1. make a rule that everyone in school should absolutely follow, without exception. 2. make a rule...

1. Make a rule that everyone in school should absolutely follow, without exception. 2. Make a rule that everyone in the world should absolutely follow without exception. Why would it be good for everyone to follow that? Would you allow any exceptions?

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Post on 03-Jan-2016




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1. Make a rule that everyone in school should absolutely follow, without exception.

2. Make a rule that everyone in the world should absolutely follow without exception.

Why would it be good for everyone to follow that?Would you allow any exceptions?

Kant: Following Absolute Rules

To explain what is right and wrong according to Kant

To evaluate if this way of deciding right and wrong is a good one

If you are wondering whether or not to do something, think about what it would be like if it was a rule for everyone to follow..

1. Should I break my promise? Well, what would happen if it was ok for everyone to

break their promise?•There wouldn’t be any point in making promises.•Nobody would believe any promises that were madeSo promise-breaking can’t be OK for everyone.So it can’t be OK for me..

2. Should I cheat on my spouse?Well, what would happen if it was ok for every person to sleep

with someone else’s husband/ wife?•There wouldn’t be any marriage or trust between people.•Families would break upSo it can’t be right to sleep with someone else’s wife.So it can’t be ok for me.

1. Write out what Kant’s way of deciding right and wrong is.

2. Ask yourself about something you want to do, but not sure if it is right or wrong. Use Kant’s way of deciding, to work it out. What conclusion do you come to?

**Do you think this is a good way of deciding right and wrong? Why?

Kant’s Method for deciding what the right thing to do is: Act in such a way that it could become a rule for everyone to follow. This is your moral duty.

3. Should I be on time for work?Well, what would happen if everybody…

The Axe Murderer ScenarioKant was once asked:

“Would you lie to an axe-murderer asking you where your best friend is hiding?”

Kant said that he would tell him the truth. This is how he would work it out:

Should I tell a lie ? No because if everyone in the world told lies, there would be no trust between people, and we could not learn anything or get anything done together. So if lying is wrong for everybody, it is wrong for me. There is NO EXCEPTION!

Do you agree?

A good person, according to Kant…

Only does what would be right for everybody to do

Has no exceptions: does the right thing no matter what

Works it out by thinking it through eg what would happen if everybody acted like this?

It is never right to “use” people for any reason (you could never sacrifice one person to save 4 others)

1. Write out the 4 things that Kant’s method involves.

2. Tick the ones you would also do. Explain why you would/ would not do one of them.

3. How much of a Kantian are you? Do you allow exceptions to what you believe is right/ wrong? Eg lying, stealing, killing?

**Would a person like Kant be a good person? A really good person?

1. Read the situation in the table. Are you a Kantian, or a consequentialist? Explain why.

Should you break a promise and tell your parents that your friend is smoking?

Kant Consequentialist

You must keep your promise – otherwise, if everyone broke their promises, then there would be no point in anyone making any promises.

So keep your promise.

You should weigh up the pros and cons and only break your promise – if it will have a good result For the most people.

It will be better for your friend not to smoke. It will be better for her parents to know what she is doing. It will be worse that she won’t trust your promises.

Which weighs more?

Kant, or Consequentialism