1 @large : massivizing online games using cloud computing alexandru iosup parallel and distributed...

1 @larGe: Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing Alexandru Iosup Parallel and Distributed Systems Group, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands VENI – @larGe: Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing

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@larGe: Massivizing Online Games

using Cloud Computing

Alexandru IosupParallel and Distributed Systems Group,

Delft University of Technology,The Netherlands

VENI – @larGe: Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

VENI – @larGe: Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing

Joe’s Small Online Gaming Studio

Variability is Joe’s Variability is Joe’s unsolvedunsolved problem problem

Predictor +

IT Source ($)

Dynamic@90 days

Own (10M$/iter)




Static Own (100M$)Year

# o

f U

sers Exponential





VENI – @larGe: Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing

My research:

The Scientific Challenge

Devise a software and hardware architecture that can tolerate high variability without service degradation, just by adding more resources. • Grow and shrink infrastructure automatically• Replace faulty parts automatically• Automation is efficient• One support engineer regardless of scale• I’ve tackled similar problems for grids and P2P systems

VENI – @larGe: Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing

Variability is one of the Variability is one of the fewfew unsolvedunsolved problems in Computer Scienceproblems in Computer Science

Variability = Player + Non-Player





VENI – @larGe: Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing

Research Challenge

New IT Fabric = Cloud + New Variability-Aware Methods


VENI – @larGe: Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing

Research Challenge

What if Joe is not into Gaming?



VENI – @larGe: Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing

VENI – @larGe: Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing 8

Extra Slides

Why Am I the Person to Work on This?

Why Should the Netherlands Fund This?• Gaming is entertainment branch with highest


Source: The Economist, Benchmarking IT industry competitiveness 2009 http://portal.bsa.org/2009eiu/study/2009_eiu_global.pdf

Human Capital:• NL is 27th +“A longer-term

challenge for some European countries is encouraging more graduates to choose science-related subjects.”but

VENI – @larGe: Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing 11

Sources: MMOGChart, own research. Sources: ESA, MPAA, RIAA.

Gaming, the New World

• Market: 7BN$/year • 250,000,000+ players • 10,000+ online games• Success kills small

companies• Only big companies can

join market (1BN+)

Exponential growth

Stop innovating and Stop innovating and the growth the growth stopsstops tomorrow! tomorrow!

VENI – @larGe: Massivizing Online Games using Cloud Computing 12


1. Virtual world


2. Game dataPlayer activity, stats, and (social) relationships

Romeo and Juliet

Massivized Online Games =

online games with massive numbers of players (100K+), for which the social interaction improves the experience

“Data deluge” = New variability source

up to 40% revenue

up to 40% operation costs

Old variability source

Is Lack of Data a Risk? (Reviewer #2)Situation world-wide

• “Unfortunately, I am not able to release any of the data. Sony still considers it proprietary, and we can't control that.” – Sony “releases” EverQuest data

• “Unfortunately, CCP won't allow me to make their data publicly available for EVE Online.” – CCP “releases” EVE Online data

My situation: NO Risk• Spent three years collecting data for gaming and clouds

• KGS, OpenTTD, RuneScape, WoW, AmazonWS, GoogleAE, RightScale

• Prior to this, spent five years collecting data for grids, P2P, general

The Grid Workloads Archive• 6 traces online, over 20 in total• Toolset for analysis/statistical modeling

Why Near-Real-Time Gaming Analytics?(Reviewer #2)Situation world-wide

• More detailed/faster analysis is constant concern• “Data deluge” in E-Science etc.• TNO thinks it’s big

Online Gaming• Three years ago gaming analytics was not a market• Last year Zynga made ~700M$, mainly from it• Playtomic, Kontangent, Mochibot: using own infrastructure,

reduced refresh time from weeks to hours (minutes, early 2011)

• Zillians thinks it’s big