1. jewish law teaches morality. a.hebrew laws focused more on morality and ethics and less on...

1. Jewish law teaches morality. a.Hebrew laws focused more on morality and ethics and less on political matters.

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Page 1: 1. Jewish law teaches morality. a.Hebrew laws focused more on morality and ethics and less on political matters

1. Jewish law teaches morality.

a. Hebrew laws focused more on morality and ethics and less on political matters.

Page 2: 1. Jewish law teaches morality. a.Hebrew laws focused more on morality and ethics and less on political matters

3. Representative Government

Representative democracy or RepublicFree and fair elections

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4. Rule by Law1. No person is above the law.2. Laws give power and protection.3. Written laws or constitutions to

protect against abuses by the government.

4. Laws must be just.

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“He who trusts any man with supreme power gives it to a wild beast, for such his appetite sometimes makes him: passion influences those in power, even the best of men, but law is reason without desire…” -Aristotle

The requirement that government actions must adhere to the law


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6. Plato believed that in an ideal society the government should be controlled by a class of “philosopher kings”.

Wise men should

rule for the

general good!

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7-a. John Locke

1. Wrote Two Treatises on Government (1690)

2. Positive view on humanity3. Government was to protect the rights of

the people4. BIG IDEA: Natural Rights of man

a. Power of Government comes from the people

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7. c. Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet)

1. Published more than 70 books (political essays, philosophy, history, fiction, etc.)

2. Loved to use satire to make fun of clergy, aristocracy (nobles), and government.

3. BIG IDEA: Freedom of speech and religion

“I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

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7. d. Jean Jacques Rousseau

1. Man is naturally born freea. “Man is born free, and

everywhere he is in chains.”b. Wanted to abolish titles of nobility, that all

people were equal.c. Man should live in nature to escape

civilization’s problems.

2. Wrote The Social Contract (1762)3. BIG IDEA: Freedom of the Individual

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7. b. Baron de Montesquieu

1. Wrote On the Spirit of Laws (1748)a. “Power should be a

check to power.”

2. BIG IDEA: Separation of Powersb. Checks and balances

(His ideas became the basis of the U.S. Constitution)

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7-d. Mary Wollstonecraft

1. Called for increased rights of women

a. Women deserve/need the same education as men

2. BIG IDEA: Desired increased opportunities in work and politics

(Women should be able to be doctors not just nurses)

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• July 4, 1776: Second Continental Congress accepts Declaration of Independence

• Influenced by writings of John Lock (1632-1704)– Natural Rights: life, liberty and property– Consent of Governed: people agree on

rulers, rulers have responsibility to people

9 Thomas Jefferson

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10. a. Magna Carta- First Limit of King’s Power

No tax without consent

Trial by peers or by law of land

No depriving life, liberty or property without due process of law

King John of England 1215

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10 b. English Bill of Rights

Reiterated Fair trial Parliament consent to tax

Parliament must consent to standing army Free elections to parliament No suspension of law w/ out Parliament


William and Mary 1689Signed in Exchange for Thrown

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10 d. Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789)

"First Article – Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions can be founded only on the common utility."

a. “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights.”

Beginning of the idea of universal human rights.

b. Natural Rights: Liberty, property, safety and resistance to oppression…

c. Law is an expression of the general will.

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11. American Revolution

a. “Shining beacon” to Europeb. Proof revolution could bring about positive change

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12 a,b,c. France’s The 3 Estates in the Old Regime

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13. Tennis Court OathWe’re not leaving

until there’s a

new constitutio


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Radical• Favors extreme and

immediate change.• Willing to use violence.• New society or system.


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14. The Radical Stage of the French Revolution

Jacobins-Most radical and popular political club.

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Europe after Napoleon15- The Congress of Vienna:

a. The great powers met in Vienna, Austria to return the continent to stability.

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15. Congress of Vienna

4. German Confederation created, 39 German states dominated by Austria.

5. Legitimacy: Monarchs forced out of power are returned to their throne.

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I8. Why did it start in England?A. Labor supply and population


B. Natural resources needed for industry growth 1. Coal, iron ore, water power, harbors

to sail from, rivers for inland transport

C. Markets1. Colonies overseas

D. Banking System 1. Bank loans more available2. Climate of progress

E. Political Stability

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20. Population problemsA. Thomas Malthus

1. Population grows faster than food supply and jobs

2. Unending poverty and unemployment

3. Government should not help the poor (Moral restraint)

B. David Ricardo1. “Iron law of wages”2. Population creates

more workers, more workers keep wages low

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21. a

6. Solution: James Watt’s steam engine (1769).

a) Factories could be located near urban centers.

b) Steam engine powers steamship (1807) and railroad engine (1829).

c) Another bottleneck: Need for more iron.

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Eli Whitney , an Englishman, the cotton gin and the idea of interchangeable parts for manufacturing (1784)


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Henry Bessemer, an Englishman, the first blast furnace to make steel (1805)


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Louis Pasteur• “Pasteurization”

(technique of treating milk and wine to stop bacterial contamination)


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Thomas Edison

• 1879 invented the light bulb

21. e.

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21. b

4. Third bottleneck: not enough cotton.

a) Solution: Eli Whitney’s cotton gin (1793) increased supply of raw cotton.

5. Two new bottlenecks, transportation and location.

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laissez-faire – “leave alone”I. Adam Smith – Wealth of

NationsA. Philosopher and

economistB. Society will run best with

“free enterprise”1. Entrepreneurs run business

to make profit

2. More profit = expansion = more jobs = more goods

3. Government should stay out of businesses (no regulation)


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27. RomanticismA. Art Focused on

emotion and love of nature

1. Nature as beautiful, powerful, and dangerous

2. Glorified heroes, cherished the past, and focused upon the individual

3. Idealistic view of history4. The Romantic period

lasted from about 1800 to 1850

Nature and landscape becomes idealized and more powerful than man

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Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix (1830)


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29. Switch to Realism

A. Heavily influenced by the industrial revolution and social problems

B. Realists want to show life the way it is, not how it should be1. Showed the sufferings of


C. Charles Dickens1. Great Expectations, Oliver

Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, etc.

2. Showed the despair and terrible conditions of London’s working class

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The Gleaners29.

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30. Why did Imperialism take place?A. Economic Reasons:

1. Make money2. Control foreign trade3. Raw materials from colonies4. New markets for products.

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b. Exploratory Reasons:1. Desire to explore the unknown.2. Conduct scientific research.3. Advance medicine.

30. Why did Imperialism take place?

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C. Religious Reasons:1. Spread Christianity.2. Protect Christian missionaries.3. Spread European values and morals .4. Educate people.

30. Why did Imperialism take place?

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d. Political Reasons:1. Gain power2. Competition with other nations3. Land4. Use military power5. Strong national pride.

30. Why did Imperialism take place?

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E. Ideological Reasons:31. White race was superior.

Social Darwinism!

1. They saw other cultures as “primitive”32. European duty to civilize other peoples.

“White man’s burden”

2. To be a great nation you must have an empire.

30. Why did Imperialism take place?

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Reaction to Imperialism Sepoy Rebellion – Indian soldiers

rebel because of British rifle cartridges

After a year of fighting, the British take direct control of the country (known as the “Raj”). Indians can’t unite because of

differences between Hindus and Muslims

33-a India

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Reaction to Imperialism Boxer Rebellion (1898-1900)

Chinese are frustrated with the special privileges given to foreigners, they rebel and attack foreign missionaries in China (Christians)

The Rebellion is crushed (by foreign troops), but Chinese Nationalism begins to grow

33-b China

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D. Effects of Imperialism1. Japanese Imperialism: Japan decides to build

their own empire2. 1894-1895: Attacks China, drives them out of

Korea3. 1904-1905: Attacks Russia over Manchuria,

forces the Russians and Koreans out of Manchuria

4. 1910: Annexed Korea5. Japan is seen as a world Power

33. c. Japan

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54.a. Cubism (1906-1921)A. Painters emphasized geometric

patternsB. Developed from the loss of

personality after a century of industrialism.

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54. b. Surrealism

Inspired by Sigmund Freud’s analysis of dreams

Part of the Age of Uncertainty

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Industrial Revolution

The __________ process (1850s) was a quick and cheap method of making steel from iron.

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21. c

7. Bessemer process (1850s) was a quick and cheap method of making steel from iron.

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Eli Whitney , an Englishman, the cotton gin and the idea of interchangeable parts for manufacturing (1784)

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James Watt, an Englishman, the steam engine (1769)

21. a.

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45. After WWI…..

Austria-Hungary was one of the Central Powers in World War I. It was already effectively dissolved by the time the military authorities signed an armistice at Villa Giusti on 3 November 1918. The Hungarian Kingdom and the Austrian Republic were treated as its successors de jure, while the independence of the West Slavs and South Slavs of the Empire as the Republic of Czechoslovakia, the Republic of Poland and Kingdom of Yugoslavia, respectively, was also recognized by the victorious powers.

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48. Collectivization

in the Soviet Union was enforced under Stalin between 1928 and 1940. The goal of this policy was to consolidate individual land and labour into collective farms

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government agency that administered the main Soviet forced labor camp systems during the Stalin era, from the 1930s until the 1950s.


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We Palestinians are sick

of the Israeli

military’s repression

of our people!

Take that Israel!

77. Intifada

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79. Westernization

The spread of American and European technology, fashion, music and culture.

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