10 core psychic abilities

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  • 8/3/2019 10 Core Psychic Abilities


    2009 Sara Wiseman, www.sarawiseman.com. All rights reserved.Content not for reproduction, transmission or publication without author consent.

  • 8/3/2019 10 Core Psychic Abilities


    2009 Sara Wiseman, www.sarawiseman.com. All rights reserved.Content not for reproduction, transmission or publication without author consent.

    Welcome! My bookWRITING THE DIVINE: HOW TO USECHANNELING FOR SOUL GROWTH & HEALING will be out withLlewellyn very soon (November 2009), and it contains everythingyou need

    to know to develop your psychic abilities, right down to the nitty gritty. Until

    then, this mini-course will help you learn more about your own innate

    psychic abilities (and yes, you do have them!) Questions? Stop by

    www.sarawiseman.com, and tell me whats on your mind.

    Lesson OneWhat is the ONE simple secret to psychic opening?Okayhang onto your helmetsbecause this answer may surprise you!

    The most important key to developing psychic ability is direct connection. Bydirectconnection I mean a direct, two-way communication between you and the Divine, the universe,

    God, the All, the One, Jesus, Buddha, Amma, the collective soulwhatever name you want to give

    he, she, it or them.

    This is so important, I want to say it again!

    The doorway to psychic abilitythe way you get from here to thereis through directconnection.

    The good news is, that means getting there is very, very easy.

    Great, you say. Thanks for the pointerbut how am I supposed to learn this direct

    connection thing, anyhow? I mean, two-way connection between me and the Divine? Me talking to

    God/the universe/the All? And receiving a clear answer back?


    If you are a person who prays, you already have some experience.

    If you are person who meditates, you already have a feel for it.

  • 8/3/2019 10 Core Psychic Abilities


    2009 Sara Wiseman, www.sarawiseman.com. All rights reserved.Content not for reproduction, transmission or publication without author consent.

    If you are a person who finds themselves blissed out when you listen to certain music, or

    when you hang out in nature just listening to the breeze blow, you already know what this state

    feels like.

    I call this these sort of trance-like activities locking into the hum. And if you can do

    thatyou can do any psychic technique you please.


    Lesson TwoWhy do you want to be psychic anyhow?

    Pencils ready? Please take the following quiz:

    I want to develop my psychic abilities to:a) Win the lottery and move to Barbadosb) Wee what my future isc) Get a cable TV show and make a bazillion bucks as Madame Zorbad) All of the abovee) None of the above

    Of course, I know you answered e) None of the above, which is the correct answer! Ding,

    ding, ding! Congratulations. We have a winner! Thats because both the cause and the effect of

    psychic development is.drum roll please.soul growth.This was made quite clear to me when I channeled THE 33 LESSONS as part of my book

    WRITING THE DIVINE in spring 2008, and experience a complete psychic opening in the

    process. Thats rightfrom soccer mom to psychic in two short months.

    Let me tell you, it was a wild ride!

    There I sat, huddled on the sofa with my laptop, receiving a steady stream of spiritual

    teachings similar to Course in Miracles or what Neale Donald Walsch received when he wrote

  • 8/3/2019 10 Core Psychic Abilities


    2009 Sara Wiseman, www.sarawiseman.com. All rights reserved.Content not for reproduction, transmission or publication without author consent.

    Conversations with Godover 120 pagesand the most important of all was the purpose of lifeis soul growth.

    Clear. Simple. Unavoidably true.

    From that moment on, Ive understood that the reason were here on earth is not to

    achieve, not to have more stuff, not to lose that last 20 pounds, not to make more money, but to

    understand we are all One, to connect deeply with each other, to open our hearts with

    compassion, and to work through our soul lessons as best as we can.

    So, be forewarned: if youre looking for psychic development so you can see the future, or

    find missing objects, or practice astral projection, all this will happen. But every time you practice

    and/or use your psychic abilities, you will be connecting deeply to the place where the Divine

    resides. You will be creating a direct connection.

    This is the real stuff. And it will change your life.

    Lesson Three What are the 10 core psychic abilities?

    Lets take a look at psychic abilities. Different folks may have a different list than mine, but

    from my own practice and research, heres what Ive discovered.

    1. Clairvoyance or the art of psychic seeing. If you are clairvoyant, you will be able to seepictures in your head or movies in your mind. Some people see in what I call their

    minds eye; others see visions. You might also see images that are symbolic, such as

    dollar sign for money. You might see spirit guides or angels, or the physical vision of

    people whove died. Basically, folks who are clairvoyant receive the bulk of their

    information visually.

  • 8/3/2019 10 Core Psychic Abilities


    2009 Sara Wiseman, www.sarawiseman.com. All rights reserved.Content not for reproduction, transmission or publication without author consent.

    2. Clairaudience, or the art of psychic hearing. If youre clairaudient, youll hear things. Youmay hear from spirit guides, angels or other entities. You may hear a voice outside your

    head, or a voice in what I call your minds ear. You may hear words as if theyre

    coming in on a radio. You may hear music. If you are strongly clairaudient, you will have

    especially good luck with channeled writing.

    3. Clairsentience, the art of psychic feeling. If you can feel the energy in a room or in acrowd, or if you can sense the vibe, youre clairsentient. You may take the energy of

    others into your body, either absorbing it or being affected by it. If you just know

    stuff, thats another core ability of clairsentientsyou dont know why, you dont see it

    or hear it from another source, you just know. This deep knowing is amazingly

    accurate, and not to be messed with! If you are clairsentient, you receive through

    emotion and physical feeling.

    4. Channeling. Channels move aside to allow themselves to be spoken through orcommunicated through by other entities. For example, I am channel who receives via

    channeled writing from a spirit guide named Constance, and others. Esther Hicks is a

    channel who receives in spoken voice from an entity known as Abraham. If youre a

    channel, chances are good you already know it.

    5. Mediumship. Mediums have the ability to communicate with deceased people andspirits. Most mediums have had this ability since a very young age, but some may

    develop it later.

    6. Remote viewing is similar to clairvoyance, but more specific. You are able to see aspecific object that is hidden, far away or secretyou can see it clearly, describe it fully,

  • 8/3/2019 10 Core Psychic Abilities


    2009 Sara Wiseman, www.sarawiseman.com. All rights reserved.Content not for reproduction, transmission or publication without author consent.

    and so forth. If you can do remote viewing, you can probably get a great job with a

    detective agency or a classified department in the government!

    7. Astral projection. People who astral project are able to move their spirit or energy todifferent places, while their bodies stay put. Its not the same as dreaming, because its

    done consciously. For example, if I astral project to a place, Ill be able to see fully the

    environment, buildings, go inside buildings, look clearly at things in and around the

    room, etc. Astral projection can also be done on the plane of time, rather than just

    space (past, future, etc). I believe this ability is related to past life regression (seeing

    your past life) or precognition (seeing the future).

    8. Energy healing All psychics are energy workers. They understand how to work withand use energy, especially for clearing, releasing, manifesting and healing. If you are an

    energetic healer, you will be able to sense energy in another persons body. You may

    be able to tell if they are sick, and where (medical intuition). You may be able to use

    your hands or your mind to clear someones energy, or to heal them. Your hands may

    get hot and twitchy when you feel like you are ready to heal. You may have physical

    reactions such as shuddering, body temperature changes and more.

    9. Spiritual knowing. Some folks have a deep, innate spirituality that they havent learned,they havent been taughtit just is for them. Many of these are our great masters

    and teachers, our saints and holy beings.

    10. More to come! We dont know everything. Were evolving as beings. Our children,especially, are showing a huge amount of new psychic development. If youre

    experiencing something thats not on this list, Id love to hear about it.

  • 8/3/2019 10 Core Psychic Abilities


    2009 Sara Wiseman, www.sarawiseman.com. All rights reserved.Content not for reproduction, transmission or publication without author consent.

    You may find you have strong abilities in one area at first, and once you learn how to use

    those abilities, you may begin to open, and soon have abilities in many areas. Sometimes, this can

    happen very fast! Fast or slow, it can be a process that is very exciting, sometimes confusing, and

    may shake you to your core.

    When my bookWRITING THE DIVINE: HOW TO USECHANNELING FOR SOUL GROWTH & HEALING is available (youllfind it on Amazon and in bookstores in November 2009), you can learn

    the how tos for most of these skills above, along with how to do

    channeled writing. Until then, I am thrilled that you are embarking on this

    path of psychic development and soul growth. It will change your lifeandit will change the world. If you have questions on private training, workshops and more, visit me at
