16' - amazon s3in consider tion of hts desire to )l'or.1ote the ellfare (sio) of the...

1 - /16'- BY J(\ffi; '1'. - i.Da..: I J hur c l:i s tor ian aHa C: .. - .... E..a;:D .... I" ..:'asto r l.ay 9, 1953

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Page 1: 16' - Amazon S3in consider tion of hts desire to )l'or.1ote the ellfare (sio) of the Church, and to ai in the o..issel1ill tiOl of .. eligious Truth, s \"1ell s in c011si eration




J(\ffi; '1'. - i.Da..: I J

hur c l:i s tor ian


C: .. - .... E..a;:D .... I " ..:'asto r

l.ay 9, 1953

Page 2: 16' - Amazon S3in consider tion of hts desire to )l'or.1ote the ellfare (sio) of the Church, and to ai in the o..issel1ill tiOl of .. eligious Truth, s \"1ell s in c011si eration

--" Garrettfs Cha:;>el ethodi t Churoh lias orc'c.nized in 1888, Ulider the

pastoral le dershlp of the Reverend Ben (?) Allen. e n r.1e Garrett

is a.erived from the onor 0 the land, James ...... Ga::'rett. mhe legal

ino ellture tellA of the trcIls etion lr8.o.e r reh 26, 1887 providin a deed

for the n:.nd in the COUllty of ',aH:er, .Jtate of Georgia to ~eter . 11 ce,

'. B. rri8h, J. • allil, J • .h. Garrett WI John Gc.rrett Ll d theirf

successors. -11 of these \7ere re~ia.ellts of .al1::er 'nunty all .,ere

trustees of the G£.rre tt Chapel -,:e thodL t ....,pisool?al Church. .1..1 e t!'['ll s­

uction is further described .s folloT:s: II itlle~seth, TIJr..t '~_e s i

J .es • Garrett or 0.110. in consider tion of hts desire to )l'or.1ote the

ellfare (sio) of the Church, and to ai in the o..issel1ill tiOl of

.. eligious Truth, s \"1ell s in c011si eration of the sum of five Doll rs,

oash in han :puid y the said '1:rustees •••• II ~he paroel of 1 no bein' '"

70 yards b 70 Y l' S TIas so trill1sferre •

It i8 further provi e , to hGLve lld to old these bare-uined premises

to tIle '1:rw:teec:: foresaid all their succeF'sors in office for t:i.le use 11

beliefi t of the ministry nd membership of t.e :,:ethodis t ~iscopal Chu ch

in the Unite ""tates f ...merie , ...ubject to the Discipline, us .:e an

ministerial :!.J}?OintUEll ts of said hurch, as from time to tiLle uthorized

an eclare by the Gen eral COl erence of pci hurch Ie the ...:.lll1ual

Conference ill ',"'hose boun 8 tl~e s ....1 prenises re situated, Forever, II

Fee '"'ir.1ple.

Garret t' s Oha1)el is locate" in the uor thnes".i ern ;.)art of .i 1 ::er

COUllty, Georgia, about four miles f'outlmest of Chicl:o.ma'Ll..;a, GeorQic..

The r:hite frEme uildin " at '10.. on little hill in the rid~'e .~ectioll.

t f .ces the nort , being par llel to iaoous Lookout r':ountain \;hic11

1 ie s t'.'70 0 l' t _ree mile s to th3 IJe:,: t. It is in a thickly papuleted

rural co mmuni t .

he first c urch buildint, ~J[:" <.. frc.lile "j)OX '1 type struoture

Page 3: 16' - Amazon S3in consider tion of hts desire to )l'or.1ote the ellfare (sio) of the Church, and to ai in the o..issel1ill tiOl of .. eligious Truth, s \"1ell s in c011si eration

1/7 "ith the boe-rdE'" rilllLin[, vertic lly. It f::t00d on ~he S'"'r..e round s

the prepellt lmila in&, but t e EU trCJ.lce face ~cst.

The fir8t ' .ile i1""" JUIl1ed to the gro'LU1d on ..J ... ter r.lOrnillS,

1Jril 15,1906. 11'. Jobn 1/ darie f"tetes th t he hrc the doubtfuli.

_anal' of eta.rtill tj;.e fire \":hic11 burned "3he building. He b£.d cor:1e

early (Ill that, ornillg to build fire for t.. e Smloay Johool bec£.use

th e \7e t e r '.7a~ f! ti 11 0 01 an J;:indy. oInen some sparl::s ir om the

o limn ey f ell on the ry oar roo, the \:ind POOll sprea tLe m illt 0 a

de~tructiv e blaze. By the time the rec;ular i7orshi' erE'" L.rri ved t e

fire as prac~1cc.lly over, so the Sun ay chool an p "ea.c ing servioes

'.7 ere mov e to the school houee across the ron • .. collection

t r ell that ay for le-; build ill •

Insurel ce ':a? obtaine on the ne'" buil ill'::' from ~ne F rmers'

utuel In?urance .a.. ociation, 11ol:1e Office, l:orcros., Genrgi. 1e

contr(.ct ,as r.,a e to J. H. Hunt er, Trustee ::0 r Gt:.rre tt' s Chapel on Se:9t ....

ember 24, 1907. I11e 11e.. ui 1 in5 ~;ar: r'lL e of 1.~nnC but \:i th a eteel

roof an I e iEf:ure for 300. Later, on .ugust 30, 1910 t 1e ill ra.nce

TIC.S ncrease .150 " on account of 1[::1,Jro v em En ts oe on c.urch house

all s eat s put in. It

...:£.rlie:::t records of the c l urc}l are llot aVLilable. But it is

kno\ n that tile aWl ay School, .;OUrul IS '.,(\r~:: L..11G you~h '.":'0r~;: h .ve been

orG:::.llizeo for many yeLl'S. .he pre .eilt (1953 church .3chool enrollment

is 1~7. the 011ilcren l s Divifion lifts 84; tho Youth llUL1ber 86; ..d

the .eioult Divic;ion ha 37. I._e tot!l rai::ed :'rr £,11 cuuses last ye r

by the church 8chool r:c:.;.s ;r222.05. lhe .'ome::..ll's Jociety of Christi£ll

3ervi C6 1-[;,9 r.1er:ber~hi~) of 17. They pUi to ,-11 cc.wec: las ~Te l' the

C.:1 illl of 89.

1:he fir"'t e.vc.il£.ble recar ('If tl'e youth orSillliz..... tioll is 11 ~.,l:r;orth

1e[...'::'11e Report to C,le ';lld uc.rterly v(111ferellce, July 20, 1930.


Page 4: 16' - Amazon S3in consider tion of hts desire to )l'or.1ote the ellfare (sio) of the Church, and to ai in the o..issel1ill tiOl of .. eligious Truth, s \"1ell s in c011si eration


'2hey re:?orted 28 members 'i th ill ,-ver~.::;e tten E,,11Ce f)f 22. The offic ers

of the Uabinet were [,13 f llo·.,s: .i'reside1 t-Frc.llce Q o')ble, Fir9t Vioe­

re9i €ln t-Jaok Hamil to.H, Fourth Vic e- resia €lnt-Lucile Autry, ueoret ry

Cd reasurer-.b'arrin ~~:ins. The L.etho ist Youth Fello.. ship 11'), hc.s

t 'enty-six memberr.

'1'he first ye'r ::01' "hioh cOF.lplete qUl:.l'terly oouferellce reoords

are f()UiI is 1"')12. LTarrett's 1011e aid ':le 18St r i82.86. fIe elltire

.:?oscr~ille 'lUl'.~e of 'hioh it ':'8~ .... ~ rt :puid ~he District Juperintendellt

k40.~0; onferellce Clc.:.ir:1[,lltS ,Z.OO; "';;pisoo:;J 1 mId .. 3.;0. 111e Cll r "e

l"id t1S restor .. :339. ,allisteriu1 support ooP.t t1"e enth'e oh rge 385.

T_ere is no reoord of benevolent uivin , nor is the number of members

i11dicated. Lust yec.r (1952)the ohurch oontribute for ull 0 u ... e2

.2801. Of t is 110U.lt }1825 us ~nr ministericl P'Llpport £;l1d 161 for

benevo 1m.oes. ere .re llO'.'": 146 r.lembers.

G rrett's ~ b1esc::e Ulll.l.ur.1bere souls. It hEL •. sellt out tr.ree

full- ti [.1e preE.che l' R • ::<ev. b.Y(:101l Co. 'l'() 11 i o no I" co tor 0f ImcCvnue 1

B ptist 'huroh in L£,.Levie\;, Geor a, '",to()b'U COlUlty. .:?ev •. illi m

B. Ha .ilton is a Lethodiet :.. "tor \.ho .Gl'ved fn" "e 1'13 ill tl:e Geor".,i

COLferel 0 e [..!-(' n0', h"'lds all i1 fluellti 1 ohurch ill Ohio. .:?ev. vlifford

Hamilton i o a .... resb;:lterie..n mil1L~ter c~ COllyer', Geor'ie. ( t _er local

~ rt-tir.le Ba;:>tL.t "pree.cher. stc.rtillg __ t Garrett's rlere: Ceoil .tee. e,

C J 01111 .tlrat lSiJ •

In recent ye<..i-r. t1:e church 110.'" received importc..l1t i ..proveoellts.

Dur_ng the reStor[,te of - evereud 1'1' ,-nI: 'llL.stL.in wle Ulld er his locdershi-p,

the bui 1 ill' '"U •• extend ad so uth rd to pr ovic' e L. 1 Lr0e 8"9..... C e fC1l' tLe

hoir llC a 11ice JtUld~' .Jchool room all eL.ch "3i e. ,,"...1130, e. b.... per.lel t s

du ullderne th the ne~j section an 1'" If nf .lehe old section. • coal

furn ce f: inatc.lled L.l'.C no'.i Givec::o central heL.tillg. 'l'hi<, "ior}: nd

improveoentf' are value at over ,,~1500.


Page 5: 16' - Amazon S3in consider tion of hts desire to )l'or.1ote the ellfare (sio) of the Church, and to ai in the o..issel1ill tiOl of .. eligious Truth, s \"1ell s in c011si eration

e ohurch i 1 t ve 11 r· o1-<..."ge ::nr C-&.llY yearE. he ) stors

rel-ted houses £11 t e CJ. ur ch }1.ad c.l; ~/s been 01 circui t • Hut in

1947 dur ing Rev. PrwJ.l: C.~ ... tain I s pa~tor~ t e, a 11ic e :1:i te frer.-:e five-

room house ['ne t;o &lld ons-half acre~ of 1 L r.ere purch sed fo"" the

r __ oLllge. Tlli s f2 bought at a COf.:t of '.. 2(0C'. It is QitU£..ted £..bout

one-half mile pouth of the church all & hill \71 th a lovely Vier:.

he ceoetary a~ f.turted before the church <':' buil t, but .;..terI

the lund ~ f' Liven. The coon of J ••1.. G rret~, ~le n' n \ft:o save tl:e

land, T-/ ''''''' . t.le fir"'t perf.on to be buried there. Jnoch BOf!r::! , buried0 Q

gecon t the firet ollels feet. J.:.e Garrett boy h.e 10 n ... rker.

1'i11& the f:p ing of 1g53 the cer.:etery ',7 • thor ou,shly cle 1 e , plo ed

end sowe in 1&1'11 rE'v s~ . It 110',

Garrett's ChuJel \i .. of co1.11'-=;e, G. :Jurt of t.e 'en1'wi"" \.;ol1fere1.oe

ifferent diAtrictfl v,f. £0110':;8: Dlue -tic ,--0 , 'r[...llapoos< II ••tlc:..t ....

It h£:.~ beeL joined ~o v ri01.1E circuit? f1"'01' tir.e to ti. e, llc.....ely,

- oS'"'vi lIe (no impc;oll I er; or i 1), ROf:f.v il1e Wl laP£.y ett e, hick m

'al1acevil1e, Harrisburg, Bethel uld .. Jsington before fin.lly becooin

a . t""tiOl in 1947. ina e 1I•• e tL oc 1. t Uni '"\1 in Kan s s Ui ty, .li c; c:: our i,

J 10, 1939, G rrett's p been ill the Dal tOll Dl stri ct of the I~ rth

Genr~i£. ollfe1'ellce of the Letha ist hurch.

list 0 fanner pastors CllO istrict f.u)erinten euts ill be

0iven on t:e follo:ill 'ef!.


Page 6: 16' - Amazon S3in consider tion of hts desire to )l'or.1ote the ellfare (sio) of the Church, and to ai in the o..issel1ill tiOl of .. eligious Truth, s \"1ell s in c011si eration


i . trict f:U erintel../ el ts

.11lU 1 (,;nll erence ec r~. 'l'here ere

links ,-, ic _ re Ull.voi a )le v.e ~f) 1

:1ev. Hen (1 lIen - 1888- 89

.l.om 'lu:rner

• Jti 1es - 1897

conie1 '. Uook - 19 6

J °h11 L. .t..l der OIl (died La:' 15, 1909)

• "lIen - 1912

,I. rtin

F. p. F isbie - 1913

J. H. ~em a - ! ov. Hi, 1913

• J. ,lil1ians Jan. 10, 1 14

. I. rU!!l')toll - 1915

T. • _or Ull - 1916

...lmo_"y B. J.1.y cocl: - 1 19

L. D. Perry - 1921

ijl L.-" . ·a e - 1925

D. :l. sh

"'. c. B~i 1 e~'

- 1928-29

.l:. J. reemall - 1 29-' 30

B• .. • Cb s t a in - 1.,30,':1, '32, '33

Bishop L. Cr- stein - 1934, '35

mes D. oaey


nre1y ii ccul'c-cief'

CJ: nf iIlf"':1 .tiOIl 110. hn.1 err r.

• ~. ~ughes - 1937

~ 11 ey rL.n e - 1938

J • .Jl1i:::: Brashear - Lov.' 39-:i:ov. '41

oy J. Dnn~1 e n - 1942

.. obert .3te.n:.rt - 1943 , '44

Fran r hast 11 - 1944,' 45, '46, '47, '48

Vernon indom - 1949 -'50

J. F. G1 1 ey - 1951

Ch:.r1e. C. Hal riX - 1952

Page 7: 16' - Amazon S3in consider tion of hts desire to )l'or.1ote the ellfare (sio) of the Church, and to ai in the o..issel1ill tiOl of .. eligious Truth, s \"1ell s in c011si eration

12.0 t

Jer.es L. Fa le1' ( ied Dec. 21, 19 2

Robert H. ~0bb - 1897-1901

,i11iem • 2arsons - 1 2-'04

....n ry F. De n - 1906- I 08

F. L. vOChrall - 1911- 1 12

:... mill1 Jor un HamMon - 1912-' 16 D 1i el . Cook ( sst. D. '.) 1915

J. B. Crippen - 1918- '24

Herbert H. Bo en - 1~25-'30

~rDest Dixie CLrlock - 1 32-'39

Joseph ms lhrai1~ 111 - 1939-'41

Charles er1'il1 Lipham - 1942-'47

.1.~ orman ryo l' 1..a1111 in 1948­ ' 51

Haskel ade tr~tton - 1951-'52