101 manual and automation software testing interview questions and answers

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  • 7/24/2019 101 Manual and Automation Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers


    101+ Manual and Automation

    Software Testing InterviewQuestions and AnswersIve prepared this comprehensive list of software testing interview questions and

    answers post. These questions include tips to preparetesting interview, manual

    and automation testing questions, ISTQB and CSTE certification questions

    and some mock testto judge your testing skills. I hope if you go through all

    these questions and answers you will definitely crack any interview or at least feel

    comfortable and confident attending QA interviews.

    anual testing interview questions and answers

    Ans.!ow to define a standard process for the entire testing flow" how to e#plain

    challenging situations in manual testing career" $hat is the best way to go about

    getting a pay rise. %lick above link for answers to these questions.

    Q.$hat is the most challenging situation you had during testing&

    Q.!ow to perform testing if there are no documents&

    Ans.%lick herefor the detailed post on how to answer these QA interview


    Q.!ow to prepare for software testing'QA interview&

    Ans.%lick above link to know ( $here should I start with for preparation of

    interview& Its almost ) years I have faced any interview.

  • 7/24/2019 101 Manual and Automation Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers


    Q.ock testto judge your software testing interview skills

    Ans.Take this mock test paper helpful for preparing testing interview as well as the

    %*T+ certification e#am. %lick above link for questions and answers.

    Q.$inrunner interview questions with answers

    Ans.,reparing for $inrunner interview ( These are some important $inrunner

    interview questions frequently asked in automation testing interview. $inrunner

    questions -" questions )and questions

    Q./ifferent Automation Testing Interview Questions

    Ans.%lick above link for automation interview questions like /ifference between

    $inrunner and Test /irector" $hat is T*0& $hat 120 is it similar too&

    Q.$hat is difference between ,erformance Testing" 0oad Testing and *tress

    Testing& +#plain with e#amples&

    Ans.any people are confused with these testing terminologies.%lick herefor the

    e#planation of ,erformance" 0oad and *tress Testing with e#amples.

    Q.I*TQ3 questions and answers4more questions here and here5

    Ans. %lick above links to read I*TQ3 paper pattern and tips on how to solve the

    questions quickly. I*TQ3 67oundation level sample questions with answers.

    Q.QT, interview questions

    Ans.Quick Test ,rofessional8 Interview Questions and answers.

    Q.%*T+ questions with answers

    Q.$hat is /esk checking and %ontrol 7low AnalysisAns.%lick here( /esk checking and %ontrol 7low Analysis along with e#amples

    Q.$hat is *anity Test4or5 3uild test&

    Ans.9erifying the critical 4important5 functionality of the software on new build to

    decide whether to carry further testing or not.

    Q.$hat is the difference between client:server testing and web based testing

    Ans.%lick herefor the answer.

    Q.$hat is black bo# testing&

    Ans.3lack bo# testing e#plained with types

    Q.$hat is white bo# testing&

    Ans.%lick here for the post e#plaining white bo# testing e#plained with types

    Q.$hat are different types of software testing&

    Ans.%lick here to refer the post e#plaining in detail all *oftware Testing Types

  • 7/24/2019 101 Manual and Automation Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers


    Q.$hat is /ynamic Testing&

    Ans.It is the testing done by e#ecuting the code or program with various input

    values and output is verified.

    Q.$hat is 2;I Testing&

    Ans.2;I or 2raphical user interface testing is the process of testing software user

    interface against the provided requirements'mockups'!T0 designs.

    Q.$hat is 7ormal Testing&

    Ans.*oftware verification carried out by following test plan" testing procedures and

    proper documentation with an approval from customer

    Q.$hat is

  • 7/24/2019 101 Manual and Automation Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers


    Q.$hat is +nd:to:+nd Testing&

    Ans.Testing the overall functionality of the system including the data integration

    among all the modules is called end to end testing.

    Q.$hat is +#ploratory Testing&

    Ans.+#ploring the application" understanding the functionality" adding 4or5

    modifying e#isting test cases for better testing is called e#ploratory testing.

    Q.$hat is onkey Testing

    Ans.Testing conducted on a application without any plan and carried out with tests

    here and there to find any system crash with an intention of finding tricky defects is

    called monkey testing.

    Q.$hat is ?on:functionality Testing&

    Ans.9alidating various non functional aspects of the system such as user

    interfaces" user friendliness security" compatibility" 0oad" *tress and ,erformance

    etc is called non functional testing.

    Q.$hat is ;sability Testing&

    Ans.%hecking how easily the end users are able to understand and operate the

    application is called ;sability Testing.

    Q.$hat is *ecurity Testing

    Ans.9alidating whether all security conditions are properly implemented in the

    software 4or5 not is called security testing.

    Q.$hat is ,erformance Testing&Ans. ,rocess of measuring various efficiency characteristics of a system such as

    response time" through put" load stress transactions per minutes transaction mi#.

    Q.$hat is 0oad Testing&

    Ans.Analy@ing functional and performance behavior of the application under

    various conditions is called 0oad Testing.

    Q.$hat is *tress Testing&

    Ans.%hecking the application behavior under stress conditions


  • 7/24/2019 101 Manual and Automation Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers


    Q.$hat is *oftware %onfiguration anagement&

    Ans. The process of identifying" Brgani@ing and controlling changes to software

    development and maintenance.


    A methodology to control and manage a software development project


    Q.$hat is Testing ,rocess ' 0ife %ycle&

    Ans.$rite Test ,lan

    Test *cenarios

    Test %ases

    +#ecuting Test %ases


  • 7/24/2019 101 Manual and Automation Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers


    Q.$hat is ;ser Acceptance Testing 4;AT5&

    Ans.Testing of computer system by client to verify if it adhered to the provided


    Q.$hat is Test ,lan&

    Ans.A document describing the scope" approach" resources" and schedule of

    testing activities. It identifies test items" features to be tested" testing tasks" who

    will do each task" and any risks requiring contingency planning.

    Q.$hat is Test *cenario&

    Ans.Identify all the possible areas to be tested 4or5 what to be tested.

    Q.$hat is +%, 4+quivalence %lass ,artition5&

    Ans.It is method for deriving test cases.



    Q.$hat is a /efect&

    Ans. Any flaw imperfection in a software work product.


    +#pected result is not matching with the application actual result.

    Q.$hat is *everity&

    Ans.It defines the important of defect with respect to functional point of view i.e.

    how critical is defect with respective to the application.

    Q.$hat is ,riority&Ans.It indicates the importance or urgency of fi#ing a defect

    Q.$hat is

  • 7/24/2019 101 Manual and Automation Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers


    Q.$hat is 0ocali@ation Testing&

    Ans.9erifying of globali@ed application for a particular locality of users" cultural and

    geographical conditions.

    Q.$hat is Installation Testing&

    Ans.%hecking if we are able to install the software successfully 4or5 not as per the

    guidelines given in installation document is called installation testing.

    Q.$hat is ;n:installation Testing&

    Ans.%hecking if we are able to uninstall the software from the system successfully

    4or5 not is called ;ninstallation Testing

    Q.$hat is %ompatibility Testing&

    Ans.%hecking if the application is compatible to different software and hardware

    environment or not is called compatibility testing.

    Q.$hat is Test *trategy&

    Ans.It is a part of test plan describing how testing is carried out for the project

    and what testing types needs to be performed on the application.

    Q. $hat is Test %ase&

    Ans.A Test case is a set of preconditions steps to be followed with input data and

    e#pected behavior to validate a functionality of a system.

    Q.$hat is 3usiness 9alidation Test %ase&

    Ans. A test case is prepared to check business condition or business requirement is

    called business validation test case.Q.$hat is a 2ood Test %ase&

    Ans.A Test case that have high priority of catching defects in called a good test


    Q.$hat is ;se %ase Testing&

    Ans.9alidating a software to confirm whether it is developed as per the use cases

    or not is called use case testing.

    Q.$hat is /efect Age&

    Ans.The time gap between date of detection C date of closure of a defect.

    Q.$hat is *howstopper /efect&

    Ans. A defect which is not permitting to continue further testing is called

    *howstopper /efect

    Q.$hat is Test %losure&

    Ans. It is the last phase of the *T0%" where the management prepares various test

  • 7/24/2019 101 Manual and Automation Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers


    summary reports that e#plains the complete statistics of the project based on the

    testing carried out.

    Q. $hat is 3ucket Testing&

    Ans. 3ucket testing is also know as A'3 testing. It is mostly used to study the

    impact of the various product designs in website metrics. Two simultaneous

    versions are run on a single or set of web pages to measure the difference in click

    rates" interface and traffic.

    Q.$hat is $hat is +ntry %riteria and +#it %riteria *oftware Testing&

    Ans. The +ntry %riteria is the process that must be present when a system begins"



  • 7/24/2019 101 Manual and Automation Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers


    Q. $hat is 2amma Testing

    Ans. 2amma testing is done when the software is ready for release with specified

    requirements" this testing is done directly by skipping all the in:house testing


    Q. $hat is Test !arness&

    Ans. Test !arness is configuring a set of tools and test data to test an application in

    various conditions" which involves monitoring the output with e#pected output for


    The benefits of Testing !arness are8 ,roductivity increase due to process

    automation and increase in product quality

    Q. $hat is *calability Testing&

    Ans. It is used to check whether the functionality and performance of a system"

    whether system is capable to meet the volume and si@e changes as per the


    *calability testing is done using load test by changing various software" hardware

    configurations and testing environment.

    Q. $hat is 7u@@ Testing&

    Ans. 7u@@ testing is a black bo# testing technique which uses a random bad data to

    attack a program to check if anything breaks in the application.

    Q. $hat is /ifference between QA" Q% and testing&

    Ans. QA&It is process oriented

    Aim is to prevent defects in an application


    *et of activities used to evaluate a developed work product

    It is product oriented


    +#ecuting and verifying application with the intention of finding defects

    Q. $hat is /ate /riven Testing&

    Ans. It is Automation testing process in which application is tested with multiple set

    of data with different preconditions as an input to the script.