
Digital Graphic Narrative Development name

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Digital Graphic Narrative



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Shape Task

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Shape Task

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What did you like about your image?Something that I like about my image is how simplistic it actually is, I feel that the fact is is quite simplistic and friendly would mean that it would fit quite well in a children's book among his other friendly characters. Something else that I like about the image is how the nose of the mole has been done as it looks as if it has some depth to it due to the shading and colours. Something else that I like about this image is the background, I feel that it would be nice and appealing to children as it sets a nice scene for the mole to be in. I also like the little bits of texture around the mole as it adds a little bit of detail to the image.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to do this image again I would try and add a bit of texture to the mole to make him look a little bit furry and more appealing to kids. Something else which I would do to improve my image is add more texture to the soil underneath the mole to make it look more like he is coming out of the mole hill. Something else I would do to to improve this image is try and make the grass look more like grass.

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What did you like about your image?Something that I like about this image is that it actually resembles Kanye West quite a lot. Something else I like about this image is the colours that have been used as I feel that they all work quite well with each other. For instance the colours in the glasses, this is not how they were on the original image but I decided to add my own touch to the image, something else that I like about the glasses is that they are transparent and look how glasses would look in real life. Something else that I like about this image is the little about of shading that I have used, as this image is quite simplistic I feel that if I added too much shading to the face it would take away from the simplistic nature of the image, but I feel I have shaded it just enough to bring out the features in his face such as his nose.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to it again I feel that I would try to add more texture to the suit and the subtle details in that I didn’t add in when I was creating the actual image, I fell that if I was to do it again I might try and make the image a lot more complex and add a lot more shading to the face and body.

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What did you like about your image?I feel like this image worked out really well, the things that I like about this image is the amount of detail that I have tried to add in on his face as I feel the amount of time that I have put into it has paid off. Something that I like on this image the amount of shading that I have done on his face as I feel that it brings out all his features and distinguishes depth, for instance in his eyes as it shows the depth of them and brings them out. Something else that I like about the image I have produced is the nose area as even though I have not drawn out the nose the shading and shadows brings out the nose.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to do this image again I think I would use the colour select tool to try and add some definition to the hair. Something else that I would do if I were to do it again would be to try and add a lot more shading to the shirt to try and make it look more realistic. Something else that I would do is try to add a background to the picture as I feel this would really make the picture look a lot better.

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Text Based

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What did you like about your image?Something that I like about the text based image is that it has showed me how or how not to use text in my book. An image here that I like is the one on the bottom left as I feel that it looks quite interesting and different to normal text as it has a picture in the middle of it and you do not see this often. Something else that I liked about my images on the right is that it showed me the variation that you can have in your text, all though are visually not very nice I like how this could be used to convey certain moods in my book, such as making a word sharp or smooth.

What would you improve if you did it again?Something that I would try and improve if I did this again is the pieces of text on the right as I feel a lot more work could have gone into them to make them look nicer. For instance putting continuous patterns inside the letters to create almost an optical illusion.

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Comic Book

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What did you like about your image?Something that I like about my images is that they all retain a lot of the pictures original features but look very cartoony at the same time. An image that I like out of the set of 3 in particular is the one on the right from Saving Private Ryan, the reason that I like this one the most is because it is the most abstract but still retains a lot of its original features and has a sense of depth due to the shadows that I enhanced using the threshold. Something I like about the top image is that it still looks very realistic and the changes are quite subtle, the reason for this is the threshold as it has recovered a lot of the features that were lost such as the eyes and the definition in the hair when I put the cut out filter over the original image.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I was to do it again I think I would try and experiment a lot more with it, for instance I would try going very abstract so that not a lot of the edges were definable, but I would try and make it so you still understood what the image was. Something else which I would try and do is play around with the colours a lot more, for instance changing the hue and saturation to try and make the images look a lot more comic book like.

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Comic Book

This is a more experimental image that I did after I produced my initial 3, I have tried to go for a more abstract look with this one

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What did you like about your images?Something that I like about my images is that the all look quite natural as they are all out in the nature and there is a lot of green. Something else that I like about my images is that in the one on the right I have included a charter, this character could be a character like a troll or something coming out of his hole. Some other things that I like about my images is that they all seem to follow the trends of old story books as back in the old times in old folk tales a lot of the stories would take place outside on on journeys through woods or on the way through the countryside. But I do not believe that this would be a good method for illustrating story books as a lot of story books are set in olden times and it would be difficult to find a location that would represent this.

What would you improve if you did it again?If I were to take these images again I would try to go to a different location as I was quite limited as to where I could take pictures as we had to stay in college, I would try to find areas which would represent story book area a bit more true to the stories. So try and find areas which look as if they were set a while ago.

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What did you like about your image?Something that I like about my image is that it actually represents the characters which I was trying to draw which is good because I am not very good at drawing at all. Something else that I like about my Image is that it shows me that this is not a good method to use to illustrate my children's book as I cannot draw very well and it looks as if my other methods of illustrating my children's will work better than this one. The reason I like this as it saves me a lot of time and shows me what is good to do and what is not good to do.

What would you improve if you did it again?Something that I would try and improve if I did it again was use a pencil, the reason I did not use on is because I couldn’t find one and all I had was a black pen. Something else that I would do to try and improve this image is add colour as I feel this would make the picture look a lot better and less simple, the reason I didn’t add colour on the Shrek character is because I did not have any colouring pencils available to me at home and I did the coloured images at college.

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Initial Ideas

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Mood board of inspiration - characters

This slide contains ideas for characters in my children's story book with the main emphasis being on the loaf of bread and this is going to be the main character in my story. Everything else is characters which the bread could meet in his travels. Ways that I could produce these charters as they are very simple is I could use the shape method as this will give them a nice friendly cartoony feel. I feel like I could use a mix of the 3rd image on the top mixed with the 4th and 1st to create a nice main character giving it anthropomorphic features.

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Mood board of inspiration - Settings

These are some examples of settings that I could use in my story book, the first few images are what the kitchen inside the house could look like, very cartoony with bright features. The other images that I have included are settings for outside the house, for instance the settings that the bread goes on on his adventures. He would go through the forest meeting some other characters on his way like the bird or the dog.

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Mood board of inspiration - Text These are some examples of some fonts that I could use inside of my children's book, I have used the text The Ginger Bread Man as this is the story that I am basing my book around. The reason I have decided to choose these fonts is because they are serif which is proven to be easier to read for children as the words have leading lines on them to the next letters. I want to keep it nice and basic as this will follow the trends of children's book that have been made in the past. Something that I may do with the text is reduce the tracking so that some of the letters are a little bit closer together, but no too close as so it makes it harder to read. The text which I like the most and I think I may use for my book is Linux Libertine as it looks nice and is very easy to read.The bottom two fonts are fonts which I think I may use for the front cover as these look like they could be quite appealing to children due to the cartoon nature of the fonts. I also feel that they would fit well due to the cartoon nature of my book.

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ProposalDimensionsThe number of pages I am aiming to include is 10-12 pages. The page dimensions I wish to work with is: Height 20cm and width 15cm.

Story Overview

I plan for my story to be a take on the ginger bread man, about a loaf of bread which is in the process of being made in the bread maker but it escapes before it can get eaten. The loaf of bread goes on a wild adventure through the country side, meeting a lot of other characters such as birds and ducks and a friendly dog. He explores all of his new surroundings as much as he can, with some of the animals trying to peck at him but he bargains with them and runs away. Once he has had enough and taken in all of his surroundings he then returns home and gets back in the bread maker as he likes it because its nice and warm. Later to be turned into toast. I want this book to teach a lesson to children about going out and exploring as you can meet some interesting people and not to just stay inside wasting time.

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20th of March 2015


The age range which I am looking to produce my book for is children from the ages of 3-5. I will try and create it as a gender neutral book suitable for male and female audience members to try and cater for everyone. The Social group that I will aim my book at is the people in the ABC1 social category as these people can afford extra luxuries for their children such as story books. The geodemographic that I would be aiming my book at would be any English speaking country, such as the UK, America, Canada, Australia etc. Mainly aimed at the UK with the English spelling of words

Production Methods

To produce my pages I am going to use a range of methods. For instance to produce my characters I wish to use some of the techniques which we have been taught, finding inspiration for my characters from already existing pictures that I have found on the internet or in other story books and adapting them in a way which makes it may own. One of the techniques which I may use is the shape method as I feel this creates nice and simple cartoon looking characters which are nice and simple for children as you can see above in the power point it is good for creating small simple animals, and a few of these feature in my book. Another technique which I could use is rotoscoping for some more advanced characters such as the owner of the house or a pair of hands handling the loaf of bread. I feel for the backgrounds I will try and find an already existing background and then add my own touches to it in Photoshop. Once I have done that I will use the cut-out filter technique to create nice and basic cartoon looking background which fit well with the characters

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

-He has a good idea of who his target audience is and gives good detail.-I think he has a good idea of the production methods he is going to use and explains in detail how and why he is going to use them.-Nice detailed story that is simple and easy to read.

- Could add some more advantages and disadvantages of a PDF file to expand on the file a bit more.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

-He has researched different ideas for his story and has created a detailed mind map about his main story and what other stories like his are like.-Has a wide range of images on his mood board giving him different ideas which he could maybe put together to make something unique.-He has a good idea of what will be included in the book which has been given in detail.

-Could explain why he chose the fonts he chose and what he would use them for if he did use them.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

I like that you have chosen to do your own version of a old popular story for kids because if the original is told too many times it becomes boring.I also like the way you have decided to give your characters cartoony anthropomorphic features as it then become more entertaining to the reader

Maybe consider how many lines of the story you are going to put on each page in page dimensions as it would affect what you would have as your illustrations on that particular page.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

I like that you have used modern setting for you kitchen scenes but given the outside what seems to be a fantasy rural setting.The mind maps are very detailed to help understand where you are going with the story

You could put more detail into the characters that the loaf of bread will meet along the way and how they relate to people personality wise that the reader may meet in real life.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

Advanced well thought out response to both production and target audience. I also like the Parody storyline because you can venture a different approach to it than if you were following the original story exactly.

You have talked about your product dimensions but is there a specific reason to why you chose them? And perhaps you could talk more about the words on the page. Where are the words going to be? How many lines are you going to have per page?

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

Clear thought out ideas, the mind maps shows your thought process and the stories you have talked about but not going with you have mentioned you might intertwined them with your story.

Are the characters in the your story going to be friends of your character, or are they going to want to eat him? I know the dog is friendly, but what about the duck, and the bird?

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Feedback Summary

Sum up your feedback.

General trends in my feedback show that I have out a lot of detail into my idea generation but certain aspects of the proposal need a bit of work.

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?I agree with the parts of my feedback which say I need to add a little bit more to my proposal as there are parts which when I was going round peer marking I thought I would need to add into my work. I also agree with having to add a few more explanations on my text page.

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?

Something that I disagree with is on the 1st slide of my peer feedback is that they state that I have not talked about my fonts in enough detail when I feel like I have stated where I am thinking about using my fonts and why I would use them.

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Original Script

Once upon a time there was a little old woman and a little old man. The little old woman thought she'd make a gingerbread man. She rolled out the dough, and cut out the shape, and she put raisins for his eyes, and peppermints for his teeth, and put icing on his head for the hair. Then she put him in the oven, and when it smelled good, she opened up the door to take a peek and

--- Yooop!---out jumped the gingerbread man.

"Stop! Stop, little gingerbread man!" said the little old lady. "I want to eat you!""No!" said the little gingerbread man. "I can run away from you!"

"Run, run, fast as you can!Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!"

And away he ran!

He ran till he got outside, where he saw the little old man. And the little old man said, "Stop! Stop little gingerbread man! I want to eat you!"

And the little gingerbread man said: "NO! I ran away from the little old woman, and I can run away from you too!

Run, run, fast as you can!Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!"

and away he ran!

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• He ran till he came to the pigsty. And the pig said

"(Oink Oink)-- Stop! Stop little gingerbread man! I want to eat you!"

But the gingerbread man said, "NO! I ran away from the little old woman, I ran away from the little old man, and I can run away from you too!

Run, run, fast as you can!Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!"

and away he ran!

He ran till he came to a house. And in front of the house was a dog. And the dog said, "STOP! Stop stop stop stop stoooooooooop! Little gingerbread man! I want to eat you!"

But the gingerbread man said, "NO! I ran away from the little old woman, and the little old man, and a pig, and I can run away from you too!"

Run, run, fast as you can!Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!"

and away he ran!

He ran till he came to a field full of cows. And the cows said,

"Mooooo! Stoooooooop! Stoooooooop little gingerbread man. We want to eat you!"

But the gingerbread man said, "NO! I ran away from the little old woman, I ran away from the little old man, and a pig, and a dog, and I can run away from you too!

Run, run, fast as you can!Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!"

and away he ran!

He ran till he came to a river. And next to the river was a fox. The fox said, "Hello little gingerbread man."

The gingerbread man said, "HELLO! I ran away from the little old woman, I ran away from the little old man, and a pig, and some cows, and I can run away from you too!

Run, run, fast as you can!Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!"

"But," said the fox, "I never run. And I don't want to eat you!"

The gingerbread man said

Run, run, fast as you can!Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!"

The fox said, "Run all you want, I'm not going to chase you. But-- I would like to ask you a question."

The gingerbread man said, "What?"

The fox said, "How do figure you're going to get across that stream without getting wet? I mean, if you get wet, you'll get soggy, right?"

The gingerbread man didn't say anything, but he looked very thoughtful.

The fox said, "I've got an idea."

The gingerbread man said, "What?"

The fox said, "I'm going to swim across, right now. If you want, you can hitch a ride on my tail."

The gingerbread man said, "OK," and grabbed the fox's tail. The fox started to wade into the water.

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• After a few steps, the fox said, "Oh, little gingerbread man. The water is getting kind of deep. I'm afraid you might get wet. Why don't you climb up onto my back?" The gingerbread man looked, and said, "Gee, the water is getting kind of deep, ok," and he climbed up onto the fox's back.

After a few more steps, the fox said, "Oh, little gingerbread man, the water is getting even deeper, I'm afraid you might get wet. Why don't you climb up onto my-- neck?" The gingerbread man looked, and said, "Gee the water is getting kind of deep, ok," and he climbed up onto the fox's neck.

After a few more steps, the fox said, "Oh, little gingerbread man, the water is getting even deeper, I'm afraid you might get wet. Why don't you climb up onto my-- head?" The gingerbread man looked, and said, "Gee the water is getting kind of deep, ok," and he climbed up onto the fox's head.

After a few more steps, the fox said, "Oh, little gingerbread man, the water is getting even deeper, I'm afraid you might get wet. Why don't you climb up onto my-- nose?" The gingerbread man looked, and said, "Gee the water is getting kind of deep, ok," and he climbed up onto the fox's nose.

And the fox went-- SHLLLURP!-- and that was the end of the gingerbread man.


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Final Script

Page 1: Once upon a time there was an old lady who wanted to make some bread, so she put the dough in the bread maker and got making.Page 2: Suddenly the bread came to life and jumps out of the bread maker, the loaf of bread man shouted at the old lady, “Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the loaf of bread man”. And ran out of the kitchen laughing.Page 3: This was the start of the loaf of bread’s exciting adventure through the countryside, who knows what could have found. I hope he won’t have run into any trouble.Page 4: The loaf of bread man came across a little pond on his journey. He heard a shout from the pond, “Stop little loaf of bread man, I want to eat you” cried the Duck. The loaf of bread man turned to the duck and shouted, “I’ve outrun an old woman and I can outrun you! Run, run as fast as you can you can’t catch me I’m the Loaf of Bread Man” shouted the loaf of bread man as he escaped the duck.Page 5: The loaf of bread man then came across a little bird in a tree, “Stop little Loaf of Bread man, I want to eat you” tweeted the bird. The loaf of bread man looked up at the little bird and shouted, “I’ve outrun an old woman, and a duck and I can outrun you! Run, run as fast as you can you can’t catch me I’m the loaf of bread man” as he ran away.Page 6: As the loaf of bread man had been out all day he began to get tired and felt homesick, but he couldn’t remember how to get home. This made him sad.Page 7: A dog was walking around the countryside, came across the loaf of bread man and saw him looking upset. “Little loaf of bread man, what is wrong?” asked the dog kindly. “I’m home sick and tired and I want to go home” whispered the loaf of bread man. “Well get on my back, I’ll guide you home!” barked the dog. So the loaf of bread jumped on the dogs back.Page 8: The loaf of bread then rode the dog all the way home and loved every minute of it. “Here we are” said the dog “Home sweet home”. The loaf of bread man thanked the dog and gave him a big hug.Page 9: Finally, the loaf of bread man was home. He climbed back onto the kitchen side and back into the bread maker. “Ahh, home sweet home” he mumbled.Page 10: The end.

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Digital Flat Plans (drafts)

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Digital Flat Plans

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Digital Flat Plans