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Aaerica bas adopted aelecth·e aenice in tillle or

peaca, and, in <loing so, baa broa<lened and enriohe(l our basic

concept or oithenahip. Beai<le the clear democratic ideals

ot equal rights, equal pr1T1legea and equal opportunities, we

baTe set forth the underlying other duttea , obligations and

r eaponaibil1t1ea or equ.11.1 aerrtce.

In thus proTicUng tor D.!ltion.!ll defense, wa hava not

carTe<! a new and uncharted t rail in the hiatory or our

<1-.ocratio institutions. On tha cootrary, we baTe &.ereiy

reasserted an old and accepted principle or democratic

goverllJIIent. . The mill tia ayatem, the self- armed oithanry with

the obligation or a111tary aanlce incuabent upon nny tree

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- . -man , has lte roots in the old common law. It wa s brought to

this oontln~t by our toretatbare. It was an accepted lnstltutlon

in colonial dQ'a. At the time or the adoption ot the federal

constitution, nine or the thirteen atatea •xPlioltly pro•1ded

tor un1varaal service in their baalo laws,

In thoaa days, little wae required in the way ot

equlpaent and training tor t.be a an in am:~. The a•eras•

American had hie tlintlook and knew bow to uae it . In addition,

be was healthy , atrons, and aoouatotDed to hardship. When be

reported tor a1l1 tary duty, he brou,ght w1 th ht. hie ausket and

his powder born. Hie daUy Hte inured him to the rigors or

warfare .

Today, the art or war calla tor a wide 't'&rlety or

tectmioal weapons. ~odern lite does not empbaalze the qualltlea

baTe a munitions industry a s a part or an eoon011lc ayatem capable

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• -. -

or proTldlng the fighting man with hie f\111 requirements or

erma and equipment. J.!lllly 1nd1't'1duela, tbereror~, IIAY aer•e

their country beat by boldi.Dg their poets 011 the production

line . The object or nlecthe aerrlce is to pro't'lde men tor

our Army and Nuy and at the aeme time dhturb aa little as

pos&ible the noncal lite or tbe nation.

Seleoti..-e service conahta or tour atepa, which singly

and in the gr oup , have been deTeloped to oper lllte with the rairneaa

and juetice oharaoteristio or tree , democratic lnatitutions .

'l'hese atepa are: registration, claseitioation, aelaotlon, and


Wednesday, October sixteenth, baa been set aside, on

which day every male bet ween 21 and 3:-i, inclusive , will b e

expected to report to a neighborhood preciuet to till out a

registration card and a 1'4!gietratlon certltlcate . The oertltlcate

l ee.ued to t he individual wlll be oarrled by him ae a tutlaonlal

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• -. -

to bh acceptance or the (l,l.bdame.ntal obligation or oltlzeaahlp.

The regiatratlon oard will be ton.-arded to tbe countJ clerk or

dailar ottlolal and will ba dal1nred by him to the local

ealecth·a ser•ioe board. Theee boarde, oonslating of three men,

uoh appointed by the Preaident, upon reeollll.endaticma or the

state go•en~ora , will be Ht up in acre than &, 000 oOia\lllltlaa.

When the atatea notify the national director of aelaothe

eer't'l oe tb.e.t all of the local boards haTe completed tbla work,

a national dr awing by lot will determine the order or priority

ot the regietranta in each local board area. The national

priority Hat • 111 be rurntabed to the local boarde and tbe

oorraapondlng order or eeleot1on will be entered on the

raglatration carda in their ouatodJ.

The priority eatabllahed by the drawing will determine

the order in which qu.eetionnairee will be mailed to the regletrante.

Upon receipt or theee qu.eetionnairea the resiatrante will enter ou

the .. toms pertinent raoh on the buh or which their tlnel

ola .. trtcettoD will be dnnatned.

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.. -. -

'l'here will be organized in every col!lllunity in our

nation advisory boards tor regiatranta, OOIIIl>OS&d or Jl&tr1ot1o

citizens, olvl llan volunteers, to aaaist reglatranta in

pruentlng fairly the facts to be used in determining the

place or each 1nd1vldual in the eob•e of national datattae .

ltter the ret'J.ro or these questionnaires, the local

board, after due consideration, dll place the r aglatrantll

in one or tour olaesea . In Claaa I will be tho&e who are

aTallable tor 1.mme111ata aervloe; in Class II, those who are

deterred because of the eaaantlal character or the aanloe

they &ra rendering in their present oooupatlona; 1n Claaa III,

those individuals who should be deterred because or lndh·lduala

dependent upon them tor support; in Cla.11s IV, those apeolt1oall;r

deterriJd by the tema ot the Aot.

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.. - . -

The total number or lndlrldual!J needed by the e..rme4

toroea will be pror a t ed among tho several s t a t u . I n thia

all ocation due conalderatlon will be gl ven to the nWIIber or

meta alread7 t'urnlshed by that state for our allitary toroee.

Within each state a quota, 1D a almllar manner, will be

dlrlded among the local boarda. Thus, each locality will be

asked to turnish its fair ahara or lndldduals for induction

into our armed forces .

In each or these local board areas 1ndlT1duale

between the agea o f 18 anl5 3!5 will be offered an opportunl ty

t o volunteer tor a one- :rear period or service and. training.

Such applloants will be accepted before any other lndlrlduala

are aeleoted, provldec! they are suitable tor a.illta.ry eer..-loe .

I t will be the duty or the l ooe.l boar d to select as many

additional l ndiTl duala aa are neoeaaary to till the q_uota tor

t bat pa.rticul.ar area .

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.. • 7 •

Following the tente.t1Te selection or these

1nd1dduals, a local medical examiner will examine them

pb.yatoall:r. It they are accept ed , they will be sent rorward

tor tinal ph,J'slcal e::ua1nat1on by aedloel oftloera or the

J.na7, Na.y or Karina Corp• . Tboee who pass will be inducted

into the aervloa .

In the mill tary aervioe they will be intelligently

led, comfortably clothed, well ted, and adequately armed and

equipped tor basic training. By the ti.D:e they get pbyaicall)­

bardened, mentallr d.!aoiplined and properl y trained in

tundameDt als, the tlow or orl tloal munl tlons from f actory

to oc:.bat units will meet the tull requirements for their

advanced training,

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.. -. -

In the military lerYioe, Americana trCIII. all walks

or lite, rich and poor, country- bred and city ra1ud, t&l'lller,

student, manual laborer and wh1ta collar worker, will learn

to liTe aide by 81de, to depend upon each other 111 aUltar:r

4rllla and ma.neuTera, and to appreciate each other• a d1p1ty

aa .Amerloan oltlzena.

Unlverul aervioe will bring: not only greater

preparednen to meet the threat or war, but a wider

distribution or tolerance and understanding to enjoy the

bleadnsa ot peace.

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'- c "' '*>Jo 1- II . M""rlbw-~ Bl:,..oubllc 61<JO, Br.neft .1-0l.)

sc.L._._ ....

in doing so, h 8 bri)fl.dened •u'W1 enriched our hr!eie concept of c1tben­

sh1. . Be6ide t.he ~ e1.e110erat1c it.e-~111 of • w<" ri nt~, e ulll l••<f l

r1...Ue1 ea ~ e·Ufll opyortllfl1ti11• , "h·Y"t et +"ort.n t..~ ~ /

~ -uth!'l, obllt;~~tlo!UI •w re~n·iuilitil"!\ or equd

Mrric:e .

In tll~ l":)Yia.11,t,. tor rwti<'>IVI.l Clete~e, •• b.e.Te not e.nod

• new end unc!M.rted t.1" 11 in t;_,_ h.ilt.ory of l'ur du CI"'i tic i"'flti-

tutiona . On t.'WI cont"'"t7• n hrve at'raly re·s,-ert.ed an old •Dd

~•I'Tice itlC'UI:I~nt u.,vn '"'1'7 t1"M & n, IV a ita root• in th• old

e-n h•. It. r 1 bro~t 'to t.l11 cont.in. nt. by uur fol'lf t 11:r1 .

It -~ '-" fCCcept.d inatitu~ion in colonlt:.l dqs. At t..'le t.l of

t.M '\cio;tion ot the fNenl c .. nrt.Ltution , nil» oi tile t..i.rt.Mn

In those Q.eys , little ... II re<1uired in t.he Wll1 ot e·u.is-ent. 11nd

lock am kne• bo• to uu it.. In aduition, he us he .. lttv, etro~ ,

11nd eccustcoed to twlrd!!Ai • \'h n h~ l"tt, orted tor ..uu .. ry dut;r,

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he broue;ht with ht. hh IIW3ket 11ncl hia powder horn . Hia dai.JJ"

lite enured hUI to the rigors or wartnrfl.

Today, the art ot Wl'lr c"lls for a wide variecy ot technical

er aoldiers. il:oreoYer, behind thl'! a~ forces , q ~1-"'t. ~,.e a

.wnt.iona tmusi1 ~4'\1/;; 1 :0rl!.t~~·r1;~ .;;~·l<ith his

t'ull re uL--nta of and ncl • wr-nt. Keey lnal•Lwll, t.here-

tore, .,>T serYe ~lr count.rT but by boldi:16 t.!)eir postB on the

prodw::Uon line. ~e object of selecthe n:n-ice b to rorl<le

11en tor <}UJ" AMQ' nd H!l.'f'Y anci at tl'le n,_.. ti.H ointurb 11.11 lit.Ue "r\(,~ ,., .. £

•• pos~ible ths ~ life of th• n.e.tion,

Selecthe ee:n-ice eon11l ta or tour steps, which • in,l,J and in

t.'UI p-oup, hi<Te been cliiYelo:,.ed to o; er te rl th t::le tairne 1 11nd.

justice chancterhUe or free , d~"tlc iutltution.s. n..11e

st.epa are1 rep .. tnUon, cla1 1 !cation, Hleetlon, and i no::w:tion.

IV•· , - • """: /· ;;;f/ ... ' ,. ., .. J, J .. , .,

~..-...::.. ...... ·~·" .... ,., eYer)' -.1• bet ... n ~1 and JS, 1nc~1 btl upect.ed to

report to a nei<:,:hborhood precinc t to fill ut • r egi· t.rlltion c<~l'G

and a reg:b-t l"'tion certi"icate . The certLicate h11t1ed to the

irv:Uvidu.al rl1l btl carried. by h111 ns a t.o11timonitll to hill accept.llnee

or the t'un&l.Mntal obli .... tion of cilhenahie . nt. re.;l t l'lltion cArd

will be for.arded to the count;r cler il: or sWl.ar off i cial ~Cncl Till

- 2 -

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n.11e boe.rdl!, con51lltin& of 1.hrM _.n, -.ca appoin~ by the

Pnol!idant, upon rec-n4atioM of tbe at.&t-41 govern.:>ra, will

ba set. up in •ore tho.11 6,000 ca-unit.lel! . \Then the l!t.atell

n.:>t.U)' the national director or aelectho serTica .:nat ~ o:. th/ ~

loe.l board11 h&Ye co-plet.d thia work, a DB.tiol'llll -.i.~w1lli'

deteraiDB. tbe order of Fior1b- of tbe no&:bt.Mtnts in et~Ch local board.

ana. The Dat.iolllll priorit;r llet dll be !\lrn1sbed to tM local

bot.nb and the corNeponult~i order of MlecUon .. nl be ente'I'ICl on

order in 1oh1ch ~ueetionm.irea .-ill be .....Ued. to the r eci atr nta.

Upon receipt of t.heae quelltiollM-iru the r egistr nta will ent.er

on t.heee ronaa pertinent tach on the be.l!ia of which their final

claer1f1cat1on 11111 be det.erw.1Md .

There w1ll be orpDiud in '"'l"7 c~uni'tl in 0\ll' nation

adY11017 boards for rea;iet.n.nt.., cc.poeed of pet.riot.ie cithe1111,

cirlll.An Yolunt.eera, to aubt ntttbtr nt.s in pnHnUnt> fal:']J'

t..'M r"'ct.a to be ul'ed in 4etera1:nirtc t.ha pl4ce of Mci'l in61Y1d\&l

in the aclwu: of national defenae .

Arter th11 return of the1141 m ... ationM1res , the lo~al board ,

After cue ~onslderation , will plllce t.hcl reglstr nts in .JDB. of

tour classes. In Cla11 I will be thoce who are anilable tor

- J-

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in t.lw! Lr pr eeent oec~'t.ion•J in Cl.aee III thoee ind!Tiauala

who abould be def.rrK t>.c.Ulle of i ncli dduala de~nclent. upon ~ - hi.

~ro~~t; in;:""' IV ~-:~eferre<~' by~

......,c•• eeea of ;.";,at~, -~---1-oef'tet~.

The total m.ber or indirlOUllla n.eded by tbe a.-d tore ..

rill t>. prorat.<l eaona the aenr"l statea. In t.ida all~Uon dut

conaideratlon will be p :.-en to t.he m.ber of aen a.lr.a~ t\lrnl"'*'-

by tMt nate for our ailit.ary force~. Wit.h.in MCh 1t.ate e .uot.a,

in • siJdlar -.nn r, will be dJ.vided -.one ths local board· . Thu'\0

each l oC4l.1ty will be asked to ful"n111h ita fair !!Mre of inuiviclua.ls

tor i ~Y~uction int.Q our al'tld foreea .

ace• of 18 and. JS rill oe offered. en opport.unity to 'r'Olunt..er tor

• vne-1ear perioQ of Nn'ice alld. trainirc . SUC:b 1ppllee.nt.a 'ill

be accepted before ecy ot.her irdhi•tual• are ulecte<l, roY1ded

they &r~ auit.able tor a1lit.u7 1erYice. It. wlll t>. the aut.,"

of t.h4l local bocrcl to ltlllt<lt aa • ll¥ 1dd1Uonal 1ndiY1<~ua.la e11

"" necessary to 1 ill th1 ·uota tor t hAt particulAr IU"&to .

Following the t-entative e.h<:t1on of th&se i ndiviaw.•ll, 1

an accepted, they rlll be MDL !onn!'d for final piQ"Iic.U u-


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.. LM.tion by laed.iCAl otl'ice-rs of the Arrq, He.vy or llarine Corpa.

Th!JU who pi!. II rlll be 1oouct.ed into Lhe service.

In the .Ui tery HI"Vice they dll be intelllgent]J led,

coatortab}J' clothed, well fed , ._nd ade:llllltel,J uwed and e ui·ped

tor baaic t.raininc. By t.ne tt. th"'Y pt pbJaieal.l,y bar<i4oned,

.,.nt.all1 ci.i&ciplinlld and pro, er11 t.r&.ined in funOe•l'ntel.s, t.he

tlow of critical •unit.iontl troD factory to combat wUt.a .W ... t.

t.ha full rr.uir8118nte for their ac.nnced tr ,ining.

In t.h.e .Ulltary se"ic:a, AM-rlct~n8 fr0111 all walk!' ot lite,

rich and poor , countr,y-br.S 11nd cit-1 rftil!ed, farmer, student , ~~<•n\Al

l.l!lborer ttnd .-h1Le collar wor.c:u, will leArn t.o live side l:(y aida ,

to depend upon each other in llilit&ry orills and .,·neuvere, and t.o

appreciate each ot.:-wr' • d4-uiti1 ae AM-rica"' cit.i~.ana.

unt .. raal sef'Tice w1ll brin,: nr;,t. ·nl.Y p-eater prep&r.dneee t.o

-t. the t.hr9at. of war, but. a wider di~tribution of tollrtnace am

urderstand104:1: to enjoy thfl blaa~inf(e of oeace.


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5'\'A'f~ N'!' ow 'fRI PRISI DINT AT '!'H• BIONDI!) 01 Tim SELICTIVI TRAINING AlfD SU:YlC E AC'T - -SSPTurBIR 16 , l9t 0,

Aaer1ca baa dopted aalecth·e nr'f'1ce tn U•• or

peace , eud , 1n doing ao, Ma broadened and enriched our ba•ic

concept of o i tb.enablp . real de the c l eer d..oorat.1o ldHla

of • ual r1ght a , equal prhlle&ea eud er ual opportunit.lea, ..

baTe aet fort h the underlJ1n& other duties, oblt8a tlona and

re8;1onalbllitha of equal .. l'Tica.

In thus pro·dUns for nat!CII'Ial defenaa , we haTa not

oar'f'ed a new end uncharted tnil in the hlatorJ' of our

&D?ernaent. The a111Ua .,..tem, the ••lf-an~ed clU:nnQ" with

tbe obligation o f allltary aeM"ioe 1DOWDbent upon eTef'7 free

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-. -un, bAle lte root• tn the ol d ooltllon l ew. It • · • b r oupt to

t ble ooa.t.la.a t b7 our tore tat.here . It ... an eoee~ted l netitutlon

In ool o:a.Jal daJe . .tt tbe t.l .. or the edoptloa of the ttlderal

CooatttutiOD, oU:le or the t btnce n n a te• ez:,lloltly pr oTldM

tor unl'terul eerYlce tn t.helr bade laws.

In t.boee 4aJa, ll ttle e e r e uJred t o the ••1 ot

equi~nt and trd niD& tor the au i n eras. Tbe anrqe

Aaerlou bald bl e ntntloek a nd kon bow to uee lt . In e441t.1oo.

be wee bealt b7, etrotlg, end a ocueto.ed to hardebip. Wben be

reportd tor a111taZ'J' duty, be brought with b1a b t e a v.aket a.rul

bla ;KNder hom. Hh da lly ltte inur.d bia to the '1'18ore or

warfare .

'l"oday, t he art or war calls tor a wtde Tarlet y ot

teohllloal waepone . l:odern Ute doel not a:spbe.al&e tbe r ualltl aa

4-.anded or .aldlera. llor.cn·er , be hind the arwad t oroee, we IIUat

ba•e a aUDitloa.e butuatry • • a part or an eooncato •J•t• oapabh

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-. -or p roY!dlDA the ttsbt1na: ~~~a n ltb bh t"Ull ra· uh••enta ot

era. aad a ulP~~eat. at:uy tndh·lduala , th«ratore, M7 aana

their cou.atr)' b .. t by hol d l.D.& t !Mih - os t a on the ;"l'Oduot loa.

lb.a, '!'be object of aeleothe Hl''t'lca la to 't'l'O't'lda aea tor

our .lr..J and Na"f'J' and at the aeme Uae cUat ur b •• little • •

po88lbla t he nonu.l Ute or the u t ton .

'"'alaotha ••~lee eoc.alata or tour atepa, which aln&lJ

and ln the sroup, ha't'a be~ d"'aloptJd to operat e •lth the ta1rneaa

and j uatloa obar aoterhtlo or tree , d•oor a t.tc tnatltut lona.

lnduetlon .

adnaaday , October atneent h. baa been Ht. aald.e, on

wbl cb day a·nry JU.l e between 21 a ad :ID, lnolua ha, will be

e xpected to report to a nal&bborbood precinct t o till out a

re.giat rattoa oard ud a reatatn.tloo oartlttceta. ,.be oar1.ltt cat a

ls ued to t bf' lndl 't'lduel 111 be carrie~ by bla • • a tea\.btonlal

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-. -to hla aooap\ance or the t unc.ta&eD t al obllr;atia n or oltlzenablp.

The ~15ohtratloa card wtll be forwarded t o the c owtt7 clerk or

stat e g O't'8t'DOl'8 1 wlll be M t U':) lD &Ora t han e , OOO 0~\lDltlea .

hen tba et.at aa noUf7 t he net.loael c:U ector or ael ecthe

aerYl ce t h! t el l or the l ocal bot~rde ha·n ca..,lated t.hl a wort,

a national drwlDg bJ l ot will dUeralne t he order or pr i ori tr

ot t Le reghtran t a l n each l ooal board area . Tho natloael

prlorU.J Hn 111 be t'Urnhbad t o t.ha local boer4a ncl the

oorTa~orustna order or aelect.ion will be entenc!. on the

ragl a t.ratlon oa'td& t n t.be lr ouat.od7.

"'be prlorltJ eat.ebllabe4 b7 the 4rad ns will det arat.De

t he orde r i n which u .. t.lonnalrea wlll be u lle4 t o tba nghtranta.

Opoa racal pt or thaee quaat1o11Da l rea t he red atranta wlll eate r oa

thea• fonta J!Vtlnent t act. on the beals or wb t cb t.halr ttnal

ola .. ltloetton will be detendne4.

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-. -'fban will ba orp.alse4 ln &Tary O~\UIIU.J la CNr

... t.loa a~h'l.or"f bo&rda for raalatraat.a , cc.poaad or patriotic

oUlsaaa, oh·lllu 'Yalunt .. ra , t.o aaalat r ea:htn.nta 1D

praeantlns talrly t he raota to be ua~ ta daterwl ni D& tba

place ot each l ad!Yldual in t.ha aoh•e or aatloDal ctateaaa.

Art er t ba return or tbaaa ueat.1onul raa, tM local

board, att.or due ocaul deratlon, • ill pl ace the ret~ht.raata

in ona or tour ol aaaaa. In Cl.aaa I will be t hoaa wbo ara

&'fallabb tor S....41ate Hnlca; la Claaa II, tbou wbo a re

ctatarr.d baqu" or tbe aaaantlal cbaraotar of tba aar 'l'loa

t.bay era randarlq In tbalr -preaaot. ocoupatlOfta ; la Clan III,

t boaa lndhlduela who abould be claturad beoauaa ot huU?ldWlla

4epeadant upon tb• t or aupport; la Clau 11', t boaa apaoltloa lly

cteta~cl b:r tba tame ot the Aot.

Page 29: 1 l ;) )! IYl LJ

- . -toroaa will be p~re.t.K a.oaa Ula aenral at.at.u . t o t.h1a

a llooe.Uoa. due ooaalc!iaratloa wUl 'o. &l·ren to the 1uaber of

aen alr.ac!i;r t\l..mlahed by tbelt at.a t a f or our alllta rr toroaa.

ltbin .. cb state a quot4, la a a1a1ler -ODer, wlll be

41ddad. •or~& tba local ~rda. ,.bua. eaob looal1t;r wlU be

eatad to t\lmJ eb Ita fair ahara or ladhlduala tor ladu.otlOD

luto our aned toroaa.

Io eaoh of tbeae local boe.rCS a reaa l ndhidue h

batwe41D the -«•• of 18 ed M rill be offered aa opport.\I.Dlt;r

to -..ol UDtaar tor a one- ;rea r peri Od or Hr•lce aM t ralnlq.

Such appUo.nta trill be fi.Ccapt ad before an;r other t n dhlduab

era aaleote4, prOTldad tber are aul\abl a tor a1llt&r7 aar.,loe.

It. will b e t be dl.lC.J or t he looal board to aeleot aa .UJ'

addlt.lonal 1o41rlduel a aa are aaoea•fT t o t ill t.ha uota tor

t.be t p~.rtloular area.

Page 30: 1 l ;) )! IYl LJ


-. -Followios the t eatatha eeleotloD of tbaaa

1nd1'Yi4ua l a , a looal aad.loa l eua.lne r wlll u ·a lae t b­

pbJ'a loally. It tba7 are acce~tad , tbay " 111 be aent forward

tor tlul ph)-ale&l aXAmloat.lon bJ .. at~l oNtoara of t­AraJ', Ruy or ~ulna Corpa . Tbo .. wbo pe .. •111 ba lnduotM

lnto t.be aanloa .

led, o~ortabl7 olotbe4, wall tad, aa 4 ada 1uataly amad and

bar4na4, a41Dta lly 41ao1pl.1Da4 a Dd properl7 trained 111.

t'Uo4•• ala, the tlow of orlUoa liWDltlone rro. rec tory

t o ocabet unite will aaa t tba t"Ull requlr•eta for UMlr

Page 31: 1 l ;) )! IYl LJ


-. -In \be alll \.ar7 unloa, J.a.rlO«lle tra all wal.ka

or Uta, rlob ud poor, oouatry- bre4 aa4 olty ralaad, rar.er,

student, aaaul l•borer ud whlta ooll er 11orkar, wlll learn

to 11..-a a14a b7 al4e, to depaQ4 upoa each other lD aJ.UtarJ'

4r1lla aad .. awTara, end to appraola\a eacb other' a Upttr

aa Aaerloaa olUsena.

11D1"Yarsa l aerTloa will brlq ao t onl.)' P'"ter

.,raparadneaa to aeet tba threa t ot war, but a w14er

dhtrlbutlcm ot tolerance and uDdantaadlDS t o anJOJ' t.ba

blaaalqe or pMoe.

Page 32: 1 l ;) )! IYl LJ

c ~ .... r UI,lftO

,\,..,•\.,.. h• o to,-..~ nl~>'h'l •~nlM lo t~ ot ~uo , o.-..1 , In »I w , 1on :,roo.t!~nM -~~ M'JI:- our l> .. h 10010.,\ oi olth•· alii, . ~• I~• t •• ~lear ~~"\o>rotlo \""al l <Jf •~11111 rl·h~l, •q~~&l

rl •ll~ u" ~~-~~~ oa ,ortun\'1•1 , ~~ "-•• "~ fOI'th t.'le Wldtrl~·t~ r :\•a , •'li·U\o~• o.r.J '"'• o.r.t\bi\Hito or 1~ud oenleo.

In tt.•n ;r.>•h l,.. for ""tto"<>.l ·er~ut, ,. """ no~ ou ·•oul • , ,.. ••d ur.'h~r~~J udl In tlo. o,ta:or)' ot OW' ••oaroth lnoU · t u t\ono. C.. tho ..,,tre.r)', . .... ~;a.,., ... l:or-u• r tHonol oond Wtf'· ,rlno\ ho: !t<Ooero.tlo •o••.....,..nt . ~ho•H ith. a;ta-,

1 \t-~r· d. oltiPru"" ~It!:. t;.• .,!>ll•oUon or aHiurr unloo 1 '""'-~••M """"" •. ,.. rr~' ""'"· .._, IU roou h t"" olt­''"• I' abro-..-.• t~tllla,....u"'·n•.b)'ourfortoUI•ro. h .. , ., •• to 1 '\W~IOII. lr. oolonl•l ,...,., , U t.a• d..,. or • u I>~ t • r . .:...r'l eo: .. ut"lllft, "''"'or u.- tlllrt •.., Uo• o .. 11•:"-l:- ,roYil~~ ~a .,l••rul .,,.,... 111 U.tr toulc

I••· ~•·""' · II''!' -• r tolr,. lllt""''~ or"l"IJI&-"'t•M

r.t,.~ . ..,. .-~ in • .o. ~•• ••·rv> ••••"" ho.4 lllo ntnc.-n. >' !leo ~ u&-< lt . I~ •.'o!H.>OI , ~ """ )1, .. t111, otro"" ,

'~' lt.o ~ w 11. •~""!~, ... ,. :. r , Mt ~ l'or sii\Ur7 4at)' , h bro•• • I' ~\'\ ~Ia ,_, • . .,., hlo fO""''>r lroor~ . Kh ::o.l\1

\1, ln•r t hi' to~~ r l•on "' "•rl•r •

;, •:•. •. •r• o r •or o·llo •~• o. •IJ ••rl<t · ot t ,ol\nlc•l • · ~i ,.,, II~ •oo• tut .. f .-•oh t., -.·.alit\ '" 11,..-.n<!o~

~ IC'\ ,• , r. o~ r , b •.1.>4 ~.- o~ rH• ·,f , .. , 1Ut hun 1 -t·lo t~J·•-'r: · u 1"'~ or.., _...,Jl4<'1h •1n ,. "'~~blo or .~ •I 1- • • rt·:.·tn~ • "--t·:, hi• full , .,.,1,,.. ~" or ,,.... Ml4 "'YI,,. r.t . • ~ l rth \ '<'II , ·~ r .or , nl.' I '"' •l)..lr """"tr y

1> ot ...,. l>ol .1~ · lr ;;c•~• on . ,, • ro -.~ loa llu _, rho o~.)oct o 1 l cth or>'\ > to -> rro~l •" .oro..,~ ..,J h"')' 11104

• :...-.. •.\., h•~n o 111 ·1 • :•n l '>l· th > ...,,...! \It• ~r

0'\" • n!: ,.,.-buo.t:-·o· .• • ..,l,halo•\JI.IIdia " . , ...,., .,., 1> ~ , 1<-.- i ·~ o. nt It" u-. f•lr111u ....s ! o'l Wr •· rh'l30f fr , 4 -O<"r••h lootttulloal . '":kh 1 1 r ' r ·t·•r • to: , •l •. u~nu•t• , t•l eu ... , ~,.. l...._..,u-.

o4r. 1 •:· , ~e·<>bo-.r ol•h.L'.ll """' - -c 1 ~ Ill'• · - ..,1~11 d .. ,. .... ,., " .. '!] ... ~. 114\llh~. wlll1>1 ,..,..t .. t.o • ·'F""'-

, rl .. \.r. r~,~~~.,:!~:t ~"l> M!l r~~~~:.~ -~;~~!1: :~~~ .. ~duo.l •Ill'> trrl•t .,·-•V. •.oo t.o'\-"l•lt.olllor••"f'-...,•cflho /"''' 1 I •~II '\"" ~~ •nt .. oun\~ , :11 · r • totr·,t\ca ocr d w!\1

•,, ~. '--'> \ ""'""'l)' al ·. rk ar llot\1 r otllol•l ..n;l rill !>o \ \ ·• r ~ ' • ~~- 0 'o l<•:o•l I ·I Gth · I U\0<· l>o~rd . ih>l" bc>o.r-<11 ,

·~ l•t'-"' ot t.:.r. ,-, n , r.el, •p~oln' ll>y u ... lr Ucnt , "~on r , ooa. -. locw., It•'· 01 rn...-o, •'til 1>-• u~ up 111 _,., U><n 6, 000 ••or-.1 1 • ~- ~ ''; ot· ·• no' II:'·.>; ,.._.,_, dlr cur or oohctl w '"'It ·::. II 0: loo~l 'n..-Jolt~y- ~I t.dtk\1 >Wk, 1

.1101 . r 1\: l>). lot ~ul c.- "'In ·.•, or4<-r or ~rlcrlt)' ol tJu r" ln "'lo,.l '>O'r4 ·r - ;. • Uon•l ;orlodt) \lot

II.,_ .., c:•'. : • • h<>-.1 IN .·. · ~ ~,;, ..,,.,_ , , oaH~· or4.•r or I od 11\ b nt r on r I ~r-'.1""" ~ ' "' h tll.!r ont.x:y.

Page 33: 1 l ;) )! IYl LJ

T1w :wt.,..lt,.v n\al>Hahlod by U. clriiW'I.~ wUl c!aW~ tlw o...,. in 'Oihld! ..,.nlonnatr" rtll ~ •Uocl to t bl I'IJ>lnrara.a. ~ racdpt or thox ... ~uonnairaa tlw rac1nnnu •111 mt.otr on tlw"' re,.;>~rtin:-nt racuontlwbnht:tltthlclltbllr !lnd ol.au!ttc~Uon will to <bt.a...J.I!Id.

n..rt will tHo or~Mizt<lln cvorJ ceftllnlt7 I~ cur naUon ad-oohery boar(a ror re.;lstr ..nu, oo.pMOcl or ptltr totie dUw~~a, dvUianYol\011\0I!r s, t.oauillt,..""stnlnta In .raaanUn; t.i .rlr U.. racw t.o be ,..,.,d 1n dotm'1>tnl n.; u• ;>hOM ot •acllin:lhl~,..l inU.a.ct. ... otNtl-lOaten·<

Att..r \he ...,tw'n ol. •.h.>M •~~M~tiON\~\ru, l.ht locel bo&rd, attar cl.., Ot>ntJ.d:;:raUon, wJll :•lioo t.hl n.P,atr~ts ill one ~>! tcur ella••• In Cla~• ! will '..J tJ».u> who~ are anila:Olo for l::nod.Ut.a HrYl~J l..n Clan II, t.i•""'- >fLo ""~ ~torr c! bee&ILM ..r U.. '"'""'.,._ Ual e!.arac:t..:r ~!bel :;.-N'e• tb.JI.t' r •..:Crt..., In U..lt' ?HHnt ou·•U-J 1'1 Clan Ill 1--· L.,.,Jwt· . .,.b •Lo "'-1<1 1M dotai'T'GC! bftaua ot w.trt,:..ab d..(>en:!l.~t ''""' l.b"' tot' W"l''t'tJ ln Clan n u.- .,.cl!lc.ll7 ..... r.rn. ~~ t.l' ""'- «1 Ul,_. l.ct.


will bt P"""'~ ~ t.'>o n••~ at..t-.. a. In tl\11 &lloeaUon dl>e c-lclornlon rlll bot ~hen to tile mr::t;.,... i>l -. dro&.lly fbrnlW..cl by that at.ata tOll" our ::oilH.ary J'o.·e.a . ;;ttl:ln MOll nata a """"• ln a aiAillor ~"'.ttttr, "'Ul be ""hidocl a.~ t'- locd boar<:,. T:l\10 , "~lllocal1tyw1ll boil uted to :'Umlslt ltl talr ol;t,n ollncl1T1'Illlla tOll" L'lducUon 1~to o~~r u,.,cl !oren.

I~ oa~ll of !-hue lo.:cl ~rd arno tndhl<·••ds ~v\lfttn Ule .._,, o!'ltl .. <! SSI'ill'>o otrwed.M op>OrWnlty t.o ¥0lllllt " r for 1 --;."YYr -.erloc! ol •~rvice and ~rlllnl~~o,:. $t>ell ao:>ll~~nt-a u:lll ba aoc,..tt d bottora anyothor lrt:livld\llolo &NI ul..,tad, ltt"<"'idod Uwy U"ff oul:.:.bl.~ !'or ::lilit=:• """loco, n dll boo 1.!'4 duty ot ~ local boo~~'<~ t.o a:<.tct 11 ':IUL)' a.! IUOMl INl.-t~lll.la u &N

nK<"tNI"Jto!'Ultb:>.._llr:lu:·-.,:that .rW.<1111-rU"N.

7oll....t~~t; l.l".a t.:r;ts.tiW<I aol.>cUon ot u....., l.ndhl/•ls, a loo:otl ....Uu.lv~r '-'ill d...U"'· u- ;'h'llc,Uy. U Ulo)'..,.. tee~~. tbq.:lll!.>-l.nt!'Ot'''"r.l!'orNR;i.l;>byde-tl•xaa!Mtinn by •~t.eool o.Tte..-a or 1.!: ~nq, ;.:.~.' ''~" •~n.-. Cor·s. tmK "bo '~*" "'-11 bo lroi:\.C"..c! lnt.o ~..~ .. ,_...,tq •

In t.bo d.l!t.:.rr llLrrteoo '-'<' -Ul o lnl· UJ...I.lll' l·c!, ~ toru.~bclotll.~, .-.n !·<.., """a.t.;..,,- . ..._1) .. "'-cl '~ e<;ul,.,....d tor bt.alc l.rlt.ln1r.;. l.iy t.. .. ..; tin t!-.7 f. '. -~; .• !c.;lly bud.u~d, n.ntally c!bdpl11>..4 ·41 ?to~-ri.y tn:!."'..d I" ;,..,. "'- ~t\.lo, 1.1"..; fl..., or orlttocl _,1\J.QN !rot'\ l~ct..r.' 1.<1 """"'' t ~m1t1 111 -t tht t'llll N<;ulrvco>~l..:l tor U .. 1~ V.-.nc.: tn.lnl,. .

lnU\allll1l4r;f liOTrlc~, ,,·~rlc•no fro· dl "'lka ot lltoJ, r ich Utd pow , COW'>tr .... ~;>d g~d ol~ • ~"h"<l' to.rn r , .>t~.'.nt, ::.an"-'11 1<\bor.or ond .f.lttv c~lLr -.l<lr~: .r , \.·Ill 1 ~rn to liv olda ~,. ol~o,

to cl~'l<:rd v,:xwt .:.ch ot.l', 1 1n oJ.lit~ry drlllt ,...,_ '"'""~v r o, ::n' IJ> ~;IIINCI...h """'' · oU. r' t a.10nity u "'*'-r iclll oHh..no.

UnlYU'Ml s..rYic.. nn tl'1n, no~ or•lY .,r: t~r ,'~"•Pill'~ .. '-"' <>= ·t U. t.T .... t ot ~..,.., ~\ ·. ·.'lo~r clll"\.ri~Uon ..r tol<.r\nCI r.nd •ro:l~r•tan:Sirli: to <m,)oy t-ho ~l"::lnp oC ~""·

Page 34: 1 l ;) )! IYl LJ

II-;<-- f\'!!:SIIt,:- C"' I'll. CCR tT&J;$

.,,.ov.c~ t.~.e S.lt.cH'I"t 'tra1n1n .,..,; $o,...!ccJ.c\ or l'}-4(), ..tt.~ch

llcclarca tl'll~ tt b iApo.r;r.th'il 1.0 i~roua 11\:1 train tM per­

loNMl oft...., ar=ed !crcl!a l!f t.M t'nl.IMCI ~tawa and th.tt. in a

fl"M l<>d<ty t..,. d'H••-t1'-'"* Ill'"; prh:.lc.,:a ot r.1Ut.&Joy t,..lt>­

ifiC. and . .. ..nee ,.. .. '>Ill~ 11o 1!aNO.I ...,~,.•11.1 ln -=conli-Me 'fitll a


'l:!I.~.LS t. .. &O-il!:..~:~ c~r.t.o:.,., In ~Wort., u.. tollOO'itl£ ;n-o-

•s:::c. 2. Dcctptqot."-rri:xprOrldodlnU.t.s J.c~, U el\llll::.. t~• dloty o! ever; .-la c1th.-n ot t~ .. <.Jn.H...:. :.~w~, ani ot ..,.,,.., n&le •H•n red<111111n t"- ~"llit.l.4 State~, '0!\o, on l,;l<t <lry· 11r ·..:..Y. tbod tor u,. N.nt or-.rqaU:..•q•IOM . ...-.rhtr<>tlcn, 11 ~\I"'Hn U... "!."~>' cr t'lllntror·•,.,.,.:! thlrty-11J: , to pru.ont. hi.,.. ulf tor ~ aub:Ut to ,...ti~t,..,Ucn U IIICh t\1.10 or ti""a lln<!pl<liCeor?la.;u, and lnf...,;::!MIIno.rCJidln 111ChJ.G41£TO .... Or lr<IIQII, UII\Illb('d(,\t.ra1/li.dbJ' 1"\ilu.L...Sr<>clllt.Uctll prc.aerl.'>odl\<.r . ...-r.

•S!C. S. (::.) c..adealoa.Sotfl.o<ra, ._..Nr!\ otn'-• ra, ~clcrh, r.no nlUI.ool•nofttA~"'-o.-ul.:.r ~. ~::::.,.~ou...::..n ... c,.,r_.:.~,""~coa.nOG&rd,W Coct ;r.nd ~de 3w"Y<_.;;, tbl. ,.,..,Ua ~'<-"lUI S..rrice, Ulc. fedcral\J' ,.,..,,,.J.._.~ o~IJ.ft ~UMLl O.rd, \tAo O!"tic~r.~• F-•-"'- Cor:">=, U.. :4.-..1 r ~ lo.a.:""-• Uw Enl11t.WJI..~..;.rYOlo~, tb,.ll.ft'l J.,.n,rY\o , 4tld Ulc.l:ltr-ino; Ccrps ~:.;,~....._; c~u. t"nlt--.<1 :vt...a Ul1tuy Ae=d<IQ"l <>idal!.l.pa.r., t:l"4~.· St.o:t·..~ lftv~l J.~O.S.=o'i ci!Ckta, OO~O<l St.:.t~a C........t. '"""-~n! .\1:.........,1 :o. n Wlo hiiYfl bun ac:cc;>ttd to;· e.:..<~.~u.ne. c~c·n ... l~ wtU! VI<! .c&<k~ "J''U" 11<..:1<t ~UOC'--<!in ~....,;, acr·.J)\nnc~) to u ... tln1U4 S\.l.t.ul!llitarJI.c:;.:t._...r:..e~t.G,tot.'"l:nlt.o.dSt.cttu ~~y<J. Ac"-,cy "' ni!hlhlfh.n, or to til. UnU~4 Stahl Conat r.w:.r<l l.ll;:.ck.<Q u ead.<t~, blot only 4-Jriflt:: ti'K. co"" Un114Mt or •uch &:ccpUncq ci:CI..I.ol ot U!~ I>I!Yonc~d co...-.<., :~nlor <ll.v1:\o..,, R ..... "'" Ct!'l.elln' TraWnc Ccrpo or ltYIIl R..a..rvc Oftlt:N' tra!I'I1111Co,.,•; am dlpJ.oc:.UcN,n.a.. •. tc.u.,. . • , ~.o.c!.n1e~ot.t.ctclluo! rord..p~ ~11<.1an:llta;:<.UO¥oJ,_...IIl,t<.n<.nl,co""lll• , dce co .. llll , and 001Wvlar q...nu ~r tonl.(n Cotant.r1<.a, ... uo-

Page 35: 1 l ;) )! IYl LJ

I c.

la;l.lltl'»CDU .... Sutoo, W.. u onot dtlo.,oor \\tlol:io1U4S<.~.t.u, ..... wmllo. .. ,..t Mt1u .. tb.l.r l:.tftUon w beo:o<W olt l n n• o r tM 1ln1U<I ~uu, olw.ll not 1N nqul.rM 'CO be re£l.ohrN IWior uo­tlon Z N>d oMll M nlhoYed. fr«~ lhbUlty tor trdnll>tL-.1 u rrtcew.4or notionS ( b ). "

(1) "pruoriM~o"'""'"r:t N l oo o:A I'OQlhtlaou to ~u>rJ 0\lt tlw proYhloM of UthJ.ot1"

"(4) w ortllilo u,. ,.,.olouor N::l or all C~t• "'' L"'QL' ._,.. dl ott1nn or ....,...,, ot tlw ~":litto! S"""' ~4 w u"~ ,.,. ..,.,_ I•• of oll ortl...,..o .,.; •tOIIh ot U.. oo .. ral suu.o, ~urlt.Jrlo., ~tlo>Dh'P'Iotot Col .... l•t.D4 ""b­di• col<l<llothoor - rlr. U..uo ... u o .. ot Ulio "'''"

-s!X:. 14 ( • ) r;.tary ponon ollo.ll ~~ ~•-d to ho,.., notl~o or tloo rt'JIIIr-h at U1h Aot Yf")n jlll':lliaatl<>nltfthe l"ruoi(Witoto proohrwtlonor

~i~" .:.:!!':.:~!:• 2~~d"': o t"- tor t.ro)' rochtra•

Vn!WII lto~..oo or .bcrlu, - ... ..,. by rir'IU<I or tM ... uoorltJ

"'Wbo.,.\l:rthc..toruoldS.IutlwoTrt.IIIIIC ... kr"l"- ~

or lMO, •~ :m><>h.bo 'tM toll-tnco

1 . tho tlrn rorl~rHioo W ..- "'- lolutho T...tDiac -"­

hn\uloctor 19-40"'*11 t&k•rlut OAI.t<lllnd~. t"' o1xt .. ,.u.

u.., or o.owblt' , l:IW, boo~ ... n thll t~ovu or 7 ,1 .. 11. onllll p, 11,

2· L~ ""\' !'Orton (o~llor ti\I".JI :•••_, •~oopt.-1 V, S.otion

& (1) or t:'l<. o.ror~ .. 1tl Act ),...., 11 L oltil<rn or tllo Ul'l1tt<l St.t<lo

Page 36: 1 l ;) )! IYl LJ

• f I

u.., .sau t:lu<l hiNln, hu nuJ.Md the two:;nt,r-t1nt &Mlinr-

""'or tiM 4a;r or !lis blrt.'l and llu not aU.&ine4 tiM thl~t.- I

dxtll anninrnr:t of tbo ~aJ or hh birth, It .,.qulno<l t.o

pNnnthi••nl!forarld'\lbaltW >'fPttrUion, !.• eryauc:h

JMnon'Ohoh w1Ul1tiU.eoont1Mnt.t.liJII1W<IStlttsonthe"ib-

t,..Uon clat.a fue<l hrrdn ahU.l on Ulct f!t.W P"!'C:nt ht-Hlt

tor and tlltalt. w Nibtn.Uon at t~ dllol7 du~~ ;>b~ of

,..:lnraUo,..,IJ-.int.hol""dnct, dtatrld, cr rcpnnUon

Mppm \0 ~on u..r.t .saw. ~l'J aUC":l .,. .. .on 'IIIIo u ...,, nt.':1:~

the cor.t~~l l~te.:! StaiA• on u-. N:tttre.tlon Ute find

tlon. !ttculat.iono >'ilt bot""'acrl"o.dMNdiArpNrldlnt.!or

tpedal ,.,.Ciat.ration of U.ost W:lO ~~~ &eco~nt ot alekrteu or


MlYntorrtthtratl...,ut~.SUI.n&t.edplaua or .... li•t.n­


s . '"r" ;>H»Qn •~J.:t t.o Nc1nnt.Uon 11 ~ t.o

!a:ol.lluluo tw.clr wt:.h the l"'lu Nil:!. rqo:au- COft:TJ.JI&


s . I co.ll upon !..'If. Conmoraor t.''" at>'erD.l Stll.n uoc1 the

11<141'<1 of Co:ms51omrs ot t!\e ;II.Urlct or Cc>lll:lbla t.o J»"ov1dc

nitabh •nd •U:!!chnt :>).aen ot repnnuon 1I1Uii11 t.hcir

Page 37: 1 l ;) )! IYl LJ

.....II""U " jurlf<l.lct!OM ond \4 ,"I'OTI.S.. .. llhbl• &1\4 nltC~a­

.. y reatnnuon _,..,, ~o trr.n •uoh Nrln:-.uo~.

6, 1 tu~ller call U;x>A all ornun u.J -u or u ..

;oll* artecUn ~ eooo,;.h•a -~IIRr-... HJon; aA4 I ·~\all)'

WI .._ &ll local elMUOII ottUI&I& aiW Olbat p.\MOUc

rectnnt.Uoa .

1, Inol"llot\llll.\tli•tNN.)'Mtu11ooo,...,Uoataca.rey­

lns IMoattltCt U.t ;>~~rr-c>H•ot&II.IC.I.ol , lllrt:t&ll...-..J,oyers ,

11.114 fP"rMenl oeenctu ot all ktndl •• 1&4oro.l, !.tau a::4

l.on.l --to cln H.o•• ur.d•r ttwtro~arjtl ••trtolen\ tL,. oN

otto~&-M:'\;...,.•latlltt'Orld, !'lw\&UI'Olat..uot

Ml\0111 .:iloN 1fMDooi.S l~: .. lt"'-1 'It\,~~ I ·· \00 w•U l<1.ooltl IO

I IMI:n .ll>4otlll""tL'I11 Ollt r ..... t ~hnUGi otn"t.th

to tandott .... rt•""'o;uo .,...,,...,, '"""''t&D<i~<lll J)N""I>t

Page 38: 1 l ;) )! IYl LJ



uau....W.I thebur.:..W t..,_t.,_bec..,.,.e.,....,.. OUers

of • .-.. 1ce hf•• nocx:.<t ill fr..o;• .,..trioHc c1UMN 1n ''"1'7 pan ot ll'• 1>1Uon, 'lt.o ul< Olll7-=•• the;y Clr'l do to lwlp.

tM aUliord llho will ..roll em .,.:;bt.nUon d.ay at cdlool

~»oMt,pollizl;:>~•,ancl""""'nu • •


nC~~< W~&cted • lP "'ta~;>U.•hirc a Ml.eou .... ~tiled or •~~,;;....,t-

dr.>OCrttic - U U U:e uUl o: ou.r .-plt.

Att.ert.hai!J>U'Uldltlil>er .. tlon, atdatther1ntt\r,l ,<>ur

,......,. •n will ..,.. tron. U. !~t.orl.toa an<! U.. thlo!..o, tM

dU.t an<!. U".e t.oooflll, to MNll t. .. il' na•t Ol'o Nt:istnUon

.., .

.... u.on. 1<&7• &11 ....,... wt~'ltl """ !w.uu U.O.t c....,iOpUon cl.

lib.rt7L"'<< !N.t ._. ollU'I ;.l>IC:' "01 ~ .. ft &lllnbtrU.e<!. I:&)'

.. ,.u,tzwnetJ>enourNtolw wl:ol4tio;hUID torcilot t'rHdoa

lnthl.todal'l<o:nin,.""rH.o tJ\at.ourchU4r.nand. thoirehU.o:lr..,


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UIWm~~ I a .. , M,._~o oftJ~~rhu4 uol

&&uo.-IU>o•NloftltoUn1te4 Stat .. to "-•ftiqd.

DOll! u U•• City of W..oh.ln~OO> thh d • tHnth 61lJ' ot


Lol'<ln~tHnhun4r .. t.M

(I S i t.) forty. """'of thot lde,.ad..,.,,