103rd annual · 2018. 8. 14. · order of business of union _meetings ]. 'l'hc body...


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Page 1: 103rd Annual · 2018. 8. 14. · ORDER OF BUSINESS OF UNION _MEETINGS ]. 'l'hc body called to order by the i\'loderaf.-or' if he is present. if nnl. the body ma:v select some suitable
Page 2: 103rd Annual · 2018. 8. 14. · ORDER OF BUSINESS OF UNION _MEETINGS ]. 'l'hc body called to order by the i\'loderaf.-or' if he is present. if nnl. the body ma:v select some suitable



-0F THE-

103rd Annual Sesl'ion

-<>F THE-





Com meucln:; Thursiia,· 1\'icbt Before tbe FlrS&.

SundAy In October, 18S8

ELDER U. J,. LIDIPKIN, )loderator ..... .... . .. · · .... Mauk, G4.

D. R. PAUKER. Clet•k : . ... . ... • . ...... . • ..... JW\cUou Cit)·, G.t.

Tbc Next ~on WIU ~lect W llb Pleasant Hlll Cbut-ch T<tylor

County, Gcorgin, Cummeuclng Thunulay Nl:;bt

Before the Flr,;t Suuda,. In October, tese.

Page 3: 103rd Annual · 2018. 8. 14. · ORDER OF BUSINESS OF UNION _MEETINGS ]. 'l'hc body called to order by the i\'loderaf.-or' if he is present. if nnl. the body ma:v select some suitable


] . 'l'hc body called to order by the i\'loderaf.-or ' if he is present. if nnl. the body ma:v select some suitable member to act as Moderator, pro tern.

2. Call For Corresponding Letters. 3. Election of Moderator and Clerk 4. Invite visiting brethren to seatli. 5. Appointment of Committees. 6. Call for correspondt:nt. 7. Appointment of correspondents. 8 . .Appowt time aud place Qf holcling next session. !l. Call fQr rcJ>Orts of committees. 10. Call for miscellanectus business. l l. Call for r~adin:.r and adoptinA" minutes. 12. Adjourmnent.

• -MINUTES . 0

The 103rd SelSsion of the' United Free Will Baptist Association convened with J_,!ttJc Bethel Church. Macon Countv. Ga .. be~inuing Thursda)' tlil!ht ·before the First Sundav in October 1938. The intro­unctor:v Sermon was· delivered Friday morning at 11 (l'Clock bv Rev. H. L. Knight-on. from the First Chap. of Micca. closed bv Rev. W. H. Eml'rson. ·After refeshments the bbdv was called to order bv !h~ Moderator H. L. Lumpkin, f4:;o;t invited visiting brethren to seats with us in tllt> Bodv. The Moderator then called for dorresooudiug L<'iters. Motion and carried that Rev. W. J. Childers and Rev. W. H. En1erson read the corresplouditur Letters. After reading the l<'tt.e!S the Delel!ates were seated as· follows: ~w Prospect, Taylor County, Brother J oe BloodW'Ortb. Bro.

J . Y. Cunlte:-. Sister Estell Kine:. Bessie Hartlev. Robert Lowe lind Jewel Coulter.

'l'nrr.ers ChapP.): Brios. Arthu:· Spillers. Walter Turner. E .. ). \~lainwri:rht. H. S. Moore and Sam Moore·.

Mt. Olive: Br~. B. R Dent, Jesse Windham. John S. Wind­hll,m. J. B. Awe!'son. Sisters Mollie Doug-las and Annie L. Windham.

Little Bethel: Br•)S. n. D P.?rr~·. R. 1'-' . 1\fdiwale. J. W. Comer' Rudoh)h 'raner. Uov Emerson. Ho:·ace Ccmet·. :md Sisters Bessie Emerson r.nd IYa Fowler.

Beullth: Bro . .A. R. Lawhorn. S:ste!' C. E :"' Lawhorn and Brn. · Char!ie Comer.

Ple.asant Hill: Bros. W. E. James. B. C. Brewer. W. T. Short. J. W. Cochran and J. B. Eubanks. I

New Life: Bros. Sam Daniel. \Yood:e Foster. Davie Daniel, RandHi I,umpkin. J B. Daniel. L. E. Chaomau. J. w. McDaniel an<l wife.

Triuity: Bro. A. S. Waller and wife. Sistct· Jessie Waller, Buford Watson. B. F. Waller and sister Annie Gilt and E. C. Can lev.

St. James Bro .• J-oe He!·ron and Sister Cora Hearn. Bro. R. A. Kni~hton.

P :·oddence: Bros. L~ona~d .Ar\thon:v. A. W. Tucker, Walter McBride. W. A. Parker . . Sister Gussie_ Wil!is. Evaps Hawkins. S-C Pal'l;:<>r, 'fomniy Caldwell, C . .A.: Pa!·ker. .

N ;w PJ'l•spect Clmrch Turner Countv: Bro.. T . . J. LittJe and .: ._ .: • J • : .. .. • .. . .. • .. .. •

Page 4: 103rd Annual · 2018. 8. 14. · ORDER OF BUSINESS OF UNION _MEETINGS ]. 'l'hc body called to order by the i\'loderaf.-or' if he is present. if nnl. the body ma:v select some suitable

.· Ch:tlluhouchee Free· Will Bn (1\lst Association

wife. Bro. •S Watson. Bro. G. '0: Kin!!. and wife. Sister Be~s L:ttk St. Johns: J. ·E. Parker, J. 'E. Holford. ·,John D. EI:is, F . JJ.

Walden IKld R $. Vance. . Bt:thnn:r: Woodroe Hendricks. Horace Lawrence. J. G!'imsle~·­Ristcr lfa~~de Palmer and D. R. Parker. Sp•·ing Hill, Marion County, Ga.: S 'ster Jesse Tyler, Nanuic

· PP:Jrl Park-er and '1'. F. Hendrick. Motion carried that ail the let­ter£ be rt>ceived and Dele!!ates be seated in the Bodv. The Body th;!n ne:.-manentlv or!!anized bv electin!! H . L. Lumpltin. Moderator and n. R. Parker. Clerk.

N'ext called for Petitiona1·y Letters: Rece:,·ed none. Next for O<>rrespondina DeleA'ates : Receh·ed Bro. ,J. D . L'ttle.

Bro. W. B. Lankford. J. B. Lankford and Paul Ham from the Lit.tle Rh-er J\!':l'Ociatibn. who were ~11 seated bY the Mode:·ator est~nil iu!! the !·ia1lt l1and of welcome. '" · MnYf'd -and carried that the variouR committf'e~ bP appoil'fNl:

Committee on Preac-h in!!: Bro. J. D. PerrY. Bro. Joe Herring ~11d B: o. D. n. Dent.

Committee. on State of Churches and Character of Ministers: P. E. Kni!!itfon. David Danit>l. G. C. Kin!!. H. S. !lfO'Ore and H. G. J .. aw1·ehrt>.

Comrn:ttee on Temperance: Sister Minnie Hawkins. Sister Gussie Willis an{} Bro. Rov Enierson.

Commirtee on Snndm· Schools: ReY. W. R. f .. awhrrn. ReY. G. · W. P ··irt' m~cl Siste•· Tva Fowler.

Committee on Finance: R. N. M:elnvale. W. H: Emer~on. A. (;. ]lfcRPUJJC:Il.

Cr•mmitler on Sabbath Observance: \Y .. T. Childers. H. L. An­thony. \V. T. Grimsley.

Cnmmitfee on Sn!!l!estions.: G. D. Perrv. \V. E. ,J1mes ancl .. \ . S, Walle:·.


Armoiutment of Dele!!ates to Sister Associations: Rev. C. H. Moore and ·wife. Uev. W. G. Childers ·to the G. A. Union. Rc'·. W. R. Lawh'Orn and H. L. Lumpkin to the South Georgia Assoriat.' QU

M:ov<!d and carried, we correspond with other association by :Minutes.

1\[Q\·ed and carried to pay Clerk $15 fo:- his sen·iccs. a:~o a aift of $10 to the :Moderator. ·

Sister Reba Stalnake was aelected to write a Circ~<lnr Lettrr ro the Bod:v. Bro. P. E. K'·niahton was tlectcd to W!·ite the Circular Letter fo !: 1939. ) ·

Moved and Carried that the ,rex! sess!on of this bodv con\'<?lle


Chattal}oochee Free-\VIU BapUet Aseoctatlon 6

with nleasant Hill Church. Schlev Countv. Ga .. be!!innin!! 'On Thnf!;­da~· night before the first Sunuay in October 1939. R~v. J . W. Childree to preach the introductory sermon on Friday morning at 11 o'clock and w. R. Lumpkin tQ. Alternate.


The body was called to order with r eadinl! and prayer bv l\fod. era tor.

:Moved ruJd carried the Moderator extend the band of welcome to Bro. GC<J. Nobles of Hawkinsville and Bro. and Sister Etberid:?e of UnadiJla.

1\foved U,& Circular letters be 1·ead and adopted. MoYed that .Amendment to the close of Church Covenant be

made to reau 'l'hus: (1 ) Written and adonted at the 1937 sessiou of tht> Ghatt&hoochec United .l<'rt>e Will Bnnli!;t Assor:11tion b~· Rl!". W. H. Emerson. After a wonderfu I messal!e delh·e!'ed by Rev. W. R. LnmnJdn the bod\· lltljonmed for tlinuer. ti


After Q f ine dinner tha·t was euioved bY all. I thr ~Ioderntor ,•nlle<l t he bo1.h· to!!ethe!' bY readin!! 15th. cluwt<'r of St. John and m·ann·. Nc:xt. HeY. \V. B. Emerson tendered. his 1·esi!!nation as t 'ha rman of the Executive Committee. Bro. H. N. Mclm·ale was dectN1 Ch<1' · uwn of the Execut-ive Bonn!.

7\loYrrl 1111d clllTied that Henort of SundaY School C~>nveution lw nrintrd in the l\Iinutes. D. R. Parlter was elected See~·etan· :1~tcl T :e»J;n: <·•· nf the :\ssociation.


F:·irl;iy ni~ht 7 o'clock Rev. G. 'I'. liolloman closed b~· Rc,·. G. \\·. Price. t:nturday at 11 A. :.\!. \\'. H. LuJupldu. Saturday P. M. i(eY. ,r. ~1. I•'1ouruoy and \Y .. J. Childers. Sa1m·day 11ight at 7 o'clo~:k EldcJ· C. W. Hjcha:·dson and E:clet· 1<.:. C. G!'imsler. SlU!UilY Re,·. C. H . :.\l u<•l·c :tt 11. Closed bv Rev. W. H. Lawhnn. G. D. Pern·. Chm.


\\'c. y<•u~ Committee !mow of no iutemperauce in onr chnrchc,;. \Yc trnst. that all will remain temperate in all thin:.!s. t·on~ecrati!.l:l . acts nJHl dC'eds. \Ye hope that all will continue for the unliftin!! · f the chun•l1es and each other.

Sister Gussie \\iJ!:s. Cbai:-tunn.

Page 5: 103rd Annual · 2018. 8. 14. · ORDER OF BUSINESS OF UNION _MEETINGS ]. 'l'hc body called to order by the i\'loderaf.-or' if he is present. if nnl. the body ma:v select some suitable

Chuttuhoocbee Ft·ee· Wilt BotJll~t A .. oclnUon


We. Yow· Committee reoort as follows: Wt> bel!evt> it to b~ , th<' dutv of all men in keeuin!l' the Lord' s Da,-: the Sabbath. To oh­

""r,·e fhe, Commandments Ja~d d0\'\11 in the lloh· Scrit>hu·c as out· SnPt'('lliC Tcachinl!s. " r e uree 'that all :M:in:sters nntl all chm· .. h ofl'ic:aJ,. folJ!JW iu all the Sacred 'teachinas.

Rev. W. J. Childree. Chn!t·mnn.


We. , ·our Committee reoot·t m; follows: We find s ix churches ha\·in!!' Sundav Schools. "-e nrav that each chnrch ma,· !!Ct bww nne) 'f't"l!llliiz~ a SundaY Scltool. We hope at our next .\!;snc'ntiu•t We:! mn,· find more Stmdav Schools.

1\!t'S. Jerome F owler. Chairman.

0~ STATE OF CHUflCI~ !~ i .\ :\ D CHARTER OF Ml:-:JST.RY

W c.>, your Committee find all of Ott!' churches and m!nister<; in I!'Ood staucUnto and at oeace and hm·monv r nP with anothC't'. . . G. C. Kinl!. Chairman .


w c su umit .the followilll! report: In Fo!"mer Treasury ----------------- $ -!.88 Ft·om Var:.Ous Churches -- ---------- $6-!.75 'l'otal --------------------------- $6H 6:l

He,-. W. TI. Emerson. Chahnan.


We suQ'gest that our Association continue its meet :ua date. bl'­l!innina- on 'l'hursdav niaht before the first Sm11lm· :n Octobet· of e11ch Year. 'Ve further suaaest tltnt this bo(h· appoint u Mo<let·ator for JII'Xt Spssion. also an assistant :M1•deJ·fltor.

G. D. Perry, Cltnit·mnll. __ ...;__ ' TIME A:-I'D PLACE OF NEXT MEETING

l\fcn' f'tl and Carried thnt t!t=s boch· rC'ndC'J' tlwnl;s to tl •·• rntn­munit;v and Little Betltel Church for their Rplendid cooperation m•tl huc;nitalih· durin!! this sessi1m of tltc Associntion. Adjonfl1 to meet with J'lpu~;ant Hill Church. Sch)c,· Co('nnh·. Gn .. 12 monthR het•t·t•. Eldt!!' II h Lumnldn. :Moderato!' -------- ··---- ------- )Jnult. f!1:. !>. R P:~rl(C'r, Clerk ------------- ------------ .Jnnctio•: Cit,·. Gn.


;ro. R. N Mcinvale. Chnirman. 2 years - ------------- llntler. Gn. ro. D. R. Parker, 1 rear ------ ------------- Junction City, Gn­

B!·o. Home1· Moore. 2 r.ears -.:.---------o#---------- Remolds. Gn. Bro. Sam Damiel 3 veara ----------,.. ----~-~·---~---- M.nnlt. Ou. Br<>. J, S. Windham. 3 vears -----------· ---- Re\'nolds. Ga.


Cbattallooch~e Fr-ee-Will BnpUst A.aoclaUon


The First District Union meetina convened with Pleasant Rill Chureh. Schier Countv. Ga .. commencina on Fridav niabt before the Fifth Sunday in ?!iay, 1938. The niaht session to meet with Be1tlnl~ Church beginuin~r Fridav niaht before the 3rd fifth Sundav 1939. Elder W. J. Childers to nreach the introductorv Sermon Sat­urdaJ• at 11 :00. Elder Rilev Windham to Close.

E lder W. J. Childree. Moderator. Elder Riley Windham. Clerk.

The Second District Union 1\leetina convened with St. James Church, Phenix City. Ala .. Julv 39th. 1938. Rev. H. L. Lumokin ureachetl t.he introductorv sermon.

The next session to be held \vith Providence Church beeinuin!! F!·idav uil!bt before the 4th. Sundav in JulY. 1939. Rev. H. L. Knighton to preach the introdnctorv Sermon. Snturdav at 11 :00 o 'clock. R!v. G. W. Price to Close.

Elder E. C. Grimsley. 1\fo4le~ator. Bro. D. R. Parker. Clerk.

The pr~a<:hers and Deacons meeting convened with Beulah Cburelt. Jaut:ary 29th. 1938. Rt:Y. S. V. Priester oreached the intro­duC'tOl)' sermon. Closed by Rev. W. R. Lawhorn.

The next session to meet with Bethanv church. Marion Count.\·, Ga .. on 1-;aturday before the f ifth Sundav in Avril. 1939.

Elder C .H. Moore. Moderaflor. Bro. D. R. ?arker. Clerk.


The first Convention \vas held with Providence Church. Juh·. 2-!th. 19:18. A verv interestin~ vro~?ram was sponsored bY the &el"­

Pral Sunday Schools. It ia an earnest desire of the Convention to hne more Sunday scl).oola repreae nting next seasion c.9nvening wit it Pleasant Hill Qhurch, Schley Cou uty. Ga-. on the First Sunday in July. 1939.

Rev. H. L. KniJ:thtlon. Moderator. Bro. C. A. Parker, Cle!'k.

Page 6: 103rd Annual · 2018. 8. 14. · ORDER OF BUSINESS OF UNION _MEETINGS ]. 'l'hc body called to order by the i\'loderaf.-or' if he is present. if nnl. the body ma:v select some suitable

8 Ch'allnhoochee Free-Wilt flapli><t As~oclntlon


·· lle1hllttY. 1I. G. La,rrence. --------------·. lL F. D., Jnniner. G:1.. Rnt·:nJ? llill. Katie I Jon Br·acJy __ .. ·· ---'---- ---..., R. F. D .. M:rntk r;a_

, Rt. Jumcs. Geo. w·. Hill -------- 161:1. :?nd. ;\\"1.'. Pl11.'11ix Cit\·. - Alr.. Pt·oyidcu~<'. Sam. C. Pa:·ker ----------- --- H. F. D .. Colnmbns. Ga. ~~ ... Jnln;s. E. D. Vance ------~~ 2:) Ilcm:oek Drin•. Columbus. Gr •. New Pr<?:;pecl. G.' C. King _____________ :_ __ :_ _______ Shing-ler. Gu.

Xew Prr.soect. Bessie Hartlev _________________ ..: __ ~.enwlds. Gu. Tm·tH•rs Clutpel. Kotie •ru!'uer ------------------- --- Butler. ,1,1. ?lit. OliY..:. J,<•lm S. Windham. ---- --------------- Reynolds. Gn. J.Jitt le l!cthel.. Bessie Em.erson ~--------------- Rte. 1. Butler. G<l.

Beulnh. 11. W. Gr·irnsley. - -------- --- --- --- Ht<'. 1. Ell:n·ille. Oot. Plea .. nut H ill. Sister G:•o,·cr Stenhens --~~----------- Runet·l. (,<l.

N(.\w Li ft•, Siste:· Nina Roberts. ---------------- Rtc .. M:auk. ({a.

'rt·init~·. B. F. Waller. ---------------------------- Charin~. {l:t.


Elder II. h Kni!i'hton --------- 1911 . 2nd .\w .. Phenix City. ;\Ia Elder C. W . Hiehardstm ···--------- 1222 - 22ncl Rt .. Colmr1bus. G:~. E!der 11. L. Lumpkin __ :.._~----------------------- .. __ l\lauk G11. Elder E. C. Grimsley ~-----~------------------ .. Ellaville. Ga. meier W . . J. Luuiplcin ------- ---- - - - - ----------- Co:rman. Ga. Eldt:-r W. '1'. Grimsley. ______ t_ ____________ R~. 4. Ellaville. Ga. ..:\ltlcr B. l. Gill ___ _: ______ .:.. ___ .: ___ 101 · Triune St.. Thomaston. Gn. F.lder 13. J>. Laws~n ------------ 1154 Cnrtis St .. Columbus. G11. Bidet· A. C. !\IcKiunon. ------------ :~Qll Hive;· Hu .. Columl.lns. G:1.

Elde!· It. V. Prieste~ ----------------· ... n. F. D .. Co:nmhus. Ga. Elder G. I<'. Bazemore ----- ------------------------ Dutl<.'r. Ua. . . . . ' . E lder \Y. If. Eme.rson ____ :_. _______ _: _________ Ht<'. 1. llutle:·. Ua. Eldl.':- e. H. l\ioore _________ _: ____________________ RenH lck .}a.

Elder H. 11. )Yiqdliam ,------------------------- Hemolds. G:J. · Bider \V .• J. CbHd1·ee · ,.;.~·----..-.-,--- .,·------------- RenJolcls. G<t. Elder I. 1<'. Guinn ------~--~--~~~------- --------- Camd:>n. 8. C. J~lder \V. R. Lawltorn ----------------------- Rte. L Butler Ga. Elder W. R. Lumokin - - -------------------- -- ··- Thomaston: Gu. 'Ride:· G. W. Price--- ------------- 3003 3rd. Ave .. Columbus. G!l. Elder G. 1'. Holliman ---------- 1716 2nd. Ave .. Phe11:x C:tv. Ala.


Chnttaboochee F~ee-Will Bnptlst AeseyLatlon




If '\'C were to· ask t he financier what the ~rea test thin!! is in the world. he would provably reply. "Money."

lf we were to ask the painter this question, he would t·eply, ''The .Art of Paintiu~.r". We would bear various answers from dif­ferent ueoJ>lc. But if we as Christian oeoole. \vould stoo Jon!! cuonelt to ask >Ourselves the unestiou. we would answer "Dh·ine Lo,·e." _

Love is of two kiuds. "Dh·ihe" and " Human." 'l'he ll•,·c of a wother is a verv !!'Ood examole of Human Love.

\\tl(e!t we arc sick. the first one we eo t.O is mother. Ber Jove for u s wi!l beal to a ereat exteut. but without t he Divine Love of uur H eavenly l''ntlter we ar e sure to die.

The Father's Love is illustrated by the stOJ"y of Absalom's re­belliou al!ainst his father. After the battle was O\'et· aud the news lwd reached his father that he was slain. he C!~·ied out. "Absalom. Ahsalom, my !iOn. wottlJ I tu God thut I c·.ouh~ have rlicd in yr,ur ulacr.' · 'fhi::; shows how a fa the~ ·s love is l!l'Nlt.

The affections of two Jovet·s is illustrated hr Jacob servin::r sewn vears f-or Rachel. But human IOYP. will break down and die. Uod's kve i~ "Divine". and will never die. I t liYes fo!· the sinful as well as fer t he rie-hteous. ~

\\• e Ill h)' g-.i\•e ali we Jta,·e fl<ll' the POOl' or any other <.'8USC. hut V<'t we will he destitute of "Divine Lo\·e . . ,

'!'be l.lt·ct:dth of God 's love is seen in that. '(le so JoYed the world that He :?ave His only sou for us."

D ivinl' Love is imparted t-o us when we are horn of God . So wh.v not let's everyone lav down the. sin and out on the>

armor of God and r eeetve D ivine Love which ueveJ• fnill}th. Then we will 1•ever want for anvthin!! and we can eniov the Divine Love of the IIeaYenly Father .

Rheba Stalnaker.


1\frs . .J. 11. Lovick was born in Macon. Ga .. Oct. 3. 1855 ~J!d tl'ed Dc>c. 2flth. 1937. at the ag-ed ei!!lrt\·-two vears. She ioined the l<' :ee-Will Baptist Church in tlte thirtieth ,·ear of her life. and setT­etl the I.Jnrd about fiftv years.

She wa<; trlalTied to the Rev. J. H. Lo,·:clc at Butler. Ga .. Dtc. 25. 1870. Nint' children blessed their union. Four ch ild!·en. eig-ht<!::O ll grandchildren and one great :rrea t grandchild are left to survh·e her.

Page 7: 103rd Annual · 2018. 8. 14. · ORDER OF BUSINESS OF UNION _MEETINGS ]. 'l'hc body called to order by the i\'loderaf.-or' if he is present. if nnl. the body ma:v select some suitable

"""" .

10 Chatlahoochee Free-Wilt Bnpllst Association

.. ----------------------------Her life was <>ne of duty and S:!rVice to the Lord; alwa~·s

, readv to raise the fallen and stren!!then the 'teak. The wora ol" God was her constant thought and i uide. LoYin.!!' hands and trrief su·iel;en he&rts la!d Iter to rest in neace in ·Mt. Olive Cemete :·,­nea!' I~<>YJtolds. Ga• ; ReY. C. H. :M:~•orc. of· Hevno!ds ' Ga .. oe~·form­in!!' the fttn<>.ral ceremonv and Rev. P . T .Lavton. of.Thomaston. Ga .. :ts.'listin{!. She awaits the Resurrection :JI'lo:·n \Vhen Chrifit shall Sll .l ':

"Com<' Y<' blessed. inherit the Kingdom prepared for YOU frnn the foundation of the world. "

~ -


Last ,·ear our homes were hauoY. Our heet·ts were made tc; rejoice : 1•\or mother Deat· was with us. We could hear Iter tender voice.

Callina in the earlY moi'L1inl!'. Callinl! late at ni~bt. But we didn't mind-It. \1'8S mothl!r- Otll' heart's delizht

Eight vears she w.aro; an inYalid. She neenctl our tendet· care : But the Angels came and took Iter. Where thet:e ' fl 'be 110 cl'iunlP ther<>.

A J·ose we were11l!'OUd to wear.

'l'o show 'our love fo t· Mother; But now a white one takes Jts olace. For there wiJJ be no other.

'Vhite roses we'll weat· for :Motbe:·. Since she bas o:1ssed away: To enter HeaYen 's Porta is. 1937. December. the 29th dav.

_A white rose we must wea!'. . ~Jth<>uab it breaks our hearts: To think that she has l<>ft our home. From ns she hnd to pnrt.

We'll miss l1er feeble footstePS. \Ve'Ji miss her eldldislt ways: W e-'ll miss her smiles and worries. All thr~u~h the eominl! davs.


Comnosed ·and written bv her ~rreut-l!'l'anddauahtPT. Miss Verona Priester.

'I '/.

r '


Cho.Unhoochee Free-~'i'lll B aptist Association


DROTBER J,. L. DICKERSON ... . .. . .


He was born F eb. ·2:r. T883'.-Died Oetobe~ 23. 1937. Arte 54 vears and 8 months. He was a member of Chane) Church. Tavlor Oountv· H() was true and !oval to his church and a faithful father and hus­band, and was loved by all who knew him.

Sleep on dear brother in Jes ~s until we meet again. It will be a wonperful day up there on the golden strand when we can hear J est(( our Savior sav shalte himds with father a~rain. ·

W~itten by ltis Pastor. ReY. "r· R. Lawhorn.



The death anzel visited the hom'e of this brother on N'·o\' . 17th. 1937 nnd took him to a better home. Ile wus a member of New Life Clmrdt nnd he lo,•ed hi.s church. Be. was onh· 22 ·,:ea!·s n11d 11 day lS old ~

. De!Jr . Jcsu!> hE'IP us ever tliv bles:Sed words to keep, so that w:­ma'· meet our friend. wlten nt last in clcath we sl<>cn.

\'.' t•itten by his 'former 11'fistor. Eldet· C. H. ::\loon•.



~fn. A. B. Autry was !:tom F~b~!Jary 4. 1883. uied Novembe~· 15. 19:37 at the U!!C of :i4.

Gl,nr. dear · wife · ahd titOtber. ll'OJie forevet·. HLw " 'e miss vour smiliu!l. face. H11t vou left us to rE'member. · None ~n earth can take your place . A hanov ·home we ouc·e· etljoyed. H ow sweet the mei'no\·\· stili'{ · But d~ath bas left a hmeliuess. 'l'he world cau uevet· fill.: · ]\{ore and more each dliif''\v.e m!ss her,; ~,t•iecds may jhink· the wound is healed. Rut thev little lniow 'tlie -soi't;o~v. : · .. · Lies . wi'thjn . OQ·r{'bearts c_on(}ealed.

· M~ A n. ·i~utr\· ·a·Iid· Famii);. . . . ' - ' ...

: . . \.'

... ' .. ........ .. :. :: .. : .. ·.- ..

Page 8: 103rd Annual · 2018. 8. 14. · ORDER OF BUSINESS OF UNION _MEETINGS ]. 'l'hc body called to order by the i\'loderaf.-or' if he is present. if nnl. the body ma:v select some suitable

. . Chntlahoochee Free· Will Baptist AaaoclatloJO



~om JunP. 4th. 1873. Married l\fa'rch 27th. 1898. Dil'd Nov. 1?. 1937. Sister Watson was a metnbl'r •of TrinitY F. W. B. Cbureh. To know Sister Watson was to lo,·e her. She lein·es a h1·oke1) l1ea :·t.

.• ed husband and ei2ht ehildx·en aud 26 ~rand children. She was 64 \·ear'> old. ,

A 1n·ec::iouf; mother has left us. left us Yes. foreYer more. But • auain l1ove to meet ber on that bri!!ht and havov shore. -

Written by one who Jo,·ed her. El<ler C. H. Moore.



Sister Odom was born I<,eb. 15th. 1919. Died October 7th, 19:38. ·Her time on earth. 19 vears 7 months and 22 davs. ~hP. was a mem ber :-t }>Jeasant Hill at tlie time <lf her death. havin!!' ioined abont 6 years ago. A true Christian has been called from our mid&t to join the blood washed throng. Farewell nntil we meet again.

£ .

·o l111ppy day, 0 blessful morn. Wlicn all the d ead shall rise. Our weary soul to Him be borne. The 1\ inz of earth and skies.

By he!· Pastor. Wm. Cbildree.



Who departed this life Feb. 25th. 1938. She was a membe:- of Mou11t Olive F. W. B. Church f.or 24 vears. She was 74 vears old. She l;Vt>tl a sweet onre. Christian iife.

It wilJ be~ wonderful dav po the1·e on the golden strand, tht>n I cau hear JE-eus mv Saviot• sav ·'Shake hands witlf s :ster a!!ain.''

Written by Rev. C. H. lloore.



Born December 4th. 1876. Dled l\iarch 5th, 1~3R. 3100 • 6th Avenue. Columbu!;, Georgia.

We have lost our dear mo.ther he1·e ou earth below. no mor\! s hRU roam. but somedav we expect to meet her in that !!rest heav­enly home. WitllJ~s sht~ is resting em that great . bliss!ul shore and her troubl~ bere are over where sorroW& come no more.

331.1- 7th, AVe?rUe Mrs. Clar~J _Quattl~~awn: ·.:





Cbattahoochl!e F ree· Will Baptist AsaoelaUon



... u

The subject of this sketch was born Au2. 22. 1876. Died Ko";'. 28. 1937. making his stay -on earth 61 nars. 3 months and 6 davs. Bro. Page was for many years a true and loyal member of New Prosnect Clmrch. Taylor Countv. Ga. Eve1· read,· t o susta:n the Church in aJl its 'PrOID<ltiOnS. )oval to his llBStOr. faithful in the cause of our Dear 1\faster. His deoarture brings a ' '&cant nlaee in our midst that is mourned bv those who knew him best. Peace to his memm·y. rest and havviness to his ~oul.

How few the years and short .the time our pilgrim days on P,artJt mav be: 'Till we shall meet the one sublime and rest in Him fl'OJ)l SOl' !"OW free.

Beneath the mound in silent sleep, where lies t he form ''"" lo\'ed so well : 'Tis there we're. oft. en made to weep, where once we <:a id our l2st farewell.

B:\· his pastor. W. J. Childree.



~is1e"· Simmons was born March 15th. 1858. Died Nov. 28th. 1937. Her time on earth being 'i9 vea~-s. 8 months and 13 davs. She h~;.d bPen a member of the Free-Will Bavtist chu~h ior .abont 50 ,·ea1s and was a member at 1\lt. Oli_Ye at. the time of her dl!ath· Sistf.'r 8inurwns wa<;. $~Christian mot11er. a true and' faithful ment· her, kind and generOUs to t.hos!l she met. Ever ready to advis.c others t<' live and serve the Lord. t-o Him shr. was tl·ue to the end. A sweet memor~· to linger: a true life to eheer!sh. She now be lou!!;; to the azes. S<>me veaceful morn when we shall meet the friet.d;; I!Olle before; A Iovine: Savior waite; to e:reet. on times' nneudin!! sltol'l!. Eterbal joys ·th~u we shall s}l~re, : With Him who died to ~>S~t! ­On Ca111.aau's laud so bright and fai1~ beyond the silent grave.

· By·:be1· UiiS·:staut pastor. · .. . W: J. Childree. · ·

· .. · ..


Page 9: 103rd Annual · 2018. 8. 14. · ORDER OF BUSINESS OF UNION _MEETINGS ]. 'l'hc body called to order by the i\'loderaf.-or' if he is present. if nnl. the body ma:v select some suitable

Chnttahoochee Free-'VIII Bnpllst Aaaoclallon


Pres~nt~ tt? ~~- ~J;I~~ or tbe ···- ··· · - ·-·· Cbattaboocbee- United n-ee-Will &ptl&t Ast'.ocl.atloo

We, the United Free-Will Baptlt;t, Church of C·h~lat h ereby Covenant. and agree:

l11t. Th~t we will remain unlte4 together In · Church capacity aud tbat we will note demand a letter or dlsmtaston ~·lttiout giving a autfic:eut reason and ~hat " ;e will endeavor, Calthtully to db; charge all oar Chrll•aa~ duttea.

2nd. That we wlll labor together to ..remain Cree t•·om all violations to the Bible doctrines, ordlno.nces, a~d' faith once delivered to the Balntl!.

Srd. That we will ll\'e mutually In !ello\\1•hlp and not estrange out-aeh·es ft•om any of the bt·ethren. · ·

•th. That we will respect each other's liberty ot conscience, tt::ttl~iltl.·· bear each other's burdens, strengthen the weak, warn the waverang lUlU

Instruct the yqung !lnd the lgnot-ant.

6th. Thll>t we will watch ov<'r each other (o1· .good and give oJ.t' brethren timely warnlng" tf ' we see them exposed to danger or abou t to· be Jed natraY.

.. • 6th. Tho( we will not expo~e ot· ridicule our 'brethren IJec:au.<e ot tbelr ImperfeCtions, neither will we •·eport evil of any one unless we know they are guilty.

7th. That our · dolly conversation ~hall be edifying and such thr.t Ia becoming for the Sulota.

8th. Thnt we will nvold nil Improper lnt~rcoursel\ of all uogoJIIne ,, and tbnt we will not •Visit places whet•e our Christian Influence will be Impaired. •

9th. That "'e will attend all rJeetlnlf':! of ~he churc'h for the preach­Ing ot the Gospel, the administration of the ordinances, the churoh con­ferences and all religious meeting\• unleas· we have · a autllclent reason tvl absence.

lOth. That we .Will aulst In supporting our pastor, In relieving t'tc nl'ed)', and In detrnyln~e ' the expenses of our c:hurches according to ou•· ·,.everal abilities. ' •

11th. That 'll'e will In all .cn.aea and under a.ll circumstances endeav.>r to ·walk according to our Bavlour'e Golden Rule: "Do Unto Othen; .;.,., ~ou Would liav~. Them n~ Unio Y~u.'' · ·

. 12th. That w·t;'" Will exe~clse OUI' 'st>lrltunl gifts !l>t well a .. we ue ttble for the 1n'atructlon' iu\d: ed'trica·u~n ot our brethren and' s rarera . . .

13th. That we· wlll •IHtrtve to· cultlvatjj 'de~p arid uniform 'f)lety In our hearts and encourage the same ~~oll ~ .arounct 4s,

Utb. That we strictly admlaleter the· government .of ' tb.e churc;t · laborinl' alway,; to promote Ita purity a~d 'holy ·lnilu'e~ce. ' · · '

15th. That we will not,L knowingly c9~demn' ~be Innocent c-r favor ·


-Chuttahoo<:ht<e Frfe· Will Bnptlat AIUI®latlon 15

the guilty and that we will strh·e to pre,·ent strife and factlons In the church.

16th. ,That If any among us sh all b~ guilty ot grd.;s sins he ab::>jl bc:- excluded from ·OUt' Celluwshill. .-\n uclmowled,;ement convincing the church that he has repented will reston! him back to the fellow;.blp o! the church.

17th. It a n officer or deacon he guilty of such sins. he shall not hold his office. nt the pleosut·e of the c hurch, any longer. It he convinces tbe chu.rch that he bas sort·owfulll' t·epented of the11e l><lns the church may then restore him to his fornU.'I' POI·Ill?"·

18th. That w a will ~irictlr pu•·sue the ~se pointed out in the Gospel. should any or our brethren tt·espa~<S agulost t.t«.

../19th. That we will no t tlel:lr to acknowledge our improper condud. to the church In confet·ence, "houhl we go astray.

20th. That we will go lmnH!lllntel)• to any member of the chur<Jl against whom we mny hear unravom.bt; r e port$ and Inform him ot lh<> same without IH·insins H Ul> In confet·ence unless necessary.

21st. That we will abstain from all >inful conformities to the w..:•·•tJ. That we "'Ill reft·:t.ln ft·om a ll f.'\'11 n tnusements or the world.

·~~ltd. 'l'h::tt we will not hnOic In ourselvel<, nor furnish to othe1·P . intoxicnUug drlul;s as a hc•\'<'t·a:;c:-. :toe\ thnt w e will not sustain such 1:1

the chut·ch.

231-d. 'Vritte n anti ,lllupte<l at the ln3i o;ess!J>n of the Chattahoochee l i nltccl Ft'C'<'·'\'111 n :qltist As:~oeiatlnn hy Itt>\'. "'· H. Emerson.


Pt·~llmlnurleR. '\Yhe1 severn I belle,·et·s wish ' to be organized Into a •·hurt'b, the~· rel)uest u cnuncll ft·nm some sistet· chut·ch. This cou,,=;l ot• cotn lltltlee (connltuliiY callc<J u 11 arm) examines into the Chri~ltu!'

chumc ter. llocu·tne :.nll !cllow::;hiJl nf the :tPttlicants, and their abiuty to sustain a chut·ch. If th~ exumlnulion Is satlsfactol')·, the o•·ganlzutiun lli'Oceeds as follow·s:

The Bible Is presented us the only r·ule or !allh and practicP. A chur('h covennnt 1" read and ndopt.,•l. A prayc·r of con~ecratlon Is of~i!!'ttl. The h:tll<l 'or felhiws hlt> 1~ given. The chui·f.'lt then proceeds ~o ct<·ct Its omf.'er~. which at·<' a clerk, a trea surer, :L pn9tor. and n boartl of dlt·eNors, . who constitute. with the pastor, a eommlttec to promote o.nler. nctlvltY, atiendancc:-, nnd the means of grace, benevoiE'.,ce, and sutllclent i• lsclpllne In lhcl church. Dct~c_qns should JlOBSe&:. sound lli':lY. . :;~ou businens capnclty and larse benevolence. They, hold ofl\ce at the plC>IRII~·e of the churl!h. They assist In hapUsm and the I:.ord:s Supper, b&\·e cu:e of the poqr, nncl conduct rellg(ous meetings In the absence oC the paotor.

Page 10: 103rd Annual · 2018. 8. 14. · ORDER OF BUSINESS OF UNION _MEETINGS ]. 'l'hc body called to order by the i\'loderaf.-or' if he is present. if nnl. the body ma:v select some suitable


16 Chatlnhoochee F'ree-WUJ Baptist Association


nesolved. Thnt we form nn asJ~oclatlon upon the p•·tne:lpie., J:d.; down In the Holy S~•·lptures, to-wit: As,;oclatlons appear trom Scripture ami coccleslasUcnt history to have been orlglnnlly tormed, uu• trvm un)­t.usltlve Injunction. either from Cho·tst or His Apostles, but !•·om m£>o•e expediency Cor the purpose of concenp·ntJng the efforts .:>! lndlvldunl chu1·ches uml bl'lnglng them to bea r with greater ener gy upon the_suo­Je<·ts deslgned to be accomplished by those chut·~h<'$. They w~r~ also considered as advlsoo-y coun cil. and resorted to as such, but ne:ver claimed t·uy •·l~tht ·or lording H oveo· Cod's' heritage, nor was their advice cou~>hlel·­£>Li binding on the chut·cbesX In n ":ord •. assoclntiOns were wholly depend­.. nt on c»u•·ches, and churches were not dependent ppon a.<soo:.lu.lion~.

and not withstanding the Jloweo· abrogated to theml!elves b y. some modern ~nptlst associations, we view them ns being nowhere JWecedented by the rwlmltlve usage of any self-created bodies. ~

We, the delegates f•·om our r£>specth•e churches, being <~.uthorl><ed l•)' ouo· ehuo·ches, to agt·ee to fonn ouo·selves Into an tiRSoclatlon known by the nnme of the Chattahoochee United F'o·ee-WIJI

tu l1f!

Gl\pf!Ri: .o\lff!oetatlon, and we r>romlse not to withdraw oUI'Sl']ves from this ns :ocln­tlou without first stating ou.- rettsons to the body for such Intended wlth­<lrawal.

Jt Is Pt'OI>Osed by the association, first to promote revlv~lll of :·t>llg-lon I•)' cump and protraeted meeUngs. Second'ly, to take an ac:;,t' 1'"''1 In IIfJu:e MIBI!Ions. It Is not Intended by this arsoclatlon t u dilscu~

•JOe1·1es. lt Is not the design or this association to Interfere In auy u·uy with the Independence o~ churches composing lt. It wns not lnt.:>o:<led to estnbllsh creeds, r ules ot discipline, or make any Jaw whatever to blr.d The churches. but ' to leave each church ro •·eguln.te Its own aUalrs.

We, as an association, take the Old and New Te.;toment! us our confession of faith, as relates to the Independency. "')'- ..

\\'e believe that n duly Ol'ganlzed ChUrch COnsists Of a con;:-rcgatlon or Mints baptized upon n ct·edltsf>le profession of faith In Christ. Chris~ lR the only Ch ristian lawgiver and supreme hend ot the chl!r~hes. nnd the ••·oo·,t oC God the only Infallible rule of faith a n d ,,,·;r,,tlc.,. .Ever·y man has an Inalienable rl!l'ht to m·J\·nte judgment In concerns ot n~h~lon. and an equsl right to express his opinion In any way which will not vlubte the laws of God or the rl~hts of bts fellow man.

A church hns n right to adopt such measures only :.s ao·e " ' nccord­no,re with the "'ord ot God, and such n•·e deemed necesSary l11 carry In o etfect the great system of practice .

The chu•·ch Is the highest ecclesiastical tl'lbunnl on earth. froo:, ,_.J,.,~., declelnn there ts,..no appeal. _

No change, alteration or amendment ehall be made to this etmstltu­tlon until such cnane-e. alterntlon or amendment shall have been pr.-.. ~nt­ed to all the churches composing thls association, and when two-thirds ot all the churches composing this association shall have adootel.! or

• ChHt(lihoochtot: Free.- \\'Ill Bnptl!fl AtJSOclat1on - lj

t·ecommended In two of their . regular conference successh·ello such .:llnnl:<' nltet·ntion o1· amendment. it shall tllen become n pal'! al)d pnt .:el of this con'stltutlon.

Uc.>nd nnd adopted t.hc nbo,·c.> as the constltut1on or the Chnftnhoochc.e Cnltc.><l F•·ce-"'Ill Baptist Assocln\lon.


l. The' church mny -choose " tJ:tl>tor nnnunlly n.t the la~t t'':&ular confcreiH:e In the (l$:<oclntlonnl yc:u·: ot·. If they prefe•· .. tt mav choose ll pastor for nn lndellnltc hmgth o( tunc to ccntiuuc from ) ear to year, so long "" they muy deeon . lt proper to l;'!ep UJl the C•>nneclion .

2. 1\'hen It· becomes nec<'S"'}-t')' . .a pastor may be chosen :it any ot.h<>r time; hut If the choice be made at n t<JteclnJ con!er·ence. t.he tim e must be appointed tit ,., monthlY mcl'tlng or th!! chur·ch . ./ a. The tmShlt' sha.IJ be moderntoo· of the church, hut when he Is

nbsent or does not sit ns mo<lcmtor, some suitable bo·othcr ~hnll he atmolnted to sit In his place.

There shaJI t.oe two or moo·l' d<>ncous In the churc.h whose duty It shu II b<> to s~pet:hitend the collection . nt'i_rl rllsburseme1ll of the contoibu­tlons made b)' the chu1;ch roo· the·· pa!!tOr, etc:. nntl to dis(ribute thu b•·ead :Uld wine In the admlnls'tratfon of thl' Lord's S1111Per.

r.. •The deacons shall tnke notice 'of such memhers ns refuse or neglect to partake of' the J..ord's Suppeo· nntl endeavor t o nsceo·taJn tb<: c·nuse. th~t the same may be lni<l ht>forc the church In coo:fo•encE: H r.ece;;sno-y.

• 6. Some suitalJle membe•· s hn ll IJe :li>POint~ c leo·({ nntl It si::oH l.oe hi~ <lut~· to 110 all tllc . rccot:dlnr; ani.! o ther w•·ltlng pertaining to liW huFI­

II<'SS or ·the church. nntl to po·e~c•·vc n llle of the minutes ot the nssoci;.:tl;lft. 7. \'\hen n new clet·l; Is nppointed. u ll the bool;s, etc .. belon-'in;; r ..

the clerk shall ·be immedlntely .~clh·e~·ed to him. b)• hl!j! predecessor. s. "'hen 1.t l)ecome'! ~ec~""ar~·. n committee of not less ' than ~l:t·ee

llt:tlc members well a cquainted with bus iJ>ess. shall be l'PllOinted, ·whosu du t y It s hall he ro sh·q._n()vlc<> ~o 'br·cthren who opplY lo them rclath'e to ea .. es of de~li"JO• etc .. with the · c hurch.

!l . The cl; urch shal·l hold n two days meeting monthly. enrt..o·:J.rlq; Saturdny nnd the Lord's Dny following. the fio·st of which shall '·c tho re{;ulnr time of confeo·enl.'e.

,10. It ~hall be the duty or every memloet·, male and female. tu at•o:.•'d <·a <'h con~eo·enc.e meeting If they c•an. fo o· ? n ohttt <lay the pas tor Is I'XjKut·

C'tl :o ins u·uct the chu ·ch In s p!l'ltUt\1 mnnner tn· giving (linin nnd JJOh,!~;,t) lessons on doctr!n<'. <flr-clp~hie :tnd tho? l'Uie of ·holy living.

11. il n y mal<> mcmher who " hnll fni! to ntte'n•l lhi·ec succe~>&h'« C'onf<'rcnc~!i. and any lnen1hcr wh:'ttevet· whn n1oy be :;-enen\11.)' t·cmh;s fr1

n.ttendlng thl' meetings of the church neconllng the covenant (Ao·tlcle 1 t; l , ~~holl be cltecl Jo nppenr in confePence nnd nnsw~r for his neg le:;,, bu! tl:e church may exempt members from this ruje If necessnl')·.


Page 11: 103rd Annual · 2018. 8. 14. · ORDER OF BUSINESS OF UNION _MEETINGS ]. 'l'hc body called to order by the i\'loderaf.-or' if he is present. if nnl. the body ma:v select some suitable


.18 Chntt:..hoochec Free-Will Baptist Assoclntlon

:.7 12. Conference. ehall be opened and conducted as follow3:

1. Prayer (unless divine eervlce baa just been conducted and g~nera11Y then). !. ln,•lte \'l&ltlng brethren to eeate. 3. Open the door for the reception or members. 4. Call Cor absentees. l\. For acknowlcdgeme,.:s. G. For rPferenceR 01 deferred business. •. For matters or deallllg whlt:h are In order to come before the churc'h. S. l\llsceUaneous buslneBB.

13.. Vlaltlng brethren, as helps called In !rom sister churcho;s, shull be nlloweil to speak and m'llke motions or eeconds, but not allowed to vote.

14. AnY orderly member of the Bapllet church who does not b\lld thb church In memberablp, may be received lntq the church without· a lettea·. when It Is mode apparent that his Christian characte1· ' i!l unJm­

•• praehahle, and that he has applied Cor n letter and could not obtaJn IL becauu he dulred to join this or some slst,l!r church . All other members must join by letter or baptism.

15. Xo member shall be a•ecelved without the unanimous cons~a•

or ,the members present, but unre:IJionable obJections shall n ot be vahd, and unle~~~~ wlthdra\\·n the member. who makes them shall he lluble ~o be taken under deanng by the church.

16. " ' hen the mo<le:·ntor cnlls Cor abRentef's, the c lerk ehnll Inform the church thnt membeo·s hove been ab&ent ror three aucceash•e c.:.u­feren ces, and 'the moderator shall nppolnt some brother or brethren to cite each of them to the next conference.

17. 'No member 11hall be expelled -!ellS be baa been cited \'erb:llly or In wrtllng, to attend hie trial; provided hie residence be known to the church.

18. When a wltnea, not n member of the church, Ia tntroducE:cl. he ahall not be examined Ull the queaUon baa been put to the churs:h: "Will you hear the testimony of this wftneu?"

19. The evidence In every CllBe of dealing and acknowledgement ahall be minuted ln the church book.

4 • 20. Members dismissed from the chut'ch by letter who become <!Is· orderly. or continue to hold their letters wlthotit a good reason, ahnla be cited to the conference ' to ~:newer for their conduct.

21. Expelled ·members maY be reatored to fellowship on thf!:­petJtlon tr their walk since expulsJon h:te convinced the church ~hat they bjlve sincerely repented of their former evil.

22. A vate shall' not be taken on any questlon without a move and a aecond, and In all lmpor:tant qu~ona the voles shall be taken by rlf>la,g on their feet.

23. No O'lber moUon ehall be considered while a prevloue moUon and eecond Ia before the c:onference.

24. It ehall be coneldered dlaorderly for a member to abaent- hlm­eelt trom conference wbr.n an Important queaUon b to be decided; but a member upon hie requ .. t, mo.y be excused by the church from vpt!.:liL' on either elde In peculiar caaee. '




25. No member shall tea ,·c 'the' hou!lc ~during conference. wltJaout a sufficient ci1use nor en&nG'e In conven!nllon or whispering without- belrig subject to be called to order by the moder.!i~or.

2G. All disCussions In conference must be conducteil with calmncea :ancl t;oo<l reeling: those who speak must ris e to their feet and ad~ess tt." modeo·ntoo'. and ltee11 to the point in ilcbutc.

~ 27. No one s hnJI I!J)enk more tht<n three times on the ~>:~me motion

without permission from the moderator, nor s h:alld he remaa·ks of p.ny' one be unreasonably Jon~:. ·

28. 'Vhen the moderator speaks he must nominate some br \lther In his ~;tend .

29. No one s hall be lnterruple<l while speaking unless It be neces­sary to cu ll the Slleakeo· to order.

30. It shall be ~he rule or the church to attend to the admJnJstratlon of the Lord's SUJ)per at least four times n year, and the expense:. are to be paid by the church.

31. Menl'bers nut In gootl standing shall not commune, but the administration shall nut be derencd on account or an)·.

' 32. Feet was hing s hall he attended. to us the churches aee I>·OIICI'. 33. Public !nstlng, humlliaUon und p :·uyer shnll be obseo·ved on

PI'OJ)CI' occasions. 34. l'hls decorum mny IJe a mended or ulter<'d by the \"Ole o! twc­

thll'tls of the membca·s lll'esent nt any awo successive mon'thl)• meetlnp. /


1. ~·c belle,·e that a Gos1wl Chu o·~h. oo· ::t chuo·ch or Christ, Is a con ­gregation of Choistluns constituted and go\·eo·ned '"'cording to the ru l,;s Iaiii down In the ~ew Tcstamena.

2. That those rules requh·e chorch~g to preserve th e form of govero.­ment ~tnd ',he oa·illnunccs uf the li•'>it Cha·ls tlnn churches a nd to be co~­posed of bnpt!ze<l believers In Cha·lst.

a. Thtu the visible church as the IIG"IP't>gate o1· whole-number of !>ospel chuo·ches. and thut 01e in\'l~lblc c hurch Is comi>Osed or lh" l'e•lcemetl now In he.avt>n, :tnil of such Chrlsllnnl on &rth 11.8 are not attached to the \'lslble chu•·ch, :;,cc01·dlng to the Gospel rules.

-1. Thnt the estnbll11hment or n centrnl oo· catholic government ;0vor the vlsiiJie church. o1· any 110>'1 the. euf. i~ n devise of earthly am:.l ­

. "tlon a·e 11ugnnrit to the \\'oa·d or God, subsen·lent ao tl,ie churchES auil d11ng~a·ous to the llbea· ty of noen.

5. · The Gospel chu1·ch~" nre the onl)' cccleslastkal bodies or trlbur.nls authorized bY the SCI'II>lllt·~: thnt cnch chu•·ch has the unrestricted t·lght

10 a.dmlnlste1· Its own gO\'Crnment without SUI>ervlslon or lnter!erence, being undc·· Christ es.«entlaJly, lnuencndent nnd absolute; and that ar tbls ai~thl .he surrender~<! to " su)ler: nten<lln,; lua:lsdlctlon by deleg-.u.:un or otherwise. the assemblY ceases to he n. Cos.l>el chur·ch.

6. Thnl chu_rches no:\y nc,•ea·thelcss. we suppose, meat b~· delegates,



Page 12: 103rd Annual · 2018. 8. 14. · ORDER OF BUSINESS OF UNION _MEETINGS ]. 'l'hc body called to order by the i\'loderaf.-or' if he is present. if nnl. the body ma:v select some suitable

.· 20 Chattahoochee. Free-,V!JJ Baptist Aasoclalion

' form an asoclatlon and declare the terms upon which they will keep up the correspondence; but that the rlghts and aulh9rlty ot churches belnl: Inalienable, or In no. wlse compromlsed or hlnper~d by entering lnt.o nn II.IISOclatlon, and therefore an association has no authority over church~s or lndlvldu'als, theh· only power being to {1·ansact business which doea not pertaJn to churches In their ecclelllastlcal capacity: to proino'te mutu~\ lnte1•course, and a concentrlitlon ot voluntary effort, and to gi'•c that advice to churches which might with equal authority be given by any

' individual.

i. That the wthorltY ot the churches Is designed tor the perpetua­tion ot the true religion ot the Gospel, and · tor the preservation ot a true and orderly bodY of Christians on earth: that It Ia tully euffic!ent fo r the purpose intended, bul that It does not extend to pet'llon!f, propt>J l:F

or the consciences of men In any manner whatever.

8. That lhe onlY requisites to church mem.bership are f aith In Christ and olledtence to the Gospel; that • faith In Christ neces>~UrllJ epsts tn connection with the belief In the fundamental truths of Chrls'tlan­lt)•, and tha't tu prescribe anY other t·equlslte of such membershl!, Is 1111

n68umptlon of authority o n • the part! of tht> church and a departure f vom the Gospel 11lan.

9. That the offtcers of a church are elde1·s uncl deacons ; tl·o.~~ !!'.(!

elder,. nre also called hi shops o1· 11~tors: and all the elde1 s a r e I'IJUUl In 111nk. though.they may perform different functions--since ~or •• e nm,· be bishops o1· tmstul·s of J):ll'tlcular churcht!s, while othei'S rna)' he SI.;Jl))' elders, having liO )lllSlOI'!I) cl'tm·ge.

10. That the nutho•·t!y or n minister of the Go:<pel extend~ !O teachlnl". exhonatlon und t·ebuke, bu,t no further; that he cannot perfu• rn any acts tllnt ltelong 'to 'the nutho1·lt)' of the church-suC'h as the recellllcn ot memhc1-s luto the chu•·ch cpmpacl. or the expulsion of ortender:!; that ns n membe1· of the church, he Is no more than nn)· othe1· memLe;, and IC he J,1 guilt)' of trnn@gl't•sslon he Is to be brought to tt·lnl beJore

. J1is brethren nn<l convicted or acquitted In the snme manlier ns If he were a Jll'lvnte J)erson: )'et we th.lnk It 11rudent to cu ll In advl$ot·yhelp especially If the mlnlst~t· Is to be tried UliOn a chm·ge of heresy.

11. That Chffslla.n baptism Ill the Immersion. of a bl'II~VCI'_)n w.lll'", In the name or the Fnther. an<l of Ute Son nnd of the Hqly Chos:.

12. That \he Lord's Supper nnd washing the sain ts' feet are onll­nances to be obsenell In the church until .the Lord comes.

13. That elders and deac ons must be se~ a111otrt to 1helr omc-' h~·

ordination. ot· the Imposition of the hands or the pre~bnery and pr-.:yc1·. "'lthout which they are not authorized to admlnlste.•· 't.he. or. lin mces Jlertninlng to their respectl\'e omces.

U. No preacher shall be ordained unless ct1lled to take cha•·se ot a church as pa..tor. o1· (or $ome other good a nd sumclent ••easo.:.

. J ;

Cho.ttahoochee Free-Will Baptist AssocloUon 21


1. We believe. thnt the Holy Bible was written bY men divinely Inspired o.nd Is a treusure of heavellly Instruction; that It hns God fur

.ttsauthor, salvation for Its end, the truth wllhout any mlxtu1·e of error for Its matter; that It reveals the principles by which God will jud~;e 'US, and therefore It sbnl! remain with us t o the end of time tile true center ot ChrlsUnn union and the suprem~ standard to which a ll human co~'uct and opinions conform-Rev. 13:H; John 5:39.

2. That there Is one true and Jiving God, whose name Is Jl·ho,•ah, lhe maker and ruler of heaven and earth, lnexpreaslble glorJuus !n holiness, worthy of all possl'ole honor, confidence and love, revealed In the per sonal dlrtlnctlon of Father, Son and H oly Ghost, equal In every divine perfection, and executing distinct but harmonious offices In the great work of redemptlon,-Ex. 6:3; Psa. 33:18.

3. Thalt man wns created In a state of hollneas under the iaw or his maker. but by voluntary transgression' tell trom tb'nt holy and ~PPY state, In consequence of which men are now sinners, not by constrnlut. but by choice. being b)' nature ·utterly devoid of holiness required by lbe law of God. wholly given to the gratlflcaUo~ o~ the world, c:;! Satan and their own ~lnful passions. nnd therefore are under just condemna­tion to eternal ruin without defense or eJCcuse.-Gen. 1:27, 2:7, 3:6, 19:.ell.

4. Thnt the sah ·atton or sinners Is wholl)· of grace, t hrough the medl::o..torlal omce of the Son of God, who took upon himself (\U r nature. )'et without sin. honored the lnw h)· His own personal obedience. and nllt<k• ntOI'.?.Illent f<ll' s in by his death: belnga risen from (t1e dead, he II.' n o w <•nthl·one<l In he:n-.en~ and uniting In his 'wonde• ft ll person the t t"nut>rest nympn1!hles with divine perfection In ever y way qua 0 :1Cd to be xuha~le, COlll!lUSSiouate and all l<Ufflclent Savloui'.-Eph. 2:5,5:8, Hom. ";:] 1.

5. That the Go11pel blessings which Chris t In his fullness bestows on such no; believe In him, Is jusUftcatlon. Th"-t this justlflcutlon con­iilst>< In the p:u·don of sin nnd p•·omhe or eternal Ufe, upon principles of t·lghteousness; that It Is bestowetl not In cnnslderntion or anything we do, but sok>ly th•·ough his own righteousness nnd atonement, and tltnt brings us Into a state of most blessed pence and favor with· God,-Rom. 8:30,Ezek. 18:28, John 3:H, 16, Rom. 8: 17.

G. That the b_lesslngs of salvation a•·e made Cree to all by the Gcs­l>el; that It Is the Immediate duty of nil to receive them bY a cordial nn<l obedient fnlth and that nothing prevents the sslvntlon ot tr.e greatest sinner upon e<H'th. hut his own voluntary ref~l to s ubmit to the Lord Jesus Christ, which r efu snl will subject hilT! to an aggravated condemnatlon.-Mark 16:16; John 17:20; Isn. 20.

7. Th::tt In <H'der to be eaved we must be regent"rated, or obedl•z:t to 'lht' GO!it>el; and that Its evidence Is found In the holy frults which we bdng forth to God.-John 3:3-8; llatt. 8:8-10.

8. That election Is the gracious purpose of God, accOrding to

Page 13: 103rd Annual · 2018. 8. 14. · ORDER OF BUSINESS OF UNION _MEETINGS ]. 'l'hc body called to order by the i\'loderaf.-or' if he is present. if nnl. the body ma:v select some suitable


.• 22 Cbattalaoocbee 1-'ree-'\VIIJ BupU~t A•aoclntlon

' "'bleb be rl.'gcnerates, sanctifies and 111\Ves sinners, It belnll' perfeelly cnn­&l!ltl'nt with the free n~ency ot map, that It comprehends all means wl1h the en(l; that It Is n glorious displaY of God's goodness, belnglntlnlteay

· wlsl'. holy. unchang~able; born agnln: that regeneration conslst8 ot giv· Lng a hob·' dlst>osltlon to the mind nnd Is a 'fCected In a manner abov& our comprehl'nslon by the power of the Holy S1>blt, producing voluntarY that ·It utterlY excludes boasting and promotes humility, prayer, prah.e, trust 1,; God and active Imitation of his free mercy. that I~ encourages

· the use of means In the highest degt"ee; that It Is the foundation ot Chrl!ltlan assurnnce, and that to ascertai n It with regard 'to oursel\'¢:1, demands nnd deserves our utmost d!l!ge.nce.

!1. \!'hat the presl't'\'lng attachments or true llelle,·ers to Christ ie the 'grand mark which (l!sUngulshes them trom superficial possess ~

that a st>eclol Providence watches over their welfare. andl that they rne kept •bY the power of God ihrough faith unto sahratlon.-Eph: 1:1-2.

10. Tb:lt the law ot Cod Is the eternal. unchangeable t·ule or his Gqvernment: that It Is holy. just and good; that the Inability which the ~crlptut·es ascribe to !alle n man to fulfm Ita precepts, arises entirely !rom his love ot sin: to deliver him through a mediator to unfeigned .obedience to -the holy law. Is one design ot the Gospel .ttnd ot the meaus of grace connected \vlth !he establishment ' of the visible church.-Matt. 5:.13; Luke 10:13.~20, 14:17.

11. That the llrst da.y of the week Is the Lord's day, or Chrlstinn Sabbath; that It shou'd b<> kept sacred to religious purposes by abstain­Ing from all 'secular Juhor nud rt;ereatlon; by 'the direct observance ot nil means of grace. both public and private. and prepafatlon tor that rllllt which remains tor the c hlclren ot God.-Ex. 19:8; Reb. 4:9; These. t·o;; Pu. 16:9. .

12. Thnt dvll government Is ot divine appoln'tment for the interest nnd ~:ood order or human society, that magistrates are to 'be pra)·ed tot· conaclentJousl>', honored and obeyed In nil things not contrarY to the wi!l of our Lord JesuR Christ. who Ia the Lord of the consclen~e and Prln·;e ot the kings on esrth.-Ex. ,23:7; Acts '23:5; Tl.m. ~:17.

13. That there Ia o radicnl and essentJnl dlfet-e.nce between U .c ' righteous and the. wlck.ed; that such only as are jnsllfted by talth In the ndme of the LOr-<! Jesus, and sanctified by -the Spirit ot God 1fre t:rulY righteous In hls esteem, while such as .continue In Impenitence and ln ton· belief, are In hls sl.rbt wicked and under bls curse, and this dJ,st!nctl-:n holds good among men both In and after death.-Matt. 25: 46; Marl• 1.6:16.

14. That the en-d ot thls '\\'orld Is approaching, when Christ wi!l descend from heaven and raise the dead from their graves to tlr.al retribution; that a solemn s eparation will then take placl!, t he rlghteoua b eing adjUdged to everiii,Sting happiness, and the wicked · to endl:,_h pun!abment. and thls judgment will fut f orever the final state of man In he&Nen .OI' 'hell; on j>r lnclpl• of rtlfPte'ouenen . ..:....J'ohn 5:25: Matt 2o:S4:4l: 48.

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Chattahoochee Fn•e-\YIIJ Baptist AssoC'l:nion



On the 2nd. uav of March. 1!>:38. the home imd entire communi­fl· wns made sad wlien the news was ~PI·ead that ;he spirit of J<~rl­:rar '1'. 'l'orublin had winged its flight iJ1to hecn·eu. Brb. Tomblin-wa.:; bom. Del". ::!rd. 1869. Died i\farch 2nd. 19:{8. makin~? his stay on e•u·th 68 \·ears and 3 momhs: Iu the yenr 1886 he "·as marri~d t o ::\{iss Lou venia Hut!'hes. 'l'o tl1is miion \\'e1·e·b01'n 10 chi ldren of whtch he lived to -see them all !!'rown.

God in His infinite love and wisdom saw fit t.o call l\Ir. Tomb­lin from this earth to His Heavenly home above. He had been <>ick for sometime with that dreadful disease. oneumonin. but he bot·e ltis sufi'e1·ing with patience. lmowine and hl.'lievina: that the Gotl of whom he served was too wise to make mistakes. H.e joined the chnr<>h at Pt·ovidence Free-Will Baptist <'lmrch in Musco!!'ee Coun­t\• jn <>a•·h· life. It was the pleasure of ReY. H. L. Lumpkin tn _!le O!l'>tor for seYeral vent'S. Rro. Tomblin w.a~; Deacon of his church for f.eve!·al vears. lie made a wonderful Deacon. a :rood Plmreh workc!' wiih aiJ the auxiliaries. The church has lost a nillar of s<l'encrth. Be was always at his post of church dutv. when health neJ'­~n:tted. Surely a trdod man has !!Oile to rest with ant:rels so fair.

It is a great inspiration to have known this e:ood man. His kind char aeter ar.d unselfish se~vice to his friend!; and neit:rhbors IHt\'C a:rt'atlv enriched the commuuih· in which he livt'd. God hnd a bet­te!" place for him. He whispered come up higher.

We feel sure that 'Bro. Tomblin is now restin:r in that gt·eat paradise l)f God beckoning to his loved ones to come on and be \lit); him. We would not wish to call him back to stt<•1b a world as this but trust that one day we too ~will join him in the be!!utiful realms of heaven for a soul so good a11d nure as his can never die. but will fo!"ever lh;e ou hi~rh. Da:vs and vears will pass but still we all will miss yon dear dadd:v. but still we pra.v the wound mav heaL but no one kno"·s th<> sorrow and !!'rid that is in our broken ltear:s eon­cealed.

' Written by request.

Mrs. H. L. Lumpkin.
