10 life lessons from superheroes!!!

10 Life Lessons Discover and Learn the Great Lessons From Superheroes

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10 Life Lessons From SUPERHEROES!!!


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10 Life LessonsDiscover and Learn the Great Lessons From


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“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” - Christopher Reeve

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Comic book characters are enjoying renewed popularity. Many leaped to film successfully, such as Batman, Spider-Man and the X-Men, and attracted audiences that don't read comics. Good stories also draw us into the characters and their situations. We can relate to them. We can learn from the ways characters fail or succeed in dealing with their circumstances :

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His red cape, blue tights, and sunny, uncompromising personality seem a little out of step with today's troubled superheroes. The 2006 movie "Superman Returns" plays up the parallels. When we learn Lois Lane wrote a piece titled, "Why the World Doesn't Need Superman," we understand that she's really questioning the need for faith in our cynical world. As it turns out, her world needs Superman after all.

Lesson # 1 : We Can Embrace Faith - Superman

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Peter Parker could earn loads of money with his peculiar talents. Instead, he's made superheroing his unpaid hobby. From the very beginning, Parker's motto has been "With great power comes great responsibility." That seems to echo Luke 12:48, but whether that biblical allusion is intended, there's no question that slinging webs isn't Spider-Man's job--it's his calling.

Lesson # 2 : We Can Accept Responsibility – Spider Man

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This "Dark Knight“ skulks about Gotham City like a goth gone wild--a troubled soul, nursing enough angst to fill a bat cave. But despite his problems (and the fact that he can't even fly), Batman manages to crawl out of bed every day and fight for what's right. "It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me," Batman says in 2005's "Batman Begins." Even fractured people can make a difference.

Lesson # 3 : We Can Make a Difference - Batman

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He's a literal demon, summoned by Nazis and bearing the Fist of Doom. Hellboy rejects his infernal lineage and is now a paranormal investigator working for the U.S. government. The lesson here? We make our own destiny, no matter what kind of baggage we're saddled with. And hey, if a demon can be redeemed, that leaves hope for the rest of us.

Lesson # 4 : We Can Be Redeemed – Hellboy

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The real hero is Bruce Banner, alter ego to this not-so-jolly-green giant. Banner becomes the Hulk when he gets really angry and, while Banner would like to be rid of him, sometimes the green dude can come in handy--like when the world is threatened by a powerful bad guy. Will Banner sacrifice his own happiness and allow the Hulk some face time? It'll be a pretty boring movie if he doesn't.

Lesson # 5 : We Can Sacrifice for the Greater Good – The Hulk

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Tony Stark's sinner-to-saint story could've come right out of the corner evangelical church: Amoral, womanizing businessman has near-death experience, sees the error of his ways, and decides to dedicate his life to better things. He even has a new power source--right near his heart. Only Stark becomes a flashy champion of justice. "I shouldn't be alive, unless it's for a reason.”

Lesson # 6 : We Can Champion Justice – Iron Man

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Their super-powerful abilities cut both ways, and many "normal" folks fear and loathe these freaks of nature, allowing storylines that explore racism, anti-Semitism, teen alienation, and the rights of gays and lesbians. But despite the prejudice they encounter, Professor Xavier's hardy band of do-gooders continues to do good, working together to conquer their enemies when they could be on the couch like the rest of us.

Lesson # 7 : We Can Overcome Prejudice – X-Men

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The moment The Incredibles decided to put their abilities to good use, they were empowered. They were no longer afraid, no longer timid, they were set free. If you are not blessing the world, if you are hiding somewhere trying to be "ordinary", you'll start to shrink little by little. But as you decide that it is time to do what you were born to do, you immediately start to grow and become more powerful.

Lesson # 8 : We Can Become More Powerful – The Incredibles

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She is able to stop the bad guys—even convince them to reform—without ever killing. Her gender-bending strength and power is matched only by her compassion as she fights for freedom. Nor do we have her magic lasso to “convert” the bad guys. Wonder Woman responds, “With its great gift, I can change human character; I can make bad men good, and weak women strong.”

Lesson # 9 : We Can Change Human Character – Wonder Woman

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 The Green Lantern Corps are an inter-galactic police force dedicated to protecting sentient life in every form, established thousands of years ago by the Guardians. Officers are chosen for their ability to overcome great fear and given a power ring fueled by the strength of their willpower, the mightiest weapon in the universe. They teach us that hope, without will power is nothing.

Lesson # 10 : We Can Fight With Willpower – Green Lantern

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Thank You Very MuchSompong Yusoontorn