1 nutrition education please join us for the april 22, 2014 presentation on using foodfocus software...

1 Nutrition Education Please join us for the April 22, 2014 presentation on using FoodFocus software to teach “Nutrition for Healthy Living” Dan & Rachel Prowse FoodFocus Software for Nutritional Analysis in

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Slide 2 1 Nutrition Education Please join us for the April 22, 2014 presentation on using FoodFocus software to teach Nutrition for Healthy Living Dan & Rachel Prowse FoodFocus Software for Nutritional Analysis in Education Slide 3 2 What can FoodFocus do for me? n In Nutrition for Health Living 120: Compare food intake to recommendations in a 3-7 day diet analysis (Appendix F) using a program designed to help students find foods more easily, get quantities correct and explore dietary changes Identify good to excellent food sources for nutrients Understand how nutrient requirements change with age, sex & life-style (athlete, vegetarian) Link foods >> nutrients >> health or disease n In Culinary Technology 110 Easy recipe costing and scaling Demonstrate nutritional and cost impact of menu choices Slide 4 3 Introduction: FoodFocus nutrition analysis software is used in schools across Canada. FoodFocus has been recognized by the New Brunswick Department of Education, the Ontario Department of Education and the University of Manitoba. A 100% made-in-Canada educational product Introducing FoodFocus Slide 5 4 FoodFocus nutrition software is used in schools across Canada Some FoodFocus Locations Slide 6 5 New Brunswick Ministry of Education http://www.gnb.ca/0000/as/dl-semester1-e.asp New Brunswick Ministry of Education uses FoodFocus in fifty schools for distance learning courses since 2004. Slide 7 6 FoodFocus Main Page The top portion of the main window in FoodFocus program lists foods selected and their quantity. The bottom portion shows a summary of analysis results in terms of food groups (rainbow), and a comparison of nutrient content to nutrient recommendations. The program menu also allows users to find foods, enter quantities, sort foods, identify who will eat the food and look at detailed analysis results and reports. Slide 8 7 FoodFocus Images The differences between a healthy breakfast and a fast food breakfast are dramatic. Slide 9 8 Meat loaf See Food Quality at a Glance Raw carrot Slide 10 9 AM: bacon; Lunch: Fries; PM: pizza Food Choice Impacts at a Glance AM: Harvest Crunch; Lunch: Ham Sandwich; PM: Pork chop casserole AM: My porridge Lunch: home food (lentils) PM: Salmon * Cost based on 200 working day/year $2700/yr* $2100/yr $1100/yr Slide 11 10 FoodFocus Website The FoodFocus website has lesson plans and interactive training for both FoodFocus and FitFocus. Slide 12 11 FoodFocus interactive training. FoodFocus Website Slide 13 12 Teacher Feedback "We use Food Focus with 5 grade 10 Food classes and 5 grade 12 Food and Nutrition classes. We find the students come back to use the program on their own after using it in the class room and also bring friends.", Family Studies teacher, Ontario Teachers tell us their students "Love it... they just love it great teaching tool... Consumer Education Project, Alberta.... A user friendly nutritional analysis program...further expanded with input from home economists, nutritionists and public health nurses as well as teachers and students.... Gives students a clear and concise view of their eating habits. A must for all CTS classrooms. Technology Resource Manual, Copyright Home Economics Council, Alberta Teachers Association Slide 14 13 April 22, 2014 Presentation Overview Curriculum Relevance FoodFocus - overview, objectives, ver 3.5 Simple Food Recall Example Food Recall Analysis- step by step Slide 15 14 April 22, 2014 Presentation Requirements Required: registration for Adobe Connect workshop on April 22, 2014 Desirable: a computer loaded with FoodFocus (call Dept of Ed Help Desk to have installed) Pre-work: none required but you may wish to review interactive training/lesson plans under Resource at: http://www.foodfocus.comhttp://www.foodfocus.com Email us via the website Contact tab if you have any questions before or after April 22 Slide 16 15 Nutrition Education We are looking forward to meeting you at the April 22, 2014 presentation of FoodFocus software. Dan & Rachel Prowse FoodFocus Software for Nutritional Analysis in Education http://www.foodfocus.com