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18 Instant Tips To SmarterSocial Media MarketingStrategies

Realizing that it isn’t a trend going away anytime soon, more and

more businesses are starting to utilize social media for marketing.

Social Media Examiner recently released their 2014 Social Media Mar-

keting Industry Report (http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/So-

cialMediaMarketingIndustryReport2014.pdf) that takes a close look

at how marketers are embracing social media and even utilizing it to



InterestingInteresting �� Not InterestingNot Interesting

Lori Soard






More Digital & Social








What Are the Different Stages of Equity Financing?(https://revenue.com/s/_/w:0/u:155820/l:6816/)Sponsored (https://revenue.com)Equity financing is normally raised in stages and can be comprisedof multiple rounds before you decide to sell your bus...(https://revenue.com/s/_/w:0/u:155820/l:6816/)

How to Utilize Social Media to Improve Sales748 shares 1 (http://www.business2community.com/social-

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grow their businesses. The report offers quite a bit of insight into

what businesses can do to better use social media for marketing, so

in this article we are going to take a look at the report and some quick

tips you can use starting today.

2800 expert marketers took the time to answer Social Media

Examiner’s questions about what is working for them. The 50-page

report, written by Social Media Examiner’s founder Michael Stelzner,

breaks down the ideas from these marketers into manageable pieces

that even the most novice promoter can implement.

The report uncovered some interesting statistics onmarketing.

Businesses are seeing social media as more important and the

statistics are rising. In 2013, only 86% said social media was

important to growing their businesses, but the 2014 report saw

a rise to 92% seeing SSM as important.

Google+ seems to be the focus of many marketers, but they

don’t quite understand it as well as Facebook and Twitter. About

65% say they want to understand Google+ better.

Most marketers (58%) feel that original written content is still


Whether you already have a social media marketing plan in place or

you are just getting started writing one, these 18 tips will make your

strategy smarter and more effective.

Tip #1: Analyze What You’re Doing with SocialMedia

68% of the marketers surveyed indicated that they measure the

effectiveness of social media marketing. You can easily repeat this by

creating landing pages specific to different campaigns and utilizing

A/B testing of which landing pages work best for different forms of

social media.

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Tip #2: Don’t Get Stuck on Facebook MarketingOnly

The majority of marketers reported that they either aren’t sure or

they don’t feel that their Facebook marketing is working very well.

The larger the business, however, the more they felt their efforts on

Facebook were working. About 52% of businesses with over 1000

employees thought their Facebook marketing was on target but only

34% of small businesses felt their efforts were working.

The takeaway from this is that you should try different types of

marketing and not only limit your efforts to Facebook. Programs like

HootSuite can help you preschedule posts to different social media

and may be a good solution for small business owners.

Tip #3: Go Mobile

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loads/2014/08/mobile-market.jpg)State of Mobile 2013 (view full infographic here (http://www.supermonitoring.com/blog/state-of-


More and more people are using mobile devices. According to the

Pew Research Internet Project 58% of Americans have a smart phoneand about 42% own a tablet. The marketing report shows that

marketing experts are starting to embrace this trend. About 43% of

marketers surveyed said that their blogs are optimated for mobile

readers. This is still a minority, but that percentage is up 15% from2013.


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ng)Screenshot from Social Media Examiner’s 2014 Social

Media Industry Report

Another market study by Super Monitor (http://www.supermonitor-

ing.com/blog/state-of-mobile-2013-infographic/2013/) states that:

The average age for the first cell phone is now 13.

Mobile web adoption is growing 8 times faster than webadoption did in the 1990s and early 2000s.

50% of the average global mobile web users now use mobile as

either their primary or exclusive means of going online.

Mobile-based searches make up one quarter of all searches.

72% of tablet owners make purchases from their devices on a

weekly basis.

What you can learn from this is that mobile browsing is on the riseand you should work toward a mobile-optimized blog.

Tip #4: Invest a Little Time

The average time marketers

spend on social media each

week was 6 hours.

About 37% were engaging in

social media for 11 hours ormore. Even if you have a

very small budget, you need

to allot some time to social

media marketing. If you canafford to hire a social media

marketer to do this work

for you, however, it will free

up your time for writingand other marketing efforts

and increase the time spent

on this endeavor.

Tip #5: Develop a Fan Base

The report states that 92% of marketers feel one of the biggestbenefits of social media marketing is that company exposure is

increased. They feel they gain new followers and that these followers

are loyal fans. You can use this information to change the way you

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interact with your own followers. They are loyal friends to your

business. Do you treat them that way? Do you engage them and post

snippets that will interest them?

Tip #6: Use Three or More Networks

The majority of marketers promote on at least three social networks.

The big three are Facebook, Twitter and Google+, but there are

dozens of others out there. Does your site sell products crafters

would be interested in? Then getting engaged on Pinterest is anexcellent idea since the user base on Pinterest is women.

Tip #7: Plan Ahead

70% of marketers state that they post content on social media at

least one time per day.

In order to keep up that type of pace, marketers must plan ahead.

You should have an idea in mind for how you plan to promote for the

month or even the quarter, content should be written ahead of timeand posts scheduled to go up on social media in advance.

Tip #8: Partner with Other Businesses

The report also showed that those who have been marketing for a

year or more tend to build more partnerships with other businesses.This increases your social media exposure, because these partners

will promote your products and vice versa. Once you’ve been

marketing for a bit, you may be approached about a partnership or

decide to approach someone else. Keep in mind that the other

business should be complimentary but not competition. In addition,make sure you want to put your name behind the product. Ask for a

sample, test it out, check out reviews of the business to make sure

there are no serious complaints. When you recommend a product to

your readers (http://www.webhostingsecretrevealed.net/blog/blog-ging-tips/how-to-make-money-blogging-becoming-a-product-

reviewer/), they expect you to have done a bit of research on that

other product.

Tip #9: Get Engaged on the Top Platforms

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a.png)Screenshot from Social Media Examiner’s 2014 Social

Media Industry Report

As mentioned before, thereare dozens upon dozens ofdifferent social media

platforms to get involvedin. However, one thing thisreport showed was that

there are seven that aremost frequently used by

marketers. Those sevenplatforms were:








There is a reason these are the top seven and that has to do with thenumber of users they have and how much those users utilize the site.Make sure you utilize these platforms first before moving to others

for the best results.

Tip #10: Videos Are on the Rise

Since 2013, blogging has slipped in rank slightly and YouTube has

bumped it down. According to Invisia (http://www.insivia.com/50-must-know-stats-about-video-animation-marketing-2013/):

Video was the fastest growing form of ad format in 2012.

According to ComScore, 45.4 percent of users viewed at leastone video online over the course of a month.

86% of colleges and universities have a presence on YouTube,according to the University of Dartmouth.

Smart marketers are utilizing videos to engage readers(http://www.webhostingsecretrevealed.net/blog/socialmedia-mar-

keting/how-to-use-youtube-as-a-free-marketing-tool-for-your-website/). From how-to videos to funny viral videos, there are a lot ofdifferent techniques you can use to engage your readers. If you aren’t

already on YouTube, set up a channel for your business and figure outwhat you have to offer viewers.

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Tip #11: Facebook Is Still Vital

Even though marketers aren’t always sure how effective Facebookmarketing is, they still see it as the most important social mediaplatform currently available. In a pie chart in the report, Facebook

gets 54% as for it’s marketing importance while its closestcompetitor gets only 17% rating for importance. What this means is

that your business simply must have a Facebook presence. Facebookhas actually increased in importance even since 2013 when it was at40%. That is a 14% increase in one year of how important marketers

think Facebook is to your SMM campaigns.

Tip #12: Balance Your Marketing Efforts

The report also took a look at what social media marketers plan to doin the future. 68% of them plan to blog more and 67% plan to useYouTube and Twitter more. Apparently, they are seeing the same

trends with YouTube that other marketers are seeing. The value of astrong blog with solid, unique content is and will remain vital going


Tip #13: Just Tweet It



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Twitter Stats from Mention (info source (http://blog.mention.com/infographic-5-surprising-fig-ures-you-need-to-know-to-improve-your-twitter-strategy/))

Twitter has moved up from number five in importance to marketersto number three in one short year. About 67% of marketers plan to

increase their Twitter efforts. If your business doesn’t have apresence on Twitter, you should at least give it a try. Keep in mind

that people can favorite and retweet (http://www.webhostingsecre-trevealed.net/blog/socialmedia-marketing/49-data-proven-tips-on-how-to-get-more-retweets/), which can increase your reach

with no additional effort from you.

Tip #14: Add Podcasting

Podcasting seems to be an untapped social media market. Even

though the survey showed that only 6% of marketers are usingpodcasts for promotion, 21% stated they plan to add this SSM method

in the near future. Podcasting seems to be growing and you could getin ahead of the next big trend.

Tip #15: Save Snapchat for the Teenagers


Snapchat Statistics & Demographic (original source from Marketo (http://blog.marketo.-com/2014/02/infographic-leveraging-snapchat-for-brands.html))

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Screenshot from Social Media Examiner’s 2014 SocialMedia Industry Report

Snapchat is a social media site where users can take a quick picture

and post it. As soon as the other person views the photo, itdisappears within seconds, depending on settings. While there wereover 400 millions snaps per day; the app doesn’t seem to be a very

viable marketing option at this time. Only 7% of marketers have anyplans at all to use Snapchat for marketing with 85% shying away

from it at the current time.

Just in case you are keen to dig deeper – here’s how 8 brands are do-

ing it right with Snapchat (http://mashable.-com/2013/12/05/snapchat-brands/).

Tip #16: Paying for Ads

The report also surveyedmarketing professionals

about whether they pay forads on social media sites. Itseems that here Facebook is

still very much king. About90% use Facebook when

paying for ads with only20% using Linked in andeven less for other social

media networks. You couldlook at this two ways,actually. Perhaps Facebook

has a better system for targeting your ads. On the other hand, ifnearly everyone is using Facebook for advertising, it might benefit

you to be one of the few advertisers on a different social media site.Some A/B testing (http://www.webhostingsecretre-vealed.net/blog/inbound-marketing/ab-testing-part-2-the-techni-

cal-how-tos/) could help you see which is most effective for yourbusiness.

Tip #17: Use Other People’s Content

Interestingly, while marketers plan to increase original content, theyalso want to increase their usage of other people’s work. This can

include pulling upon reports, as we are doing with this article, andbreaking them down for the reader or getting permission to use

another writer’s original content (with credit given, of course).

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Tip #18: Use Other Forms of Marketing

While SMM is on the rise, the best marketers know that you shouldnever ignore other forms of media for a single type. In addition toincreasing SMM, they also plan to use email, search engine

optimization and events to pull in new site visitors. Interestingly,female marketers were more open to event marketing than theirmale counterparts, with 62% using event marketing and only 56% of

males using events to market to new clients.

Wrapping Up: Common Sense Wins

At the end of the day, using what works best for your company isalways the wisest approach. While knowing what professionalmarketers are doing to promote on social media is beneficial, it

doesn’t tell the whole story. Each business is unique and thecustomer demographics for that business are unique. Test the

different marketing methods you use, pay attention to patterns andkeep working on your social media campaigns (http://www.webhost-ingsecretrevealed.net/blog/socialmedia-marketing/why-people-


The Internet is ever-changing and to be truly successful you must beflexible enough to figure out what works best for you.

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(http://www.business2community.com/author/lori-soard)Author: Lori Soard (http://www.business2com-munity.com/author/lori-soard)

Lori Soard has been working as a freelance writer and editor since1996. She has a bachelor’s in English Education and a PhD inJournalism. Her articles have appeared in newspapers, magazines,online and she’s had several books published. Since 1997, she hasworked as a web designer and promoter... View full profile ›(http://www.business2community.com/author/lori-soard)

This article originally appeared on Web Hosting Secret Revealed (http://www.webhostingsecretre‐vealed.net/blog/socialmedia-marketing/18-instant-tips-to-smarter-smm-strategies/) and has beenrepublished with permission.Find out how to syndicate your content with Business 2 Community. (/become-a-contributor)









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Discuss This Article

Jimmy R.

Hi Lori,

Nice tips. I especially like how you mentioned partnering with other businesses.














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August 6, 2014 at 9:29 pm (http://www.business2community.com/social-media/18-instant-tips-smarter-social-media-marketing-strategies-0965078#comment-987400)

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I’ve used this technique and has gotten more clients than I can handle.

Here’s what I do. Since I’m a freelance writer, I contact web developers and PPCexperts and ask them to send their clients my way.

I then proceed by telling them that if the client does order, they’ll get their cutper article that is ordered from me for as long as I have the client with me.

This of course means that they just have to refer the client ones, and they’ll getrecurring payments from me. That’s basically passive income from them and it’spretty hard to say no to something like that.

I do all of this in Linkedin and it’s yielding really good results.

To everyone who reads this comment, please take the time to implement it. Iassure you that it works.

Jimmy RodelaFreelance Writerhttp://guildofbloggers.com (http://guildofbloggers.com)


Nolan Collins

Excellent tips Lori. I would especially vouch for #10 – video marketing! I thinkthere are a lot of business owners who don’t think they can use video becausethey think it’s too expensive or they don’t want to be on camera. But there arevery affordable options and either Animated or PPT videos are a great option forthe camera-shy.

Additionally, using various social media platforms to promote your blog posts isalso a great way to engage visitors and get them onto your website.

Thanks for posting this!

Nolan Collins – http://bluntbrit.com (http://bluntbrit.com)Specialising in Animated Video and Video Marketing



Its a great tips mate. I appreciate you for the kind of post you have shared here.



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