1. simple present with verbo to be - ser o estar to be ser...

1 GUIA DE REFERENCIA PARA INGLÉS 5 1. Simple Present with Verbo TO BE - Ser o Estar El verbo TO BE, se traduce como SER o ESTAR, en el idioma inglés goza de una particular importancia. Su significado depende del sentido de la oración. Por ejemplo: I am a doctor. Soy un doctor. (Se aplica como verbo ser) I am in my house. Estoy en mi casa. (Se aplica como verbo estar) Cabe destacar que el verbo TO BE también se utiliza en algunos casos especiales que difieren de idioma español, como por ejemplo: * Sirve para expresar la edad y también sensaciones, en cuyo caso se traduce como 'tener': John is 15 years old. John tiene 15 años. Peter is hungry. Pedro tiene hambre. * Otro caso particular es cuando se habla del clima y entonces se traducirá como " hacer": It is hot. Hace calor. Existen otros casos donde el verbo TO BE se emplea como auxiliar para conjugar tiempos verbales y también para dar órdenes de manera impersonal que desarrollaremos en una próxima entrega.

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Page 1: 1. Simple Present with Verbo TO BE - Ser o Estar TO BE SER ...englishacademybachilleres19.weebly.com/uploads/1/7/0/...para_ingles... · El verbo TO BE, se traduce como SER o ESTAR,



1. Simple Present with Verbo TO BE - Ser o Estar El verbo TO BE, se traduce como SER o ESTAR, en el idioma inglés goza de una particular importancia. Su significado depende del sentido de la oración. Por ejemplo:

I am a doctor. Soy un doctor. (Se aplica como verbo ser) I am in my house. Estoy en mi casa. (Se aplica como verbo estar)

Cabe destacar que el verbo TO BE también se utiliza en algunos casos especiales que

difieren de idioma español, como por ejemplo:

* Sirve para expresar la edad y también sensaciones, en cuyo caso se traduce como 'tener': John is 15 years old. John tiene 15 años.

Peter is hungry. Pedro tiene hambre.

* Otro caso particular es cuando se habla del clima y entonces se traducirá como "hacer": It is hot. Hace calor.

Existen otros casos donde el verbo TO BE se emplea como auxiliar para conjugar tiempos

verbales y también para dar órdenes de manera impersonal que desarrollaremos en una próxima entrega.

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EXERCISES (verb to be in present)

I. Completa los recuadros con las conjugaciones correctas del verbo TO BE y después

escríbelos en forma negativa.

1. My name is

James. My name isn´t James. ó Is my name James?

2. Mary the secretary.

3. John and Lucy at school.

4. I a student.

5. The boys in the garden.

6. He a lawyer.

7. Susie a housewife.

8. She a student.

9. They my friends.

10. You a student.

II. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be - am, is, are.

1. ---

Jane and Alice sisters?

2. ---

this car yours?

3. ---

I in your way?

4. ---

Maria John's sister?

5. ---

you twenty-five years old?

6. ---

the Smiths divorced?

7. ---

this your new bicycle?

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2. Presente Simple con verbos diferentes a (to be). El Presente Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones habituales que suceden con cierta frecuencia y no hace referencia a si está ocurriendo en el momento


I play tennis. Yo juego al tenis.

(Hace mención de un deporte que realizo cotidianamente y que no necesariamente lo estoy jugando en este momento).

He works in an office. Él trabaja en una oficina. (Se refiere al trabajo que desarrolla una persona frecuentemente).

They travel to Madrid. Ellos viajan a Madrid. (Habla de un viaje que se repite a diario, aunque el sujeto no lo esté realizando ahora).

A continuación se muestran las formas afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa de este tiempo verbal:

En el cuadro superior se ha tomado como ejemplo el verbo PLAY (jugar). Observe que en el modo afirmativo, en la 3º persona del singular, se le añade una "S" al verbo.

He eats vegetables. Él come vegetales. Alice dances at the theatre. Alice baila en el teatro. The dog breaks the fence. El perro rompe la cerca.

En el modo interrogativo y negativo se utiliza el auxiliar DO, aunque en la 3º persona del

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singular se coloca como auxiliar DOES y se le quita la "S" al verbo.

Existen algunos casos particulares como por ejemplo, si el verbo empleado termina en "SS", "SH", "CH", "O" y "X" al formar la 3º persona del singular en la forma afirmativa se le agrega "ES". Aquí vemos algunos ejemplos:

Si el verbo es FISH (pescar), se conjugará: He fishes at the sea. Él pesca en el mar. Si el verbo es KISS (besar), se conjugará: She kisses to her boyfriend. Ella besa a su novio.

Si el verbo es WATCH (observar), se conjugará: He watches the mountain. Él observa la montaña. Si el verbo es FIX (arreglar), se conjugará: He fixes his car. Él arregla su coche.

Si el verbo es GO (ir), se conjugará: She goes to the office. Ella va a la oficina. Otra excepción se presenta si el verbo termina en "Y" tras consonante. Para formar la 3º

persona del singular se sustituye esta "Y" por una "i" acompañada de la terminación "ES". Por ejemplo:

Si el verbo es STUDY (estudiar) se conjugará: She studies the lesson. Ella estudia la lección.

Para la forma negativa se puede emplear la forma contraída de DON'T en lugar de DO NOT o DOESN'T en vez de DOES NOT.

I don't play tennis. Yo no juego al tenis.

He doesn't work in an office. Él no trabaja en una oficina. They don't travel to Madrid. Ellos no viajan a Madrid.

EXERCISES (Simple Present Tense)

I. Escribe el verbo entre paréntesis de forma correcta o conjugada sobre la línea. Y la interpretación de 10 oración.

1. I (travel) .................. to London every week. Yo viajo a Londres todas las semanas.

2. They (run) ............ in the park every Saturdays.

3. My mother (clean) …………......... the house.

4. You (be) ..................... a good student.

5. Mary (work) ..................... in a bank.

6. John (walk)……………….......... to his office.

7. You (study) ..................... English at school.

8. The dog (break) ....................... the fence.

9. The car (be) ................. in the garage.

10. My father (have) ...................... a nice coat.

11. We (live) ........................ in Paris.

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12. George (sell) ………......... peaches and apples.

13. I always (visit) .............................. my grandmother.

14. Alice (go) ........................... to the church.

15. They (be) .......................... my best friends..

16. You always (pay) .................................. the tickets.

17. London (be) .................... a big and nice city..

18. My cousin (paint) ......................... the house.

19. I (study) ......... and (work) ......... in Madrid.

20. Mike never (do) .......... the homework.

II. Ahora escribe las primeras 10 oraciones en forma negativa.

1. I don´t travel to London every week.

2. _________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________

7. _________________________________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________________

III. Finalmente escribe las últimas 10 oraciones (11-20) del ejercicio I en forma


11. Do we live in Paris?

12. _______________________________________________________

13. _________________________________________________________

14. _________________________________________________________

15. _________________________________________________________

16. _________________________________________________________

17. _________________________________________________________

18. _________________________________________________________

19. _________________________________________________________

20. _________________________________________________________

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Comparative adjectives are used to compare the difference between 2 nouns, or a collective noun . Note: Superlative adjectives are used to compare 3 or more nouns.

Examples: The black dog is older than the white dog.

My house is bigger than my sister's house. The yellow hat is more expensive than the green hat.

Forming Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

One-syllable adjectives.

Form the comparative and superlative forms of a one-syllable adjective by adding –er for

the comparative form and –est for the superlative.

One-Syllable Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form

Tall taller tallest

Old older oldest

Long longer longest

Mary is taller than Max.

Mary is the tallest of all the students.

Max is older than John.

Of the three students, Max is the oldest.

My hair is longer than your hair.

Max's story is the longest story I've ever heard.

If the one-syllable adjective ends with an e, just add –r for the comparative form and –st for

the superlative form.

One-Syllable Adjective

with Final –e Comparative Form Superlative Form

Large larger largest

Wise wiser wisest

Mary's car is larger than Max's car.

Mary's house is the tallest of all the houses on the block.

Max is wiser than his brother.

Max is the ________ person I know.

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If the one-syllable adjective ends with a single consonant with a vowel before it, double the

consonant and add –er for the comparative form; and double the consonant and add –est

for the superlative form.

One-Syllable Adjective

Ending with a Single

Consonant with a

Single Vowel before It

Comparative Form Superlative Form

Big bigger biggest

Thin __________ thinnest

Fat fatter ___________

My dog is bigger than your dog.

My dog is the _________ of all the dogs in the neighborhood.

Max is thinner than John.

Of all the students in the class, Max is the _____________.

My mother is _________ than your mother.

Mary is the fattest person I've ever seen.

Two-syllable adjectives.

With most two-syllable adjectives, you form the comparative with more and the superlative

with most.

Two-Syllable Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form

Peaceful more ________ most peaceful

Pleasant more pleasant ________ pleasant

Careful _______ careful most careful

Thoughtful more thoughtful ________ thoughtful

This morning is more peaceful than yesterday morning.

Max's house in the mountains is the ________ peaceful in the world.

Max is more careful than Mike.

Of all the taxi drivers, Jack is the _________ careful.

Jill is ________ thoughtful than your sister.

Mary is the most thoughtful person I've ever met.

If the two-syllable adjectives ends with –y, change the y to i and add –er for the comparative

form. For the superlative form change the y to i and add –est.

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Two-Syllable Adjective

Ending with –y Comparative Form Superlative Form

Happy happier happiest

Angry Angr___ angriest

Busy busier Bus_____

John is happier today than he was yesterday.

John is the happiest boy in the world.

Max is angrier than Mary.

Of all of John's victims, Max is the ____________.

Mary is ___________ than Max.

Mary is the busiest person I've ever met.

Two-syllable adjectives ending in –er, -le, or –ow take –er and –est to form the comparative

and superlative forms.

Two-Syllable Adjective

Ending with -er, -le, or


Comparative Form Superlative Form

Narrow narrow____ narrowest

Gente gentler gentl_____

The roads in this town are narrower than the roads in the city.

This road is the narrowest of all the roads in California.

Big dogs are gentler than small dogs.

Of all the dogs in the world, English Mastiffs are the gentlest.

Adjectives with three or more syllables.

For adjectives with three syllables or more, you form the comparative with more and the

superlative with most.

Adjective with Three

or More Syllables Comparative Form Superlative Form

Generous more generous most generous

Important more ___________ most important

Intelligent more intelligent ______ intelligent

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John is more generous than Jack.

Of all the people I know, Max is the most important.

Women are more intelligent than men.


Irregular adjectives.

Irregular Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form

Good better best

Bad worse worst

Far farther farthest

Little less least

Many more most

Italian food is better than American food.

My dog is the best dog in the world.

My mother's cooking is worse than your mother's cooking.

Of all the students in the class, Max is the worst.

Two-syllable adjectives that follow two rules. These adjectives can be used with -er and -est

and with more and most.

Two-Syllable Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form

Clever cleverer cleverest

Clever more clever most clever

Gente gentler gentlest

Gente more gentle most gentle

Friendly friendlier friendliest

Friendly more friendly most friendly

Quiet quieter quietest

Quiet more quiet most quiet

Simple simpler simplest

Simple more simple most simple

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Big dogs are gentler than small dogs.

Of all the dogs in the world, English Mastiffs are the gentlest.

Big dogs are more gentle than small dogs.

Of all the dogs in the world, English Mastiffs are the most gentle.

Exercise Comparatives and Superlatives.

I. Choose the correct form for each word.

1. What is the comparative of "heat"? A. heater B. heatter

C. heatier D. hetter E. none of these

2. What is the superlative of "small"? A. smallier B. smaller

C. smalliest D. smallest

3. What is the comparative of "hot"?

A. hoter B. hotter C. hotest

D. hottest 4. What is the comparative of "sad"?

A. sader B. sadder C. sadier

D. saddier 5. What is the comparative of "lively"?

A. livelyer

B. more livelyer C. livelier D. more livelier

6. What is the comparative of "destructive"? A. destructiver B. more destructive

C. destructivier D. more destructiver

7. What is the superlative of "ugly"?

A. uglier B. uggliest C. uglyest

D. ugliest 8. What is the superlative of "soft"?

A. softest

B. softiest C. softtest D. most soft

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9. What is the superlative of "deep"? A. deeper

B. deepper C. deepest D. deeppest

10. What is the superlative of "unpleasant"? A. unpleasant B. most unpleasant

C. more unpleasant D. unpleasantest

II. Write the correct form of the comparative or superlative.

1.Mount Everest is higher

than Cerro Aconcagua. (high)

2. I like music. To me, music is

interesting than maths.

3. Cheetahs are than tigers or lions. (fast)

4. The Parana is a long river...The Amazon is longer. But the Nile is the in the world.

5. Mariah Carey is a bit than Madonna. (young)

6. This Ferrari is the expensive car in the world!

7.Which is the heaviest? Gold, silver or aluminium? "Gold is the of the three"

8.The giraffe is than the elephant. (tall)

9.Laurel and Hardy were than the Simson" (funny)

10. Albert Einstein was more than our former president..."Anyone was" (intelligent)

11.Pluto is than Mars (cold)

12.Mercury is the planet to the Sun. (close)

13. The Atacama desert is than the Amazonian region. (dry)

14.The Saharan desert is the one in the world. (big)

15. A horse lives longer than a dog...But a tortoise lives the

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4.SIMPLE PAST (verb to be)

Ahora veremos la conjugación del verbo TO BE en el Pasado Simple, tiempo verbal que corresponde al equivalente en castellano del Pretérito Imperfecto y Pretérito Indefinido:

I. Complete the sentences with was or were. Y cada oración escríbela en (Negativo o


1. I w as

happy. I was not happy.

2. You angry.

3. She in London last week.

4. He on holiday.

5. It cold.

6. We at school.

7. You at the cinema.

8. They at home.

9. The children in the garden.

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II. Choose the correct past tense answer for each question.

Charles Darwin

1) Charles Darwin [ was were] born on February 12, 1809.

2) He [ was were] a British naturalist who became famous for his theories of evolution and natural selection.

3) In South America, Darwin found that fossils of extinct animals [ was were] similar to modern species.

4) Many people [ was were] strongly opposed to the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religious beliefs.

5) Throughout his life, Darwin [ was were] a reserved, thorough, hard working scholar.

Albert Einstein

6) When Albert Einstein [ was were] young, his parents worried about him.

7) Einstein's parents [ was were] concerned that Albert was "slow."

8) Albert [ was were] a terrible student who didn't want to attend classes regularly and take exams.

9) Einstein's best-known work, the theory of relativity, [ was were] published in 1905.

10) Unfortunately, the theory of relativity [ was were] used to create the atomic bomb.

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Pasado Simple - (Simple Past Tense) El Pasado Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones que han

sucedido en un tiempo anterior y que ya han finalizado, por ejemplo:

She cleaned her house. Ella limpió su casa.

I broke the window. Yo rompí la ventana.

Aquí vemos su conjugación que en el español equivale al Pretérito Indefinido. Observa

que la estructura de la oración es similar a la del Presente Simple:

Tanto en la forma interrogativa como en negativa se utiliza como auxiliar DID que es la

forma pasada del verbo "TO DO" y acompaña al verbo principal en su forma infinitiva. En

las negaciones puede utilizarse la forma contraída de DID NOT o sea DIDN'T. En el cuadro

superior se emplea el verbo To Play (Jugar) a modo de ejemplo.

Al expresar una oración en Pasado Simple se entiende que la acción no guarda relación

con el presente, como vemos en los siguientes casos:

He lost the keys. Él perdió las llaves.

(Puede que en el presente las haya encontrado).

She lent me a book. Ella me prestó un libro.

(Puede que ya se lo haya devuelto).

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También es posible indicar el momento en que se desarrolla la acción para indicar el tiempo

con mayor precisión:

They saw the movie last night. Ellos vieron la película anoche.

We went to London yesterday. Nosotros fuimos a Londres ayer.

Para poder formar una oración en tiempo pasado debemos distinguir dos tipos: VERBOS


En el primero de los casos forman su Pasado Simple añadiendo la terminación ED al

infinitivo, mientras que los irregulares reciben ese nombre por no seguir un patrón

determinado y en este caso deben estudiarse individualmente.


I. Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past).

1. Last year I (spend) spent

my holiday in Ireland.

2. It (be) great.

3. I (travel) around by car with two friends and we (visit) lots of interesting


4. In the evenings we usually (go) to a pub.

5. One night we even (learn) some Irish dances.

6. We (be) very lucky with the weather.

7. It (not / rain) a lot.

8. But we (see) some beautiful rainbows.

9. Where (spend / you) your last holiday?

II. Exercise on positive sentences. Write positive sentences in simple past.

1. he / the question / answer

2. you / a question / ask

3. the dog / bark

4. they / us / call

5. we / a mountain / climb

6. John / stamps / collect

7. we / in London / live

8. I / hungry / be

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III.Exercise on questions. Write questions in simple past.

1. Anna / the window / open. Did Anna

open the window?

2. she / home / walk.

3. you / in the garden / work.

4. you / a song / sing.

5. she / on a chair / sit.

6. you / the castle / visit.

7. Jenny / the door / lock.

8. she / happy / be.

9. Greg / the ball / kick.

10. the car / at the corner / stop.

IV. Completa las siguientes cuestiones y haz clic en el botón -Corregir Ejercicio- para obtener la corrección de este ejercicio.

Q1: Last night we _____ (walk) to the cinema.

Q2: Sam _____ (stop) the car to take a picture.

Q3: I _____ (study) for the exam for three hours.

Q4: They _____ (be) happy to be home.

Q5: Sally _____ (be) disappointed she _____ (miss) the party.

Q6: When I was young, we always _____ (go) to Florida for the summer.

Q7: Dan _____ (not/work) last week.

Q8: _____ you _____ (wash) the dishes?

Q9: I _____ (dream) I could fly last night.

Q10: We _____ (meet) them at the restaurant.

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6.Present Perfect Simple

The present perfect simple expresses an action that is still going on or that stopped

recently, but has an influence on the present. It puts emphasis on the result.

Form of Present Perfect

Positive Negative Question

I / you / we / they I have spoken. I _________ spoken. Have I spoken?

he / she / it He ____ spoken. He has not spoken. _____ he spoken?

For irregular verbs, use the participle form (see list of irregular verbs, 3rd column). For

regular verbs, just add “ed”.

Exceptions in Spelling when Adding ‘ed’

Exceptions in spelling when adding ed Example

after a final e only add d love – loved

final consonant after a short, stressed vowel or l as final consonant after a vowel is doubled

admit – admitted travel – travelled

final y after a consonant becomes i hurry – hurried

Use of Present Perfect

puts emphasis on the result

Example: She has written five letters.

action that is still going on

Example: School has not started yet.

action that stopped recently

Example: She has cooked dinner.

finished action that has an influence on the present

Example: I have lost my key.

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action that has taken place once, never or several times before the moment of speaking

Example: I have never been to Australia.

Signal Words of Present Perfect

already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now

I. Exercise on Present Perfect Simple. Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).

1. I (not / work) have not

worked today.

2. We (buy) a new lamp.

3. We (not / plan) our holiday yet.

4. Where (be / you) ?

5. He (write) five letters.

6. She (not / see) him for a long time.

7. (be / you) at school?

8. School (not / start) yet.

9. (speak / he) to his boss?

10. No, he (have / not) the time yet.

II. Write the participle form of the following verbs.

1. go →

2. sing →

3. be →

4. buy →

5. do →

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III. Complete the table in present perfect simple.

positive negative question

He has written a letter.

They have not stopped.

Have we danced?

She has worked.

Andy has not slept.

IV. Write sentences in present perfect simple.

1. they / ask / a question -

2. he / speak / English -

3. I / be / in my room -

4. we / not / wash / the car -

5. Annie / not / forget / her homework -

V. Write questions in present perfect simple.

1. they / finish / their homework -

2. Sue / kiss / Ben -

3. the waiter / bring / the tea -

4. Marilyn / pay / the bill -

5. you / ever / write / a poem -

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7. Pronouns

Pronouns are words like I, me (personal pronouns) or my, mine (possessive pronouns).

Personal Pronouns Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns

subject form object form possessive adjective possessive pronoun

I me my mine myself

you you your yours yourself

he him his his himself

she her her hers herself

it it its its itself

we us our ours ourselves

you you your yours yourselves

they them their theirs themselves

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I. Exercise Possessive Adjectives

Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives.

1. Where are (you) your

friends now?

2. Here is a postcard from (I) friend Peggy.

3. She lives in Australia now with (she) family.

4. (She) husband works in Newcastle.

5. (He) company builds ships.

6. (They) children go to school in Newcastle.

7. (I) husband and I want to go to Australia, too.

8. We want to see Peggy and (she) family next winter.

9. (We) winter!

10. Because it is (they) summer.

7. Reflexive Pronouns

I. Fill in the correct reflexive pronouns.

1. I did not want to believe it and then I saw the UFO myself


2. The girl looked at in the mirror.

3. Freddy, you'll have to do your homework .

4. You don't need to help them. They can do it .

5. I introduced to my new neighbour.

6. Boys, can you make your beds ?

7. She made a pullover.

8. What happens when a fighting fish sees in the mirror?

9. The father decided to repair the car .

10. We can move the table .

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8. Phrasal verbs

A phrasal verb consists of a verb and a preposition or adverb that modifies or changes the

meaning; 'give up' is a phrasal verb that means 'stop doing' something, which is very different from 'give'. The word or words that modify a verb in this manner can also go under the name particle.

I. Busca el significado de las siguientes frases verbales.

1. Take off: ___________________

2. Turn off: ____________________

3. Put away: ____________________

4. Write down : ___________________

5. get up: ________________________

6. Run into: ________________________

7. come up with: ____________________

8. go away: ___________________________

9. wake up: ____________________________

9.Zero Conditional

Este condicional refiere a una situación que es siempre verdadera (verdades universales): If

you freeze water, it turns into ice.

If clause Main clause

If + Present tense Present tense

If you freeze water it turns into ice.

If I work too much, I get tired.

Si trabajo demasiado, me canso.

If I have time, I usually go to the movies.

Si tengo tiempo, generalmente voy al cine.

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I. Completed the exercise.

1. you / not / eat / you / die

If you don't eat, you die.

2. if / no / rain / the grass / not / grow


3. iron / rust / it / get / wet


4. my daughter / eat / too much chocolate / she /get / sick


5. ice / float / you / drop / it / in water


Answer: 2. I f ther e i s no r a i n , the g rass does n ' t g r ow .

3. I r on rus t s i f i t g e t s wet . 4. I f my da u gh ter ea ts t o o muc h c hoc ola t e , s he ge t s s i ck .

5. Ice floats if you drop it in water.

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10.First Conditional


The first conditional (also called conditional type 1) is a structure used for talking about possibilities in the present or in the future. This page will explain how the first conditional

is formed, and when to use it.

1. The structure of a first conditional sentence

A first conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an "if" clause and a main clause:

if clause main clause

If you study hard, you will pass the test.

If the "if" clause comes first, a comma is usually used. If the "if" clause comes second, there is no need for a comma:

main clause if clause

You will pass the test if you study hard.

We use different verb forms in each part of a first conditional:

main clause if clause

You will pass the test if you study hard.

2. Using the first conditional

The first conditional is used to talk about things which are possible in the present or the

future — things which may happen:

Example Explanation

If it's sunny, we'll go to the park. Maybe it will be sunny — that's possible.

Paula will be sad if Juan leaves. Maybe Juan will leave — that's possible.

If you cook the supper, I'll wash the dishes.

Maybe you will cook the supper — that's possible.

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Exercise.First Conditional

I. Choose the correct form of each verb to complete each sentence.

1. If you ________ an apple every day, you'll be very healthy. A. ? will eat

B. ? eat

2. You won't pass the course if you ________.

A. ? don't study

B. ? won't study

3. If a deer ________ into your garden, it ________ all your plants.

A. ? gets / will eat

B. ? will get / eats

4. You ________ better if you turn on the lamp. A. ? are able to see

B. ? will be able to see

5. If you don't put so much sugar in your coffee, you ________ so

much weight!

A. ? won't put on

B. ? don't put on

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6. You'll pay higher insurance if you ________ a sports car.

A. ? buy

B. ? will buy

7. If we don't protect the elephant, it ________ extinct. A. ? becomes

B. ? will become

8. You ________ heart disease if you eat too much meat. A. ? will get

B. ? get

9. If I ________ some eggs, how many ________?

A. ? will cook / do you eat

B. ? cook / will you eat

10. She ________ completely different if she cuts her hair. A. ? will look

B. ? looks

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11.Second Conditional (Tipo 2)

Se utiliza el tipo 2 para expresar una posibilidad irreal en el presente, como un deseo o un sueño, o para una acción en el futuro no tan probable.

IF Condition Result

If Past simple "Would" + infinitivo

Ejemplos: If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world.

If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world. / I would travel around the world if I

won the lottery. (Si ganara la lotería, viajaría alrededor del mundo.)

If Rachel had more time, she would learn to play the guitar. If Rachel had more time, she would learn to play the guitar. / Rachel would learn to

play the guitar if she had more time. (Si Rachel tuviera más tiempo, aprendería a tocar la guitarra.)

Nota: Como en el tipo 1, se pueden usar otros verbos modales en vez de "would" para

cambiar el significado y la posibilidad.

I. Exercise Second Conditional 1

All of these sentences are second conditionals. Choose the correct form of the verb in each question.

1. If there ________ no mosquitos, there would be no malaria.

A. ? are

B. ? were

C. ? is

D. ? would be

E. ? was

2. If he were a young man, he ________ able to walk faster. A. ? was

B. ? will be

C. ? is

D. ? would be

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3. He's so stupid! If he ________ an animal, he would be a sheep.

A. ? would be

B. ? are

C. ? is

D. ? were

E. ? was

4. If the weather ________ better, we ________ to the park. A. ? were... would go

B. ? is... would go

C. ? were... will go

D. ? was... go

5. We would learn a lot from dolphins if they ________. A. ? can talk

B. ? talk

C. ? will talk

D. ? could talk

6. If her hair were black, she ________ completely different. A. ? look

B. ? would look

C. ? will look

D. ? looks

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7. We don't mind camping, but if we ________ enough money, we ________ in a hotel.

A. ? would have...stayed

B. ? have... stayed

C. ? had... stayed

D. ? had... would stay

8. If smoking were allowed, I ________ a cigarette.

A. ? would have

B. ? had

C. ? will have

D. ? have

9. We'd be on the beach if we ________ in Mexico!

A. ? would be

B. ? will be

C. ? were

D. ? are

10. If I ________ a penny for every can of soda I've drunk in my life, I would be rich! A. ? have

B. ? would have

C. ? had

D. ? will have

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II. Complete the second conditional with the verbs in parenthesis.

1) If I (be) you, I (get) a new job.

2) If he (be) younger, he (travel) more.

3) If we (not/be) friends, I (be) angry with you.

4) If I (have) enough money, I (buy) a big house.

5) If she (not/be) always so late, she (be) promoted.

6) If we (win) the lottery, we (travel) the world. ..

7) If you (have) a better job, we (be) able to buy a new car.

8) If I (speak) perfect English, I (have) a good job.

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12.Direct and Reported Speech (El estilo directo y indirecto)

Cuando queremos comunicar o informar de lo que otra persona ha dicho, hay dos maneras

de hacerlo: utilizando el estilo directo o el estilo indirecto.

Direct Speech (El estilo directo)

Cuando queremos informar exactamente lo que otra persona ha dicho, utilizamos el estilo

directo. Con este estilo lo que la persona ha dicho se coloca entre comillas ("...") y deberá

ser palabra por palabra.

Ejemplos: I am going to London next week, she said.

"I am going to London next week," she said. ("Voy a Londres la semana que viene," ella dijo.)

"Do you have a pen I could borrow," he asked. ("Tienes un bolígrafo que puedas prestarme,"

él preguntó.)

Reported Speech (El estilo indirecto)

El estilo indirecto, a diferencia del estilo directo, no utiliza las comillas y no necesita ser

palabra por palabra. En general, cuando se usa el estilo indirecto, el tiempo verbal cambia.

A continuación tienes un explicación de los cambios que sufren los tiempos verbales.

A veces se usa "that" en las frases afirmativas y negativas para introducir lo que ha dicho

la otra persona. Por otro lado, en las frases interrogativas se puede usar "if" o "whether".

Direct Speech Reported Speech

Present Simple Past Simple

"He's American," she said. She said he was American.

"I'm happy to see you," Mary said. Mary said that she was happy to see me.

" He asked, "Are you busy tonight?" He asked me if I was busy tonight.

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I. Exercise on Reported Speech

Exercise 1 – Requests (positive)

Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns in some sentences.

1. "Stop talking, Joe," the teacher said.

→ The teacher told Joe stopped talking

2. "Be patient," she said to him.

→ She told him

3. "Go to your room," her father said to her.

→ Her father told her

4. "Hurry up," she said to us.

→ She told us

5. "Give me the key," he told her.

→ He asked her

II. Exercise on Reported Speech

Questions - Exercise 1

Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns and tenses.

1. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked.

→ She asked where her umbrela is.

2. "How are you?" Martin asked us.

→ Martin asked us

3. He asked, "Do I have to do it?"

→ He asked

4. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter.

→ The mother asked her daughter

5. "Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend.

→ She asked her boyfriend

6. "What are they doing?" she asked.

→ She wanted to know