1 day arm blast - athletic muscle building · i hope you enjoy your copy of the 1 day arm blast....

1 Day Arm Blast By Tony Schwartz Professional Strength Coach Founder of AthleticMuscleBuilding.com

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Page 1: 1 Day Arm Blast - Athletic Muscle Building · I hope you enjoy your copy of the 1 Day Arm Blast. Please feel free to email this e-book to any of your friends, family, or co-workers

1 Day Arm Blast

By Tony Schwartz

Professional Strength Coach

Founder of AthleticMuscleBuilding.com

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I hope you enjoy your copy of the 1 Day Arm Blast. Please feel free to email this e-book to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that you think would enjoy this information. They will surely be glad that you shared this information with them!

This E-book will provide you with a great program to jump start your arm size gains. After you read this E-book, if you want to really take your gains to the next level and discover the entire muscle building system that I’ve used with everyone from professional athletes to regular guys, check out the Athletic Muscle Building. This program is fully comprehensive with everything you need to know if you’re serious about building a muscular body. Athletic Muscle Building is not just about exercises, it’s about combining synergistic training, nutrition, and supplementation programs to strategically increase your muscle mass. On another note, if you haven’t signed up yet for my FREE Muscle Building Secrets Newsletter, what are you waiting for? I’ll send you tips and tricks every so often that you can go out and use right away to achieve the muscular body you’re looking for. Sign up now if you’re not already a member.

Before we get into the program, let me give you a little background about myself. My name is Tony Schwartz and I’m a professional strength coach. That means that on a daily basis I work with athletes and regular people of all levels to help them improve their bodies. I have a B.Sc. in Exercise Science from Indiana University, where I was a research assistant in the areas of biomechanics and exercise physiology. I’ve authored, edited, and contributed to many books and articles in the field of exercise science. I am probably best known for my book “Athletic Muscle,” as well as my contributions to Christian Thibaudeau’s book “Theory and Methodology of Modern Strength and Power Methods.” I’ve presented to strength coaches across the country on a variety of topics including general and specific training, block periodization, and plyometrics. In addition to this I am a recognized “Platinum Expert Author” by Ezinearticles.com and I’ve had my articles published on well over 1,000 fitness websites around the world.

Just so you know that I’m a real person, here’s a photo of me performing one of my favorite at home muscle builders… Door Pull-ups.

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Introduction The old adage says, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” This adage applies well to building muscular arms too, at least most of the time. Fortunately, there are some exceptions to this adage. The 1 Day Arm Blast is one of those rare exceptions.

First popularized in the 1960s, it was mostly forgotten about until Canadian strength coach Charles Poliquin reincarnated this classic in the late 1990s. This e-report constitutes the latest version of the program. The premise remains the same as that of its predecessors, but it has been infused with the latest growth-promoting scientific research.

This program has been tested on real people and has been shown to consistently provide increases in arm circumference of a ½ inch or more. The one caveat is that it’s a difficult and time-consuming program. You will need to have some basic training equipment, preferably at home, to get the most out of this program.

Are you willing to dedicate one full day to building massive biceps and triceps?

If the answer is no, then you need to re-evaluate just how important having muscular arms is to you.

If the answer is yes, then get ready to buy some new t-shirts for those guns!

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Exercises Close-grip Chin-ups

Wait, aren’t chin-ups a back exercise? Well yes, but they also do a great job of hitting the biceps. Since they are a compound movement chin-ups allow for a lot of weight to be used. And there is nothing like heavy weight to build muscle!

Chin-ups are done with an underhand-grip. And when I say close-grip I am referring to shoulder-width. Going narrower doesn’t make the exercise any more effective, but it does put additional strain on your elbows. Make sure to add weight if you can via a weight vest, chin-up belt, or dumbbell between your knees.

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Close-grip ½ Bench Press

As with the chin-ups we are using the bench press to really overload the triceps. To perform this variation use a close-grip (again, not much narrower than shoulder-width). The difference here is that we are only going to perform a half range of motion on the movement. You will lower the bar until your upper arms are parallel with the ground and then reverse the motion. This allows for more weight to be used to really blast the triceps.

Close-grip Pull-ups

Pull-ups are done with an overhand-grip. While the chin-ups will do a number on your biceps, pull-ups will really blast your brachialis and challenge your grip. Remember, don’t go too narrow with your grip!

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As with the chin-ups you should attempt to use additional weight if possible with good form. If you are too weak to do the required reps with your bodyweight then have a partner assist you. Whatever you do, don’t substitute lat pulldowns here. They are not the same!


This is another classic compound exercise. You will get some pec and shoulder work in here, but remember that the focus is on the triceps. To insure this you should keep your elbows close to your body throughout the movement and make sure not to lean forward too much. This will really focus all the tension on the tris.

If you have shoulder issues you will want to avoid full range of motion dips. Instead you can perform ½ dips or the aforementioned close-grip ½ bench presses.

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Incline DB Curls

Here’s an exercise you don’t see much. It’s a great one for the oft-forgotten long head of the biceps. Simply set-up an incline bench at 30 or 45 degrees and grab a pair of dumbbells. Lie down on the bench and let the dumbbells hang down. Most people will feel a good stretch in the biceps here. From this position curl the dumbbells up. Make sure to keep your head on the bench throughout the movement and don’t bring your elbows up, just the dumbbells!

Lying DB Extensions

This is a fairly common exercise, but it is rare to see it done correctly. To do it right lie down face-up on a flat bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand at arm’s length with your palms facing towards each other. From this position bend only at the elbows until the dumbbells make contact with your shoulders. Reverse the movement and return to the starting position.

Most people transform this into a combination triceps extension/dumbbell bench press. But then again most people also have weak arms. The moral of the story: don’t do what most people do!

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Cross-body Hammer Curls

Hammer curls are similar to regular curls except that you should maintain a thumbs-up grip throughout the movement. To perform this cross-body variation you simply curl one dumbbell at a time across your body until it reaches the height of the opposite shoulder. Lower it back to the starting position and repeat with the other arm.

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1-arm DB Overhead Extension

This is a fairly neglected exercise at most gyms. Usually you will see a few people performing the two-arm version of this exercise with the shortest range of motion you could imagine. This is simply an ego exercise when done in this manner, and while it may make you feel it good while you’re doing it, you’ll still have small arms, and that never feels good.

Begin the one-arm overhead triceps extension by holding a dumbbell in one hand at arm’s length above your head with the palm facing forward. From this position bend at the elbow until the dumbbell is behind your head and then reverse the movement. It is important to keep your elbow in one place throughout this movement, as with all triceps extension variations. To help you can use your free hand to hold your elbow in place throughout the movement. This prevents cheating and laser-targets the exercise on the long head of your triceps.

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Standing EZ-Bar Curls

This is a variation on the classic barbell curl done with an EZ-Bar. The EZ-Bar is the bar that has several bends in it. This reduces strain on the wrists and, in the case of the standing curl, allows for the use of more weight due to its biomechanically advantageous position. With that said, feel free to use a straight barbell if no EZ-Bar is available.

EZ-Bar Skullcrushers to the Chin

This variation of the classic triceps exercise could be more aptly named “chin-crushers.” You will perform a skullcrusher as normal, with the slight variation of lowering to the chin instead of the forehead. Remember to keep your elbows still throughout the movement. They should only flex and extend, not move around.

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Standing EZ-Bar Reverse Curls

This is the same movement as the standing curl with one important difference: you use a palms-down grip. This is a tougher exercise, so you should expect to use less weight than you did with the regular curls. This is a great movement for blasting the forearms.

Decline EZ-Bar Skullcrushers

Very similar to the aforementioned “chin-crushers,” but this time you will perform the movement on a decline bench and bring the bar to your forehead. The decline bench increases triceps activation and allows for a more complete destruction of the muscle. Remember to use proper form, even when you’re tired!

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Triceps Push-up

This is a cross between a press and extension done in a push-up position. Set-up in a close-grip (shoulder-width) push-up position, but move your hands slightly forward of where they normally are. Lower yourself down, and as you do make sure to push the elbows back, don’t keep them directly above the hands as you would with a normal push-up. These modifications turn the push-up into a great triceps blaster!

Isometric BB Curl

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Isometric means the same length. This means that the muscle stays the same length throughout the exercise because there is no movement taking place. Set-up as you normally would for a barbell curl and then use momentum to help curl the bar up to the top position. From here you lower the bar down slowly and then hold when the forearms are parallel to the ground. It is best to do this exercise with your back against the wall to prevent cheating as you fatigue.

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The Program At this point the 1 Day Arm Blast needs no further introduction. You know the goal and you know how to do the exercises. Your training, nutrition, and supplementation are all outlined below. All that is left to do is to add in the final ingredient: blind rage as you tear through this program.

As good as this program is you won’t get results if you don’t force your body to grow with pure, unadulterated hard work!

7:30- Breakfast

4 Eggs

Small lean steak

1 cup (dry) oatmeal

1 serving of multi-vitamin/mineral

5g creatine

1 serving of antioxidant supplement

8:30- Pre-workout

1 serving of pre-workout supplement

9:00- Program A

Close-grip Chin-ups: 2-4 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Close-grip ½ Bench Press: 2-4 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Close-grip Chin-ups: 5-7 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Close-grip ½ Bench Press: 5-7 reps

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9:30- Program B

Close-grip Pull-ups: 2-4 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Dips: 2-4 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Close-grip Pull-ups: 5-7 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Dips: 5-7 reps

9:45- Snack

1 serving meal replacement powder

1 piece of fruit

5g creatine

10:00- Program A

Close-grip Chin-ups: 2-4 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Close-grip ½ Bench Press: 2-4 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Close-grip Chin-ups: 5-7 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Close-grip ½ Bench Press: 5-7 reps

10:30- Program B

Close-grip Pull-ups: 2-4 reps

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Rest 120 seconds

Dips: 2-4 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Close-grip Pull-ups: 5-7 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Dips: 5-7 reps

11:00- Program A

Close-grip Chin-ups: 2-4 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Close-grip ½ Bench Press: 2-4 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Close-grip Chin-ups: 5-7 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Close-grip ½ Bench Press: 5-7 reps

11:30- Program B

Close-grip Pull-ups: 2-4 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Dips: 2-4 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Close-grip Pull-ups: 5-7 reps

Rest 120 seconds

Dips: 5-7 reps

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12:00- Lunch

Lean beef burger

Whole-wheat bun

1 serving of multi-vitamin/mineral

5g creatine

1 serving of antioxidant supplement

1 serving fish oil

12:30- Thirty minute nap

1:30- Program A

Incline DB Curls: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

Lying DB Extensions: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

Incline DB Curls: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

Lying DB Extensions: 8-10 reps

2:00- Pre-workout

1 serving of pre-workout supplement

2:00- Program B

Cross-body Hammer Curls: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

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1-arm DB Overhead Extension: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

Cross-body Hammer Curls: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

1-arm DB Overhead Extension: 8-10 reps

2:15- Snack

1 serving meal replacement powder

1 piece of fruit

5g creatine

2:30- Program A

Incline DB Curls: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

Lying DB Extensions: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

Incline DB Curls: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

Lying DB Extensions: 8-10 reps

3:00- Program B

Cross-body Hammer Curls: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

1-arm DB Overhead Extension: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

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Cross-body Hammer Curls: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

1-arm DB Overhead Extension: 8-10 reps

3:30- Program A

Incline DB Curls: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

Lying DB Extensions: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

Incline DB Curls: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

Lying DB Extensions: 8-10 reps

4:00- Program B

Cross-body Hammer Curls: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

1-arm DB Overhead Extension: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

Cross-body Hammer Curls: 8-10 reps

Rest 90 seconds

1-arm DB Overhead Extension: 8-10 reps

4:15- Snack

1 serving meal replacement powder

1 piece of fruit

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5g creatine

1 serving antioxidant supplement

4:30- Program A

Standing EZ-Bar Curls: 12-15 reps

Rest 75 seconds

EZ-Bar Skullcrushers to Chin: 12-15 reps

Rest 75 seconds

Standing EZ-Bar Curls: 12-15 reps

Rest 75 seconds

EZ-Bar Skullcrushers to Chin: 12-15 reps

5:00- Program B

Standing EZ-Bar Reverse Curls: 12-15 reps

Rest 75 seconds

Decline EZ-Bar Skullcrushers: 12-15 reps

Rest 75 seconds

Standing EZ-Bar Reverse Curls: 12-15 reps

Rest 75 seconds

Decline EZ-Bar Skullcrushers: 12-15 reps

5:30- Program A

Standing EZ-Bar Curls: 12-15 reps

Rest 75 seconds

EZ-Bar Skullcrushers to Chin: 12-15 reps

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Rest 75 seconds

Standing EZ-Bar Curls: 12-15 reps

Rest 75 seconds

EZ-Bar Skullcrushers to Chin: 12-15 reps

5:45- Snack

2 cups grape juice

20g glutamine

20g BCAA

10g creatine

6:00- Program B

Standing EZ-Bar Reverse Curls: 12-15 reps

Rest 75 seconds

Decline EZ-Bar Skullcrushers: 12-15 reps

Rest 75 seconds

Standing EZ-Bar Reverse Curls: 12-15 reps

Rest 75 seconds

Decline EZ-Bar Skullcrushers: 12-15 reps

Rest 0 seconds

Triceps Push-up: to failure

Rest 0 Seconds

Isometric BB Curl: 45+ seconds to failure

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6:30- Post-workout Meal #1

75g carb powder

30g protein powder

5g creatine

1 serving antioxidant supplement

7:30- Post-workout Meal #2

75g carb powder

30g protein powder

5g creatine

1 serving antioxidant supplement

9:00- Dinner

2 large chicken breasts

1 cup (dry) rice

1 sweet potato

1 cup green beans

1 serving fish oil

11:00- Snack

Protein shake

1 piece of fruit

1 serving fish oil

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Conclusion Even though you’ve already completed the program your work is far from done. As you now know this is a very demanding program. Because of the extensive damage you’ve done to your arms it’s important to focus closely on your recovery and nutrition over the next 5 days.

This means drinking plenty of water, taking 20-30g of creatine per day, loading up on antioxidants, taking in plenty of quality calories, and getting lots of sleep. You can do a light lower body workout a couple of days after this program, but no upper body work for the next 5 days. Without these steps you can’t expect your body to recover and grow from the extreme program you’ve just completed.

If you follow these steps to the letter you can re-take your arm measurements 5 days after you have done the 1 Day Arm Blast and you will be very satisfied with the results.

In fact, in spite of how difficult this program is many people become addicted to the gains it produces. The only problem is that this program can only be completed successfully once per year at most. So don’t expect to use this program every month and gain 6 inches by the end of the year, it’s just not possible.

If you’re interested in consistent muscle gains for your entire body, check out Athletic Muscle Building.

In addition, if you’ve enjoyed all the information I’ve given you here, then don’t forget to sign up for my FREE Muscle Building Secrets Newsletter, where you’ll get brand new tips on training, nutrition, and supplements.

After you give the 1 Day Arm Blast a try, send me an email at [email protected] and let me know how it worked for you.