1 worn t - . i'p1nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031155/1868-07-28/ed-1/seq-1.pdfthe hei itu...

i i .1 i h* ;l- -rl'% - ’i. f 4) iiV m il : if'! i V • f - ’M worn ’(o.!']l' ‘ ■■ ■ : -r'i ‘ " I M I'i .■H F K ICLodge.-, ii i'ti; , M are .dauce.’ F':* , 4 F |;-f: .-■■I:-; MSEM PUBLISHED BY J. H. SEL|CPEG--T|e : ] ? ’■ l|i.8t4 anidi^br the firei 3 ks th& thermometer th e Bhacle.- luv-iti-jes. in Ithaca the gar- JengtarjSTiearhRyisId^^ - Heayy rains have ih(^en experienced South anil in some parte of fhe 13 ast, -recently.' In Baltimore, on Friday, there was a terribleraih which rproduced ajflodd, and it is .estimated that! property was destroyed to the amount of ,islt^.cioo. Severall jlives wer^ lost. -In !^ew, York ahd Brobklynjion Saturday last, there ^Ihte'ainiendellgaipelawwii he f6und on the'thirdpage pf tlie J otjkxal this week.— ,^m^Qggjjjtgj.ggteii to ils inient, in ‘Ge- of Trumanshurgh, in ___ County, delivered the poeik. Thp Gene- ya Courier] speaks in, |iigh praise of its merits. Thfe poem, T hichUot course, was espec- ^^!|d^ed=to'l^b^ ia^neiy^riG ten. It cohtams'm^y ahd it 5vas greatiy -engoyedjby those who" under- stood the force of ,the allusions. It was al- ' " i t is^ ?eld- so j\yejl read. In , , poem is so wejll del|vered as ildOm thM , was Mr. JIat.- UBUiau, J-n.ru. _ ___-lectures in that State, jvith great suc- cess,- -TJiei ^ul ivan'co. Dembcrat, says of a course delivered in La Porte. i :'The lectstt-es were'highly enteiiaiiiing and insliructiTe- knd were a satisfactory guaranty ti^t&feiOoGtoi is a phorough Waster of his Wd^lssldhi Be ing ai graduate! of one of ;the bes|>i3 i^icddn 8titufe^ country, alid bdtiiaiW Wrfeet gentleman^ w would |not iiesitatejto lcc < >mmend Ms adyice and servi- '-' Fpersdas ifflichd' with t|isedse iii any The 'Doctor Ispeaks -thd • Gprpian lani. is-M present iecturmhvat SQuesr- Wage.’ He is j it present lecturing at Som Muncy; j _ . \‘ Accident. * horse, of Ilr, S. ,H. )ming down thdhill' ^ l^idic; wodp wist in "IWy were both, thrown i)nt. Dr. Sherwood | es- caping avith but few -bruises, w hile; the-! FishWHW <bf ' i r , . P e W .was Wsiockted and he[w: - ' - L«Stild,cr. j j . . , ■’ —1 ----- r------ i" jjwas consid ;rably bruised I otherwise.- .L d .-o,d .,;e Ir. C. E. Bishop, 1 ...jipess 'ijmnigembnl- of the Jamestown Journal, blit St 11 retains his'jiosition as chief J gWph ,J o ^ s has? i4 tired< from 'the Miisville iiM rtisbr,; leavihgfMr. A. O. Bun- NEilLi the Wle edifo'r and prop^^^ Mr.-,CHAs. €.F.Pa| s 3^ ^ hjas: resumed ;his- -editWial th0| Eimir.a Adye] tiserj an arrangemWt that adds new interest to that excelled journal and,will prove high- ly satisfactoryito it^ numerous patrons. D.' S. ,Bruher4 W® withdrawn from ith® firra of Bbuker Bros-» oftir® Orleans Ainbri- Gah-iahdpkv^ tM to in charge hf H.: A, '"enjesee county, on tlieqyon- lit twelve years of the disGhl %e of a «)cW t- -Tae rocket ll^clbebn fired, but it failed to as- cend, an^ was taken down and placed in ra-’i horizQutkl po'sitio,ij. A moment thereafter rocket sped in- to the crowd, 'strilsmg and entering the breast of the girl. One ; of her lungs >Avas ptme- tured b^iie She died the^nexl m,prn- Coi/^ ■W elch isj rapidjy bringing to com sationdlpro- lis to On punda3^W®i’“ “ S ’ i*®* j W®® son of C: L. Grant, Em ., awoke frnding the wlnd6|W of his rdbi^ at his father’s house pWh, U d an<eyaminaWivj4 ® f# thU tif pockets-of hik^^ rifled 'of a sift,all s'um d^ Wd th0, kejTs of the storeand safe! ffhe burglar lost .me store key wlide | |Wttipg f^W Wuid(|W and theiefor^| did| not subbed ift rea'chmg thfeisafe,'- / . ; i | •. ' ' ' . |eyqnfrg la8:t,,whUe go Th^saM e .Mglifr-'a bui-glar attemjpted to bn?th“ * ’ WBpever.foWdjtde-J rater'tUo;%FKtbIO; B^y.WRis,.^ rora street; He was seen by Mrs. C. by ben -he raked the' wiftt W aftd was chdeaVor- ing akher to; enteiyovirWcA 'th^ : of Mi|'|G... %8- G.gavdthe aiarni. whe^ the: scouMrei fled., . r ' i ' . ,F j. 4- ' The office d f .A,. was ehtered Bi® sameWgW'”;ftd-*wo te,Bireei: ddUml sttqlW! from^Fkdi’aSWf*^!!®^ not.-OTefted. 4 '.i' F , '”4 I - 1- Fr . 4:;;- ' XT,. On Thursday last, ovlr pwp|e y^f® pdfilW'. Eict^ee i i»n6||dt>o at SrnNca.Srha =aR*|.| 1 j, ' by a kegram from:Wonyillk that "Wm. L eona Rp;'-w,hoi hadilefl; fpy theilfbrffi WOe jWas Ijost The suspense of his.family and "hiendpbWs ok S^tufday, by anbthcr d^patch annpuncjftg that ihe; 'was safe and woiild return k Sfonday. * * ' I- 'D rp:Jght. .|j J -4'' -i 'I- ; Qn pficliy ijOvenm^^ rhoyning |last, vye bad slight, showei’k k t the giyiundFis. :v,ery dry andgardens esp®®is^4^ -s|ifibrftiff batllyj ■■■ . J .. j. . management |of the • PWplc’s '■ Gpllege^ at Ha-^ vana-4 -n0 w known as| ffiq, Masonic Oiphan .AByluin. The GraM BodW litas V ld com- nfittee made|ian ‘dnvestigHtibftdii^^^ thd parties In -possep^ takp. chaiW of the-premises., ,Jt p propcsed to rpnpVate, reiiivigorate,l iftkgftniziB’ a n l start kek ; , i . , [Schuyier Cpnn]ly IDem;, ^ Small Paragraphs. TenW erature,iike;m ^i^;i^ disiagfeea- hie'wlien it gets veiy high. . | y 40 pimon Of; a cynical hackelor-rrrHkjtvdmaifc m usf lliavi cil%ei‘ ;PQodl,es i d f tkMesl. I asda^i choicei of evilketthenyhitvebWi®8‘ 1 y ^ Thq best iiassage for soundk—the briidgeiof ,violih.; •• i - t- -I 4 ; ' , -t .How to develop the imaginfttion^Get Ahe delirhimitryM 4:;*i ;V ^ F| Thej breeze children |c1ete£ t—A spankii|g In 0 ^ AflujnnS'to-day .riltbo found,tho advoctie 'nient oflHarper’p Weekly Avbich is sp deserA'e^y popa- lar, t h at's eiEcejeBsi^'fQnner prece- dent Weiayitetoittk^ '. /bfflckrs Meetirig^ I j ' : .The.dMef®pgineeLA,As8’i'E a g fe tlkej'orer men'of jthet.several q6m p^ dfi jl e Ithaca Fire (De- partment, will meet at the Assembly Room OfiToraa-; do, No.b, k-EnSay.evening df thib’week, tJuly'Slst,) iening. o f .this week, (July atSq'clhcKj forthe t^ ^ c tio n ofk^^ 4 | 1 . I F B:R 4wiijftATtfSyeMefEni:k . . 'ty AgriCTdtmral Society, Jjel'd attbe Itiaca Ho- tel, OH Sat^day, August ls|, 1 ^ ; afonie o’cloiiik Pi MF; , A|gerjeral attendance of the ^ parUciilarly smlested to makearrahlfementf dbai; Mur Mnsclejild etry; Are You a'Romanists' what A change Of heart ?. 'Phreinolb ry; 'iekiOhlk its and Bryto-diMnscle ahdSnblijhftJ’^ '- - ' r.,„ eity; Are'Yoda Romanists? .4LfyfngJ6raEinpo[6e4 ITHACA ^dt Lots of GUt Wall Rap* at half price,. ^ dyal Picturt for.Phbt -nfeaM if' Mb , mouiera yyayever iu>uiu,i.ut<jaa\/^wj ’'ihW--npoh;.theineedy'Ihinil^ ff-l} 'i'jT , -Paya;p4ki9td*^ attentl^^^^ over. ennisTiAKCB & 'S6if>( ’ Wypu wish a set.qf fl inktnral! go to STBWXR-r’s 'D' TiAKOB &Son, 66 East State JjbpSE T O R E ^__^ J»^wk^€mmgdtpm ana 1 ^oi^ssfon .given .ist An^Sj,..' JJO W A R D & SPiiNC "' FttrhUure ■ wk/hie^ rjl - HOME ^Onr^^ck is now completej i \ - ■ . ':Sp : ^^up|kiii^of tJ^iste^^ I C ake'^rici ;P a r|i »r cni^rth.-F I xsdLscrIpti|ni.a ^.aud:at mod' ratevpr I B u sonable t.oimS,bana alw a^^ i 'l l State Street.3 jyjISS M. J. DRAKfijs SciiilO T \M f Corner- 0i';Clfdeu and Gfn«va The PaU'Verm tv UI begin on H6ia>AT!i||i ,|^(w ithac8) p e r ,^ u iu , Of$8.Q0 .pe | diiarlei illei ]ju, -j^ly 18,1868, ; ' /j . ' :A'$u'^edt'fpn-': - . It%;|l|ett»r at the piesent hm^ there is no pre- valent dlsca^se to do everything posfeible to prjeserve the hei ItU of onr citizens'’ , yhan tb vi-ait till we are visi- ted w itlau epidemic- The Rpard of Health Will en- .force f( irmOr ortlihance8,;.but Ltiesii;e to urge upon eye- ry inihl’kdnaLthe importance bf reyoying,aU;aCCuinula- llona'oflfllth as far as possible andthen apply limO, chloride of limev sbfutiph o feppRMas .a ic aeidUihlBUch (juahtities bhat there can nbtlhiiigj re- main tot rendor the £^hr ilaiter impure.. Let Ihcre' be' general lck-operaknVAnd effort in tkis niatter. ' ' I ” ; ' S. P. SACKETT, Health-Officer. - Ithacijiily 33, i868- . | ' j . j ■better: ' 1 NotwithslaMing ffi'flie: .piMiig ibr othennac^es, I'cr and Rakef‘?eiwng';^aciiipe,ilB sell|ng t?|dk . v k k f hayp Hie ^resdhR'yddj’j’ ladieshavdkadj4kpo®k®tspicked of their and contents. This new species of is g^Hi^jaltpitehef! too comifton: ' ■walldts villany -Nearly _ _____ _ c a n i Env,eio4es,” the •Stampd’' both white and; colored, .very handsome,'.'at Mi'ss-AbKnEY’s News Epom. ,o„ r d k e n k and is about removing to New Tprk'^i will sell Mb hojiBeliold i;oodB, &c.r at auction, on Thursday', , “cR fm ; nexkJjily 80th. Among the property, will befofmd U^jon the ground.— carpets: crocK'y, fumituie, horse and carriage, and har- ivertiier, on Thursday *g ” t erecting a ;omer okposite'^ to steal ahorse t, a youn^man seHdbly,ifnot: 3d|5,000 worth of these machines Were sold by it in;this place in ; over. $10,000. worth sold in 18^1 and'more than dqnble the npmher sold thus rkthie year than ii' the cofresi^nding months of last year.'-:but of between ajO^andAgOiraachines :sold, noti oheH Som er is dissatisfled or Willing to exchange for' Miyk # r machlnei unless bribed or paid for recom- ice pllltchers, *c. | ': Outijeiders, who want an Ice Eitfiher or Butter C!ool- j er this |hl)t weather or anyj other kind of Silver Plated ^a*e., will find an extensive assprtment of such goods; of exceulnt quaBty, and at very reasonable prices by' calling |at Hbi Clarks Jewelry| Store, comer State -ahR R i^ Theyare heavily plated on White Ijffolklv land made by the^hest Manufacturers' hi the ITnited States; such as Rogers Brothers, and Merida tahhia, 9®’®- therefore warrant them to he’ quality.' hi re and give him a call. T ^ipread of thkpopnlh-and'invigoratiiig^j^me of- Croquil' has heCii retarded by the price? [hiffiertp’ :cM^e|'fprOroq^^ Cplsi But A sorcs, McCrah,' & 'G.Oi, onllvnn-^laAi-n oR cri^lh Irtw TivninPD all; .eip^CiiLtor, $\(m. ■ mm , . ^ 5 ,00 r,'E .M .H A L L , CleVk. sets'v<|ry cheap. Also a large number of patterns of 5 OOjjOOO CuMtomeria I jAfie y Hav^g the largest capitHl, liiqet ip ei kud QxtousiTe trade 6f ahy cdnccifil m jl - O n e' 13 ollaif P igHMMER,|80- ■I'- ji.li 1 - 4 J! I ' M III iSIlM '4 4 ^' ; i Bvilf-i EIff iii I ■'!‘ ^’ 4 m foiU: ' !. ,4i p.riM . Hill: 4>Wi ;-8 4f 1 t i fm . ^^‘! iir i4.44 * 1- - , .4 ,1 f f l :■ if ;l: t I’ !]p!ysi;'EVBli. ' If if' 'll' \ " . - r % till. ^ '" ■ 4 - , t|K .piAj^OS! PIANOS! | ill P arlor P iar - ■■■ , .IN 'I '! W IL O U S Will continue to keep on |lanai4j|a*’^® 'iiii » |s | p : p M S T W J E W ’^^M^^ lof' 4 il 'wm LESS THAN NEVO ■iiwWaaPaperabd;CaothShades, vciy cheap., Pic: tnrekframed on short notice. Stereoscopic views of the best assortment of gold pens’in Om | ket: ;- AsDRua, McGbxik & Co., have also redneec price in Binding h^agazines, and can bind them 01 T^OTJCEINBANJ J3 I Of the United S pibhiM 4 & l !4 , Mfmm* . , J :44 m - i'iit ;cHs of Ithaca r i i f . Wlfeils aHl tiiiB i: i' *igi 't)fatk:'Ithaca47Btyi.gf, .IS of' jf •., themAt i l St REOEiv: aOMFLFTF A^mBTMFIfT I'P1 11" y. &40&^ licdlomitj 1 wccK........ t-. i ” '!?**-:::: : IT- DtpiS 9N;^:^HA’¥rK iN s;& Go. iJusi -;K W DRESS > ;4 r 4.- '■ ■4 . ',4:':, ;4o,.. GOODS Ip^e^py ■ij: I : :-4 •Lawiis, rv prgati^k^; ' /'d : W |ite h n d O f e jr td iPrsailles, Piquf rr s i 4 FercallSes/' I i, j- . . f& ci ■■ i: L i j’b t Zppliji, ;!.4 Bera^^ ]&Gr 3iiandii3 j0, : 4 i'4 Bom SACKINGS, FA1IC4- ]' 4*^ : . . . . . . , ' . ' i f .' F. an d 1 i '- d d ''''' .p l j . l ■/■■■• 4-■ ;|;i ' . '''i,:-. .’r-l 4 4ii' 4 ;:v||;F?|:f<i I -!,,pNDLAST,Bkp,^03 •rd' f '4 ' l.d d I h .. 4.f: -ilte'I » I::;;:;:::;:;:;:::’:::;:::-:';;; - > 1 ' . | “-"■*“-‘f k ; F f 44 :4 ;;444 ;i 4 |;; x - - ..i a Aleeting to bi r the'^fgurth of Alugust ] ' Of Jolinson’s Cabinet, Seward, tScho- ' I ;fie|d, Evarts and McCulloeb. siipport; iiantand Colfax; Ranaall-is neutral, while Welles and the other fellow en-. dorses the President ftom day to day, ewfttiHistances reqhu-e. ^ . j Ar exchange says : “Gen. Grant and - ' the Democracy have done a good deal \ f j i m ofHioi^io Seyiiiouf, SiTit EM c '^P: Blaip. Mllhey mU b^^ early imNoyember.• • . 1 --------- - >- |Mr.S.S.,Cox says of Horatio Seymour, - . : 3k and Rlair^ 4 ; i brass candlestipk ancVRlair’s nose. (e.i ; 1 .- montn. -ffcsne was a; oeantiiui a n a ' a c - ■' complished woman, and miich beloved ■ . ‘T . '•: > w 4 ' j 4 '4>1 Pho-M xlrk Works, .u , ttflH) , fm t m riTUsI * BOSTWICK'S. [atcH,:m.'.>-:;4 ,:4n-.4 . -f~ 4 4 BoffmanFs Cigar Store. BENRV HOF f S h AN W0 ' ^ S.V. THOMPSON. . Thi6HouscisnowpronoMiced.by the most fwiidj .M ’ f4 - •v]' '.-.4 id line, A; GOOD GIN( d]i ylFriiF- In ; 43|

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, M are .dauce.’

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M S E MP U B L I S H E D B Y J . H . S E L | C P E G - - T | e

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l|i.8t4 anidi^br the firei 3ks th& thermometer

the Bhacle.-

luv-iti-jes. i n Ithaca the gar-JengtarjSTiearhRyisId^^ -

Heayy rains have ih(^en experienced Southanil in some parte of fhe 1 3 ast, - recently .' In Baltimore, on Friday, there was a terrib leraih w hich rproduced ajflodd, and i t is .estimated that! property was destroyed to the amount of ,islt^ .cioo. Severall jlives wer^ lost. -In !^ew, York ahd Brobklynjion Saturday last, there

^ Ih te 'a in ie n d e llg a ip e law w ii he f6und on th e 'th ird p ag e p f tlie J otjkxal this week.—

,^m^Qggjjjtgj.ggteii to ils

inient, in ‘Ge- of Trum anshurgh, in

___County, delivered the poeik. Thp Gene-ya Courier] speaks in, |iigh praise of its merits.

’ Thfe poem, T hichUot course, was espec-^ ^ ! | d ^ e d = t o ' l ^ b ^ i a ^ n e i y ^ r i Gten. I t c o h ta m s 'm ^ y ahd it5vas greatiy -engoyedjby those who" under­stood the force of ,the allusions. I t was al- ' " i t is ?eld-so j\yejl read. In , ,

poem is so wejll del|vered asildOm thM

, was Mr. JIat.-

UBUiau, J-n.ru. ____-lectures in that State, jvith great suc­

cess,- -TJiei ^ul ivan 'co . Dembcrat, says of a course delivered in La Porte. i: 'T h e lectstt-es w ere'highly enteiiaiiiing and

insliructiTe- knd were a satisfactory guaranty ti^t&feiOoGtoi i s a phorough W aster of his Wd^lssldhi Be ing ai graduate! of one of ;the bes|>i3 i ^ i c d d n 8t i t u f e ^ country, alidbdtiiaiW Wrfeet gentleman^ w would |not iiesitatejto lcc< >mmend Ms adyice and servi-

'-' Fpersdas ifflichd' with t|isedse iii any The 'Doctor Ispeaks -thd • Gprpian lani.

is-M present iecturmhvat SQuesr-W age.’ H e is j it present lecturing at Som

Muncy; j _ . \ ‘A c c id e n t . *

horse, of I lr , S. ,H. )ming down th d h ill '

^ l^ id ic ;w odp w ist in "IWywere both, throw n i)nt. Dr. Sh e r w o o d | es­caping avith bu t few -bruises, w h ile ; the-!

FishWHW <bf ' i r , . P e W .was Wsiockted and he[w : - ' -

L«Stild,cr. j j . . , ■’ — 1-----r------ i"jjw as consid ;rably bruised I otherwise.-

. L d .-o ,d .,;eIr . C. E . B ishop, 1...jipess 'ijm nigem bnl- of the JamestownJo u rn a l, b l i t St 11 re ta in s h is 'jio s itio n as ch ief

J gWph ,J o s has? i4 tired< from 'theM iisv ille iiM rtisb r ,; leavihgfMr. A. O. Bun- NEilLi the Wle edifo'r and prop^^^

Mr.-,CHAs. €.F.Pa| s 3^ ^ hjas: resumed ;his- -editWial th0| Eimir.a Adye]tiserj an arrangem W t th a t adds new in terest to th a t excelled journal and,w ill prove high­ly satisfactoryito it^ numerous patrons.

D.' S. ,Bruher4 W® withdraw n from ith®firra of Bbu k er Bros-» oftir® Orleans Ainbri- G ah-iahdpkv^ t M t o in charge h f H.: A ,

'" e n je se e co u n ty , o n tlieq y o n -lit twelve years of

th e disGhl % e o f a « )c W t--Tae rocket ll^clbebn fired, bu t it failed to as­cend, an^ was taken down and placed in ra-’i horizQutkl po'sitio,ij. A moment thereafter

rocket sped in­to the crowd, 'strilsmg and entering the breast of the girl. One ; o f her lungs > Avas ptme- tured b ^ i ie She died the^nexl m,prn-

■ Coi/ ■Welch isj rapidjy bringing to com


l i s to

On punda3^W®i’“ “S ’ i*®* j W®® sonof C: L. Grant, Em ., awoke frnding the wlnd6|W of his rdbi^ at his father’s housepWh, U d an<eyaminaWivj4 ® f #thU t i f pockets-of hik^rifled 'o f a sift,all s'um d^ W d th0,kejTs of the s to r e a n d safe! ffhe burglar lost .me store key wlide | |W ttipg f^ W Wuid(|W and theiefor^| did| no t su b b ed iftr e a 'c h m g th fe isa fe ,'- / . ; i | •. ' ' ' . | e yqnf r g la8:t,,whUe go

Th^saMe .Mglifr-'a bui-glar attemjpted to bn?th“ *’ WBpever.foWdjtde-J rater'tU o;% FK tbIO ; B^y.W Ris,.^ rora street; He was seen by Mrs. C. by ben

-he raked the' wiftt W aftd was chdeaVor- ing akher to; enteiyovirWcA 'th^

: of M i|'|G ... % 8- G .g a v d th e aiarni. whe^ the: scouM rei f led ., . r ' i ' . ,F j. 4-' The office d f . A,.was ehtered Bi® sameWgW'”;ftd-*wo te,Bireei:ddUml sttqlW! from^Fkdi’aSWf*^!!®^ not.-OTefted. 4 • '.i' F , ' ”4 I -

1- F r . 4:;;- ' XT,.On Thursday last, ovlr pwp|e y^f® pdfilW'.


i i»n6||dt>o at SrnNca.Srha =aR*|.| 1 j, '

b y a k e g ra m from :W onyillk that "Wm. L eo n a Rp;'-w,hoi hadilefl; fpy theilfbrffi WOe

jWas Ijost The suspense of h is.fam ily and "hiendpbW s ok S^tufday,

by anbthcr d ^ p a tc h annpuncjftg th a t ihe; 'wassafe and woiild return k Sfonday. * * ' I-'D r p : J g h t . .|j J -4'' -i 'I -; Qn pficliy ijOvenm^ rhoyning|last, vye bad slight, showei’k k t th e giyiundFis. :v,ery dry andgardens esp®®is^4 -s|ifibrftiffbatllyj ■■■ . J .. j. .

management |o f the • PW plc’s '■ Gpllege^ a t Ha-^ vana-4 -n0 w know n as| ffiq, Masonic Oiphan .AByluin. The G raM BodW litas V l d com- nfittee made|ian ‘dnvestigHtibftdii^^^ thd parties In -possep^ ta k p .chaiW of the-premises., , J t p propcsed to rpnpVate, reiiivigorate,l iftkgftniziB’ a n l start k e k ; , i . , [Schuyier Cpnn]ly IDem;, ^S m a l l P a r a g r a p h s .

T e n W e r a tu r e , i i k e ;m ^ i^ ; i ^ disiagfeea- hie'w lien it gets veiy high. . | y

4 0 pimon Of ; a cynical hackelor-rrrHkjtvdmaifcm usf lliavi cil%ei‘ ;PQodl,es i d f tkMesl. I asda^i choicei of evilketthenyhitvebW i® 8‘ 1 y ^

Thq best iiassage for soundk—the briidgeiof,violih.; •• i - t- -I 4 ; ' , -t.How to develop the imaginfttion^Get Ahe

d e l i r h im i tr y M 4:;*i ;V F|Thej breeze children |c1ete£ t—A spankii|g

In 0 ^ AflujnnS'to-day .riltbo found,tho advoctie 'nient oflHarper’p Weekly Avbich is sp deserA'e^y popa- lar, t h a t ' s eiEcejeBsi^'fQnner prece-dent W eiay ite to ittk ^ '.

/ b f f l c k r s M e e t i r i g ^ I j ': .The.dMef®pgineeLA,As8’i 'E a g f e tlk e j'o re rm e n 'o f jthet.several q 6 m p ^ dfi j l e I thaca F ire (De­partm ent, w ill m eet a t the A ssem bly Room OfiToraa-; do, N o .b , k -E n S a y .ev e n in g d f th ib ’w eek, tJu ly 'S ls t,)iening. o f .this week, (JulyatSq'clhcKj forthe t ^ ^ c t i o n ofk^^ 4 |1. I F B :R 4w iijftA TtfSyeM efEni:k

. .'ty AgriCTdtmral Society, Jjel'd a t t b e I t ia c a H o­tel, OH S a t^ d a y , A ugust l s | , 1 ^ ; afonie o’cloiiik P i MF; , A |gerjera l attendance o f th e ^ parUciilarlysmlested to m akearrahlfem entf

dbai; M urMnsclejild

e try ; A re Y ou a 'R o m an is ts ' w h a t A change Of h e a rt ?.

'Phreinolb ry ;'iekiOhlk

its andBryto-diMnscle ahdSnblijhftJ’^ ' - - ' r .,„e i ty ; A re 'Y o d a R om an ists? .4L fyfngJ6raE inpo[6e4


^ d t L otso f GU t W all Rap*

at half price,. dyal Picturt


-n fe a M

i f 'Mb

, mouiera yy ayever iu>uiu,i.ut<jaa\/^wj’'ihW--npoh;.theineedy'Ihinil f f - l} 'i'jT

, -Paya;p4ki9td*^ attentl^^^^ over. ennisTiAKCB & 'S6if>(

’ Wypu wish a set.qf flinktnral! go to STBWXR-r’s 'D' TiAKOB & Son, 66 East State

J j b p S E T O R E ^ _ _ ^

J»^wk^€mmgdtpm ana 1^ o i^ s s fo n .given .is t A n ^ S j,.. '

J J O W A R D & SPiiN C

" ' F ttrhU ure ■ wk/hier j l


^O nr^^ck is now completej i \

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^ ^ u p |k i i i ^ o f tJ^ is te^ ^ I

C a k e ' ^ r i c i ; P a r | i » r

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usonable t.oimS,bana a lw a^^

i ' l l State Street.3

j y j I S S M . J . D R A K f i j s S c i i i l O T\ M f

C o rn e r -0 i ';C lfdeu a n d G f n « v aThe PaU'Verm tvUI begin on H6ia>AT!i||i

, |^ (w ■


p e r , ^ u i u , Of$8.Q0 .pe | diiarlei illei ] ju ,,

-j^ly 18,1868, ; ' /j . ' •

: A '$ u '^ e d t 'f p n - ': - ■ ■ .It%;|l|ett»r at the piesent hm^ there is no pre­

valent dlsca se to do everything posfeible to prjeserve the hei ItU of onr citizens'’, yhan tb vi-ait till we are visi­ted witlau epidemic- The Rpard of Health Will en-.force f( irmOr ortlihance8,;.but Ltiesii;e to urge upon eye- ry inihl’kdnaLthe importance bf reyoying,aU;aCCuinula- llona'oflfllth as far as possible andthen applylimO, chloride o f limev sbfutiph o f eppRMas .aic aeidUihlBUch (juahtities bhat there can nbtlhiiigj re­main tot rendor the £^hr ilaiter impure.. Let Ihcre' be'general lck-operaknVAnd effort in tk is n ia tte r. ' '

I ” ; ' S. P. SACKETT, Health-Officer.- Ithacijiily 33 , i868- . | ' ■ j . ■ j■ b e t te r : ' 1

NotwithslaMing ffi'flie: .piMiig ibr othennac^es, I'cr and Rakef‘?eiwng';^aciiipe,ilB sell|ng

t? |d k . v k k f hayp Hie ^resdhR'yddj’j’

lad ieshavdkad j4kpo® k® tsp icked of their and contents. This new species of is g^H i^ jaltp itehef! too comifton: '


_ _____ _ c a n i Env,eio4es,” the•Stampd’' both white and; colored, .very handsome,'.'at Mi'ss-AbKnEY’s News Epom.

, o „rd k e n k and is about removing to New Tprk' i will sellMb hojiBeliold i;oodB, &c.r at auction, on Thursday',

, “c R f m ; nexkJjily 80th. Among the property, will befofmd U^jon th e g ro u n d .— carpets: crocK'y, fumituie, horse and carriage, and har-

ivertiier, on Thursday *g ”

t erecting a ;omer okposite'^

to steal ahorse t, a youn^man seHdbly,ifnot:

3d |5 ,000 w orth of these m achines Were sold by it in ;th is place in ; over. $10,000. w orth sold

in 1 8^1 and 'm ore than dqnble th e npm her sold thus r k th i e year than i i ' th e co fresi^nd ing m onths o f la st y e a r.'- :b u t of be tw een ajO^andAgOiraachines :sold, no ti o h e H S o m e r is d issatisfled or Willing to exchange for' Miy k # r machlnei unless bribed or paid for recom-

i c e p l l l t c h e r s , * c . |' : Out ijeiders, who want an Ice Eitfiher or Butter C!ool- j er this |hl)t weather or anyj other kind of Silver Plated ^a*e., will find an extensive assprtment of such goods; of exceulnt quaBty, and at very reasonable prices by' calling |at Hbi Clark’s Jewelry| Store, comer State -ahR R i ^ Theyare heavily plated on WhiteI jffolklv land made by the^hest Manufacturers' hi the ITnited States; such as Rogers Brothers, and Merida

tahhia, 9®’®- therefore warrant them to he’quality.' hi re and give him a call.

T ^ i p r e a d o f thkpopn lh -and 'inv igo ra tiiig^j^m e of- C roquil' h a s heCii re ta rded by the price? [hiffiertp’

:c M ^e |'fp rO ro q ^ ^ C p lsi B u t A sor cs , McCra h ,' &'G.Oi, onllvnn- laAi-n oR cri lh Irtw TivninPD all;

. e i p ^ C i i L t o r , $\(m . ■

m m

, . ^ 5 ,00

r , ' E . M . H A L L , CleVk.

sets'v<|ry cheap. Also a large number of patterns of

5 OOjjOOO CuMtomeria I

jAfiey H av^g the largest capitHl, liiqet i p e i kud QxtousiTe trade 6f ahy cdnccifil m jl

■ - O n e ' 13 o l l a i f


i g H M M E R , |8 0 -



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. p iA j^ O S ! P IA N O S ! |

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W I L O U SWill continue to keep on |lanai4 j|a*’®

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l o f '

4i l

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■iiwWaaPaperabd;CaothShades, vciy cheap., Pic: tnrekframed on short notice. Stereoscopic views of

the best assortment of gold pens’in Om| ket: ;- AsDRua, McGbxik & Co., have also redneec price in Binding h^agazines, and can bind them 01

T^OTJCEINBANJ J3 I Of the United S

p i b h i M 4 &

l!4, M fm m *

. , J : 4 4

m -i ' i i t

;cHs of Ithaca

r i i f .

W lfeils aH l

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p r g a t i ^ k ^ ;

■' / ' d :

W | i t e h n d O f e j r t d i P r s a i l l e s ,

P i q u f

r r

s i 4 F e r c a l lS e s / '

I i, j- . . ■

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L i j’b t Z p p l i j i ,

;!.4Bera^^ ]& Gr 3iiandii3j0,

: 4 i'4

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S A C K IN G S ,

F A 1 I C 4 -

]' 4* :

. . . . . . ,

' . ' i f .' F.a n d

1 i ' - d d ' ' ' ' '

.p l j . l ■/■■■• 4-■ ; |; i ' .

' ' ' i , : - . . ’r - l 44i i '4; : v | | ; F ? | : f < i

I - ! ,,p N D L A S T ,B k p ,^ 0 3

• r d ' f '4 ' l . d d

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- i l t e ' I » I : : ; ; : ; : : : ; : ; : ; : : : ’ : : : ; : : : - : '; ; ; - > 1 ' . |

“-"■*“-‘ f k ; F f 44:4;;444;i4| ; ; x - -

. . i

a A lee tin g to bir the'^fg u r th o f A lu g u s t ] '

O f Jo lin so n ’s C a b in e t , S ew a rd , tS c h o - ■ ' I;fie|d, E v a r t s a n d M c C u llo e b . siipport; i i a n t a n d C o lfa x ; R a n a a l l - i s n e u tra l , w h ile W e lle s a n d th e o th e r fe llo w e n - . do rses t h e P re s id e n t f to m d a y to d a y , ew fttiHistances reqhu-e. ’ ^

.jA r ex c h an g e sa y s : “ G en. G r a n t a n d - 'th e D e m o c rac y h a v e d o n e a g o o d d e a l \ f j i m

ofHioi^io Seyiiiouf, SiTit E M c'^P: Blaip. Mllhey mU b early imNoyember.• • .

1 --------- - >-|Mr.S.S.,Cox says of Horatio Seymour, -

. : ’ — 3k a n d R lair^

4; i

b ra s s c a n d le s tip k ancV R la ir’s nose.(e.i ; 1.-

m o n tn . -ffcsne w a s a; o e a n tiiu i a n a ' ac - ■ ' co m p lish ed w o m an , a n d m iic h b e lo v e d ■ .

‘T . ' • : >

w 4 ' j 4


P h o - M x lr k W o rk s , .u , ttflH) ,


t m

riTUsI * BOSTWICK'S.[a tc H ,:m .'.> - :;4 ,:4n-.4 . -f~ 4 4

BoffmanFs Cigar Store.B E N R V H O F f Sh A N

W 0 '

^ S.V. THOMPSON. .Thi6HouscisnowpronoMiced.by the most fwiidj

. M

’ f4 -

•v]' '.-.4

i d l i n e ,

A ; GOOD GIN(■ d ] i

■ y l F r i i F -

I n; 43|