1) disaster prevention research institute (dpri), kyoto...

1 Rainfall-runoff and flood inundation predictions using RRI model: October 10, 2016 Takahiro SAYAMA 1) and Yoichi IWAMI 2) 1) Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Gokasho Uji, Kyoto, 611-0011, Japan 2) ICHARM, Public Works Research Institute (PWRI), Minamihara 1-6, 305-8516, Tsukuba, Japan [email protected] Introduction Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation (RRI) model is a two-dimensional model capable of simulating rainfall-runoff and flood inundation simultaneously (Sayama et al., 2012). When flooding occurs, the information of current situation on inundation extent and depths is one of the most essential information for emergency responses and evacuations. The original concept of the RRI model development is to simulate large scale flooding such as the ones in Thailand in 2011 (Sayama et al., 2015a; Sayama et al., 2015b) and Pakistan in 2010 (Sayama et al., 2012; Ushiyama et al., 2014) by simulating rainfall- runoff and inundation in an integrated manner. The model is also demonstrated recently in Japanese river basins (Kuribayashi et al., 2016) by reflecting more detailed cross sections and radar rainfall input to achieve detailed hazard mapping and real-time flood inundation predictions. The model has been applied also to assess flood risk (Sriariyawat et al., 2013; Shrestha et al. 2015) and benefit (Juarez-Lucas; 2016) at the river basin scale. Theory The model deals with slopes and river channels separately. At a grid cell in which a river channel is located, the model assumes that both slope and river are positioned within the same grid cell. The channel is discretized as a single line along its centerline of the overlying slope grid cell. The flow on the slope grid cells is calculated with the 2D diffusive wave model, while the channel flow is calculated with the 1D diffusive wave model. For better representations of rainfall-runoff-inundation processes, the RRI model simulates also lateral subsurface flow, vertical infiltration flow and surface flow. The lateral subsurface flow, typically more important in mountainous regions, is treated in terms of the discharge-hydraulic gradient relationship, which takes into account both saturated subsurface and surface flows. The vertical infiltration flow is estimated by

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Rainfall-runoff and flood inundation predictions using RRI model:

October 10, 2016

Takahiro SAYAMA1) and Yoichi IWAMI2)

1) Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Gokasho Uji, Kyoto, 611-0011, Japan

2) ICHARM, Public Works Research Institute (PWRI), Minamihara 1-6, 305-8516, Tsukuba, Japan

[email protected]


Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation (RRI) model is a two-dimensional model capable of

simulating rainfall-runoff and flood inundation simultaneously (Sayama et al., 2012).

When flooding occurs, the information of current situation on inundation extent and

depths is one of the most essential information for emergency responses and evacuations.

The original concept of the RRI model development is to simulate large scale flooding

such as the ones in Thailand in 2011 (Sayama et al., 2015a; Sayama et al., 2015b) and

Pakistan in 2010 (Sayama et al., 2012; Ushiyama et al., 2014) by simulating rainfall-

runoff and inundation in an integrated manner. The model is also demonstrated recently

in Japanese river basins (Kuribayashi et al., 2016) by reflecting more detailed cross

sections and radar rainfall input to achieve detailed hazard mapping and real-time flood

inundation predictions. The model has been applied also to assess flood risk (Sriariyawat

et al., 2013; Shrestha et al. 2015) and benefit (Juarez-Lucas; 2016) at the river basin



The model deals with slopes and river channels separately. At a grid cell in which a

river channel is located, the model assumes that both slope and river are positioned

within the same grid cell. The channel is discretized as a single line along its centerline

of the overlying slope grid cell. The flow on the slope grid cells is calculated with the 2D

diffusive wave model, while the channel flow is calculated with the 1D diffusive wave

model. For better representations of rainfall-runoff-inundation processes, the RRI model

simulates also lateral subsurface flow, vertical infiltration flow and surface flow. The

lateral subsurface flow, typically more important in mountainous regions, is treated in

terms of the discharge-hydraulic gradient relationship, which takes into account both

saturated subsurface and surface flows. The vertical infiltration flow is estimated by

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using the Green-Ampt model. The flow interaction between the river channel and slope

is estimated based on different overflowing formulae, depending on water-level and

levee-height conditions.

How to use RRI model

The package of the RRI model is available from the website of ICHARM, Public Works

Research Institute, Japan: https://www.pwri.go.jp/icharm/research/rri/rri_top.html

RRI model and related tools were originally developed with Fortran 90 computer

language. The model has been operated on Command User Interface (CUI) such as

Command Prompt on Windows. Since 2014, RRI-Graphical User Interface (GUI) has

been also developed by ICHARM to support users for efficient model building and result

visualization with HydroSHEDS dataset.

For non-experts in hydrologic modeling, it is recommended to use RRI-GUI to learn

the basic steps with RRI-GUI. Refer to the RRI Manual included in the above package

on the tutorial of RRI-CUI, followed by more detail descriptions and application


The following part explains the use of RRI Graphical User Interface (GUI)

1. Pre-setting

1) Unzip “RRI_1_4_2.zip” and save it under a working folder (e.g. C:/”).

2) Check your PC is 32 or 64 bit. (My Computer Property)

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3) Install two programs saved in “RRI-GUI/Pre-setting”

① w_fcompxe_redist_intel64.msi

② vcredist_x64.exe

(for 32 bit, install vcredist_x86.exe and w_fcompxe_redist_ia32.msi )

For “vcredist_x64.exe”, you may encounter an error message suggesting you have

already the newer version of “Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable”. In that case,

you can just close the error message and cancel to install “vcredist_x64.exe”.

4) Execute RRI_BUILDER_64.exe

(for 32 bit machine, execute RRI_BUILDER_32.exe)

2. Model application and running with RRI_Builder

Preparing Input Topography Data

The first screen of the “RRI_BUILDER_64.exe” is to choose “New Project” or “Load


Select “New Project” in this exercise.

New project

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Type in a new project name (e.g. “solo30s”) with the selections of “Use HydroSHEDS”

and “Asia30”, then click “OK”.

Zoom into Java Island in Indonesia

Project name

Move and zoom Move: Ctrl + mouse left drag Zoom: Ctrl + mouse scroll

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After zoom into the outlet area of the Solo River basin, click a pixel along the main river

near the river mouth (not necessary to be exactly the same as the above example).

Then choose “Yes” on the window and “Confirm” on the left panel.

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Click “Extract Basin” after you confirm the area of the basin.

(If not satisfactory, click “Reset Basin” and retry it.)

If the background map is available, the following extracted basin will be displayed.

(Even the background image is not shown for some reasons, it is essentially no problem

for the following simulation).

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The step of “Scale up DEM” is an optional. Use this option in case you want to scale up

the DEM for example changing the model resolution from 30 second to 60 seconds.

The next step is to execute “AdjustDEM”. This procedure is always necessary for the

stable simulation.

Choose OK with the default setting. (you will see a command screen running

AdjustDEM program).

Now select “DATA” Tab on the left top and click “Set river”.

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Click all the three “Make File” on River parameter setting.

These values are the parameters to determine the cross sections based on the equations.

For this exercise, use default values.

After confirming the three green signs, close this window.

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1) Preparing Input Rainfall Data

An input rainfall file must be the following format saved as csv. The file can be prepared

by a text editor or Excel (saved as csv).

① Set “Start time” and “End time” under <Rain>

Start : 2007/12/24 0:00, End : 2008/1/8 0:00

③ Click “Use ground gauged rainfall”

② Click “Select” to find a input rainfall file

(In this excercise, “RRI-GUI/Obsdata/rain_Solo_2007.csv”)

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Please note that the format is slightly different from the one used by the Thiessen

Polygon program explained for RRI-CUI (Command User Interface). The first column of

the fille (L4-) is date and time. Currently the date and time must be in the form of

“yyyy/mm/dd h:mm”.

After selecting the input csv file, please choose “Yes” on the confirmation window then

click “OK” with the default setting of the creating rainfall distribution file.

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2) Running RRI Model

Select “Edit” tab after the topographic and rainfall data is ready.

You can confirm different distributions including DEM, ACC, DIR, River Width, River

Depth, Bank height as well as cumulative Rain.

These distribution files except for the cumulative rainfall, can be edited on the window.

For example you can choose river width and select any area inside the basin to display

the following image. (For this exercise, no need to change the values.)

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In addition, you find parameter and other input file settings if you click “Edit

RRI_INPUT.TXT”. The editting the values will be reflected to the RRI_Input.txt file,

which is the control file of the RRI model. (For this exercise, no need to change the


Finally, click “Run RRI” and “OK” to start the simulation.

③ Click on any location in the basin

② Cancel

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3. Visualizing results with RRI_VIEWER

Execute “RRI_VIEWER_64.exe” (or _32.exe for a 32 bit machine).

Read RRI_Input.txt file prepared in the previous subsection. In this exercise, find


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1) Visualize flood inundation

On the displayed map image, one can use CTRL and left drag to move the map and also

CTRL and mouse scroll to zoom in and out. This operation is the same as


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To display the animation of flood inundation depth distribution, please select

inundation on the top left panel and click the start button.

After stopping the animation, try to click any grid cell inside a basin to visualize the

time seris of flood inundation depths.

Then display the maximum inundation depth distribution by choosing hs max.

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For the maximum inundation depths, one can check values by selecting a area on the



File output for maximum flood inundation depths

To change the color

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2) Visualize river discharge and water depth

To display the animation of river discharge or river water depth distribution, please

select qr (River Disc.) or hr (River WD) on the top left panel and click the start button.

After stopping the animation, try to click any river grid-cell to visualize the time

serises of river discharge (i.e. hydrograph) and river water depth.

Double click at the river location to display water depth (blue color, left) and river discharge (led color, right).

River discharge (qr) or river water depth (hr)

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3) Visualize the longitudinal profile of river water level

To visualize the longitudinal profile of river water level, first select hr (River WD) and

click “Set River Path” on the left pannel.

① Select hr

② Click Set River Path

③ Click Yes

④ Click here as the Upstream end point

⑤ Click Yes

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⑥ Click here as the Downstream end point

⑦ Show Profile

⑧ Change the vertical range of the graph, e.g. to 100 m then redraw

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Click “Delete Path” to delete the selected longitudinal path.

4) Visualize the profile of flood inundation depth

To visualize the profile of flood inundation depth, one can draw a profile line (e.g. red

line below) as “Shift + Left Draw”.

⑨ Change the plotting time by animation or move this button to show the longitudinal profile of river water level (blue).

① Draw a line at the interest section to display flood inundation depths by Shift + Left Draw

② Click Set River Path

③ Change the range of the figure (e.g. from 5 to 10 m) and Redraw

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Case Study: Climate change impact assessment in the Chao Phrya River basin

1) Background

Assessing the impact of climate change on large-scale flooding is one of the major

concerns for water management. This section presents a method to evaluate the impact

of climate change by using GCM output and the RRI model. The GCM used in this study

is MRI-AGCM3.2S and 3.2H, the former one is the finest spatial resolution GCM in the

world (20 km), while the latter one (60 km) is used to provide ensemble information with

different cumulous schemes and sea surface temperature clusters to assess the

uncertainty. In particular, this study focuses on flood inundation volumes in the Chao

Phraya River basin in Thailand to evaluate how the frequency of devastating flooding

like the one in 2011 will change in future under SRES-A1B scenario (2075-2099)

(Sayama et al., 2015c).

2) Study site

The case study site is the Chao Phraya River basin located in the northern part of

Thailand. The basin area is approximately 160,000 km2, which include the basins of four

main tributaries namely Ping, Wang, Yom and Nan. The four rivers meet at the central

location called Nakhon Sawan. The upstream and downstream of Nakhon Sawan is a

widespread lowland area, whose longitudinal gradient is approximately 1/12,000. In the

basin, there are two major dams: Bhumibol dam (13.5 billion m3, operated since 1964) in

the Ping River and Sirikit dam (9.5 billion m3, operated since 1974) in the Nan River.

The dam reservoirs are primarily used for water resources and also power generation.

During the floods in 2011, the Bhumibol and Sirikit dam reservoirs store flood water.

The storages of the two dam reservoirs were about 57 % and 63 % in the beginning of

July, and they became almost full by the beginning of October.

The 2011 floods caused levee breaches and overtopping mainly on the left side of the

main Chao Phraya River (between Nakhon Sawan and Ayutthaya). The floodwaters

submerged seven industrial parks near Ayutthaya and then the northern and western

parts of Bangkok. The central business district of Bangkok City barely escaped from

severe flooding after emergency embankment and drainage from the canals. As a result,

813 people were killed or missing and the economic damage and losses were 46.5 billion


3) Model application

The RRI model was applied to the entire Chao Phraya River basin. As the model was

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being set up, DEM, flow direction and flow accumulation were delineated from

HydroSHEDS 30 sec and upscaled to 60 sec (approximately 2 km) resolution. Note that

the RRI model uses flow direction and accumulation only to determine river channel

locations but not for flood routing since the flow direction varies depending on local

hydraulic gradients. River depths and widths were approximated by a non-liner equation

with upstream contributing area as the explanatory variable. The parameters of the

equation were estimated from regression analysis with cross 121 section data.

For the model calibration and validation as well as the following sensitivity analysis,

we used a gauged rainfall observed by Royal Irrigation Department (RID) and Thai

Meteorological Department (TMD) in Thailand. As for the potential evapotranspiration,

we used Penman-Monthieth equation based on European Centre for Medium-Range

Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis. The ECOCLIMAP dataset, provided by Meteo

France, was also used to identify seasonal and spatial variations of leaf area index. The

periods of model calibration and validation are 1980-1999 and 2000-2011. We manually

calibrated the parameter sets mainly focusing on the monthly discharge at Nakhon

Sawan. In addition to the discharge, the model performance was also tested also in terms

of flood inundation extents by comparing with remote sensing images. See Sayama et al.

2015a for more detailed model calibration and validation.

4) Results

Figure (A) shows simulated and observed monthly discharge at Nakhon Sawan (C2).

In this calibration, the effect of the dam reservoirs were removed from the observed C2

discharge by adding inflow and subtracting outflow from the two major dam reservoirs

to the observed monthly discharge. The result shows that the model can reproduce the

C2 monthly river discharge fairly well for both calibration (NSE = 0.89) and validation

(NSE = 0.89) periods. For the other upstream locations also, we evaluated the simulated

monthly river discharge for the two periods, the examples at N1 and P1 are shown in the


Figure (B) shows the spatial distributions of flood inundation frequency. We

calculated annual maximum flood inundation depths for each year in the present and

future climate conditions, and then counted how many times the annual peak inundation

depths exceeded 0.5 m for each model grid-cell. Some areas close to the main river show

very high frequency (e.g. more than 15 times among 25 years) even for the present

condition, while some other areas such as south western part of the basin show relatively

clear increase in the frequency. The visualization of the change in flood inundation

frequency help for water management considering climate change impact.

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Figure (B) Frequency of estimated flood inundation per 25 years in the present climate

(left), the future climate (mid) and their difference (right)

Figure (A) Model calibration (1980-1999) and validation (2000-2011) with

monthly discharges at C2, N1 and P1

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Daisuke Kuribayashi, Miho Ohara, Takahiro Sayama, Atsuhiko Konja and Hisaya Sawano:

Utilization of the Flood Simulation Model for Disaster Management of Local Government,

Journal of Disaster Research, 2016, (accepted).

Tomoki Ushiyama, Takahiro Sayama and Yoichi Iwami: Ensemble flood forecasting caused

by typhoon Tales and Roke at Hiyoshi dam basin, Journal of Disaster Research, 2016,


Andrea Mariel Juarez-Lucas, Kelly Maren Kibler, Miho Ohara and Takahiro Sayama:

Benefits of flood-prone land use and the role of coping capacity, Candaba floodplains,

Philippines, Natural Hazards, 2016, (accepted).

Takahiro Sayama, Yuya Tatebe, Yoichi Iwami and Shigenobu Tanaka, Hydrologic sensitivity

of flood runoff and inundation: 2011 Thailand floods in the Chao Phraya River basin, Nat.

Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 15, pp. 1617-1630, doi:10.5194/nhess-15-1617-2015, 2015a.

Takahiro Sayama, Yuya Tatebe and Shigenobu Tanaka, An emergency response-type rainfall-

runoff-inundation simulation for 2011 Thailand floods, Journal of Flood Risk Management,

2015b (in print).

Takahiro Sayama, Yusuke Yamazaki, Yuyo Tatebe, Akira Hasegawa and Yoichi Iwami,

Assessment of climate change impact on large scale flooding – a case study in the Chao

Phraya River Basin via new modeling technology, Proceedings of THA2015 International

Conference on “Climate Change and Water & Environment Management in Monsoon Asia”,

28-30 January 2015, Thailand, 2015c.

Badri Bhakta Shrestha, Toshio Okazumi, Mamoru Miyamoto and Hisaya Sawano: Flood

damage assessment in the Pampanga river basin of the Philippines, Journal of Flood Risk

Management, 2015 (in print).

Tomoki Ushiyama, Takahiro Sayama, Yuya Tatebe, Susumu Fujioka, Kazuhiko Fukami:

Numerical Simulation of 2010 Pakistan Flood in the Kabul River Basin by Using Lagged

Ensemble Rainfall Forecasting. J. Hydrometeorology, 15, 193-211, 2014.

Anurak Sriariyawat, Kwanchai Pakoksung, Takahiro Sayama, Shigenobu Tanaka, and

Sucharit Koontanakulvong, Approach to estimate the flood damage in Sukhothai Province

using flood simulation, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 406-414, 2013.

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Takahiro Sayama, Go Ozawa, Takahiro Kawakami, Seishi Nabesaka, Kazuhiko Fukami,

Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation Analysis of Pakistan Flood 2010 at the Kabul River Basin,

Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57(2), DOI: 10.1111/jfr3.12147, pp. 298-312, 2012.