14th annual smart procurement world indaba 2020apmp.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/rands vs....

14 th Annual Smart Procurement World Indaba 2020 24 November – 25 November 2020 Rands vs. Sense APMP Programme Brought to you by: 11 th Annual APMP Conference

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Page 1: 14th Annual Smart Procurement World Indaba 2020apmp.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Rands vs. Sense... · 2020. 11. 11. · This is how agile procurement can help procurement respond

14th Annual Smart Procurement World Indaba 202024 November – 25 November 2020

Rands vs. Sense APMP Programme

Brought to you by:

11th Annual APMP Conference

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Day 1 - TUESDAY, 24 NOVEMBER 2020

09h40 Opening | Remarks from Master of Ceremonies

10h00 Keynote International Presentation | Making Sense of the Future of Procurement

10h20 International Presentation | What has the Coronavirus Taught us About Supplier Management and Global Sourcing?

10h40 Presentation | Economic Review and Preview of South Africa

11h00 Panel Discussion | Make Procurement Great Again!

11h40 Comfort Break and Networking

11h50 Keynote CEO Case Study | Lessons Learned From a Crisis

12h10 PanelDiscussion|RebuildingConfidenceinStateOwned Enterprises

12h30 International Presentation | Introspective Session – Are You Stuck in a Procurement Rut?

13h00 Networking

13h20 Presentation | A Sales Perspective

13h40 Presentation | Understanding the Legal Context of Public Sector Bids

14h00 Presentation | Government Tenders Don’t Suck

14h20 BIDX 1 | Three Things Successful Proposal Teams MustdoDifferentlyin2021

14h25 BidX2|TimeOut

14h35 BIDX3|OpportunityQualification:UnleashYourCompany’s Superpower

14h45 Enterprise Supplier Development Expo activities


09h00 Opening | Remarks from Master of Ceremonies

09h05 Ministerial Speech| Reigniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship and Accelerating SMMEs to Go Mainstream Post COVID-19

09h15 Presentation | Breaking Down Monopolies and Building Sustainable Local Industries

09h25 ABP Keynote Address | Exploring the B-BBEE landscape

09h40 Presentation | Looking Beyond China and the Coronavirus

10h00 Case Study | Six Vital Ingredients for Economic Development and How Procurement Can be a Lever

10h20 Lightning Talks | Getting Transformation and ESD Right–Don’tGiveFish,OfferaRod

10h50 Comfort Break And Networking

11h10 PanelDiscussion:CapitalisingonDigitalProcurement Saves Rands and Makes Sense

11h40 Presentation|BrainDate–ArtificialIntelligenceand the Future of Procurement

12h00 Presentation | Implementing the First International Sustainable Procurement Standard

12h20 Break And Networking

12h50 Keynote Presentation | The Future of the Workplace – Being Heard and Getting your Seat at the Table

13h10 Panel Discussion | Procurement’s View on Bidders

13h30 BidX 4 | Invasion of the Proposals

13h40 BidX 5 | EQ’s role in Organizational Performance in the New Normal

13h50 Presentation | The Rand vs Sense of Bidding

14h00 Case Study | Scoring to Win

14h10 Comfort Break

14h30 International Presentation | Getting Ready for the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR)

14h50 Keynote | Ethics in Strategic Planning

15h10 Closing International Keynote | The Rands and Sense of Procurement’s Real Value

15h35 End Of Conference

Page 3: 14th Annual Smart Procurement World Indaba 2020apmp.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Rands vs. Sense... · 2020. 11. 11. · This is how agile procurement can help procurement respond

NotesDay 1 - TUESDAY, 24 NOVEMBER 2020

09h40 OPENING | Remarks from Master of Ceremonies Bernie Van Niekerk, Chief Executive Officer, Commerce Edge | Editor, Smart Procurement

Vusi Fele, Chief Procurement Officer, Absa Larissa Cornelius, Director, Association of Proposal Management Professionals Dumisani Mpafa, Chairperson, Association of B-BBEE Professionals (ABP) | Chief Executive Officer, Beever Agency

10h00 KEYNOTE INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATION | Making Sense of the Future of Procurement Withshiftingtradetariffsandbarriers,theunpredictabilityoffluctuatingcommodityprices,

marketvolatilitycouldbeatanall-timehighoverthenext12months.Usingagileprocurementstrategieswillhelpmanageriskandshouldbeatthetopofyouragenda.Whatdoesthismeanin practice?

This is how agile procurement can help procurement respond to the “perfect storm” since the greatdepression.Seehow4IRandotherfuturelookingtechnologiescanreducevolatilityandmakesupplyKingofbusiness.

Colin Cram, Member, EU Working Groups on Innovation: Procurement and Sustainability Former Director, North West Centre of Excellence, United Kingdom

10h20 INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATION | What has the Coronavirus Taught Us About Supplier Management and Global Sourcing?

TheCoronavirusisprovingthatweneedmoreresilientsupplychains.WarningsofsupplydisruptionshaveheightenedfocusonChina’soutsizedroleinglobalsourcing.Keylessonsprocurement should learn from the outbreak of the Coronavirus and whether or not you shouldregretalltheoutsourcingtoAsia.

Kobus Van Der Wath, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Axis Group International

10h40 PRESENTATION | Economic Review and Preview of South Africa The South African economy is showing slow signs of recovering, as is the global economy, after

a collapse in the second quarter of that what many say was as bad as the the Great Depression ofthe1930s.Theoutlookforglobalgrowthfor2020/21isoneofcontinuedrecovery.HereistheeconomicprojectionsforSouthAfricaduringandpost-COVID-19.

Annabel Bishop, Chief Economist, Investec

11h00 PANEL DISCUSSION | Make Procurement Great Again! Whattodowhenyourprocurementfunctionseemstobemarriedtoabadreputation.Whatis

the divorce process? How can you transform procurement from merely a function into a mission that business can relyonforasafeandsound,cost-effectiveconsultinghub? Unpackingkeyenablersforthatwillmakeprocurementgreatagain: – Governance Quality, Professionalisation, Professional Insurance, Leadership and Consequence Management

Moderator: Mark Kuipers, Team Leader: Technical Cooperation Programme to Promote Good Governance in South Africa, GOPA Worldwide Consultants GmbH

Panelists: Sarie Homan, Head of South Africa Professional Body, Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS)

Full Programme

Day 1


Page 4: 14th Annual Smart Procurement World Indaba 2020apmp.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Rands vs. Sense... · 2020. 11. 11. · This is how agile procurement can help procurement respond

NotesMpho Nxumalo, Acting Chief Director: SCM Policy and Legal, Chair Interim Supply Chain Management Council (ISCMC), National Treasury Walter Maleyana, Governance Advisor: SCM Professionalisation, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Ronald Mlalazi (FCIPS), CIPS Congress Member for Southern Africa, Managing Director, Commerce Edge SA Winnie Kosgey, MBA,MCIPS,MKISM, County Operations and Supply Chain Expert, Member, Kenya Institute of Supplies Management


11h50 KEYNOTE CEO CASE STUDY | Lessons Learned From a Crisis EOH Group Chief Executive Stephen van Coller will share how EOH has overcome a corrupt


Through a governance and corporate scandal, EOH has shown that adaptability, resilience and proactivitymattermost.Ithaslearntthatduringtimesofmassiveuncertainty,organisationsneedout-of-the-boxthinkingandstrategiesaroundsustainability.

Stephen van Coller, Chief Executive Officer, EOH

12h10 PANELDISCUSSION|RebuildingConfidenceinSOEs AdiscussionbytopcurrentandformerSOEsCPOsinSouthAfrica.Hereiswhattheywould


Moderator: Mediacy Mudekwa, Head of Content, Smart Procurement World

Panelists: Dr Masimba Phillip Dahwa (FCIPS FCILT FInstLM FIOM), Former Procurement Officer and Chief

Advisor- Procurement, South African Express Airways Xolani Mpahlwa, Public Sector Governance Strategic Advisor, South Africa

12h30 INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATION | Introspective Session – Are You Stuck in a Procurement Rut?

Are you stuck in a rut? How do you stand tall especially when you are in an environment that is notenabling?Whyprocurementcanandshouldbetheepicentreofinnovationforbusiness.

Sue Barrett, Author and Advisor in Ethical, Sustainable Ethos for a Better World, Australia


13h20 PRESENTATION | A Sales Perspective BidManagementisakeypartofthesalesprocess.Sibusisowillsharesomeofhisviewson


Sibusiso Msomi, Managing Director of the Sales Enablement Company and Founder of the Sales Enablement Society SA, Speaker and Sales Trainer

13h40 PRESENTATION | Understanding the Legal Context of Public Sector Bids Gerrit will share a high-level overview from a legal perspective how understanding the


Gerrit Davids, CEO, TaranisCo Advisory, Tender Regulatory Specialist on Government Procurement

Day 1

Page 5: 14th Annual Smart Procurement World Indaba 2020apmp.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Rands vs. Sense... · 2020. 11. 11. · This is how agile procurement can help procurement respond

Notes14h00 PRESENTATION | Government Tenders Don’t Suck Author of the book with the same title will share some key lessons from the book that


Monica Rubombora, Managing Director, Rubo Management Services, Author, Coach, Public Speaker

14h20 BidX1|ThreeThingsSuccessfulProposalTeamsMustdoDifferentlyin2021 Asweenterthefinalmonthof2020,anewquestionliesjustoverthehorizon:Whatwill2021

bring and how can proposal teams be ready? Join Merwyn Reeves, Regional Director of Sales atRFPIO,tokick-off2021planningandstartthenewyearstrong.

Merwyn Reeves, Regional Director of Sales for RFPIO

14h25 BidX 2 | Time out The vital need to take a time out and the value of ‘play therapy’ to help relieve stress,


Shirley Moss, Owner, Admast Training and Recruitment, Professional Training Consultant and Facilitator

14h35 BidX3|OpportunityQualification:UnleashYourCompany’sSuperpower Howmuchtimeandmoneyisyourcompanypotentiallywastingonpoor-fitopportunities?Do

youwanttolearnhowtoleveragedatatoimproveyourqualificationefforts?Looknofurther!Join us to learn how to leverage Bid Score™ to qualify opportunities with data, streamline the bid decision process, increase win rates, and better quantify the impact of your bid and proposalefforts.

Josh Ellars, CEO, and Founder of Patri

14h45 Enterprise Supplier Development Expo activities Please support the expo of our sponsors and SMMEs - prizes to be had.

Day 1

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NotesDay 2 - WEDNESDAY, 25 NOVEMBER 2020

09h00 OPENING | Remarks from Master of Ceremonies Mediacy Mudekwa, Head of Content, Smart Procurement World

09h05 OPENING ADDRESS | Reigniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship and Accelerating SMMEs to Go Mainstream Post COVID-19

What capacity and contractor development initiatives work for South African small businesses and how can procurement meet the challenge?

Vusi Fele, Chief Procurement Officer, Absa

09h15 PRESENTATION | Breaking Down Monopolies and Building Sustainable Local Industries What the DTI is doing to create opportunities for Black Industrialists (BI) in monopolised


Nompumelelo Maisela, Acting Director: Strategy and Advocacy Black Industrialist, Department of Trade and Industry

09h25 ABP KEYNOTE ADDRESS | Exploring the B-BBEE landscape B-BBEElegislationismorethancompliance.Achievingrealtransformationthrough


Monica Molise, Deputy Chairperson, Association of B-BBEE Professionals (ABP), Chief Executive Officer, Thriving Dirang

09h40 PRESENTATION | Looking Beyond China and the Coronavirus Chinacontrols12.4percentofglobaltrade,thebiggestintheworld.Nomatterwhereyou

comefromorwhereyoustandpolitically,onethingisundeniable:CoronaVirushasdisruptedglobalsupplychains.Rapidandunpredictableeventslikethesecanshatteryourworldanytime.Howcanprocurementprepareandadaptnimblytotheuncertainlandscape?Whowill be the next mega supplier after China?

Tim Williams (FCIPS), Global Senior Advisor: Procurement, United Kingdom

10h00 CASE STUDY | Six Vital Ingredients for Economic Development and How Procurement Can be a Lever

RwandaandEthiopiaareAfrica’sfastest-growingeconomies.Leadershipquality,stronggovernanceandethicsarecommonprogressfeaturesofthesecountries.Lookoutfortheother three that stand out as key lessons for other countries in Africa from a procurement and supplychainperspective.

Prof Adrian Saville, Author of “Ensuring that Africa keeps rising: The economic integration imperative”, Gordon Institute of Business Science

10h20 LIGHTNINGTALKS|GettingTransformationandESDRight–Don’tGiveFish,OfferaRod What the transformation lead team should do to demonstrate ROI on ESD investments and


Lightning Talks Presenters: Elmarie Goosen, Director of Operations, On Purpose Jameel Khan, Head of Projects, SAICA Enterprise Development Yugen Pillay, Director and National Leader– Business Consulting, Grant Thornton Owen van Dongen, Chief Operating Officer, Lean Enterprise Acceleration Programme (LEAP)


Day 2

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Notes11h10 PANELDISCUSSION:CapitalisingonDigitalProcurementSavesRandsandMakesSense Labelledthe“finalfrontier”formodernbusiness,digitalandcognitiveprocurementuses

disruptivetechnologiestostreamlinethemanagementoftheprocurementprocess.Whattechnologies better understand SA’s procurement landscape and how is it the game changer?

Moderator: Mediacy Mudekwa, Head of Content, Smart Procurement World

Panelists: Marco Plohmann, Head of Procurement, Microsoft South Africa Ben Van Zyl, Chief Procurement and Contracts Officer, Telkom Sanet Shepperson MBA, FCIPS, EXDip Chartered Procurement & Supply Professional, Executive: Procurement and Property, CELL C

11h40 PRESENTATION|BrainDate–ArtificialIntelligenceandtheFutureofProcurement Newsnooneeverwantstohear!Thereisa90%chancethatyouwillberedundantbytheend


Bertrand Maltaverne, International Procurement Digitalist and Skills for the Future Advocate, Austria

12h00 PRESENTATION | Implementing the First International Sustainable Procurement Standard

Anoverviewofthekeyclausesofthefirstinternationalsustainableprocurementstandardwithrelevancefororganisationsofallsectorsandsizes.Whatitis,whatitisn’tandhowtotrulyembedsustainabilityintoyourprocurementorganisation.Areyouaworld-classsustainableprocurement organisation and how do you rank against the standard?

Matjale Matsaung, Managing Director, Sechaba Bauen (Global Sustainable Procurement Consulting and Advisory)


12h50 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION | The Future of the Workplace – Being Heard and Getting your Seat at the Table

Tebohoshareshowyougetyourseatatthetable,asawoman.Thissessionexploreshowthisimpacts the role of bids and how we have a chance to rewrite our own stories and that of our bidoffices.

Teboho Mofokeng, Managing Director at Bowfica, Wastewater Specialist, Author

13h10 PANEL DISCUSSION | Procurement’s View on Bidders A panel of procurement professionals will provide their view on the common mistakes bidders

makeandwhatthebestbidslooklike. The session will be based on a recent procurement survey done via the Smart Procurement WorldandnFold.

A facilitated discussion by Gary Tintinger, Professional Speakers association of South Africa (PSASA), APMP Member and Speaker

Panelists: Hugo du Rand, Head of Procurement, Afrimat Sanet Shepperson, Procurement Executive, Cell C (Pty) Ltd.

Day 2

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Notes13h30 BidX 4 | Invasion of the Proposals A glimpse of a world where proposals have been invaded by aliens and tips on how to


Izane Cloete-Hamilton, Bid Professional and Enthusiast, Public Speaker and Thought Leader and Larissa Cornelius, APMP SA Chair and Chief Win Strategist, nFold

13h40 BidX 5 | EQ’s Role in Organizational Performance in the New Normal Mygrow on EQ development deal with anxiety and business-related issues as we get the


Mark Baker, Founder and CEO at Mygrow, Psychologist

13h50 PRESENTATION | The Rand vs Sense of Bidding ExploretheRandvs.Senseofbidding.Thesessionwillcovertherealcostsofbidfunctionsand


Scylla Gardiner, Pursuits and Proposals Lead, PwC

14h00 CASE STUDY | Scoring to Win Marlize will share how she improved the companies win rate by creating a score card system


Marlize Schwar, Head of Tender/Proposal team at Absa Bank and Director APMP SA


14h30 INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATION | Getting Ready for the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) Astheworldembraces4IRofartificialintelligence,roboticsandtheinternetofthings,the

challenge for Africa is providing the knowledge and skills needed for the emerging world ofwork.Someorganisationsarealreadypreparingfor4IR,whichisenvisionedtoradicallychangemanufacturingprocesses,businessmodelsandsupplychainnetworks.WhatdoesSouth Africa need to do to get ready for the 4IR from a supply chain perspective?

14h50 KEYNOTE | Ethics in Strategic Planning Building ethics into strategic planning is an important consideration for top management

whensettingorganisationalprocessesandobjectives.Craftingconsistentvaluesandethicsintoanorganisation’sculturestartswitheffectivestrategicplanning. How procurement should be positioned to talk ethics and strategy at the same time? How are ethical considerations incorporated into planning and policy making in an organisation?

Willem Ellis, Research Fellow: Centre for Ethics, Gender & Africa Studies, Faculty: The Humanities, University of the Free State

15h10 CLOSING INTERNATIONAL KEYNOTE | The Rands and Sense of Procurement’s Real Value This keynote address focuses on the savings and value calculations that procurement

departments should consider deploying to build a credible reputation and internal brand for drivingvalue.

Jonathan Hughes, Partner, Vantage Partners, USA


Day 2

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A special thank you to our sponsors:


www.rfpio.com www.gopatri.com www.nfold.com


Thank you to Smart Procurement World for hosting!
