13 - lower extremity revascularization

SPECIAL ARTICLE Practice guidelines: revascularization Lower extremity James A. DeWeese, MD, Robert Leather, MD, and John Porter, MD, Rochester and Albany, N.Y., and Portland, Ore. Currently in the United States about 100,000 operative surgical procedures, and probably an equal number of interventional radiologic procedures, are performed annually for revascularization of ischemic lower extremities. 1 The need for the majority of these procedures results from symptoms caused by athero- sclerosis. The purpose of this document is to present practice guidelines for lower extremity revasculariza- tion. It is obvious that guidelines can be neither comprehensive nor exclusive. Deviations from these guidelines can and should occur when warranted by patient circumstances. The subjects addressed include indications for revascularization taking into account the natural history of untreated lower extremity ischemia, pretreatment evaluation, methods for treat- ment, care and monitoring during treatment, and posttreatment follow-up. INDICATIONS FOR LOWER EXTREMITY REVASCULARIZATION 2,s Patients requiring lower extremity revasculariza- tion have one or more well-recognized symptom complexes. In addition to symptoms, the decision to proceed with treatment is dependent on the presence of appropriate physical findings, noninvasive testing results, and lesions demonstrated by imaging tech- niques, as well as a knowledge of the natural history of the patient before surgery. From the Division of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, University of Rochester Medical Center (Dr. DeWeese), Rochester;the Departmentof Surgery,Albany MedicalCollege (Dr. Leather), Albany; and the Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Oregon Medical School (Dr. Porter), Portland. Reprint requests: James A. DeWeese,MD, Division of Cardio- thoracic and Vascular Surgery,University of RochesterMedical Center, 601 ElmwoodAve., Rochester,NY 14642. J VAsc SUING 1993;18:280-94. Copyright © 1993 by The Societyfor Vascular Surgery and International Society for CardiovascularSurgery,North Amer- ican Chapter. 0741-5214/93/$1.00 + .10 24/9/47174 Symptoms Chronic ischemia Claudication. Clandication consists of weakness, discomfort, or muscular cramping occurring only with exercise and relieved by a short period of rest. Symptoms typically occur in muscle groups distal {~ the site of arterial occlusion and may involve the buttock, thigh, or calf. The pain is caused by failure of lower extremity blood flow to increase sufficiently to meet the metabolic demands of exercising muscle, although the pain receptor pathways are unknown. Restpain. Rest pain consists of a constant aching discomfort or burning pain typically occurring in the forefoot. It worsens with elevation, is lessened by dependency, and is most troublesome at night. This pain is caused by diminished blood flow that is inadequate to meet the metabolic demands of resting tissue. Ischemic ulceration. Failure of minor traumatic lesions to heal normally leads to painful chronic ulcers that fail to heal because of reduced blood supply insufficient to meet the increased demands of healing tissue. Ischemic ulcers also typically occur in the distal extremity. Gangrene. Gangrene is characterized by cyanotic, anesthetic tissue associated with, or progressing <'~:, necrosis as a result of reduction of arterial blood supply below that necessary to meet minimal meta- bolic requirements. Acute ischemia Blue toe syndrome. The blue toe syndrome consists of sudden onset of painful cyanosis of the toes or forefoot in the presence of pedal pulses resulting from embolic occlusion of digkal arteries with athero- thrombotic material from proximal arterial sources. 4 Dij~se acute ischemia. Acute diffuse limb ischemia is characterized by the sudden onset of pain progress~ ing to numbness and finally paralysis of the extremity, accompanied by pallor, coolness, and absence of 280

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    Practice guidelines: revascularization

    Lower extremity

    James A. DeWeese, MD, Robert Leather, MD, and John Porter, MD, Rochester and Albany, N.Y., and Portland, Ore.

    Currently in the United States about 100,000 operative surgical procedures, and probably an equal number of interventional radiologic procedures, are performed annually for revascularization of ischemic lower extremities. 1 The need for the majority of these procedures results from symptoms caused by athero- sclerosis. The purpose of this document is to present practice guidelines for lower extremity revasculariza- tion. It is obvious that guidelines can be neither comprehensive nor exclusive. Deviations from these guidelines can and should occur when warranted by patient circumstances. The subjects addressed include indications for revascularization taking into account the natural history of untreated lower extremity ischemia, pretreatment evaluation, methods for treat- ment, care and monitoring during treatment, and posttreatment follow-up.


    Patients requiring lower extremity revasculariza- tion have one or more well-recognized symptom complexes. In addition to symptoms, the decision to proceed with treatment is dependent on the presence of appropriate physical findings, noninvasive testing results, and lesions demonstrated by imaging tech- niques, as well as a knowledge of the natural history of the patient before surgery.

    From the Division of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, University of Rochester Medical Center (Dr. DeWeese), Rochester; the Department of Surgery, Albany Medical College (Dr. Leather), Albany; and the Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Oregon Medical School (Dr. Porter), Portland.

    Reprint requests: James A. DeWeese, MD, Division of Cardio- thoracic and Vascular Surgery, University of Rochester Medical Center, 601 Elmwood Ave., Rochester, NY 14642.

    J VAsc SUING 1993;18:280-94. Copyright 1993 by The Society for Vascular Surgery and

    International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, North Amer- ican Chapter.

    0741-5214/93/$1.00 + .10 24/9/47174


    Chronic ischemia Claudication. Clandication consists of weakness,

    discomfort, or muscular cramping occurring only with exercise and relieved by a short period of rest. Symptoms typically occur in muscle groups distal {~ the site of arterial occlusion and may involve the buttock, thigh, or calf. The pain is caused by failure of lower extremity blood flow to increase sufficiently to meet the metabolic demands of exercising muscle, although the pain receptor pathways are unknown.

    Restpain. Rest pain consists of a constant aching discomfort or burning pain typically occurring in the forefoot. It worsens with elevation, is lessened by dependency, and is most troublesome at night. This pain is caused by diminished blood flow that is inadequate to meet the metabolic demands of resting tissue.

    Ischemic ulceration. Failure of minor traumatic lesions to heal normally leads to painful chronic ulcers that fail to heal because of reduced blood supply insufficient to meet the increased demands of healing tissue. Ischemic ulcers also typically occur in the distal extremity.

    Gangrene. Gangrene is characterized by cyanotic, anesthetic tissue associated with, or progressing

  • JOURNAL OF VASCULAR SURGERY Volume 18, Number 2 DeWeese el: aL 281

    palpable pulses. Acute ischemia is typically caused by embolic or thrombotic occlusions of native arteries or previous vascular reconstruction.

    Physical findings associated with lower extremity ischemia

    Diminished pulses. Most patients with symp- tomatic lower extremity ischemia have diminished or absent pulses at one or more levels in the symptom- atic extremity. Patients with palpable pulses that disappear with exercise may also have proximal arterial occlusJive disease. 5

    Other physical findings. Other signs of chronic ischemia have been described including presence of hair loss, thickened nails, cyanosis, rubor, coolness, pallor, delayed capillary filling, muscular wasting, and a positive elevation dependency test. The elevation dependency test consists of elevation of both legs 30 ~egrees from the horizontal position for 30 seconds

    and then return of the legs to the horizontal position. Capillary filling and pinkness will return progres- sively from the heel to the forefoot and finally the great toe. Capillary filling and venous filling will normally occur within 10 seconds. With the excep- tion of the elevation dependency test, all of these signs are sufficiently nonspecific or influenced by environmental conditions (i.e., temperature) to be of little practical use.

    Noninvasive testing 2,3

    Physical examination alone is unreliable for com- plete assessment of lower extremity ischemia. Deter- ruination of palpable pulse status is not reproducible :and should not be relied on to assess the presence or severity ofischemia. Objective noninvasive testing is ~readily available and reliable and should be a part of l~e preoperative evaluation of all patients with lower extremity ischemia. The available modalities and

    ~lications are listed below. Anlde/bractfial systolic arterial pressures

    (ABIs). The highest arterial pressure measured at the ~alkle with an ultrasonic flow detector divided by the highest arm blood pressure gives the ABI. The severity of occlusive disease in the lower extremity is inversely related to the ABI, as is the severity of symptoms. 6 Resting ABIs of patients considered for therapy are generally 0.5 or less in patients with incapacitating intermittent claudication, 0.3 or less in patients with ischemic rest pain, and 0.4 or less in patients with gangrene or tissue loss. This simple measurement should be performed as part of the physical examination of all persons suspected of

    having lower extremity ischemia. In urgent or emergent cases, or in occasional patients with typical symptoms and findings, no other tests may be necessary. Unfortunately the index may- be falsely elevated in patients with incompressible lower ex- tremity arteries as occurs in diabetes.

    Segmental pressures and Doppler analog waveform recording. Segmental pressures and Doppler analog waveform recording are most helpful in localizing the site of obstructive lesions. They are usually performed at the upper thigh, lower thigh, calf, and ankle. Doppler waveforms are also obtained from the femoral artery for evaluation of inflow.

    Exercise testing. Treadmill walking with pre- treatment and postexercise ankle blood pressure provides objective confirmation of the diagnosis of claudication and allows objective comparison of pretreatment and posttreatment values for the assess- ment of results.

    Pulse volume recordings. The pulse volume recording is a calibrated air plethysmographic wave- form recording system test that is performed at thigh, calf, ankle, metatarsal, mad toe levels. It provides semiquantitative information of arterial obstruction. Toe pulse volume recordings and toe pressures are especially helpful in diabetic patients with relatively incompressible proximal vessels preventing accurate pressure measurements.

    Duplex scanning. Duplex examinations of the lower extremity arteries and bypass grafts may localize and quantitate lesions, differentiate stenoses from occlusions, and measure flow velocities in bypass grafts.

    Imaging examinations Invasive therapy of lower extremity atherosclero-

    sis is based on the segmental nature of the responsible lesions. Precise localization of lesions to permit procedural planning is presently possible only through detailed arteriography. In most cases the arteriograms should include the aorta, lilac, femoral, popliteal, and tibia/arteries of one or both legs. The pullback pressure gradient determination during induced reduction in outflow resistance provides important information on the hemodynmnic signif- icance of iliac lesions. Well-described angiographic techniques permit visualization of all vessels that remain patent even in severely ischemic extremities. 7 It should rarely be necessary to perform elective arterial surgery for ischemia without precise arterio- graphic definition of lesions. In the future detailed duplex examinations and magnetic resonance imag-

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    ing may provide sufficient detail to replace arteriog- raphy, but not currently.

    Natural history and indications

    The natural history of untreated lower extremity ischemia forms the foundation on which all decisions for treatment are based.

    Chronic lower extremity ischemia. Lower ex- tremity arterial ischemia is a result of stenosis or occlusion of the aortoiliac or femoropopliteal or tibioperoneal arteries. The occlusion is most fre- quently the result of atherosclerotic plaque with or without secondary thrombosis. However, it may also result from emboli, thrombosis of aneurysms, popliteal entrapment, fibrodysplasia, adventitial cys- tic disease, spontaneous arterial dissection, arteritis, radiation, trauma, or Buerger's disease.

    Claudieation. Numerous reports have described the generally benign nature ofclandication indicating the infrequency of disease progression to amputa- tion. 8,9 Although the impression that patients with claudication have a benign natural history with respect to limb loss is widespread, it is probably incorrect. The "classic" studies that predate the use of modern methods of objective noninvasive vascular diagnosis (and in fact usually depended on question- naires) are flawed by inclusion of an unknown but significant number of patients whose leg pain with walking was not vascular. The effect is to assign an incorrectly benign prognosis to the entire patient group. Modern studies of claudicants in which objective documentation of arterial disease was required for study entry have clearly shown that the prognosis for limb loss is related most closely to the severity of disease at the time of study entry, as assessed by ankle pressure measurements or other means. The need for amputation or therapy to prevent amputation occurs annually in 4% to 8% of claudicants followed prospectively. 9-12

    Diabetes mellitus adversely affects the 5-year outcome of the claudicant and increases the ampu- tation rate as much as sevenfold. 9 Clinical deteriora- tion with either requirement for bypass or tissue loss occurred in 35% of those with and 19% of those without diabetes mellitus.

    Smoking also adversely affects the 5-year out- come of patients with claudication. 9 Worsening of claudication occurred in 31% of patients who con- tinued smoking compared with 8% of those who stopped. For claudicants who continued smoking, major amputations have been required in 11% of cases, compared with 0% for those who stopped.

    The amputation rate is most closely related to severity of arterial disease as determined by ankle pressure or arteriography at the time of presentation with claudication. 9,n14 Humphries et al)0 have shown that sudden severe ischemia occurs in only 11% of claudicants with isolated aortoiliac occlusion within 4.2 years (average) of onset of symptoms but was more than twice as likely to occur in patients with femoropopliteal or multisegmental disease.

    The natural history of claudication argues against arterial reconstruction for all patients with inter- mittent claudication. Most claudicants do not have limb-threatening ischemia during 5 years of follow-up.

    Cessation of smoking can improve symptoms and decrease the risk of deterioration. It has also been shown objectively that a walking exercise program can increase the comfortable walking distance. 1~ On the other hand, the observation that approximate~ 25% of patients do have deterioration within 5 years emphasizes the importance of objective follow-up, preferably with noninvasive testing. This is particu- larly true of patients with diabetes and continued smoking, because these patients have a four to seven times greater risk of deterioration. A well-planned elective operation for the deteriorating extremity is preferable to an urgent or emergent operation on an acutely ischemic limb. In addition, there is a variable but small number of patients with sufficiently severe claudication that they are prevented from performing tasks required for their livelihood or desired recre- ational activity. In these instances a revascularization procedure may be offered to an informed patient who does not have. unduly significant risk factors or other extenuating circumstances. For example, if the pa- tient requires a bypass to the tibial level and has no available saphenous vein, the long-term results of a nonvein bypass do not justify intervention for patients with only claudication.

    Rest pain, ischemic ulcers, and gangrene. Imminent or actual tissue loss, particularly in the presence of pain, is the most frequent indication for lower extremity arterial reconstruction. Despite risk factors, these patients are generally facing surgery of one type I or another: arterial reconstruction or amputation.

    Blue toe syndrome. 4 Digital arterial occlusion may result from in situ thrombosis from many causes such as atherosclerosis, collagen-vascular arteritis, and Buerger's disease. Alternatively, it may result from embolization from a proximal cardiac or arterial~ source, such as a ventricular thrombus, aortic aneu- rysm, or ulcerated stenotic upstream arterial plaque.

  • JOURNAL OF VASCULAR SURGERY Volume 18, Ntmlber 2 DeWeese et aL 283

    Management: of the source of the embolus, if extracardiac, is usually indicated.

    Acute lower extremity ischemia. The natural history of acute lower extremity ischemia is variable, ranging from rapid spontaneous improvement to progression to tissue death. Factors favoring a benign prognosis include presence of preexisting collaterals (i.e., preexisting history of clandication or previous arterial reconstruction), presence of audible arterial flow by Doppler at the time of presentation, and absence of neurologic changes at the time of presen- tation (sensation and normal movement intact). Factors predicting a more morbid prognosis include absence of preexisting arterial disease (as in embolic or traumatic arterial occlusions), absence of detect- able Doppler signals, presence ofneurologic changes, and presence of muscular rigidity. In addition to an uncertain natural history with respect to the threat- ~ned limb, acute lower extremity ischemia is associ- ated with significant mortality rates (a mean mortal- ity rate of approximately 25% in the series reviewed by Blalsdell et al. 16 Death was attributable to both the systemic effects of severe limb ischemia (myonecro- sis, acute renal failure, and multiple organ system failure) and the serious nature of underlying disease in persons suffering acute limb ischemia (e.g., severe heart disease, advanced malignancy, and multiple trauma).16 It is important that limb-revascularization procedures be: performed early and expeditiously in the face of deteriorating clinical findings and be withheld in the face of irreversible ischemic changes.

    Asymptomatic disease Abdominal aortic aneurysms. The presence of an

    aneurysm 4 cm in diameter or greater in the presence of symptomatic aortoiliac occlusive disease is an indication for aneurysm resection if there are no other overwhelming medical problems. 17

    Peripheral arterial aneurysms. The complications f peripheral arterial aneurysms including thrombo-

    sis, embolization, rupture, and compression of adja- cent structures are sufficiently frequent to justify their repair when discovered.

    Neoplasms. Limb-sparing surgery for treatment of bulky extremity rumors may involve resection of critical arteries and veins, necessitating revasculari- zation.

    PREOPERATIVE GENERAL EVALUATION Virtually all studies of patients with symptomatic

    lower extremk T atherosclerosis have reported de- creased life expectancy compared with symptom-free age-matched control subjects. The causes of death are

    most frequently related to atherosclerosis at other sites, with myocardial infarction, stroke,and other vascular events (e.g., ruptured aneurysm and visceral ischemia) accounting for more than three fourths of the deaths. 3 The risk of death appears to be related directly to the severity of lower extremity ischemia, whether assessed by objective means or severity of symptoms. For example, the mortality rate at 5 years of follow-up was 13% in a series of patients with claudication treated nonoperatively ~8 and 20% in a series of claudicants requiring surgery, 19 but it was 52% in a series of patients requiring surgery for limb salvage 2 and 88% in a group of patients who underwent repeat operations for limb salvage. 21 These studies and others indicate that the Severity of the process of systemic atherosclerosis is reflected accurately in the severity of lower extremity occlusive disease as determined by objective testing. Identifi- cation of the extent of the systemic arteriosclerotic process and other risk factors in the preoperative evaluation of patients being considered for interven- tion is extremely important.

    History A detailed history is important and should include

    information concerning coronary artery disease, di- abetes mellitus, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypercoagulable states, renal disease, strokes, unusual bleeding, hyperlipemia, and family history of atherosclerosis.

    Complete physical examination Special attention should be directed to the

    following. Bilateral arm pressures. Bilateral arm pressures

    may identify proximal upper extremity arterial occlu- sions that have direct effects on the ability to monitor patients' brachial arterial pressure in the perioperative period or ABIs long term. In addition, an unsuitable proximal inflow source for an axillofemoral bypass may be identified.

    Peripheral pulses. Determination of the pres- ence and magnitude of peripheral pulses is helpful in the identification of the site of arterial occlusions, as well as for long-term monitoring.

    Aneurysm. It is important to identify aortic or peripheral aneurysms as sources of emboli and for appropriate management by either operation or observation.

    Bruits in the neck, abdomen, or groin. Bruits may identify stenotic lesions that require further evaluation.

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    Laboratory testing

    Routine testing Blood tests. Appropriate preoperative laboratory

    testing includes determination of a complete blood count including a platelet count, prothrombin time, and partial thromboplastin time. A biochem- ical profile should include blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, serum cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.

    Other. A routine urinalysis, chest x-ray, and electrocardiogram are recommended.

    Special as indicated Coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease is

    present in at least 70% of patients with symptomatic lower extremity vascular disease, of which approxi- mately 20% is severe enough to warrant coronary revascularization. 22,23 Furthermore, it is the most frequent cause of death during the early and late follow-up of patients who undergo surgery. The mortality rate from coronary artery disease for patients who undergo arterial reconstruction in collected series is approximately 15% at 5 years, 25% at 10 years, and 35% at 15 years. 19,24'2s In addition, the 10-year mortality rate for patients with and without known coronary artery disease who undergo surgery has been in the range of 69% to 92% versus 26% to 65%. 19'2~'26 Available data do not currently permit an objective documentation of the benefits of prophylactic coronary bypass in this patient group for prolongation of life. However, physicians caring for patients with symptomatic lower extremity athero- sclerosis must be concerned about coronary artery disease primarily because of its adverse effect on perioperative death and morbidity. 273 Significant symptoms include unstable angina pectoris, severe congestive heart failure and controlled arrhythmia, and recent myocardial infarction. In such patients any of the detailed preoperative tests listed below may be appropriate before performance of lower extremity revascularization.3133 Exercise stress electrocardiogram Exercise thallium cardiac scan Intravenous dipyridamole or adenosine thallium

    scan Multigated cardiac blood pool scan Long-term Holter monitor for evidence of silent

    ischemia Cardiac catheterization with coronary arteri-

    ography Therapeutic alterations resulting from such diag-

    nostic information may include a decision to choose nonoperative treatment of lower extremity ischemia

    or employ a procedure of lesser magnitude, such as axillary-bifemoral bypass instead of aortobifemoral bypass. Specific cardiac treatment before lower ex- tremity revascularization may include alteration of medications or fluid balance. Other treatments may include pacemaker insertion and coronary artery bypass grafting. 23,34,3s Numerous ongoing studies are attempting to define precisely the group of symptom- free patients who will most benefit by such detailed preoperative coronary studies. Clearly, extension of these expensive and frequently invasive diagnostic procedures to all patients undergoing vascular sur- gery presently appears unwarranted.

    Carotid artery disease. Widespread performance of carotid artery duplex scanning has resulted in defini- tion of categories of stroke risk associated with varying degrees of carotid artery stenosis. Many believe that asymptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis of greater than 70% to 75% diamete, ~ reduction has a sufficiently high risk of stroke to justify prophylactic carotid endarterectomy? 6-s8 At least one study suggests that the risk of perioperative stroke in patients with severe carotid stenosis is significant, 39 although the incidence of stroke in patients with hemodynamically significant carotid stenosis in multiple other studies was not different from that found in patients without carotid stenosis. 4-42 It is known that 5% to 8% of patients being considered for cardiovascular surgery have carotid artery stenosis of greater than 75% diameter reduction. 43 At present no randomized controlled trials have established the efficacy of treatment of such lesions in symptom-free patients by prophylactic carotid endarterectomy for either prevention of perioperative stroke or long-term stroke.

    Endarterectomy for patients both with and with- out symptoms with 70% to 75% stenosis is logical and preferable treatment before arterial reconstruc- tion. 38'44 The experience of Freischlag et al. 4s at ~' Beebe et al. 46 supports the performance of prophy- lactic endarterectomy on patients with 75% or greater diameter stenosis when the combined oper- ative morbidity and mortality rates are less than 3%. Screening of patients scheduled for lower extremity revascularization to detect critical carotid artery stenosis should be performed for symptom-free parents with bruits and all patients with symptoms. Any of the methods listed below may be used. Carotid artery duplex scanning Oculopneumoplethysmography Continuous-wave Doppler with spectral analysis

    If any of these tests indicate the presence of critical

  • JOURNAL OF VASCULAR SURGERY Volume 18, Number 2 DeWees et al. 285

    carotid artery stenosis, carotid arteriography may be performed to confirm the diagnosis.

    Abdominal aortic aneurysm. The incidence of abdominal aortic aneurysm in patients with lower extremity occlusive disease is approximately 9%. 47 An abdominal ultrasound examination may be nec- essary in patients in whom the presence or absence of an aneurysm cannot be determined by abdominal examination because of the potentially lethal natural history of these aneurysms. Computed axial tomog- raphy and tho~:acicoabdominal aortography may also be required for planning of the operation.

    Diabetes mdlitus. The incidence of symptomatic lower extremil~ occlusive arterial disease was more than twice as great in diabetic compared with nondiabetic patients (4.3% vs 2%) in one epidemi- ologic study. 9 Approximately 16% of patients with claudication have diabetes. The foot salvage rate 3 ~cars after operation is only slightly better for nondiabetic compared with diabetic patients (93% vs 85%). 24 On the other hand, after the onset of symptoms of arterial insufficiency, the mortality rates at 5 years for diabetic patients is twice as great as that for nondiabetic patients (49% vs 23%). 9 It is important, therefore, to establish the diagnosis of diabetes to determine the long-term benefit of an operation. Fasting blood glucose levels and glucose tolerance tests are required if glucosuria is found.

    Pulmonary disease. Symptomatic lower extremity arterial occlusive disease is more common in cigarette smokers than ha nonsmokers (2.4% vs 1.4%). 9 Of greater importance is the fact that approximately 80% of patients with symptomatic disease are smok- ers. 9 Provan et al. 48 found that the 5-year patency rate for aortofemoral bypass grafts in nonsmokers was 71% and in those who stopped smoking 77%, compared with 42% for those who continued smok- ing. Myers et al.49 found patency rates of femo-

    ~mpliteal grafts at 4 years of 80% for nonsmokers and 61% for smokers. The 5-year mortality rate tbr patients with symptomatic disease who continue smoking is approximately 27% compared with 12% for those who quit. 49 The importance of smoking in decision making for operations and in the manage- merit of patients operated on is obvious. In addition to chest x-rays, heavy smokers and patients with pulmonary symptoms should also be evaluated with arterial blood gases and pulmonary function tests. These tests should include vital capacity, maximum .b~'eathing capacity, and forced expiratory volume in 1 second.

    Hypertension. Approximately 23% of patients

    with asymptomatic arterial occlusive disease have a history of, or currently have, hypertension. 9 There are no studies incriminating hypertension as adversely affecting morbidity or mortality rates or late graft patency in patients undergoing lower extremity arterial reconstruction, although hypertension is an important risk factor for both myocardial infarction and stroke. False aneurysms are more common in hypertensive patients.

    Coagulation abnormalities. All patients undergo- ing surgery for leg revascularization should undergo preoperative determination of platelet count, pro- thrombin time, and partial thromboplastin time. A clinical history of bleeding abnormality, onset of disease at less than 45 years of age, or a significant abnormality of any of the three tests warrants detailed coagulation consultation.

    It has become clear in recent years that a significant percentage of patients with either arterial occlusive disease or a history of recurrent venous thrombosis have detectable hypercoaguable abnor- malities. Presently all patients with multiple prior episodes of lower extremity deep vein thrombosis or a prior failure of arterial reconstruction should undergo a screening battery of coagulation tests. This should include a determination of antithrombin Ill, protein C, protein S, anticardiolipin antibody, lupus anticoagulant, and lipoprotein A. Abnormalities of any of these screening tests suggests the need for a coagulation consultation. Donaldson et al. 5 found deficiencies of antithrombin III, protein C, and protein S and the presence of either lupuslike anticoagulant activity or heparin-induced platelet aggregation in 14 of 137 patients undergoing arterial reconstruction. ~ Thrombosis occurred within 30 days of operation in 27% of the 14 patients with positive test results and 1.6% of the 123 patients with normal results.


    Several different surgical procedures are currently used for lower extremity revascularization. The factors influencing the choice of procedure are the nature of the lesions producing ischemia, the severity of ischemia, the urgency of the need for revascular- ization, the location of the responsible lesions, the availability of autogenous venous conduit, and the number and severity of associated medical condi- tions. The most frequently used procedures are listed below, with a brief description of the utility of each.

  • JOURNAL OF VASCULAR SURGERY 286 DeWeese et al. August 1993

    Embolectomy. This is generally the procedure of choice for acute arterial occlusion with significant symptoms. In patients with documented emboliza- tion who have symptoms or minimal symptoms of anticoagulation without operative intervention as advocated by Blaisdell et al.,16 embolectomy may be appropriate. On occasion, patients with angiograph- ically proved emboli may be treated with throm- bolytic agents.S1

    Risks associated with emboli are related to (1) the local ischemic insult, (2) the procedure used to restore circulation, and (3) recurrence with damage to another organ system. Stratification of risk with embolectomy has demonstrated a threefold to sev- enfold increased mortality rate in patients older than 70 years.

    In recent years, overall mortality rates from arterial emboli have been reported in the range of 10% to 30%. Immediate surgical complications from emboli include amputation, which will be mandated in 5% to 25% of patients. Compartment syndrome, myoglobinuria, renal failure, contracture, and persis- tent ischemic neuropathy may also result, with a probability of occurrence related to the degree and duration of ischemia. Short- and long-term preven- tion of recurrent embolization mandates anticoagu- lation, with risk of wound hematoma and gas- trointestinal or other hemorrhage. Anticoagulation will reduce the rate of reembolization from approx- imately 40% to 20%. 52'53

    Endarterectomy. The role of endarterectomy is supported in aortoiliac bifurcation disease, common femoral disease extending to the deep femoral artery, and limited superficial femoral artery disease. Results in the aortoiliac system are comparable to those of bypass grafting with prosthetic materialfi 4 In the femoropopliteal system some authors have reported results to be comparable to those of conventional bypass techniques for localized disease, sS's6 This has not been the experience of most vascular surgeons. In the reconstruction of tibial arteries, endarterectomy has little role because of vessel size, rarity of segmental involvement, and low flow rates leading to a higher rate of thrombosis, s7

    Bypass grafts. Bypass grafting operations may be categorized as proximal procedures, distal proce- dures, or extraanatomic procedures. Proximal proce- dures bypass lesions proximal to the inguinal liga- ment to provide inflow to the common iliac, super- ficial, or deep femoral artery, whereas distal procedures bypass those lesions located distal to the common femoral artery. Extraanatomic procedures

    are used in situations in which routing grafts along the normal course of the arteries is contraindicated, as in the case of infections, or relatively contraindicated, as in intracavitary procedures in patients with mul- tiple risk factors. Bypass techniques have been employed since the later 1940s and are considered the "gold standard" against which all other varieties of reconstruction are compared.

    Proximal procedures. Aortic bypass for occlusive disease has been performed with synthetic prostheses since 1957. Proximally, these may be fashioned end to end or end to side to the native aorta. End-to-end anastomoses are preferred if the bypassed segment is aneurysmal, thrombosed, or a source for emboli. End-to-side anastomoses are employed to ensure flow to arterial branches proximal to the occluded aorta or iliac arteries. Distally the graft limbs are anastomosed end to side to the iliac or femoral artery, ensuring retrograde flow to vessels distal to occlusion. The distal femoral anastomosis must ensure excellent flow to the deep femoral artery and may require a profundaplasty.

    Results with aortofemoral reconstruction are excellent, with graft patency rates at 5 years ranging from 80% to 90% and at 10 years from 70% to 75%. s4

    Distal procedures. Distal procedures may extend from the common femoral, superficial femoral, or deep femoral arteries to the above-knee or below- knee popliteal artery, infrapopliteal arteries, or arter- ies of the foot.

    Results with life-table analysis have been re- viewed extensively in numerous clinical series. By- passes with autogenous vein have demonstrated superiority in randomized trials. 5s Five-year second- ary patency rates in excess of 70% are possible for reconstructions extending to the popliteal artery and in excess of 50% for grafts extending to the tibial arteries, s9 The reported limb salvage rate is 80%~ 90% at 5 years. The greater saphenous vein is the conduit of choice. Results achieved with other veins such as the lesser saphenous, arm vein, and superficial femoral vein are less satisfactory. 6 Results achieved with various techniques of autogenous grafting, such~ as the in situ saphenous vein technique and reversed vein technique, have equal success in randomized trials. 61 Outflow procedures performed with pros- thetic grafts are justified in some patients requiring above-knee bypasses if autogenous vein is not avail- able. 5s Some patients with severe obstructive disease. may require combined inflow and outflow bypass grafts for reliable salvage of a failing foot. These

  • IOURNAL OF VASCULAR SURGERY Volume 18, Number 2 DeWeese et aL 287

    extensive operations are best performed by multiple simultaneously operating teams. 62

    Extraanatomic procedures'. In selected patients, extraanatomic grafts to restore inflow may be per- formed by femorofemoral, axillofemoral, axillo- bifemoral, or crossover iliofemoral technique. Axil- lofemoral bypass for aortoiliac occlusive disease provides 5-year patency rates of 40% to 70%, which is not as good as results of aortofemoral and iliofemoral bypass grafting. 54,63"66 However, patency rates of 75% to 80% at 3 to 4 years have been reported with the use of externally supported axillo- bifemoral prosthetic grafts. 67 The choice of a cross- over iliofemoral or femorofemoral bypass as opposed to a unilateral iliofemoral bypass for an isolated lilac stenosis is stil] being debated.

    Patch angioplasty. For limited atherosclerotic stenoses or recurrent lesions with neointimal fibrous lyperplasia, patch angioplasty with or without local- ized endarterectomy may be indicated. This is used most frequen@ in the lilac, femoral, deep, and superficial femoral arteries and occasionally in the popliteal arteuz. In larger arteries, use of prosthetic material for angioplasty is justified, but for medium- sized arteries, including the deep popliteal and tibial arteries, autogenous vein or endarterectomized artery is preferred. Additional use of patch angioplasty is in the closure of longitudinal arteriotomies made for such procedures as embolectomy or open-balloon angioplasty. 68

    If the angioplasty technique is used for properly selected lesions, results are comparable to those of vein bypass. The most frequent site for patch angioplasty is the common femoral-deep femoral system. There reconstruction patency at 5 years for patients with daudication exceeds 75%. 69,70 Where the initial indication for reconstruction is limb salvage, results of profundaplasty are poorer, with , .year patency rates of 20% to 40%. Nevertheless, because it is a local procedure and leaves the patient with many furore options for reconstruction, it remains an attractive procedure for the inital man- agement of selected patients with rest pain or small ischemic ulcers with poor runoff vessels or a lack of available suitable veins.

    Transluminal aJ~erial reconstruction

    In 1992 surgical interventions were comple- mented by several interventional radiographic tech- niques, one of which is generally accepted (percuta- neous transluminal angioplasty [PTA] with a bal- loon) and some of which must still be considered

    experimental (atherectomy and stenting of angio- plasty sites). Results of surgery must be compared with those for other interventions in terms of benefits and risks.

    The choice of PTA is affected by the level of the arterial lesion: patency rates of iliac angioplasty are generally superior to those of femoral artery angio- plasF. Precise analysis of data pertaining to PTA is difficult because (1) many early reports did not use criteria for patency comparable to those customarily used for vascular reconstructions, (2) many reports omitted standard life-table analysis, (3) many reports confused primary and secondary patency (i.e., the effect of a redilation), and (4) many reports did not inch:de the effect of initial dilation failure in the calculation of results. Nevertheless, available data support the following positions.

    For segmental common iliac lesions, the initial patency rate with PTA ranges from 90% to 95%. 7: The 5-year patency rate for common lilac PTA ranges from approximately 80% for single stenotic lesions to 50% to 60% in the presence of a diffusely diseased iliac artery. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of external iliac occlusions is initially successful in 70% to 90% of cases, with a 4-year patency rate ranging from 47% to 86%, all dependent on the length of the ocdusion.71, 72

    In femoropopliteal disease PTA is initially suc- cessful in about 80% ofstenoses and 75% to 85% of occlusions treated. 7a Immediate patency depends on the length of the lesion, with patency rates approach- ing 70% at 5 years reported in the most favorable CaSeS 72,73

    The data regarding the restenosis rate requiring redilatation are unclear at present. It is generally accepted that redilation is possible for most lesions (63% in the lilac system and 47% in the femo- ropopliteal system). 74,7s

    If an experienced interventional angiographer trained to perform transturninal arterial reconstruc- tions is available, balloon angioplasty ofiliac stenoses and short occlusions is appropriate for selected lesions. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in the infraingulnal vessels demands more technical skill but may be appropriate for selected lesions. The choice of balloon angioplasty versus surgery should be made with mutual consultation between the interventional angiographer and the vascular surgeon caring for the patient. 76

    Laser-assisted balloon angioplasty has been gen- erally abandoned. Intravascular stenting and atherec- tomy are procedures still under development and

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    study for their clinical efficacy, long-term results, and cost-effectiveness. As such, their use may be appro- priate for selected lesions, but these procedures should be applied only when careful follow-up procedures are in place to evaluate the long-term results. 76

    Nonarterial operations

    Lumbar sympathectomy. A major indication for sympathectomy is in the management of reflex sympathetic dystrophy. In addition it may be used as an adjunct for the management of atheroembolism of the foot.

    Lumbar sympathectomy is extremely effective in properly selected patients. The range of mortality rates from sympathectomy is probably lower than the older reported 0% to 6%. 77 The most serious local complications are postsympathectomy neuralgia, which may occur in as many as 50% of patients, and ejaculatory dysfunction, which occurs in 25% to 50% of patients. If the indication for sympathectomy is severe, nonreconstructible occlusive disease with limited tissue loss, healing will result only in approx- imately half of cases. Considering the natural history of such wounds, these results are equal to those obtained with careful wound care and administration of analgesics. Nevertheless, after a trial of proper wound care, if the risk of the procedure appears low, sympathectomy may be indicated in carefully selected patients, particularly those who show objective evidence of vasospasm.

    Fasciotomy. Fasciotomy is indicated when there is direct evidence for development of a compartment syndrome after ischemia. This is an adjunctive procedure rather than a primary reconstruction technique. Results will vary with the indications. If used for documented compartment syndrome, re- sults will be related to the degree and duration of ischemia.

    Amputation. Primary amputation without an attempt at vascular reconstruction of a severely ischemia extremity should be uncommon. Of course primary amputation is a necessary option in the management of severe diabetic foot infections or in the presence of gangrene to a degree such that there is not enough viable tissue to ~llow salvage of a functional foot for walking. Primary amputation may be indicated also in severe ischemia where the physical status of the patient will never allow useful walking or pivoting for transfer with the salvaged foot.

    The mortality rate with major amputation is high,

    ranging up to 30% in collected series. 7ss The risk is high because of patient selection: the majority of patients with a threatened limb are candidates for arterial reconstruction after which limb salvage will be achieved. Most patients who are not candidates for reconstruction have severe, debilitating generalized disease.

    Thrombolytic therapy

    There are several indications for thrombolysis in the management of peripheral vascular disease: (1) to restore circulation after acute arterial occlusion, with hope that a treatable cause for occlusion will be revealed that may then be treated with balloon angioplasty or surgery; (2) to restore an acutely thrombosed reconstruction, which may then be treated with balloon angioplasty or surgery; (3) to lyse arterial emboli to avoid surgical embolectom~ and (4) to be used in low doses during surgery as a?5 adjunct to thrombectomy.

    Results for the different indications are anecdotal at best. After acute graft thrombosis, dot lysis has been successful in 20% to 50% of cases, sl Lysis of clot after arterial embolization has been successful in as many as 80% of cases. 82 In acute bypass thrombosis, restoration of patency has been achieved in 20% to 75% of cases, but some 80% to 91% of these grafts will require an immediate secondary procedure to treat an underlying lesion that caused the thrombo- sis. 81 The i2-month graft patency rate after these secondary procedures is a disappointing 20% to 40%. a3 Thrombolytic therapy has another advantage over catheter thrombectomy of autogenous vein grafts because of the reduced risk of myointimal injury. Finally, adjunct thrombolysis in the operative management of acute occlusion has been reported to be useful in as many as 75% of cases. 84

    Serious complications have been reported with even low-dose thrombolytic therapy. Hemorrha~ occurs in 8% to 24% of patients receiving streptoki- naseY Hematomas occur in 6% to 20% of infusions. Systemic allergic reactions are particularly notable with streptokinase, occurring in up to 50% of infusions. Death related to drug administration has occurred in as many as 5% of infusions, mostly with streptokinase. 84 Urokinase is preferred.


    Bleeding. Reoperation for hemorrhage is re-~ quired after 1% to 3% of lower extremity reconstruc- tions because of improper hematosis or coagulation

  • JOURNAL OF VASCULAR SURGERY Volume 18, Ntm~ber 2 DeWeese et aL 289

    disorder. 8s Significant wound hematomas are best managed by opening of the incision, evacuation of the hematoma, and reclosure under sterile condi- tions. Needle aspiration is inadequate and results in infection.

    Edema. Edema occurs in a majority of patients with infrainffainal revascularization, perhaps 70% at least, and results primarily from surgical disruption of lymphatics. 86 It tends to be minor and to resolve in 3 to 4 months. With reoperations, persistent arterio- venous fistulas with in situ bypass, and prior deep venous thrombosis, edema may be more severe. A sudden increase in edema may indicate a new episode of deep venous thrombosis.

    Lymphorrhea. Lymphorrhea occurs infre- quently, in less than 5% of reconstructions. It may pose a risk for infection if prosthetic material is located within the leaking wound. Initial manage- ment includes bed rest, local occlusive wound dress- ings, systemic antibiotics, and prophylaxis against venous thrombosis. If these measures fall, it may be necessary to explore the wound, suture affected lymphatics, and reclose the wound carefully. 87 Mea- sures to prew:nt this complication include careful lymphostasis and the use of a lateral or medial approach to the groin without disruption of the primary collection of lymphatics and nodes overlying the femoral vessels.

    Skin necrosis. Skin necrosis occurs in as many as 8% of arterial reconstructions, a8 It is more common in the presence of diabetes, redo operations, and where vein har~est requires creation of thin skin flaps. Management includes local dressings to allow demar- cation, wound debridement, and the occasional use of skin grafts or flaps for dosure, s9

    Infection. The incidence of infection is approx- imately 1%. Risk factors include diabetes, redo operations, prosthetic material, hematoma, pro- _)nged operation, distal sepsis in the limb, local sepsis in the groin, ongoing bacteremia, lymph drainage, :skin necrosis, skin flaps, improper closure of wound, ;and puncture site iIffection from angiography.

    Thrombosis and thromboembolism

    Venous thrombosis. The incidence of clinically significant venous thrombosis associated with lower extremity revascularization is remarkably low (i.e., ][%). This has been attributed to the extensive use of anticoagulants during surgery, which is the period of greatest venous stasis and greatest risk for develop- rnent of dots.

    Bypass thrombosis. Acute bypass thrombosis

    within 30 days is reported in as high as 10% of all femoropopliteal and femorotibial reconstructions. 9 The incidence of arterial thrombosis within 1 month of reconstruction for such procedures as endarterec- tomy and angioplasty is similar.

    False aneurysms

    False aneurysms occur with an incidence of approximately 1% to 2% in late follow-up.9~ They are attributed to infection, suture failure, or degenerative change in the host artery with "pull through" of the suture from the artery wall.

    Progressive ischemia, gangrene after bypass

    The causes of progressive ischemia after arterial reconstruction are several.

    Hemodynamic failure. Hemodynamic failure occurs when a reconstruction is patent but delivers inadequate circulation to the distal extremity. Typical causes include the selection of an outflow level for the bypass that does not bridge all hemodynamically significant disease, thrombosis of the outflow arterial circulation such that the bypass primarily feeds retrograde into more proximal circulation, or distal occlusive disease that cannot be bypassed.

    Inflow stenosis. When a bypass is placed distal to severe aortoiliac disease, there may be enough restriction of flow through the inflow stenosis that, despite a patent graft flow, it is inadequate to relieve distal ischemia.

    Technical problems. Technical problems include stenosis in the bypass, anastomotic stenosis, im- proper tunneling with compression, retained clot in the reconstruction, improper valve incision, intimal flaps, and small bypass diameter. All can lead to functional bypass failure. 92

    Atheroembolism. Microthromboembolic and cholesterol debris may be released accidentally into the circulation during manipulation of the arteries causing severe digital ischemia ("trash foot"). The incidence is ill defined but is probably between 1% and 5%. Initial management should be watchful waiting with anticipated improvement. Autoampu- tation of superficial distal digital lesions may occur. Formal amputation at the most distal level consistent with wound healing and salvage of fimction may become necessary.

    With proper early surveillance, detection, and early reoperation, these complications can be man- aged successfully. Progression of ischemia to the point of amputation will occur in less than 5% of patients.

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    Major morbidity and death

    Pulmonary embolism. The incidence of pulmo- nary embolism after distal reconstruction is un- known. It is likely less than 1%, perhaps related to the intraoperative use of anticoagulants.

    Stroke. The risk of stroke is low after lower ex- tremity vascular reconstruction but still four to six times higher than after general surgery. In symptom- free patients with defined carotid disease, the risk of stroke is approximately 1%, and in those with symp- tomatic disease it is increased to approximately 4%, A cervical bruit alone is not a risk factor for stroke,

    Myocardial infarction. Approximately 70% of patients who undergo lower extremity revasculariza- tion have concomitant coronary artery disease. 22,23 The risk of perioperative myocardial infarction in patients undergoing vascular surgery is increased by the presence of a recent myocardial infarction, uncontrollable angina, pulmonary edema, and ven- tricular dysrhythmias. In the "best" group of patients the risk is only 4%, but in those with the worst symptoms morbidity and mortality rates exceed 7% 27,93

    Death. Operative mortality rates range from 0% to 7.5% in various studies, although most indicate a mortality rate less than 3%. The best results are found in series with larger numbers of patients with claudication, and the worst results typically occur in patients with limb-threatening ischemia. Diabetes is an added risk factor.


    Appropriate follow-up of patients undergoing lower extremity revascuiarization is lifelong, in rec- ognition of the chronic progressive nature of the primary disease process, atherosclerosis. Ideally this follow-up should be performed by the operating surgeon. The majority of failures of lower extremity revascularizations occur within the first year after the procedure. 94 Therefore the number of follow-up visits during this interval should be greater than during subsequent years. Objective information con- cerning the patency of arterial repairs, as well as the status of native arteries in unoperated areas, should be obtained at every follow-up visit. The results should be subjected periodically to life-table analysis. 3 Pulse palpation alone is neither a reproducible nor a reliable indicator of satisfactory function of arterial repairs. Evaluation of the lower extremity circulation at follow-up visits can be obtained by noninvasive

    means, with the minimum acceptable measurement being an ABI.

    Autogenous vein bypass grafts should be exam- ined by duplex scanning with determination of graft flow velocity. This parameter has been demonstrated to be a sensitive indicator of impending graft failure, which becomes abnormal before resting ankle pres- sure decreases or recurrent patient symptoms occur . 96 The measurement of ABIs before and after exercise may also uncover significant stenoses not causing decreased ABIs at rest. Detection of such impending failure is important because multiple studies have demonstrated that the outcome of procedures to restore patency to thrombosed vein grafts is poor with respect to prolonged patency, 81,95 whereas the outcome of procedures to correct stenoses in failing grafts before the occurrence of thrombosis is quite satisfactory. 96,97 Patients suspected of having stenoses in lower extremity venous bypass grafts shoui~ undergo arteriography if any of the following find- ings is apparent at the time of follow-up exami- nation. 97 Recurrent symptoms of ischemia Loss of previously palpable pulse Decrease in anlde/brachial pressure ratio of greater

    than 0.20 below the highest postoperative value Duplex scan-determined graft flow velocity less

    than 45 cm/sec If arteriograms demonstrate a stenotic lesion in

    autogenous vein bypass grafts of greater than 60% diameter reduction, elective repair should be per- formed to prevent graft thrombosis. To date, similar criteria to detect stenoses developing in prosthetic grafts, or in endarterectomized native arteries, have not been developed. Ifstenoses are discovered in such reconstructions, prophylactic reoperation is prudent because of poor prognosis associated with attempts to restore flow to thrombosed grafts.


    Operative procedures performed to treat lower extremity ischemia range in complexity from rela- tively minor procedures such as femoral embolec- tomy performed under local anesthesia to extraordi- narily extensive operations on the aorta, iliac, and femoral arteries involving incisions into major body cavities, large swings in fluid balance, major blood loss, and many hours of general anesthesia. Similarly, the severity of illness treated may range from stable fife-style-limiting claudication in a relatively healthy middle-aged patient to acute severe limb ischemia occurring in an elderly patient with severe impair-

  • JOURNAL OF VASCULAR SURGERY Volume 18, Number 2 DeWeese et al. 291

    ment of cardiac, pulmonary, and renal fimction. Given this tremendous range in magnitude of proce- dure and severity of illness, no absolute requirements for patient care and monitoring can be stated without also describing individual patient characteristics.

    Hospitals and physicians wishing to undertake lower extremi!ty revascularization must be prepared to care for the entire spectrum of lower extremity ischemia, however, because the nature of the primary disease process (i.e,, atherosderosis) implies multi- system involvement and the potential for major complications in all patients. Minimal capabilities for performance of lower extremity revascularization are listed.

    Medical staff Given the advanced age and potential for multi-

    system disease, the ready availability of specialists in me following areas is optimal.

    Vascular surgery. Surgeons performing lower extremity revascularization should be eligible for or possess the Certificate of Special or Added Qualifi- cations in General Vascular Surgery issued by the American Board of Surgery or have General Surgical certification and documented training or experience demonstrating competence in the performance of vascular surgev.~. 98

    Anesthesiology. Qualified specialists in anesthe- siology are necessary to ensure adequate patient care during operations.

    Internal medicine. Complications of lower ex- tremity ischemia predictably include myocardial in- farction, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, car- diogenic shock, renal failure, respiratory failure, severe soft tissue infections, and septic shock. Spe- cialists in the following areas are necessary to provide consultation for optimal patient management: cardi- ology, nephrology, pulmonary medicine, and infec- , _0us disease.

    Critical care. Trained specialists in critical care awe necessary for optimum patient management. Depending on the institution, this requirement may be met by the vascular surgeon or other surgical, medical, or anesthesia physicians.

    Radiology. Qualified angiographers with inter- ventional skills are essential to provide the high- quality arteriograms necessary for proper procedural planning.

    Hospital facilities Intensive care. Capability to provide the follow-

    ing patient care procedures is essential: complete

    hemodynamic monitoring including central venous pressure, arterial pressure, and pulmonary artery pressure with cardiac output determination; electro- cardiographic monitoring; respiratory care including respirator support, respiratory therapists, and blood gas analysis; hemodialysis; and constant infusion of vasoactive medications.

    Operating room. In addition to providing all necessary instruments for arterial surgery on vessels from the aorta to the pedal arteries, the operating room must provide capabilities for patient manage- ment, support, and monitoring equivalent to those listed under intensive care above. Doppler equipment must be available immediately. Duplex scarming equipment should also be available.

    Radiology. Facilities for complete operative ar- teriography including appropriate fluoroscopy and filming equipment and a complete assortment of catheters, guide wires, and monitoring equipment should be available.

    Inpatient care. Ideally, care of patients undergo- ing vascular surgery should be concentrated in an identified nursing unit with nursing staff oriented and skilled in the care of elderly patients with multisystem disease. Special training in recognition of cardiac and pulmonary complications and objec- tive assessment of the peripheral circulation is desir- able. Appropriate equipment including Doppler flow detectors and pressure cuffs must be available.

    The contributions of J. L. Kaufman, MD, and Lloyd M. Taylor, Jr., MD, are appreciatively acknowledged.

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    Submitted Jan. 5, 1993; accepted March 15, 1993.


    The Lifeline Foundation of the Society for Vascular Surgery invites grant applications for funding of meritorious research by young surgical investigators. The awards are in- tended for surgeons who have completed their formal surgical education in general sur- gery and who have completed or are in an advanced training program in vascular surgery.

    To be considered for selection a candidate: 1. Should be certified by the American Board of Surgery or have completed the

    requirements for certification 2. Should submit an application within 3 years of completion of an approved resi-

    dency training program 3. Must have either a faculty appointment in an approved medical school in the

    United States or Canada or have received an academic appointment within the guidelines of the applicant's institution

    Grant awards are not intended to supplement salary, which will remai the responsi- bility of the institution in which the awardee holds an appointment. [[i.e awardee is expected to devote a significant amount of time to the funded project. A progress3 report will be presented by the investigators during the annual meeting of the Soci,:ty for Vascular Surgery.

    A grant awards committee will review competitive applications. It is anticipated .daat two grants will be awarded annually totaling $50,000 each to include indirect costs. Each award will be for 1 year with the option to extend for an additional year.

    Grant appfications may be obtained from: The Lifeline Foundation Society for Vascular Surgery Thirteen Elm St. Manchester, MA 01944 (508)526-8330

    The deadline for receiving applications in the Foundation office is January 15, 1994. Funds will be awarded by July 1, 1994.