Passion Is your supplier passionate about their work? Does the idea of a new project excite them? Image 10 courtesy of Didar Virdi Sukhraj contacted one of our very 1st photographers - who specialises in both video and photography, even though the pricing was way above our budget we liked the work and just thought 'hey let's give it a go'. W e w e r e g r e e t e d b y t h i s photographer/videographer instantly with 'I only take a few bookings a year'. Great, so this could either mean they take great care and consideration with their select few clients, they want other clients to be willing to pay ridiculous amounts and compete for their attention, or they simply can't be asked. I can confirm for us, it was indeed the latter two. This supplier then went onto explain that they simply want out of the business. I'm sorry sir, but we want someone who's just as excited about their work, as they are about our special day. When booking a photographer my friends, don't compete for their attention, they should be the ones competing for your custom and most importantly how content would you be or how comfortable would you feel with someone who hates their job?! We certainly didn't want this for our day. Remember: in the same way that there are a million other clients, there are also a million other excellent photographers or videographers who can do an amazing job and actually want to be part of YOUR day! 10

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Post on 05-Sep-2015




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  • !Passion

    !Is your supplier passionate about their work? !Does the idea of a new project excite them? !Image 10 courtesy of Didar Virdi


    Sukhraj contacted one of our very 1st photographers - who specialises in both video and photography, even though the pricing was way above our budget we liked the work and just thought 'hey let's give it a go'. W e w e r e g r e e t e d b y t h i s photographer/videographer instantly with 'I only take a few bookings a year'. Great, so this could either mean they take great care and consideration with their select few clients, they want other clients to be willing to pay ridiculous amounts and compete for their attention, or they simply can't be asked. I can confirm for us, it was indeed the latter two.

    This supplier then went onto explain that they simply want out of the business. I'm sorry sir, but we want someone who's just as excited about

    their work, as they are about our special day.

    When booking a photographer my friends, don't compete for their attention, they should be the ones competing for your custom and most importantly how content would you be or how comfortable would you feel with someone who hates their job?! We certainly didn't want this for our day.

    Remember: in the same way that there are a million other clients, there are also a million other excellent photographers or videographers who can do an amazing job and actually want to be part of YOUR day!


  • !Forgetting the Evidence

    Can produce do what they show? !Image 9 courtesy of Didar Virdi

    Forgetting the evidence - this one doesn't need explaining to be honest. Your supplier should automatically be able to demonstrate evidence of their work to the same standard and quality at which they advertise. Any failure to do so shows they aren't capable of the job, quite simple.


  • !Where is your price plan?

    !!Can we trust your word? !Image 8 courtesy of Sewa Jagpal

    Onto the next... One of our favourite ordeals definitely has to be 'the one who quotes you something different everyday'. After receiving a F a c e b o o k m e s s a g e q u o t i n g 'Investments start from 2,550. However, my couples on average spend in the region of 3,500 with myself (combined budget)', it was a big shock to my fianc and I, that it actually costs '3,300' according to their written quote JUST, may I repeat, JUST to have this one person at our wedding - no pre wedding party, no pre wedding shoot, and not even any photographs on a disc, no albums - nothing. !!Right so there you go, false advertising right over here.!

    Advice to photographers: stick by your word.!!Advice to RupiDh followers: don't book anyone who makes prices off the top of their head. Ask your supplier for a comprehensive breakdown of costs before meeting them and telling them what you want. Someone who reals off price quotes from the top of their head is only good a one type of artistry - the art of conning.!!Finally, make them stuck by their word, anything in written form is evidence. This is business and this is your money, contracts and all necessary protection methods are perfectly warranted.


  • !Consultation, Consultation, Consultation!!!Define consultation !!Image 7 courtesy of Salshan

    What is the definition of consultation:- 'A conference at which advice is given or views are exchanged' exchange being the operative word here. !!A consultation for Sukh and I meant the chance to see if our demands could be catered for and a chance for our photographer to showcase their ideas and work to meet our demands. This is why the consultation should begin with the couple - what they want. It is only this way that the photographer can exchange their input with the clients outcome in mind. !!!!!

    Suppliers, remember this is a time saver and great way of making the couple feel content that they are in charge of their day... !!For us unfortunately this was not the case when dealing with one of our suppliers. They wanted to tell us all about their work. Thanks, we know you're good, that's why we've come here but do you care about what we want? Can you even do what we need? Time is of the essence don't waste ours and we won't waste yours.


  • !Attitude!!!Ever heard that old saying : my attitude depends on you !!!Image 6 courtesy of Shevy Sandhu

    Sukhraj and I hated all this negativity we were surrounded by. Is this the world of photography in all its form and glory? Con artists dressed as hipsters, trying to stand out but blending in as they offer nothing from the norm. Nothing but good photographs. !!It gets worse. They can even be rude! Now a lot of people are aware of how I place myself in the wedding industry - my family are well connected. I have a brother who's a dj and uncle a caterer, a cousin who's a videographer and my dad has owned a banqueting suite most of my life. So there's a little about me. !!

    Naturally I know the industry very well. I know how everything should be priced, who's who and most of all I can pass your business on to any clients we meet. Advice to suppliers: I'm a very handy person to know ;) Number 6 on the list was a line I won't be forgetting - 'your dad owns a hall, so you're saving money, you'd obviously want to spend more money on photography'. !!How rude right? You can't imagine how I felt. More advice to suppliers: be careful how you express yourself. A double edged sword, your words can work in your favour and also work against you.


  • !Eye Contact!!!Eye contact is a dangerous, dangerous thing; but lovely, oh so lovely !!!Image 5 courtesy of Zohaib Ali

    The worst experience finally was when a photographer couldn't or didn't have the decency to look me in the eye. Eye contact and positive vibes are crucial. On that note - positivity.!!There was light at the end of the tunnel. I'd like to apologise with the masses of bad anecdotal experiences I've had to share- I can assure you there isn't much more. !!However let this be some guidance for you. Remember brides and grooms it's your special day. You're the important ones, if you're not getting married then I hope you're enjoying yourself and if you're a photographer please read up on the

    advice because nothing is more valuable then first hand experience and critical advice. Sukhraj always teaches me the i m p o r t a n c e o f c o n t i n u o u s improvement and betterment. You can be the best and there's always still room for improvement. We are our OWN competition. !!I'm going to leave you all with the last 4 of my top 10 these were my favourite experiences - again something for everyone to hopefully learn from.


  • !Relationships!!!Build a network; build a relationship - build your business !!!Image 4 courtesy of Zohaib Ali

    We've made a friend! Upon our crazy flight w e m e t a p h o t o g r a p h e r w h o s e enthusiasm and spark will forever remain with us. They are in fact now a really good friend of ours and we're sure will play a part in our wedding. Never have we met someone with such great passion for the photo itself, for our ideas and for us as a couple. !!They possess awillingness to do anything and truly want to be the one to document the wedding, every client is as special as the last one and this is an approach we think any supplier in the wedding industrycan benefit from.After all this is a service industry. !!

    So Sukh and I would like to thank you for all your input, you know who you are. We wish you the best in all your endeavours and also will no doubt be seeing you at the wedding as one of our guests!


  • !All About You!!How well do you know your client?

    !Image 3 courtesy of Gurvir Johal

    As Ive mentioned many times, this is a service industry and where theres service, theres a needs for strong people skills. Making your clients feel as if this whole experience is all about them. !!Many of the photographers we met were fantastic, totally made us feel at ease with a great supply of refreshments, wanting to know all about our cheesy love story, how we met, what we do, who we are Photographers remember: these little nuggets of information are what

    enables you to gage client needs, in order to satisfy them and make a successful business exchange and future custom. Couple remember: if they dont want to know ALL ABOUT YOU then ultimately theyre not the right supplier for you!!!Not to mention the fact the this person or group of people will be with you from initial planning stages, on your day and after right up until delivery of documentation - so youll need to like them!


  • !Willingness!!How much are you prepared to do for your client?!!Where the willingness is great, the diculties cannot be great !!and the runner up is !!!Image 2 courtesy of Sancha Photography !

    There is no such thing as no - always remember this (unless of course they arent physically capable of flying a helicopter over an erupting volcano to get your perfect pre shoot pictures). Ill give you a couple of examples:!!

    'Can you stay a few moments and wait for my dad, I really want a photo with him before I leave and he hasnt made it back from the hall yet?!!

    Couples remember: Its okay to ask, but dont be cheeky and expect your photographer to wait day and night, they have rates and other commitments too.!!Photographers: If a few minutes are the case why would you jeopardise your clients needs and own reputation by demanding more money or refusing? Outweigh the options and always give the best you possibly can offer.!!

    So if for any reason the wedding is cancelled we still have to pay you, but if for any reason you cant make it (acts of God) we still have to pay you?!

    Followers remember: We havent spoken about contracts yet, but one thing to remember - READ! Its quite simple, these contracts are supposed to benefit and cover both parties, if you read this small document not only will you know what is covering you and the photographer, but youll be able to gage whether this contact covers all your needs specifically in terms of payment, coverage and back ups.!!Advice to photographer: every client is completely different from the last, what needs to be assessed is how they can manage payments (not suggesting individual price plans but individual payments terms catered to suit both parties) !!You must be willing to make changes and not be so rigid. Dont just think of yourself when creating a contract, this document should safeguard you and the couple providing a neutral fair agreement - ultimately creating happy clients and a happy photographer.!


  • THE ONE !Can they do it?!!!Do their skills really measure up?!!Are they worth it? !!!!Image 1 courtesy of Didar Virdi

    Finding the one, is stressful and doesn't come easy. For some it just falls into place, for others it takes great time, planning and consideration because everyone is different. The documentation is one of the only parts of the wedding that will most likely stick with you for years. This is the outcome of your wedding - all those memories and moments that youll treasure and share for years. So without a doubt; with so much to chose from its probably the hardest decision youll make during wedding planning.!!Turbulence, finally came to an end for me and Sukhraj once we had explored all our options, asked all the vital questions and assessed all the capabilities. We knew exactly what we wanted from the beginning so it made the ride a little easier. We finally found THE ONE.!!Our photographer met all our needs, and ticked pretty much every box. They were worth it, their skills measured up and they were ab le to de l i ve r a mu tua l agreement. To find out who we chose, Im afraid your going to have to wait until the next blog post! (sorry) Well be

    dedicating a whole post to this one, where well tell you all the reasons why we specifically chose them, and also provide you with a little gallery of their work.!!I guess now all I can leave you with is a summary of advice. So this one goes out to all those planning a wedding.!!

    Plan ahead - decide what theme, concept, styling you want and search accordingly!

    Decided a budget and stick to it! As you go along, measure up - keep on

    track and keep comparing, its all about narrowing the search down!

    Write down questions and don't be afraid to ask them - you must explore all your options!

    NEVER SETTLE! - you're paying money, you shouldn't have to!

    Read all their e-mails, messages carefully - remember written communication is evidence should you need it!

    When you've made your choice - READ THE CONTRACT - CAREFULLY!

    Keep discussing ideas - this is one of the only suppliers that are with you all the way!

    Come to mutual agreement that suits you both!

    Finally - make fr iends - because relationships are the key to all.
