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"Disclaimer "The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this eBook, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. "While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. "In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made/results. Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their individual circumstances and act accordingly. "This eBook is for informational purposes only and is not intended for use as a source of medical, legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in medical, legal, business, accounting and finance fields. """"""""""""""""""""" www.ZackRandel.com ! 2

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"""" 101 HYPNOTICALLY EMPOWERING AFFIRMATIONS To Attract Happiness, Health, Love and Wealth! """"""""""""""""" " Zack Randel, RCH

Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist Transformational Coach "

" Dedicated to YOU, My dear Readers and Listeners, Clients and Colleagues, Fans and Followers, Friends and Family. Thank You, I Love You © 2010 - 2015 "" www.ZackRandel.com ! 3

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"Table of Contents "๏ About the Author "๏ Introduction "๏ How These Affirmations Changed My Life "๏ My Dreams Are Now My Reality "๏ The Subconscious Mind "๏ Why This Works "๏ How to Get the Most Out of Affirmations "๏ Affirmations for Health "๏ Affirmations for Happiness "๏ Affirmations for Wealth "๏ Affirmations for Love "๏ One Small Step… "๏ Recommended Resources """"" www.ZackRandel.com ! 4

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"About the Author "With a deep desire to help others experience freedom from the emotional, mental and physical symptoms that hold one back from living a life of joy and fulfillment, Zack has found that the most direct path is through the subconscious mind, where all learning, behaviours and beliefs are stored.

With his extensive training, research and clinical experience, Zack has integrated the foundational principles and time-tested techniques of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) with Meridian Tapping, a non-invasive and gentle method of stimulating one’s meridian system. The combination of these modalities makes for an elegant and highly effective method of creating deep, powerful change, while remaining consciously aware during the entire process.

Endeavouring to live by the well known adage “Be The Change You Wish To See”, Zack is committed to helping others live their best life possible; healthy in body, mind and spirit through changing one’s unconscious emotional programming. Sessions with Zack are transformative, dynamic and ultimately, joyful. His clients commonly experience measurable shift in their first session.

Understanding that illness, pain, and stress are all symptoms, which are messages from the subconscious mind, can awaken one to the power of transformation. Zack brings his patience, persistence and passion to guide you to experience the potential you possess for healing, wholeness and peace. His specialties

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include Trauma and PTSD, Chronic Pain, Stress and Anxiety, Fears and Phobias as well as Food Cravings.

Using the exact approach that he uses with all his clients, Zack successfully resolved his own spring allergies (hay fever) after having suffered with them for many years.

Since 2011 he has worked pro bono through the Vancouver Friends For Life Society, North America’s only comprehensive wellness centre providing complimentary services to people living with very serious illnesses such as cancer and HIV/AIDS. When you invest in changing your life with Zack, you not only help yourself, but also help him to continue to help others in great need. Zack remains an active participant in continuing education in his field.

Professional Training, Certifications & Memberships:

• Master of Clinical Hypnotherapy • Master of Hypnosis • Professional Hypnotist • Certified Master NLP Practitioner • Certified Master Ericksonian Hypnotist • Certified Master Transformational Coach • Certified Master Transformational Leader • Certified Pain Management Specialist • Member of Association of Registered Clinical Hypnotherapists (ARCH) """"""" www.ZackRandel.com ! 6

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Introduction "Welcome to 101 Hypnotically Empowering Affirmations. Hi, I’m Zack Randel. "By regularly reading this immensely powerful and transformational affirmations eBook, and following the instructions, you can re-program your mind to support you in achieving your goals in the areas of health, happiness, prosperity and love. "Taking this initiative, means you are on a path, a journey of positive change to live life empowered. Through the proper use of the 101 Hypnotically Empowering Affirmations, you can… "• Improve your physical health • Enjoy exercise and physical activity • Choose nutritious food naturally • Attract the right partner for you • Experience joy in everyday life • Develop a happier demeanor • Adopt a prosperity mindset • Attract abundance • Believe in yourself • Improve self-esteem • Become more creative • Stay motivated • Boost your confidence • Supercharge your ability to achieve your goals, and • Empower yourself to create a life of health, wealth, happiness,

love and so much more.


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How These Affirmations Changed My Life "It was only a few short years ago when… "I was completely lost, confused and at one point, hopeless about how to actually manifest real, measurable results in the areas of my life that I wanted to most. "I had little to no knowledge of the science of success… "Let alone how the mind works or the relationship between the conscious and subconscious parts of the mind. "At the time, all I had going for me was that at least I knew achieving massive success, in any area of one’s life - was totally possible. "I had an interest in learning how it was possible to create wealth, meet the woman of my dreams, have a healthy, strong body and ultimately, I knew it was entirely possible to have a consistently positive attitude towards life while truly feeling HAPPY. "But that was ALL I had. Simply, an interest in these possibilities. "I say this because I most definitely did NOT have the real world results… "The results that I had seen other people achieve all around me, and seemingly so effortlessly! "After many years of watching so many around me living the kind of lives they really wanted, earning the kind of money that allowed them to travel to exotic destinations, buy the best clothes, dine at high end restaurants, enjoy fulfilling relationships and all-in-all live life feeling happy and content. "I started to become very discouraged…

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"Have you ever felt shame and hopelessness from sabotaging yourself? "It was as if I began to EXPECT bad results in life. In almost EVERY area! "It seemed like the harder I tried to achieve something, the worse I would fail and the more I would collapse emotionally. "Every failure I experienced would simply build upon the last one leaving me feeling frustrated and downright hopeless. "The worst part? "I actually began to question whether or not success in life was really meant for me!? "To make matters worse, at the time of all this self sabotage, I saw absolutely no light at the end of the tunnel. "I was stuck in a very low paying, dead end job that I DETESTED. "Every morning I would have to forcefully eject myself out of bed at the crack of dawn and plaster a big smile on my face - just so I didn’t bring down the people around me! "Once I arrived to work (before sunrise!!) tired and with a slight chip on my shoulder from seeing no way out of this lifestyle, I was put to task doing things that left me bored, uninspired and often times, annoyed. "It didn’t end there… "Because of the nature of my work, by the end of many of my shifts, both of my hands would be adorned with band-aids covering up cuts all over. "It actually got to the point where my boss would be laughing at me before I clocked out for the day.

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"Remember that “interest” in the science of success and in learning how the mind works that I mentioned earlier? "Well, during my lunch break and shortly after arriving home from work, I would read various books from well known self-help and personal development authors all about how to manifest dream desires and achieve goals. "I was particularly interested in learning how to become wealthy, attract or find “the perfect partner” and also in reading books by various “health gurus” on creating and maintaining optimal physical health. "Have you ever felt totally overwhelmed? "I would apply the simple and straight forward tools and techniques, but with little to no results. I ended up feeling done with it all. Done with the books, manuals, tips and authors. "While the knowledge I was gaining was sound, it was simply information overload which left me frustrated and discouraged. "I was DONE. "Or so I thought. "And then something happened… "I had learned about affirmations and other personal development and goal achieving techniques during my long stint of research and was well aware that some people had actually experienced real results with them. "For me, however, the main problem I had encountered when trying to use them was the large amount of conscious effort that was involved. "

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It felt sort of awkward and forced to have to continuously repeat these phrases every single day. "Have you ever started something you knew might work, but didn’t continue doing it? "I just knew there had to be a better way! "Not only was my desire to experience positive change in my own life very strong, I was also deeply passionate about helping other people manifest success. "I wasn’t quite sure how to go about making change in people’s lives at the time, I just knew that I really wanted to. It felt like a calling. "It was that desire that blew things wide open for me. In a way that I had never expected! "I became aware of hypnosis and how it had been used for many, many years to massively influence the mind in so many different ways. "I was excited and wasted no time in researching the possibilities of this well known, yet still alternative mind technology. "It finally all clicked! "This was the missing key that was right under my nose all along… "The key difference maker that all successful people had in common was that their SUBCONSCIOUS minds actually supported them in achieving what they CONSCIOUSLY desired. "I realized that hypnosis is one of the best methods to literally install new success driven thought patterns and beliefs into the subconscious mind. "

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Now it all made perfect sense as to why successful people made achieving success look so easy! "Suddenly, I knew there was hope… "To make a long story short, I ended up diving head first into the study of hypnosis by taking professional training and became certified as a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist. "Now, it was REAL. "Upon certification, I set up a private clinical practice helping people from all walks of life achieve all sorts of different goals and overcome a wide variety of personal and professional challenges. "From 19 year old students to well established senior executives of multi billion dollar companies, I was passionate about helping everyone. "My life was FINALLY starting to turn around! "Having witnessed my clients experience the life changing results they were looking for, I realized that it would be a HUGE mistake if I didn’t use the very same proven techniques on myself! "I went about creating a series of affirmations in the four areas of my life that I wanted to experience big changes in most… "Health, Wealth, Love and Happiness. "This time, however, I wasn’t going to read them out loud every single day… "I had a much better idea that I was certain would yield the kind of life changing results I so DESPERATELY wanted. "

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Armed with my new found knowledge of how to create a winning mindset, I decided to combine a scientifically proven method of inducing a state of hypnosis through audio with brainwave entrainment technology as well as relaxing, meditative music with my carefully created affirmations. "I KNEW I had a winning formula. "Upon completing the project I made a commitment to listening to them everyday. "This method of using affirmations was SO much easier! "No having to repeat them out loud, or in front of the bathroom mirror like some “experts” teach. "I absolutely KNEW I could stick to this program and enjoy it while doing so. Soon after I first began regularly listening to my masterfully recorded affirmations, I actually started experiencing REAL life changing results! "It was like the universe had delivered the answer to my dreams on a silver platter. I started using it and created BIG results… "Here's What I Was Personally Able To Do After Adding This To My Life: "- Leave my life-sucking part time job - Become my own boss in a fulfilling career - Control how much money I earned - Travel where and when I wanted to - Feel confident around anyone and everyone - Finally meet the RIGHT woman for me "My dreams are now my reality!! "Look at what I manifested by using these affirmations…

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In the following pages I explain how the subconscious mind works, why this program works and how to get the most out of it. I will then reveal to you the exact 101 hypnotically empowering affirmations I personally used to change my life so dramatically. I hold nothing back!

BUT, for those of you who are now ready to take action like I did to manifest my goals and dreams, you can take a MASSIVE leap forward by using the very same done-for-you audio system that I used here. """"""" www.ZackRandel.com ! 15

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"The Subconscious Mind "

The human mind is comprised of the conscious and subconscious minds. Both work together, yet serve different purposes. Like the tip of an iceberg above water, visible and very small, our conscious mind, while directing many analytical processes such as, critical thinking, rationalizing and decision making is by far the smallest part. The subconscious mind where all of our experiences, behaviors and belief systems are stored is vast and largely outside of conscious awareness. " Our conscious mind is the part we use when

learning something new, like driving a car or riding a bike. Naturally, because it’s an unfamiliar activity, it’s challenging and requires a lot of mental focus and concentration. " After continued practice, frequent repetition and highly focused concentration the activity becomes easier until you can drive a car or ride a bike with much less conscious effort. " Once you have reached that point, the actions involved in that activity have now become a subconscious skill, or behavior. Once stored in the subconscious, that knowledge is tapped into whenever necessary. " Not only is it available for access at any time, once any form of new learning reaches your subconscious, it actually becomes a part of your entire consciousness, subtly or not so subtly, influencing your life in many ways. " Through the proper use of affirmations with hypnosis, you can literally install new, desired programming into your subconscious mind,

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modifying, influencing and ultimately changing how you think about certain things in life. " Once you have changed your internal programming for the better, you can begin attracting positive people and experiences while living your life on purpose. " Hypnosis can change the way you think, feel and behave. When you tap into this power, you are re-training your subconscious mind, where all learning and behaviors are stored and consequently, where all lasting change takes place. "Why This Works

"When you change your thoughts, you change your destiny. One of the

most powerful ways of changing your thoughts is through hypnosis. " Hypnosis is a purely natural manifestation of your mind which we all experience multiple times throughout the day. You have likely experienced this enjoyable and relaxing state as daydreaming or, while becoming absorbed in a book, a movie, or perhaps your favorite music. " It can be thought of as focused concentration, which allows for accelerated learning, a state of mind which athletes call, being in “the zone.” In a state of hypnosis, your conscious mind becomes relaxed, allowing a more direct line of communication with the subconscious mind. " This is the most efficient way for the mind to learn new patterns of thinking, adopt behaviors and acquire new skills. "How to Get the Most Out of Affirmations "In order for affirmations to be effective, they are ideally stated in the first person, are positive and in the present tense. To get the absolute most benefit, there are a few essential steps to follow.

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First, you must apply a very deep level of belief in what you are affirming. The key is to firmly believe, beyond any doubt, that you are already in possession of that which you are affirming. Believe that it is already part of your reality. " If you find it somewhat challenging to truly believe that you already have or are living what you are affirming, act as if. In other words, imagine that you already live the life you want. " The beauty of this is, your subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real, and that which is imagined. The stronger the belief, whether authentic or pretense, the deeper and faster your subconscious mind will accept and act upon what you affirm. " The second essential ingredient to success with affirmations is that they be charged with emotion or feeling . It is vitally important that while you are reading or repeating these affirmations, you feel the positive emotions and energetic vibes as though you were already experiencing that which you desire. " The last element required, which will enhance the level of positive emotion you feel, is to engage your senses… sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. " Whether you desire greater happiness, improved health, deeper love, abundant wealth or all of these, vividly imagine all of it. See clear, crisp imagery and hear any sounds that may be related to the affirmation. Feel the joy, hear the laughter, embrace the love and enjoy the abundance. Savor the tastes and fragrances as you passionately live life empowered. " By believing that you have already received what you are affirming, feeling the positive energy and imagining what your life looks like having realized your goals, you will have supercharged each and every

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affirmation. This gives you the potential to tap into the unlimited power of your subconscious mind! " """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" www.ZackRandel.com ! 19

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1 I hold health as one of my highest values. "2 My vibrant health reflects my physical vitality, mental clarity and emotional balance. "3 I stay lean and strong enjoying healthy food and frequent physical activity. "4 I glow with radiant health. "5 My good health is my greatest wealth. "6 I properly nourish and exercise my body and stay healthy and fit. "7 I happily maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. "8 I take all necessary action to maintain optimal health. "9 I deeply respect my body with healthy choices. "10 I naturally choose healthy food and beverages. """""" www.ZackRandel.com ! 20

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"""""""11 I am satisfied with smaller portions. "12 I see health challenges as healing opportunities. "13 I place equal importance in keeping a healthy mind as I do a healthy body. "14 My health is the foundation on which all of my strength and abilities grow. "15 I am worthy of treating my body with love and respect. "16 Through staying healthy, I am able to enjoy life to the fullest. "17 I make laughter a part of everyday. "18 I enjoy weighing the ideal weight for me. "19 I recognize and appreciate health as one of my greatest assets. "20 I am grateful for the gift of sound health. """""""" www.ZackRandel.com ! 21

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""""""21 I allow my body and mind to get all the rest required for vibrant health. "22 My cheerful state of mind promotes health in every way. "23 I consciously choose all that which serves my health and healing. "24 I enjoy plenty of laughter and restorative sleep. "25 It is my birthright to be happy and healthy. "" AFFIRMATIONS FOR HAPPINESS ""26 I consciously choose happiness everyday. "27 I choose a positive attitude and radiate happiness to all. "28 I appreciate all the blessings I have received. "29 I give the gift of kindness to all whom I meet. "30 I am an unlimited source of happiness. """"" www.ZackRandel.com ! 22

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"""""""""31 I choose to focus on happy thoughts. "32 I find true happiness in this present moment. "33 I am attracting joyful people into my life. "34 I practice compassion for myself and others. "35 I choose happiness as my way of being in the world. "36 In this present moment I choose happiness now. "37 Joy is my natural state of being. "38 I live with love, grace and gratitude. "39 Good things just seem to happen to me. "40 I am happy now and now is all there is. """""""""" www.ZackRandel.com ! 23

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"""""""41 I have an unlimited source of happiness within me. "42 I appreciate and enjoy the blessings in my life. "43 I am attracting positivity every day. "44 I am aware of all the good that surrounds me. "45 All my dreams are coming true for the highest good of all. "46 I deserve to be happy now and always. "47 My state of well-being continues to grow each day. "48 I experience the joyfulness in others, that I feel in myself. "49 I move through each day calm and composed, knowing all is well. "50 I am happy, healthy, wealthy and wise. """""""" www.ZackRandel.com ! 24

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""""" "

AFFIRMATIONS FOR PROSPERITY ""51 Every day in every way prosperity flows freely to me. "52 I move confidently in the direction of my dreams. "53 I love what I do and that love brings me prosperity. "54 I attract more money everyday and give thanks for all that I receive. "55 I am so richly blessed with all that I need to manifest true wealth. "56 I am richly paid for what I do. "57 I see life as a field of unlimited possibilities. "58 I am open to continuous learning, growth and wisdom. "59 I am prepared to do all that is necessary for success. "60 I am confident that unlimited prosperity flows to me. """"" www.ZackRandel.com ! 25

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""""""61 I am intently focused on achieving prosperity. "62 I focus on what I want to achieve. "63 I think thoughts of prosperity, and attract prosperity into my life. "64 The more that I give, the more I receive. "65 I possess all of the tools needed to manifest great wealth. "66 Wealth flows freely to me. "67 I am open to experiencing new challenges and growth. "68 I imagine my ideal future and move toward it every day. "69 My passion, purpose and power lead me to great achievement. "70 I believe in myself and my ability to be, do and have all that I desire. """""""" www.ZackRandel.com ! 26

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"""""""71 My prosperity consciousness is attracting wealth beyond my fondest dreams. "72 I achieve more success, the more I help others find success. "73 My world is blessed with peace, health and plenty. "74 I am a lucky person, good luck comes to me for the highest good of all. "75 I am grateful for all the blessings in my life. "" AFFIRMATIONS FOR LOVE ""76 I attract loving and healthy people into my life. "77 I enjoy fulfilling relationships. "78 I attract the right person into my life now. "79 I connect easily with everyone I meet. "80 I am ready for a loving relationship. """"" www.ZackRandel.com ! 27

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"""""""""81 I am confident around those I am attracted to. "82 I am grateful for all of the people in my life. "83 I live my life with gratitude and love. "84 My charisma is felt by everyone I meet. "85 I love and accept others for who they are. "86 My interaction with others is easy and positive. "87 I am outgoing when meeting new people. "88 I open my heart to love. "89 I deserve to be loved. "90 Attractive, like minded people are drawn to me. """""""""" www.ZackRandel.com ! 28

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""""91 I remain positive and open to receive more good in my life. "92 I make new friends easily. "93 My charismatic personality draws all that I desire to me. "94 I love and respect myself just the way I am. "95 My perfect partner is being drawn into my life. "96 I have a loving, happy relationship with the perfect partner for me. "97 I release the past and move towards a loving relationship. "98 Creating rapport with others is easy for me. "99 I treat myself with love and respect. "100 I am ready for the perfect person for me to come into my life. "101 My life is blessed with health, wealth, happiness and love. """"""" www.ZackRandel.com ! 29

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One Small Step… Could Mean Big Change, for Many "My mission in creating this eBook and done-for-you audio system is to help others live their best life possible; healthy in body, mind and spirit. As a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist and Transformational Coach I have come to understand that most of us really need to be un-hypnotized. " The negative beliefs, habits, thoughts and feelings we have picked up from well meaning parents, teachers, peers and more, as well as the often not so well meaning media and others have left many of us deeply challenged. Still many more of us are thinking negatively, filled with fear and doubt, lacking in belief in ourselves and some, even depressed. " This project is a part of the solution. 101 Hypnotically Empowering Affirmations was created not just to share information, it is about creating transformation. Transformation in the minds, hearts and souls of those who understand that in order to live life empowered, perhaps even change the world, we must first change ourselves. " As Albert Einstein said, “We will not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” " So, my valued readers, will you kindly share the link www.101HypnoticallyEmpoweringAffirmations.com? You could like, tweet and share that link, using the social media buttons, so that others may get their own copy. I look forward to receiving your reviews and experiences. " I thank you for being a part of this mission and for helping yourself and others live their best life possible when they choose to Live Life Empowered.


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"" "


"""""Download The Proven System Here " """"

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