1 rev: 3/29/07 mse-415: b. hawrylo chapter 9 product architecture mse-415: product design lecture #9

1 Rev: 3/29/07 MSE-415: B. Hawrylo Chapter 9 Product Architecture MSE-415: Product Design Lecture #9

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Chapter 9Product Architecture

MSE-415: Product DesignLecture #9

MSE-415: Product DesignLecture #9

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Lecture Objectives:Lecture Objectives:

•Discuss midterm result•Discuss presentation results•Lecture on Product Architecture•Lecture on Design for Manufacturing

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Product Architecture

Product Architecture

•Product architecture is the assignment of the functional elements of a product to the physical building blocks of the product.

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Product Architecture

Product Architecture

The way the functions of the product are implemented through the use of chunks defines its architecture.

Modular ArchitectureChunks implement one or a few function elementsInteractions between chunks are well defined and fundamentalto the primary functions of the product.



Design changes are relatively easy.

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Product Architecture

Product Architecture

The way the functions of the product are implemented through the use of chunks defines its architecture.

Integral ArchitectureFunctional elements are implemented using more than one chunk.Single Chunk implements several functions.Interactions between chunks are ill defined and may be incidentalto the primary functions of the product.


A – B



Design changes are more complex.

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Example: Coffee Maker

Example: Coffee Maker

Mix Coffeeand Water






GroundCoffee Coffee










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How to Create a Function Structure

How to Create a Function Structure

1. Formulate the overall product function2. Split up overall function into sub-functions3. Determine simplified functions structure4. Identify material, energy, and information/signal

flows5. Add secondary/auxiliary functions and flows

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Morphological Matrix

Morphological Matrix

• Search for solution principles to fulfill sub-functions Identify as many solutions for each

sub-function and auxiliary functions as possible

• Combine solutions to embody physical concepts Use morphological matrix to identify

combinations of solutions Each combination of solutions will

fulfill overall function

• Use expertise and heuristics to eliminate infeasible solution combinations

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Morphological Matrix for Coffee Maker

Morphological Matrix for Coffee Maker

















ix C



nd W










S11 S12 S1j S1m

Si1 Si2 Sij Sim

Sn1 Sn2 Snj Snm

Filter Osmosis Dissolve Ionize Stir

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Modularity Defined

Modularity Defined

• After we brainstorm solutions for each sub-function, we combine them to create the product architecture.

• As part of this process, we seek to identify modules.

• Modularity is defined as:1. a one-to-one correspondence between functional elements and

physical structures 2. unintended interactions between modules are minimized (i.e.,

component interfaces are de-coupled).

• The opposite of modularity is referred to as integral.

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Product Architecture Definition

Product Architecture Definition

•Recall that a product architecture is: the arrangement of functional elements the mapping of functional elements to physical components the specification of the interfaces among physical components

•A modular architecture is: One physical component per function; de-coupled interfaces

•An integral architecture is: Coupled interfaces; multiple functions per physical component

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Types of Modularity: Slot

Types of Modularity: Slot

•In a slot architecture, each module has a different interface with the overall system.

•Why different interfaces? So that various components cannot be interchanged

•Examples: SCSI, Ethernet, and parallel ports on laptop

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Types of Modularity: Bus

Types of Modularity: Bus

•In a bus architecture, there is a common bus to which modules connect via the same interface.

•What are the advantages of this type of modularity?

•Examples: Modem and Internet cards on laptop; CD and disk drive

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Types of Modularity: Sectional

Types of Modularity: Sectional

•In a sectional architecture, all interfaces are the same type but there is no single element to which modules attach.

•What are advantages and disadvantages of a sectional approach?

•Examples: Legos

Using a sectional architecture, the assembly is built up by

connecting the modules to each other via identical interfaces.

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Selecting Architecture

Selecting Architecture

Decisions about how to divide the product into chunks and about how much modularity to impose on the architecture are tightly linkedto several issues of importance:

•Product Change•Product Variety•Component Standardization•Product Performance•Manufacturability•Product Development Management

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Selecting Architecture

Selecting Architecture

Product ChangeArchitecture defines how the product can be changed.

Modular = changes to be made to few isolated functional elements

Integral = changes may influence many functional elements

Reasons for Change:

Upgrade Add-ons Adaptation

Wear Consumption Flexibility of Use


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Selecting Architecture

Selecting Architecture

Product VarietyVariety refers to the range of product models the firm can producewithin a particular time period in response to market demand.

Modular = Easier variation without adding tremendous complexityto the manufacturing system.

Integral = Variation of product can add complexity to the manufacturingsystem.



A – B – C - D


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Selecting Architecture

Selecting Architecture

Component StandardizationComponent standardization is the use of the same component or chunk in multiple products.

Modular = Chunks can be manufactured in higher volumes savingthe organization money.

Integral = Chunks are specialized resulting in lower manufacturingvolumes.

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Selecting Architecture

Selecting Architecture

Product PerformanceProduct performance is how well a product implements its intendedfunctions such as:

Speed – Efficiency – Life – Accuracy - Noise

Integral Architecture facilitates optimization of characteristics drivenby size, shape, and mass of a product such as:

Acceleration – Energy Consumption – Aerodynamics Drag

Redundancy can be eliminated

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Selecting Architecture

Selecting Architecture

ManufacturabilityInvolves Design for Manufacturing (DFM). One important conceptof DFM involves minimization of the number of parts in the design.

Discussed in more detail in Chapter 11.

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Selecting Architecture

Selecting Architecture

Product Development ManagementDetail design of each chunk is usually assigned to a relativelysmall group within a firm or to an outside supplier.

Modular – The group assigned to design a chunk deals with known,and relatively limited, functional interactions with other chunks.

Integral – Detail design will require close coordination with other groups.

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Establishing the Architecture

Establishing the Architecture

4-Step Structured Method1. Create a schematic of the product.2. Cluster the elements of the schematic.3. Create a rough geometric layout.4. Identify the fundamental and incidental interactions.

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Creating a Module-Based Product Family

Creating a Module-Based Product Family

1.Decompose products into their representative functions

2.Develop modules with one-to-one (or many-to-one) correspondence with functions

3.Group common functional modules into a common product platform


SpecificFunction 1

SpecificFunction 2

SpecificFunction k

DerivativeProduct 1

DerivativeProduct 2

DerivativeProduct k

4.Standardize interfaces to facilitate addition, removal, and substitution of modules

ProductFamily {


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Example: Braun Family of Coffee Makers

Example: Braun Family of Coffee Makers




Auto Shut-off, Clock













GroundCoffee CoffeeMix Coffee

and Water






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Developing Modular Architectures

Developing Modular Architectures

•What are some rules of thumb you, might follow to develop a modular product architecture?

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Establishing the Architecture

Establishing the Architecture

Cluster the Elements of the Schematic

1. Geometric integration/precisionElements that must be close together are logically groupedin one chunk.

2. Function sharingWhen a single physical component can implement several

functional elements of the product the elements shouldbe clustered together.

3. Capabilities of vendorsThe elements that a vendor has capability in should be

grouped together.4. Similarity of design or production technology

When two or more functional elements are likely to be implemented usingthe same design/production technology, then incorporating these intothe same chunk may allow for more economical design.

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Establishing the Architecture

Establishing the Architecture

Cluster the Elements of the Schematic

5. Localization of ChangeWhen you anticipate a lot of change in some element it makes senseto isolate the element in one chunk.

6. Accommodating VarietyElements should be grouped together to enable the firm to vary the product

in ways that will have value for the customers.7. Enabling Standardization

If a set of elements will be useful in other products, they should be clusteredtogether into a single chunk.

8. Portability of interfacesFunctions that must be close to one another to work properly should be

clustered into one chunk.

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Establishing the Architecture

Establishing the Architecture

Cluster the Elements of the Schematic










Comm.With Host

Control Printer




PositionCartridgeIn Y-axis

PositionCartridgeIn X-axis



Flow of forces/energyFlow of materialFlow of signals/data



Paper Tray


User Interface

Logic Board

Driver Software

Power Cord

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Establishing the Architecture

Establishing the Architecture

Create a Rough Geometric LayoutCreating a geometric layout forces the team to consider whetherthe geometric interfaces among the chunks are feasible.

Paper Tray

Print Mechanism

Print Cartridge

User InterfaceLogic Board

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Establishing the Architecture

Establishing the Architecture

Identify the Fundamental and Incidental Interactions

Fundamental: Identified in the schematic.Incidental: Shown in an incidental interaction graph.


Paper Tray

Power CordBrick

Logic Board


User InterfaceBoard

Print Mechanism Host Driver


Thermal Distortion

RF Interface

Thermal DistortionRF Shielding



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Platform PlanningPlatform Planning

The collection of assets shared by various products to meet variousmarkets is called the product platform.

•There are market advantages to have several distinct versions of a product.•There are design/manufacturing advantages to have when versionsshare many components.

But how do you determine the trade-off?

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Platform PlanningPlatform Planning

Differentiation Plan

Commonality Plan

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Platform PlanningPlatform Planning

Differentiation PlanExplicitly represents the ways in which multiple versions of a productwill be different from the perspective of the customer and the market.

DifferentiatingAttributes Family Student SOHO

Black print quality "Near laser" quality Laser quality Laser quality

Color print quality "Near photo" quality Equivalent to DJ 600 Equivalent to DJ 600

Print Speed 6 pages/minute 8 pages/minute 10 pages/minute

Footprint 360mm x 400mm 340mm x 360mm 400mm x 450mm

Paper storage 100 sheets 100 sheets 150 sheets

Style Consumer Youth consumer Commercial

Connectivity to Computer USB/Parallel USB USB

Operating System Capability Mac/Windows Mac/Windows Windows

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Platform PlanningPlatform Planning

Commonality PlanExplicitly represents the ways in which multiple versions of a productwill be the same physically.

ChunksNumber of Types Family Student SOHO

Print Cartridge 2 Manet Cartridge Picasso Cartridge Picasso Cartridge

Print Mechanism 2 Aurora SeriesNarrow Aurora Series “Aurora” Series

Paper Tray 2 Front-in/Front-out Front-in/Front-out Tall Front-in/out

Logic board 2Next gen boardwith parallel port Next gen board Next gen board

Enclosure 3 Home Style Youth Style Soft office style

Driver Software 5Version A-PCVersion A-Mac

Version B-PCVersion B-Mac Version C

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Platform PlanningPlatform Planning

Managing the Trade-off

•Platform planning decisions should be informed by quantitativeestimates of cost and revenue implications.

•Iteration is beneficial.

•The product architecture dictates the nature of the trade-off betweendifferentiation and commonality.

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MSE-415: Product Design

Lecture #10

MSE-415: Product Design

Lecture #10 Chapter 11

Design for Manufacturing

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Lecture Objectives:Lecture Objectives:

•Overview of the DFM process Estimate manufacturing cost Reduce cost of components Reduce cost of assembly Reduce cost of supporting production Consider impact of DFM decisions on other factors

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Gathering DFM Information

Gathering DFM Information

•Sketches, drawings, product specifications, and design alternatives.

•A detailed understanding of production and assembly processes

•Estimates of manufacturing costs, production volumes, and ramp-up timing.

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DFM MethodDFM Method

Estimate the ManufacutringCosts

Consider the Impact of DFMDecisions on Other Factors

Recompute theManufacturing Costs

Reduce the Costs ofSupporting Production

Reduce the Costs ofAssembly

Reduce the Costs ofComponents





Acceptable Design

Proposed Design

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1. Estimate the Manufacturing Costs

1. Estimate the Manufacturing Costs

Finished GoodsManufacturing System

Equipment Information Tooling


Raw Materials



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Manufacturing Costs Defined

Manufacturing Costs Defined

•Sum of all the expenditures for the inputs of the system (i.e. purchased components, energy, raw materials, etc.) and for disposal of the wastes produced by the system

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Elements of the Manufacturing Cost of a Product

Elements of the Manufacturing Cost of a Product

Manufacturing Cost


Standard Custom LaborEquipmentand Tooling




Processing Tooling

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Manufacturing Cost of a Product

Manufacturing Cost of a Product

•Component Costs (parts of the product) Parts purchased from supplier Custom parts made in the manufacturer’s own plant or by suppliers

according to the manufacturer’s design specifications

•Assembly Costs (labor, equipment, & tooling)•Overhead Costs (all other costs)

Support Costs (material handling, quality assurance, purchasing, shipping, receiving, facilities, etc.)

Indirect Allocations (not directly linked to a particular product but must be paid for to be in business)

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Fixed Costs vs. Variable Costs

Fixed Costs vs. Variable Costs

•Fixed Costs – incurred in a predetermined amount, regardless of number of units produced (i.e. setting up the factory work area or cost of an injection mold)

•Variable Costs – incurred in direct proportion to the number of units produced (i.e. cost of raw materials)





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2. Reduce the Cost of Components

2. Reduce the Cost of Components

•Understand the Process Constraints and Cost Drivers

•Redesign Components to Eliminate Processing Steps

•Choose the Appropriate Economic Scale for the Part Process

•Standardize Components and Processes•Adhere to “Black Box” Component Procurement

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Redesign costly parts with the same performance while avoiding high manufacturing costs.

Work closely with design engineers—raise awareness of difficult operations and high costs.

Understand the Process Constraints and Cost Drivers

Understand the Process Constraints and Cost Drivers

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Redesign Components to Eliminate Processing Steps

Redesign Components to Eliminate Processing Steps

•Reduce the number of steps of the production process Will usually result in reduce costs

•Eliminate unnecessary steps.•Use substitution steps, where applicable.•Analysis Tool – Process Flow Chart and

Value Stream Mapping

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Choose Appropriate Economics of Scale

Choose Appropriate Economics of Scale

Economies of Scale – As production volume increases, manufacturing costs usually decrease.

•Fixed costs divided among more units.•Variable costs are lower since the firm can use

more efficient processes and equipment.

LRAC – Long Run Average Cost/Unit

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Standardize Components and Processes

Standardize Components and Processes

•Economies of Scale – The unit cost of a component decreases as the production volume increases.

•Standard Components—common to more than one product

•Analysis tools – group technology and mass customization

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Adhere to “Black Box” Component Procurement

Adhere to “Black Box” Component Procurement

•Black box—only give a description of what the component has to do, not how to achieve it

•Successful black box design requires clear definitions of the functions, interfaces, and interactions of each component.

What What What

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3. Reduce the Costs of Assembly

3. Reduce the Costs of Assembly

•Design for Assembly (DFA) index Design for assembly (DFA) is a subset of DFM which involves

minimizing the cost of assembly.

•Integrated Parts (Advantages and Disadvantages)

•Maximize Ease of Assembly•Consider Customer Assembly

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Advantages of Integrated Parts

Advantages of Integrated Parts

•Do not have to be assembled•Often less expensive to fabricate rather than the

sum of each individual part•Allows critical geometric features to be controlled

by the part fabrication process versus a similar assembly process

Disadvantages of Integrated PartsDisadvantages of Integrated Parts

•Conflict with other sound approaches to minimize costs•Not always a wise strategy

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Minimize Ease of Assembly

Minimize Ease of Assembly

•Part is inserted from the top of the assembly•Part is self-aligning•Part does not need to be oriented•Part requires only one hand for assembly•Part requires no tools•Part is assembled in a single, linear motion•Part is secured immediately upon insertion

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Consider Customer Assembly

Consider Customer Assembly

•Customers will tolerate some assembly•Design product so that customers can easily and

assemble correctly•Customers will likely ignore directions

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4. Reduce the Costs of Supporting Production

4. Reduce the Costs of Supporting Production

• Minimize Systemic Complexity (inputs, outputs, and transforming processes) Use smart design decisions

• Error Proofing (Poka Yoke) Anticipate possible failure modes Take appropriate corrective actions in the early stages Use color coding to easily identify similar looking, but different


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5. Consider the Impact of DFM Decisions on Other Factors

5. Consider the Impact of DFM Decisions on Other Factors

•Development Time•Development Cost•Product Quality•External Factors

Component reuse Life cycle costs

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Next Week – November 14, 2007 (Lecture #11)

Next Week – November 14, 2007 (Lecture #11)• Homework #7 - Handout

• Read Chapter 12 – Prototyping• Read Chapter 13 – Robust Design

• Prepare for a potential quiz on: Chapters 9, 11, 12, 13 Lectures #9, #10 Additional reading handout