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  • 8/10/2019 132184951 Final Capstone Project Docx




  • 8/10/2019 132184951 Final Capstone Project Docx












  • 8/10/2019 132184951 Final Capstone Project Docx



    This Capstone project is a part of PGDM Programme. My research objective of this

    project is to find out factor affecting purchase of four wheelers in Rajkot city.

    The duration of the project is 4thand 5thTrimester of PGDM Programme. We have to

    submit this project at the end of 5


    Trimester. Its an individual project on the topic relevant tothe major specialization subject.

    For this project, first we have to find out the topic with the help of magazine, journals or

    some short of basic research. Our project guide suggest us appropriate title from our basic


    We have to prepare questionnaire to collect primary data from the respondents. I have

    collected primary data from the respondents with the help of the questionnaire and analyses

    the same in this project. In this report, I have put automobile industry information with help of

    secondary data.

    After completion of report we can say that there are some factors is influence on

    consumer purchase decision like price of car, friend family and colleague, after sales service,

    availability of car, mileage, power, safety, technology, ect.

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    The satisfaction and joy that accompanies the successful completion of a task is

    incomplete without mentioning the name of the person who extended his help and support in

    making it a success.

    We are greatly indebted to Dr. S.C.Reddy (Dean of MEFGI), my Project Guide and

    Mentor for devoting her valuable time and efforts towards my project. We thank her for being

    a constant source of knowledge, inspiration and help during this period of making project.

    The creative input from the entire our collage facilities were responsible to completion

    of the project. It is with a deep sense of gratitude that we would like to acknowledge with

    thanks the resource, full service and support rendered by librarian at Marwadi education

    foundation group of institutions.

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    As Capstone Project is a part of Partial Fulfillment of PGDM Programme, we have

    taken our project on Indian Automobile industry: Factor affecting purchase of four wheelers.

    We hereby declare that we have gathered relevant information by my own sources and

    my worked for the same project is so original and i have not tried for any malpractices. I

    ensure that we have not taken any published reports. I got conclusion by our combined and

    effective work. There was no scope of any type of copying by outer sources.

    Hetal shah


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    Competitive pressures and increasing complexity have led automotive companies to

    look for an edge wherever they can find it. Improved consumer insight into vehicle shopping

    and buying behavior can provide that valuable advantage. This report contains insight that can

    help vehicle manufacturers and dealers develop and execute more effective strategies in areas

    such as sales, marketing and advertising, after sales service, Customer Relationship

    Management (CRM) and manufacturer/dealer collaboration.

    The Indian Automobile Industry is manufacturing over 11 million vehicles and

    exporting about 1.5 million every year. The dominant products of the industry are two

    wheelers with a market share of over 75% and passenger cars with a market share of about

    16%. Commercial vehicles and three wheelers share about 9% of the market between them.

    About 91% of the vehicles sold are used by households and only about 9% for commercial

    purposes. The industry has attained a turnover of more than USD 35 billion and provides

    direct and indirect employment to over 13 million people.

    The level of technology change in the Motor vehicle Industry has been high but, the rate

    of change in technology has been medium. Investment in the technology by the producers has

    been high. System-suppliers of integrated components and sub-systems have become the order

    of the day. However, further investment in new technologies will help the industry be more

    competitive. Over the past few years, the industry has been volatile. Currently, Indias

    increasing per capita disposable income which is expected to rise by 106% by 2015 and

    growth in exports is playing a major role in the rise and competitiveness of the industry.

    Tata Motors is leading the commercial vehicle segment with a market share of about

    64%. Maruti Suzuki is leading the passenger vehicle segment with a market share of 46%.

    Hyundai Motor India and Mahindra and Mahindra are focusing expanding their footprint in


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    the overseas market. Hero Honda Motors is occupying over 41% and sharing 26% of the two

    wheeler market in India with Bajaj Auto. Bajaj Auto in itself is occupying about 58% of the

    three wheeler market.

    Consumers are very important of the survival of the Motor Vehicle manufacturing

    industry. In 2008-09, customer sentiment dropped, which burned on the augmentation in

    demand of cars. Steel is the major input used by manufacturers and the rise in price of steel is

    putting a cost pressure on manufacturers and cost is getting transferred to the end consumer.

    The price of oil and petrol affect the driving habits of consumers and the type of car they buy.

    The key to success in the industry is to improve labour productivity, labour flexibility,

    and capital efficiency. Having quality manpower, infrastructure improvements, and rawmaterial availability also play a major role. Access to latest and most efficient technology and

    techniques will bring competitive advantage to the major players. Utilizing manufacturing

    plants to optimum level and understanding implications from the government policies are the

    essentials in the Automotive Industry of India.

    Both, Industry and Indian Government are obligated to intervene the Indian Automotive

    industry. The Indian government should facilitate infrastructure creation, create favorable and

    predictable business environment, attract investment and promote research and development.

    The role of Industry will primarily be in designing and manufacturing products of world-class

    quality establishing cost competitiveness and improving productivity in labour and in capital.

    With a combined effort, the Indian Automotive industry will emerge as the destination of

    choice in the world for design and manufacturing of automobiles.

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    Table of Contents1.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................10

    1.1 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................................... 11

    1.2 SCOPE OF STUDY ...................................................................................................................................................... 11


    1.3.1 Primary Data..12

    1.3.2 Secondary Data12



    1..4.2litrature review15

    2.INDUSTRY PROFILE OF AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY........................................................................................................... 18

    2.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 20

    2.2 GROWTH .................................................................................................................................................................. 22



    2.5 KEY PLAYERS28


    2.6.1 Maruti Suzuki..29

    2.6.2 Tata Motors.31

    2.6.3 Hyundai Motors India.....33

    2.6.4 Mahindra & Mahindra.34

    2.6.5 Honda Siel Car India .36

    2.6.6 Toyota ...38

    2.6.7 Ford India .39

    2.6.8 General Motors ......40

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    Research objective


    Find out factor affecting purchase of four wheelers in automobile


    My research objective understands what are the factor affecting the purchase of fourwheelers in Gujarat region. So purpose of this research is to know the factor affecting

    the purchase of four wheelers in particular in city Rajkot.

    Scope of study

    The Research study conducted herewith is restricted to the market of Rajkot and Rajkot

    only.This research project is part of my study. I learned lot of during this research work so

    this is one of best advantage for me and this opportunity is given by our institute. This research

    is importance for other who is connected with automobile sectors because of this report they

    will know about consumer behavior, consumer perception about particular product.

    Improved consumer insight into vehicle shopping and buying behavior can provide that

    valuable advantage. Capgeminis Cars Online report contains insight that can help vehicle

    manufacturers and dealers develop and execute more effective strategies in areas such as sales,

    marketing and advertising, after sales service, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and

    manufacturer/dealer collaboration.

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    Data collection

    (A) Primary data:

    I collect primary data from some people who are living in Rajkot I went and

    meet them personally and I mail some of my friend and ask about which factor

    affect when they want to buy car.

    Primary data was collected personally through structured questionnaire.

    Data collection method- Personal interview with a questionnaire containing

    some open and close ended questions

    (B) Secondary data:

    Secondary data is very help full to industry analysis if you want to know about

    what happened in industry like growth, statistical data so that secondary data

    is very useful.

    Secondary data was collected from various sources such as journals,

    magazines, websites, books

    Sampling design

    In our project research we made qualitative method of sampling to reach the

    behaviouristic aspects of the customers. We here select the target customer for the project with

    the help of convenience sampling which helps us in making exact approach of the consumer

    behaviour for the same.

    Sample size of the project-100

    Research type- Primary analytical research

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    It was not possible for us to make a survey from whole cities. Those respondents are

    taken who are convenient to reach.

    Sample size taken is small to cover this vast topic.

    Coverage of study- Rajkot

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    Automobile Industry in India is influenced by the presence of national and multi-

    national manufacturers. The presence of many manufacturers and brands in the state

    provides many choices to the customer. The current market for car manufacturers has

    been transformed from a monopoly of one or two manufacturers in the seventies to

    oligopoly of many manufacturers in the current marketing scenario. The main objective

    of the research paper is to explore and conceptualize various parameters and develop a

    model, which influence the purchase patterns of passenger cars in the State of Kerala.Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to come up with a model, which shall facilitate

    further study on the consumer purchase behaviour patterns of passenger car owners in

    the State of Kerala, India. The author intends to undertake further quantitative analysis

    to verify and validate the model so developed. The main methods used for this paper are

    secondary research on available material, depth interview of car dealers, car financing

    agencies and car owners in the city of Cochin, in Kerala State in India. The depth

    interviews were conducted with the use of prepared questionnaire for car dealers, car

    customers and car financing agencies. The findings resulted in the identification of the

    parameters that influence the consumer purchase behaviour of passenger cars and the

    formulation of the model, which will be the basis for the further research of the author.

    The paper will be of tremendous value to the existing and new car manufacturers both

    indigenous and foreign, to formalize and strategies their policies towards an effective

    marketing strategy, so as to market their models in the State, which is known for its high

    literacy, consumerism and higher educational penetration.

    Key Words: Consumer Behaviour Patterns, Customer Loyalty, External Influence,

    Brand Community, Family Influence, Customer Satisfaction

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    This study examines consumer perception of global brands vs. local brands in the

    Indian car industry. Consumer brand perceptions have substantial implications in

    Marketing. The study explores and understands consumer perceptions of global and

    local car brands in India by accomplishing the secondary objectives. The secondary

    objectives were achieved by highlighting the factors that effect consumer preference for

    global brands; by examining the effects of country of origin on consumer perceptions ofglobal brands and local brands; and by studying the effects of consumer ethnocentrism

    towards global brands. For creating a deep understanding of consumers insights of

    global car brands against local car brands, qualitative approach was adopted with an in-

    depth and semi- structured interview process. Interviews as a qualitative tool helped the

    researcher to uncover individuals covert feelings and emotions towards perception of

    global brands vs. local brands. The findings of the study advised that the consumers

    who possessed global car brands, preferred their car brands due to factors such as global

    presence, worldwide reputation, and quality of being a foreign make. Prestige or status

    had a very little or no influence in their preference for global car brands. Consumers

    made favorable Consumer Perception of Global vs. Local Brands: The Indian Car

    Industry .

    Key words: Consumer Perception, Global brands, Local brands, consumer

    preference, Country-of-origin, foreign brand, globalness, Consumer


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    Indian automobile industry embarked on a new journey in 1991 with delicensing of the

    sector and subsequent opening up for 100 percent FDI through automatic route. In view of

    this, the study attempts to estimate the economic performance of Indian automobile industry in

    terms of capacity utilization at an aggregate level. It estimates econometrically rate of capacity

    utilization in the industry at aggregate level and analyses its trend during the post liberalization

    period, 1991-92 to2005-06.The study also tries to assess the impact of various factors

    influencing capacity utilization. In this paper, optimal output is defined as the minimum point

    on the firms short run average total cost curve and the rate of capacity utilization is merely

    ratio of its actual output to capacity output level. We use an econometric model to determine

    the optimal capacity output. Our result shows that capacity utilization has been improved after

    the path breaking economic reforms initiated in 1991 at the rate of around 5 percent per annum

    but capacity grows more rapidly than output growth. In view of identifying several factors that

    influence capacity utilization, result suggests that coefficient of export-intensity variable,

    import penetration ratio are negative which indicate that capacity utilization was relatively

    lower in firms belonging to industry characterized by high export-intensity and import

    penetration. A positive relationship is found between size and capacity utilization and

    similarly between market share and capacity utilization.

    Key word: Liberalization, Capacity Utilization, Automobile, Industry.

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    Industry Definition

    This class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing motor vehicles or motor vehicleengines.

    Products and Services

    The primary activities of this industry are:

    1. Motor cars manufacturing2. Motor vehicle engine manufacturing

    The major products and services in this industry are:

    Passenger motor vehicle manufacturing segment (Passenger Cars, Utility Vehicles &Multi Purpose Vehicles)

    Commercial Vehicles (Medium & Heavy and Light Commercial Vehicles) Two Wheelers Three Wheelers

    The data obtained from ministry of commerce and industry, shows high growth obtainedsince 2001- 02 in automobile production continuing in the first three quarters of the 2004-05.

    Annual growth was 16.0 per cent in April-December, 2004; the growth rate in 2003-04 was

    15.1 per cent the automobile industry grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22

    per cent between 1992 and 1997. With investment exceeding Rs. 50,000 crore, the turnover of

    the automobile industry exceeded Rs. 59,518 crore in 2002-03. Including turnover of the auto-

    component sector, the automotive industry's turnover, which was above Rs. 84,000 crore in

    2002-03, is estimated to have exceeded Rs.1,00,000 crore ( USD 22. 74 billion) in 2003-04.

    If I tell you about dealers model in India In terms of Car dealer networks and au thorized

    service stations, Maruti leads the pack with Dealer networks and workshops across the

    country. The other leading automobile manufacturers are also trying to cope up and are

    opening their service stations and dealer workshops in all the metros and major cities of the


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    country. Dealers offer varying kind of discount of finances who in turn pass it on to the

    customers in the form of reduced interest rates.


    The risk of an increase in the interest rates, the impact of delayed monsoons on rural

    demand, and increase in the costs of inputs such as steel are the key concerns for the

    players in the industry.

    The ability of the players to contain costs and focus on exports will be critical for the

    performance of their respective companies.

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    The auto component sector has also posted significant growth of 20 per cent in 2003-04,

    to achieve a sales turnover of Rs.30, 640 crore (US$ 6.7 billion).

    Opposing the belief that the growth in automobile industry has catered only to the top

    income-stratum of society, Growth of exports of 32.8 % in the first three quarters of

    2004-05, the fastest growth in volumes has come from commercial vehicles as against

    passenger cars.

    1998-99 and 2003-04, output of commercial vehicles has grown 2.8 times compared to

    the 2.2 times increase in passenger cars. Furthermore, two-wheeler output continues to

    dominate the volume statistics of the sector.

    In 2003-04, for every passenger car turned out by the sector, there were 7 two-wheelers


    In the two wheeler segment, there is a greater preference for motorcycles followed by

    scooters, with both production and domestic sales of motorcycles increasing at faster

    rates than for scooters in the current and previous years.

    This reportstudy is designed to give automotive companies information that can help them

    get a better grasp on changing consumer trends, shopping patterns and demands. Interestingly,

    we found significant commonalities among responses across the more mature markets, with

    differences still quite apparent in the emerging Chinese automotive market. This report

    highlights these results, as well as country-specific differences. The executive summary

    provides an overview of key findings from the study, and the sections that follow offer more

    in-depth data and analysis on consumer behavior, environmental issues, web usage, lead

    management and customer loyalty. The automotive world today is changing; consumers are

    changing. And the speed of change is continuing to accelerate.


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    In the year 1769, a French engineer by the name of Nicolas J. Cugnot invented the first

    automobile to run on roads. This automobile, in fact, was a self-powered, three-wheeled,

    military tractor that made the use of a steam engine. The range of the automobile, however,

    was very brief and at the most, it could only run at a stretch for fifteen minutes. In addition,

    these automobiles were not fit for the roads as the steam engines made them very heavy and

    large, and required ample starting time. Oliver Evans was the first to design a steam engine

    driven automobile in the U.S.

    A Scotsman, Robert Anderson, was the first to invent an electric carriage between 1832 and

    1839. However, Thomas Davenport of the U.S.A. and Scotsman Robert Davidson were

    amongst the first to invent more applicable automobiles, making use of non-rechargeable

    electric batteries in 1842. Development of roads made travelling comfortable and as a result,

    the short ranged, electric battery driven automobiles were no more the best option for

    travelling over longer distances.

    Charles Kettering's invention of the electric starter in 1912 turned the process of starting

    automobiles faster and easier at the same time, doing away with the hand tools. Crude oil

    being discovered in Texas, the automobiles driven by engines that ran on gasoline became


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    even more affordable, as the prices of gasoline reduced. The prices of electric automobiles

    were going through a constant rise, in spite of the fact that these were less efficient than the

    gasoline automobiles.

    Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir was the first to invent an internal combustionengine that

    ran on petroleum and attached it to a three-wheeled carriage, and successfully traversed a

    distance of fifty miles in 1863.

    Karl Benz manufactured the first automobile ( a three-wheeled car) that was affordable

    and compatible for travelling over long distances for its internal combustion engine that ran on

    gas, in 1886.Later in 1887, Gottlieb Daimler was the first to invent the predecessor of the

    modern automobile with an engine that had a vertical cylinder in addition to a gasoline driven

    carburetor. First building a two-wheeled automobile (Reitwagen). Daimler was again the

    first to build a four-wheeled automobile in 1886. The engines manufactured by Daimler were

    improved upon and these portable and fast engines made automobiles the way we see them


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    The advanced engines turned the slow, expensive automobiles of the yesteryears, a thing of the

    past, and cars became more affordable as both the prices of gasoline and petroleum as well as

    the manufacturing costs reduced through their mass manufacture at the assembly lines of

    factories. Penhard and Levassor in 1889, and Peugeot in 1991 became the earliest mass

    manufacturers of the modern automobiles.

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    Starting its journey from the day when the first car rolled on the streets of Mumbai in

    1898, the Indian automobile industry has demonstrated a phenomenal growth to this day.

    Today, the Indian automobile industry presents a galaxy of varieties and models meeting all

    possible expectations and globally established industry standards. Some of the leading names

    echoing in the Indian automobile industry include Maruti Suzuki, Tata Motors, Mahindra and

    Mahindra, Hyundai Motors, Hero Honda and Hindustan Motors in addition to a number of


    During the early stages of its development, Indian automobile industry heavily

    depended on foreign technologies. However, over the years, the manufacturers in India have

    started using their own technology evolved in the native soil. The thriving market place in the

    country has attracted a number of automobile manufacturers including some of the reputed

    global leaders to set their foot in the soil looking forward to enhance their profile and

    prospects to new heights. Following a temporary setback on account of the global economic

    recession, the Indian automobile market has once again picked up a remarkable momentum

    witnessing a buoyant sale for the first time in its history in the month of September 2009.

    The automobile sector of India is the seventh largest in the world. In a year, the country

    manufactures about 2.6 million cars making up an identifiable chunk in the worlds annual

    production of about 73 million cars in a year. The country is the largest manufacturer of

    motorcycles and the fifth largest producer of commercial vehicles. Industry experts have

    visualized an unbelievably huge increase in these figures over the immediate future. The

    figures published by the Asia Economic Institute indicate that the Indian automobile sector is

    set to emerge as the global leader by 2012. In the year 2009, India rose to be the fourth largest

    exporter of automobiles following Japan, South Korea and Thailand. Experts state that in the

    Overview of Indian Automobile industry

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    year 2050, India will top the car volumes of all the nations of the world with about 611 million

    cars running on its roads.

    At present, about 75 percent of Indias automobile industry is made up by small cars,

    with the figure ranking the nation on top of any other country on the globe. Over the next two

    or three years, the country is expecting the arrival of more than a dozen new brands making

    compact car models.

    Recently, the automotive giants of India including General Motors (GM), Volkswagen,

    Honda, and Hyundai, have declared significant expansion plans. On account of its huge market

    potential, a very low base of car ownership in the country estimated at about 25 per 1,000

    people, and a rapidly surging economy, the nation is firmly set on its way to become anoutsourcing platform for a number of global auto companies. Some of the upcoming cars in

    the India soil comprise Maruti A-Star (Suzuki), Maruti Splash (Suzuki), VW Up and VW Polo

    (Volkswagen), Bajaj small car (Bajai Auto), Jazz (Honda) and Cobalt, Aveo (GM) in addition

    to several others.

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    Key players

    New Hub:





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    Automobile key players in


    1.Maruti Suzuki India

    Market Share:Passenger Vehicles 46.07%

    Maruti Suzuki India Limited, a subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan, is India's

    largest passenger car company, accounting for over 45% of the domestic car market.

    The company offers a complete range of cars from entry level Maruti-800 and Alto, to

    stylish hatchback Ritz, A star, Swift, Wagon-R, Estillo and sedans DZire, SX4 and Sports

    Utility vehicle Grand Vitara.

    Since inception in 1983, Maruti Suzuki India has produced and sold over 7.5 million

    vehicles in India and exported over 500,000 units to Europe and other countries.

    The companys revenue for the fiscal 2008-2009 stood over USD 4 billion and Profits afterTax at over USD 243 million

    All cars models of Tata Motors in India

    Maruti Suzuki A Star

    Price Range:3.60 to 4.38


    Maruti Suzuki Eeco

    Price Range: 2.82 to 3.80


    Maruti Suzuki Estilo

    Price Range: 3.27 to 4.14


    Maruti Suzuki Grand


    Price Range: 16.94 to18.27 lakh

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    Maruti Suzuki Gypsy

    Price Range: 5.44 to 5.63lakh

    Maruti Suzuki Alto

    Price Range: 2.32 to 3.28lakh

    Maruti Suzuki Kizashi

    Price Range: 16.50 to17.50 lakh

    Maruti Suzuki New


    Price Range: 4.22 to 6.48


    Maruti Suzuki


    Price Range: 2.05to 3.28 lakh

    Maruti Suzuki


    Price Range: 4.95to 7.30 lakh

    Maruti Suzuki


    Price Range: 4.03to 5.47 lakh

    Maruti Suzuki


    Price Range: 7.00to 9.01 lakh

    Maruti Suzuki

    Wagon R

    Price Range: 3.36to 4.21 lakh

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    2.Tata motors

    Market Share:Commercial Vehicles 63.94%, Passenger

    Vehicles 16.45%

    Tata Motors Limited is Indias largest automobile

    company, with consolidated revenues of USD 14 billion

    in 2008-09. It is the leader in commercial vehicles and

    among the top three in passenger vehicles.

    Tata Motors has winning products in the compact, midsize car and utility vehicle segments.

    The company is the world's fourth largest truck manufacturer, and the world's second

    largest bus manufacturer with over 24,000 employees. Since first rolled out in 1954, Tata

    Motors as has produced and sold over 4 million vehicles in India.

    Tata Motors is the first company from India's engineering sector to be listed in the New

    York Stock Exchange (September 2004), has also emerged as an international automobile


    Through subsidiaries and associate companies, Tata Motors has operations in the United

    Kingdom, South Korea, Thailand and Spain. Among them is Jaguar Land Rover, a business

    comprising the two British brands which was acquired in 2008.

    In 2004, it acquired the Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company, South Korea's second

    largest truck maker. The rechristened Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company has

    launched several new products in the Korean market, while also exporting these products to

    several international markets.

    Today two-thirds of heavy commercial vehicle exports out of South Korea are from Tata

    Daewoo. In 2005, Tata Motors acquired a 21% stake in Hispano Carrocera, a reputed

    Spanish bus and coach manufacturer, and subsequently the remaining stake in 2009.

    In 2006, Tata Motors formed a joint venture with the Brazil-based Marco polo, a global

    leader in body-building for buses and coaches to manufacture fully-built buses and coaches

    for India and select international markets.

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    In 2006, Tata Motors entered into joint venture with Thonburi Automotive Assembly Plant

    Company of Thailand to manufacture and market the company's pickup vehicles in


    The new plant of Tata Motors (Thailand) has begun production of the Xenon pickup truck,

    with the Xenon having been launched in Thailand in 2008.

    Tata Motors is also expanding its international footprint by franchises and joint ventures

    assembly operations in Kenya, Bangladesh, Ukraine, Russia, Senegal and South Africa.

    With over 3,000 engineers and scientists, the company's Engineering Research Centre,

    established in 1966, has enabled pioneering technologies and products.

    In January 2008, Tata Motors unveiled its People's Car, the Tata Nano, a development

    which signifies a first for the global automobile industry. Nano brings the comfort andsafety of a car within the reach of thousands of families. The standard version has been

    priced at USD 2,200 or Rs.100, 000 (excluding VAT and transportation cost). The Tata

    Nano has been subsequently launched as planned, in India in March 2009.

    All cars models of Tata Motors in India

    Tata Motors Aria

    Price Range: 11.58

    to 16.13 lakh

    Tata MotorsIndica

    Price Range: 3.33to 3.33 lakh

    Tata MotorsIndica eV2

    Price Range: 2.99to 5.04 lakh

    Tata MotorsIndica Vista

    Price Range: 3.88to 6.11 lakh

    Tata MotorsIndigo Manza

    Price Range: 5.44to 7.73 lakh

    Tata Motors

    Indigo XL

    Price Range: 5.57

    to 6.74 lakh

    Tata Motors


    Price Range: 9.13

    to 10.11 lakh

    Tata Motors Sumo


    Price Range: 7.30

    to 8.39 lakh

    Tata Motors New

    Indigo eCS

    Price Range: 4.54

    to 5.89 lakh

    Tata Motors


    Price Range:8.19 to

    12.56 lakh

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    3.Hyundai motors India

    Market Share:Passenger Vehicles 14.15%

    Hyundai Motor India Limited is a wholly ownedsubsidiary of worlds fifth largest automobile

    company, Hyundai Motor Company, South Korea,

    and is the largest passenger car exporter.

    Hyundai Motor presently markets 49 variants of passenger cars across segments. These

    includes the Santro in the B segment, the i10, the premium hatchback i20 in the B+

    segment, the Accent and the Verna in the C segment, the Sonata Transform in the E


    Hyundai Motor, continuing its tradition of being the fastest growing passenger car

    manufacturer, registered total sales of 559,880 vehicles in the year 2009, an increase of

    14.4% over 2008.

    In the domestic market it clocked a growth of 18.1% as compared to 2008 with 289,863

    units, while overseas sales grew by 10.7%, with export of 270,017 units. Hyundai Motor

    currently exports cars to more than 110 countries across European Union, Africa,

    Middle East, Latin America and Asia. It has been the number one exporter of passenger

    car of the country for the sixth year in a row.

    In a little over a decade since Hyundai has been present in India, it has become the

    leading exporter of passenger cars with a market share of 66% of the total exports of

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    passenger cars from India, making it a significant contributor to the Indian automobile


    In 2009, in spite of a global slowdown, Hyundai Motor Indias exports grew by 10.7%.

    In 2010 Hyundai plans to add 10 new markets with Australia being the latest entrant to

    the list. The first shipment to Australia is of 500 units of the i20 and the total i20 exports

    to Australia are expected to be in the region of 15,000 per annum.

    All cars models of Hyundai in India

    Hyundai Accent

    Price Range: 5.03 to5.03 lakh

    Hyundai EON

    Price Range: 2.70 to3.72 lakh

    Hyundai i10

    Price Range: 3.55 to5.96 lakh

    Hyundai i20

    Price Range: 4.59 to7.60 lakh

    Hyundai Santa Fe

    Price Range: 21.46 to24.37 lakh

    Hyundai Verna

    Price Range: 7.00 to10.90 lakh

    Hyundai Sonata

    Price Range: 14.65 to17.15 lakh

    Hyundai Santro Xing

    Price Range: 2.81 to3.92 lakh

    4.Mahindra Mahindra

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    Market Share: Commercial Vehicles 10.01%, Passenger Vehicles 6.50%, Three

    Wheelers 1.31%

    Mahindra & Mahindra is mainly engaged in the Multi Utility Vehicle and Three

    Wheeler segments directly. The company competes in the Light Commercial Vehicle

    segment through its joint venture subsidiary Mahindra Navistar Automotives Limited

    and in the passenger car segment through another joint venture subsidiary Mahindra


    In the year 2009, on the domestic sales front, the Company along with its subsidiaries

    sold a total of 220,213 vehicles (including 44,533 three wheelers, 8,603 Light

    Commercial Vehicles through Mahindra Navistar Automotives and 13,423 cars through

    Mahindra Renault), recording a growth of 0.6% over the previous year. The companys domestic Multi Utility Vehicle sales volumes increased by 3.3%, as

    against a decline of 7.4% for industry Multi Utility Vehicle sales.

    A record number of 153,653 Multi Utility Vehicles were sold in the domestic market in

    2009 compared to 148,761 MUVs in the previous year. Hence, Mahindra & Mahindra

    further strengthened its domination of the domestic Multi Utility Vehicle sub-segment

    during the year, increasing its market share to 57.2% over the previous years market

    share of 51.3%.

    Mahindra & Mahindra is expanding its footprint in the overseas market. In 2009 the

    Xylo was launched in South Africa. The company formed a new joint venture Mahindra

    Automotive Australia Pty. Limited, to focus on the Australian Market.

    (Source: Mahindra & Mahindra Annual Report)

    All cars models of Mahindra in India

    Mahindra New Bolero

    Price Range: 6.28 to 6.91 lakh

    Mahindra Scorpio

    Price Range: 7.59 to 12.40 lakh

    Mahindra Thar

    Price Range: 6.36 to 6.36 lakh

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    Mahindra Xylo

    Price Range: 7.38 to 9.47 lakh

    Mahindra Verito

    Price Range: 4.64 to 6.72 lakh

    Mahindra XUV 500

    Price Range: 10.80 to 12.80 lakh

    5. Honda siel car India

    Honda Siel Cars India Ltd., (HSCI) was incorporated

    in December 1995 as a joint venture between Honda

    Motor Co. Ltd., Japan and Siel Limited, a Siddhartha

    Shriram Group company, with a commitment to

    providing Hondas latest passenger car

    models and technologies, to the Indian


    The total investment made by the

    company in India till date is Rs 1620

    crores in Greater Noida plant and Rs

    784 crores in Tapukara plant.

    HSCIs first state-of-the-art manufacturing unit was set up at Greater Noida, U.P in 1997.

    The green-field project is spread across 150 acres of land (over 6, 00,000 sq. m.).

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    Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Sakichi Toyoda

    invented Japan's first power loom, revolutionizing the

    country's textile industry.

    January 1918 saw him create the Toyoda Spinning and

    Weaving Company, and with the help of his son, Kiichiro Toyoda, Sakichi fulfilled his

    lifelong dream of building an automatic loom in 1924.

    The establishment of Toyoda Automatic Loom Works followed in 1926. Kiichiro was also

    an innovator, and visits he made to Europe and the USA in the 1920s introduced him to the

    automotive industry. With the 100,000 that Sakichi Toyoda received for selling the patent

    rights of his automatic loom, Kiichiro laid the foundations of Toyota Motor Corporation,

    which was established in 1937. One of the greatest legacies left by Kiichiro Toyoda, apart

    from TMC itself, is the Toyota Production System. Kiichiro's "just- in-time" philosophy - producing only precise quantities of already ordered

    items with the absolute minimum of waste - was a key factor in the system's development.

    Progressively, the Toyota Production System began to be adopted by the automotive

    industry across the world. Rising from the ashes of industrial upheaval in post-war Japan,

    Toyota has become the largest vehicle manufacturer in Japan with over 40% market share.

    Toyota is number one for customer satisfaction in the majority of European countries and

    has built an excellent reputation across Europe for reliability and customer service.

    This enviable reputation, along with the support of a network of more than 25 distributors

    and 3,500 sales outlets, are important factors in supporting Toyota's European sales growth

    in the coming years.

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    increased its interest to 72% in March 1998 and renamed the company Ford India Private


    FIPL's main manufacturing plant has a capacity of 100,000 vehicles annually and is located

    in Maraimalai Nagar,45 km from Chennai. As its new hatchback Figo was launched in

    March 2010, Ford Motor Company has invested $500 million to double capacity of the

    plant to 200,000 vehicles annually and setting up a facility to make 250,000 engines


    All cars models of Ford in India

    Ford Endeavour

    Price Range: 17.07 to19.73 lakh

    Ford Fiesta

    Price Range: 8.25 to10.44 lakh

    Ford Fiesta Classic

    Price Range: 5.50 to 8.20lakh

    Ford Figo

    Price Range: 3.71 to 5.73lakh

    8.General motors

    General Motors began doing business in India in 1928,

    assembling Chevrolet cars, trucks and buses, but ceased its

    assembly operations in 1954. GM continued with tie-ups with

    Hindustan Motors to buildBedford trucks,Vauxhall cars,Allison Transmissions and off-road


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    In 1994 GMIPL was formed as a joint venture, owned 50 percent byHindustan Motors and

    50 percent by General Motors, to produce and sellOpelbranded vehicles. GM bought out the

    Hindustan Motors interest in 1999.[1][2]GMIPL continued to produce Opel cars at the Halol

    facility until 2003, when it started production ofChevrolet vehicles at that location.

    In 2000, GMIPL moved its headquarters to Gurgaon. In 2003, the company opened its

    technical center operations in Bangalore, which included research and development and

    vehicle engineering activities. The technical center operations were expanded to include

    purchasing and financial support services for General Motors operations located outside of

    India (2006), vehicle engine and transmission design and engineering (2007) and a vehicle

    design studio (2007).

    GMIPL began construction of a second vehicle assembly plant in Talagaon in 2006, which

    began production of Chevrolet vehicles in September 2008.

    In late 2009, General Motors announced that it would put its India operation into a 50-50

    venture with Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation of China, which is the partner of

    GM's main venture in China.


    1. Chevrolet Optra (Launched 2003)

    2. Chevrolet Tavera(Launched 2004)

    3. Chevrolet Aveo(Launched 2006)

    4. Chevrolet Aveo U-VA(Launched 2006)

    5. Chevrolet Spark(Launched 2007)

    6. Chevrolet Captiva(Launched 2008)

    7. Chevrolet Cruze(Launched 2009)

    8. Chevrolet Beat (Launched 2010)

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    9.Hindustan motors

    Hindustan Motors Limited, the flagship venture of the multi-billion-dollar CK Birla Group,

    was established during the pre-Independence era at Port Okha in Gujarat.

    Operations were moved in 1948 to Uttarpara in district Hooghly, West Bengal, where the

    company began the production of the iconic Ambassador.

    Equipped with integrated facilities such as press shop, forge shop, foundry, machine shop,

    aggregate assembly units for engines, axles etc and a strong R&D wing, the company

    currently manufactures the Ambassador (1500 and 2000 cc diesel, 1800 cc petrol, CNG and

    LPG variants) in the passenger car segment and

    light commercial vehicle 1-tonne payload mini-truck

    HM-Shifeng Winner (1500 cc diesel) at its

    Uttarpara plant.

    The first and only integrated automobile plant

    in India, the Uttarpara factory, popularly known as

    Hind Motor, also manufactures automotive

    and forged components.

    The armoring division under Hindustan Motors Finance Corporation Ltd., a fully owned

    subsidiary of HM, is also based out of the Uttarpara plant. It is one of the leading bullet-

    proof fabricators for Ambassador Cars and Mitsubishi Pajero.

    The company also has operations in Pithampur near Indore in Madhya Pradesh where it

    produces 1800 cc CNG variant of Winner. Hindustan Motors has technical

    collaboration with Mitsubishi Motors Corporation of Japan and, under thislicense, produces premium passenger cars viz. Lancer, Pajero, Cedia,

    Montero, Outlander and Lancer Evolution X (Evo X) at its third plant situated at Tiruvallur

    near Chennai in Tamil Nadu.

    Cars models of Hindustan Motors in India

    Hindustan Motors Ambassador

    Price Range: 5.00 to 6.43 lakh

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    10. Skoda auto India

    Skoda Auto India Private Limited, more commonly

    referred to as Skoda Auto India, established November

    2001,is a fully owned subsidiary of the Czechautomotive

    manufacturer Skoda Auto and a division of Volkswagen

    Group Sales India.

    According to an official release, Skoda Auto India sold more than 16,000 units in 2008, a

    28.5% increase from 2007 sales totals. Furthermore, SAIPL is aiming to become the

    strategic hub in South and Eastern Asian markets for the Skoda Auto marque, by exporting

    its locally produced products to Nepal,Sri Lanka and Thailand.As of April 2009, it has

    sold over 61,000 units since operations began in November 2001.

    Skoda Auto India Private Limited has its manufacturing plant located at Shendra on the

    outskirts ofAurangabad which has an annual capacity of 40,000 vehicles. This Aurangabad

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    plant is also shared byAudi India to manufacture theAudi A4 andAudi A6 models. It also

    uses theVolkswagen India Private Limitedplant atChakan, Maharashtra to manufacture

    theSkoda Fabia.

    All cars models of Skoda in India

    Skoda Fabia

    Price Range: 4.44

    to 6.83 lakh

    Skoda Rapid

    Price Range: 6.75

    to 9.19 lakh

    Skoda Superb

    Price Range: 18.65

    to 26.94 lakh

    Skoda Yeti

    Price Range:13.46

    to 16.89 lakh

    Skoda Laura

    Price Range: 13.62

    to 18.24 lakh

    11. Force motors

    Force Motors is an Indian manufacturer of three

    wheelers, multi-utility and cross country vehicles,

    light commercial vehicles, tractors, buses and now

    heavy commercial vehicles. It was originally named

    Firodia Tempo Ltd. and later after partial acquisition

    byBajaj Auto as Bajaj Tempo Ltd.

    The company was founded in 1958 by N.K.Firodia. Abhay N. Firodia is the Chairman and

    Prasan Firodia is Managing Director.

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    600 employees and is located at Ranjangaon in the Pune District of Maharashtra.

    The definitive agreement of the Joint Venture was signed on October 19th 2007. The board

    of directors for this company comprises of five nominees each from Fiat and Tata.

    The state-of -the-art facility at Ranjangaon will have an installed capacity to produce

    100,000 cars and 200,000 engines, besides aggregates and components. The company plans

    to double the production capacity for both car units and engines in the next few years.

    This facility is currently manufacturing the Palio Stile 1.1 and 1.6 models, as well as

    premium Fiat cars such as the Grande Punto and Linea.

    The plant is expected to provide direct and indirect employment to more than 4,000 people

    Fiat, which holds a 50% stake in the Company, also owns and controls five internationally

    renowned brands:- Fiat Automobiles, Alfa Romeo Automobiles, Lancia Automobiles,Abarth and Fiat Light Commercial Vehicles, the makers of renowned cars such as the

    Ferrari, Maserati, Alfa Romeo and Lancia besides the Fiat branded cars.

    Tata Motors Limited, the other partner to the Joint Venture, is the largest automobile

    company in India, with revenues of Rs. 32,426 crores (USD 7.2 billion) in 2006-07. It is

    the leader in commercial vehicles in every segment and the second largest in the passenger

    vehicles market with winning products in the compact, mid-size car and utility vehicle


    The company is the worlds fifth largest medium and heavy commercial vehicle

    manufacturer and the worlds second largest medium and heavybus manufacturer

    All cars models of Fiat in India

    Fiat 500

    Price Range:14.83 to 14.83 lakh

    Fiat Grande Punto

    Price Range: 4.32 to 6.85 lakh

    Fiat Linea

    Price Range: 6.52 to 9.06 lakh

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    There is a very stiff competition in the automobile industry segment in India. This has

    helped many to realize their dreams of driving the most luxurious cars. During the recent past,

    a number of overseas companies have started grabbing a big chunk of the market share in both

    domestic and export sales. Every new day dawns in India with some new launches by active

    players in the Indian automobile arena. By introducing some low cost cars, the industry had

    made it possible for common men to buy cars for their personal use. With some innovative

    strategies and by adopting some alternative remedial measures, the Indian automobile industry

    has successfully come unaffected out of the global financial crisis.

    Potential of Indian automobile industry

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    consolidating Indias position as the seventh largest automobiles manufacturer on the globe,

    eventually surging forth to become the third largest by the year 2030 behind China and the US.

    The Automotive Mission Plan launched by the Indian government has envisaged that

    the country will emerge as the seventh largest car maker on the globe thereby contributing

    more than 10 percent to the nations $1.2-trillion economy.

    Further, industry experts believe that the nation will soon establish its stand as an

    automobile hub exporting about 2.75 million units and selling about a million units to be

    operated on the domestic roads.



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    Source: Society of Indian Automotive Manufacturing (SIAM)

    75% of the vehicles sold are two wheelers. Nearly 59% of these two wheelers sold

    were motorcycles and about 12% were scoters. Mopeds occupy a small portion in the

    two wheeler market however; electric two wheelers are yet to penetrate.

    The passenger vehicles are further categorized into passenger cars, utility vehicles

    and multi-purpose vehicles. All sedan, hatchback, station wagon and sports cars fallunder passenger cars. Tata Nio is the worlds cheapest passenger car, manufactured

    by Tata Motors - a leading automaker of India. Multi-purpose vehicles or people-

    carriers are similar in shape to a van and are taller than a sedan, hatchback or a

    station wagon, and are designed for maximum interior room.

    Utility vehicles are designed for specific tasks. The passenger vehicles

    manufacturing account for about 15% of the market in India.






    Product and service segmentation

    Passenger vihicles

    Commercial Vehicles

    Three Wheelers

    Two Wheelers

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    India exports automobiles in about 203 countries. Last year, India's automobile

    exports had reached $4.5 billion and a consistent export growth rate can be estimated

    in the year 2010 also with the estimation that it will cross $12 billion by 2014.

    As per the SIAM records automobile exports have under gown a growth of 22.30

    percent during the current financial year. United Kingdom is largest export market

    for India's automobile industry followed by Germany, Netherlands and South Africa.

    In the year 2009-10, India has made a huge profit by exporting 1,804,619 no.

    vehicles. Different brands are utilizing the Indian automobile engineering expertise

    to manufacture and export maximum no. of vehicles from their Indian plants.

    Nissan Motors plans to export 250,000 vehicles manufactured in its India plant by

    2013. Similarly, General Motors announced its plans to export about 50,000 carsmanufactured in India by 2013.

    Listed below is the statistics showcasing export sales rate of Indian automobile

    industry for the year 2009-10.

    Particular Export Sales (2009-10)Passenger Vehicles 446,146

    Commercial Vehicles 45,007

    Three Wheelers 173,282

    Two Wheelers 1,140,184

    Grand Total 1,804,619


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    In 2002, the Indian government formulated an auto policy that aimed at promoting

    integrated, phased, enduring and self-sustained growth of the Indian automotive


    Allows automatic approval for foreign equity investment up to 100% in the automotive

    sector and does n