(1 ong in rail · ifcpivey* volumexxv indulges insenatelevity position ofsenator is hard...

* VOLUME XXV ifcpivey Indulges In Senate Levity POSITION OF SENATOR IS HARD TO ASCERTAIN I Columbia, March Hfc Not-all that happens in the Senate chamber is seB tibus, and everf now and then a stroke of genius i$ manifested, showing some I members of that .august tbody as P«*t- masters in the ai t of humor. .One day last;week Senator John.F. I Williams., of Aiken, was addressing himself to the Senatr on Hip r«daii«A» BTtTThe 6-0-1 luw and in the course of B his flight of oratory, Senato'T- Spivey B? of Horry, addressed the chair in the fallowing language: » .a . tir;n A?ir. I ITSIUUU^. Ill . iur I B fcqm Aiken county consent to pause | B'toV a moment; cease to function fori Ef the time being; curtail the outTput of $¥-|- his eloquence for u sufficient" period, in* ; order that I might interrogate him on t a very important, pha^e of the intricate 3$ question which he is attempting to B elucidate?" ' ' ' The chair: "Will the Senator from K Aiken county yield to the Senator from Hortw for the purpose of being .interrogated." - . , .?iWith pleasure'' was the prompt rey ply of the Aiken Senator. "But" said he. "it occurs; to me that the Senator witlv the 'permanent Wave' who hails - from the 'Independent Republic of Horry/ is rather in the shape \ often ' w find myself seems not to knour what E he wants to say04- do. Now. don't intoxicate me on the exuberance of. iyeur veroeity." / "I trust;"; said the Hqrry> SenatoY, 'that the Senator ieoin Horse Creek ' Valley will not get ewcited; I simply wanted to ask' hiny a rrry profound > - queVtion, one of far-reaching impor^ tance, th? specTfic4nswef to whlrh-will have an enlightening effect -upon this .. body. and that is^^Mr. "]$_ -the gentlen\ah in favor of, or against the bill w question?" _Bishop\ille Messenger; * » W. Mack Moore Mkkes Statement E. < . Smith, of Horry. Offers Flatter[ing Sum in Effort to4 Bribe Prom* inent-Citizen in Alien and Smith Affair For a long time I-felt like .I would have-nothing to.feay relative to Allen r "and Smith trouble which, hus been exist nig for'some t>m?» hut I have decided that it is my duty to make a statement.- r am .related both of them and' wish th^m tfeffT'but know. " jng the facts as I do, 1 am convinced, thai Mr: Allen has been treated u:fair* and that the profiqr light-should, . be,turned on in order fhfct the public mil-ht. he correctly informed. About two years ago, Mr. SmitJi lof! his power to completely ontrol^ the Horry school. - The ,patr«n* unet and strongly voted in other trustees and asked the-County Board to appoint th»jji. The Board of Education appointed the trustees as recommended ' hy the patrons at this meeting. They . rweie good men. but because of this appointment Mr. Smith was d.Nsatis..»ivd. He-was not willing for the tcach' e"r?'that were hired by the trustees> to tfiBch. He said if th? new se^ of frus(ees.or the "County Bdard wpyld make certain changes; in the teachers, he .would W-eQ quiet,-btit if^they did-not, he would get Mr. Allen out* of the 'of-* - lice-if he had to spend every, thing he, had. He alsq. made pieptiqn <»f how much- money he' had,.and what ^he could gut. ' From then until now'Mr. Sipith -has kept Up the fight i.i.llie community, in the school and %la!ly ? got-in'the fchlireh. 'fill' I til Till llntl i null i j Ihi nhnvn statement seem true, was his' fffoiTj ~ to bribe or buy llW_best| citizens of the county. Offering him a check if h*i£"would turn against Mr. ' Allen and help hirrfget him out -d'.tho office he would get a check from s time to time, in fact he wpuld get paid. This time he was talking^ to, a man who has religion, a" man , that money does not buy. ii Mr. Allen is out of the office.- Mi I Smith** plans musthave been'effected , in .some instance*. I feel It my duty to say this for the benefit of the public. There Is lota more I cduld say, but 1 , Will stop f^r the present. If this is " ments will follow from thdse not susfgr ; : r-;3 L^ ..., i 9| ^ " a., 'd.-./ '.' ,V-- * " ; * .: \:i , r l r. V* v. ' t' ::. .,, . - "[ . ; j » -v "' '- .* - -:j WILL REBUILD (1 RAIL ROAD MYRTLE BEACH* April 4.^_vAp- J proximately five hundred. thousand . dollars will be spent 'by the Atlantic / Coast Line Rail RalN Company ii^ re/ building its line from Conway ttuM.vr: tlo Beach with eighty-five pound rail* the wt rk having »1 ready, commenced, a in addition to this; around seveutiAfiye h thousand dollairs WTfT be expended* by Q them in improvements at Cartway, in- f eluding the construction of/a new steel v bridge tind tin1 stlfltghtvitlnjir 'oT its T line at thut point, according to an- h nouncements by ,L. Cjmcker, Superin- o lendent, John L.' Cob/,- Jr., Director Public. Relations or tne nan rtonmn Company, ami Colonel H. 'B. "Springs, pi Vice-President oC the Myrtle Beach h Sa!es v!$<impa n v( following: ...a-conference with these officials Friday. , v The. Rail /Road Company is also B ^tirnirthe.nmjr its line between Elrod i h and fcoinifay, and will in due course ( n nlake iinprovements at Myrtle Beach. } v The WorV will be completed wLLbin ("h thrcy to four months, it is said. t Tnese improvements were decided ! t u/on-on account of the heavy traffic'! /o Myrtle Beach, which it is believed, c will rapidly increase in the tfuture.- r W. M/U.OFWACCA- * MAW ASS'N MEETS 5 .. * * : 'V ' a The Woman's Missionary U.nion of the Waccamaw asaociation-beW an-en- c thusiastic meeting: in th/Conway Bap-j r tist church on Tuesda^ April 5. ". fn All but one of the churches in the j v association that have W. M. 'U. pr-iT tfanizations were, well represented. A j f sweet (HrrotionaP wafc led by Mrs. M. { v Af" tlAMttAM*" o nvtort^ur] Kv V UI. UTipuui » v; Mrs. Spider Was veil responded* to by c Mr*. Nix of. Wdtjfpee. .^ '.'-t The reports 'for the Quarter Were Jf verjr encouraging. Edna Worley, t of Loriiwaa elected as aasqpiate Supt. W Auxt&ftes to suoeefcd Mrs. VB. j « Watson whp_has moved otff of the 1 county. - ^ * ' J The local* missionary siociety gave 8 v demonstration *f How * "Information Leads to Inspiration, play written 'by* § Miss Vormie Lance,'State }Y. M.- U. Corresponding Segretafy. "Mr*. Ha|)v , hazard, bewailing theUekof mterest^ o by her members, is visited by* MT-s. ^ Mission Study: wno shows her .thatpf ignorance is" Jji© trouble. V.v^he tsutilines the course of study, and calls in li several interesting -miasTon study £ bonks* The Challengcvto America, ;C Cuba for* Christ. -Leaven of Japan d China's *foeal -Re.voltftiou. etc.,. (each o to » « . is in appropriate .costumel. and thefY a the dono^mimitional Yxjugar ines. Baptist t Couarior, Royal Service. World i< rades, etc."' Mrs. Haphazard. isi!j,\-^lX prfsred, and;"her Enthusiasm....rur"-. high.- * "" * \i* ' itlw. J. ,B. Boatwright, acting vice c president J ol 4he'.. Ea»tet*n.Blv'ision a o/ * , made a. most helpful taJk on the great- t peed of Prayer, Purpose and Plans. h MisS. Florence Lido, of Hwaiig'Shieil, China, brought K soul stuiring message * bused'on Iaa. -5:1:T. . ^ J" An offering,.for Furmnn Infirmary- s was'given. . '' At'ter-fhe closing prayer*led by-Mrs s Boatwright, the' Jocal society served a bountiful lunch to -their*truest* ana to u tfce.jmernbers-*«rf the-^xecutive- Board n of Waccanmw .Association.- * 1> , The next quarterly meeting: jclll:,be <i hold at'troiHus Creek in .fuly. LORlSkOUTE X : FOUR ITEMS" .. * The heaith.of.^his neighborhood is e in kooc1 condition, except .the measles arevhutin# apout everybody- thqtf liiuwi i imu iHtfin. f^. .r* Daa-ate .Stevens Ailed hi^ call appointment at pleasant Grove church Sunday, Ai>ril 3. .' vWel were very* ntpy to hear of. the Hdeath of Mrs. N. J. Cox which occur- J ed Wednesday A. M. about seven o'*' o haiu ii.,, aktmmn ».d tiw'fv, maivii ***-». viiiimvii, nunbsrtfd, relatives qnd friends loved her, M but there was one" loyed Ker better. i Her remains'wete la#d in the Carter cemetery Thursday following in -ithjf n presence of a targe crowd of sorrow- fl ing relatives and friends. * i ' jQ doubted or responded to, sworn state _* ii pected; .>*.- B . ,W. If ACK 3XOQRZ. t 1 : * "-/./ rT frfrV. "I1 * , , V ; .:? V'. . - ' i :' :/ 3$$. " ' .s « ,£l \ .f*; LL '* : lf'\ ' -' v.; v'^ £ \ ; V.7 ^ 4 ^ * + 4 Iro ' j* CONWAY, S..C., THJ SDMUND D. BIGHi TENCED LI IURY RECOMMENDS ALLE MERCY AFTER BOTH ! WRITTEN AT DIR The Bigham caffPTattiie^ to a sudjleij nd dramatic close late jtfoiuisy aftsroOn whep by agreement. between ounsel for the j-tattu&nd foe the deeiuje the man who has lived almost .ithln the shadow of death for the ast six years was given by a jury'at ?ast the mercy qf life for the*balance f fiifKyears. i-..----long years, however, for Ri^ nrujs\still a comparatively "yoyihg un, wilrVhe dragged out within. th» 4avy wallsW* the state peniteptiury. VnpriHoh-nimt for life at hard laboi tw^thty sdn/ence pronounced upori igraMfff^Aiciisly twd.jurise.had sen< iim to^jAchair. The termi- a?i<>n of th,\case Monday, therefor^ rus a victory^oi«4Jigham, although ad the. case gone to the jury, withou1 he direction of the modified verdict he result migfrt have b«n»iy diffreent "he T5ase may have ended jji anothei onviction, ov-ryrt again, it, may hav< esulted in a mistrial. No body beieves an acquittal was ever possible ,t least in Horry. . When Judge Smith announced thai he attorneys foy the state and for tht tefense had reached an agreement foi directed,xerldct of guilty with rec m mendation for, mrecy, the lattej lauso saving Blgham's life, the cour jm. » oom was stunned. It was severa ninutes before the spectators realize* /hat was happening. Absolute quie' cigned. A pia could have heen" hear* o fall anywhere, in a large court roon vhich all day had been restleesjj railing for somethTng'to happen; 1 ourt room packed with folk who an iearad'tg resent the slowness bf thi proceedings and to wonder why. al his trouble irt getting, u .jury. X As a,, matter df fact Horry peopl ltd not wan| tp serve, and "they showei t plainly in -the"excuses the'y gdv udge Bouhafn in»th>ir response to their dire.... < _ ^ ^ 'ij'-he t>riginaj venirje of 36 men wa oon exhausted with only seven seofi n tlje jury bov"~ftHod# A recess for three hours was taket yrfng which an additional full veniri f 36 men was ordered. When eour at>2 o'clock* onfly a dosei ff^hhe 36 'rqspondyd. The effort tl mpaifiSl a ^uryWent on-under .waiver] rojrn th6" atlpmeys of their riffhls )ver fifty of the men called to jun n^y declared that they had format mnioas which no evidence coul< hake. It was.j;emarkabi«;in yigw o! hf Tttpiospbere thai two of these opin ns were fjivofaije the defendant ?t,hyxvo\f.n.>y,et;f.,crrdw:f.<i .tor^&nd.tuddt ec-.tuse they could not convict oh cirr utmtailtlal eyidepite. One man wan xcu-^cd ofl physician^ certjfi»-at< nd anoahe'r because h<* had served or he Horrv jury \Vhich convicted Biff an). Sat Ujfftrtion was audime"trmonff tip ncftatrtr-; whpn at 1 n'olork <11 th« »f y . V jfirpr 1^, was sworn ,»iui the\ ettled down to" a wait the feaf^t, Aftej he'f-tfj.tft hud called to the witfjiesj (and Wtiltcr Mc\*»'hIto. AV. U\ Purvis b' tman Myers, _Hattfe Singletary lid had read the testimony (by agree lent) ofvDt*. W. H. Posfon who wa» re Vented, from attending the trial b> idleness,'-and they, had been duly .cross Jcarniried, (he purpose of th'fv-stat, »g iq prove its-case,'Judge &inithfask> d for a "conference of the attofn.ey? f bo\h. *tate and.dr-fnrrKe..In tjiret lirtutM the attorneys 'filed back ii.tc he*court room; Tht^ air wag full ol xpectancy. .Then came-' the bomb heJLL: ^ The State of South Carolina has iusi-0^ uiu Hi.^yefth MM ingumn Rth r of fivv persons in a tragedy <af lO^1 'li!Ln llLiX» * > Wi|)i?Q vujl Lxic i ninny.i^ ?t Smiley Bigham, late planter of th 'amplioo district and formerly a stau enator. ' The state took its exit from the cast /hen it^ggreed with defense counse o ask the court to <jircet the jury tc e'urn a verdict of guilfy with recom Herniation for m£rey. A few hours a£pt Bigharrvd'entfOfi trial a third tiim or the alleged slaying of hi* brother mi ley Bigham, the^lndlctmepis charg tg that Bigham murdered hi* mother Irs. Margery Blaek, a stater, and hei w<> little adopted boys were nolle ' = 1 "v ! 1 \ . . v. v' ! v r" jr,.t % * x *, 'f >:*&X£fcwtf'm %' % ' v u -.< *' # * ^ ^ / . $2 '' £m"*T' H ^^B^L j ^B Ab ^B ^B --H[ ^B1 B I .- '- V«1-'- 1 w \ , L' '/?«'^ *: * * ':* ' '* >4.* jrsday, April 7, 192w -*4+ *rrmisskn- fetbme in prison A 4 J' " J* MTa!^ I *t *. ;ced slayer of five t0 >ides agree.verdict ection-of judge >, »"' » . w -_ / (I .oe«?d. 4 Bigham, sentenced to lift* iniprisorUUent following the return of w »hti.. dinrtui vemker, trrtl; be taken pack to the state penitentiary where 'he apent forty .seven month* iiv the death fropse .i\\ .hi iiim ..ir...M.^..n (-, | - lowing Jtfi^corn ici ion ,>f murdering: his brother *t th. tw.» previous cipafch Pale and haggard f''<>m V»»>: uiv f behind. jfcpion bars. Bighutn received | tho BBiitdjhbi1 ( mi ntr\- «»ni had.nothing 10 saybdfoip - t'ltMxV' was passed upon hiin.I Hp told Judge M i Hedge L Bontantf who pas^^-tfyer^ntenco thn his atto^i eys had spoken .(or him. t / Thev 4»n.oi|nceineut b/'.Mendol L y Smith, defense counsel, that tht . state and defense had agreed oil, tin t directed>Verdict brought 'to a. drama* i< t close Um>Mttt^;irtnTT-dtirfftg^vhTcT f Righam had three times escaped ex eCUtlon by-'interygmionfof the Suprem* Court. Twice the verdict of the hivi,1; ' or court Was reversed, and anothe ' time when sentence.Jiad been passed * followinir refusal «if the supremi court £0 allow anew trial, the higl court changed its decision when, de f fenae counsel contended that new evi r dence hfd been-found. - ' Coming as the sudden climax to r long day which had been spent large! 1 in aeWdting a jury of 12 men to re ' cetve the third trial, the request fn-/ * directed- verdict completely surprise" ^ a liffg throng $f country people aft lowrglfh, " ho ;ft»d ys^emblod-in th 1 court rpom >with the expectation tha f tlx ^fcettimon.y .would -dr. a ft a Ion x through* a wee\ or longel- a^previou trigla. <] * .«* * EL-t.-.CrtalrdiflteuUy had beyri exffiitT ru ' hd in obtaining'the Jjury arid two pty psl of retirement were called Hefot p the jmr was filled. Maliy of tV ^eiufM^dr^hb wdxf disqualified oj e j»enly jeelared that they had fdVrm p an opinion .^dF. the prisoner's / truil while others said'.ftjhey would not cot s vict utun <irpumsta"ntial evidence, ur " on &h:ch the state tarfely h:fd bui " at,l £ it*.C^f. ->v ... t Fiv* wimasses heard today Jheftjr f*1 the direrted.'vercfict was sought, get * .eraUy " iterated the.iwjiniony. of th 1 Dr.'W If. PUKton, phystciaji, whq wa ) om'.v '...fi f A 1 ho R*i Ariio iti hnmii fnl ln\1 >> fn^r th-.. luyinjr was read b> at^nrnj^' I>r. !' iun beinp Hl~#t his.home.'" .In a?tMnjr the directed .vetdiet, M Smitf' lied&red thai* it tnis tin)'1 D ' deferrc had decided that'it would f f Uert -.r-d that no better verdict -crn*! ilo. h:>|>e t-.fof 'tit the trial. H.» s.o that -'.viment in this secijori' wtyv-m * 'to'the prisonert htif t* T !_ -m " * ; " : \v4>h the defense was «> save n 5 life. ./ Pi.' Lin|r the view of the nrose^ji 1 titrri. - 'ieitor L. >£. (Iasquc*»aid tin - fchouir ifi had at "first strefiuousl\ oj 4tsWv).lik tern»p such nti apfre^nterit, i -Ifevir hat Bijarhani shoul^ be" pit nisi " "i d for 1 e crime for whtcblkehad hoc T twice . nvjctpil, the'v5??Httt|i been Ion * <Jruw , jt.fin<l the state -did not wis ! to a af lo be se.ekinjt blood, -an r flnatr trretld tyThe ^i'jfrLn-y , rpu, ?ny to the jury. Jud^> Botff u " said ;* t .under a.ruling by the Sour s- CaroT .^upreme Cmift a man hud r vierrtiU' he wished, and he instructs ' the f nan of the agreement.* " << >urt was soon acajou med," av the c yds of .spectators--filed out t '."retur^sE^nie. Many of them had.com r- from 'ant parts'of the coun*y-*n > from M.ore'nce. f Tb< BiJlhara^trajrecfy.. qccwr&J o .Januai" 15f ' when Mrs. M. !N Bich:.i "hei*" daughter, M,rs. Blael * and'th> adopted children. John "an M"J ' thaihiti;'. whiH fwmd tlVJt! 1 f»m h*bmer-4g4naund Bighgn his wif- and daughters were at .tf it -hf»n»e Won nei^hhrrr^ finf-fr-aTi amri-jf .testjfv/i'that thC- mother before dyitf] s tolj b imund that Smiley had fcille them. The next day the » body < : fhiriley wa«, found pti a ditohbank i 1 some w od's in front of the hhuse. TV > static.>Mlended t+iist Edmund killed a 4ve In an efforts to Rain the forajl proper cy>vbut the defense assert i (hat Smiley was the reel slayer ar , had afterwards committed suicide. Seven or eight persona connect* with the case in various ways hai * died or the witness stand. .These o \ current ee led to V belief in the; con r r ^ ^ .t e t V w .frw. . 4.* . ? U . . 1 '+**" V __ .'.* ^ < ~-i ' H J 0 i"N 0"RTT : v ' 'CQNW^V * V 4.» .i.. i .r ' . \ y^TZLl^ .. *' .. Seriously Injured - 11 In Car Turnover'. MISS KATHERfXE RICHARDSON E AND OTI1ERS 111 HT IN WRECK A EAR GEORG ETON N . »; v * -4 "* Georgetown, April *5.4.Mlas Katherine Richardson, « teacher ""7n ~the' pi Urir school was* ijeriously..Injured. C and ,M. J. Bullock, principal and uu. c< Misses Cox, badly bruised and cut. when the automobile in which the> c< were riding Saturday niaht left the V road and ran headlong: into a ilitcfi on p route 40. about 12 miles frorti George!^\ II. '. * .v,v f ti TU.. «. .... rv.xn U.<r u I 1117 > »*<»." VII IVllir » >"HI Plow II nolin Hardens It ap(»enr*th»t a flat h t-ire. and a too sudden turn was th ii ,cause of the car s leaving: the road. A,11. j\ ihe windows Tri tTw» ><machlnc "vTri t 7 . smashed* and the. oeeupfffi¥s thrown t \iolently against each other. Another h , auto party -which was. folloxtinjr close s . hl'hindv rescued the injureji-'Jrdm the g disabled "machine and took them' to «. -Georgetown wheerthey received- qied. ical attention. Miss Richardson Is £tiH- -c » in a serious condition;.bitf it is not > .. thought h«»r injuries, will prove fatal. | PETIT JURORS ! 1 FOR FIRST WEEK ; * r: r 1.i. .. "* Thf» following is a list ofPutivyfur* ors for -the, flVst weeK of Common ^ Pleas Court td. be huiden .at. Conway. Monday* April 18fh, llhi7, His Honor, ?M. L. Bortham Judge Presiding: * | Walker Martin. * d.^ 4 JI. Aiiein _w;: *" Lueian Morris^ ^ . NeNon^Ford > * fc._ Tom Jones 5 ..J" -*NY H Bellamy X J. H. Sawyer ' ' itynry O. .Paul X ^ ;t*. P.' D. Bovd ^ ~ "* " ' <»« A. #ohn«on* 1 |f* ' ^'i^ie Hu?ks'* # * J. (). Plant on <*\ A. 17 John.Mjn* ' " 1 V. L. Willlimaert V.- -r ...,* 'L. fi. Graham " . L." H. (hr>re. '-* ? Chess- Qratng'e^' « . " J.. M. Hujrejjns _ ;: ; *" . I'l^st.oji \wlliatn.i .v. . * IP Jessir Lunp , * % * ^ \Vo; Floyd r^y' 1" Rufus Hug|fiiv>v .... *' ' .J. W. Afford ,.:***" y"" [ W* .1. Stanley r-' * t-\V.--fr-Dc>r?e* ;'> '' - v * . * '"* .T tra.mp.»Voreen . _ .> ? j, 1 ;v Arthur Cla.i'dy*.'.v '. * . id M4f . \v.. .p. -Lewis ':v -Vr /f v -V$ , & " £ " wr+f. Qpre V - Air*, H"".*-"iT. M.; Hufrka.- A te-r;-. ~-KJ Q'u,Ja\y : V'"" ' lr x*. ' - m Doyle ' . . ' ' nr"'* . N. H. Hayt-s' t . * * .* Sam C.*RabSt» #. _ I1* . v'TT kR.vCausey "S H ( ONWAY ic TO SI-00 STORK. ' 1.1 ......... V11T »- II -I.' V 111 HIT ' I , I'lfun . MBinn r-vnv.i. The Cmijvary fovto $1.00 Store again ® eom-'c tn the ffoijt .with its exhibit of . vKa tcr^ioyeltivs. r s i ;O0e of ^ht»- many features of 'jhe~ >' various Kaster' rabbit*,* n '];i.-ti'., Ji;vskot^' (** ,<is a? Fenumatiq ^ liopiTitie* jfrafthit." Tlie ^rabbit if* ahopt *l | 0, 4-2 inc-liea long. -has natural, color **~j- t'-uV.- jrla-^ feyes, and is operated with i'h fuller* tube?&nd bulb. When bulb ^ Is.* flrf?t»sed rabbit hops' and rai.-e^ it^s ° ears, jaPe-dig every appearance*'of a ^ 'real I|»:^rahbjt. -Tint ^device will'giVe'untold- pleas-' ...' ! uiy>-to the young plies and it ns our n suggestion thai^you. ge^ one of thtjfe,; j before all qjf them are'sold. I ^ iThefr* ts :d*<> on hand ^ a goodly ^ amount of Faster lillios. waxed flow^ eY> for the Easter holidays, plenty of ior ihg yodn^ m lt> old folks, and in short anything" yop Wish fo'r the. Easter festival. "'* * .' Again may we* suggest- that you patronize this .ever growing and everfl f . progressive store. ip ^ » * 11 fi 10 mopity that- supernatural powers had 11 bee nexertetf.* Some persons, for the !y most part negroes, were afraid of id third trial, remembering a aerie* of cinrmt nwmYInods. occurring here dur- 'V* " » .-r- .. ., . injj the'second trial.. The flfftt trial k! by fchanjfe «'f vfoue was held in re Florence. c- "I /wnrtt 'tn jay to" tWF court and to *r (Coatinuod 'on page 4) v* v. 7 * ' *' ' ' *. *. j ,*_ '* 'J' ' W ;v.":.rC. v.-.' ~.Z- , yi . <v -< *+ ' y. V 1 - ' KV* '' -.... t,; 13 -.. Ong explains ' BIGHAM VERDICT MAINTAINS HIS'. INNOCENCE AS II I? II AS* ^ .FOR SIX YEARS Florence. S. C., AprH 6 *Tho com- « rotnise vjerdiot in the Hicham cast* at. on>vay, in wnich the.defendant ac^-^" pted a..life ternvfO state pen'l»nu«ry, was (he subject of frenefal ® nimnent on the'street* Of Florence ? 4 estcrday.' VnrijWi* </pinlons weio e'X- -_v' Bussed. - .* - "Whatever anyone may feel at the ,.~T~ * « J* / / ime coTiY'erh'injFthis cas»\'" sai»i A! 11 . y~ liiffr. Btphaw's o.tijiriunl a'ttorm as devoted six years of intensive and ntellbteht work in behalf of his i',vnous client, "attorneys for- the, 'do- _ endant are tjnit * .featis/ied ,thl»t the . ime will come when the effort* tha; ^ ia\c bieii jtui t'oriji to maintain the , unciilv of the law and the. p^yitcctlon ruarftutfed under constitutional gov-* * v f-nmetvl wdl b«rfuily appreciate^ - '. "That Kdmiitul |>. Bighani finely . >*. tmstrhled to a certain avenue of safety. . 10 far as his life is concerned'; does not' 11 any sense establish his guilt a* * natter of- fact. I left hinv.as I found lini six and one-half years ago__proesting his innocence, - aud it is my iplnion that time wlH full virdivar-'J * <0 :he»e assertions. While Mr. King had nothing to say Jurinsg the. presentation to the court 5f. the a^5fc« met»r.b^twcet) ihe uttor-. neys for the «tate i*nd the, defense, he had/during fbH day, taken the feuding pari in the-defense ^>f«.tt»e,case as he r r: has for the past six years. HORRY SON ~ ^ - M , IS HONORED #.*»* V ^ a # ! ..'A' " .. " Order- from, headquarters of the v Son* r>f Confederale Veterns havt* 1/een Issued, appointing. Col. D.v A. Sp.ivey of Citnwhy, as Commander bfVlWe,. Thfrd Brigade, South Carolina DiVw&fe^ i»u_o£ the.S. C. V'l-y, * - ,a.4 The General Reunion-Is th be held ^ ip Tampa, Fla..during the month "of April, w hile tin* State 'confederation 4 ... will he'held aC (Jneenwocki, S. C., in. * May next: « . ^ ;* :.«... Dn/\»viltinrtf Cnool/net: M. luiiiiiiciii^kjpvanvij ^ (> Delivers Addre'ss 4&: '} "/. ^ » MYRTLE BIvAGlC^il yftljlDr," IX W Daniel of .£ieipson College, and -., l)f. David YM Ramsey, 1'riteido.ht, of/-" Greenville AVomens Ctdlege, 'anwiir - the 'prominent gli^sta ni Myrtle fhw.h \ v.ek emlf-aitUi es-t t| ajj appreoi-. atm? i»udienci' 1'Yiday^iHfhjL, which fillcl tth^Hii'r-mr rouni oTtin*'Seaside Inn ,-s »S /* vf * 4 * ' - Vv'"» 'J'*' to cftpaciTy. H<>t|v>i>e«ket:M yidko' e*f* ' the greatness of. thi. Myrtle ^^iclLde-- velopmont MUtl ^'eai'sVil ilTe -mod ui tliy,-, head of the project, Aff. Daniel, ,«*K IV his characteristic humor. ttorched 'off. ;* th'o hiutvlaws, declaring- that '*if"v.e could gSt 4rid of theni", South ^ Una's expansion woflld bo'more'.rafiid:' . Colonel tl. B.. Springs in bis usual gracious style introduced the speakera. \Ne also pr.e*«mt»^ members oT the'Clenismf*College faculty who. wore - V .'v, * v. * * in the nrfrt v as-folioWjs: Profi-innM* »<tf*i- Mrs. 1). II. Horn y, Pi ofo.ssor aidl.,S.R. R&odosaw] Prof«**otvan«f-M rs D/ - v Difnavari; ns woli as the'.followh-c " ! V piu-sts fty»m Greprivs!It-: Mrs. Tft»vid M. Ruoisoy,. Mr*, and Mfs. *1. F. Onl-k livan, M r. *hiivd' I larry. "Gnl livajk J . and Mr. and -Mrs. John" T. Wuods-<|<t, ; . -i This wit* followed \vith,jho presen ta-' > i irtp of Vernon Oswald, t ho' new (I. nerdl fcalte% Maijwjf'.-r ttnd\M.t'*. Oswald/T - /_ ** "CONTRACTS POSTPONED y r J MYRTLE BEACH." April 1. rlnffc ^ * tfi the-^lelay in nbtainin]Br. the printed. ' specifications, if hns been found n;-ggflWry.I^Tlfigl&nne HWvlHllim ni.tHf « .' contracts £pr (he development con-. struction weak at Myrtle -Beach' until A ..1T.4 1 1 i iiui nun(> , u i-if Iiioiva^ tut *«|>i it 7tl», as advertised. V . . '* y /> * . P A*ENT-TEACH ER AS* , /'il,;-'80ClATI0N MEETS ^ 1 < ' The P. T. A. .will hold its April " meeting ^hursday afternoon from T; ---' Four t6 five o'clock in the school audi* ' ' torium.-Interesting discussions on . Better And Happier Children, and the * prqpei equipment for thetr play will be held. Very important.business Is^ : to be transacted, the president^ j urgejr-all thb member* to attend.' ' , - c .. s* : 77^ , ~ '' , ; i r. v \.* ;r *'? ' v * V V 'a . 'i *?' */ T~ . j? *f'*,'f* *. . . fjf V-' * * ' v . / " *

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Post on 28-Mar-2020




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Page 1: (1 Ong In RAIL · ifcpivey* VOLUMEXXV Indulges InSenateLevity POSITION OFSENATOR IS HARD TOASCERTAIN I Columbia, March Hfc Not-allthat happens in the Senate chamber is seB tibus,


ifcpivey IndulgesIn Senate Levity


I Columbia, March Hfc Not-all thathappens in the Senate chamber is seBtibus, and everf now and then a strokeof genius i$ manifested, showing some

I members of that .august tbody as P«*t-masters in the ai t of humor..One day last;week Senator John.F.

I Williams., of Aiken, was addressinghimself to the Senatr on Hip r«daii«A»

BTtTThe 6-0-1 luw and in the course ofB his flight of oratory, Senato'T- SpiveyB? of Horry, addressed the chair in the

fallowing language:».a . tir;n

A?ir. I ITSIUUU^. Ill . iur I

B fcqm Aiken county consent to pause |B'toV a moment; cease to function foriEf the time being; curtail the outTput of$¥-|- his eloquence for u sufficient" period, in*

; order that I might interrogate him on t

a very important, pha^e of the intricate3$ question which he is attempting to

B elucidate?" ' ' '

The chair: "Will the Senator fromK Aiken county yield to the Senator

from Hortw for the purpose of being.interrogated." -


.?iWith pleasure'' was the prompt reyply of the Aiken Senator. "But" saidhe. "it occurs; to me that the Senatorwitlv the 'permanent Wave' who hails

- from the 'Independent Republic ofHorry/ is rather in the shape \ often '

w find myself seems not to knour whatE he wants to say04- do. Now. don'ti£ intoxicate me on the exuberance of.iyeur veroeity." /

"I trust;"; said the Hqrry> SenatoY,'that the Senator ieoin Horse Creek

' Valley will not get ewcited; I simplywanted to ask' hiny a rrry profound

> - queVtion, one of far-reaching impor^tance, th? specTfic4nswef to whlrh-willhave an enlightening effect -upon this

.. body. and that is^^Mr. "]$_-the gentlen\ah in favor of, or againstthe bill w question?" _Bishop\illeMessenger; *


W. Mack MooreMkkes Statement

E. < . Smith, of Horry. Offers Flatter[ingSum in Effort to4 Bribe Prom*inent-Citizen in Alien and

Smith Affair

For a long time I-felt like .I wouldhave-nothing to.feay relative to Allen

r "and Smith trouble which, hus beenexistnig for'some t>m?» hut I have decidedthat it is my duty to make a

statement.- r am .related both ofthem and' wish th^m tfeffT'but know." jng the facts as I do, 1 am convinced,thai Mr: Allen has been treated u:fair*and that the profiqr light-should,

. be,turned on in order fhfct the publicmil-ht. he correctly informed.About two years ago, Mr. SmitJi

lof! his power to completely ontrol^the Horry school. - The ,patr«n* unetand strongly voted in other trusteesand asked the-County Board to appointth»jji. The Board of Education appointedthe trustees as recommended '

hy the patrons at this meeting. They .rweie good men. but because of this

appointment Mr. Smith was d.Nsatis..»ivd.He-was not willing for the tcach'e"r?'that were hired by the trustees> to

tfiBch. He said if th? new se^ of frus(ees.orthe "County Bdard wpyld makecertain changes; in the teachers, he

.would W-eQ quiet,-btit if^they did-not,he would get Mr. Allen out* of the 'of-*

- lice-if he had to spend every, thing he,had. He alsq. made pieptiqn <»f howmuch- money he' had,.and what ^hecould gut.

' From then until now'Mr.Sipith -has kept Up the fight i.i.lliecommunity, in the school and %la!ly

? got-in'the fchlireh.'fill' I til Till llntl i null i j Ihi nhnvn

statement seem true, was his' fffoiTj~

to bribe or buy llW_best|citizens of the county. Offering him a

check if h*i£"would turn against Mr.'

Allen and help hirrfget him out -d'.thooffice he would get a check from

s time to time, in fact he wpuld getpaid. This time he was talking^ to, aman who has religion, a" man , thatmoney does not buy. ii

Mr. Allen is out of the office.- Mi ISmith** plans musthave been'effected ,

in .some instance*. I feel It my duty tosay this for the benefit of the public.There Is lota more I cduld say, but 1 ,

Will stop f^r the present. If this is"

ments will follow from thdse not susfgr; : r-;3

L^ ...,

i 9| ^

" a., 'd.-./ '.' ,V--* "

; * .: \:i, r l r. V*


t' ::.

.,, .- "[ . ; j » -v "' '-

.* -



MYRTLE BEACH* April 4.^_vAp- Jproximately five hundred. thousand .

dollars will be spent 'by the Atlantic /Coast Line Rail RalN Company ii^ re/building its line from Conway ttuM.vr:tlo Beach with eighty-five pound rail*the wt rk having »1ready, commenced, a

in addition to this; around seveutiAfiye hthousand dollairs WTfT be expended* by Qthem in improvements at Cartway, in- feluding the construction of/a new steel v

bridge tind tin1 stlfltghtvitlnjir 'oT itsTline at thut point, according to an- hnouncements by ,L. Cjmcker, Superin- o

lendent, John L.' Cob/,- Jr., DirectorPublic. Relations or tne nan rtonmn

Company, ami Colonel H. 'B. "Springs, piVice-President oC the Myrtle Beach hSa!es v!$<impan v( following: ...a-conferencewith these officials Friday. , v

The. Rail /Road Company is also B^tirnirthe.nmjr its line between Elrod i hand fcoinifay, and will in due course ( nnlake iinprovements at Myrtle Beach. } vThe WorV will be completed wLLbin ("hthrcy to four months, it is said. tTnese improvements were decided ! t

u/on-on account of the heavy traffic'!/o Myrtle Beach, which it is believed, c

will rapidly increase in the tfuture.- r



* *

: 'V' a

The Woman's Missionary U.nion ofthe Waccamaw asaociation-beW an-en- c

thusiastic meeting: in th/Conway Bap-j r

tist church on Tuesda^ April 5. ". fnAll but one of the churches in the j v

association that have W. M. 'U. pr-iTtfanizations were, well represented. A j f

sweet (HrrotionaP wafc led by Mrs. M. { vAf" tlAMttAM*" o nvtort^ur] Kv VUI. UTipuui » v;

Mrs. Spider Was veil responded* to by c

Mr*. Nix of. Wdtjfpee. .^ '.'-tThe reports 'for the Quarter Were Jf

verjr encouraging. Edna Worley, t

of Loriiwaa elected as aasqpiate Supt.W Auxt&ftes to suoeefcd Mrs. VB. j «

Watson whp_has moved otff of the 1

county. -

^* 'JThe local* missionary siociety gave 8 v

demonstration *f How * "InformationLeads to Inspiration, j» play written 'by* §Miss Vormie Lance,'State }Y. M.- U.Corresponding Segretafy. "Mr*. Ha|)v ,

hazard, bewailing theUekof mterest^ o

by her members, is visited by* MT-s. ^

Mission Study: wno shows her .thatpfignorance is" Jji© trouble. V.v^he tsutilinesthe course of study, and calls in li

several -« interesting -miasTon study £

bonks* The Challengcvto America, ;CCuba for* Christ. -Leaven of Japan d

China's *foeal -Re.voltftiou. etc.,. (each oto »


is in appropriate .costumel. and thefY a

the dono^mimitional Yxjugar ines. Baptist t

Couarior, Royal Service. World i<

rades, etc."' Mrs. Haphazard. isi!j,\-^lXprfsred, and;"her Enthusiasm....rur"-.high.- * "" * \i*

' itlw. J. ,B. Boatwright, acting vice c

president J ol 4he'.. Ea»tet*n.Blv'ision ao/ * ,

made a. most helpful taJk on the great- t

peed of Prayer, Purpose and Plans. h

MisS. Florence Lido, of Hwaiig'Shieil,China, brought K soul stuiring message *

bused'on Iaa. -5:1:T. . ^ J"An offering,.for Furmnn Infirmary- s

was'given. .''

At'ter-fhe closing prayer*led by-Mrs s

Boatwright, the' Jocal society served a

bountiful lunch to -their*truest* ana to u

tfce.jmernbers-*«rf the-^xecutive- Board n

of Waccanmw .Association.- * 1>

, The next quarterly meeting: jclll:,be <ihold at'troiHus Creek in .fuly.


.. *

The heaith.of.^his neighborhood is e

in kooc1 condition, except .the measlesarevhutin# apout everybody- thqtfliiuwi i imu iHtfin. f^..r*

Daa-ate .Stevens Ailed hi^ call

appointment at pleasant Grove churchSunday, Ai>ril 3. .'vWel were very* ntpy to hear of. the Hdeathof Mrs. N. J. Cox which occur- Jed Wednesday A. M. about seven o'*'o haiu ii.,, aktmmn ».dtiw'fv, maivii ***-». viiiimvii,nunbsrtfd,relatives qnd friends loved her, M

but there was one" loyed Ker better. i

Her remains'wete la#d in the Cartercemetery Thursday following in -ithjf n

presence of a targe crowd of sorrow-fl

ing relatives and friends.*

i' jQ

doubted or responded to, sworn state_* ii

pected; .>*.- B. ,W. IfACK 3XOQRZ. t

1 :*

"-/./rT frfrV. "I1


, , V ;

.:? V'. . -

' i :' :/ 3$$."


.s « ,£l \ .f*;

LL '* : lf'\ '

-' v.; v'^ £\ ; V.7 ^


^* +

4 Iro ' j*




The Bigham caffPTattiie^ to a sudjleijnd dramatic close late jtfoiuisy aftsroOnwhep by agreement. betweenounsel for the j-tattu&nd foe the deeiujethe man who has lived almost.ithln the shadow of death for theast six years was given by a jury'at?ast the mercy qf life for the*balancef fiifKyears. i-..----longyears, however, for Ri^nrujs\still a comparatively "yoyihgun, wilrVhe dragged out within. th»4avy wallsW* the state peniteptiury.VnpriHoh-nimt for life at hard laboi

tw^thty sdn/ence pronounced upori

igraMfff^Aiciisly twd.jurise.had sen<iim to^jAchair. The termi-a?i<>n of th,\case Monday, therefor^rus a victory^oi«4Jigham, althoughad the. case gone to the jury, withou1he direction of the modified verdicthe result migfrt have b«n»iy diffreent"he T5ase may have ended jji anotheionviction, ov-ryrt again, it, may hav<esulted in a mistrial. No body beievesan acquittal was ever possible,t least in Horry. .

When Judge Smith announced thaihe attorneys foy the state and for thttefense had reached an agreement foidirected,xerldct of guilty with rec

mmendation for, mrecy, the lattejlauso saving Blgham's life, the cour

jm. »

oom was stunned. It was severa

ninutes before the spectators realize*/hat was happening. Absolute quie'cigned. A pia could have heen" hear*o fall anywhere, in a large court roon

vhich all day had been restleesjjrailing for somethTng'to happen; 1

ourt room packed with folk who an

iearad'tg resent the slowness bf thiproceedings and to wonder why. alhis trouble irt getting, u .jury. XAs a,, matter df fact Horry peopl

ltd not wan| tp serve, and"they showeit plainly in -the"excuses the'y gdvudge Bouhafn in»th>ir response to theirdire.... <

_ ^^

'ij'-he t>riginaj venirje of 36 men wa

oon exhausted with only seven seofin tlje jury bov"~ftHod#A recess for three hours was taket

yrfng which an additional full venirif 36 men was ordered. When eour

at>2 o'clock* onfly a dosei

ff^hhe 36 'rqspondyd. The effort tlmpaifiSl a ^uryWent on-under .waiver]rojrn th6" atlpmeys of their riffhls)ver fifty of the men called to junn^y declared that they had formatmnioas which no evidence coul<hake. It was.j;emarkabi«;in yigw o!

hf Tttpiospbere thai two of these opinns were fjivofaije the defendant

?t,hyxvo\f.n.>y,et;f.,crrdw:f.<i .tor^&nd.tuddtec-.tuse they could not convict oh cirrutmtailtlal eyidepite. One man wan

xcu-^cd ofl physician^ certjfi»-at<nd anoahe'r because h<* had served or

he Horrv jury \Vhich convicted Biffan).Sat Ujfftrtion was audime"trmonff tip

ncftatrtr-; whpn at 1 n'olork <11 th« »fy . V

jfirpr 1^, was sworn ,»iui the\ettled down to" await the feaf^t, Aftejhe'f-tfj.tft hud called to the witfjiesj(and Wtiltcr Mc\*»'hIto. AV. U\ Purvisb' tman Myers, _Hattfe Singletarylid had read the testimony (by agreelent) ofvDt*. W. H. Posfon who wa»

re Vented, from attending the trial b>idleness,'-and they, had been duly .cross

Jcarniried, (he purpose of th'fv-stat,»g iq prove its-case,'Judge &inithfask>d for a "conference of the attofn.ey?f bo\h. *tate and.dr-fnrrKe..In tjiretlirtutM the attorneys 'filed back ii.tche*court room; Tht^ air wag full olxpectancy. .Then came-' the bombheJLL: ^The State of South Carolina has

iusi-0^ uiu Hi.^yefth MM ingumn Rth

r of fivv persons in a tragedy <af lO^1'li!Ln llLiX» * > Wi|)i?Q vujl Lxic i ninny.i^

?t Smiley Bigham, late planter of th'amplioo district and formerly a stauenator. '

The state took its exit from the cast/hen it^ggreed with defense counseo ask the court to <jircet the jury tce'urn a verdict of guilfy with recomHerniation for m£rey. A few hours a£ptBigharrvd'entfOfi trial a third tiimor the alleged slaying of hi* brothermi ley Bigham, the^lndlctmepis chargtg that Bigham murdered hi* motherIrs. Margery Blaek, a stater, and heiw<> little adopted boys were nolle


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* ':* ''* >4.*

jrsday, April 7, 192w-*4+*rrmisskn-

fetbme in prisonA

4 J' "

J* MTa!^ I *t*.

;ced slayer of five t0>ides agree.verdictection-of judge

-» >, »"' » . w

-_ /(I .oe«?d. 4 Bigham, sentenced to lift*

iniprisorUUent following the return ofw »hti.. dinrtui vemker, trrtl; be takenpack to the state penitentiary where'he apent forty .seven month* iiv thedeath fropse .i\\ .hi iiim ..ir...M.^..n (-, |

- lowing Jtfi^corn ici ion ,>f murdering: hisbrother *t th. tw.» previous cipafchPale and haggard f''<>m V»»>: uiv

f behind. jfcpion bars. Bighutn received| tho BBiitdjhbi1 ( mi ntr\- «»ni had.nothing

10 saybdfoip - t'ltMxV' was passed uponhiin.I Hp told Judge M iHedge LBontantf who pas^^-tfyer^ntenco thnhis atto^ieys had spoken .(or him.

t / Thev 4»n.oi|nceineut b/'.Mendol Ly Smith, defense counsel, that tht. state and defense had agreed oil, tint directed>Verdict brought 'to a. drama* i<t close Um>Mttt^;irtnTT-dtirfftg^vhTcTf Righam had three times escaped ex

eCUtlon by-'interygmionfof the Suprem*Court. Twice the verdict of the hivi,1;

' or court Was reversed, and anothe' time when sentence.Jiad been passed* followinir refusal «if the supremi

court £0 allow anew trial, the higlcourt changed its decision when, de

f fenae counsel contended that new evir dence hfd been-found.- ' Coming as the sudden climax tor long day which had been spent large!1 in aeWdting a jury of 12 men to re' cetve the third trial, the request fn-/* directed- verdict completely surprise"^ a liffg throng $f country people aft

lowrglfh, " ho ;ft»d ys^emblod-in th1 court rpom >with the expectation thaf tlx ^fcettimon.y .would -dr.a ft a Ionx through* a wee\ or longel- a^previou

trigla. <]*

.«* *

EL-t.-.CrtalrdiflteuUy had beyri exffiitT ru' hd in obtaining'the Jjury arid two pty

psl of retirement were called Hefotp the jmr was filled. Maliy of tV^eiufM^dr^hb wdxf disqualified oj

e j»enly jeelared that they had fdVrmp an opinion .^dF. the prisoner's / truil

while others said'.ftjhey would not cots vict utun <irpumsta"ntial evidence, ur" on &h:ch the state tarfely h:fd bui

" at,l£ it*.C^f. ->v ...

t Fiv* wimasses heard today Jheftjrf*1 the direrted.'vercfict was sought, get* .eraUy " iterated the.iwjiniony. of th1 Dr.'W If. PUKton, phystciaji, whq wa) om'.v '...fi f A 1 ho R*i Ariio iti hnmii fnl ln\1

>> fn^r th-.. luyinjr was read b> at^nrnj^'I>r. !' iun beinp Hl~#t his.home.'".In a?tMnjr the directed .vetdiet, MSmitf' lied&red thai* it tnis tin)'1 D

' deferrc had decided that'it would ff Uert -.r-d that no better verdict -crn*!

ilo. h:>|>e t-.fof 'tit the trial. H.» s.o

that -'.viment in this secijori' wtyv-m* 'to'the prisonert htif t*

T !_ -m" * ;


: \v4>h the defense was «> save n5 life. ./l» Pi.' Lin|r the view of the nrose^ji1 titrri. - 'ieitor L. >£. (Iasquc*»aid tin- fchouir ifi had at "first strefiuousl\ oj

4tsWv).lik tern»p such nti apfre^nterit, b«i -Ifevir hat Bijarhani shoul^ be" pitnisi" "i d for 1 e crime for whtcblkehad hocT twice . nvjctpil, the'v5??Httt|i been Ion* <Jruw , jt.fin<l the state -did not wis! to a af lo be se.ekinjt blood, -anr flnatr trretld tyThe ^i'jfrLn-y, rpu, ?ny to the jury. Jud^> Botff u" said ;* t .under a.ruling by the Sours- CaroT .^upreme Cmift a man hudr vierrtiU' he wished, and he instructs' the f nan of the agreement.* "

<< >urt was soon acajou med," av

the c yds of .spectators--filed out t

'."retur^sE^nie. Many of them had.comr- from 'ant parts'of the coun*y-*n> from M.ore'nce.f Tb< BiJlhara^trajrecfy.. qccwr&J o

.Januai" 15f ' when Mrs. M. !NBich:.i "hei*" daughter, M,rs. Blael

* and'th> adopted children. John "anM"J ' thaihiti;'. whiH fwmd tlVJt! 1

f»m h*bmer-4g4naund Bighgnhis wif- and daughters were at .tf

it -hf»n»e Won nei^hhrrr^ finf-fr-aTi amri-jf.testjfv/i'that thC- mother before dyitf]

s tolj b imund that Smiley had fcillethem. The next day the » body <

: fhiriley wa«, found pti a ditohbank i1 some w od's in front of the hhuse. TV> static.>Mlended t+iist Edmund killed a

4ve In an efforts to Rain the forajlpropercy>vbut the defense assert

i (hat Smiley was the reel slayer ar

, had afterwards committed suicide.Seven or eight persona connect*

with the case in various ways hai* died or the witness stand. .These o

\ current ee led toV belief in the; conr r ^ ^ .t e t V w .frw.

. 4.* . ? U .

.1 '+**" V

__.'.*̂ <

~-i' H J 0 i"N 0"RTT

: v' 'CQNW^V

* V'» 4.» .i.. i .r


. \ y^TZLl^..*'


Seriously Injured - 11In Car Turnover'.



v* -4"*

Georgetown, April *5.4.Mlas KatherineRichardson, « teacher ""7n ~the' piUrir school was* ijeriously..Injured. Cand ,M. J. Bullock, principal and uu. c<

Misses Cox, badly bruised and cut. t«when the automobile in which the> c<

were riding Saturday niaht left the V

road and ran headlong: into a ilitcfi on proute 40. about 12 miles frorti George!^\II. '. * .v,v

f tiTU.. «. .... rv.xn U.<r uI 1117 > »*<»." VII IVllir » >"HI Plow II

nolin Hardens It ap(»enr*th»t a flat ht-ire. and a too sudden turn was th ii

,cause of the car s leaving: the road. A,11. j\ihe windows Tri tTw» ><machlnc "vTri t 7

. smashed* and the. oeeupfffi¥s thrown t

\iolently against each other. Another h, auto party -which was. folloxtinjr close s

. hl'hindv rescued the injureji-'Jrdm the g

disabled "machine and took them' to «.

-Georgetown wheerthey received- qied.ical attention. Miss Richardson Is £tiH- -c

» in a serious condition;.bitf it is not >

.. thought h«»r injuries, will prove fatal. |


* r: r 1.i. ..


Thf» following is a list ofPutivyfur*ors for -the, flVst weeK of Common^ Pleas Court td. be huiden .at. Conway.

Monday* April 18fh, llhi7, His Honor,?M. L. Bortham Judge Presiding: * |

Walker Martin. *

d.^ 4 JI. Aiiein _w;:*" Lueian Morris^^

. NeNon^Ford > *

fc._ Tom Jones5 ..J" -*NY H Bellamy X

J. H. Sawyer '

' itynry O. .Paul X ^;t*. P.' D. Bovd ^

~ "* " '

<»« A. #ohn«on* 1

|f*' ^'i^ie Hu?ks'* # *

J. (). Plant on<*\ A. 17 John.Mjn*


" 1

V. L. Willlimaert V.- -r ...,*'L. fi. Graham "


L." H. (hr>re. '-* ?Chess- Qratng'e^'



J.. M. Hujrejjns _ ;: ;*". I'l^st.oji \wlliatn.i .v. .


IP Jessir Lunp ,*


^ \Vo; Floyd r^y'1" Rufus Hug|fiiv>v ....

*' ' .J. W. Afford ,.:***" y""[ W* .1. Stanley

r-'* t-\V.--fr-Dc>r?e* ;'> ''


v *. *

'"* .T tra.mp.»Voreen ._ .> ? j,

1;v Arthur Cla.i'dy*.'.v '. * .

id M4f . \v.. .p. -Lewis ':v -Vr /fv

-V$ ,

& " £ " wr+f. QpreV

- Air*,H"".*-"iT. M.; Hufrka.- A

te-r;-. ~-KJ Q'u,Ja\y:V'""'

lr x*. '

- m Doyle '

. .


nr"'*. N. H. Hayt-s' t .

* *

.* Sam C.*RabSt» #. _

I1* . v'TT kR.vCausey "S


1.1 ......... V11T »- II -I.' V 111 HIT' I , I'lfI« un .

MBinn r-vnv.i.

The Cmijvary fovto $1.00 Store again® eom-'c tn the ffoijt .with its exhibit of

. vKa tcr^ioyeltivs. r s

i ;O0e of ^ht»- many features of 'jhe~>' various Kaster' rabbit*,*n '];i.-ti'., Ji;vskot^' (** ,<is a? Fenumatiq^ liopiTitie* jfrafthit." Tlie ^rabbit if* ahopt

*l| 0, 4-2 inc-liea long. -has natural, color

**~j- t'-uV.- jrla-^ feyes, and is operated with

i'h fuller* tube?&nd bulb. When bulb^ Is.* flrf?t»sed rabbit hops' and rai.-e^ it^s° ears, jaPe-dig every appearance*'of a

^ 'real I|»:^rahbjt.-Tint ^device will'giVe'untold- pleas-'...' ! uiy>-to the young plies and itns our

n suggestion thai^you. ge^ one of thtjfe,;j before all qjf them are'sold.I ^ iThefr* ts :d*<> on hand

^a goodly

^ amount of Faster lillios. waxed flow^eY> for the Easter holidays, plenty ofior ihg yodn^ m

lt> old folks, and in short anything" yopWish fo'r the. Easter festival. "'* * .'

Again may we* suggest- that youpatronize this .ever growing and everfl f

. progressive store.ip ^

» * 11fi

10 mopity that- supernatural powers had

11 bee nexertetf.* Some persons, for the!y most part negroes, were afraid ofid third trial, remembering a aerie* of

cinrmt nwmYInods. occurring here dur-'V* " » .-r- .. ., .

injj the'second trial.. The flfftt trialk! by fchanjfe «'f vfoue was held inre Florence.c- "I /wnrtt 'tn jay to" tWF court and to

*r (Coatinuod 'on page 4)

v* v.7 *

' *' ' ' *. *. j,*_

'*'J' '» '

W ;v.":.rC. v.-.'-» ~.Z- , yi .

<v-< *+

' y. V1 -'



-.... t,;

13 -..

Ong explains'




Florence. S. C., AprH 6 *Tho com- «

rotnise vjerdiot in the Hicham cast* at.

on>vay, in wnich the.defendant ac^-^"pted a..life ternvfO state pen'l»nu«ry,was (he subject of frenefal ®

nimnent on the'street* Of Florence ? 4

estcrday.' VnrijWi* </pinlons weio e'X- -_v'Bussed. - .* -

"Whatever anyone may feel at the ,.~T~*« J* / /

ime coTiY'erh'injFthis cas»\'" sai»i A! 11 . y~liiffr. Btphaw's o.tijiriunl a'ttormas devoted six years of intensive andntellbteht work in behalf of his i',vnousclient, "attorneys for- the, 'do-


endant are tjnit * .featis/ied ,thl»t the .

ime will come when the effort* tha; ^

ia\c bieii jtui t'oriji to maintain the ,

unciilv of the law and the. p^yitcctlonruarftutfed under constitutional gov-* *


f-nmetvl wdl b«rfuily appreciate^ -'.

"That Kdmiitul |>. Bighani finely .>*.

tmstrhled to a certain avenue of safety. .

10 far as his life is concerned'; does not'11 any sense establish his guilt a* *

natter of- fact. I left hinv.as I foundlini six and one-half years ago__proestinghis innocence, - aud it is myiplnion that time wlH full virdivar-'J * <0:he»e assertions.While Mr. King had nothing to say

Jurinsg the. presentation to the court5f. the a^5fc« met»r.b^twcet) ihe uttor-.

neys for the «tate i*nd the, defense, hehad/during fbH day, taken the feudingpari in the-defense ^>f«.tt»e,case as he r r:

has for the past six years.


M, ISHONORED#.*»* V ^ a# ! ..'A'" ..

" Order- from, headquarters of the v

Son* r>f Confederale Veterns havt* 1/eenIssued, appointing. Col. D.v A. Sp.iveyof Citnwhy, as Commander bfVlWe,.Thfrd Brigade, South Carolina DiVw&fe^i»u_o£ the.S. C. V'l-y, *

- ,a.4

The General Reunion-Is th be held ^

ip Tampa, Fla..during the month "ofApril, w hile tin* State 'confederation 4


will he'held aC (Jneenwocki, S. C., in. *

May next: « . ^;* :.«...

Dn/\»viltinrtf Cnool/net:M. luiiiiiiciii^kjpvanvij^

(> Delivers Addre'ss4&: '} "/. ^


MYRTLE BIvAGlC^il yftljlDr,"IX W Daniel of .£ieipson College, and -.,l)f. David YM Ramsey, 1'riteido.ht, of/-"Greenville AVomens Ctdlege, 'anwiir -

the'prominent gli^sta ni Myrtle fhw.h \v.ek emlf-aitUi es-t t| ajj appreoi-.

atm? i»udienci' 1'Yiday^iHfhjL, which fillcltth^Hii'r-mr rouni oTtin*'Seaside Inn ,-s »S/* >»vf *

4 * '- Vv'"» 'J'*'

to cftpaciTy. H<>t|v>i>e«ket:M yidko' e*f* '

the greatness of. thi. Myrtle ^^iclLde--velopmont MUtl ^'eai'sVil ilTe -mod ui tliy,-,

headof the project, Aff. Daniel, ,«*K IVhis characteristic humor. ttorched 'off. ;*th'o hiutvlaws, declaring- that '*if"v.ecould gSt 4rid of theni", South ^Una's expansion woflld bo'more'.rafiid:'. Colonel tl. B.. Springs in bis usualgracious style introduced the speakera.\Ne also pr.e*«mt»^ members oTthe'Clenismf*College faculty who. wore -

V .'v, * v.* *t»

in the nrfrt v as-folioWjs: Profi-innM* »<tf*i-Mrs. 1). II. Horn y, Pi ofo.ssor aidl.,S.R.R&odosaw] Prof«**otvan«f-M rs D/ -


Difnavari; ns woli as the'.followh-c " ! V

piu-sts fty»m Greprivs!It-: Mrs. Tft»vidM. Ruoisoy,. Mr*, and Mfs. *1. F. Onl-klivan, M r. *hiivd' I larry."Gnl livajk J


and Mr. and -Mrs. John" T. Wuods-<|<t, ;. -i

This wit* followed \vith,jho presenta-' >

i irtp of Vernon Oswald, t ho' new (I. nerdlfcalte% Maijwjf'.-r ttnd\M.t'*. Oswald/T - /_


J MYRTLE BEACH." April 1. rlnffc ^ *

tfi the-^lelay in nbtainin]Br. the printed. '

specifications, if hns been foundn;-ggflWry.I^Tlfigl&nneHWvlHllim ni.tHf « .'

contracts £pr (he development con-.

struction weak at Myrtle -Beach' untilA ..1T.4 1 1

i iiui nun(> , u i-if Iiioiva^ tut *«|>i it

7tl», as advertised. V .

. '* y/>



/'il,;-'80ClATI0N MEETS ^ 1 < '

The P. T. A. .will hold its April "

meeting ^hursday afternoon from T; ---'

Four t6 five o'clock in the school audi* ' '

torium.-Interesting discussions on .

Better And Happier Children, and the *

prqpei equipment for thetr play willbe held. Very important.business Is^ :

to be transacted, the president^ jurgejr-all thb member* to attend.''

,- c .. s* : 77^ ,


'' ,

; i r. v \.* ;r*'? ' v

* V V 'a . 'i

*?' */ T~. j? *f'*,'f* *. . .

fjf V-' **

' v . /" *