1052 series for graphics graphics, applets graphical user interfaces

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1052 Series for Graphics Graphics, Applets Graphical User Interfaces. Outline - Chapter 2. Graphics Applets Drawing Shapes. Introduction to Graphics. The last few sections of each chapter of the textbook focus on graphics and graphical user interfaces - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • CLH GUI slides*1052 Series for Graphics

    Graphics, Applets Graphical User Interfaces

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Outline - Chapter 2GraphicsAppletsDrawing Shapes

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Introduction to GraphicsThe last few sections of each chapter of the textbook focus on graphics and graphical user interfacesA picture or drawing must be digitized for storage on a computerA picture is made up of pixels (picture elements), and each pixel is stored separatelyThe number of pixels used to represent a picture is called the picture resolutionThe number of pixels that can be displayed by a monitor is called the monitor resolution

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  • CLH GUI slides*Coordinate SystemsEach pixel can be identified using a two-dimensional coordinate systemWhen referring to a pixel in a Java program, we use a coordinate system with the origin in the top-left corner(112, 40)11240

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  • CLH GUI slides*The Coordinate System

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  • CLH GUI slides*OutlineGraphicsAppletsDrawing Shapes

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  • CLH GUI slides*AppletsA Java application is a stand-alone program with a main method (like the ones we've seen so far)

    A Java applet is a program that is intended to transported over the Web and executed using a web browser

    An applet doesn't have a main methodInstead, there are several special methods that serve specific purposes

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  • CLH GUI slides*Applets

    A applet is typically embedded in a Web page and can be run from a browser.

    You need a special HTML in the Web page to tell the browser about the applet.

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  • CLH GUI slides*AppletsThe class that defines an applet extends the JApplet class

    An applet is embedded into an HTML file using a tag that references the bytecode version of the applet

    The bytecode version of the program is transported across the web and executed by a Java interpreter that is part of the browser on the receiving site

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  • CLH GUI slides*HTML

    Hi World Applet

  • CLH GUI slides*The HTML applet Tag

    The Einstein Applet

  • CLH GUI slides*Java AppletsJava sourcecodeJavabytecodeJavacompilerJavainterpreterWeb browserlocal computerremotecomputer

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  • Changing bytecode to machine codeWhen the bytecode is sent to another computer over the web,

    that computers browser will interpret thebytecode with a java compiler on its computer

    change it to the machine code of that computer.

    This allows applets to used on both MACS and Windows machines and Unix servers

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  • CLH GUI slides*Drawing ShapesA shape can be filled or unfilled, depending on which method is invoked

    The method parameters specify coordinates and sizes

    Shapes with curves, like an oval, are usually drawn by specifying the shapes bounding rectangle

    An arc can be thought of as a section of an oval

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  • CLH GUI slides*Sample Graphics methodsA Graphics context is something you can paint on.

    g.drawString(Hello, World, 20, 20);g.drawRect(x, y, width, height);

    g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);

    g.drawOval(x, y, width, height);g.fillOval(x, y, width, height); To set the color that will fill the Oval use:g.setColor(Color.red);

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  • CLH GUI slides*Drawing a Line102015045

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  • CLH GUI slides*Drawing a Rectanglepage.drawRect (50, 20, 100, 40);

    Where 50,20 are the x and y values whereThe rectangle will start100 is the width40 is the length5020

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  • CLH GUI slides*Drawing an Ovalpage.drawOval (175, 20, 50, 80);We give values for the bounding rectangle Start the left side of oval at 175,2017520boundingrectangle

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  • CLH GUI slides*public class No_Parking extends applet {public void paintComponent (Graphics page) {page.drawString (Parking, 50, 50); page.drawOval (45, 24, 43, 43); page.drawLine (82, 30, 51,61);

    } //method paintComponent} // class No_Parking

    Applet Started ParkingAppletviewer : No_Parking Class

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  • CLH GUI slides*Drawing ShapesEvery drawing surface has a background colorEvery graphics context has a current foreground colorBoth can be set explicitlySee Snowman.java (page103)

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  • CLH GUI slides*Representing ColorA black and white picture could be stored using one bit per pixel (0 = white and 1 = black)A colored picture requires more information; there are several techniques for representing colors

    For example, every color can be represented as a mixture of the three additive primary colors Red, Green, and BlueEach color is represented by three numbers between 0 and 255 that collectively are called an RGB value

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  • CLH GUI slides*The Color ClassA color in a Java program is represented as an object created from the Color classThe Color class also contains several predefined colors, including the following:

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  • CLH GUI slides*public class Snowman extends JApplet {public void paintComponent (Graphics page) { final int MID = 150; final int TOP = 50; setBackground (Color.cyan); page.setColor (Color.blue); page.fillRect (0, 175, 300, 50); // ground page.setColor (Color.yellow); page.fillOval (-40, -40, 80, 80); // sun page.setColor (Color.white); page.fillOval (MID-20, TOP, 40, 40); // head page.fillOval (MID-35, TOP+35, 70, 50); // upper torso page.fillOval (MID-50, TOP+80, 100, 60); // lower torso

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    page.setColor (Color.black);page.fillOval (MID-10, TOP+10, 5, 5); // left eyepage.fillOval (MID+5, TOP+10, 5, 5); // right eye page.drawArc (MID-10, TOP+20, 20, 10, 190, 160); // smile page.drawLine (MID-25, TOP+60, MID-50, TOP+40); // left armpage.drawLine (MID+25, TOP+60, MID+55, TOP+60); // right arm page.drawLine (MID-20, TOP+5, MID+20, TOP+5); // brim of hat page.fillRect (MID-15, TOP-20, 30, 25); // top of hat }}

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  • CLH GUI slides*Snowman Applet

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  • CLH GUI slides*Applet methods

    public void init ()

    public void start ()

    public void stop ()

    public void destroy ()

    public void paint (Graphics g)

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  • The paint method is executed automatically when the applet is loaded

    The paint method accepts a parameter that is an object of the Graphics class.

    It is used to draw shapes and text e.g page.drawRect(x, y, width, width)

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  • CLH GUI slides*Why an applet works

    You write an applet by extending the class JApplet.

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  • CLH GUI slides*public void init ( )Invoked when the applet is first loaded and again if the applet is reloaded.

    This is the first method to execute

    It is an ideal place to initialize variables

    It is the best place to define and use buttons, text fields, sliders, layouts, etc.

    Even if you do not use it, it is called anyway

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  • CLH GUI slides*The init() Method

    Other Common functions implemented in this method are:creating threads, loading images, reading images from a file. Init is similar to a constructor in an application

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  • CLH GUI slides*public void start ( )Not always needed

    Automocatically called after init( )

    Called each time the page is loaded and restarted.e.g. after a user leaves and goes to another web page.

    Used mostly in conjunction with stop( )

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  • CLH GUI slides*public void stop( )Not always needed. Used mostly in conjunction with start().

    Called when the browser leaves the page - invoked when the user moves off the page.

    Use stop( ) if the applet is doing heavy computation that you dont want to continue when the browser is on some other page.

    When the user leaves the page, any threads the applet has startedbut not completedwill continue to run if stop is not called.

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  • CLH GUI slides*public void destroy( )Seldom needed

    Called after stop( )

    Use to explicitly release system resources (like threads)

    System resources are usually released automatically

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  • CLH GUI slides*Applet flow of control

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  • CLH GUI slides*Browser Calling Applet Methods

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    leave the page







    enters web page

    return to the page

    after init

  • CLH GUI slides*public void paint(Graphics g)Do drawing here.

    WE call fillboard () and other methods in paint.

    If you want to repaint some image:

    Dont call this paint directly. Its called automatically.

    Call repaint( ) instead.

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  • CLH GUI slides*repaint( )Call repaint( ) when you have changed something and want your changes to show up on the screen

    repaint( ) is a request--it might not happen.

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  • CLH GUI slides*Applets are not magic!Anything you can do in an applet, you can do in an application.

    You can do some things in an application that you cant do easily if at al in an applet such as writing to a file.

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  • CLH GUI slides*

    Graphical User Interfaces - GUIs A GUI in Java is created with at least three kinds of objects:

    Components - textfields, buttons

    Events - a button is pressed

    Listeners - react to the event

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  • CLH GUI slides*Graphical Applications

    These components will serve as a foundation for programs that USE graphical user interfaces (GUIs)

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*GUI Components

    A GUI component is an object that represents a screen element such as a button or a text field

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  • CLH GUI slides*GUI ContainersA GUI is a container that is used to hold and organize other components e.g. Containers include:Panels


    dialog boxes

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  • A Container holding components*

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  • CLH GUI slides*Containers

    A frame is a container that is used to display a GUI-based Java application

    A frame is displayed as a separate window with a title bar it can be repositioned and resized on the screen as needed

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  • CLH GUI slides*Containers and ComponentsA GUI container can be classified as either heavyweight or lightweight

    A lightweight container is managed by the Java program itself

    A frame is a heavyweight container and a panel is a lightweight container

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  • CLH GUI slides*GUI DevelopmentTherefore, to create a Java program that uses a GUI we must:instantiate and set up the necessary components

    implement listener classes for any events we set up.

    establish the relationship between listeners and components

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  • CLH GUI slides*Some types of components

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  • CLH GUI slides*Swing ComponentsThere are various Swing GUI components that we can incorporate into our software:

    labels (including images)text fields and text areasbuttonscheck boxesradio buttonsmenuscombo boxesand many more

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  • CLH GUI slides*Creating componentsJLabel lab = new Label (Hi, Dave!");

    JButton but = new Button ("Click me!");

    JCheckbox toggle = new Checkbox (toggle");

    JTextField txt = new JTextField (Initial text.", 20);

    JScrollbar scrolly = new Scrollbar (Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, initialValue, bubbleSize, minValue, maxValue);

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  • *LabelsA label is a GUI component that displays a line of text

    Labels are used to display information or identify other components in the interface

    Let's look at a program that organizes three labels in a panel and displays that panel in a frame

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  • CLH GUI slides*Labels and Image Icons

    A label is used to provide information to the user or to add decoration to the GUI

    It can incorporate an image defined by the ImageIcon class

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  • CLH GUI slides*Image IconsAn Imageicon object represents an imageImageIcon are either JPEG or GIF images

    A JLabel can contain a String, or ImageIcon, or both

    The orientation of the label's text and image can be set explicitly

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  • CLH GUI slides*The LabelDemo Program

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  • *public class LabelDemo{ //-------------------------------------------------- // Creates and displays three labels //--------------------------------------------- public static void main (String[] args) { ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon ("devil.gif");

    // 3 LABELS of class Jlabel JLabel label1, label2, label3;

    // put label in the middle of A panel label1 = new JLabel ("Devil Left", icon, SwingConstants.CENTER);

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  • label2 = new JLabel ("Devil Right", icon, SwingConstants.CENTER);

    label2.setHorizontalTextPosition (SwingConstants.LEFT);

    label2.setVerticalTextPosition (SwingConstants.BOTTOM);

    label3 = new JLabel ("Devil Above", icon, SwingConstants.CENTER);

    label3.setHorizontalTextPosition (SwingConstants.CENTER);

    label3.setVerticalTextPosition (SwingConstants.BOTTOM);*

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  • CLH GUI slides*//Create a Panel and put the three labels on it JPanel panel = new JPanel(); // HOLDS THE LABELS

    panel.setBackground (Color.cyan); panel.setPreferredSize (new Dimension (200, 250)); panel.add (label1); // ADD EACH LABEL TO THE PANEL panel.add (label2); panel.add (label3);

    // get the container to put the panel on Container c = getContentPane();c.add(panel); // add the panel to the CONTAINER


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  • CLH GUI slides*The LabelDemo Program

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  • CLH GUI slides*GUI Elements - Events

    An event is an object that represents some interaction with the user.

    E.g. pressing a button in Dating Service selecting an option from checkbox

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  • CLH GUI slides*Eventswe may want our program to perform some action when the following occurs:

    the mouse is moveda mouse button is clickedthe mouse is dragged

    a graphical button is clicked

    a keyboard key is pressed

    a timer expires


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  • CLH GUI slides*Making components active

    Most components appear to do something

    buttons click, text appears

    To associate an particular action with a component, we

    attach a listener to it

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  • Buttons fire events

    Components fire events,

    e.g. a button is pressed

    listeners listen for events

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  • Listeners

    Different components may fire different events, and require different listeners

    A listener is an object that is waiting for an event to occur and

    we code what we want it to do when an event occurs

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  • CLH GUI slides*ListenersListeners are interfaces, the class below implementsThe ActionListener interface

    class ButtonListener implements ActionListener

    ActionListener Interface with one method:

    public void ActionPerformed(Event e);

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  • CLH GUI slides*Events and ListenersWhen an event occurs, the the appropriate method of the listener is called,passing an object that describes the event

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  • CLH GUI slides*Creating GUIs - ReviewTherefore, to create a program with a GUI, we :

    define and set up the components

    create listener classes

    set up the relationships between the listeners and the components which generate events

    define what happens in response to each event

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  • Listener class for buttons

    The listener class must implement the ActionListener Interface.

    A method is called in the listener class to respond: public void actionPerformed(Event e)

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  • CLH GUI slides*PushButton applet

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  • CLH GUI slides*Push Counter Example

    The components of the PushCounter class are the button which the user presses a label to display the counter, a panel to organize the components, and the main frame to hold the GUI

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    public class PushCounter extends JApplet{ private int pushes; // set up components

    private JLabel label;

    private JButton push;

    //------------------------------------------------------------ // Now set up the GUI. //------------------------------------------------------------

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  • public void init () { pushes = 0; push = new JButton ("Push Me!");// create a button

    // add the ButtonListener class as the listener for the //button push.addActionListener (new ButtonListener()); label = new JLabel ("Pushes: " + Integer.toString (pushes));

    Container cp = getContentPane();// cp holds the components cp.add (push); // add the button to contentPane

    cp.add (label); } // add the label

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  • CLH GUI slides*/****************************************** // Class BUTTONLISTENER listens for when the Jbutton is pressed AND implements the ActionListener Interface//******************************************private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener { //---------------------------------------------------------- // Updates the counter when the button is pushed. // and changes the number of pushed on the label //---------------------------------------------------------- public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) { pushes++; label.setText("Pushes: " + pushes); repaint (); // tell layout manager to redraw label } }}//repaint forces an update to change the label

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  • CLH GUI slides*Listeners - Reviewing the Code // CREATE THE BUTTON push = new JButton ("Push Me!");

    // ADD A LISTENER TO IT - ButtonListener push.addActionListener (new ButtonListener());

    The ButtonListener class is listed as the listener for for the push buttons - (whenever the button is pressed).

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  • CLH GUI slides*Push Counter AlgorithmWhen the user presses the button, An event is fired:An an ActionEvent object created ANDThe program looks for the actionPerformed method in the ButtonListener class

    The actionPerformed method increments the counter and resets the text of the label

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  • CLH GUI slides*Push Counter Example

    The ButtonListener class is implemented as an inner class

    This allows the listener class to have access to the instance variables and methods in the outer class

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  • CLH GUI slides*Action Events

    Some components have more than one listener (just to keep things real simple!!!!!)

    A list of the Components and their listeners can be found on either Oracle of Suns website.

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  • CLH GUI slides*Nested PanelsContainers that contain other components make up the containment hierarchy

    This hierarchy can be as intricate as needed to create the visual effect desired

    The following example nests two panels inside a third panel note the effect this has as the frame is resized

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  • CLH GUI slides*Nested Panels

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  • CLH GUI slides*public class NestedPanels { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Presents two colored panels nested within a third. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public static void main (String[] args) { // Set up first subpanel JPanel subPanel1 = new JPanel();

    // set its preferred size and background color subPanel1.setPreferredSize (new Dimension(150, 100)); subPanel1.setBackground (Color.green);

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  • CLH GUI slides* // create and add another label to a panel JLabel label1 = new JLabel ("One"); subPanel1.add (label1); // Set up second subpanel and size it JPanel subPanel2 = new JPanel(); subPanel2.setPreferredSize (new Dimension(150, 100)); subPanel2.setBackground (Color.red);

    // create another label and add to panel 2 JLabel label2 = new JLabel ("Two"); subPanel2.add (label2);

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  • CLH GUI slides*// Set up primary panel JPanel primary = new JPanel(); primary.setBackground (Color.blue);

    // add the two panels to the primary panel primary.add (subPanel1); primary.add (subPanel2);

    // add the primary panel to the contentPane getContentPane().add(primary); } }

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  • CLH GUI slides*Text FieldsA text field allows the user to enter one line of input

    If the cursor is in the text field,

    the text field generates an action event when the enter key is pressed

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  • CLH GUI slides*See Farhenheit.doc

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  • *public class Fahrenheit { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates and displays the temperature converter GUI. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public static void main (String[] args) { final JFrame jFrame = new FahrenheitGUI()); // Main frame jFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); jFrame.pack(); jFrame.setSize(WINDOW_WIDTH,WINDOW_HEIGHT); jFrame.setVisible(true); } }

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  • CLH GUI slides* // Demonstrates the use of JFrame and JTextArea GUI components.//*****************************************public class FahrenheitGUI extends JFrame{ private int WIDTH = 300; private int HEIGHT = 75; private JPanel panel; // create a panel

    // create two labels and a textfield private JLabel inputLabel, outputLabel, resultLabel; private JTextField fahrenheit;

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  • // Sets up the GUI. public FahrenheitGUI() // create the labels { super("Farhrenheit Converter");

    // Create three labels inputLabel = new JLabel ("Enter Fahrenheit temperature:");

    outputLabel = new JLabel ("Temperature in Celcius: ");

    resultLabel = new JLabel ("---");

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    // create a textfield with 10 columns, 20 rows fahrenheit = new JTextField (10, 20);

    // add a listener classt o the textfield fahrenheit.addActionListener (new TempListener());

    // when enter is pressed in the textfield, an event is //fired

    // Create a panel to put the components onpanel = new JPanel();

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  • // set the background color of the panel panel.setBackground (Color.yellow);

    // Add the labels and the textfield to the panelpanel.add (inputLabel); // add labelpanel.add (fahrenheit); // add textfield

    panel.add (outputLabel); //labelpanel.add (resultLabel);

    // Get the contentPane and add the panel to it Container c = getContentPane(); c.add (panel); // add the panel to the GUI

    } // close

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  • CLH GUI slides*The Farenheit Program

    The order in which the labels and text fields are added is the order in how they appear.

    The size of the panels determines how they line up to each other.

    Panels by default are governed by a flow layout which we will explore later.

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  • CLH GUI slides*The fahrenheit Program

    The program reacts when the user presses the enter key inside the text field.

    A JTextField objects generates an action event when the enter key is pressed

    The TempListener class will handle the action event when key is pressed . It LISTENS FOR the event

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    private class TempListener implements ActionListener

    { public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) { int fahrenheitTemp, celciusTemp;

    // get the text the user entered into the textfield String text = fahrenheit.getText();

    // change the text to an int and store it in celciusTemp fahrenheitTemp = Integer.parseInt (text); celciusTemp = (fahrenheitTemp-32) * 5/9;

    // when the enter key is pressed in the text field.

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  • // change the text to an int and store it in celciusTemp fahrenheitTemp = Integer.parseInt (text); celciusTemp = (fahrenheitTemp-32) * 5/9; // change the text in the resultLabel resultLabel.setText (Integer.toString (celciusTemp));

    } // end of method

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  • SetText,() getText()In the above code,

    setText(some value) will change what is printed on the label.

    To get a value from a textfield use:

    String text = fahrenheit.getText();

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  • CLH GUI slides*Listeners for TextFields

    A JTextField has two listeners,

    ActionListener and TextListener:

    An ActionListener listens for hitting the return key

    use getText( ) to get the text from whatever is input into the textfield.

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  • CLH GUI slides*Determining Event Sources

    The other listener TextListener - listens for changes to the text already in the textfield

    The TextListener Interface has one method

    public void textValueChanged(TextEvent e)

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  • What Event? The source of the event ( which component was fired e.g a textfield, a button) can be determined by using the: getSource() method e.g.event.getSource() event is the parameter sent to the ActionPerformed method e.g. public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event)

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  • CLH GUI slides*public class LeftRight{ //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates the main program frame. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public static void main (String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Left Right"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);

    frame.getContentPane().add(new LeftRightPanel()); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); }}

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    // Puts a Panel on top of a Panel

    public class LeftRightPanel extends JPanel{ // creates components for the Panel

    private JButton left, right; private JLabel label; private JPanel buttonPanel;

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  • Listeners public LeftRightPanel () { // create two buttons left = new JButton ("Left"); right = new JButton ("Right");

    // attach listener class to them - same listener for both ButtonListener listener = new ButtonListener(); left.addActionListener (listener); right.addActionListener (listener);

    label = new JLabel ("Push a button"); // create a label

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  • * buttonPanel = new JPanel(); // create a panel buttonPanel.setPreferredSize (new Dimension(200, 40)); buttonPanel.setBackground (Color.blue); buttonPanel.add (left); // add buttons to panel buttonPanel.add (right);

    setPreferredSize (new Dimension(200, 80)); setBackground (Color.cyan);

    // add the label and the panel to the LeftRightPanel add (label); add (buttonPanel); }

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  • *//**************************************************** // Class Represents a listener for both buttons.//**************************************************** private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Determines which button was pressed and sets the label // text accordingly. The event object knows what button was pressed //-------------------------------------------------------------- public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) { if (event.getSource() == left) // which event was fired? label.setText("Left"); // write left on the label else label.setText("Right"); } }

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  • CLH GUI slides*Layout ManagersA layout manager is an object that determines the way that components are arranged in a containerThere are several predefined layout managers defined in the Java standard class library:Flow LayoutBorder LayoutCard LayoutGrid LayoutGridBag LayoutBox LayoutOverlay Layout

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  • CLH GUI slides*Layout ManagersWe can explicitly set the layout manager

    Each layout manager has its own particular rules on how the components will be arranged

    Some layout managers pay attention to a component's preferred size or alignment, while others do not

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  • CLH GUI slides*Layout ManagersWe can use the setLayout method of a container to change its layout manager

    JPanel panel = new JPanel();panel.setLayout (new BorderLayout());

    The following example uses a tabbed pane, a container which permits one of several panes to be selected

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  • CLH GUI slides*FlowLayout

    Components are added left-to-right

    If no room is left , a new row is started

    Exact layout depends on size of the container

    Components are made as small as possible

    FlowLayout is convenient but often ugly

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  • CLH GUI slides*Flow LayoutFlow layout puts as many components as possible on in a row, and then moves to the next row

    Each row of components is centered horizontally in the window by default,

    but could also be aligned left or right The horizontal and vertical gaps between the components can be explicitly set also

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  • CLH GUI slides*public class FlowPanel extends JPanel { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets up this panel with some buttons to show how flow layout affects their position. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public FlowPanel () { setLayout (new FlowLayout()); setBackground (Color.green); // create 5 buttons JButton b1 = new JButton ("BUTTON 1"); JButton b2 = new JButton ("BUTTON 2"); JButton b3 = new JButton ("BUTTON 3"); JButton b4 = new JButton ("BUTTON 4"); JButton b5 = new JButton ("BUTTON 5"); } }

    CLH GUI slides

  • Adding the buttons to the panelNow add all the buttons to the panel

    add (b1); add (b2); add (b3); add (b4); add (b5);

    Because FlowPanel extend Jpanel, we add the buttons directly to it.

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  • CLH GUI slides*LayoutDemo - Flow

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  • CLH GUI slides*Border LayoutA border layout defines five areas to which components

    can be added

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  • CLH GUI slides*BorderLayoutAt most five components can be added

    If you want more components, add a Panel, then add components to it.

    setLayout (new BorderLayout());

    add (BorderLayout.NORTH, new Button(NORTH));

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  • CLH GUI slides*BorderLayout with five ButtonsThe code to add 4 buttons to a GUI

    public void init() { setLayout (new BorderLayout ());

    add (BorderLayout.NORTH, new Button ("NORTH")); add (BorderLayout.SOUTH, new Button ("SOUTH")); add (BorderLayout.EAST, new Button ("EAST")); add (BorderLayout.WEST, new Button ("WEST")); add (BorderLayout.CENTER, new Button ("CENTER"));}

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Using a Panel within a panelpanel p = new Panel(); // create another paneladd (BorderLayout.SOUTH, p);// set its layoutp.add (new Button (Button 1)); //add buttons to itp.add (new Button (Button 2));

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  • CLH GUI slides*Border LayoutEach area displays one component (which could be another container such as a JPanel)Each of the four outer areas enlarges as needed to accommodate the component added to it

    If nothing is added to the outer areas, they take up no space and other areas expand to fill the void

    The center area expands to fill space as needed

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*LayoutDemo - Border

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  • CLH GUI slides*Grid Layout

    A grid layout presents a containers components in a rectangular grid of rows and columns

    One component is placed in each cell of the grid,

    and all cells have the same size

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  • Grid LayoutAs components are added to the container,

    they fill the grid from left-to-right and top-to-bottom (by default)

    The size of each cell is determined by the overall size of the container

    CLH GUI slides*

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  • CLH GUI slides*public class GridPanel extends JPanel { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets up this panel with some buttons to show how grid // layout affects their position, shape, and size. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public GridPanel() { setLayout (new GridLayout (2, 3)); // 2 rows, 3 columns setBackground (Color.green); JButton b1 = new JButton ("BUTTON 1"); JButton b2 = new JButton ("BUTTON 2"); JButton b3 = new JButton ("BUTTON 3"); JButton b4 = new JButton ("BUTTON 4"); JButton b5 = new JButton ("BUTTON 5"); add (b1); // add all the buttons to the panel add (b2); add (b3); add (b4); add (b5); } }

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*LayoutDemo - Grid

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Box Layout

    A box layout organizes components horizontally (in one row) or vertically (in one column)

    Components are placed top-to-bottom or left-to-right in the order in which they are added to the container

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  • BOX Layout

    By combining multiple containers using box layout, many different configurations can be created

    Multiple containers with box layouts are often preferred to one container

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  • Gridbag layout

    The Gridbag layout uses the more complicated

    gridbag layout manager

    For GRIDBAG layout you place components yourself by

    Giving the pixel locations of every component

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  • CLH GUI slides*Box Layout

    Invisible components can be added to a boxlayout container to take up space between components

    Rigid areas have a fixed size

    Glue specifies where excess space should go

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  • Boxlayout

    A rigid area is created using the createRigidArea() method of the Box class

    Glue which allows an area to expand is created using the methodscreateHorizontalGlue () or createVerticalGlue ()

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  • CLH GUI slides*LayoutDemo - Box

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*public class BoxPanel extends Jpanel { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets up this panel with some buttons to show how a //vertical box layout (and invisible components) affects //their position. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public BoxPanel() { setLayout (new BoxLayout (this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); setBackground (Color.green); JButton b1 = new JButton ("BUTTON 1"); JButton b2 = new JButton ("BUTTON 2"); JButton b3 = new JButton ("BUTTON 3"); JButton b4 = new JButton ("BUTTON 4"); JButton b5 = new JButton ("BUTTON 5");

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides* add (b1); add (Box.createRigidArea (new Dimension (0, 10)));

    add (b2); add (Box.createVerticalGlue());

    add (b3); add (b4);

    add (Box.createRigidArea (new Dimension (0, 20))); add (b5); }}

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  • CLH GUI slides*Dialog BoxesA dialog box is a window that appears on top of any currently active windowIt may be used to:convey informationconfirm an actionallow the user to enter datapick a colorchoose a fileA dialog box usually has a specific, solitary purpose, and the user interaction with it is brief

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  • CLH GUI slides*Dialog BoxesA dialog box is a graphical window that pops up on top of any currently active window for the userThe Swing API contains a class called

    JOptionPane that simplifies the creation and use of basic dialog boxes

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  • There are three categories of JOptionPane dialog boxes

    A message dialog displays an output string

    An input dialog presents a prompt and a single input text field

    A confirm dialog presents the user with a simple yes-or-no question

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  • CLH GUI slides*The EvenOdd Program

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Check BoxesA check box is a button that can be toggled on or offYou use the JCheckBox classUnlike a push button, which generates an action event, ( a listener) check box generates an item event whenever it changes state (is checked on or off)

    CLH GUI slides

  • The ItemListener interface is used to define : item event listeners which are the listeners for checkboxesThe check box calls the itemStateChanged() method when it is toggledJust like buttons call actionPerformed() method

    CLH GUI slides*

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  • CLH GUI slides*Check Boxes

    Let's examine a program that uses check boxes to determine the style of a label's text string It uses the Font class, which represents a characters font: You can specify:family name (such as Times or Courier)

    style (bold, italic, or both)

    font size

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  • CLH GUI slides*Checkbox choose bold or italic

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  • public class StyleOptionsPanel extends JPanel { private JLabel saying; // label to place the saying private JCheckBox bold, italic; // two checkboxs

    //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets up a panel with a label and some check boxes // and controls the style of the label's font. //----------------------------------------------------------------- *

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  • //Setting the font for the Jlabel and the checkboxes**************************************************public StyleOptionsPanel(){ saying = new JLabel ("Say it with style!"); saying.setFont (new Font ("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 36)); bold = new JCheckBox ("Bold"); bold.setBackground (Color.cyan); italic = new JCheckBox ("Italic"); italic.setBackground (Color.cyan);

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  • // set up a listener classs for the checkboxes StyleListener listener = new StyleListener(); bold.addItemListener (listener);// add listeners italic.addItemListener (listener); add (saying); // add checkboxes and label add (bold); add (italic); setBackground (Color.cyan); setPreferredSize (new Dimension(300, 100)); *

    CLH GUI slides

  • Setting up listeners for checkboxes// set up a listener classs for the checkboxes StyleListener listener = new StyleListener();

    // add listeners to the checkboxes bold.addItemListener (listener);// add listeners italic.addItemListener (listener); add (saying); // add checkboxes and label to panel add (bold); add (italic); setBackground (Color.cyan); setPreferredSize (new Dimension(300, 100));

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  • //**************************************************** // Represents the listener class for both check box. //*************************************************** private class StyleListener implements ItemListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Updates the style of the label font style. //-------------------------------------------------------------- public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent event) { int style = Font.PLAIN; if (bold.isSelected()) // if the bold checkbox is selected style = Font.BOLD; // set the style to BOLD if (italic.isSelected()) // if italic checkbox is selected style = Font.ITALIC; // set the style to italic saying.setFont (new Font ("Helvetica", style, 36)); } } }


    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*The StyleOptions Program

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  • CLH GUI slides*Radio ButtonsA group of radio buttons represents a set of mutually exclusive options

    only one can be selected at any given time

    When a radio button from a group is selected,

    the button that is currently "on" in the group is automatically toggled off

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  • To define the group of radio buttons that will work together,

    each radio button is added to a ButtonGroup object

    A radio button generates an action event

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  • CLH GUI slides*Radio ButtonsCompare and contrast check boxes and radio buttons

    Check boxes work independently to provide a boolean option do you want skim milk or whole milk?

    Radio buttons work as a group to provide a set of mutually exclusive options do you want to hear classical, rock, or country music?

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*QuoteOptions Program // Creates and presents the program frame. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public static void main (String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Quote Options"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); QuoteOptionsPanel panel = new QuoteOptionsPanel(); frame.getContentPane().add (panel); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } }

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*public class QuoteOptionsPanel extends JPanel { private JLabel quote; private JRadioButton comedy, philosophy, carpentry; private String comedyQuote, philosophyQuote, carpentryQuote; // strings to be placed on buttons //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets up a panel with a label and // a set of radio buttons // that control its text. //-----------------------------------------------------------------

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  • public QuoteOptionsPanel() { comedyQuote = "Take my wife, please."; philosophyQuote = "I think, therefore I am."; carpentryQuote = "Measure twice. Cut once."; quote = new JLabel (comedyQuote); quote.setFont (new Font ("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 24))

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  • CLH GUI slides*Create three radio buttons comedy = new JRadioButton ("Comedy", true); comedy.setBackground (Color.green); philosophy = new JRadioButton ("Philosophy"); philosophy.setBackground (Color.green); carpentry = new JRadioButton ("Carpentry"); carpentry.setBackground (Color.green); // puts the buttons into a group - this is required ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); group.add (comedy); group.add (philosophy); group.add (carpentry);

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*QuoteOptions.java// see slide 156 first

    // set up a listener for the buttons QuoteListener listener = new QuoteListener(); comedy.addActionListener (listener); philosophy.addActionListener (listener); carpentry.addActionListener (listener); // Add the buttons to this panel add (quote); add (comedy); add (philosophy); add (carpentry); setBackground (Color.green); setPreferredSize (new Dimension(300, 100)); }

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  • CLH GUI slides* //******************************************************** // Represents the listener class for all radio buttons /***********************************************************

    private class QuoteListener implements ActionListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets the text on the label depending on which radio // button was pressed. //-------------------------------------------------------------- public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) { if (event.getSource() == comedy // if the comedy button is pressed quote.setText (comedyQuote); else // if the philosophy button is pressed if (event.getSource() == philosophy) quote.setText (philosophyQuote); else quote.setText (carpentryQuote); } } }

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  • CLH GUI slides*The QuoteOptions Program

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  • CLH GUI slides*Combo BoxesA JCombobox displays a particular option with a pull down menu from which the user can choose a different option

    The currently selected option is shown in the combo box

    A combo box can be editable, so that the user can type their option directly into the box

    See JukeBox.java See JukeBoxControls.java

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  • CLH GUI slides*Combo Boxes

    Unlike a JList , a combo box shows its options only when the user presses it using the mouse

    Options can be established using an array of strings or using the addItem method

    A combo box generates an action event when the user makes a selection from it

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*The JukeBox ProgramSee JukeBox.javaSee JukeBoxControls.java

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides* //----------------------------------------------------------------// Sets up the GUI for the juke box.// You need to create URLs to load the sound files//----------------------------------------------------------------- public JukeBoxControls() { URL url1, url2, url3, url4, url5, url6; url1 = url2 = url3 = url4 = url5 = url6 = null; // Obtain and store the audio clips to play try { url1 = new URL ("file", "localhost", "westernBeat.wav"); url2 = new URL ("file", "localhost", "classical.wav"); url3 = new URL ("file", "localhost", "jeopardy.au"); url4 = new URL ("file", "localhost", "newAgeRythm.wav"); url5 = new URL ("file", "localhost", "eightiesJam.wav"); url6 = new URL ("file", "localhost", "hitchcock.wav"); } catch (Exception exception) {} }

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*// now create an array of AudioClips music = new AudioClip[7]; music[0] = null; // Corresponds to "Make a Selection..." music[1] = JApplet.newAudioClip (url1); music[2] = JApplet.newAudioClip (url2); music[3] = JApplet.newAudioClip (url3); music[4] = JApplet.newAudioClip (url4); music[5] = JApplet.newAudioClip (url5); music[6] = JApplet.newAudioClip (url6); // Create a Jlable and set its alignment Jlabel titleLabel = new JLabel ("Java Juke Box"); titleLabel.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT);

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides* // Create the list of strings for the combo box options String[] musicNames = {"Make A Selection...", "Western Beat", "Classical Melody", "Jeopardy Theme", "New Age Rythm", "Eighties Jam", "Alfred Hitchcock's Theme"}; // Create the Combo Box and put the musicnames above in it musicCombo = new JComboBox (musicNames); musicCombo.setAlignmentX (Component.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); // add a listener to the combo box // ComboListener() is the listener class for the combo box musicCombo.addActionListener (new ComboListener());

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides* // Set up the buttons

    playButton = new JButton ("Play", new ImageIcon ("play.gif"))playButton.setBackground (Color.white); playButton.setMnemonic ('p'); stopButton = new JButton ("Stop", new ImageIcon ("stop.gif")); stopButton.setBackground (Color.white); stopButton.setMnemonic ('s'); // keyboard

    // add action listeners to the buttons stopButton.addActionListener (new ButtonListener()); playButton.addActionListener (new ButtonListener()); current = null;

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides* JPanel buttons = new JPanel(); // USE A BOXLAYOUT// set the horizontal layout for the buttons panel to BoxLayout buttons.setLayout (new BoxLayout (buttons, BoxLayout.X_AXIS))

    // ADD THE BUTTONS buttons.add (playButton); buttons.add (Box.createRigidArea (new Dimension(5,0))); buttons.add (stopButton); buttons.setBackground (Color.cyan); setPreferredSize (new Dimension (300, 100)); setBackground (Color.cyan);

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Set up a Box Layout setLayout (new BoxLayout (this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));

    // put in a rigid area of 5 pixels add (Box.createRigidArea (new Dimension(0,5))); add (titleLabel); // put in a rigid area of 5 pixels add (Box.createRigidArea (new Dimension(0,5))); add (musicCombo); // put in a rigid area of 5 pixels add (Box.createRigidArea (new Dimension(0,5))); add (buttons); add (Box.createRigidArea (new Dimension(0,5)));

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Listener for the Combo Boxes private class ComboListener implements ActionListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Stops playing the current selection (if any) and resets // the current selection to the new one chosen. //-------------------------------------------------------------- public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) { if (current != null) current.stop(); // stores the selected music from the combo box in current current = music[musicCombo.getSelectedIndex()]; } }

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides* //***************************************************************** // Represents the action listener for both control buttons. //***************************************************************** private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Stops the current selection (if any) . // // If the play button was pressed, start playing it again. //-------------------------------------------------------------- public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) { if (current != null) current.stop(); if (event.getSource() == playButton) if (current != null) current.play(); } }

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Class JukeBoxpublic class JukeBox { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates and displays the JukeBoxControls frame. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public static void main (String[] args) { JukeBoxControls frame = new JukeBoxControls(); frame.addWindowListener (new GenericWindowListener()); frame.show(); } }

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*OutlineMouse Events and Key Events

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Mouse EventsEvents related to the mouse are separated into mouse events and mouse motion eventsMouse Events:

    mouse pressedthe mouse button is pressed downmouse releasedthe mouse button is releasedmouse clickedthe mouse button is pressed down and released without moving the mouse in betweenmouse enteredthe mouse pointer is moved onto (over) a componentmouse exitedthe mouse pointer is moved off of a component

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Mouse EventsMouse Motion Events:Listeners for mouse events are created using the MouseListener and MouseMotionListener interfacesA MouseEvent object is passed to the appropriate method when a mouse event occurs

    mouse movedthe mouse is movedmouse draggedthe mouse is moved while the mouse button is pressed down

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*The Dots Program

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Mouse EventsFor a given program, we may only care about one or two mouse events

    To satisfy the implementation of a listener interface, empty methods must be provided for unused eventsSee Dots.java (page 413) Lewis BookSee DotsPanel.java (page 414)

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Extending Event Adapter ClassesCreating listener classes by implementing a particular interface (such as MouseListener interface) is not the only way.

    A listener can also be created by extending a special adapter class of the Java class library

    Each listener interface has a corresponding adapter class (such as the MouseAdapter class)

    Each adapter class implements the corresponding listener and provides empty method definitions

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Event Adapter ClassesEach adapter class implements the corresponding listener and provides empty method definitions

    When you derive a listener class from an adapter class, you only need to override the event methods that pertain to the program

    Empty definitions for unused event methods do not need to be defined because they are provided via inheritance

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*public class OffCenter { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates the main frame of the program. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public static void main (String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Off Center"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().add(new OffCenterPanel()); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } }

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*public class OffCenterPanel extends JPanel { private final int WIDTH=300, HEIGHT=300; private DecimalFormat fmt; private Point current; private int centerX, centerY; private double length; //----------------------------------------------------------------- public OffCenterPanel() { addMouseListener (new OffCenterListener()); centerX = WIDTH / 2; centerY = HEIGHT / 2; fmt = new DecimalFormat ("0.##"); setPreferredSize (new Dimension(WIDTH, HEIGHT)); setBackground (Color.yellow); }

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*//----------------------------------------------------------------- // Draws a line from the mouse pointer to the center point of // the applet and displays the distance. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public void paintComponent (Graphics page) { super.paintComponent (page); page.setColor (Color.black); page.drawOval (centerX-3, centerY-3, 6, 6); if (current != null) { page.drawLine (current.x, current.y, centerX, centerY); page.drawString ("Distance: " + fmt.format(length), 10, 15); } }

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides* //***************************************************************** // Represents the listener for mouse events. Demonstrates the // ability to extend an adaptor class. //***************************************************************** private class OffCenterListener extends MouseAdapter { //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Computes the distance from the mouse pointer to the center // point of the applet. //-------------------------------------------------------------- public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent event) { current = event.getPoint(); length = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((current.x-centerX), 2) + Math.pow((current.y-centerY), 2)); repaint(); }

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*The user clicks on a point on panel and distance is calculated

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  • CLH GUI slides*Key EventsA key event is generated when the user types on the keyboardListeners for key events are created by implementing the KeyListener interfaceA KeyEvent object is passed to the appropriate method when a key event occurs

    key presseda key on the keyboard is pressed downkey releaseda key on the keyboard is releasedkey typeda key on the keyboard is pressed down and released

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Key EventsThe component that generates a key event is the one that has the current keyboard focus

    Constants in the KeyEvent class can be used to determine which key was pressed

    The following example "moves" an image of an arrow as the user types the keyboard arrow keys

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides* public class Direction { //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates and displays the application frame. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public static void main (String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Direction"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().add (new DirectionPanel()); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } }

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*The Direction Program

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class DirectionPanel extends JPanel { private final int WIDTH = 300, HEIGHT = 200; private final int JUMP = 10; // increment for image movement private final int IMAGE_SIZE = 31; private ImageIcon up, down, right, left, currentImage; private int x, y; //----------------------------------------------------------

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides* //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor: Sets up this panel and loads the images. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public DirectionPanel() { addKeyListener (new DirectionListener()); x = WIDTH / 2; y = HEIGHT / 2; up = new ImageIcon ("arrowUp.gif"); down = new ImageIcon ("arrowDown.gif"); left = new ImageIcon ("arrowLeft.gif"); right = new ImageIcon ("arrowRight.gif"); currentImage = right; setBackground (Color.black); setPreferredSize (new Dimension(WIDTH, HEIGHT)); setFocusable(true); }

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  • CLH GUI slides*

    //--------------------------------------------------------- // Draws the image in the current location. //------------------------------------------------------ public void paintComponent (Graphics page) { super.paintComponent (page); currentImage.paintIcon (this, page, x, y); } // close class

    The paintIcon method draws the current image at the specified x and y location

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides* //***************************************************************** // Represents the listener for keyboard activity. //***************************************************************** private class DirectionListener implements KeyListener { //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Responds to the user pressing arrow keys by adjusting the // image and image location accordingly using //-------------------------------------------------------------- public void keyPressed (KeyEvent event) { switch (event.getKeyCode()) { case KeyEvent.VK_UP: currentImage = up; y -= JUMP; break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: currentImage = down; y += JUMP; break;

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides* case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: currentImage = left; x -= JUMP; break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: currentImage = right; x += JUMP; break; } repaint(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Provide empty definitions for unused event methods.// Had the listener implement KeyAdaptor this would not be necessary //-------------------------------------------------------------- public void keyTyped (KeyEvent event) {} public void keyReleased (KeyEvent event) {} } }

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  • CLH GUI slides*

    Some of the methods available on KeyEvents:Method Purpose

    int getKeyChar() Obtains the Unicode character associated with this event. Only rely on this value for key-typed events.

    int getKeyCode() Obtains the key code associated with this event. The key code identifies the particular key on the keyboard that the user pressed or released.

    The KeyEvent class defines many key code constants for commonly seen keys.

    For example, VK_A specifies the key labeled A, and VK_ESCAPE specifies the Escape key.

    CLH GUI slides

  • KeyEvents

    See this site for examples of all key events:


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    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*The Timer ClassThe Timer class of the javax.swing package is a GUI component, but it has no visual representationA Timer object generates an action event at specified intervals

    Timers can be used to manage any events that are based on a timed interval, such as an animationTo create the illusion of movement, we use a timer to change the scene after an timed delay

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*The Timer Class

    The start and stop methods of the Timer class start and stop the timer

    The delay can be set using the Timer constructor or using the setDelay method

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*AnimationsAn animation is a constantly changing series of pictures or images that create the illusion of movement

    We can create animations in Java by changing a picture slightly over time

    The speed of a Java animation is usually controlled by a Timer object

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*The Rebound Program

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*AnimationsA Timer object generates and ActionEvent every n milliseconds (where n is set by the object creator)

    The ActionListener interface contains an actionPerformed method

    Whenever the timer expires (generating an ActionEvent) the animation can be updated

    CLH GUI slides

  • Rebound Programpublic class ReboundPanel extends JPanel { private final int WIDTH = 300, HEIGHT = 100; private final int DELAY = 20, IMAGE_SIZE = 35; private ImageIcon image;

    // be sure to declare timer at top of program private Timer timer; private int x, y, moveX, moveY;

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  • //Sets up the panel, //including the timer for the animation. public ReboundPanel() { // create the timer and its listener class timer = new Timer(DELAY, new ReboundListener()); image = new ImageIcon ("happyFace.gif"); x = 0; y = 40; moveX = moveY = 3; // # of pixels to move each time setPreferredSize (new Dimension(WIDTH, HEIGHT)); setBackground (Color.black); timer.start(); // START TIMER }

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  • // Class Represents the action listener for the timer. //*********************************** private class ReboundListener implements ActionListener { / Updates the position and direction of the image // whenever the timer fires an action event. //-------------------------------------------------------------- public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) { x += moveX; y += moveY; if (x = WIDTH-IMAGE_SIZE) moveX = moveX * -1; if (y = HEIGHT-IMAGE_SIZE) moveY = moveY * -1; repaint(); // calls paintComponet() to redraw image } } } GUI slides*

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  • CLH GUI slides* //----------------------------------------------------------------- // is called from actionPerformed method // to Draws the image in the new location.// when the timer fires. // Each time the timer fires, it will redraw the image at a // new location //----------------------------------------------------------------- public void paintComponent (Graphics page) { super.paintComponent (page); // draw the image on this panel at location values of x and y image.paintIcon (this, page, x, y); }

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  • CLH GUI slides*Containment Hierarchies

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  • CLH GUI slides*Special FeaturesSwing components offer special features to facilitate and enhance their use

    Special FeatureDescriptionTool tipCauses a line of text to appear when the mouse cursor pauses over a componentMnemonicAllows an action to occur in response to a keyboard key combinationDisableAllows a component to be explicitly enabled or disabledBorderSurrounds a component with a border

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Tool TipsTool tips provide a short pop-up description when the mouse cursor rests momentarily on a componentA tool tip is assigned using the setToolTipText method of a Swing componentJButton button = new JButton ("Compute");button.setToolTipText ("Calculate size.");

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*MnemonicsA mnemonic provides a keyboard alternative for pushing a button or selecting a menu optionThe mnemonic character should be chosen from the component's label, and is underlinedThe user activates the component by holding down the ALT key and pressing the mnemonic characterA mnemonic is established using the setMnemonic methodJButton button = new JButton ("Calculate");button.setMnemonic ("C");

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Disabled ComponentsComponents can be disabled if they should not be usedA disabled component is "grayed out" and will not respond to user interactionThe status is set using the setEnabled method:JButton button = new JButton (Do It);button.setEnabled (false);

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Special FeaturesThe right combination of special features and components can enhance the usefulness of a GUI

    See LightBulb.java(page 530)See LightBulbPanel.java(page 531)See LightBulbControls.java(page 533)

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*The LightBulb Program

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*File ChoosersSituations often arise where we want the user to select a file stored on a disk drive, usually so that its contents can be read and processedA file chooser, represented by the JFileChooser class, simplifies this processA file chooser is a specialized dialog box created using the JFileChooser classThe user can browse the disk and filter the file types displayedSee DisplayFile.java (page 516)

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*The DisplayFile Program

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Color ChoosersIn many situations we want to allow the user to select a colorA color chooser , represented by the JColorChooser class, simplifies this processThe user can choose a color from a palette or specify the color using RGB valuesA color can be selected using swatches or RGB valuesSee DisplayColor.java (page 519)

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*The DisplayColor Program

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*In this application, radio buttons were displayed with various colors and the option for users to choose their own color with the colorChooser

    // a radio Button was selected to choose a color in main programpublic void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {

    // If the other radio button is pressed the JColorChooser pops up if(event.getActionCommand().equals("Other")) {

    // Allows user to pick another color , otherPanel is the panel it will be displayed on

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  • // colorChosen is the color the user picks colorChosen = JColorChooser.showDialog(otherPanel, "Pick a Color!", colorChosen); // Sets a panel displayed next to radiobuttons to the current color being used colorPanel.setBackground(colorChosen); }// close if

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  • CLH GUI slides*else { // Sets current color to the radiobutton selectedcolorChosen = mycolor;

    // Sets panel next to radiobuttons to the current color being usedcolorPanel.setBackground(colorChosen);} }// Close actionPerformed

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  • CLH GUI slides*Scroll PanesA scroll pane is useful for images or information too large to fit in a reasonably-sized areaA scroll pane offers a limited view of the component it containsIt provides vertical and/or horizontal scroll bars that allow the user to scroll to other areas of the componentNo event listener is needed for a scroll paneSee TransitMap.java (page 540)

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  • CLH GUI slides*The TransitMap Program

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  • CLH GUI slides*Split PanesA split pane (JSplitPane) is a container that displays two components separated by a moveable divider barThe two components can be displayed side by side, or one on top of the other

    Moveable Divider Bar

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  • CLH GUI slides*Split PanesThe orientation of the split pane is set using the HORIZONTAL_SPLIT or VERTICAL_SPLIT constants

    The divider bar can be set so that it can be fully expanded with one click of the mouse

    The components can be continuously adjusted as the divider bar is moved, or wait until it stops movingSplit panes can be nested

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  • CLH GUI slides*ListsThe Swing Jlist class represents a list of items from which the user can choose The contents of a JList object can be specified using an array of objectsA JList object generates a list selection event when the current selection changesSee PickImage.java (page 544)See ListPanel.java (page 546)

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  • CLH GUI slides*The PickImage Program

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  • CLH GUI slides*ListsA JList object can be set so that multiple items can be selected at the same timeThe list selection mode can be one of three options:single selection only one item can be selected at a timesingle interval selection multiple, contiguous items can be selected at a timemultiple interval selection any combination of items can be selectedThe list selection mode is defined by a ListSelectionModel objectWe used the DefaultListModel because it contains a vector

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  • CLH GUI slides*SlidersA slider is a GUI component that allows the user to specify a value within a numeric rangeA slider can be oriented vertically or horizontally and can have optional tick marks and labelsThe minimum and maximum values for the slider are set using the JSlider constructorA slider produces a change event when the slider is moved, indicating that the slider and the value it represents has changed

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  • CLH GUI slides*SlidersThe following example uses three sliders to change values representing the color components of an RGB valueSee SlideColor.java (page 522)See SlideColorPanel.java (page 523)

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  • CLH GUI slides*public class SlideColorPanel extends JPanel { private JPanel controls, colorPanel; private JSlider rSlider, gSlider, bSlider; private JLabel rLabel, gLabel, bLabel; //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets up the sliders and their labels, aligning them along // their left edge using a box layout. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public SlideColorPanel() { rSlider = new JSlider (JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 0, 255, 0); rSlider.setMajorTickSpacing (50); // set values for ticks rSlider.setMinorTickSpacing (10); rSlider.setPaintTicks (true); // necessary to have ticks appear rSlider.setPaintLabels (true); // set labels for the ticks rSlider.setAlignmentX (Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); // sets up two other sliders

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  • CLH GUI slides*By default, spacing for major and minor tick marks is zero.

    To see tick marks, you must explicitly set the spacing for either major or minor tick marks (or both) to a non-zero value and call the setPaintTicks(true) method.

    However, you also need labels for your tick marks.

    To display standard, numeric labels at major tick mark locations,

    Set the major tick spacing(rSlider.setMajorTickSpacing (50);, then call the setPaintLabels(true) method.

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  • CLH GUI slides* SliderListener listener = new SliderListener();// set change listeners for the sliders rSlider.addChangeListener (listener); gSlider.addChangeListener (listener); bSlider.addChangeListener (listener); create the labels and set alignment LEFT rLabel = new JLabel ("Red: 0"); rLabel.setAlignmentX (Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); gLabel = new JLabel ("Green: 0"); gLabel.setAlignmentX (Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); bLabel = new JLabel ("Blue: 0"); bLabel.setAlignmentX (Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT);

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  • Create a boxlayout for label/slidercontrols = new JPanel(); BoxLayout layout = new BoxLayout (controls, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS); controls.setLayout (layout); controls.add (rLabel); controls.add (rSlider); controls.add (Box.createRigidArea (new Dimension (0, 20))); controls.add (gLabel); controls.add (gSlider); controls.add (Box.createRigidArea (new Dimension (0, 20))); controls.add (bLabel); controls.add (bSlider);

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  • CLH GUI slides* // Create a Panel to display a color

    colorPanel = new JPanel(); colorPanel.setPreferredSize (new Dimension (100, 100)); colorPanel.setBackground (new Color (0, 0, 0)); add (controls); add (colorPanel);

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  • CLH GUI slides* //***************************************************************** // Represents the listener for all three sliders. //***************************************************************** private class SliderListener implements ChangeListener { private int red, green, blue; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Gets the value of each slider, then updates the labels and the color panel. //-------------------------------------------------------------- public void stateChanged (ChangeEvent event) { red = rSlider.getValue(); // get all the slider values green = gSlider.getValue(); blue = bSlider.getValue(); rLabel.setText ("Red: " + red); gLabel.setText ("Green: " + green); bLabel.setText ("Blue: " + blue); // set the colorpanel to that color colorPanel.setBackground (new Color (red, green, blue)); } } }

    CLH GUI slides

  • CLH GUI slides*Polygons and PolylinesArrays can be helpful in graphics processingFor example, they can be used to store a list of coordinatesA polygon is a multisided, closed shapeA polyline is similar to a polygon except that its endpoints do not meet, and it cannot be filledSee Rocket.java (page 409)See RocketPanel.java (page 410)

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  • CLH GUI slides*The Polygon ClassThe Polygon class can also be used to define and draw a polygonIt is part of the java.awt pacakageVersions of the overloaded drawPolygon and fillPolygon methods take a single Polygon object as a parameter instead of arrays of coordinatesA Polygon object encapsulates the coordinates of the polygon

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  • CLH GUI slides*GUI DesignWe must remember that the goal of software is to help the user solve the problemTo that end, the GUI designer should:Know the userPrevent user errorsOptimize user abilitiesBe consistentLet's discuss each of these in more detail

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  • CLH GUI slides*Know the UserKnowing the user implies an understanding of:the user's true needsthe user's common activitiesthe user's level of expertise in the problem domain and in computer processingWe should also realize these issues may differ for different usersRemember, to the user, the interface is the program

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  • CLH GUI slides*Prevent User ErrorsWhenever possible, we should design user interfaces that minimize possible user mistakes. Automate as much as possible by using components that limit the number of choices.We should choose the best GUI components for each task

    For example, in a situation where there are only a few valid options, using a menu or radio buttons would be better than an open text fieldError messages should guide the user appropriately

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  • CLH GUI slides*Optimize User AbilitiesNot all users are alike some may be more familiar with the system than othersKnowledgeable users are sometimes called power usersWe should provide multiple ways to accomplish a task whenever reasonable"wizards" to walk a user through a processshort cuts for power usersHelp facilities should be available but not intrusive

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  • CLH GUI slides*Be ConsistentConsistency is important users get used to things appearing and working in certain waysColors should be used consistently to indicate similar types of information or processingScreen layout should be consistent from one part of a system to another For example, error messages should appear in consistent locations e.g. A JtextArea. This way the user knows to look there if there is a problem

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  • CLH GUI slides*Designing for InheritanceAs we've discussed, taking the time to create a good software design reaps long-term benefitsInheritance issues are an important part of an object-oriented designProperly designed inheritance relationships can contribute greatly to the elegance, maintainabilty, and reuse of the softwareLet's summarize some of the issues regarding inheritance that relate to a good software design

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  • CLH GUI slides*Inheritance Design IssuesEvery derivation should be an is-a relationshipThink about the potential future of a class hierarchy, and design classes to be reusable and flexibleFind common characteristics of classes and push them as high in the class hierarchy as appropriateOverride methods as appropriate to tailor or change the functionality of a childAdd new variables to children, but don't redefine (shadow) inherited variables

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  • CLH GUI slides*Inheritance Design IssuesAllow each class to manage its own data; use the super reference to invoke the parent's constructor to set up its dataEven if there are no current uses for them, override general methods such as toString and equals with appropriate definitionsUse abstract classes to represent general concepts that lower classes have in commonUse visibility modifiers carefully to provide needed access without violating encapsulation

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  • CLH GUI slides*Restricting InheritanceThe final modifier can be used to curtail inheritanceIf the final modifier is applied to a method, then that method cannot be overridden in any descendent classesIf the final modifier is applied to an entire class, then that class cannot be used to derive any children at allThus, an abstract class cannot be declared as finalThese are key design decisions, establishing that a method or class should be used as is

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  • CLH GUI slides*The Component Class HierarchyThe Java classes that define GUI components are part of a class hierarchySwing GUI components typically are derived from the JComponent class which is derived from the Container class which is derived from the Component classMany Swing components can serve as (limited) containers, because they are derived from the Container classFor example, a JLabel object can contain an ImageIcon

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  • CLH GUI slides*The Component Class HierarchyAn applet is a good example of inheritanceRecall that when we define an applet, we extend the Applet class or the JApplet classThe Applet and JApplet classes already handle all the details about applet creation and execution, including:interaction with a Web browseraccepting applet parameters through HTMLenforcing security restrictions

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  • CLH GUI slides*The Component Class HierarchyOur applet classes only have to deal with issues that specifically relate to what our particular applet will do

    When we define paintComponent method of an applet, we are actually overriding a method defined originally in the JComponent class and inherited by the JApplet class

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  • CLH GUI slides*Event ProcessingPolymorphism plays an important role in the development of a Java graphical user interfaceAs we've seen, we establish a relationship between a component and a listener:JButton button = new JButton();button.addActionListener(new MyListener());Note that the addActionListener method is accepting a MyListener object as a parameterIn fact, we can pass the addActionListener method any object that implements the ActionListener interface

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  • CLH GUI slides*Event ProcessingThe source code for the addActionListener method accepts a parameter of type ActionListener (the interface)Because of polymorphism, any object that implements that interface is compatible with the parameter reference variableThe component can call the actionPerformed method because of the relationship between the listener class and the interfaceExtending an adapter class to create a listener represents the same situation; the adapter class implements the appropriate interface already

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  • CLH GUI slides*Containment HierarchiesThe way components are grouped into containers and the way those containers are nested within each other establishes the containment hierarchy for the GUIEach container can have its own layout managerThe appearance of a GUI is determined by:the containment hierarchythe layout manager of each containerthe properties of individual componentsAll of these issues work together to determine the final visual effect

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  • CLH GUI slides*The BorderDemo Program

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  • CLH GUI slides*BordersA border can be put around any Swing component to define how the edges of the component should be drawnBorders can be used effectively to group components visuallyThe BorderFactory class contains several static methods for creating border objectsA border is applied to a component using the setBorder method

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  • CLH GUI slides*BordersAn empty border buffers the space around the edge of a componentotherwise has no visual effectA line border surrounds the component with a simple linethe line's color and thickness can be specifiedAn etched border creates the effect of an etched groove around a componentuses colors for the highlight and shadow

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  • CLH GUI slides*BordersA bevel border can be raised or lowereduses colors for the outer and inner highlights and shadowsA titled border places a title on or around the borderthe title can be oriented in many waysA matte border specifies the sizes of the top, left, bottom, and right edges of the border separatelyuses either a solid color or an image

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  • CLH GUI slides*BordersA compound border is a combination of two bordersone or both of the borders can be a compound borderSee BorderDemo.java (page 355)

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  • CLH GUI slides*public static void main (String[] args) {

    JPanel panel = new JPanel();

    panel.setLayout (new GridLayout (0, 2, 5, 10)); panel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder (5, 5, 5, 5));

    JPanel p1 = new JPanel();

    p1.setBorder (BorderFactory.createLineBorder (Color.red, 3));

    p1.add (new JLabel ("Line Border")); panel.add (p1);

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  • CLH GUI slides* JPanel p2 = new JPanel(); p2.setBorder (BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder ()); p2.add (new JLabel ("Etched Border")); panel.add (p2);

    JPanel p3 = new JPanel();

    p3.setBorder (BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder ()); p3.add (new JLabel ("Raised Bevel Border")); panel.add (p3);

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  • CLH GUI slides* JPanel p4 = new JPanel(); p4.setBorder (BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder ()); p4.add (new JLabel ("Lowered Bevel Border"));

    panel.add (p4); JPanel p5 = new JPanel(); p5.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBord