1. milk-cheese, 2.meat-poultry-fish-bean, 3.fruit- vegetable, 4. bread-cereal

1. milk-cheese, 2.meat-poultry-fish-bean, 3.fruit-vegetable, 4. bread-cereal

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Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Page 1: 1. milk-cheese, 2.meat-poultry-fish-bean, 3.fruit- vegetable, 4. bread-cereal

1. milk-cheese, 2.meat-poultry-fish-bean, 3.fruit-vegetable, 4. bread-cereal

Page 2: 1. milk-cheese, 2.meat-poultry-fish-bean, 3.fruit- vegetable, 4. bread-cereal

Nutritional Needs The amounts of carbohydrates, fats, and

proteins that are contained in your diet are measured in calories.

A calorie is a measure of the energy in foods.

A chemical reaction must take place for energy in foods to be released.

It is possible to obtain your nutritional needs by eating food in the recommended amounts from the four basic food groups.

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The Four Basic Food Groups

recommended for teenagers—4-2-4-4 PlanFOOD GROUP SERVINGS1. Milk-Cheese 4 (or more)2. Meat-Poultry-Fish-Bean 23. Fruit-Vegetable 4 (or more)4. Bread-Cereal 4 (or more)Along with exercise, eating a variety of foods

from the four basic food groups has proven to be an effective way to assist individuals in reaching and maintaining ideal body weight.

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Milk-Cheese Group

Milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and pudding.

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Meat-Poultry-Fish-Bean Group Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dried beans,

peas, nuts, and peanut butter. You should concentrate on the most

nutritional value with the fewest excessive calories in the form of fat. For example fish and poultry have a lower fat content than beef or pork.

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Fruit-Vegetable Group

Green and yellow vegetables, tomatoes, citrus fruits, grapes, melons, strawberries, apples, and bananas.

Good source of fiber and major source of vitamins and minerals.

You should eat a dark green or deep yellow vegetable and a citrus fruit each day.

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Bread-Cereal Group

Enriched breads, pasta, cereals, flour, baked goods, and whole grain products.

Bread and cereal s are high in fiber and carbs and are the body’s major energy source.

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Daily Calorie Requirements Differs for each person depending on

two factors: body mass and amount of physical activity.

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Basal Metabolism

BM is the amount of energy required to simply maintain you body at rest. It reduces with age.

Estimated as one calorie per kilogram of body weight per hour.

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Determining Basal MetabolismSTEP 1

Convert body weight to kilograms

(2.2 lbs per kg)

140 lb divided by 2.2 = 63.64 kg

Step 2

Kilograms of body weight by 24 hours.

63.64 X 24 hours = 1 527 calories

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Calories Needed For Daily Activities Estimate the number of hours you spend

performing different activities. Multiply the number of hours by the number of calories required per hour (see chart). Then add them together for the day.

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Energy Expenditure ChartDaily Activities Calories Per ½ Hour

Gardening 68

Making beds 60

Mowing lawns 93

Sitting doing seat work 15

Standing 20

Washing floor 65

Driving car 25