests locally and in various parts of the world. Thanks are due to Cheryl, Bob, and Peter and to those in Christ the King Parish who will make this possible. The dates of the conference are August 11/12.

Father John

Reopening for Mass: Our church building is now open for a 4:00p.m. Vigil Mass on Saturday and a 10:00a.m. Sunday Mass. The usual protocols will be in place. Because of social distancing there are only 54 places availa-ble in the church building. You must bring a mask with you and if possible hand sanitizer. Greeters will guide you to an available seat. Missalettes and hymnals are not in the pews because the virus can remain on them. There is no congregational singing. Those receiving communion will be guided row by row, keeping at least six feet between each person. Communion is in the hand. At the end of Mass the congregation will leave the church row by row keeping social distancing. After Mass the church building and rest rooms have to be sani-tized. We are still urging that those 65 and over, those with serious health issues, and those with respiratory prob-lems or compromised immune systems continue to remain at home and view Masses and worship services on so-cial media. Signing Up for Mass: If you wish to participate in one of the weekend Masses, you may sign up on line or call the parish office at (781) 729-8220 beginning on the Monday before the weekend you wish to attend. Holy Communion: On this Sunday, August 2 there will again be an opportunity for you to receive Holy Com-munion following the 10:00a.m. live streaming Mass. You may come to the church building from 11:15a.m. – Noon. Confession: You may set up a time with Father John by calling the office at (781)729-8220 or his phone number at 781-369-5244. Volunteers: As we continue to open our church building for weekend Masses, we need seven volunteers for each Mass. Please call the parish office if you are willing to help. Church Parking Area: Please spread the word that our church parking area should not be used for Driver Edu-cation. Recently there have been two incidents. One young person practicing turning ran up on the island in the parking area. On last Sunday afternoon a car went off the driveway and up onto the lawn. We had police, a fire truck, and a tow truck on the property. Thank God that no one was injured. At times there are driving lessons taking place when people are walking around the property and when a group of parishioners are praying the ro-sary. It can become a dangerous situation. Join Us in Praying the Rosary: During these difficult days we certainly need prayer. Come and join with a small group that gathers each evening at 7:00p.m. in front of the Our Lady of Fatima Shrine in the parking area. We walk and pray the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

Page 3: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Pilotleast six feet between each person. Communion is in the hand. At the end of Mass the congregation will leave the church row by row keeping social

S A 2 First Reading Isaiah 55:1–3 (112A) The Lord invites all who are thirsty to “Come to the water!” God asks the people to take heed, that they may drink wine and milk, eat well, and delight in the rich fare of the everlasting covenant. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 145:8–9, 15–16, 17–18 The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs. Second Reading Romans 8:35, 37–39 Nothing, not even death, can separate the faithful from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Gospel Acclamation Matthew 4:4b One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. Gospel Matthew 14:13–21 Huge crowds followed Jesus. He felt compassion for them and healed the sick. He saw that they were hun-gry and, rather than send them away empty, he gave them bread and fish in abundance.

S W A 3 3 Mon Jer 28:1-17/Mt 14:22-36 4 Tue Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22/Mt 14:22-36 or 15:1- 2,10-14 5 Wed Jer 31:1-7/Mt 15:21-28 6 Thu Dn 7:9-10, 13-14/2 Pt 1:16-19/Mt 17:1-9 7 Fri Na 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7/Mt 16:24-28 8 Sat Hb 1:12—2:4/Mt 17:14-20 9 SUN 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a/Rom 9:1-5/Mt 14:22-33

D W J 20 Masses: $ 1,539 Mail In: $ 7,233 Online: $ 9,540 Total: $ 18,312

S S Monday, August 3 9:00 am Daily Mass Tuesday, August 4 9:00 am Daily Mass Wednesday, August 5 9:00 am Daily Mass Thursday, August 6 TBA Friday, August 7 TBA Saturday, August 8 4:00 pm Vigil Mass Sunday, August 9 10:00 am Sunday Mass

OSR D C First, thanks to all for your continued support of our par-ish through this difficult time. Your dedication and gen-erosity are truly amazing. In the past several weeks, Citi-zens Bank has been rejecting checks that have the letters OSR anywhere on the ‘Pay to…’ line. We are in the pro-cess of trying to resolve this with them, but until such time, please do not write the letters ‘OSR’ on the ‘Pay to...’ line of your checks. Again….Thank You! A S J P , M The Adoration Society of St. Joseph Parish in Medford kindly asks for your help in restoring Eucharistic Adora-tion. In order to open and maintain Adoration, they need a commitment of two adorers per hour to ensure the Blessed Sacrament is never left alone. Following is the proposed schedule:

Wednesdays: Starting July 22nd from 9 am - 8 pm Thursdays: TBD (contingent on sign-ups)

from 9 am - 8 pm Fridays: Starting July 17th from 9 am - 8 pm

Lower church entrance only, 114 High St., Medford If you are interested in volunteering for a time slot, please email [email protected] or call 781-391-1396. S B , R -

, S S Reconciliation—While there are presently no scheduled regular times for confession, this important sacrament is available by request. Simply call the parish and leave a message for Father John at 781-369-5244. Just a phone number will suffice and a message that you are calling about confession. Father John will get back to you to set up a convenient time. Baptism—Also, the Sacrament of Baptism is still avail-able for any child who is in need. Due to the safety guidelines, it would be a private Baptism limited to ten people including the priest and the child. For more in-formation, please call Louise at the office. Sacrament of the Sick—We now have a team of priests within the Archdiocese who are trained and prepared to bring the Sacrament of the Sick to persons suffering from the Corona Virus in hospitals, nursing homes, and other institutions. The way to contact one of these priests is through the local parish. Here at St Eulalia you would contact at any time Fr John at 781-369-5244 or the Parish office at 781-369-5715. Also keep in mind that there are some institutions that will still not allow a priest access to the patient.

Page 4: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Pilotleast six feet between each person. Communion is in the hand. At the end of Mass the congregation will leave the church row by row keeping social

By Dr. Scott Hahn Sinking Fear August 2, 2020– Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A) Food in Due Season In Jesus and the Church, Isaiah's promises in today's First Reading are fulfilled. All who are thirsty come to the living waters of baptism (see John 4:14). The hungry delight in rich fare - given bread to eat and wine to drink at the Eucharistic table. This is the point, too, of today's Gospel. The story of Jesus' feeding of the 5,000 brims with allusions to the Old Testament. Jesus is portrayed as a David-like shepherd who leads His flock to lie down on green grass as He spreads the table of the Messiah's banquet before them (see Psalm 23). Jesus is shown as a new Moses, who likewise feeds vast crowds in a deserted place. Finally, Jesus is shown doing what the prophet Elisha did - satisfying the hunger of the crowd with a few loaves and hav-ing some left over (see 2 Kings 4:42-44). Matthew also wants us to see the feeding of the 5,000 as a sign of the Eucharist. Notice that Jesus per-forms the same actions in the same sequence as at the Last Supper - He takes bread, says a blessing, breaks it, and gives it (see Matthew 26:26). Jesus instructed His apostles to celebrate the Eucharist in memory of Him. And the ministry of the Twelve is subtly stressed in today's account. Before He performs the miracle, Jesus instructs the Twelve to give the crowd "some food yourselves." Indeed, the apostles themselves distribute the bread blessed by Jesus (see Matthew 15:36). And the leftovers are enough to fill precisely 12 baskets - corresponding to each of the apostles, the pil-lars of the Church (see Galatians 2:9; Revelation 21:14). In the Church, as we sing in today's Psalm, God gives us food in due season, opens His hands and satis-fies the desires of every living thing. Now, as Paul reminds us in today's Epistle, nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. A service of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology www.SalvationHistory.com

Page 5: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Pilotleast six feet between each person. Communion is in the hand. At the end of Mass the congregation will leave the church row by row keeping social

What do I mean by Intention? The Intention is more than just my desire for something; that could be based on a materi-alistic perspective or some selfishness that remains hidden within the Intention. A good example could be the desire to do good, such as donating to a just cause, but also requiring that you get credit for it. If we had an intention to do good, would we also not want that to remain humble in some way? Perhaps. Anyway, I digress. Intention is more than just a feeling also. The Intention may be the unsaid portion of the sentence. The open question? The raised eyebrow. The hidden agenda. If something good comes from a deed with a hidden selfish inten-tion, does that make it good or bad? Valid or invalid? You decide. When it comes to spiritual development, Intention may be the most important aspect of our disposition. Why? Well if our Intention is to get closer to God so we can go to Heaven, then is that not just fulfilling a desire for “the good life” on an eternal basis. If our Intention to love others (because we are all called to) is cloaked in unwillingness to really love others, then does our unwillingness make our Intention invalid? If our Intention is invalid then is our love invalid? So is it possible to have perfect intentionality towards God and Others? Probably not, but we can try. Trying with inten-tionality means having an open heart, not rushing to judgment, listening before talking, thinking before talking, discern-ing before deciding. Each one of these simple steps are incredibly hard to do. We are, by design, reactive by nature. The reptilian part of our brain keeps us continually aware of danger and ready to respond to it. While this may not be life-threatening, we still use the reflexes more frequently than we should. In our dualistic, polarized and politicized society today it is hard to practice Christianity all the time. Colossian 3:14 informs us of what intentionality is:

“Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” What is your opinion of the meaning of Intention as you see it in your everyday life? How does it play into your prayer life today?

T U W ……………………..…………………………….. M C

Intention My secret weapon, Hidden beneath, like an ocean creature, It moves within me, Unseen by its victims, Yet, real and its’ presence felt. Yes, here you are my dearie, Ready, whenever the threats arise quickly, To be deployed like a torpedo to the target, While they make merry, unaware quarry of the hunter which stalks them. While often unrevealed, Intention is the secret which stays hidden, Even after the battle or war is finished, Except to the two who must reconcile. In good conscience, contemplation and prayer. Photograph Copyright 2020 by Michael J Cunningham OFS

Page 6: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Pilotleast six feet between each person. Communion is in the hand. At the end of Mass the congregation will leave the church row by row keeping social

PARISH STAFF EXT. Rev. John G. Kiley Administrator 24 Rev. James Savage Senior Priest 21 Cheryl Pongratz Dir. of Operations 5:00PM Music Dir. 12 Louise Cocuzzo Pastoral Associate 29 Barbara Mahoney Pastoral Care Coord. 16

Laura MacMullin Parish Sec. M/Tu/Th 10 Joanne Boag Parish Sec. Wed/Fri 10 Stephanie Rogers CFF, Grades K-6 26 Barbara Doherty CFF Sec. 18 Bob Ferry Custodian Deborah Moscoso 11:00AM Choir Director

P 781-729-8220 F F . 781-729-8758 F 781-729-0919 E [email protected] W sainteulalia.org F Saint Eulalia Parish, Winchester

NEW TO THE PARISH - Welcome to St. Eulalia Parish. If you are a newcomer, please introduce yourself to a member of the parish staff. Registration materials are in the foyer of the church, or you may call the parish office at 781-729-8220 to register.

ANNOINTING AND PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK - Both sacramental and pastoral services are offered by the Pastoral Staff to the sick, hospitalized, homebound, and all who are in need. To arrange a visit, please call Barbara Ma-honey at 781-729-8220, ext. 16. The parish offers a special ministry to the hospitalized at Winchester Hospital. The Catholic Chaplain at the hospital is Mary Beth Moran, 781-756- 2295.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - Saturdays from 3:00PM - 3:45PM, or at other times by appointment by call-ing the parish office.

SACRAMENT OF INITIATION - Adults interested in learning more about the Catholic faith should call Louise Cocuzzo at 781-729-8220, ext. 29. Infant Baptism is celebrat-ed the second Sunday of each month. To register, please call Louise Cocuzzo, ext. 29.

MARRIAGE - Engaged couples planning marriage are asked to contact Fr. John Kiley at 781-729-8220, ext. 24 to make arrangements for the wedding. A program of marriage preparation is offered to all couples.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - Saint Eulalia Parish offers a full program of religious education for ages kindergarten to adult. Please call the Religious Education office at 781-729-8758 for information.

MAILING ADDRESS - St. Eulalia Church, 50 Ridge St., Winchester, MA 01890-3658

TThe Doors are Open. Welcome back!The Doors are Open. Welcome back!The Doors are Open. Welcome back!

Currently the office is open Monday—Thursday from 10:00am to 4:00 pm. Please reference the streaming schedule on page 3 for the weekday and Sunday Masses. We are also pushing our stream out to Facebook. So, please ‘like’ our page and you will be notified when we start streaming. Fr John and Fr Jim continue to say private Masses for the many intentions that had been scheduled during our days of closure. Please check the website regularly as it is constantly being updated.

Page 7: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Pilotleast six feet between each person. Communion is in the hand. At the end of Mass the congregation will leave the church row by row keeping social

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Page 8: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Pilotleast six feet between each person. Communion is in the hand. At the end of Mass the congregation will leave the church row by row keeping social

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