1809). (lexington, ky) 1818-08-21 [p ]. - university of...

"True to his charge he comes, the Herald of a noisy vvoild; Neusfrom all nations lumVring at his hack." "V Nn Series NO. 34. VOL. IV. LEXINGTON, K. FJRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 18 IS. 0LTXxSTl7 rpuiisiiEn KVj.nr Friday moipjiwg, BT JOHN NORFELL. gC7 The price of subscriptions to the Kentucky Gazette, is, Three Dol i.ahs per annum, paid in advance, or Foun DoLAhs at the end of the year. Sr? The terms of advertisintr in this paper, are;, 50 cents for the first inser tion ot every 15 lines or under, ana as cents for each continuance ; longer ad- vertisements in the same proportion. Iavvws o1l tlicUnitcA. States. BY AUTHORITY. AN ACT for the relies of Richard M.Johnson. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United, States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting officers of the Treasury Department be, and they are hereby, authorized to audit and settle, on the principles of equity, the account of Richard M.Johnson, for monies disburs- ed iu supplying a corps of mounted vo- lunteers with rations and foragej in the' year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, and to allow him any sum not exceeding one thousand and eight dollars) and thirty-seve- n cents, which allowance shall be paid otjt of any money in the Treasury not otherwise-- ' appropriated, H. CLAY, Sjieaker oftha House of Representatives, JOHN GAILLARD, President of the Senate, pro tempore. April SO, 1 S 1 8 Approved, JAMES MONROE. AN ACT Tor the relies of James Alactcay of the Missou- ri territorjT Beit enacted by the Senate anil House of of thu 'United States of America in Congress assembled, That James Mackay of the Missiouri territory, be, and he is hereby authorised to file with the recor- der of the land titles at St. Louis,nj5aid territory, a warrant of survey or conces sion from the Spanish government of Louisiana, bearing date the first day of .February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eigh- t, forthe quantity of eigh- teen hundred arpents of land, granted to James McDaniel ; and it shall he the du- ly of the said recorder of land titles to ex- amine the evidence Which may be produ- ced to him, in relation to the concession and claim of the land aforesaid, and shall report the substance of the evidence, vith his opinion thereon, to the commis- sioner of the General Land Office, which shall be laid before Congress, at their jiext session, for their decision thereon. H. CLAY, . Sjieaker of the House of Representatives, JOHN GAILLARD, President of the Senate, pro'tempore, Anril " 20, 1818 Approved, . JAMES ftlONRQE. AN ACT 3For the relies of Peggy Bailey. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Reiresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,ThzX it sljall be lawful for Peggy Bailey, sis- ter to DjxoirBailey, (a Creek. Indian of the half blood, who was1 slain intheser-vic- e of the United States, at the capture of Fort Mims,)atid he is hereby authori- zed to enter, without payment, with the register of the land office in whose dis- trict the land lies, three hundred and twenty acres df lando as to include the the settlement and improvement of'the' said Dixon Bailey in the Alabama terri- tory : Provided, That neither the said Peggy Bailey, nor her heirs shall have power of alienating said land, or any part thereof, in any manner, whatever, and in case df the voluntary abandonment of the possession aid occupancy of the said tract of land by the said Peggy Bailey, ot of her heirs, hereafter, the said land shall revert to the United States. H. CLAY, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN GAILLARD, President, of the 'Senate, pro tempore. April 20, r IS Approved. JAMES MONROE. AN ACT .4 for the rencf Jonathan Amory, Jr and pf the representatives of Thomas C. Amory, dec. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ns Representatives of the United States is America, in Congress assembled, Thai the Secretary of the" Treasury shall cause to be repaid to Jonathan Amory, and to the representatives of Thomas C. Amo- ry, the amoynt of money, received from them by the .United. States, in conse- quence of the. condemnation of the ship Edward. Sec. 2. And be it further enqcted, That to carry this act into effect, aisum not exceeding six thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any mohcy jii.tlle Treasury not otherwise appropriated. i H: QLA'Y, Speaker of the House dfiRepresentatives. JQ.HN GAILLARD, President of the Senate, pro tempore. ,Aprih2Q, il 8 1 8 Approved, JAMES MONROE ...w. j i.,. AN ACT Authorizing a subscription forthe Statistical Annals of Adam Seybert, and the purchase of Pitkin's Commercial Statistics. j. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary for the Department of State be and he is hereby authorized and di- rected to subscilbe for, and receive, for the use arid disposal of Congress, five hundred copies of the " statistical an- nals," proposed to be published by Ad- am Seybert, of Philadelphia ; and that he also be directed to purchase, for the purpose aforesaid, two hundred and fifty copies of "Pitkin's, Commercial Statis tics of the United States." Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the sum or sums ot money necessary to cletray the cost ot the subset lotion and purchase? 'aforesaid, shall not exceed the sum of five thliosand seven hundred and fifty dollars, and the same is hereby ap propriated, to be paid out ot any money m the treasury not otherwise appropriat ed. H. CLAY, Speaker ofthe House of Representatives. JOHN GAILLARD, President of the S'chte, pro tempore. April 20, 1 8 1 8 Approved, JAMES MONROE. AN ACT , For the relies of Jonas Harrison, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States oj America in Congress assembled, 1 hat the Secretary of the Treasury shall he authorised to scltl'e the accounts of Jo- nas Harrison, collector of the direct tax for the twenty-fift- h collection district of the state of New Yoik in respect to the direct tax imposed by the act of August the second, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, on eqiiitabje principles, and to make such allowances, and admit such credits, as, from the circumstances of that collection district, may appear to, him reasonable and just. H. CLAY, Speaker of tie House of Representatives. JOHN GAILLARD, Presidgit of the Senate, faro tempore. April 20, 18 IS Approved,' JAMES MONROE. AN ACT For the relies of Benjamin Berry. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby authorised and empowered to audit and settle, upon such terms as may appear to him equitable and prop- er, the claim of Benjamin Berry, of the state of Massachusetts, for three hun- dred dollars, on account of a contract made in January, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, between him and the collector of the port Machias, by which, the said Berry engaged to bring, for the benefit of tlu United States, cer tain property from the wreck of the Brit- ish ship Diligent. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the arnouhtofthe claim, .when ascertain- ed, shall be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. a. CLAY, Speaker of the House of Representatives- - JOHN GAILLARD, President of the 'Sejiate, pro tempore. April 20, 18,18 Approved, r JAMES MONROE. Treasury Department, Wasiuxctos Citv, Armt 10, 1818. A'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the Pro- - pnetors of the old six per cent. Stock; JTttlAT the last payment on account of the JL Principal and Interest of the said Stock, v ill become due on the first of October next, ensuing the date hereof, and that the same will be paid on that day, at the Treasury and at the Loan Offices, having such Stock standing on their Books, to the Stockholders or to their attornies, upon the surrender of the original certincates ot tne sum stocic. It is further made known for the information of the Proprietors of said old six per cent, Stock residing in foreign parts, that in order to obviate as far as praticable any inconve nience wlucn "mignt result by reason ot loss at sea or otherwise, it will be advisable to retain concct copies of their certificates authenticate ed by aJNotary Public duly appointed. s WM. . 'CUYWFOUD, Secretary of Treasury. May, 1818-2- 2t WAR DEPARTMENT, Pension-Offic- e, May 27, 1818. NOTICE. TT is expected that the Judges will certify, IL as rill to the reduced circumstances, as to the continued service of nine months, re- quired by the lw of the lSth March 1818 : and pensions will invariably be refused, unless the declarations of the applicants shall be ac- companied by such certificates. The appli- cations for pensions belonging to New Hamp shire, New-Yor- Pennsylvania, Delaware Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Caiolinaand Georgia, will be delayed until further evidence jof their s'ervice shall have been recci ed from the se eral.executiv e offi ces of the states. . , . Approved. J. C. C.iLIIOUN, Secretary of Wat. The? publishers of the lavvSjsbf the United States, will give the abovepnsertion in their respective papers for tw o months, and send in their accounts tp the War Department for djustm.iit Junel2-- 2t TREASURY DEP MITM.NT, Washington, Armt 28, 1818, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, To the Proprietors of iSVocfeis-toe- o. under the convention with France of the 30th of April. 1808, commonly called Louisiana Stock, ' hat one moiety.or hair ot the principal of said stock, will be redeemed on the2lst of October next ensuing the date hereof, and that the same will be paid to the respective proprietors, or to their attornies duly authorized, on the day be- fore mentioned, at the Treasury in Washington or at such Loan Office on the books w hereof any portion of said Stock may then ttand. Jiifornation it further Ghen, That the inter- est due at the time of redemption, on such part of said Stock as is held in r.urope, will be as heretofore in London and Amsterdam ; and that the interest on such part of said Stock as has been domesticated will be paid at the same time with the principal, either at the Treasury orat the Loan Offices as before mentioned. Audit is also hereby made kno.m, That the inter- est on the moiety orhalf ofsaid Louisiana Stock intended to be redeemed as aforesaid, will ceasq" and determine aster the 21st day df AVM. II. CRAWFORD, Secretary of the Treasury. . Mayl5-20- t. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Arnii. 2rth, 1818. NOTICE) IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the several acts of limitation here- tofore passed, and which barred the al- lowance and settlement of certain public debt.havc been suspend- ed for two years, by an act passed the 13th of April, 1818, of which the follow- ing is,a copy. WM, H. CRAWFORD, Secretary of the Treasury, AN ACT To authorise the payment of certain certificates Be it enacted bit the Senati and House of lie- - prcsentativei of the United Slates of America in congress csseinaieu, i iial sy muuu in an iiut, entitled. " Aii'Sct makincr further provisions for the support of public credit, and for the redemption of the public debt," passed the third day of March, one thousand seven hun- dred and ninety-fiv- e ; and so much of the act, entitled, " An act respecting loan office and final settlement certificates, indents ot inter- est, and the unfunded and registered debt, credited on the books of the Treasury," pass- ed the twelfth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eiprh- t, as bars from settle ment and allowance, certificates commonly called loan office and final settlement certih catcs, and indents of interest, be, and the same is hereby, suspended for the term ot two years, fiom and afterthe passin,cpof this act ; a noti- fication of which temporary suspension of the act of limitation shall be published by the Se- cretary of the Treasury, for the information of tie holders of the said certificates, in one or more of the public papers in each of the Unit ed States. . ' Sec. 2. And be it .httl&aL&hcttd, That all certificates, commonly calleuloan office certi ' ficates, countersigned by the loan officers of the states respectively, final settlement certi- ficates, and indents of interest, which, at the time of passing this act, shall be outstanding, may be presented at the Treasury, and, upon the same being liquidated and adjusted, shall be paidtotlierespecuve Holders ot tne same, with inierest, at six per cent, from the date of the last pajment of interest, as endorsed on said certificates. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That, for carrying this actinto effect, the sum of eighty thousand dollars be appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury of thcUnitedStates not; otheru ise appropriated. 4 It. UL,Y, ' Spcakeiiefthe House cfjleprescntutives. 'JOHN GAILLARD, President of the Senate, Split 13, 1818 ArrBovEK, JAMES MONROE. May 15. 20t. By the President of tlic Unit- ed States. HMIEREAS, by an act of Congress, passed JAl on the 17th ot lebn.iry, lolu, :lab "an act making provision for theTestabl m ment of additional LaiuIOffices in tluxtcrritor of Missouri," the President of the United States is authorised to direct the public lands Which have been surveyed in the territory, to be of fered lor sale : '1 herefore, I, James Monkok, President of the United States, do hereby declare and make known, that public sales for the disposal (agreeably to law) of certain lands in the ter- ritory of Missouri, shall be held as follows, vi. At St. Louis, in the said territory, on the first Monday in August, October, December, Feb- ruary and April next, and three weeks aster each of the said dav s, for the sale of lands in the land district of St. Louis. Thirty town- ships shall be offered at each sale, commenc- ing with the most eastern ranges west of the fifth principal meridian line, and proceeding wester!'. At the Seat of Justice of Jfraard Covntn. in the said territory, on the first Monday in Sep- tember and November next, and three weeks aster each of the said daj s, for the sale of lands 111 the land district ot Count:; 1 lurty townships shall be offered at each sale : The first to be in a square form, and to include the seat of justice of the said county, as nearly in the centre as the situation of the surveys will aumit, and the second immediately east ot the first, and in the same form ; excepting from sale-i- each district, the lands which have been or may be reserved bylaw for other purposes. uiven under my hand, at tile Uity ot Wash- ington, the thirtieth day of April one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. JAMES MONROE. By the President. JOSIAH MEIGS, Commissiscr Of the General Land Office. (T Printers of Newspapers who are author, Used ,to publish the laws of the United States- - vvjll insert the above once a week till April next, and send, their bills to the General Land Office for payment. ffj" A mapjfpf.jthe above Landsmay be had (previous to the sales) at the (Jeueral I.if&l Olnue, aild at the- Land Offices ihWlig, Missou. 1'i territory. 'Hie map is now engraving for JOHN G VRDENER, Chief Cleik, General Land Office'. Ma 22, 1818 -- 45tv By tlic President of the Uni ted htates. Wjhtieas, by an act of Congress, passed on thelM of March, 1815, entitled, "an act to provide for the ascertaining and survejing oil me boundary lines ued by tne treaty with the Creek Indians, and for other purposes," the President of the United States is authorised to cause tucUnus acquired by thi said treaty to be offered-fo- r sale when surveyed ; Tur.ni roar, I JA311S McnoE, President of! the United States, do hereby declare and make known, that publicj'sales for the disposal to law) of certain lands in the Ala bama territory, .shall be held at Millcdgeville, in Georgia, viz : ? On the first Monday in October next, for the sale of town lots, 111' the toWn of Caliaba, in the said territory.situate at the junction of tile river Alabamaand Caliaba. Oa the thnjd Monday in October next, foj; thcsale of townshjps, 13, 14, 15, 16, in ranges y,lU, 11, 1- -', 1J, 15; and ot townsmps 14, Id, 16, in ringes Hand 16 of the land district in Alabarha territory, directed by law to be sold at Milletlirev ille, excepting such lands as have been reserved by law for the support of schools, or for other purposes ; each public sale shall continue Open for two weeks and no longer. The town lots and other lands,shall be ofiered Tor sale in regular numerical order, commencing with the lowest number of lots, sections and townships, and ranges. And I further declare and make known, that the offices of the register and receiver of pub- lic monies for the said district, shall he remove ed from Milledgevilleto the aforesaid town of Laliaba, on the lirst day ot January, laiy. Given under my hand at the city ot y asu: ington, this twenty-thir- d day of May, 1818, " JAMES MONROE. Bv the President, JOSIAH MEIGS, Commissioner of the general Land Office. (TPrinters who are authorised to publish the laws of the United States, ill publish the above once a week till the first ,pf October net, and send their bills to the GeTieral Land Office for payment. A Man of the above district, and a plan of the town of Caliaba, will be engraved as spee- dily as practicable, for JOHN GARDINER, Chief Glerk, General Land Office. And sold by him at Milledgeville. Printers of the laws' who publish this notice shall have copies. June 12 16t JBy the President of the Uni ted States. ' f WHEREAS, bv an act cf Congress, passed December, 1811, entitled "An act emending the time for opening the several Land OffiQes,cstablishedinthe territoi ry of Orleans," the President of the United States is authorised to cause the Land Offices in the said territorv. f now state of Louisiana) to be opened, and the land offered for sale. P .1 f Y T. T ,. T U f aproioru, A, .iajie.? .uuflitui, i icsmciit u; tliquhjtad 6'tatcs, do hereby declare and mak Known, that public sales snail be held at Upe-lousa- s, in the state of Louisiana, for the dispo- sal of the following lands, agreeably to law, in the western land district of Louisiana, viz. On the first .fonday in December next, for the sale 6f Townships, No. land 2 South") ,, ,,.: .. C 123 456 1 and 2 North , v,, Uli u "'J , 23 4 56 3 North S Ranges. J 345 Ifest of the principal meridian. On the first .londayin Februa'ry"next, for the s.de of Townships 3 soutlfl ,V a J 45 4. south 0 , 5 south I Of the base line in 45 6 i7 8 9 10 south f Ranges A 4 5 6 11 south 12 south - 3 West of the principal meridian. Excepting the land reserved by law for the sup port of schools, and for other purposes. Each sale shall continue open for three weeks and no longer, and the sales shall be in regular nu merical order. Given under my hand, at the City of Hash-iiigto- the 20th day of June, one thou sand eight Iiundredand eighteen. JAMZS MONROE. By the President. JOSIAH MEIGS, Commissioner of the General Land Office. rr'f'The printers of newspapers who are ail' thorised to publish the laws of the United states, (in the states south and west ot Penn- sylvania) will insert the above once a week till the first .Ifanday in December next, and send their accounts-t- o the General Land Office for pa) ment. A Ma of the above Land-Distri- is prepa- ring, and will be for sale at Opelousas, and at the General Land Offica, by JOWV GARJJLXEIi, Ch.dk. Printers who publish this notice with the proclamation, will be furnished with a map. June 24 20t. By the President of the Unit- ed States. WHEREAS, by an act of CongrcS3cpassed of March, 1804, entitled an " Act making provision for the disposal ef the public lands In the Indiana Territory, and so other purposes,'' and an act passed the 3d of March, 18U5, entitled " An Act supplementary to the act, entitled) an act making prov ision for the disposal df thd public lands in the Indiana I'erritorj," and an act passed on the 25th of April, 1808, entitled " An Act supplemental to an act regulating the grants of lands in the Territory of .Michigan, the President of the United States is authorized to cause the lands in tliCj land district of Detroit to be offered for sale when sur e) ed ; and whereas, a part of the said lands have been surveved Therefore, I, JAMES MONROE, President of the United States, in conformity with the said acts, do hereby declare and make known, that public sales for the disposal (agreeably to law) of the said lands, shall be held at Detroit, in Michigan Territory, viz. Onthafnst Monday in July next, foi the lands contained in ranges 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, south of the base line j on the first Monday of September next ipr the lands contained m rangesil3, 14, 15, 16 and 17, north of thebase line ; and on the first Monday in Jfbvember next, for the lauds contained 111 ranges 9,. 10, 11, and 12, 1101 th of the base, line, excepting such lands 3S are, or may be reserved in said district, by law, for the Support of Schools, w 1 fcr o.Vr purpesrs. The sIps shall ""on- - tinue open for tv o weeks and no longer, and lowest number of townships and raiigesj and l'i"-":- u 111 ruguiar numerical oruer. Given under my hand at the City of Wash ington, the 3lst day of March, one thou ssuidjeight hundred and eighteen. JAMEb MONROE. By the President, JUaiAU iULUiS, Cnm'r nflhn fiptlpN-n- l t nn,l nfTi-- , fTr Printers of newsTiflnprs. vvlin ar, fmtlinf. "f"'" puuiisnuie laws ot tne united btate3, will insert the nhnw nic n wwl' till rwni,... next, and send their bills to the Geheral Land uuice lor payment. April 24-2- Jt FOR RENT. OR SJILE. A VALUABLE three story BRICJvHO USE .lA. and-MJ- near the xentre of business, in Main street, Lexington, I'or further particu lars, enquire of the printer. " l -- . ' July 1J, 1818-1- 3t Bills of Exchange. ON the Eastern Cities, on New-Orlea- and Pittsburgh, will hp nnrrlincprl is il,.. Office of Discount and Denosit of the Hani- - n me uimeu acaies at Lexington. E. SALOMON, Cashier. June 26-- tf WANTED, f H VO or 3 Annrentices tn thp. ( '.alii JL net Making business. Enquire oi v. ti. Al'fcLi.WilS. Ort Atnin.slrppf. m.itf ilnni tr Uoin.fVnM . where orders will be thankfully received and executed in the- - neatest .manner. July 31 tf Perfumery, Fancy Goods, c. M. PIKE JAMES JIAS JEST HErEIVED, In addition (0 articles menhonedin the other page. Rose 0 Gold and Silver Span VioleUe U uoldl'oil gles Jasmin 0 feih er Cord Honey 0 Elegant Tans Tube Rose 0 Silver Pencil-Case- s Lavender Gold Seals Cologne Cornelian Vest buttons Reticule Clasps, ele- gant, Orange at S3 50. iiergamot I 5' 2 Tortoise Shell Pocket rink Vq Combs Jasmin rs& Conversation Cards MilleKluerJ ' g Pocket Hooks Q Fancy Sand in boxes Milk of Ro9es f) Boxes ot Paints Russian & ) Oils, forfj Superior Violin Strings Antique ithehairO AnumberofTojs, Uc. ALSO, One Superb TOILETTE BOX, of excellent workmanship, at SIO One superb WO UK JlOX, of super-excelle- worionanjiup, at jj. too Elogant FRENqH ENGRAVINGS, different subjects AfeWthousand IMPERIAL CIGARS. ALL, OF WHICH Will be sold at a very moderate advance. Lexington, Aug. 7, 181- 8- COTTONYMINS, Of a superior quality, and a quantity of the beit ULMikiL, BY THE JlOX, 1?OR SALE BY JL1 HOLDERMAX, PEARSPjY U CO. AijgusW-- 4t 'Fayette County, set. npAKEN UP by Abraham Buford, living in Ji: said county, 11 miles east of Lexington, 2 mucs irom ilaviu s torn meeting house, a mouse colored bay Mare, about 14J hands high, 9 years ofd, branded E V on the near shouL dcr, appraised to 53 !5. Also, a bay Horse, 14J hands high, branded with something like anS a snip on his nose, 8 years old, ap- praised to gJ4. Given under m hand thi3 4th -- May, 181B. JAMES TRUE, j. p. August r-- 3t A Miller. A PERSON lately arrived here who profes --Ci. scsto have a good knowledge of the Milling Business, wishes a situation in a Mer chant mill ; he would take the whole charge of a mill either for a salary or a part of the profits. His recommendation vvillbe sound to be satisfactory. A line addressed to the editor post paid will be attended to. N. It. Is from a distance the encourageificnl must De stated. - Lexington.lAug. 14 3t' Choice AVines. A GROSS Rottkd Madeira? Old and of first 2 Pipes do 5 quality. .rorsaieDy- - C. .BRADFORD. AUgust 14 3t MR. JOHN BOBB, Take Notice. I SHALL attend on the 12th day of Septem ber ensuing at the Office of .Is. Elder Esq. in Lexington; on the 14th of the same month at the house of Greffers, in Winchester, ahd on the 16th Of same month at the Courthouse in Georgetown, to take sundry depositions, to be read in evidence in a suit depending in the Fayette Qircuit Court, wherein I am plaintiff and you are deienuant. E. HOW. Aujnist 14 4t Henry Gearvis, Late 'City, ?EStEC-TP.tiLL- mfofms the citizens of k Lexington and its vicinity, that he" has o pencd a Hair Dressing and Perfume Shofi, nn ATain.street. nearlv bpposite Keen's tavern: where he intends making Ladies' and Gentle men's WTGS.and Ladies Curls in the most stile, sets and puts razors incomplete okIcT, and repairs razor strops wiui wood's celebrated paste; snavin uj tenv, I'mm his lone nractice and unremitted atten tion iirtlte above line of- - business he hopes to give general satisfaction to all those wliq may IAVOI ll'lll Wi.il a ' 411. August 1431 JAMES M. PIRIH IS AbAIJY AT HIS P'.Ofi T, f"-u- S"u anxious to attend to the resi ., 11flrtlV'1fimt'nnn1. nl'xl.- - T -- jf.' ?! y 7-- . 41 .. l.v,w,w,ulllllltlllUjUi iVw , , lllc joules ... uiiu uen; uciueu audits vicinity, intjie V- arious duties t his profession. Harirtg fnov-e- d his family to thK coulitr W ith anUcaf becoming a permanent residentjuris determin- ed, (is strict attention, pionipt obedience, and. faithful execution of their orders are the n6cessaryrequisites) to merit their patronage, being already Satisfied', that with this cofnmii-mt- y merit goes hot unrewarded. He has late- ly added to his small stock of FANCY GOODS, Tortoise Shell Combs, cromprising the Tuck- ing, of various sizes, Long and 'STde," both' or- - . lllTYlflntofl nnl nlnl.i n I... l - "-- "" "" J.1.U11 a imv very nanusome Toilette Boxes Gold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys, qologne Water,' Antique Oil of V- arious perfumes j.a Tew fancy Soans, of the Or-- antre. ROSI Vnnilta. .I'lemtn lUn.mi . A .l. and tLillet perfumes ; iWash Halls, Transpa- rent, Liquid, ahd Windsor Soap the' Italian reuueu uiacjt jca rencus, oy tlie dozen or single; gilt Head Brushes ; plain do and doth; Ives'spater.t pocket Fire Works; Canton Phos- phorus do.; .Ivory and Pocket Coinbs; mor&c-c- o Wallets ; Silk Purses; Gentlemen's'gS? sing Cases ; Razors and Razor Straps; Scissors; Tooth Brushes ; Court Plaister, &c. l Lest of the oid Stock a tew elegant CLASPS, Cornelian, Mock Pearl, Jettartd Gilt, together with Gilt Hooks and V'.ves: MnrtlVAfl itfnrU for children, &c. Gentlemen's Crop Wigs, Ladles' Bandeaus, Tiara.?, .Clusters and PrU-ettc- s, made on the shortest notice. '' First quality of SPANIall .CIGARS, kept for retail. i" " Lexington, June li-- tf : LAND FOB SALE. 1 ff)f) ACRES, on 'Otter creek, Hardin I county, sour mile3 from the Ohloj and twentv-fiv-- e from Louisville. The soil is good and lies well for cultivation ; a MiJl seat belongs to this tract, on Otter creek, a never sailing stream, and one of the best inUic state for mills, or machinery of any kind. A good title will be made and possession given e purchaser. For particulars enquire in Lex ington, Kentucky, of the subscribe!-- , v- - JAS. COWAN. July 24, J818 G FOR SALE, C Or rJould be exchanged for Geldings) THE NOTED HORSE BEDFORD. For terms, appply to Willfrm Bowman, Lex- ington, or to the subscriber in Mercer cc'untv. ' JOHN BOWMAN:" July 24 8t TMacksmitVs SYaH - .ROLLEY BLUE RESPECTFULLY BLACKSMITH's'SHOP" informs the .public, that in Water street, near thcresidcncc .of doctpr Campbell, and oppositethe Upper Market-Hou- se where he has cyery cortvenience and facility to enable him to execute Ids work in the neatest and best manner. Every description oTlROjfrtVORK, HQRr, SHQEINJ3, &e. Etc. done at the shortest no- tice. - Lexington, April 17, 181S-- Hf 4 COUNTRY Seat entirely new , wtflv tv . Xa. Acres of Ground advantageously situated in the peighoorhood of Lexington. Terms uuc vuru iu casu, anu uie uaiaoci; payable 111 one and two years, SIIKEYU Si CO.UliS. 'Aitct'rs. ahd Lex July 24 tf - ; ' Tiifvs, jws is jgf;s3. IN the Market Street Presbyterian Church; offered for sale Inquire at this osfice: August 7, 1818 3t. FOR SJILE, ; rjlWO PEWS in an eligible situation it the JL Market Street Presbyterian Church They can be had separately, on good tprms .md a long credit. For particulars, enquire, at hp Gazette Office. '"', July 31, 181'f5t BRRrWUE. subscriber will furnish aBartocue For THE and Gentlemen at 'CWIesbul-g- , oil Friday 28th instant, at which tifntjHi? assures all those whb may honor lifm witdJjtheir com. pariy that nothing shall be vvanttng" on'his pan- to render their time agreeable. RICHARD, CHILES. Chilesburg, August 14, 3t J : s i A Young Man ' i r OR 16 years of age, well grown, and of A 3 rt unovo'ntinnfiVilf. rbar.ir.trr. Ts vrafitetl fs an apprentice to the Miller's Business. Ap- - JOIlk ti THOS. P.HART, J01 dan's row, Lexington, July 31, n'.8-t- f. . . Ten Dollars lieward.'?" or Stolen from the subscriber; STRAYED the tow ri of ' Lexington, onsora bout the 28th of last month, TWO HOtfS.ES;. -- bne a bright sorrel, about fiUeeit pane's high, with some white in liis face no particular marks are recollected. ihe other a chesnut ion-el- , about fifteen hands high, with ablaze face and two white feet; and having.aisia w hite spot on one side, and perhaps un Sbth. 1 will give the above reward to" ai'j person who will apprejicnd them, and nbtify me w here I can cet them. ALEXANDER PARKER. August 14 tf ( At a meeting of the board of Trustees of the Town Of Lexipgton, on the '6th Hay of August, l8Ji8. .SOLVED, tliaran election he held at B .,' Tsii';..fl,.. i... 111 j ... Uio uounnause uiisjuwnuv .jiii.- - uuay of is- - month, for a TUitc'e i,f the place of itfllism Mcllean. EsairSaBincd : andtnatAsa Blapchard'and DaVidjMegpwan be, aud'src hereby appointed .mage? " 01 we election ,A Copy Attest," HUIlxiARDJB. SMITH, c.b Mj.

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  • "True to his charge he comes, the Herald of a noisy vvoild; Neusfrom all nations lumVring at his hack." "VNn Series NO. 34. VOL. IV. LEXINGTON, K. FJRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 18 IS. 0LTXxSTl7

    rpuiisiiEn KVj.nr Friday moipjiwg,

    BT JOHN NORFELL.gC7 The price of subscriptions to the

    Kentucky Gazette, is, Three Doli.ahs per annum, paid in advance, orFoun DoLAhs at the end of the year.

    Sr? The terms of advertisintr in thispaper, are;, 50 cents for the first insertion ot every 15 lines or under, ana ascents for each continuance ; longer ad-vertisements in the same proportion.

    Iavvws o1l tlicUnitcA. States.BY AUTHORITY.

    AN ACTfor the relies of Richard M.Johnson.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and Houseof Representatives of the United, Statesof America in Congress assembled, Thatthe proper accounting officers of theTreasury Department be, and they arehereby, authorized to audit and settle, onthe principles of equity, the account ofRichard M.Johnson, for monies disburs-ed iu supplying a corps of mounted vo-lunteers with rations and foragej in the'year one thousand eight hundred andthirteen, and to allow him any sum notexceeding one thousand and eight dollars)and thirty-seve- n cents, which allowanceshall be paid otjt of any money in theTreasury not otherwise-- ' appropriated,

    H. CLAY,Sjieaker oftha House ofRepresentatives,

    JOHN GAILLARD,President of the Senate, pro tempore.

    April SO, 1 S 1 8 Approved,JAMES MONROE.

    AN ACTTor the relies of James Alactcay of the Missou-

    ri territorjTBeit enacted by the Senate anil House of

    of thu 'United States of America inCongress assembled, That James Mackay ofthe Missiouri territory, be, and he ishereby authorised to file with the recor-der of the land titles at St. Louis,nj5aidterritory, a warrant of survey or concession from the Spanish government ofLouisiana, bearing date the first day of.February, one thousand seven hundredand ninety-eigh- t, forthe quantity of eigh-teen hundred arpents of land, granted toJames McDaniel ; and it shall he the du-ly of the said recorder of land titles to ex-amine the evidence Which may be produ-ced to him, in relation to the concessionand claim of the land aforesaid, and shallreport the substance of the evidence,vith his opinion thereon, to the commis-sioner of the General Land Office, whichshall be laid before Congress, at theirjiext session, for their decision thereon.

    H. CLAY, .Sjieaker of the House ofRepresentatives,

    JOHN GAILLARD,President of the Senate, pro'tempore,


    20, 1818 Approved,. JAMES ftlONRQE.

    AN ACT3For the relies of Peggy Bailey.

    Beit enacted by the Senate and Houseof Reiresentatives of the United Statesof America in Congress assembled,ThzXit sljall be lawful for Peggy Bailey, sis-ter to DjxoirBailey, (a Creek. Indian ofthe half blood, who was1 slain intheser-vic-e

    of the United States, at the captureof Fort Mims,)atid he is hereby authori-zed to enter, without payment, with theregister of the land office in whose dis-trict the land lies, three hundred andtwenty acres df lando as to include thethe settlement and improvement of'the'said Dixon Bailey in the Alabama terri-tory : Provided, That neither the saidPeggy Bailey, nor her heirs shall havepower of alienating said land, or any partthereof, in any manner, whatever, and incase df the voluntary abandonment ofthe possession aid occupancy of the saidtract of land by the said Peggy Bailey,ot of her heirs, hereafter, the said landshall revert to the United States.

    H. CLAY,Speaker of the House of Representatives.

    JOHN GAILLARD,President, of the 'Senate, pro tempore.

    April 20, r IS Approved.JAMES MONROE.

    AN ACT .4for the rencf Jonathan Amory, Jr and pf therepresentatives of Thomas C. Amory, dec.Be it enacted by the Senate and House

    ns Representatives of the United Statesis America, in Congress assembled, Thaithe Secretary of the" Treasury shall causeto be repaid to Jonathan Amory, and tothe representatives of Thomas C. Amo-ry, the amoynt of money, received fromthem by the .United. States, in conse-quence of the. condemnation of the shipEdward.

    Sec. 2. And be it further enqcted, Thatto carry this act into effect, aisum notexceeding six thousand dollars be, andthe same is hereby, appropriated, to bepaid out of any mohcy jii.tlle Treasurynot otherwise appropriated.

    i H: QLA'Y,Speaker of the House dfiRepresentatives.

    JQ.HN GAILLARD,President of the Senate, pro tempore.

    ,Aprih2Q, il 8 1 8 Approved,JAMES MONROE

    ...w. ji.,.

    AN ACTAuthorizing a subscription forthe Statistical

    Annals of Adam Seybert, and the purchaseof Pitkin's Commercial Statistics. j.Be it enacted by the Senate and House

    of Representatives of the United States,of America in Congress assembled, Thatthe Secretary for the Department of Statebe and he is hereby authorized and di-rected to subscilbe for, and receive, forthe use arid disposal of Congress, fivehundred copies of the " statistical an-nals," proposed to be published by Ad-am Seybert, of Philadelphia ; and thathe also be directed to purchase, for thepurpose aforesaid, two hundred and fiftycopies of "Pitkin's, Commercial Statistics of the United States."

    Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, Thatthe sum or sums ot money necessary tocletray the cost ot the subset lotion andpurchase? 'aforesaid, shall not exceed thesum of five thliosand seven hundred andfifty dollars, and the same is hereby appropriated, to be paid out ot any moneym the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

    H. CLAY,Speaker ofthe House of Representatives.

    JOHN GAILLARD,President of the S'chte, pro tempore.

    April 20, 1 8 1 8 Approved,JAMES MONROE.

    AN ACT ,For the relies of Jonas Harrison,

    Be it enacted by the Senate and Houseof Representatives of the United Statesoj America in Congress assembled, 1 hatthe Secretary of the Treasury shall heauthorised to scltl'e the accounts of Jo-nas Harrison, collector of the direct taxfor the twenty-fift- h collection district ofthe state of New Yoik in respect to thedirect tax imposed by the act of Augustthe second, one thousand eight hundredand thirteen, on eqiiitabje principles,and to make such allowances, and admitsuch credits, as, from the circumstancesof that collection district, may appear to,him reasonable and just.

    H. CLAY,Speaker of tie House of Representatives.

    JOHN GAILLARD,Presidgit of the Senate, faro tempore.

    April 20, 18 IS Approved,'JAMES MONROE.

    AN ACTFor the relies of Benjamin Berry.

    Beit enacted by the Senate and Houseof Representatives of the United Statesof America in Congress assembled, Thatthe Secretary of the Treasury be, andhe is hereby authorised and empoweredto audit and settle, upon such terms asmay appear to him equitable and prop-er, the claim of Benjamin Berry, of thestate of Massachusetts, for three hun-dred dollars, on account of a contractmade in January, one thousand eighthundred and thirteen, between him andthe collector of the port Machias, bywhich, the said Berry engaged to bring,for the benefit of tlu United States, certain property from the wreck of the Brit-ish ship Diligent.

    Sec. 2. And be itfurther enacted, Thatthe arnouhtofthe claim, .when ascertain-ed, shall be paid out of any money in theTreasury not otherwise appropriated.

    a. CLAY,Speaker of the House of Representatives- -

    JOHN GAILLARD,President of the 'Sejiate, pro tempore.

    April 20, 18,18 Approved,r JAMES MONROE.Treasury Department,

    Wasiuxctos Citv, Armt 10, 1818.A'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the Pro- -

    pnetors of the old six per cent. Stock;JTttlAT the last payment on account of theJL Principal and Interest of the said Stock,

    v ill become due on the first of October next,ensuing the date hereof, and that the same willbe paid on that day, at the Treasury and at theLoan Offices, having such Stock standing ontheir Books, to the Stockholders or to theirattornies, upon the surrender of the originalcertincates ot tne sum stocic.

    It is further made known for the informationof the Proprietors of said old six per cent,Stock residing in foreign parts, that in orderto obviate as far as praticable any inconvenience wlucn "mignt result by reason ot loss atsea or otherwise, it will be advisable to retainconcct copies of their certificates authenticateed by aJNotary Public duly appointed.

    s WM. . 'CUYWFOUD,Secretary of Treasury.

    May, 1818-2- 2t

    WAR DEPARTMENT,Pension-Offic- e, May 27, 1818.

    NOTICE.TT is expected that the Judges will certify,IL as rill to the reduced circumstances, asto the continued service of nine months, re-quired by the lw of the lSth March 1818 :and pensions will invariably be refused, unlessthe declarations of the applicants shall be ac-companied by such certificates. The appli-cations for pensions belonging to New Hampshire, New-Yor- Pennsylvania, DelawareMaryland, Virginia, North Carolina, SouthCaiolinaand Georgia, will be delayed untilfurther evidence jof their s'ervice shall havebeen recci ed from the se eral.executiv e offices of the states. . , .

    Approved.J. C. C.iLIIOUN, Secretary of Wat.

    The? publishers of the lavvSjsbf the UnitedStates, will give the abovepnsertion in theirrespective papers for tw o months, and sendin their accounts tp the War Department fordjustm.iit Junel2-- 2t

    TREASURY DEP MITM.NT,Washington, Armt 28, 1818,

    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,To the Proprietors of iSVocfeis-toe- o. under the

    convention with France of the 30th of April.1808, commonly called Louisiana Stock, ' hatone moiety.or hair ot the principal of said stock,will be redeemed on the2lst of October nextensuing the date hereof, and that the same willbe paid to the respective proprietors, or totheir attornies duly authorized, on the day be-fore mentioned, at the Treasury in Washingtonor at such Loan Office on the books w hereofany portion of said Stock may then ttand.

    Jiifornation it further Ghen, That the inter-est due at the time of redemption, on such partof said Stock as is held in r.urope, will beas heretofore in London and Amsterdam ; andthat the interest on such part of said Stock ashas been domesticated will be paid at the sametime with the principal, either at the Treasuryorat the Loan Offices as before mentioned.Audit is also hereby made kno.m, That the inter-est on the moiety orhalfofsaid Louisiana Stockintended to be redeemed as aforesaid, willceasq" and determine aster the 21st day df

    AVM. II. CRAWFORD,Secretary of the Treasury.

    . Mayl5-20- t.

    TREASURY DEPARTMENT,Arnii. 2rth, 1818.

    NOTICE) IS HEREBY GIVEN,That the several acts of limitation here-

    tofore passed, and which barred the al-lowance and settlement of certain

    public debt.havc been suspend-ed for two years, by an act passed the13th of April, 1818, of which the follow-ing is,a copy.

    WM, H. CRAWFORD,Secretary of the Treasury,

    AN ACTTo authorise the payment ofcertain certificates

    Be it enacted bit the Senatiand House of lie--prcsentativei of the United Slates of America incongress csseinaieu, i iial sy muuu in an iiut,entitled. " Aii'Sct makincr further provisionsfor the support of public credit, and for theredemption of the public debt," passed thethird day of March, one thousand seven hun-dred and ninety-fiv- e ; and so much of the act,entitled, " An act respecting loan office andfinal settlement certificates, indents ot inter-est, and the unfunded and registered debt,credited on the books of the Treasury," pass-ed the twelfth day of June, one thousand sevenhundred and ninety-eiprh- t, as bars from settlement and allowance, certificates commonlycalled loan office and final settlement certihcatcs, and indents of interest, be, and the sameis hereby, suspended for the term ot two years,fiom and afterthe passin,cpof this act ; a noti-fication of which temporary suspension of theact of limitation shall be published by the Se-cretary of the Treasury, for the information oftie holders of the said certificates, in one ormore of the public papers in each of the United States. . '

    Sec. 2. And be it .httl&aL&hcttd, That allcertificates, commonly calleuloan office certi 'ficates, countersigned by the loan officers ofthe states respectively, final settlement certi-ficates, and indents of interest, which, at thetime of passing this act, shall be outstanding,may be presented at the Treasury, and, uponthe same being liquidated and adjusted, shallbe paidtotlierespecuve Holders ot tne same,with inierest, at six per cent, from the date ofthe last pajment of interest, as endorsed onsaid certificates.

    Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That, forcarrying this actinto effect, the sum of eightythousand dollars be appropriated, out of anymoneys in the Treasury of thcUnitedStates not;otheru ise appropriated. 4

    It. UL,Y, 'Spcakeiiefthe House cfjleprescntutives.

    'JOHN GAILLARD,President of the Senate,

    Split 13, 1818 ArrBovEK,JAMES MONROE.

    May 15. 20t.

    By the President of tlic Unit-ed States.

    HMIEREAS, by an act of Congress, passedJAl on the 17th ot lebn.iry, lolu, :lab

    "an act making provision for theTestabl mment of additional LaiuIOffices in tluxtcrritorofMissouri," the President of the United Statesis authorised to direct the public lands Whichhave been surveyed in the territory, to be offered lor sale :

    '1 herefore, I, James Monkok, President ofthe United States, do hereby declare and makeknown, that public sales for the disposal(agreeably to law) of certain lands in the ter-ritory of Missouri, shall be held as follows, vi.At St. Louis, in the said territory, on the firstMonday in August, October, December, Feb-ruary and April next, and three weeks astereach of the said dav s, for the sale of lands inthe land district of St. Louis. Thirty town-ships shall be offered at each sale, commenc-ing with the most eastern ranges west of thefifth principal meridian line, and proceedingwester!'.

    At the Seat of Justice of Jfraard Covntn. inthe said territory, on the first Monday in Sep-tember and November next, and three weeksaster each of the said daj s, for the sale of lands111 the land district ot Count:; 1 lurtytownships shall be offered at each sale : Thefirst to be in a square form, and to include theseat of justice of the said county, as nearly inthe centre as the situation of the surveys willaumit, and the second immediately east ot thefirst, and in the same form ; excepting fromsale-i- each district, the lands which have beenor may be reserved bylaw for other purposes.

    uiven under my hand, at tile Uity ot Wash-ington, the thirtieth day of April onethousand eight hundred and eighteen.

    JAMES MONROE.By the President.

    JOSIAH MEIGS,Commissiscr Of the General Land Office.

    (T Printers of Newspapers who are author,Used ,to publish the laws of the United States- -vvjll insert the above once a week till Aprilnext, and send, their bills to the General LandOffice for payment.

    ffj" A mapjfpf.jthe above Landsmay be had(previous to the sales) at the (Jeueral I.if&lOlnue, aild at the- Land Offices ihWlig, Missou.1'i territory. 'Hie map is now engraving for

    JOHN G VRDENER,Chief Cleik, General Land Office'.

    Ma 22, 1818 -- 45tv

    By tlic President of the United htates.

    Wjhtieas, by an act of Congress, passed onthelM of March, 1815, entitled, "an act toprovide for the ascertaining and survejing oilme boundary lines ued by tne treaty with theCreek Indians, and for other purposes," thePresident of the United States is authorised tocause tucUnus acquired by thi said treaty tobe offered-fo- r sale when surveyed ;

    Tur.ni roar, I JA311S McnoE, President of!the United States, do hereby declare and makeknown, that publicj'sales for the disposal

    to law) of certain lands in the Alabama territory, .shall be held at Millcdgeville,in Georgia, viz : ?

    On the first Monday in October next, for thesale of town lots, 111' the toWn of Caliaba, inthe said territory.situate at the junction oftile river Alabamaand Caliaba.

    Oa the thnjd Monday in October next, foj;thcsale of townshjps, 13, 14, 15, 16, in rangesy,lU, 11, 1- -', 1J, 15; and ot townsmps 14, Id,16, in ringes Hand 16 of the land district inAlabarha territory, directed by law to be soldat Milletlirev ille, excepting such lands as havebeen reserved by law for the support ofschools, or for other purposes ; each publicsale shall continue Open for two weeks and nolonger. The town lots and other lands,shall beofiered Tor sale in regular numerical order,commencing with the lowest number of lots,sections and townships, and ranges.

    And I further declare and make known, thatthe offices of the register and receiver of pub-lic monies for the said district, shall he removeed from Milledgevilleto the aforesaid town ofLaliaba, on the lirst day ot January, laiy.

    Given under my hand at the city ot y asu:ington, this twenty-thir- d day of May,1818, " JAMES MONROE.

    Bv the President,JOSIAH MEIGS,Commissioner of the general Land Office.

    (TPrinters who are authorised to publishthe laws of the United States, ill publish theabove once a week till the first ,pf Octobernet, and send their bills to the GeTieral LandOffice for payment.

    A Man of the above district, and a plan ofthe town of Caliaba, will be engraved as spee-dily as practicable, for

    JOHN GARDINER,Chief Glerk, General Land Office.

    And sold by him at Milledgeville. Printersof the laws' who publish this notice shall havecopies. June 12 16t

    JBy the President of the United States. ' f

    WHEREAS, bv an act cf Congress, passedDecember, 1811, entitled"An act emending the time for opening theseveral Land OffiQes,cstablishedinthe territoiry of Orleans," the President of the UnitedStates is authorised to cause the Land Officesin the said territorv. f now state of Louisiana)to be opened, and the land offered for sale.

    P .1 f Y T. T ,. T U faproioru, A, .iajie.? .uuflitui, i icsmciit u;tliquhjtad 6'tatcs, do hereby declare and makKnown, that public sales snail be held at Upe-lousa- s,

    in the state of Louisiana, for the dispo-sal of the following lands, agreeably to law, inthe western land district of Louisiana, viz.

    On the first .fonday in December next, forthe sale 6f Townships, No.land 2 South") ,, ,,.:.. C 123 4561 and 2 North , v,, Uli u "'J , 2 3 4 5 6

    3 North S Ranges. J 345Ifest of the principal meridian.

    On the first .londayin Februa'ry"next, forthe s.de of Townships

    3 soutlfl ,V a J 4 54. south 0

    , 5 south I Of the base line in 45 6i7 8 9 10 south f Ranges A 4 5 6

    11 south12 south - 3West of the principal meridian.

    Excepting the land reserved by law for the support of schools, and for other purposes. Eachsale shall continue open for three weeks andno longer, and the sales shall be in regular numerical order.

    Given under my hand, at the City of Hash-iiigto-the 20th day of June, one thou

    sand eight Iiundredand eighteen.JAMZS MONROE.

    By the President.JOSIAH MEIGS,

    Commissioner of the General Land Office.

    rr'f'The printers of newspapers who are ail'thorised to publish the laws of the Unitedstates, (in the states south and west ot Penn-sylvania) will insert the above once a week tillthe first .Ifanday in December next, and sendtheir accounts-t- o the General Land Office forpa) ment.

    A Ma of the above Land-Distri- is prepa-ring, and will be for sale at Opelousas, and atthe General Land Offica, by

    JOWV GARJJLXEIi, Ch.dk.Printers who publish this notice with the

    proclamation, will be furnished with a map.June 24 20t.

    By the President of the Unit-ed States.

    WHEREAS, by an act of CongrcS3cpassedof March, 1804, entitled an" Act making provision for the disposal ef thepublic lands In the Indiana Territory, and soother purposes,'' and an act passed the 3d ofMarch, 18U5, entitled " An Act supplementaryto the act, entitled) an act making prov ision forthe disposal df thd public lands in the IndianaI'erritorj," and an act passed on the 25th ofApril, 1808, entitled " An Act supplementalto an act regulating the grants of lands in theTerritory of .Michigan, the President of theUnited States is authorized to cause the landsin tliCj land district of Detroit to be offered forsale when sur e) ed ; and whereas, a part ofthe said lands have been surveved

    Therefore, I, JAMES MONROE, Presidentof the United States, in conformity with thesaid acts, do hereby declare and make known,that public sales for the disposal (agreeably tolaw) of the said lands, shall be held at Detroit,in Michigan Territory, viz.

    Onthafnst Monday in July next, foi thelands contained in ranges 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13,south of the base line j on the first Monday ofSeptember next ipr the lands contained mrangesil3, 14, 15, 16 and 17, north of thebaseline ; and on the first Monday in Jfbvembernext, for the lauds contained 111 ranges 9,. 10,11, and 12, 1101 th of the base, line, exceptingsuch lands 3S are, or may be reserved in saiddistrict, by law, for the Support of Schools,w 1 fcr o.Vr purpesrs. The sIps shall ""on- -

    tinue open for tv o weeks and no longer, and

    lowest number of townships and raiigesj andl'i"-":- u 111 ruguiar numerical oruer.

    Given under my hand at the City of Washington, the 3lst day of March, one thoussuidjeight hundred and eighteen.

    JAMEb MONROE.By the President,

    JUaiAU iULUiS,Cnm'r nflhn fiptlpN-n- l t nn,l nfTi-- ,

    fTr Printers of newsTiflnprs. vvlin ar, fmtlinf."f"'" puuiisnuie laws ot tne united btate3,will insert the nhnw nic n wwl' till rwni,...next, and send their bills to the Geheral Landuuice lor payment. April 24-2- Jt


    .lA. and-MJ- near the xentre of business, inMain street, Lexington, I'or further particulars, enquire of the printer.

    "l -- .' July 1J, 1818-1- 3tBills of Exchange.

    ON the Eastern Cities, on New-Orlea- andPittsburgh, will hp nnrrlincprl is il,..Office of Discount and Denosit of the Hani-- nme uimeu acaies at Lexington.

    E. SALOMON, Cashier.June 26-- tf

    WANTED,f H VO or 3 Annrentices tn thp. ( '.aliiJL net Making business. Enquire oi

    v. ti. Al'fcLi.WilS.Ort Atnin.slrppf. m.itf ilnni tr Uoin.fVnM .

    where orders will be thankfully received andexecuted in the-- neatest .manner.

    July 31 tf

    Perfumery, Fancy Goods, c.

    M. PIKEJAMES JIAS JEST HErEIVED,In addition (0 articles menhonedin the other page.Rose 0 Gold and Silver SpanVioleUe U uoldl'oil glesJasmin 0 feih er CordHoney 0 Elegant TansTube Rose 0 Silver Pencil-Case- sLavender Gold SealsCologne Cornelian Vest buttons

    Reticule Clasps, ele-gant,Orange at S3 50.

    iiergamot I 5' 2 Tortoise Shell Pocketrink Vq CombsJasmin rs& Conversation CardsMilleKluerJ ' g Pocket Hooks

    Q Fancy Sand in boxesMilk of Ro9es f) Boxes ot PaintsRussian & ) Oils, forfj Superior Violin StringsAntique ithehairO AnumberofTojs, Uc.

    ALSO,One Superb TOILETTE BOX, of excellent

    workmanship, at SIOOne superb WO UK JlOX, of super-excelle-

    worionanjiup, at jj.too

    Elogant FRENqH ENGRAVINGS, differentsubjects


    Will be sold at a very moderate advance.Lexington, Aug. 7, 181- 8-

    COTTONYMINS,Ofa superior quality, and a quantity of the beit


    'Fayette County, set.npAKEN UP by Abraham Buford, living inJi: said county, 11 miles east of Lexington, 2mucs irom ilaviu s torn meeting house, amouse colored bay Mare, about 14J hands high,9 years ofd, branded E V on the near shouLdcr, appraised to 53 !5. Also, a bay Horse,

    14J hands high, branded with somethinglike anS a snip on his nose, 8 years old, ap-praised to gJ4. Given under m hand thi3 4th--May, 181B. JAMES TRUE, j. p.

    August r-- 3t

    A Miller.A PERSON lately arrived here who profes

    --Ci. scsto have a good knowledge of theMilling Business, wishes a situation in a Merchant mill ; he would take the whole chargeof a mill either for a salary or a part of theprofits. His recommendation vvillbe sound tobe satisfactory. A line addressed to the editorpost paid will be attended to.

    N. It. Is from a distance the encourageificnlmust De stated. -

    Lexington.lAug. 14 3t'

    Choice AVines.A GROSS Rottkd Madeira? Old and of first

    2 Pipes do 5 quality..rorsaieDy- -

    C. .BRADFORD.AUgust 14 3t

    MR. JOHN BOBB,Take Notice.

    I SHALL attend on the 12th day of September ensuing at the Office of .Is. Elder Esq.in Lexington; on the 14th of the same monthat the house of Greffers, in Winchester, ahdon the 16th Of same month at the Courthousein Georgetown, to take sundry depositions, tobe read in evidence in a suit depending in theFayette Qircuit Court, wherein I am plaintiffand you are deienuant.

    E. HOW.Aujnist 14 4t

    Henry Gearvis,Late 'City,

    ?EStEC-TP.tiLL- mfofms the citizens ofk Lexington and its vicinity, that he" has o

    pencd aHair Dressing and Perfume Shofi,

    nn ATain.street. nearlv bpposite Keen's tavern:where he intends making Ladies' and Gentlemen's WTGS.and Ladies Curls in the most

    stile, sets and puts razors incompleteokIcT, and repairs razor strops wiuiwood's celebrated paste; snavin uj tenv,I'mm his lone nractice and unremitted attention iirtlte above line of- - business he hopes togive general satisfaction to all those wliq mayIAVOI ll'lll Wi.il a ' 411.

    August 1431


    f"-u- S"u anxious to attend to the resi., 11flrtlV'1fimt'nnn1. nl'xl.- - T -- jf.' ?! y 7-- .

    41 ..l.v,w,w,ulllllltlllUjUiiVw , , lllc joules...uiiu uen;uciueu audits vicinity, intjie V-arious duties t his profession. Harirtg fnov-e-d

    his family to thK coulitr W ith anUcafbecoming a permanent residentjuris determin-ed, (is strict attention, pionipt obedience,and. faithful execution of their orders are then6cessaryrequisites) to merit their patronage,being already Satisfied', that with this cofnmii-mt- y

    merit goes hot unrewarded. He has late-ly added to his small stock of FANCY GOODS,

    Tortoise Shell Combs, cromprising the Tuck-ing, ofvarious sizes, Long and 'STde," both' or- -

    .lllTYlflntofl nnl nlnl.i n I... l -"-- "" "" J.1.U11 a imv very nanusomeToilette Boxes Gold Watch Chains, Sealsand Keys, qologne Water,' Antique Oil of V-arious perfumes j.a Tew fancy Soans, of the Or--antre. ROSI Vnnilta. .I'lemtn lUn.mi . A .l.and tLillet perfumes ; iWash Halls, Transpa-rent, Liquid, ahd Windsor Soap the' Italianreuueu uiacjt jca rencus, oy tlie dozen orsingle; gilt Head Brushes ; plain do and doth;Ives'spater.t pocket Fire Works; Canton Phos-phorus do.; .Ivory and Pocket Coinbs; mor&c-c- o

    Wallets ; Silk Purses; Gentlemen's'gS?sing Cases ; Razors and Razor Straps; Scissors;Tooth Brushes ; Court Plaister, &c. l

    Lest of the oid Stock a tew elegant CLASPS,Cornelian, Mock Pearl, Jettartd Gilt, togetherwith Gilt Hooks and V'.ves: MnrtlVAfl itfnrUfor children, &c. Gentlemen's Crop Wigs,Ladles' Bandeaus, Tiara.?, .Clusters and PrU-ettc- s,

    made on the shortest notice. ''First quality of SPANIall .CIGARS,

    kept for retail. i"" Lexington, June li-- tf: LAND FOB SALE.

    1 ff)f) ACRES, on 'Otter creek, HardinI county, sour mile3 from the Ohlojand twentv-fiv-- e from Louisville. The soil isgood and lies well for cultivation ; a MiJl seatbelongs to this tract, on Otter creek, a neversailing stream, and one of the best inUic statefor mills, or machinery of any kind. A goodtitle will be made and possession given epurchaser. For particulars enquire in Lexington, Kentucky, of the subscribe!--, v--

    JAS. COWAN.July 24, J818 G

    FOR SALE,C Or rJould be exchanged for Geldings)THE NOTED HORSE BEDFORD.For terms, appply to Willfrm Bowman, Lex-ington, or to the subscriber in Mercer cc'untv.

    ' JOHN BOWMAN:"July 24 8t

    TMacksmitVs SYaH- .ROLLEY BLUE

    RESPECTFULLY BLACKSMITH's'SHOP"informs the .public, that

    in Water street, near thcresidcncc .of doctprCampbell, and oppositethe Upper Market-Hou- se

    where he has cyery cortvenience andfacility to enable him to execute Ids work inthe neatest and best manner.

    Every description oTlROjfrtVORK, HQRr,SHQEINJ3, &e. Etc. done at the shortest no-tice. -

    Lexington, April 17, 181S-- Hf

    4 COUNTRY Seat entirely new , wtflv tv .Xa. Acres of Ground advantageously situatedin the peighoorhood of Lexington. Termsuuc vuru iu casu, anu uie uaiaoci; payable 111one and two years,

    SIIKEYU Si CO.UliS.'Aitct'rs. ahd

    Lex July 24 tf - ;' Tiifvs, jws is jgf;s3.

    IN the Market Street Presbyterian Church;offered for sale Inquire at this osfice:August 7, 1818 3t.

    FOR SJILE, ;rjlWO PEWS in an eligible situation it theJL Market Street Presbyterian Church

    They can be had separately, on good tprms .mda long credit. For particulars, enquire, at hpGazette Office. '"',July 31, 181'f5t

    BRRrWUE.subscriber will furnish aBartocue ForTHE and Gentlemen at 'CWIesbul-g- , oil

    Friday 28th instant, at which tifntjHi? assuresall those whb may honor lifm witdJjtheir com.pariy that nothing shall be vvanttng" on'his pan-to render their time agreeable.

    RICHARD, CHILES.Chilesburg, August 14, 3tJ : s i

    A Young Man 'i r OR 16 years of age, well grown, and ofA 3 rt unovo'ntinnfiVilf. rbar.ir.trr. Ts vrafitetl

    fs an apprentice to the Miller's Business. Ap- -

    JOIlk ti THOS. P.HART,J01 dan's row,

    Lexington, July 31, n'.8-t- f. . .

    Ten Dollars lieward.'?"or Stolen from the subscriber;STRAYED the tow ri of ' Lexington, onsora

    bout the 28th of last month,

    TWO HOtfS.ES;. --bne a bright sorrel, about fiUeeit pane's high,with some white in liis face no particularmarks are recollected. ihe other a chesnution-el-

    , about fifteen hands high, with ablazeface and two white feet; and having.aisia

    w hite spot on one side, and perhapsun Sbth. 1 will give the above reward to" ai'jperson who will apprejicnd them, and nbtifyme w here I can cet them.

    ALEXANDER PARKER.August 14 tf (

    At a meeting of the board of Trustees ofthe Town Of Lexipgton, on the '6thHay of August, l8Ji8.

    .SOLVED, tliaran election he held atB .,' Tsii';..fl,.. i... 111 j ...Uio uounnause uiisjuwnuv .jiii.-- uuayof is-- month, for a TUitc'e i,f the place ofitfllism Mcllean. EsairSaBincd : andtnatAsaBlapchard'and DaVidjMegpwan be, aud'srchereby appointed .mage?

    "01 we election

    ,A Copy Attest,"HUIlxiARDJB. SMITH, c.b Mj.