1.3 scientific thinking and processes key concept scientific method science is a way of thinking,...

1.3 Scientific Thinking and Processes KEY CONCEPT Scientific Method Science is a way of thinking, questioning, and gathering evidence.

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1.3 Scientific Thinking and Processes Biologists use experiments to test hypotheses. Collect Data:


Page 1: 1.3 Scientific Thinking and Processes KEY CONCEPT Scientific Method Science is a way of thinking, questioning, and gathering evidence

1.3 Scientific Thinking and Processes

KEY CONCEPT Scientific MethodScience is a way of thinking, questioning, and gathering evidence.

Page 2: 1.3 Scientific Thinking and Processes KEY CONCEPT Scientific Method Science is a way of thinking, questioning, and gathering evidence

1.3 Scientific Thinking and Processes

Like all science, biology is a process of inquiry or problem solving.


• Scientific method- an organized way of problem solvingSteps: 1 state the problem 2 gather information

3 form a hypothesis 4 test the hypothesis – set up an experiment were only

one factor you are testing will change. control group – set up that does not contain the factor you are testing experimental group – set up that does contain what you are testing Variables – factors you are testing independent variables – factors you have decided to test dependent variable – factors that you don't know the out come until the end of the experiment Constants – factors that always remain the same5 record data: quantitative data- measurements

qualitative data- describing6 analyze data7 conclusion: accept or reject the hypothesis, does my data prove or disprove the hypothesis

Page 3: 1.3 Scientific Thinking and Processes KEY CONCEPT Scientific Method Science is a way of thinking, questioning, and gathering evidence

1.3 Scientific Thinking and Processes

Biologists use experiments to test hypotheses.Collect Data:

Page 4: 1.3 Scientific Thinking and Processes KEY CONCEPT Scientific Method Science is a way of thinking, questioning, and gathering evidence

1.3 Scientific Thinking and Processes

• Experiments allow scientists to determine what causes a phenomenon.

Page 5: 1.3 Scientific Thinking and Processes KEY CONCEPT Scientific Method Science is a way of thinking, questioning, and gathering evidence

1.3 Scientific Thinking and Processes

Page 6: 1.3 Scientific Thinking and Processes KEY CONCEPT Scientific Method Science is a way of thinking, questioning, and gathering evidence

1.3 Scientific Thinking and Processes

A theory explains a wide range of observations.

• Theories explain a wide range of observations and experimental results.

• A theory is supported by a wide range of scientific evidence.

• Theories can change based on new evidence.