13 designers you should know: adrian sahagun


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1 of 13 Designers You Should Know: Adrian Sahagun


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Page 7: 13 Designers You Should Know: Adrian Sahagun

This is primarily made to give credit to the designers that really continue impressing me with their

designs/creations. 13 Filipino Designers that you should know.

We will know them more as they answer my questions

to them.

Hope you enjoyed every designers I chose.

Photo Credit to its own respective owners.

Thank You!

Page 8: 13 Designers You Should Know: Adrian Sahagun
Page 9: 13 Designers You Should Know: Adrian Sahagun

An Amazing Designer. That is what I

normally call Adrian Sahagun. He

might be so familiar for some because his

name is always mentioned on my blog

post most especially when it regards to

the topic regarding Mega Young Designer

2013 All Stars that aired until last July.

He is my favorite from that reality

fashion show since the first episode was

aired. Some misinterpret him for being so direct to the point but that’s

what I really like about him. Adrian being a Brutally Honest Person.

Adrian had his formal education in designing at Fashion Institute of the


His creations has been featured in various magazine and worn by


One more thing that I love about him is his passion to give his clients a

stylish designs and a well-tailored creations. Lastly, He knows when to

have fun and when to be focused.

So Lets Know him more…

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Page 11: 13 Designers You Should Know: Adrian Sahagun

How did you first become interested in Fashion?

• Unavailability of clothes for curvy women actually was one

of my motivations. Whenever my mom and I would go to the

mall and find a dress for her, nothing really fits- if something

would, it doesn’t look good. It even came to the extent that we

were already in the maternity dresses area. Another reason is

the menswear designs that we have. Here in our province,

when something goes on trend “uso,” you would see most of

the boys wearing the same style that you have. Or worse, you

might even be wearing the same shirt, or same pants or

whatever. I actually experienced that a lot of times and I

really wanted to separate myself from the rest. Then just

came the urge to study fashion designing. There was this day

that I was just stirred up to find the perfect fashion school for

me. And from there on… it’s been a fashionable journey for


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Page 13: 13 Designers You Should Know: Adrian Sahagun

What qualities does a designer need to have?

• A designer should not be afraid to experiment. You should

always be prepared of criticisms- some people would always

have something to say about your work. You’ve got to have

the patience. I think the wrong notion about designers is that

we are all living in a glamorous world- but that’s not always

the case. A lot of designers, especially young ones who are

starting their dreams, have to put a lot of hard work on that.

A designer should also be a “mathematician.” Pattern-

making involves a lot of computation whether it be just a

simple pattern block. And of course, the most important is

that a designer has to have God in his life- and I think this is

the most essential of them all. Because it was God who gave

the ability to produce whatever designs we have.

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Page 15: 13 Designers You Should Know: Adrian Sahagun

What are the challenges you had experience in the fashion


• I think the most common is Pull-out from stylists whether it be

just for a portfolio shoot or for a magazine. As a young designer,

we would always dream of having our works being put in the

magazines- and even those who have long been designers also

enjoy seeing their works in the glossies. However, there would

always be those times when a stylist would fail to return

whatever garments that they have pulled-out. And I think for all

designers, our garments are our babies- we give due importance

to them. Nothing hurts more than not seeing your “baby” any

longer. So lesson learned- always have a Pull-out Form. Another

thing that I actually experienced was having my clothes returned

to me after the shoot and only to find out that my whole dress

was wrecked into pieces- and the stylist had the nerve to even

block me in facebook LOL. It totally felt like my dress was


Where do you get your inspiration for your collections?

• Whenever I do a collection, I rarely draw. It is in the actual

pattern that I’m doing that I conceptualize on my designs. For

some reason, most inspirations just come through my mind.

There would be those days that you would just feel like you are

overflowing with ideas and you just want to execute them.

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Designers that you look up?

• Alexander Wang & Nicolas Ghesquiere.

Internationally, who do you thinks is the best muse of your designs?

• I still haven’t thought of anyone actually…. But if it were a

Hollywood actress it would be Sandra Bullock- mainly because she’s

my favorite. (^_^)

If Coco Chanel is alive and she invited you for a talk, what is the

first thing you will ask her?

• How she became interested in fashion I guess.- I still haven’t

really thought of what exactly I would ask her. LOL

If Anna Wintour asked you to have a dinner with her and she asked

you to describe and discuss Philippine Fashion, what will you say?

• I would actually tell her that there are a lot of Filipino talents in

our country. There’s just a little bit of struggle for young designers

to get attention I think. In our country the “old-mentality” is to get

noticed in the international scene before you get noticed in your own

country- and I don’t understand why (LOL). A lot of designers

could actually make it in the international scene- it’s just the lack of

resources, right connections, and the right timing that is holding

them all off.

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