116 effects of 1400 years - part 2

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  • 7/29/2019 116 Effects of 1400 Years - Part 2


    1 116 Effects of 1400 years - Part 2


    116 Effects of 1400 Years

    Part 2

    Imtiaz Muhsin


    The main objective of these talks (and therefore the scripts of these talks), is to stimulate thinking.

    Sensible, rational and logical thinking. So, my message, think, think & think!

    Be sensible, be rational and be logical.

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    Please Note

    1. I have had the great privilege, (since Aug 2010), of presenting talks on the weekly Radio ProgramCulture of Islam [Every Friday 8 to 8.30 pm, Radio Sri Lanka - FM 97.4]

    2. Since these are Radio Talks, I refer to, or address the audience as listeners3. I am well aware that the audience to these talks would consist of people belonging to a variety offaiths. So as to make people of all faiths feel included, I very often use words and names that are

    common to all religions.

    4. For these reasons, I use the name GOD, as well as Abraham, Moses, Jesus etc as well as thenames Allah, Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam), Moosa (Alaihis Salaam), Easa (Alaihis Salaam) etc

    5. Muslims by habit usually say Sallallahu Alaihiwasallam, when the name of Prophet Muhammadis mentioned, and Alaihis Salaam' when the name of a Prophet is mentioned. However, in these

    series of talks I have reduced the use of these prayers & sayings to the bare minimum.

    6. Muslims, also by habit, use a number of Arabic prayers or sayings, such as Alhamdulillah, InshaAllah and so on. Again, I have reduced the use of these prayers or sayings to the bare minimum.

    7. Sometimes I have to write Arabic words in the English script.I have devised my own way of writing Arabic in English, as follows;th s DHL H Gh

    TH Ss DHZ h GH


    Information on these talks along with all download links can be found on my on my Blog(http://imtiazm.wordpress.com/)

    The dates or the schedules of these talks can be viewed on the Facebook Page(http://www.facebook.com/ImtiazMuhsin786)

    The Scripts of these talks can be downloaded from www.ScribD.com(www.ScribD.com Author Imtiaz Muhsin)

    The audio files of these talks can be downloaded from YouTube(YouTube Channel Imtiaz Muhsin)

    The YouTube Link to this talk is atAll Praise and Thanks

    is due to Allah and Allah aloneAlhamdulillah!

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    116 Effects of 1400 years - Part 2

    Dear Friends,

    Assalamu Alaikum,

    The topic for today is Part 2 of The effects of 1400 years.

    I have to give a brief introduction to this topic, and when I am attempting to do so, I somehow

    remember 3 songs that I used to sing as a child.

    By the way I still am a child! My wife will be the first to confirm this.

    Theose songs or Nursey Rhymes are Old Macdonalds Farm, This is the House that Jack Builtand There was an old woman who swallowed a fly

    Oh how I used to enjoy singing these songs, especially because they were songs that challenged

    the memory, where you had to recall the unravelling plot.

    It was a real thrill to get the sequence right!

    One led to the other, and then to the other, and then to the other, and so on.

    And the sounds the words made, the rhyming and the animation just captivated my imagination.

    So let me trace the sequence to these talks, and just like in those songs or Nursery Rhymes, I shall

    relate them in reverse order.

    Todays topic is The effects of 1400 years Part 2, where I would be talking about the manyattacks faced by the many Muslim Empires over the last 1400 years. You may even describe it as

    the Rise and the Fall of the many Muslim Empires.

    Two weeks ago I spoke on Part 1 of the effects of 1400 years, and in that talk I discussed the

    series of divisions that arose within the growing Muslim World during the first few decades after

    the death of the Prophet. You could describe it as problems within the community or dissension,

    or revolt or even rebellion.

    Why am I discussing these topics?Because I want to find out or think out to myself whether the knowledge of Islam that we profess

    to possess today is still the pure pristine original knowledge that was passed on by the Prophet or

    whether there is a possibility that this knowledge has undergone warping over these 1400 years.

    Now why am I trying to find that out?Because I want to find out what Salaah really means or what the word Swalaah would have

    originally meant.

    And why do I want to fnd that out?Because I am discussing the phrase Wa Yuqeemoonas Swalaath which means and establishSwalaath.

    And why am I discussing that phrase?Because I am discussing three diagnostic qualities of a MutthaQi (or those who are God-anxious)

    as described in the Quran in Aayath No 3 of Surah Baqarah, and the phrase Wa YuqeemoonasSwalaatha is the second of these qualities.

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    Then, why am I discussing this Aayath or this phrase in this Aayath?It is because I am trying to discuss the first 5 Aayaths of Surah Baqarah and to do this I am

    discussing them through the phrases that make up these 5 Aayaths and ther are 12 such phrases.

    Complicated isnt it?

    Now, when discussing the many Muslim Empires that the world has seen or even what we call

    Muslim civilizations, there is a question that has always bothered me.

    I am sure this question bothers every Muslim.

    In fact I think this question should be bothering every person belonging to any religion, about his

    own religion.

    What is that question?

    As Muslims we say, and all we Muslims firmly believe, that God has kept success in Islam, and

    this success will be enjoyed not only by all those following this religion but this success would

    also be well demonstrated in any true Muslim society, or community, or country, or even empire.

    We quote many Quran Aayaths in support this thinking or of this belief.

    We also quote the role defining example of that society living in peace and harmony in Medinahat the time of the Prophet, and we also quote the many successes enjoyed by the Muslim World

    that was ruled by those whom we refer to as the Khulafaa i Raashidheen or the Rightly guidedCaliphs

    That was during the during the first few decades following the death of the Prophet.

    But then, I do not see or, I do not appreciate this success!

    I would not be surprised if those professing other religions, were honest with themselves, they toowould realize the same thing.

    The core teachings of their religions would be that it promises the way to success, but then deep

    inside all of them, they would realize that other than for short periods in history, this promised

    success is just not there.

    So what does this mean?

    Simply put, there could be three explanations.

    What are these three explanations?

    1. Gods promise is not true.This is something I just cannot accept. It is not that Iam being dogmatic, but when we see the

    magnificence of Gods creation and the amazing systems and phenomena that he has established,we just cannot even think that God would give us false promises. This is just not possible.

    2. We do not understand the meaning of successThis needs researching, and Insha Allah, I hope to cover this topic sometime in the future.

    3. We are not practicing the teachings of Islam properly or we are not following the instructions

    or the commandments of God properly.

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    Now that makes a lot of sense. So where are we going wrong?

    Now if I am going to search for faults, the quest would be never ending and may even take me in

    to areas of controversy. So let me just describe, very briefly as to what has been happening over

    the last 1400 years.

    The Prophet died in 632 AD

    The Umayyad Empire began to assert its rule, from 661 onwards, with its capital in Damascus,

    under Muawiya.

    Two weeks ago, I spoke on the many tribulations that sprung up during these few decades, which

    included the trend that Islam was now being viewed as a Political ideology, along with the

    societal traumas of experiencing the assassination of Umar (Ral) Usman (Ral) Ali (Ral) that is the

    2nd, the 3rd and the 4rh Caliphs respectively; and especially the tragic events at Karbala, where

    Hassan (Ral) the grandson of the Prophet was killed along with almost all his family members.

    Though united by religion, the Muslim World was split into many political factions.

    One group, the traditionalists or the conservatives thought it best to recognize the rule of the

    Umayyads in spite of their atrocities.

    Another group who were called the Shias, opposed this rule and established their own political

    base in what we now know as Iran.

    A third group, actually consisting of many diverse groupings were adamant that both the

    Ummayyads and the Shias were wrong and thus to support either of them was in fact providing

    them the legitimacy they needed.

    This group was known as the Kharijites meaning those who kept out

    Thereafter there were many Muslim Empires operating from many different geographical

    locations. Let me briefly list out some of the better known empires.

    1. We have the Ummayyads who ruled from Damascus in Syria.

    This was from 661 to 750 AD

    2. We then have the period of the Abbasids Empire from 750 to 1258 AD. This period is usually

    known as the Islamic Golden Age, because of the rise of early Islamic Philosophy and ingenious

    advances in science and invention.

    3. The Muslim empire in Southern Spainknown as Al Andalusthe period generally given isbetween 711 and 1492 AD

    So there was a period when there were 2 parallel Muslim Empires;

    One was the Abbasid Empire where the center of administration was Baghdad and the other the

    Muslim Empire of Al Andalus where its center of administration was Cordoba.

    4. Then we have, what we call the Fatimid Empire in Northern Africa, where the center of

    administration was first in the city of Mahdia in present day Tunisia and then it was moved to

    Cairo in Egypt.

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    The Fatimids followed the Shia political ideology and they are also commonly referred to as the

    Ismaili Shia Muslim Caliphate.

    The period of the Fatimid Rule is from 910 to 1171.

    In 1171 Saladin, the famous Commander who defeated the Crusades, became Sultan of Egypt,

    and returned the country to the nominal fealty of the Sunni Muslim Abbasid Caliphate.

    Now during the period of the Fatimid Empire there were three parallel Muslim Empires;

    The Abbasids, the Kingdom of Al Andalus and the Shia Fatimids.

    5. In 1258 we see an amazing turn of events.

    The attack by Mongols that completely destroyed the Abbasid Empire.

    The common story we hear is that these hordes of Mongols invaded Baghdad they killed every

    Muslim on sight and for three days the river Tigris ran red in color due to the blood that flowed in

    this river.

    Then after killing the Muslims the Mongols destroyed the vast libraries in Baghdad and dumped

    all the books in to the river. So the waters of the river Tigris now flowed black in color due to the

    dissolving ink flowing in the river.

    Another amazing turn of events was that soon after the Abbasid Empire was destroyed by the

    Mongols, they in turn became Muslims and established the Mongol Empire.

    The Mongol Empire reigned from 1258 to 1502.

    Generally speaking, it would be too complicated to go into details, but after the fall of the Mongol

    Empire the World saw the emergence of 3 other regional Muslim Empires, as follows;

    6. We had the Ottoman Empire from 1299 to 1923, its administrative center was Istanbul in


    7. We then had the Saffavid Empire or the Empire of the Shia Muslims, from 1501 to 1722 and

    their administrative capital was Teheran in Iran.

    8. The Mughal Empire that ruled parts of what is now known as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and

    Afghanistanthe center of their administration was Delhi.

    So for the period 1526 to 1722 there were 3 parallel Muslim Empires.

    The last Muslim Empire to fall was the Otoman Empire and that was in 1923.

    The Muslim World takes immense pride in these Empires or these Kingdoms.

    Muslims keep on reminding the world that it was these Muslim empires that pursued Science,Arts, Travel, and Medical research and so on whilst the rest of the World or the rest of Europe

    was in the dark medieval ages.

    This is true. There is much to take pride in.

    But then what happened?

    Why did all these so called Muslim empires fall, and fall in such precipitous & brutal ways?

    When I look on the history of these empires I just cannot but help thinking about all those

    Aayaths in the Quran where God tells us that there are many lessons to be learnt from civilizations

    that have fallen.

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    The lessons are that these civilizations though claiming riches, grandeur, pomp and pageantary,

    they were in fact cities seeped in sin.

    Let me read what I think are relevant Aayaths from the Quran.

    Regarding the people of Aad, the people of Thamudh and Firaun;

    (89:6) Have you not seen how your Rabb

    dealt with (the people) of d (89:7) of Iram , the men of tall pillars, (89:8) the like of whom were never

    created in the lands, (89:9) and (how He dealt) with (the

    people of) Thamd who had carved outthe rocks in the Valley (of Qur),

    (89:10) and with Firaun (Pharaoh), the

    man of the stakes,

    (89:11) - those who had rebelled in the

    cities, (89:12) and spread a lot of mischief

    therein. (89:13) So, your Rabb let loose on them

    the whip of torment. Regarding the people of Thamud;

    (27:51) So, look how was the fate of their


    that We annihilated them and their people

    altogether. (27:52) Now those are their houses, lying

    empty because of their transgression.

    Surely, in this there are signs for a people

    who have knowledge. (27:53) And We saved those who believed

    and who used to be God-anxious.

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    Regarding the people of Madyan and the Prophet Shuhaib (AS) who was sent to them;

    (11:94) And when Our command came,

    We saved Shuaib and those who believedalong with him, out of mercy from Us;

    and those who transgressed were caughtby the Cry,

    and they were found (dead) in their

    homes, fallen on their knees (11:95) as though they never lived there.

    Lo! Ruined were Madyan, like Thamdwere ruined.


    (11:100b) That is a part of stories of the

    towns that We narrate to you. Some of

    them are still standing, and (some are)

    eradicated like a harvested field.

    (11:101c) We did no wrong to them;

    rather, they have wronged themselves. So,

    their gods whom they used to invoke

    beside Allah did not come to their help in

    any way, when came the command of your


    and they added nothing to them except


    (11:102b) Such is the seizing of your Lordwhen He seizes the (people of) towns

    when they are transgressing.

    Indeed, His seizing is painful, severe.

    (11:103a) In this there is a sign for the one

    who fears the punishment of the Hereafter.

    (Azaabal Aakhirah)

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    So I have now described, of course very briefly, a summary of the many Muslim Empires and I

    am also trying to read possibilities of the fall of these Empires through Aayaths in the Quran.

    However, it was not just the rise and the fall of many Muslim emires that explains the History of

    the Muslim world. There were other powerful currents also at work.

    Let me very briefly describe two of them.


    1. The effects of the Crusaders

    2. The effects of the European Colonizers

    The effects of the CrusadesOn November 27 1095, Pope Urban II, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, spoke to a huge

    crowd in a field outside the town of Clermont in France. The pope explained that Jerusalem, the

    holiest place in the world, was held captive by Muslims.

    He said that Instead of killing fellow Christians, the Knights of Europe should fight a war to freeJerusalem from these Muslims, whom Urban called enemies of God.

    He also said that, if Christians died fighting Gods enemies, they were sure to go straight toheaven

    In 1187 Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub (Saladin) led the Muslim Army that defeated the

    Crusaders and returned Jerusalem to the Muslims

    Now, let us see, The effects of the European Colonizers

    From the early 16th century European states began their Colonizing journey which eventually

    subjugated almost the entire Muslim World.

    Between 1798 and 1814, the British occupied almost all of India; by 1850 they controlled the

    entire sub-continent.

    In 1839, the British occupied Aden.

    France took Tunisia in 1881,

    Britain took Egypt in 1882.

    The Sudan was occupied in 1889.

    The Italians occupied Libya in 1912,

    the same year the French marched into Morocco.

    Almost the entire Muslim world was ruled by or under the suzerainty of Britain or France or Italy

    or Portugal, or the Dutch or Russia.

    By 1920 the whole Muslim World (Dar ul Islam) was under European Colonial rule except

    Turkey, Persia (Iran), Afghanistan, Northern Yemen and Najd & Hijaz (the present day Saudi


    Following the First World War, and the defeat of the Ottomans, the former Ottoman provinces of

    Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and Transjordan were all placed under French or British mandates

    or protectorates, while Muslim populations in Central Asia were absorbed into the Soviet Union.

    The most far reaching transformation of a Muslim country was in Turkey itself, at the hands of

    Mustafa Kemal Pasha - Ataturk.

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    The Arabic alphabet, with all its religious associations, was abolished and replaced by the Latin

    script. It was followed by the closing of Islamic Schools and legal institutions.

    The Ulema were disestablished. The mystical Sufi orders (the Tareeqaths), to which most adultmales belonged, were suppressed. In 1926 the institution of the Caliphate, which had been

    continuing ever since the time of Abu Bakr (Ral), was abolished.

    Muslim RejuvenationIn the years following the Second World War, all the countries of the Arab speaking heartlands

    gained their independence from the colonial powers, and the last to do so was Algeria in 1962.

    However, the scenario was not the return of Muslim empires. The Muslim world was splintered;

    there was no Empire to speak of. Independence was granted not to an Empire but to new

    (Muslim) States with geographical boundaries created to suit the convenience of the leaving

    colonizers or to colonizer supportive or favored Shaikhdoms

    This is the plight of the Muslim World.

    However, we now observe a surprising but vibrant rejuvenation of Muslims all over the Muslim

    World. This trend can be seen beginning from around the early 40s.

    What could be the factors that are activating and uniting the modern Muslim World.

    I have listed 5 reasons, what I call the 5 reasons for the global rejuvenation of Muslims.

    Let me read these 5 reasons.

    1. A Spiritual Re-awakening the effects of which are uniting Muslims

    Tabligh Jamaathinitiated in the early 1930s by Moulan Illyas in Delhi.This mass appeal non political, non militiant and deeply spiritual moral based movement has

    greatly contributed in networking diverse Muslims across a variety of countries, languages,

    tareeqaths (spiritual orders) and mind sets.

    2. An international injustice the effects of which are uniting Muslims

    All over the Muslims World share the emotion that an injustice is being perpetrated by the West

    on the Palestinian Muslims by encouraging, backing and funding the establishment of Israel in


    3. A pride for the Muslims - The formation of Pakistan

    After the disintegration for all Muslim Empires the news in 1947 that a new State Pakistanwas being formed for the establishment of pure Islam, contributed much to igniting hope in the

    hearts of Muslims all over the World

    4. A new wealth for Muslim StatesOilPoverty stricken new Muslim States especially in the Middle East were able to exploit their vast

    oil reserves so that these states are now looked on as the new rich States of the World

    5. What Samuel Huntington described as The Clash of Civilizationsthe effects of which werePolarizing the Muslim World.

    It was as he described The West Vs Islam

    Taking all these factors in to consideration dont you think that the future of the Muslim World issure to be interesting!

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    Now to recapitulate, let us go through the main currents;

    1. During the first few decades following the death of the Prophet, there were a series of internal

    revolutions in the still forming Muslim World.

    2. Then for the next 1300 years we saw massive, wealthy, powerful Muslim Empires rising and

    then falling.

    3. We then saw a series of what is commonly known as the Crusades marching in to Muslim

    lands, on a mission that the Christians called a Holy War

    4. Then we saw the European Colonizers occupying Muslim Empires, and thereafter breaking

    them up in to individual countries before granting them independence.

    Now the big question?

    Would the teachings of Islam reaching us through so many generations and through so many trials

    and tribulations still remain pure or is there that possibility that it could have been warped or,even worse, could these teachings have been undergoing continuous warpingthrough all these


    Should we not find out?

    Insha Allah next week I hope to speak on the topic as to the religious reaction of the Muslims tothese trials and tribulations

    Insha Allah, I hope to discuss;

    What changes were brought in to the religion of Islam so as to withstand the attacks by rebels, by

    Empires rising and falling, by the Crusades, by the colonizers and now by independent Muslim


    Insha Allah it should be very interesting!

    I sincerely pray and hope that all of you benefit from these talks as much as I benefit from

    preparing and then presenting these talks to you.

    May Allah Taaalah guide us all and accept us all.

    Jazza Kalla Khairan.

    Assalamu Alaikum

    Imtiaz Muhsin

    Colombo Sri Lanka

    [email protected]

    You Tube Channel - HaneefanMusliman

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Note on Talks on History of Muslims

    As Muslims it is necessary that we are aware of the History of Muslims over the last 1400 years.

    It is necessary for us to realize the winds of change over these last 1400 years especially since

    Muslim Populations have been through quite some turbulent times.

    I have covered this vast area in 5 talks.(This is insufficient)

    The first two talks were on the history and the next three talks were from another viewpoint.

    I discuss the response of the Muslims due to the many changes that were affecting their lives their

    religion and thus their culture.

    These Talks are numbered and titled as follows:


    NoTopic Date Broadcast

    The History Series

    114 The Effects of 1400 Years - Part 1 Jan 25t 2013

    116 Effects of 1400 years - Part 2 Feb 8t 2013

    The Muslim Response Series

    117The Religious Response of Muslims due to Events surrounding the

    Caliphates of the Khulafaa Ur Raashidheen

    Feb 22n 2013

    118The Religious Response of Muslims due to Events surrounding the

    beginning of the Ummayyads

    March 29t 2013

    119The Religious Response of Muslims due to Events in the Period of

    the Muslim Empires

    April 5t 2013