15) avoid qualifiers

Qualifiers are words that intentionally weaken the meaning of a sentence. Although they may give the author a feeling that he is being more honest. It’s better to simply say what you believe and let the reader decide if it’s true.

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Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Page 1: 15) avoid qualifiers

Qualifiers are words that intentionally weaken the meaning of a sentence. Although they may give the author a feeling that he is being more honest.

It’s better to simply say what you believe and let the reader decide if it’s true.

Page 2: 15) avoid qualifiers

She was quite an ugly woman.

Instead of:

She was an ugly woman.


Page 3: 15) avoid qualifiers

It was pretty kind of her to bake a cake for a man who

had only two weeks earlier caused her to loose her job.

Instead of:

It was kind of her to bake a cake for a man who had

only two weeks earlier caused her to loose her job.


Page 4: 15) avoid qualifiers

Words and phrases like kind of, a little, pretty much, a bit, and quite make your

sentences longer and more complex but they don’t make the meaning clearer.

Delete them .

Page 5: 15) avoid qualifiers

Hans Anderson 2007-Present: Lecturer at FPT Greenwich

Programmes, FPT University. 2007: M.S., Computational Mathematics,

University of Minnesota 2001: B.A., Computer Science, Gustavus

Adolphus College, Saint Peter, MN