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  • 8/3/2019 1_28_12



    WEST HARTFORD, CT 06117860-233-3084

    Web Site: www.youngisraelwh.org



    Editor: Judie Patel

    E-mail: bulletin @youngisraelwh.orgEditors Emeritus: Sam Leichtberg & Moish Trencher

    Rabbi Brahm Weinberg 860-233-3084 [email protected]

    Judith Hessing, Coordinator 860-233-6042 [email protected]


    January 28th, 2012 4 Shevat 5772Kiddush this Shabbat

    Is sponsored byRivka Sue & Geoff Newman

    In honor ofThe Anniversary of Geoffs Bar Mitzvah

    & Chinese Culture

    Rabbi & Elana are away at the HHNE ShabbatoGuest Speaker this Shabbat: Prof. Vera Schwarc

    Seudah ShlishitSponsored by Norman Spector

    On the occasion of his Fathers yahrzeit,Yosef Leib ben Nesanel Yaacov.

    YIWH GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGRescheduled to Sunday, February 12th at 7:30 PM

    The two agenda items are a vote regarding chan

    to our bylaws (you can download the ballot,1.yiwh.net/files/BylawsBallot.pdf), and an upda

    regarding the National Council of Young Israesituation, along with a vote on withholding ou

    shul's annual dues to that organization.

    to Lissie & Dor Markush on the birth o

    Netanel Yisrael! to grandparents, EvonCharles Epstein of Englewood, NJ, and Aviva & DMarkush of Sherman Oaks, CA; great-grandpare

    Shirley Drexler, and Ruti & Aryeh Markush fromPetach Tikvah; Aunts & Uncles, Lali & Robyn Epst

    and Nufar, Omer, Barr & David Markush. May hgrow LTorah, LChupah, u'L'Maasim Tovim!

    MIDDLE SCHOOL DINNER @ YIWHSunday, January 29th at 6:30 PM

    Come & create & eat a fabulous dinner.Open to all 5th - 8th Graders

    RSVP Carolyn Ganeles - [email protected]


    Our Ice Cream Social was a big success!Many thanks to our dynamic speaker, Rabbi Blaour wonderful Rabbi Weinberg, our very capabchairpeople, Shayne Kesler and Stacey Trencheand our gracious hosts, Betty and Irv Wizenfeld

    and a special todah rabah to our anonymous don

    Rabbis CornerSome of you may be wondering where I have

    disappeared to this Shabbos! Elana, Joseph, andI are on the HHNE School Shabbaton in Newport, RI

    this Shabbos. We have been looking forward to par-ticipating in this school activity and to spending timewith the students in historic Newport. I am particu-larly excited this year because I will be giving theDrasha on shabbos morning in the Touro Synagogue.What an amazing opportunity to be able to speak inthe oldest shul (building) in the country which is alsoconsidered to be one of the most architecturally dis-tinguished and historically significant buildings of18th-century America. I will also be speaking to thestudents after davening about the history of thesynagogue and of the colonial period in AmericanJewish History.

    As I mentioned last week volunteers fromour shul are deep in to preparations for our shul din-ner which will be held on March 11th. I must continueto encourage all of you to get involved, to send inyour scroll of honor ads and, of course, to contrib-ute generously to the occasion. This dinner is crucialto the flourishing of our shul and we want to make itas successful as possible. There are people working

    really hard on this dinner and I congratulate themand offer them my encouragement to keep up thevery good work.I would like to mention two other upcoming pro-grams:

    We have a program coming up in just twoweeks time which I am so excited about. As part ofthe OUs February NAIM (North American InclusionMonth) Program we will be having a Shabbos atYIWH on Febraury 11th dedicated to speaking about

    inclusion. We will be hosting a wonderful couplewho work with Yachad as well as Beis Ezra in NY andwe will also have the treat of hosting two Yachadmembers and their advisors. It should be a reallymeaningful and informative Shabbos and I wouldlove to see a large crowd in our shul to greet our

    Continued on Page 2

    Affiliate of the National Council of Young Israel Synagogues, Member of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America,

    Sponsor of West Hartford NCSY, National Conference of Synagogue Youth, Kashrut Commission of Greater Hartford,Mikveh Bess Israel of Greater Hartford, Eruv of West Hartford

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    Page 2



    Buy Scrip then use it like cash!Let's support our Shul by buying scrip!

    Every dollar counts!Contact: Judith Hessing at 860-233-6042

    18 Grenhart Street


    Eliza Katz is collecting bottles, cans, and glass toraise money for the Rabbis Fund. Please bring

    empties to: 24 Miamis Road; 860-680-9847

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTAcknowledgment donations should be sent to

    Debbie Luger at 37 Miamis Road

    Debbie & Steven LugerIn honor of the birth of Netanel Yisrael to Lissie & DorMarkush


    Come & learn in a Chavruta format with your child.At Chabad House Grades: 1st 8tt

    Next - February 4th & 18th at 7:00 PMMarch 3rd at 7:00 PM

    Rabbi Weinbergs SEFER MELCAHIM CLASScontinues Tuesday nights

    at 8:00 PMLate Maariv at 9:00 PM

    ROSH CHODESH TEHILLIM GROUPNext Tehillim Group will meet on

    Wednesday, February 22nd at 8:00 PMAt the home of Debbie Luger, 37 Miamis Road

    YIWH ISRAEL ADVOCACY EVENTSunday, February 26th at 4:00 PM at the JCC

    Speaker will beSgt. Benjamin Anthony

    Followed by workshop with Jewish LearningInitiative Campus Couple.

    HHNE LADIES NIGHTMonday, March 5th at 6:00 PM

    Flyer and more information to followBOOK CLUB MEETING

    We have a long and varied list to choose from.Thank you to all who contributed suggestions!

    We've decided to start withThe Invisible Bridge--Julie Orringer.

    Next meeting at the end of February.

    YIWH GEMS & JEWLS GALA DINNERThe YIWH Dinner Committee is excited

    to inform you that on

    Sunday, March 11, 2012,we will be honoring

    Tsion and Anita Cohen, andSteven and Debra Luger,

    at our Gems and Jewels Gala Dinnerto be held at Beth El Temple,with Rabbi Baruch Hilsenrath

    as the keynote speaker.

    Rabbis Corner - Continued from P1guests and learn more about them. So mark your caldars to be home for Shabbos February 11th. See flyer details. See me if you would like to host our guestsyour home.

    We are also in the midst of planning an Israel

    Advocacy Event which is truly special. YIWH has spe

    headed a program to educate high school studen

    their parents, and the community at large about thin

    having to do with Israel on todays college campus

    We will be having a speaker who many of you heard

    our shul called Sgt. Benjamin Anthony. He will be giv

    a different speech than last time. We will also be h

    ing smaller workshops with campus couples who

    currently living on college campuses and hear abo

    their experiences. We have received quite widespre

    support from other shuls and organizations in the co

    munity. This is not only an event to promote Israel b

    also to get OUR SHULs name out there in the wid

    community. It is important that as many of us as poble come out o be present at the event. The event w

    take place, iyh, on Sunday, February 26th at 4pm at t

    JCC. More info to follow.

    Shabbat ShalomRabbi Weinberg

  • 8/3/2019 1_28_12


    Jewish History: Stranger than Fiction - Rabbi Herschel Schachter, www.torahweb.orgThe Torah tells us that the month of Nissan is the first month in the Jewish calendar. The Mishna tell us (in theginning of RoshHaShana) that common practice was to incorporate into all documents the date in referencthe number of years since the local government had been founded. Each time a king died, and a new ruler waspointed, legal documents would reflect the number of years since the new king had been crowned. If a new gernment was established on July 4th, for example, one would not wait until the following July 4th to reflectnew ruler. If there was a Jewish king ruling over Eretz Yisroel, Rosh Chodesh Nissan would be considered the sof the new year. Regarding all other governments, the New Year began with Rosh Chodesh Tishrei. The Rav, c

    menting on the Rif (beginning of maseches Rosh Hashana) understands that this was not merely the conventiopractice, rather it reflected a halacha.The Netziv, in his commentary on the Torah, explains the idea behind this halacha as follows: When God creathe entire world in six days, He instituted all the rules of nature. Included among the laws of nature are the prples of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and even the rules of history. Just as a chemistry expert can predict arately the reaction that will follow the mixing of two chemicals, so too, one who understands well the rules of tory can predict particular events, even the rise and fall of a particular nation. Years prior to the Japanese atton Pearl Harbor, an American politician predicted, in writing, that early on a Sunday morning in December, inmany years, the Japanese will attack the American army base. He explained logically why it would take place oSunday morning, and why in December, etc., and his prediction was accurate. This is what the Rabbis of the mud meant when they wrote that all the nations of the world are "under the control of the stars and the cons

    lations." The history of the nations is controlled by the natural rules of history, instituted by the Creator at time of creation. It is for this reason that when recording the years of the non-Jewish kings, (i.e., non-Jewish tory), the Rosh HaShana is the first day of Tishrei. In other words, the day on which we celebrate the completiothe creation, and the day on which the rules of history began.However, the history of the Jewish people is above nature. The month of Nissan represents nissim (miracles), we were commanded to count the months starting from Nissan (as the first month). Ramban, in his commenon the Torah, writes that in his opinion this point is most crucial to the hashkafa of our religion; namely, that Jish history is "lemala min hateva." Does it make sense that if the Jews violate the laws of shemittah they lose tcontrol over Eretz Yisroel? Is it logical that if a Jew observes shabbos and kashrus his parnassa will be taken careThe answer is that "ein mazal leyisroel," that the natural rules of history do not apply to the Jewish people.Jewish history starts its New Year with Rosh ChodeshNissan, the month of miracles, to emphasize the idea tha

    of Jewish history is made up of miracles. Our history begins and ends with the month ofNissan, the moof nissim.

    Page 3

    YIWH GEMS & JEWLS GALA DINNERThe Dinner Committee is working very hard on this years Gems and Jewels Gala Dinner, honoring Tsion and A

    Cohen and Steven and Debra Luger. By now you should have received your invitation and we hope you plan to attenddinner and support our Scroll of Honor.

    Part of the evenings festivities will be a Silent Auction. We have several items ready for auction but are loofor more. Please consider what you do for a living and the service providers you use on a regular basis. A donation oitem or a gift certificate would be tremendously helpful.

    The YIWH Solicitation Committee is diligently working with potential donors for the Scroll of Honor. We h

    attached the merchant solicitation letter and request that everyone ask family members (many of whom come to YIas guests during the course of a year) and companies they do business with in helping us reach our fundraising goal.

    In addition to a fun, and special night honoring the Cohens and the Lugers, we desperately need to raise signifcant funds to continue to maintain and grow our shul. In these tough economic times, we understand that not everyois in the financial position to contribute as generously as they may want to, or have in the past. To that end, volunteeris another great way to give back! The Dinner Committee is looking for additional people to assist in making this fund-raiser a huge success. We are specifically looking for volunteers to help us run the silent auction, another way we canbring in much - needed money.

    No one person can do this alone. If we all work together we can make this event a huge success. Please take amoment to seriously consider giving some of your time to the one institution that gives back to you every day. You macontact Harriet Rosenblit, Fran Wittenberg, or Shayne Kesler if you would like to help.

    Thank you, YIWH Fundraising Dinner Committee

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    YIWH Schedule of Services January 27th - February 3rd, 2012

    Shabbat Parashat Bo

    It is easy to sponsor a Kiddush

    Or Seudah Shlishit!

    Friday, January 27thShacharitCandle LightingMincha/Maariv

    Shabbat, January 28thRabbi Sheinkopfs Mishna Brurah Class

    ShacharitSof Zman Kriat ShmaShabbat Morning Youth GroupsMincha followed by Seudah Shlishit & MaarivShabbat Ends

    Sunday, January 29th - Thursday, February 2ndEarliest Tallit & TefillinShacharit... SundayFollowed by Rabbi Weinbergs Gemara Shiuron

    Masechet MakotMincha/Maariv Sunday @ YIWH

    ShacharitMonday - ThursdayMincha/Maariv...Monday - Thursday @HHNELate Maariv...Tuesdays @ YIWH

    Friday, February 3rdShacharitCandle LightingMincha/Maariv

    6:45 a.m.4:41 p.m.4:46p.m.

    8:00 a.m.

    8:45 a.m.9:35 a.m.

    10:00 a.m.4:25p.m.5:42 p.m.

    6:14 a.m.8:15 a.m.9:00 a.m.

    4:45 p.m.

    6:45 a.m.4:45p.m.9:00 p.m.

    6:45 a.m.4:49 p.m.4:54p.m.

    Shul handles set up & Clean up!Contact Judie Patel at 236-4178

    or [email protected] tocheck the availability of the dateyou need & call Fran Wittenberg

    860-232-2320 to make thearrangements for the type ofKiddush you want to sponsor.

    Checks need to be receivedthe Sunday prior to your

    Kiddush date.Send to David Cohen at19 Mansfield Avenue.There are three types

    of Kiddushim:Standard for $150,

    Semi-Deluxe for $250& Deluxe for $350

    With supplements available.

    For Seudah Shlishit contactStan Rutstein at 232-3369

    KIDDUSH SCHEDULE1/28/12 Newman2/18 Alcabes-Young

    Ner LaMaorLights

    Judy & Sam Leichtberg and Batsheva Goldfischerin memory of

    their parents and grandparents,Israel Weiss Frida Weiss Abraham Leichtberg

    Yayin lKiddush Ve'HavdalahWine for Kiddush & Havdallah

    Betty & Irving Wizenfeldin memory of

    Bettys Parents, Tobias & Esther Spira

    Irv s father, Sam Wizenfeld

    Pat LaOrchimChallah rolls for Seudah Shlishit

    Fran & Gene Wittenbergin memory of

    Frans father, Tzvi ben Yitzchak Meir HaCohen

    & Genes father, Binyamin ben Moshe


    onna arr oron3.1. ,- ;

    To honour our family and friends.Barry and Donna Gordon

    5772 Can Man You-Dah-ManRabbi Morechai Weiss J Sam Leichtberg

    Han Man oo Hmor ManSteve ernstein ebbie Steven Lger

    eck out the weekly Schedule on the YIWH Website http://go.youngisraelwh.org/timesTimes from: www.ou.org/holidays/calen

    For Eruv Information: http://twitter.com/WHartfordEruv or http://ongisraelwh.org/inex.php/en/home/the-erv(Hotline - 860-232-6417)

    WANT TO JOIN THE LISTSERVE? If you are interested in subscribing to the yiwhevents listserve, send an e-mail [email protected] and he will add your name. If you are a member of the group, you can send an e-mail

    to the entire group by addressing your e-mail to [email protected] .

  • 8/3/2019 1_28_12


    YIWH Schedule of Services

    February 3rd - 10th, 2012Shabbat Parashat Beshalach

    It is easy to sponsor a Kiddush

    Or Seudah Shlishit!

    Friday, February 3rdShacharitCandle LightingMincha/Maariv

    Shabbat, February 4thRabbi Sheinkopfs Mishna Brurah Class

    ShacharitSof Zman Kriat ShmaShabbat Morning Youth GroupsRabbis Shabbat Afternoon ClassMincha followed by Seudah Shlishit & MaarivShabbat Ends

    Sunday, February 5th - Thursday, February 9thEarliest Tallit & TefillinShacharit... SundayFollowed by Rabbi Weinbergs Gemara Shiuron

    Masechet Makot

    Mincha/Maariv Sunday @ YIWHShacharitMonday - ThursdayMincha/Maariv...Monday - Thursday @HHNE

    Late Maariv...Tuesdays @ YIWH

    Friday, February 10thShacharitCandle LightingMincha/Maariv

    6:45 a.m.4:49 p.m.4:54p.m.

    8:00 a.m.

    8:45 a.m.9:33 a.m.

    10:00 a.m.4:20 p.m.4:35p.m.5:51 p.m.

    6:08 a.m.8:15 a.m.9:00 a.m.

    4:55 p.m.6:45 a.m.4:55p.m.

    9:00 p.m.

    6:45 a.m.4:58 p.m.5:03 p.m.

    Shul handles set up & Clean up!Contact Judie Patel at 236-4178

    or [email protected] tocheck the availability of the dateyou need & call Fran Wittenberg

    860-232-2320 to make thearrangements for the type ofKiddush you want to sponsor.

    Checks need to be receivedthe Sunday prior to your

    Kiddush date.Send to David Cohen at19 Mansfield Avenue.There are three types

    of Kiddushim:Standard for $150,

    Semi-Deluxe for $250& Deluxe for $350

    With supplements available.

    For Seudah Shlishit contactStan Rutstein at 232-3369

    KIDDUSH SCHEDULE2/18 Alcabes-Young

    Ner LaMaorLights

    Judy & Sam Leichtberg and Batsheva Goldfischerin memory of

    their parents and grandparents,Israel Weiss Frida Weiss Abraham Leichtberg

    Yayin lKiddush Ve'HavdalahWine for Kiddush & Havdallah

    Betty & Irving Wizenfeldin memory of

    Bettys Parents, Tobias & Esther Spira

    Irv s father, Sam Wizenfeld

    Pat LaOrchimChallah rolls for Seudah Shlishit

    Fran & Gene Wittenbergin memory of

    Frans father, Tzvi ben Yitzchak Meir HaCohen

    & Genes father, Binyamin ben Moshe


    onna arr oron3.1. ,- ;

    To honour our family and friends.Barry and Donna Gordon

    5772 Can Man You-Dah-ManRabbi Morechai Weiss J Sam Leichtberg

    Han Man oo Hmor ManSteve ernstein ebbie Steven Lger

    eck out the weekly Schedule on the YIWH Website http://go.youngisraelwh.org/timesTimes from: www.ou.org/holidays/calen

    For Eruv Information: http://twitter.com/WHartfordEruv or http://ongisraelwh.org/inex.php/en/home/the-erv(Hotline - 860-232-6417)

    WANT TO JOIN THE LISTSERVE? If you are interested in subscribing to the yiwhevents listserve, send an e-mail [email protected] and he will add your name. If you are a member of the group, you can send an e-mail

    to the entire group by addressing your e-mail to [email protected] .

  • 8/3/2019 1_28_12


  • 8/3/2019 1_28_12


    YIWH Schedule of Services

    February 17th - 24th, 2012Shabbat Mevorchim Parashat Mishpatim - Shekalim

    It is easy to sponsor a Kiddush

    Or Seudah Shlishit!

    Friday, February 17thShacharitCandle LightingMincha/Maariv

    Shabbat, February 18th - Shabbat MevorchimRabbi Sheinkopfs Mishna Brurah Class

    ShacharitSof Zman Kriat ShmaShabbat Morning Youth GroupsRabbis Shabbat Afternoon ClassMincha followed by Seudah Shlishit & MaarivShabbat Ends

    Sunday, February 19th - Thursday, February 23rdEarliest Tallit & TefillinShacharit... SundayFollowed by Rabbi Weinbergs Gemara Shiuron

    Masechet Makot

    Mincha/Maariv Sunday @ YIWHShacharitMonday - WednesdayShacharitThursday - Rosh Chodesh AdarMincha/Maariv...Monday - Thursday @HHNELate Maariv...Tuesdays @ YIWH

    Friday, February 24th - Rosh Chodesh AdarShacharitCandle LightingMincha/Maariv

    6:45 a.m.5:07 p.m.5:12 p.m.

    8:00 a.m.

    8:45 a.m.9:24 a.m.10:00 a.m.

    4:40 p.m.4:55 p.m.6:09 p.m.

    5:51 a.m.8:15 a.m.9:00 a.m.

    5:15 p.m.6:45 a.m.6:30 a.m.5:15p.m.9:00 p.m.

    6:30 a.m.5:16 p.m.5:21 p.m.

    Shul handles set up & Clean up!Contact Judie Patel at 236-4178

    or [email protected] tocheck the availability of the dateyou need & call Fran Wittenberg

    860-232-2320 to make thearrangements for the type ofKiddush you want to sponsor.

    Checks need to be receivedthe Sunday prior to your

    Kiddush date.Send to David Cohen at19 Mansfield Avenue.There are three types

    of Kiddushim:Standard for $150,

    Semi-Deluxe for $250& Deluxe for $350

    With supplements available.

    For Seudah Shlishit contactStan Rutstein at 232-3369

    KIDDUSH SCHEDULE2/18 Alcabes-Young

    Ner LaMaorLights

    Judy & Sam Leichtberg and Batsheva Goldfischerin memory of

    their parents and grandparents,Israel Weiss Frida Weiss Abraham Leichtberg

    Yayin lKiddush Ve'HavdalahWine for Kiddush & Havdallah

    Betty & Irving Wizenfeldin memory of

    Bettys Parents, Tobias & Esther Spira

    Irv s father, Sam Wizenfeld

    Pat LaOrchimChallah rolls for Seudah Shlishit

    Fran & Gene Wittenbergin memory of

    Frans father, Tzvi ben Yitzchak Meir HaCohen

    & Genes father, Binyamin ben Moshe


    onna arr oron3.1. ,- ;

    To honour our family and friends.Barry and Donna Gordon

    5772 Can Man You-Dah-ManRabbi Morechai Weiss J Sam Leichtberg

    Han Man oo Hmor ManSteve ernstein ebbie Steven Lger

    eck out the weekly Schedule on the YIWH Website http://go.youngisraelwh.org/timesTimes from: www.ou.org/holidays/calen

    For Eruv Information: http://twitter.com/WHartfordEruv or http://ongisraelwh.org/inex.php/en/home/the-erv(Hotline - 860-232-6417)

    WANT TO JOIN THE LISTSERVE? If you are interested in subscribing to the yiwhevents listserve, send an e-mail [email protected] and he will add your name. If you are a member of the group, you can send an e-mail

    to the entire group by addressing your e-mail to [email protected] .