100 year war

100 YEAR WAR By Gage Albee

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100 year war. By Gage Albee. The war. England vs. France Edward III claimed rights to the French throne, which eventually lead to the war The one Hundred Years War raged from 1337 – 1453 The conflict actually lasted 116 years with several periods of peace. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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100 YEAR WARBy Gage Albee

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The war England vs. France Edward III claimed rights to the French

throne, which eventually lead to the war The one Hundred Years War raged from

1337 – 1453 The conflict actually lasted 116 years

with several periods of peace. All of the battles of the Hundred Years

War were fought in France

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Edward III Edward III was son to King Edward II of

England. transformed England into Europe's

strongest military power. Edward III's focus was mainly on warfare. he declared himself the rightful French

monarch and started the Hundred Years’ War.


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Weapons The French use of the crossbow was

advantageous due to the lack of skill needed to operate the weapon.

The longbow was a major advantage for the English. Which was already in major use before the war.

Gunpowder was later introduced into the war along with cannons.

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War of roses After the 100 year war the war of roses

began in 1455-1484 it was a series of civil wars England.

During the reigned of Henry VI, Edward IV, and Richard III. These wars were marked the ferocity and the brutality.

The families of York and Lancaster started this war for the throne.

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The white rose was a coat of arms of the house of York and the red was Lancaster's.

The major causes of this war are. Both houses were direct decedents of king

Edward III. The way king Henry VI ruled surrounding

himself with unpopular nobles was disgraceful.

The rebellion was more then half his kingdom. Many powerful lords had their own smaller

armies. The mental health of King Henry VI

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Both houses were direct descends of king Edward III so both thought they sound be in power.

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JOAN OF ARCBy: Hannah Lee

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Joan believed that god spoke to her through visions and that’s what made her leave home and go help Charles VII in his struggle against the English.

The voice also told her she would lead the French to victory.

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A fight for the throne During the Hundred year war a fight

broke out within the royal family. The house of Burgundy sided with the English against the house of Orleans.

In 1429 with the help of Joan of Arc Charles VII of Orleans was crowned king of France.

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Joan Joan is know for two main different

senses around the world. She is a saint who heard the voice of god,

and she is a young woman who lead men across the battle field with a leadership that few have seemed to matched in the following 550 years of her death.

Also called the “maid of Orleans”

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Great leadership Joan was know for her wonderful

leadership skills, after an arrow to the neck and surviving the next day she led her troops to the final charge.

With her type of leadership she was able to get near super-human results from her troops. Which led her to her victories.

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Joan’s Death A little after her victory of leading the

French troops against the English at Orleans she was captured by the English troops and was accused of heresy, tortured, and burned at the stake.

Today Joan is a catholic saint and a symbol of French patriotism.

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What is the magna carta

The Magna Carta is an English legal document written in 1215 Magna Carta protected the liberties of the nobles. It also provided a limited outline of rights for England's ordinary people the Magna Carta made the law the supreme power in England. And it also makes the king like his subjects he has to obey the law.

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How the Magna Carta came to be.

The reason for the magna carta was because king john demanded that the nobles pay more taxes to support his wars in France. Which the nobles thought to be a bad idea so they created an up rise forcing king john to accept a document known as the magna cart.

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Who created the Magna Carta

The magna carta was originally created by King John being forced to sign a document because he demanded that his noble should pay more taxes to fund a war in France so he signed a document known as the ‘ Magna Carta‘.

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Pictures of Magna Carta’s

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Facts on the Magna CartaBecause England's legal system was used as a model by many former colonies when they developed their own legal systems, the Magna Carta also had an impact on many other governments.

Its believe that the Magna Carta is one of the most important documents of all time

Originally called The Great Charter of the Liberties of England, and of the Liberties of the Forest (originally in Latin)

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Work cited