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unsur perencanaan kota







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Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan yang Maha Esa karena berkat dan

rahmat-Nya paper ini dapat diselesaikan tepat pada waktunya.

Adapun paper ini merupakan bagian dari tugas mata kuliah Perencanaan Kota yang

akan membahas unsur perencanaan sbeberapa kota di dunia di bidang transportasinya.

Dalam penyusunannya, kami menyadari bahwa paper ini masih jauh dari

kesempurnaan. Oleh sebab itu, kami memohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya untuk

kesalahan-kesalahan yang terdapat dalam paper ini. Kami juga menerima kritik dan saran

dari para pembaca agar dapat menjadi pembelajaran bagi kami untuk menghasilkan

tulisan yang lebih baik lagi kedepannya.

Demikian karya tulis ini kami sampaikan. Kiranya dapat bermanfaat bagi para

pembaca sekalian. Atas perhatian Pembaca, kami mengucapkan terima kasih.

Medan, November 2012,


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Kota adalah tempat kita tinggal. Kota menyediakan berbagai kebutuhan kita:

sandang, pangan, dan papan. Kota sebagai sebuah fenomena ”urban” memberikan kita

lingkungan sosial budaya dan ekonomi yang sangat menentukan preferensi dan perilaku

kita. Dan dalam sebuah kota, tentu terdapat banyak aspek di dalamnya, seperti

transportasi, pedestrian, tata guna lahan, perumahan, kawasan komersil, industri, utilitas

kota, dll.

Di bangku kuliah kita berdiskusi tentang perencanaan kota atau city planning, bukan

urban planning. Terlihat ada dua kecenderungan yang dibawa oleh perbedaan

pemahaman antara kedua istilah tersebut. Pertama, city planning melihat kota secara

analitis, dibagi menurut komponen-komponennya: fisik geografis, tata guna lahan, sosial

ekonomi, sosial budaya, dan kelembagaan. Sementara itu, urban planning memiliki makna

yang dalam yang diamati secara empiris, seperti pola kehidupan masyarakat, protes

sosial, organisasi, dan pemerintahan.

Ketika menerjemahkan perencanaan kota sebagai city planning, cara pandang

perencana menjadi bersifat mekanis dan analitis. Justru yang berlangsung saat ini adalah

hal yang sebutkan tersebut. Terbukti dari rencana kota menjadi dokumen yang dibuat oleh

”para ahli” yang memetakan kebutuhan masyarakat atas lahan dan pengaturan ruang.

Seluruhnya disusun dengan menggunakan pedoman yang dianggap sebagai kitab suci.

Kerangka rencana dibuat menurut pedoman tersebut, tinggal isinya yang dilengkapi. Isi

yang dilengkapi tersebut disusun dengan menggunakan metode perencanaan yang

sifatnya analitis: formula yang generik diaplikasikan untuk memproyeksikan pertumbuhan

dan jumlah penduduk. Parameter kuantitas penduduk ini digunakan untuk

mengestimasikan kebutuhan terhadap ruang maupun komponen-komponennya, seperti

infrastruktur sampah, air bersih, sekolah, rumah sakit, dll.

Berbeda dengan standar, pedoman disusun dengan memberikan keleluasaan yang

lebih besar kepada seseorang atau dalam hal perencana untuk menggali permasalahan di

lapangan dan menyusun rekomendasi. Pedoman hanya memberikan kerangka, bukan

menetapkan urutan langkah atau hasil-hasil yang akan dicapai. Hal ini berbeda dengan

kegiatan di bidang konstruksi bangunan dan jalan yang objeknya memiliki parameter-

parameter yang dapat dikendalikan dengan mudah. Sementara itu, objek dalam tata ruang

bukanlah ruang persegi, melainkan warga kota.

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Memahami unsur-unsur perencanaan merupakan keharusan untuk menghindari

kesalahan yang tidak perlu terjadi. Unsur-unsur perencanaan adalah keadaan yang dapat

mempengaruhi hasil perencanaan. Keadaan-keadaan itu dapat berwujud peraturan dan

persyaratan formal yang berlaku atau keadaan pada tanah setempat yang terjadi secara


Keadaan yang merupakan unsur perencanaan dapat di golongkan atas tiga jenis :

1. Keadaan tanah setempat

Sebagaimana diketahui, situasi dan kondisi tanah di setiap tempat tidak selalu

sama. Pertama-tama harus dilihat unsur-unsur perencanaan formal yang berupa

peraturan dan persyaratan yang berlaku pada tanah setempat. Dalam peraturan dan

persyaratan yang berlaku pada tanah setempat yang tercakup bentuk dan jenis

bangunan yang boleh didirikan, garis-garis bangunan dan jalan yang mengatur tata

letak bangunan yang baik, teratur, dan terencana pada suatu wilayah sesuai dengan

norma-norma pembangunan kota.

Untuk mengetahui peraturan dan persyaratan formal yang berlaku, dapat di tempuh

dengan cara sebagai berikut : Pertama-tama mengajukan permohonan pengukuran dan

pemetaan persil tanah yang di miliki pada Dinas Tata Kota setempat. Kemudian

berdasarkan hasil pengukuran pengukuran dan pemetaan itu diajukan permohonan

keterangan rencana (advise planning) pada Dinas Tata Kota setempat. Keterangan

teknis lebih lanjut bisa didapat dari Dinas Pembangunan Pengawasan Kota setempat.

Peta situasi, keterangan rencana dan peraturan/persyaratan formal tersebut

merupakan pedoman dasar dalam perencanaan. Akan tetapi agar diketahui unsur-

unsur perencanaan yang lebih jelas dan lengkap, perlu di adakan penelitian secara

langsung pada persil tanah setempat.

Dengan penelitian langsung pada persil tanah setempat akan di ketahui lebih jelas

keadaan yang terjadi secara alamiah, misalnya :

1. Perbedaan tinggi rendahnya tanah

2. Kekerasan/kepadatan tanah

3. Kecepatan dan arah aliran udara

4. Kebisingan dan frekuensi lalu lintas

5. Tumbuh-tumbuhan/pohon yang ada di sekitar persil

Hasil penelitian keadaan tanah setempat merupakan data yang sangat penting

dalam perencanaan, sebab : Dengan diketahui perbedaan tinggi rendahnya permukaan

tanah, maka akan dapat ditetapkan tinggi lantai bangunan dari permukaan tanah yang

aman dari banjir dan bersifat ekonomis. Selain itu tinggi rendahnya permukaan tanah

(contour) dapat di manfaatkan dalam segi keindahan, misalnya pertamanan, kolam, dan

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lain-lain. Kekerasan/kepadatan tanah sangat penting dari segi teknis untuk menetapkan

jenis dan tipe pondasi yang akan dipergunakan.

Kecepatan dan arah aliran udara perlu diketahui untuk menetapkan ukuran

pembukaan (lubang angin atau ventilasi, pintu dan jendela) sehingga ruangan memiliki

sirkulasi udara yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan (tidak terlampau kecil atau besar). Data

tentang kebisingan dan frekuensi lalu lintas perlu sebagai dasar untuk mengatur tata

letak ruangan dan penggunaan jenis bahan bangunan yang kedap suara, sehingga

ruangan yang memerlukan suasana tenang dapat terwujud.

Pohon dan tumbuh-tumbuhan mempunyai arti serta manfaat yang besar dalam

kehidupan manusia, oleh karena tumbuh-tumbuhan dapat berfungsi sebagai :

1. Pelindung manusia/bangunan dari panas matahari

2. Mencegah dan mengurangi aliran angin besar

3. Mencegah dan mengurangi suara bising

4. Menyerap debu dan kotoran

5. Memproduksi zat asam pada siang hari yang diperlukan untuk kehidupan manusia

6. Mengatur dan melindungi tata air tanah

7. Mencegah erosi dan tanah longsor

8. Menyejukkan udara dan memperindah pemandangan

Melihat fungsi pohon dan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang besar serta luas, maka data

tentang ada atau tidaknya pohon pada persil tanah sangat penting. Seandainya pada

persil tanah telah ada pohon dan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang sehat dan masih cukup

muda, sebaiknya dimanfaatkan untuk fungsi-fungsi tersebut. Dan seandainya pada

persil tanah tidak terdapat pohon/tumbuh-tumbuhan, maka dalam perencanaan harus

direncankan tempat untuk pohon/tumbuh-tumbuhan.

2. Keadaan iklim setempat

Dalam kehidupan kita diperlukan kondisi iklim yang cocok agar kita dapat

tidur/istirahat atau bekerja dengan nyaman. Sebab iklim yang tidak cocok dengan tubuh

kita, misalnya temperatur udara terlampau panas atau terlampau dingin, akan

mempengaruhi keadaan mental dan fisik kita.

Kondisi iklim yang nyaman (comfort) paling tidak bisa terdapat dalam rumah tinggal

sebagai lingkungan kehidupan yang terdekat dengan kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Iklim

yang nyaman (comfort) dipengaruhi oleh factor-faktor sebagai berikut :

1. Temperatur udara

2. Kelembaban

3. Peredaran udara

4. Radiasi panas

Temperatur dan kelembaban udara secara langsung mempengaruhi perasaan

nyaman pada tubuh. Disamping itu peredaran udara dan panas juga akan

mempengaruhi perasaan nyaman.

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Sesuai dengan tujuan perencanaan yang lengkap dan sempurna, maka faktor iklim

harus diperhatikan. Sebab perencanaan tanpa memperhatikan faktor-faktor iklim

setempat mungkin dapat menghasilkan suatu bangunan rumah yang indah tetapi tidak

nyaman (comfort) untuk di tempati.

3. Orientasi tanah setempat

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian situasi/kondisi dan iklim pada persil tanah setempat

serta peraturan dan persyaratan yang berlaku, maka akan tersusun data yang spesifik.

Data ini merupakan pedoman dasar dalam perencanaan bangunan rumah yang

memenuhi persyaratan kesehatan, kekuatan, kenyamanan dan keindahan.

Proses selanjutnya dalam perencanaan bangunan rumah setelah data lapangan

terkumpul adalah :

Orientasi persil tanah

Orientasi persil tanah terhadap peredaran sinar matahari telah diketahui sejak

didapat keterangan rencana yang resmi. Orientasi persil tanah ini penting untuk

menetapkan orientasi bangunan yang akan didirikan di atasnya. Keterangan tentang

orientasi persil tanah ini menentukan arah mana tampak muka bangunan harus

menghadap. Dan selanjutnya, setelah diketahui ke arah mana tampak muka

bangunan harus mengahadap, perencanaan diteruskan dengan pengaturan ruang

menurut kebutuhan.

Orientasi bangunan terhadap sinar matahari

Sebaiknya bangunan di orientasikan ke arah utara/selatan agar sebagian besar

ruang-ruang tidak menghadap matahari. Sebab sudut datang sinar matahari di

Indonesia relatif kecil, sehingga akan memanaskan ruangan di dalam bangunan.

Dan perlu di ingat penyinaran matahari di Indonesia merata sepanjang tahun.

Mengingat pada hakikatnya sinar matahari juga di butuhkan untuk penerangan dan

kesehatan dalam ruangan pada batas-batas tertentu, maka orientasi bangunan

dapat dibuat tidak persis menghadap ke utara/selatan tetapi bisa dibuat agak miring

sedikit. Misalnya, persil tanah dengan bagian memanjang yang boleh didirikan

bangunan menghadap ke arah barat dan timur. Maka ruangan dengan kesejukkan

udara yang tinggi hanya dapat di capai dengan menempatkan ruang-ruang yang

membutuhkan ke arah utara/selatan.

Orientasi bangunan terhadap aliran udara

Aliran udara dalam ruangan di Indonesia sangat diperlukan (lihat ciri-ciri iklim panas

dan lembab ). Dengan diketahuinya orientasi persil tanah dan situasi/kondisi

setempat, maka akan diketahui arah aliran angin yang ada pada persil tanah.

Orientasi bangunan terhadap aliran udara erat hubungannya dengan orientasi

bangunan terhadap sinar matahari. Misalnya, orientasi yang baik pada persil tanah

tersebut ke arah utara/selatan, sedangkan aliran udara yang baik pada arah tersebut

kurang, maka dicari pemecahannya dengan mengkombinasikan kedua unsur


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Aliran udara memang sesuatu yang dibutuhkan, akan tetapi dalam batas-batas

tertentu. Misalnya, aliran udara pada suatu persil tanah tertentu sangat kencang,

sebab persil tersebut dekat dengan tanah lapangan terbuka dan membawa

kebisingan dalam ruangan, maka harus dibatasi. Dan sebaliknya, jika pada persil

tanah tersebut tidak terdapat aliran udara yang cukup karena aliran udara terhalang

bangunan disekitarnya, maka perlu diusahakan mengalirnya udara dengan cara-cara


Pengaturan jarak bangunan

Walaupun dalam keterangan rencana resmi (advise planning) telah ditetapkan

pesyaratan letak bangunan yang boleh didirikan dengan adanya garis-garis

bangunan dan jarak bebas samping dan belakang, akan tetapi dalam perencanaan

harus dilihat kondisi setempat.

Misalnya, kondisi seperti ini pada suatu persil tanah. Karena adanya bangunan

disampingnya, yang berimpit dengan batas pekarangan, dengan ukuran yang besar

dan tinggi sehingga mengganggu aliran udara dan menghalangi sinar matahari yang

dibutuhkan, maka dalam perencanaan bangunan dibuat ruang terbuka pada bagian

tersebut agar ruangan di dalam rumah mendapat aliran udara yang cukup dan

penerangan dari sinar matahari yang cukup pula.

Pengaturan jarak bangunan terhadap batas pekarangan yang membentuk ruangan

terbuka (walaupun maksud dan tujuan utamanya untuk mengatur peredaran udara

dan sinar matahari), sebaiknya dimanfaatkan untuk pertamanan atau kolam hias,

sehingga dapat menambah keindahan lingkungan rumah.

Pengaturan pembukaan pada dinding

Yang dimaksud pembukaan pada dinding adalah pintu-pintu dan jendela yang

terdapat pada dinding bangunan. Tentang fungsi pintu dan jendela telah dibahas

dalam hal elemen-elemen pokok dalam bangunan. Dalam hal ini pembahasan

pengaturan pembukaan pada dinding dikaitkan dengan masalah orientasi bangunan.

Besar kecilnya pembukaan pada dinding bangunan tergantung dari arah orientasi

dan kebutuhan pembukaan pada ruangan itu sendiri. Sebaiknya pembukaan

terdapat pada bagian dinding bangunan yang menghadap ke arah utara dan selatan,

agar tidak terkena sinar matahari secara langsung. Akan tetapi pembukaan pada

posisi dinding ini harus dibuat dalam ukuran yang cukup besar, agar ruang cukup

terang dan peredaran udara cukup baik.

Pembukaan dinding pada bagian utara/selatan dan dengan ukuran yang besar ini

sesuai dengan kondisi iklim di Indonesia. Akan tetapi menginat ciri-ciri iklim yang lain,

misalnya, sudut datang matahari yang kecil dan merata sepanjang tahun, maka

pembukaan pada dinding tersebut harus terlindung dari sinar matahari langsung,

silau langit dan hujan dengan cara-cara tertentu yang diuraikan pada bagian berikut.

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Sedangkan jika pembukaan pada dinding terpaksa harus terletak pada bagian

dinding yang menghadap ke arah timur/barat, maka ukuran pembukaan harus

dibatasi maksimal tidak mengakibatkan efek-efek yang buruk ke dalam ruangan.

Pengaturan atap/pelindung panas dan hujan

Dalam hal ini pengaturan atap/pelindung panas dan hujan sesuai dengan iklim di

negara tersebut, misalnya di Asia adalah dengan bentuk atap yang ringan, bahan

yang mampu menyekat panas dengan baik dan memiliki teritis atap yang relatif lebar.

Pada bagian-bagian tertentu teritis atap (roof-overhang) harus direncanakan dengan

tepat sesuai dengan kebutuhan, sehingga cukup dapat melindungi ruangan dari sinar

matahari pada jam-jam tertentu dalam sehari. Jadi masih memungkinkan penyinaran

langsung matahari ke dalam ruangan pada jam-jam tertentu yang dibutuhkan.

Misalnya, pada dinding yang menghadap ke arah timur yang terkena sinar matahari

pagi, pelindung atap diatur sedemikian rupa tanpa menghalangi sinar matahari pagi,

sehingga dapat berfungsi sebagai pelindung yang baik pada siang hari. Dan akan

berbeda pula untuk yang ada ni negara 4 musim seperti Eropa dan Amerika.

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Sebagai bahan studi kasus, saya akan membandingkan transportasi di 3 kota

berbeda di 3 benua yang berbeda pula, yakni Portland (Amerika), Hong Kong (Asia), dan

London (Eropa).

Berikut ulasannya:

1. Hong Kong (Asia)

Sistem transportasi publik kota metropolis yang padat ini menyita sebagian besar

kebutuhan transportasi khalayak. Hong Kong's Mass Transit Railway kemudian menjadi

incaran para pengguna jasa transportasi. Pembayaran menggunakan kartu bijak yang

disebut Octopus Card, yang juga dapat digunakan untuk pembayaran transaksi di

semua tempat non-transit.

Peta hongkong

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Adapun berbagai media transportasi yang digunakan di kota Hong Kong saat ini antara

lain sebagai berikut :

a. Kereta api

Suasana di salam MTR pada jam padatnya Tai Wai Station MTR East Rail Line

Hong Kong memiliki jaringan kereat api yang besar, tyang berada di bawah pimpinan

MTR Corporation Limited. MTR mengoperasikan jaringan metro dengan urbanisme

Hong Kong, Kowloon Peninsula and northern part of Hong Kong Island with newly

developed areas, Tsuen Wan, Tseung Kwan O, Tung Chung, Hong Kong Disneyland,

the Hong Kong International Airport, the northeastern and northwestern parts of the

New Territories. The Hong Kong Tramways operates a tram service exclusively on

northern Hong Kong Island. The Peak Tram connects Central, Hong Kong's central

business district, with the Victoria Peak.

i. Mass transport Rapid

Secara keseluruhan terdapat 10 lokasi sistem MTR, dengan total 83 stasiun KA

dan 68 pemberhentian light rail. Kesepuluh jalur itu antara lain adalah East Rail,

Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan, Island, Tung Chung, Tseung Kwan O, West Rail, Ma On

Shan, the Airport Express and the Disneyland Resort lines. 8 jalur menyediakan

servis umum metro, dimana Airport Express menyediakan direksi langsung dari

Hong Kong International Airport ke pusat kota, sedangkan jalur Disneyland Resort

secara eksklusif membawa penumpang ke Hong Kong Disneyland.

The Light Rail possesses many characteristics of a tramway, including running on

streets with other traffic (at grades) on some of its tracks and providing services for

the public in New Territories West, including Tuen Mun and Yuen Long.

All trains and most MTR stations are air conditioned.

ii. Tramways

The Hong Kong Tramways

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The Hong Kong Tramways is the tram (streetcar) system run exclusively with

double deckers.[6] The electric tram system was proposed in 1881; however

nobody was willing to invest in a system at the time. In August 1901, the Second

Tramway Bill was introduced and passed into law as the 1902 Tramway

Ordinance. Hong Kong Tramway Electric Company Limited, a British company,

was authorised to take the responsibilities in construction and daily operation. In

1904, the tram system first got into service. It was soon taken over by another

company, Electric Tranction Company of Hong Kong Limited and then the name

was changed to Hong Kong Tramways Company Limited in 1910.

The rail system is 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) long, with a total track length of 30 km

(19 mi),[9] and it runs together with other vehicles on the street. Its operation relies

on the 550V direct current (d.c.) from the overhead cables, on 3'6" gauge

(1067 mm) tracks. The trams provide service to only parts of Hong Kong Island:

they run on a double track along the northern coast of Hong Kong Island from

Kennedy Town to Shau Kei Wan, with a single clockwise-running track of about 3

kilometres (1.9 mi) around Happy Valley Racecourse.

iii. Funicular railways

The Peak Tram

Terdapat 2 jasa kereta api funicular di Hong Kong:

The Peak Tram carries both tourists and residents to the upper levels of Hong

Kong Island. It provides the most direct route to Victoria Peak and offers scenic

views over Victoria Harbour and the skyscrapers of Hong Kong. It was

inaugurated in 1888.

The Ocean Express operates within the paid area of the Ocean Park theme

park. It links two parts of the park, operating entirely in a tunnel. The ride is

themed, and uses multimedia effects to simulate the feeling of travelling into the

depths of the sea. It was opened in 2009.

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b. Airport people-mover system

On the platform of the Hong Kong International Airport Automated People Mover

The Hong Kong International Airport Automated People Mover is a driverless people-

mover system located within the Hong Kong International Airport in Chek Lap Kok. It

operates in two "segments". For departures, the train runs from Terminal 2 to the

East Hall to the West Hall. For arrivals, the train runs only from the West Hall to the

East Hall, where all passengers must disembark for immigration, customs, and

baggage claim. Operation of the first segment was commenced in 1998, and the

operation of the second segment was commenced in early 2007.

c. Boundary-crossing trains

Inter-city train services crossing the Hong Kong-China boundary are known as

Intercity Through Trains. They are jointly operated by Hong Kong's MTR Corporation

and the Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China. Currently, Hung Hom

Station (formerly known as Kowloon Station in Hong Kong, and Jiulong Station in

China) is the only station in Hong Kong where passenger can catch these trains.

Passengers have to go through immigration and custom inspections before boarding.

There are currently three through train routes:

Between Hong Kong and Beijing (Beijing-Kowloon Through Train)

Between Hong Kong and Shanghai (Shanghai-Kowloon Through Train)

Between Hong Kong and Guangzhou (Guangzhou-Kowloon Through Train)

A new high-speed service, namely the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express

Rail Link, is being built. A new train station, West Kowloon Terminus, will be built in

Hong Kong to be served by this new railway.

d. Buses

A low-floor double-decker bus with wheelchair accessibility

Bus services have a long history in Hong Kong. In 2009, five companies operate

franchised public bus services. There are also a variety of non-franchised public

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buses services, including feeder bus services to railway stations operated by the

railway companies, and residents' services for residential estates (particularly those

in the New Territories).

The five franchised bus companies are:

Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited;

Citybus Limited;

Long Win Bus Company Limited;

New World First Bus Services Limited; and

New Lantao Bus Company (1973) Limited.

Founded in 1933, the Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited (KMB) is one of

the largest privately-owned public bus operators in the world.[10] KMB's fleet consist

of about 4,300 buses on 420 routes and a staff of over 13,000 people. In 1979,

Citybus began its operation in Hong Kong with one double-decker, providing shuttle

service for the Hong Kong dockyard. It later expanded into operating a residential

bus route between City One, Shatin and Kowloon Tong MTR station. New World First

Bus Services Limited was established in 1998, taking over China Motor Bus's

franchise to provide bus services on Hong Kong Island together with Citybus.

NWFB's owner company later bought Citybus, but the two companies have basically

been operating independently.

e. Public light buses

Green LPG minibus on its route

Public light buses (小巴) (widely referred to as minibuses, or sometimes maxicabs,

a de facto share taxi) run the length and breadth of Hong Kong, through areas

which the standard bus lines can not or do not reach as frequently, quickly or

directly. Minibuses carry a maximum of 16 passengers; no standees are allowed.

The Hong Kong Transport Department (HKTD) allows and licenses the operation

of two types of public light buses – (1) green minibuses that have route numbers,

stop at designated stops (many routes have hail and ride sections along which

passengers can board and exit anywhere unless it's a no-stopping zone) and

which have their fares, service and frequency regulated by the HKTD; and (2) red

minibuses that may or may not have regular routes, may or may not be numbered,

may or may not have fixed stops and whose fares and service levels are not

regulated by HKTD.[11]

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Red minibuses do often provide more convenient supplementary transport for riders

not served by green minibuses or other public buses, and are thus quite popular.

Where green minibus drivers are paid fixed wages to drive their routes, red minibus

drivers often rely on their pick-up fares for a living and thus are often seen to be more

aggressive drivers. The prevalence of aggressive driving has resulted in the HKTD

making it mandatory for Hong Kong minibuses to be equipped with large read-out

speedometers which allow passengers to track the speed at which minibus drivers

operate. Currently, if minibuses exceed 80 km/h, the speedometer will sound an

audible warning signal (begin beeping) to the driver and passengers. If the minibus

exceeds 100 km/h, the beeping will turn into a sustained tone. However, it is almost

without exception that this warning signal is ignored by both the driver and


The HKTD has also regulated, after a series of minibus accidents, that all new

minibuses brought into service after August 2005 must have safety belts installed,

and riders must use safety belts when there is one.

f. Taxi

Red taxis serve urban areas

As of April 2005, there were 18,138 taxis in Hong Kong, operating in three distinct

(but slightly overlapping) geographical areas, and distinguished by their colour. Of

these, 15,250 are red urban taxis, 2,838 green New Territories taxis, and 50 blue

Lantau taxis.[12] Every day, they serve 1.1 million, 207,900, and 1,400 passengers

respectively. Taxis carry an average of one million passengers each day, occupying

about 12% of the daily patronage carried by all modes of public transport in Hong


Most of the taxis in Hong Kong run on LPG (liquified petroleum gas) to reduce

emissions. In August 2000 a one-off cash grant was paid to taxi owners who

replaced their diesel taxi with an LPG one. Since August 2001, all newly purchased

taxis run on LPG. By the end of 2003, over 99.8% of the taxi fleet in Hong Kong ran

on LPG.[13]

Taxi fares are charged according to the taximeter; however, additional charges on

the fare table may apply, such as road tolls and luggage fees. Urban taxis are the

most expensive, while Lantau taxis are the cheapest. The standard of service

among different kinds of taxis is mostly the same. The reason for having three types

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of taxis is to ensure service availability in less populated regions, as running in the

urban centre is considered to be more profitable.

g. Mobil Pribadi

As of 2009 the Census and Statistics Department of Hong Kong reports that there

are 584,000 licensed vehicles in Hong Kong and about 2,050 kilometres of public

roads.[14] In terms of private car ownership, the number of cars per capita is half that

of Singapore and one-third that of Taiwan. Private cars are most popular in newly

developed areas such as Lantau and areas near the boundary with mainland China,

as there are fewer public transportation options, and more parking spaces compared

to other areas of Hong Kong.

Most cars are right hand drive models, from Japanese or European manufacturers.

Hong Kong does not allow left hand drive vehicles to be primarily registered in Hong

Kong. However, Hong Kong registered vehicles may apply for secondary mainland

Chinese registration plates, and these can be driven across the border to mainland

China; likewise, left-hand drive cars seen in Hong Kong are usually primarily

registered in mainland China and carry supplementary Hong Kong registration plates.

Cars are subjected to a first-time registration tax, which varies from 35% to over

100%, based on the size and value of the car. The level of vehicle taxation was

increased by a law passed on 2 June 1982 to discourage private car ownership,[15]

and also as an incentive to buy smaller, more efficient cars, as these have less tax

levied on them. First-time registration tax was doubled, annual licensing fees were

increased by 300%, and $0.7 duty was imposed on each litre of on light oils.[16]

In addition to the heavy traffic at times, parking may be problematic. Due to high

urban density, there are not many filling stations; Petrol in Hong Kong averages

around US$2.04 per litre, of which over half the cost is taxes.[17] It was suggested in

the news that the government had deliberately impeded the use of new

environmentally friendly diesel engines by allowing only light goods vehicles to be

fuelled by diesel. While it cannot be determined why exactly the government does not

allow private cars to be fuelled by diesel, it has been pointed out that the government

does receive a tax that is 150% of the actual fuel cost. This is mostly to discourage

car ownership for environmental reasons.[18]

There is a waiting list for local driving tests, while a full (private car) driving licence

valid for 10 years costs around US$115. Residents of Hong Kong holding licences

issued by other Chinese authorities and some foreign countries can get a Hong Kong

driving licence exempt from tests if they can adequately show that they obtained their

licence while residing in the place concerned (common proofs are school transcripts

or employer's documentation). Some private car owners, known as white card

drivers, provide a taxi service for a nominal fee.

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h. Sepeda

Cycling is a popular means of transport in many parts of the New Territories, where

new towns such as Shatin, Tai Po and Sheung Shui have significant cycle track

networks. In the auto congested urban areas of Hong Kong and Kowloon, cycling is

less common, despite the relatively flat topography of populated areas, in part

because it is government policy[19] not to support cycling as part of the transportation

system. In 2011, MTR Corporation announced that bicycles were permitted to be

taken on all MTR rail lines.[20]

i. Motorcycles

Motorcycles by the private users in Hong Kong urban districts are not as popular as

in other South East Asian countries like the Philippines. They are mostly used for

commercial and business purposes.

j. Cross boundary buses

A large number of buses leave various parts of Hong Kong (usually from side streets

and hotel entrances) to various cities in the Pearl River Delta.

k. Ferries

Internal routes

A Star Ferry carries passengers across Victoria Harbour. This particular one is painted with an advertisement that promotes Hong

Kong as Asia's World City.

Tsim Sha Tsui Pier, a pier for Star Ferry services

The Star Ferry Pier in Central

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Most ferry services are provided by licensed ferry operators. As of September 2003,

there were 27 regular licensed passenger ferry services operated by 11 licensees,

serving outlying islands, new towns and inner-Victoria Harbour. Two of the routes

operated by the Star Ferry are franchised. Additionally, 78 "kai-to" ferries are licensed to

serve remote coastal settlements.

The following companies operate ferry services in Hong Kong:

Star Ferry:

Central to Tsim Sha Tsui

Wan Chai to Tsim Sha Tsui

Central to Hung Hom (terminated effective 1 April 2011)

Wan Chai to Hung Hom (terminated effective 1 April 2011)

Harbour Tour (Circular between Tsim Sha Tsui, Central, Wan Chai, and Hung Hom)

New World First Ferry:

Central to Cheung Chau and Mui Wo

Tsim Sha Tsui, Mui Wo, Cheung Chau (Weekends Only)

Peng Chau, Mui Wo, Chi Ma Wan, and Cheung Chau

North Point to Hung Hom and Kowloon City

Tuen Mun to Tung Chung

Hong Kong & Kowloon Ferry:

Lamma Island to Central and Aberdeen

Central to Peng Chau

Chuen Kee Ferry:

Lamma Island to Aberdeen

HKR International Limited:

Discovery Bay Transportation Services – Discovery Bay to Central

Park Island Transport Company Ltd.:

Ma Wan to Central

Ma Wan to Tsuen Wan

Fortune Ferry (富裕小輪)

North Point to Kwun Tong

Coral Sea Ferry (珊瑚海船務)

Sai Wan Ho to Kwun Tong

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External routes

The Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal in Sheung Wan

In Hong Kong, there are three piers that provides ferry services to Macau and cities in

southern China:

The Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal

The Hong Kong-China Ferry Terminal

The Tuen Mun Ferry Pier

Ferry services are provided by several different ferry companies at these piers.

Fastferry hydrofoil and catamaran service is available at all times of the week between

Hong Kong and Macau.

TurboJet provides 24-hour services connecting Central and Macau at a

frequency of up to every 15 minutes. It also provides these regular services:

Hong Kong International Airport to Shenzhen Airport / Macau / Guangzhou (East

River Guangzhou Ferry Terminal)

Tsim Sha Tsui to Guangzhou

Macau to Shenzhen Airport

Tsim Sha Tsui to Macau

New World First Ferry (Macau) provides services between Tsim Sha Tsui and Macau

for 17 hours daily, at a frequency of up to every 30 minutes.

Chu Kong Passenger Transport (CKS) connects Hong Kong to cities in Guangdong

province, including Zhuhai (Jiuzhou), Shenzhen (Shekou), Zhongshan (Zhongshan

Kong), Lianhua Shan (Panyu), Jiangmen, Gongyi, Sanbu, Gaoming, Heshan, Humen,

Nanhai, Shunde, Doumen.

l . Airplanes

Passenger and cargo jets are serving external routes to international and Mainland

China destinations from Hong Kong International Airport.

m. Helicopters

Externally, frequent passenger flights to Macau are scheduled daily. There are also

chartered services for the VIP and business community within Hong Kong.

Aerial lift transport

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n. Cable cars

Gondola lift system in Ocean Park

There are two cable car systems in Hong Kong:

The Ngong Ping Cable Car is a 5.7 kilometres (3.5 mi) public cableway on Lantau

Island. It links Tung Chung MTR station and Ngong Ping Terminal near Po Lin

Monastery. It was opened on 18 September 2006.

The Ocean Park theme park also possesses a 1.5 kilometres (0.93 mi) cable car

system between Nam Long Shan Headland and Wong Chuk Hang. This was opened in

1977 and is inside the paid area of the Park.


Ports and harbours

Kwai Tsing Container Terminals

The port of Hong Kong has always been a key factor in the development and prosperity

of the special administrative region, which is strategically located on the Far East trade

routes and is in the geographical centre of the fast-developing Asia-Pacific Basin. The

sheltered harbour provides good access and a safe haven for vessels calling at the port

from around the world. In terms of tonnage of shipping using its facilities, cargo handled

and the number of passengers carried, Hong Kong is undoubtedly one of the major

ports of the world.

The Victoria Harbour is one of the busiest ports in the world.[21] An average of 220,000

ships visit the harbour each year, including both oceanliners and river vessels, for both

goods and passengers. The container port in Hong Kong is one of the busiest in the

world.[22] The Kwai Chung Terminal operates 24 hours a day. Together with other

facilities in Victoria Harbour, they handled more than 20 million twenty-foot equivalent

units (TEU) in 2005.[23] Some 400 container liners serve Hong Kong weekly, connecting

to over 500 destinations around the world.


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Inside the Hong Kong International Airport

Hong Kong has a fully active international airport. The famous former Kai Tak

International Airport retired in favour of the recently constructed Hong Kong

International Airport, also known as Chek Lap Kok International Airport. The airport now

serves as a transport hub for East Asia, and as the hub for Cathay Pacific Airways,

Dragonair, Hong Kong Express, Hong Kong Airlines (former CR Airways), and Air Hong

Kong. Ferry services link the airport with several piers in Pearl River Delta, where

immigrations and customs are exempted.

HKIA’s network to China is also expanded by the opening of SkyPier in late September

2003, offering millions in the PRD direct access to the airport. Passengers coming to

SkyPier by high-speed ferries can board buses for onward flights while arriving air

passengers can board ferries at the pier for their journeys back to the PRD. Passengers

travelling both directions can bypass custom and immigration formalities, which reduces

transit time. Four ports – Shekou, Shenzhen, Macau and Humen (Dongguan) – were

initially served. As of August 2007, SkyPier serves Shenzhen's Shekou and Fuyong,

Dongguan's Humen, Macau, Zhongshan and Zhuhai. Moreover, passengers travelling

from Shekou and Macau piers can even complete airline check-in procedures with

participating airlines before boarding the ferries and go straight to the boarding gate for

the connecting flight at HKIA. The provision of cross boundary coach and ferry services

has transformed HKIA into an inter-modal transportation hub combining air, sea and

land transport.

As of March 2009, the airport is the third busiest airport for passenger traffic,[24] and

second busiest airport for cargo traffic in the world.[25] It is popular with travellers – from

2001 to 2005 and 2007–2008 Hong Kong International Airport has been voted the

World's Best Airport in an annual survey of several million passengers worldwide by


According to the Guinness World Records, the passenger terminal of the HKIA was the

world's largest airport terminal upon opening, and is at present the world's third largest

airport terminal building, with a covered area of 550,000 m² and recently increased to

570,000 m².[26] The Airport Core Programme was the most expensive airport project in

the world.[27]

Shek Kong Airfield, located near Yuen Long, is a military airfield for the People's

Liberation Army, which is of limited operating capabilities due to surrounding terrains.

The only aircraft operating on the airfield are PLA's Z-9 helicopters, which is the license-

built version of the Eurocopter Dauphin.

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Heliport at the Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal

Hong Kong has three heliports. Shun Tak Heliport (ICAO: VHST) is located in the Hong

Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal, by the Shun Tak Centre, in Sheung Wan, on Hong Kong

Island. Another is located in Southwest Kowloon, near Kowloon station. The other is

located inside Hong Kong International Airport.

Heli Express operates regular helicopter service between Macao Heliport

(ICAO:VMMH) on the Macau Ferry Terminal in Macau and the Shun Tak Heliport. There

are around 16 flights daily. Flights take approximately 20 minutes in the eight-seater


There are also a number of helipads across the territory, including the roof of the

Peninsula Hotel (which is the only rooftop helipad in the territory, excluding the rooftop

heliport of Shun Tak Centre and those in hospitals) and Cheung Chau Island, between

Tung Wan Beach and Kwun Yam Beach.


The entrance of the Cross-Harbour Tunnel, which is part of Route 1, in Hung Hom, Kowloon

The Eastern Harbour Tunnel is the second under-water tunnel across Victoria Harbour, and is part of Route 2.

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Tsing Ma Bridge, part of Route 8, is the world's longest rail and road suspension bridges.

Kap Shui Mun Bridge is a cable-stayed bridge connecting Ma Wan and Lantau Island, and is also part of Route 8.

There are a total of 1,831 km of paved highways in Hong Kong. These roads are built to

British standards with a maximum of three lanes with hard shoulders.

There are nine roads classified as highways in Hong Kong and were re-numbered from

1 to 9 in 2004. Routes 1 to 3 are in a north-south direction (with each crossing one of

the cross-harbour tunnels) while the others are in an east-west direction:

Route 1:

Southern District <> Causeway Bay <> Tsim Sha Tsui <> Mong Kok <> Sha Tin

Route 2:

Eastern District <> Kwun Tong <> Wong Tai Sin <> Sha Tin

Route 3:

Central & Western District <> Tai Kok Tsui <> Sham Shui Po <> Kwai Tsing <> Tsuen

Wan <> Yuen Long

Route 4:

Eastern District <> Causeway Bay <> Wan Chai <> Central & Western District

Route 5:

Kowloon City <> Wong Tai Sin <> Sham Shui Po <> Kwai Tsing <> Tsuen Wan

Route 7:

Tseung Kwan O <> Kwun Tong <> Wong Tai Sin <> Sham Shui Po <> Kwai Tsing

Route 8:

Sha Tin <> Kwai Tsing <> Lantau Island North <> Tung Chung <> Airport

Route 9:

Circular Route linking the whole New Territories ( Sha Tin, Tai Po, Northern District,

Yuen Long, Tuen Mun, Tsuen Wan )

Route 10:

Tuen Mun <> Nam Tei (Divided from Route 9) <> Ha Tsuen <> Deep Bay <> Shenzhen

Bay Bridge <> Shenzhen Bay Border Crossing <> Mainland China

Route 6 is a proposed highway, and is not yet built.

Highways are generally strategically placed to obstruct waterfront views, waterfront

access and to obstruct pedestrian access to hub rail stations.

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There are 120 CCTV cameras monitoring traffic on these highways and connecting

roads which are available on demand (now TV) and on the Transport Department's


Highways in Hong Kong use two types of barrier system for divided highways. Older

roads use metal guard rails and newer roads use the British Concrete step barrier.

All signage on highways and roads in Hong Kong are bilingual (traditional Chinese

below and English above). Street signs use black text on a white background. Highway

and directional signage are white lettering on blue or green background.

Bridges and tunnels

There are 12 vehicular tunnels in Hong Kong. They include three cross-harbour tunnels

and nine road tunnels.

The other road tunnels and bridges which are proposed or under construction are:

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (under construction)

Bus lanes

Bus termini

Admiralty (East) Public Transport Interchange

Central (Macau Ferry) Bus Terminus

Pokfield Road Bus Terminus

Kwun Tong Ferry Bus Terminus

Pedestrian infrastructure

Central Elevated Walkway

Lek Yuen Bridge

The entrance to the building of the Shenzhen Bay Control Point

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Berikut adalah nama lokasi pusat transportasi di Hong Kong yang beradah di bawah

naungan kantor Imigrasi HK:


Hong Kong International Airport

Heliport at the Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal


Lo Wu Control Point

Lok Ma Chau Control Point

Lok Ma Chau Station

Man Kam To Control Point

Sha Tau Kok Control Point

Shenzhen Bay Control Point

Kereta Api

Hung Hom Terminus (also called Kowloon Terminus)

West Kowloon Terminus (Proposed)


Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal

Hong Kong-China Ferry Terminal

Ocean Terminal

Tuen Mun Ferry Pier

Western Immigration Anchorage

Eastern Immigration Anchorage

Tuen Mun Immigration Anchorage

2. London (Eropa)

London dari udara

London telah dikenal untuk beberapa inovasi yang berkelanjutannya (sustainability

innovations), contohnya congestion tax, dan sistem trasnit nya yang baik. Bukan tidak

mungkin kelak kota ini menjadi pusat bagi para peneliti untuk melakukan riset yang

berpusat Imperial Collage, yang akan membahas transportasi, pemerintahan, bisnis,

akademik dan data konsumen dengan harapan menciptakan sebuah kota yang lebih

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efisien dan lebih inovatif lagi. Di waktu yang lain, London juga mengumumkan

hubungan kerjasamanya dengan O2 untuk meluncurkan jaringan Wi-fi terbesar di


Transportasi London membentuk hubungan antar jalan, jalur kereta dan jaringan

udara di Britania Raya. Kota ini memiliki intensitas kepadatannya sendiri dan

ekstensitas privasi intenal serta jaaringan transportasi publik, seperti menyediakan

Focal point untuk jalan-jalan nasional danjaringan kereta api. London juga memiliki

beberapa bandarra internasional termasuk salah satunya yandg adalah tersibuk

didunia, yaitu Heatrow dan sebuah pelabuhan. Sistem transportasi adalah salah satu

dari 4 lingkup pengawasan Mayor of London, yg ditangani oleh agen Transportasi untuk

London (Transport for London /TfL). TfL mengontrol transportasi publik di area tersebut,

termasuk daerah bawah tanah, bus London, Tramlink, Docklands Light Railway, dan

jasa kereta api di atas tanah; untuk jasa kereta api yang lain, bekerja sama dengan

perusahaan kerata api yg diawasi oleh Departemen Transportasi Nasional (Department

for Transport / DfT).

Berikut adalah beberapa alat transportasi yang digunakan di kota ini, beserta


1. Metro and light rail

TfL mengoperasikan 3 sistem jalur kereta api yang tidak berhubungan dengan jaringan

kereta api nasional. Adapun London Underground yang terbesar, beroperasi di sub

permukaan sehingga disebut "tube" lines. Yang terbesar kedua adalah jaringan pinggir

rel yang disebut London Overground, yang mengutamakan penggunaan garis

permukaan London dan yang terkecil otomatis adalah Docklands Light Railway yang

Metro rail

Seperti jaringan lainnya, cacat kereta api

bawah dan atas tanah (London's under-

and over-ground railways) adalah akan

tampak ke permukaan.

beroperasi di pusat, timur dan tenggara

London. Transport for London juga

mengoperasikan sistem Tramlink,

berpusat di Croydon.

light rail

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Mengingat volume penumpang yang

banyak, masalah ini bisa menjadi

penghambat waktu tempuh di perjalanan.

Namun sekarang masalah ini bisa diatasi

dengan pengenalan Tramlink dan proyek

kereta api lainnya seperti Cross rail


2. London Underground

London Underground's Jubilee Line at Green Park station.

Colloquially known as the Tube, London Underground is the oldest metro system in the

world, having begun operations in 1863. More than 3 million passengers travel on the

Underground every day, amounting to over 1 billion passenger journeys per year for the

first time in 2006.[3] The Underground has 11 lines, most of which connect the suburbs

to Central London and provide a distribution role around the city centre, particularly from

major railway terminals.

The Underground serves North London much more extensively than South London.

This is the result of a combination of unfavourable geology, historical competition from

surface railways and the historical geography of London which was focused to the north

of the Thames. South London is served primarily by surface railways (although it should

be noted that the majority of London Underground's route length is actually on the

surface rather than in tunnel).

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3. Docklands Light Railway

An automated Docklands Light Railway train at Heron Quays, in the Canary Wharf financial district.

The Docklands Light Railway (DLR) is an automated light rail system serving the

Docklands area of east London. It complements the Underground, largely sharing its

fares system and having a number of interchanges with it. It is focused on the Canary

Wharf business district, although this was not its initial objective upon its opening in


Partly thanks to the success of Canary Wharf, the system has expanded several times

and now has five main branches connecting the Isle of Dogs and Royal Docks to each

other and to the City of London, Stratford, Woolwich and Lewisham south of the river. It

also serves London City Airport and Stratford International. A further extension to

Dagenham Dock is being proposed.

4. Heavy rail

South Eastern Trains train at Greenwich station Eurostar trains at Waterloo International, replaced in November

2007 by St. Pancras

London merupakan focal point Jarngan kereta api Britania, dengan 18 stasiun yang

menyediakan kombinasi komuter, intercity, airport dan servis international; 14 of these

stations are termini and 4 are through stations. Most areas of the city not served by the

Underground or DLR are served by commuter heavy rail services into one of these

stations. These suburban rail services are not part of Transport for London (apart from

London Overground) but are owned and operated by a number of private rail firms.

The terminal stations are Blackfriars, Cannon Street, Charing Cross, Euston, Fenchurch

Street, King's Cross, Liverpool Street, London Bridge, Marylebone, Moorgate,

Paddington, St. Pancras, Victoria and Waterloo. The through stations are City

Thameslink, Old Street, Vauxhall, and Waterloo East

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5. Local and Regional

London is the centre of an extensive radial commuter railway network which, along with

Paris, is the busiest and largest in Europe, serving the surrounding metropolitan area.

Each terminus is associated with commuter services from a particular segment of this

area. The majority of commuters to central London (about 80% of 1.1 million) arrive by

either the Underground (400,000 daily) or by surface railway into these termini (860,000


Although the majority of services serve the termini, there are a few notable exceptions.

London Bridge has several through lines to the more central termini at Cannon Street

and Charing Cross, and trains to the latter also call at Waterloo East, linked to Waterloo

by a footbridge. London Bridge's through platforms are also used by the Thameslink

services of First Capital Connect, which cross the city centre, calling at Blackfriars

(another terminus with through platforms), City Thameslink, Farringdon and St Pancras

(via dedicated subterranean platforms, replacing King's Cross Thameslink). These

services run between the northern and southern suburbs, and between the more distant

towns of Brighton on the south coast and Bedford in the north.

In addition to its radial lines, there are also several orbital lines connecting parts of the

inner city to each other. The West London Line crosses inner west London and allows

services to run from the northwest suburbs to Croydon, Brighton and Gatwick Airport.

The North London Line arcs across North London from Richmond in the west to

Stratford in the east, and the Gospel Oak to Barking Line links inner North London to

the northeastern suburbs.

In November 2007, TfL took control of these orbital routes from the DfT and the inner-

suburban Watford DC Line services from Euston, manages them under the London

Overground brand, with train services run under private contract.

Work is also underway for extensions of the Underground's East London Line,

converting it into a heavy rail commuter line and linking its northern end to the North

London line, while extending its southern end across south London. These extensions

will eventually create a full circle through the inner suburbs, to be run on the London

Overground network brand.

Constantly increasing pressure on the commuter rail systems and on the Underground

to disperse passengers from the busy terminals has led to the multi-billion pound

Crossrail scheme. Superficially similar to the RER lines of Paris, Crossrail would link

services into Paddington in the west with Docklands and services out of Liverpool Street

in the east, by constructing twin 16-km tunnels underneath the city centre. New stations

would be provided at key city centre locations, linking to the Underground.

The growing overcrowding on commuter rail services has led to new ticket restrictions

on leisure travellers using cheaper tickets. Although morning peak restrictions for these

travellers have been commonplace for many years, evening peak restrictions are also

now coming into place. For example, First Capital Connect no longer allows cheaper

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tickets to be used on services departing London for destinations to the north outside

London in the evening peak (4.30 pm – 7.30 pm), and holders of cheaper tickets are

barred from some express First Great Western services from Paddington in the


London is also linked to Paris and Brussels in mainland Europe by High Speed 1 via the

Channel Tunnel. High-speed Eurostar trains connect the UK's high speed network to

Europe's. The Eurostar's London terminus is at St. Pancras International after

previously residing at Waterloo International. Along the way, it will serve Stratford

International (also in London) and two stations in the neighbouring county of Kent,

Ashford International (which it currently serves already) and Ebbsfleet International.

6. London Overground

London Overground is a collection of surface

and converted sub surface lines that will form

a circle around central London when the final

phase of construction is completed in

December 2012. The system is designed to

reduce stress from the inner city Tube network

by allowing commuters to travel across

London without going through Travel Card

Zone 1. It incorporates the oldest part of the Underground's history, the Thames Tunnel,

which was completed in 1843 and now carries the East London line under the River


7. Kinerja Jasa Bandara

Bandara Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted dilayani oleh jasa kereta api, dan juga

komuter. Jasa Heathrow Express dari Paddington disediakan oleh operator bandara,

BAA plc, sedangkan Gatwick Express dari Victoria dan Stansted Express dari Jalan

Liverpool disediakan oleh perusahaan kereta api. Bandara Heathrow secara

eksklusifdilayani oleh National Express' Shuttle Bus Service Dot2Dot, sebuah sistem

transfer bandara yang door-to-door. Harganya mulai dari £17.50 per penumpang –

biaya yang lebih murah daripada biaya taxi London, bahkan jika ada 3 – 5 penumpang

bisa mendapatkan taxi berlisensi di London dengan harga yang lebih murah serta

disediakan jasa door-to-door yang memenuhi kebutuhan Anda.

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3. Portland (Amerika)

Portland diperkirakan sebagai salah

satu pelopor di bidang transit publik.

Sistem nya terdiri dari area Free Rail –

area bawah tanah Portland dimana

Light rail dan street car gratis setiap

hari, sepanjang hari.

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Di negara maju, sistem transportasi nya pada umumnya tak hanya memanfaatkan

transportasi darat (di atas permukaan jalan saja), bahkan sudah merambat duniah bawah

tanah dengan sistem MRT nya itu, dan untuk trasnportasi di atas tanah nya pun jelas lebih

baik dari yang ad adi negara berkembang. Kapasitas, kecepatan, kenyamanan, layak

dihadiahkan acungan jempol pad amereka. Untuk transportasi udara, tak hanya pesawat

terbang, karna mereka telah memiliki aerial tram / sejenis kereta gantungnya. Sebenarnya

ini bisa dijadikan teladan bagi negara berkembang untuk bisa mengejar ketertinggalan ini

dan juga memperbaiki sistem yang telah diterapkan selama ini. Tinggal tugas pemerintah

dan warga nya saja lah untuk merealisasikan agar kelak di negara berkembang seperti

Indonesia ini kita bisa merasakan aneka transportasi umum dengan kulaitas baik tanpa

harus memadatijalan raya dengan kendaraan pribadai atu trasnportasi umum yang tak

layak pakai.

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