1 rajya sewaye api

Dr. Lakshman Gamlath National Institute of Health Sciences Kalutara

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: 1 rajya sewaye api

Dr. Lakshman Gamlath

National Institute of Health Sciences


Page 2: 1 rajya sewaye api

udf.a m%dra:kh

mS%;su;a mjq,a


ksfrda.Sj .;jk jirla

oÌ jdikdjka; hym;a


iduldó rdcldrs mrsirhla

Page 3: 1 rajya sewaye api

Dr. Lakshman Gamlath


National Institute of Health Sciences

Page 4: 1 rajya sewaye api

rcfha fiajfha fhosisák wmg

m%udKj;a mrsos i,lKjo@

Dr. Lakshman Gamlath, National Institute of Health Sciences

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DatesDates works Leave


Short/L Days

working days Hours

Hrs. per year % Sleep

365 300 49 251 12 239 1434 8760 16.3 33.33

240 49 191 12 179 1074 8760 12.2 33.33

wmf.a cSú; ld<fhka fld;rus

m%udKhla rg fjkqfjka lemlrKjdo@

Dr. Lakshman Gamlath, National Institute of Health Sciences

Page 6: 1 rajya sewaye api

;uqkag iy oremjq,g lEu îu

orejkaf.a wOHdmkh

foudmsh kv;a;=j

wikSmhg fnfy;a


f.hla fodrla yod.kafk


wmg ljqo fudkj;a fokafk@


Dr. Lakshman Gamlath, National Institute of Health Sciences

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iyk ñ<g ks<ksjdi

oqusrsh n,m;%

w.%ydr lKakdä frday,a.;ùus

m%iQ; ksjdXq ujg mshdg

wdmod Kh

foam< Kh

ksjdXq nx.,dDr. Lakshman Gamlath, National Institute of Health Sciences

Page 8: 1 rajya sewaye api

ke;snersfjkfldg’’’’’ yosis wk;=re ksjdXq

úYdu .ekSfusoS mdrsf;daIs;h

cSj;ajk;dlal,a úYdu jegqm

ffjoH fya;=u; úYdu .shfyd;a todisg jegqm úYdu jegqmcSj;ajk;dlal,a

rdcldrsfhaoS yosis urKhla Wjfyd;a

udi 60l jegqm jkaosf,i

jegqm hefmkakkag 55 jk;=re

úYdu jegqm Ndrahdjg$iajdñmqreIhdg$ hefmkakkagosúwe;s;=re

wdndê; orefjla we;akus jegqm osúwe;s;=re

rdcldrsfhaoS idudkH urKhla Wjfyd;a

jegqm hefmkakkag 55 jk;=re

úYdu jegqm hefmkakkag osúwe;s;=re

wdndê; orefjla we;akus jegqm osúwe;s;=re

Page 9: 1 rajya sewaye api

iodld,sl mQrsK wdndê; Wjfyd;a

udi 60l jegqm jkaosf,i

jegqm hefmkakkag 55 jk;=re

úYdu jegqm hefmkakkag osúwe;s;=re

wdndê; orefjla we;akus jegqm osúwe;s;=re

iodld,sl wraO wdndê; Wjfyd;a

udi 45l jegqm jkaosf,i

jegqm hefmkakkag 55 jk;=re

úYdu jegqm hefmkakkag osúwe;s;=re

wdndê; orefjla we;akus jegqm osúwe;s;=re

;djld,sl wraO wdndê; Wjfyd;a

udi 10l jegqm

Dr. Lakshman Gamlath, National Institute of Health Sciences

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fus ish,qfoa ,efnkafka Tnf.a 12] ld<h fjkqfjks

riaidjg tkak biair @

Dr. Lakshman Gamlath, National Institute of Health Sciences

Page 11: 1 rajya sewaye api

riaidjg tkak biair @ Wmkafk rcfha frdayf,a

tkak;a ,nd¥kafk

f,vg fns;a


wms fudkjo rgg fokafk @

Dr. Lakshman Gamlath, National Institute of Health Sciences

Page 12: 1 rajya sewaye api

wusuf.ka ujqlsrs ,enqk

yrla meáhg fndkak ;sfhk lsrs wms nf,ka wrf.k fndkj

fydou j;=r ál î,

fydou riu lEu ld,

jd;fh ;sfhk TlaIscka ál wrf.k Co2 fokj

wms fudkjo rgg fokafk @




fyd|ufoa ,eîwe;

tfiakus wfma hq;=lu úh hq;af;a taieug lD;.=K


Page 13: 1 rajya sewaye api

1.Criticism úfõpkh

Why people criticize others ( unreasonable vs constructive)

Because they themselves are not happy inside.

They think that they are not up to the mark(Race caste religion)

Criticism is a food for uneasy mind (three wheeler drivers) wiykh iys; ys;

So interpret criticism wisely

Scoretes (True, good, its useful to me)` 13

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Perhaps she needs better laundry soap.

Her husband looked on, but remained silent.


she doesn’t know how to wash


.Dr. Lakshman Gamlath, National Institute of Health Sciences

Page 15: 1 rajya sewaye api


What we see when watching others, depends on the purity of the window through which we look.

Before we give any criticism, check our state of mind and ask ourselves if we are ready to see the good

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3’ wd;audra;ldñ;ajh iy BraIdj ;uqkag ke;sh hk ye.Su ksid we;sfjs

tu is;sú,a, ks;r isf;a we;sùfuka ;uka ke;sners whl= njgm;afjs

ta ksid mrdra:ldó jkak

ta ksid wkawhf.a iemf;aoS i;=gqùug fkdyelskus uOHia;jisákak

túg Ung oshqKj ,efns

fps;kdjhs lrauh fjkafk

Dr. Lakshman Gamlath, National Institute of Health Sciences

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What goes around comes aroundjmqrK foa ;uhs fk,d.kak fjkafk

wjxllu jemqrefjd;a úYajdih fk<d.kak mq<qjka

fyd|foa jemqrefjd;a fyd| ñ;=rka fk<d.kak mq<qjka

ukqIaY;ajh jemqrefjd;a Wiianj fk<d.kak mq<qjka

W;aidyh jemqrefjd;a idra:l;ajh fk<d.kak mq<qjka

iudj jemqrefjd;a iudodkh fk<d.kak mq<qjka


Tng wjYH foa wka whg fokak

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jmqrK foa ;uhs fk,d.kak fjkafk

ffjrh jemqrefjd;a f,vfrda. fk<d.kak mq<qjka

BraIdj jemqrefjd;a oqmam;alu fk<d.kak mq<qjka

úfjspkh jemqrefjd;a fldkaùu fk<d.kak mq<qjka

uiqrelu jemqrefjd;a oql fk<d.kak mq<qjka

uyka;;ajh jemqrefjd;a ;kslu fk<d.kak mq<qjka


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Un ;u fiajh idOdrKj rg fjkqfjkabgql, hq;af;a wehs@

You were educated by the poor people of this country

You are being paid by the poor people of this country

Dr. Lakshman Gamlath, National Institute of Health Sciences

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So is your duty to serve them adequately

If not its theft

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Ung osklg jegqm lShla ,efnkjo@




wfma hq;=lu úh hq;af;a taieug lD;.=K ie<lSuhs

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cSú;h jdikdjka; lr.ekSug cSú;fha

m%uqL;d y¦kd.kak

1. Ndrahdj$iajdñmqreIhdcSú;h Un fjkqfjka leml, Ung isák jákdu mqoa.,hd




(Touch, talk and walk)

(Frequent little things go a long way, BD,

Illness, help)

( If and when, where how, one wants)


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m%uqL;d 2


School, Tuition TV is deadly for this

(Touch, talk and walk)

wdoraYfhka iy


<ud jhi O/L A/L (Supervision)





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m%uqL;d 3

rdcldrshys;g tlİj i;=gg m;aúhyels

fiajhla bgqlsrSu

Self Appreciation

Not any good or bad comment from any one

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2’ orejka

3’ rdcldrshwmg /lSug we;af;a fumuKls

One who does 1st will invariably do the second

One who does 1&2 will do best at 3

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