1 artisticpicture lihi hiiiiihj 1i itt coattacu · not hire them direct we hire them from mr...

1 + pw ir t f f ZT- r I U d fof It 4T T AVEDVESUAV OCTOUim 31 r JBffift IXDtUA5Bl EN1N1J PAGE SI1IiN 1 i With Edged Tools ili ili- oy HENRY SETON MERRWANJ- Urttcr f f tr 1 tkt Sous felui C wI froo CM CttertUM t toluhu Uo 4t Copyright 1801 br Harper C llrothcn 1 I i I HI lIHI + IH HIIIIIHJ I JncU Meredith looked on UIP lIllIlI- lr I InqulrI y j r anybody anything to suy f to nteV lie nuked There win n lend silence Rome ono r Inuslied rather feebly In the back ground e Tlien I tlilnk 11 will KO ou with roy lireakfnst Which In Accordingly proceeded 1 to do droppero 1 t iti awns to own IttMIr i Tnko It nvny Mild 1 Mcrudltli In dlciitlnx the body of time dead mnn with Ills lonnpoou II I nrlerI I theta do not let tin Imvc nuy mow of 1 this nonsense It will only lend to nn plenniuitniM g Sonic of the Him grinned They were not pnrtlcnlnrly respectful In the r manner of bearing nway the morta- r I r remain lit their Into leader The feel i nx had nlrcndy turned i plensantonei I I I I It olcrI surrounded by hostile tribes who made i desultory raids from lime to time Theo the little force on the summit 10VIIS able to repulse but a combined attack front say to sides nt once 1l a i inonld ivrlnlnly luC been successful had no reason to suppose that Ida 011 eat for help had reached JIualaJ Infested ns lire Intervening forests were by rnunlbnl tribes Provisions were nt ti low ebb There seemed to Iw no hopcof outsldo old and dlwjf fectlou will rite In ble small force Inck Meredith who was no soldier found himself called upon to defend a weak position with unreliable mell- or nu I Indefinite period Joseph hall n rough knowledge of sol lterlns nnd n very rudimentary notion t of fortification Rut he had thnt which + It served nil wellthe unerring eye for covert of n marksman lie WUH a lead shot at any range and knowing what he could hit ho also knew how to screen himself from the rids of an enemy t Above nil perhaps was the quiet Influence of a man who never flinched aroma danger or xccuuxl to be in the I Kist disconcerted by Its presence ilt neeuis sir said Joseph to hit muster later In the day that youvo hinder slumped them They dont mi iJvralnnd yoni i They lull t tboIlpt In check by fear There li nu other way replied Mere ¬ dith rather Atcarlly Of tats ho had tell I less and less Inillned to exert him t it5e1C t Yet sir Those sort imeui i C Meredith mode no answer null after a little pause Joseph related the words stgnlflcmitly It iiucrniumatlcnl ly Those sort o men t What do you mean Slaves replied Joseph sharply touching his lint without knowing why Slnves What are you talking nboulr The mnn rare a llttlo nearer Those forty men leastwise thirty h allfour men that wo brought s from Mnaln Mr DurhovoH omen that cultivate this ere ulnilnclne as they call It Theyre different from the rest sir des of course they are We do not hire them direct we hire them from Mr Durrtovo mul pay their waxen I They are of n different tribe Ifrom the others not fighting men but I IIlrlclIllIrlelt t MinJo3cpll paused Strange I thing sir but Ive not seen cm han ¬ yetWell Yes sir- Having unburdened himself Of his shaklugt4 J tho words Just recorded would have aroused Jack Merediths attention but the singular slotlifuluens that seemed lo he creeping over his Intellect wms nlreajly acting ns n clog ou his mental energy To be rr tiuucu A nice thing about being poor I U il refusingV found public Institutio- nswk1I toe Thaljitmu I PADDCAH FORGING AHEAD OF SOUTH I J I A Former Citizen Observes Great Improvements Iktlcp Htrcctft nnd Sewers In Iast IYear Pluto Htored timid tivueriil Ailvniiccincnt CITY XOW NEEDS SOIL ititk S It some times takes an outsider to 1lea Paducalmns what a good town Paducah Is to make them properly appreclato tho city Mr W I U Bowman of Oweniboro I n tanner Pnducnhan who hall been i away now a llttlo over two cnrs i In the city this week and to some friends sold I tell you you Padu cnh people dont halt appreciate Pa ducah I never saw a town Improve to much as It hat In the short time I have been away and I see evidences all around of a continuation of tno Improvement Indefinitely When I wan a resident of Padu roh1 thought I fully appreciated j tho enterprise and comprehensive grasp of big things of Paducah bust ¬ ness men tho Inherent striving for Improving tho town In nil of Its clt liens and thought r could torose something of Its future but you are oven surpassing any predictions I monde for tho town You havo tine streets now and soma of tho handsomest stores lui thu south You have soma splendid1 I now public buildings and I notic- you are adding an extensive addition Ito the sewerage system and Jiavo moro In contemplation In ever way you are certainly going for ¬ ward nnd upward In tho ranks of I tho best towns In tho youth Owcnsboro Is watcnlni you and j trying to keep pace with you and I I believe the two towns will have a lively competition In tho Improve ¬ ment line Ono thing you are to hark that we should like to have Is a pobare u 7sIsuo I 1 IslaJOOd ad I have them by all means Mr Bowman was formerly A mum r her of tho firm of Drey fuss Well t company and Is now a member of the firm of J W McCulIough k company ot Owensboro ma LOSS > LAID TO SNEAK THIIII KtiiM Taken to Will St Louis Sid treasury Cntli Starts Report St Louts Oct 31Tho Installa ¬ dos of opaque glass frames over the wire screens of the tellers cages In tho United States subtrcasury as nn I extra precaution against enoak 4hlovca purloining government funds was begun today Thls has elW I rite to tho theory rtSf a tlmbt by tho manipulation pCwlnylnHtDunionts may have stolen the01000 which Is now the subject of 09 Investiga ¬ thin The experts >rtjo have counted I all limo tub oaslrr mohcy except 2 00000fn silver rims will finis h their work Wcdncsdaj The only of ¬ ficial report of the Inquiry will b e ghen out at Washington lOHAUGUS LTlJiTLj ASliS 92500Ki Campaign tankern Mlhviiukoo- Itrlnpi Acilou Aptinst Sviillnel- fff Milwaukee Qet llorCd U t 01 rent ono of tho managers of JatrlctI Attorney McQovorns candidacy fo roolectlon brought a lIbel suit to- day ¬ against tho Sentinel M C Doug las managing editor and Charles P 1 Poster Lorenz wanta 259000 dam ¬ ages because tho paper published aI I statement saying Lorenz had paid a ° Ono of 2C for shootlng ducks out of a gasoline launch and later used UIIIII I In connection with the campaign Mr lorenz In Ills complaint denies ho was ever fined ns stated nnd asserts tho publlcatloli was niadd for thoI I purpose of Injuring his clturaclerI iioTin iimvAis PalmerPiP Pock a ri Ashland City goons hiIw W Uushland I ClIntonjSMles Anna Marshall Mis onlaMoht t H G Stewart Clnclh natl IJJ OJ Tarter Chicago A Co hen ashvlteaCII Wiley Xbw t York P HKubo Chicago 13 S Young Fort Wayne Indj 0 Q Batcman Joppn 111 H A Roil Jr Murray R H Drlsklll Unlbn City Term C L Ilaie > Now York L M YVltigueld Toledo OA P Nlch Bois Kansas City Mot 8 J Turner Covlngtort Tenn F D Phelps Now London 0- Belvedereli W Looser Colrps III J FcnbCnthii Memphis B 6 Taylor Chicago j Clareneo lewl Louisville JM t Hbhnlngford ClH clnnutl Qcoreb McQownn st Louts D Davis Lexington H F Lee = Now York James Hume Vicksburg Miss Hooo Is Gdllq f Plttsburs Pa Oct 31 Clifford Hooo tho negro formerly coachman tar Augustus Hartjo was convicted t t of perjury today In connection with 1 his deposition against Mrs Mary Scott Hartje and which formed tbU e t l tdlotcctttai Thinks right cfth hem bo re lUiI y HEARST TICKET GOES ON BALLOT Court llaiuls Down Decision I Lnio At Night Held Sjiechil Kisxlon All Aftcnioon 1 to i Consider the Question Involved SOfmn POINT IS QAIXKI Albany X y Oct 31 The coot t of npjicalB loaf night handed down n decision afllrmlng the right of the Indonendonfco League of Now York City to make nomination by multiple petition srh court also decided that In the judicial nominations judicial certlfl rates filed first had a prlbr claim aud that tho Independence league had a right to designate their own candl dates The decisions were hooded downi At 11115 last night following a spec ¬ ial session of the court which reran Imlj ¬ pellate division ordcjEVln the Sew York City homlnntlons As a result of the decision these candidates will Leagun ° A RIYER Nl ipS- e Jo t If I If f Itlvor Singe Cairo 151 TlSO fatY I CIncInnati 124- I 08 fall 1 Evnnsvlllo i0 10 tall Florence 34 OC tall Johntonvlllo 63 OC tall 1 loulsvlllc u5 04 tall Mt Carmel l2 if Std Naahvlilo lCaJl fall PItlsburg 7S08 flic IrevlslBland Dam GIG 07 < 3fiin 1St loulB 58K01 1rlse- 10G5 Mt I Ycrnon 1 lC rte e ttls 7 < Thcro has beena good stago In tbo rivers here tliroughqut r October Tho lowest eta edins 87 nod tho highest was 211 i lialnfal for tho month one nearly two Inches 131 l Busl tress at the whartshows an Increase over lie summer months At th ways ned dry docks work has been steady bargo repairing bolug the principal item Several of the big packets have gotten back iota the tfada sad plans for starting new lines are under way Tho Ferguson stator derrick boat went down to Drookport this morning to raise one of that firnVu tugs tho Hazel which sank there on Sunday Tho strong wind l Is sup ¬ posed to have swamped lime Hazel Captain Clareneo Nichols and En < glnccr Dan Manning ot tho Fred Htrtweg camo up on tho Dick Fow Icr last night to go on the elm Mo ¬ ron which passed down from Pitts oftccajCapt I Barrett line Is In tlu city tQilClJI was telling of n now appariftus made at St Louts which burns oil in the fury lire for makIDglllteiarhinitbad of coal At present this Invention is used par tlcularly for house heating but It 1m asserted that It can be used on atcn n fboats at a saving of CO per cent or CO bushels out of every 100 Tho successful appHcntlou of oil feel to IgcoiiiQtlVQ purposes would argue Its successful use sooner or later on steamboats rTho Saltlllo arrived late froth ltbe Tennessee river today and left otter unloading for St Louis ThoClydo will clear for the Ten ¬ nessee river this evening at 6 oclock Time Little Clydo arrived from tho Ohio river this morning after a pro ¬ tracted visit away from tills port Two more barges were pulled out repairsrAs ing to bo dono on throe parses tho ship carpenters aro engaged on vari ¬ ous jobs along tho river front Tho Button arrived lato thlll morning from Clnrksvlllo and hut tied on back to Nnehvlllo The Henry Harloy was tho Evans vlllo packet today Tho John Hop kips was not ready to go out on this trlpq The Itoyul did nut get away for Golconda till C oclock last evening Time Dick Fowlor left on time this morning with an indifferent trip to CairoIt has been suggustod that the old wharfiibat alight be used ad a vaudCt vlllo theater with tho Idle river men as the performers It would bo a lent showOn account of the rapid and heavy accumulation of cotton along tho j banks of the Mississippi I arid tilt scarcity ot boats to carry It to Mom Montlerrvv I i Literi j IluMrl > HclieiiclC Chcmlcnl Cot ueJrunr J ° Pn I mart y I i Inr rsiulU and move t th e- nldutco ot others whi I r lira utt thorn iind 111 mduBe I A1IaauprurCalntrtlr otMb I ttkttw PAttllAdl4y Dr Pierces Favorite Prescriptio- nI not a gccrot or pitent mndlcln 8ialn t which tho most Intelligent people art quite naturally averse because ot the un ¬ certainty as to thnlr harmless character but to l a medicine or mx town cpMrosiTiov a full list ot all Its Ingredients being printed in plain Enaluh on every bottl wraptJerAn examination of this list of Ingroolonts will disclose the fact that I It chemI l Ically pore glycerine paco o the commonly used alcohol In Its make UP Time Favorite Prescription of Dr I nesses upror and ailments sold through drug P gists that does not contain alcohol and tfIfJe too In I4roe quanUllt Furthermore icineforwomansspecmdiseases u 1 the unanimous endorsement of all the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several schools ot practice And that too as remedIes for tho allmonla for which Favorite Prescription Is recoa mended A little book of some ot these endorse ¬ ments will bo sent to any address post- paid ¬ and absolutely free it you request Itt Dont forgot that Dr llcrc s Favorite Inddelicate lrcscrlpIon ¬ t atoll physician engaged In the practice of his chosen speclaltythat of diseases of women that Its Ingredients are printed in plain Engllthon every bottlewrapper that It I Is the only redline especially de signed for the euro of womans that contains no alcohol and the onl one toot has a professional endonemen- worth i more than all the nocalled testi ¬ monials ever published for other med 1 trines Send for these endorsements as above They arorcc for tho asklne I f you sailer tram periodical hlOldocl r backache dizziness pain or draggingi down sensation 10 down In the abdomell weak back have disagreeable and weak ring catarrhal pelvic drain or ate i In distress from being long on your feet then taldDIDr Dr Iiercos Pleasant Iellets tho best lax atlvo and regulator of the bowels Theyr Invigorate stomach liver and towel One a laxaMvoi two or three a cathartic phis the Leo Duo steamers have been withdrawn from the Cincinnati nud Memphis trade for tho present t to carry the big accumulation of c tton Into Memphis Soonas tho cotton I all moved tho Leo lino boats frill re sumo their trips In tho Cincinnati and Memphis trhdc Courierjour nalI Tom Boy Is the nnme of Cape John Hrcckenrldgos gasollno1 boat 1whleh he will launch Saturday The boat was built here and Is one of tit o best on the river Capt rireckcn ridge will use It for hunting and fish ¬ ing OIllclnMoreciists The Ohio nt Evansville and Mt Vornon will fall dif nIng the next l JBCV oral days At Piiducah will Com ¬ rrdlyI Ae Cairo will Tlsdrsiowly during tho next 12 to 21 1 hours come to a stand then fallT- ime Tennessee Jfrom Florence t o the mouth will continue falling dur ¬ dayso Tho Mississippi from below St Louis tp CftJWiaQtnnlojbilc aniBa during the next fl hours 1 I iilglit Uernllinent fast evening at70 oclock an ex ¬ Ira freight train was derailed at Kut lawn ind blocked traffic tar several lioura liight cars left the railsttn l the local wrecker was sent nut to re place tho cars iWcqulred several hours Xo one was Injured Tho wrecker and crew retirrneuLthis morn lug N N- Doyouthink dot AJI I I ever lov mot Suro14 SheV4 loved me nnd shes loved Jacjcaml hes Ipved sou oral others Of couVfe1 she wlllr 1I01i toll Po- stsTOP WOMAN i AND CONSIDER THE AarI- MPORTANT PACT That In address Ing Mrs Pink Imam you aro con ¬ privatel11a i a woman whoso expert enco with womens dis ¬ eases covers a great manyeal3I thedauqhterIn PfnkhamAand suffer l in silence and drift along from thatthey t an eblt a natural modesty Impels them to shrink from exposIng them- selves ¬ to tho questions and probable familyphysician I 1 money or price you can consult a o- man whoso knowledge from actual ex pericnce Is great a Mrs Plnkhams Staadlng Invltatloa Women suffering from any form of female wcaUneRsnreiUTitcdtopromptly j communicate with Mrs Pinkham at Lynn MOM All letters are received opened read and answered by women only A woman can freely talk 6f her private Illness to a woman thus has ldencebetween beenI experience which she haa to draw from it 18 more than possible that she lits j gained the veFy knowledge that oil help your case She asks nothing in return except your goodwill and her t adVlce has relieved thousands Surely taveryloolislmif generous offer of assistance If you are 111 dont hesitdLe to get a bottle of Lydia E PinkhainaVcgetabU C6rapoundatonciandwrlteMbPlnk I I- h JWhen t wpilAttO do hot I I i U1e11at ItJ J i I WATER CONTRACT TO BE VOTED ON IT THE NOVEMBER ELECTION REPOIIT OP JOINT LIUIITAND WATKK COMMITTnE OV ° NMWOOX TIIACT URTWKKN TUB CITY OK PADUOAH AND TUB PADUCAH WATint COMtANY c coattacu b and tho local water company for fir hydrants expires during the current month It was Incumbent Upon the general council to negotiate for stir h service covering tho remaining period l which the franchise ot limo water company still has to run towlt eighteen years After several conferences between ub Jwlut tight and water committee and the ofllcohs of the water company y a scale of rates for firm hydrants was Hgrccd upon by tho committee aud tales to t cdniraci I era council for such action as tub wisdom of that Lady rosy determine It the proposed contract IS favbrabiy acted upon by tho general council It must bo submitted to the votes djl file city nt the text election and affirmatively ratified by hot less had i two thlyds of the vote then cast upon the question before contract bb tween the city and the water com ¬ pang can be finally executed It Is therefore worth while forth e I voter of tire city to carefully con ¬ sider the terms of tho proposed Con ¬ tract before easting their votes at tho i r8o I tHit the proposed contract Is to tit Advantage of the city then to approval thereof upon their hat rtots In order that tile voters may have tullyadflsell posed contract a copy of the wise t Is I herewith submitted whloli roads all I follows Section 1 That tho City of Padu cah 1 Ky agrees to rent and doe hereby rent from Paducah Water company Its successors and assigns I four hundred amid cloven 411 double nozzto Ore hydrants now es Jnbllshcd la eald city for a Perlod of r elshtoon 18 roars from the passage t and final approval of this ordinance lifter man election by aims people as I hereinafter provided Tho annual rental for east of said Ore hydrants which tho city of Paducah hereby agrees to pay tor the first ten 10 years of said term shall be tweat 3 2000 doilarsI and the annual t rental for the remaining eight S years shall bo fifteen J1506 dol ¬ lama unless the said city shall sooner wlfhd six C per cent Interest upon defer ¬ red payments The payments of said rentals shall be made as provided In 41io original ordinance contract Section 2 All additional hydrantr pn extensions of mains that may he- n erected hereafter by tho Paducah Water company Its succeraprs or as sIgns as provided In time original or lasses contract during tbo said eighteen years shall be charged and paid for as provided In section one horcof but ut tho expiration ot tea 10yearsfromtime time thlsordlI nanco shall have toon flnallyap proved as set out above all tho then pre hydrants shall be charged and paid for at thfc uniform rate as above provided and the contract therefor shall expire at the end of tho eighteen rears fixed In section one Section S Before this ordinance J shall become enecvo It shall bo sub mated to a oloot time qualified Voters of the city of Paducah KI I at the general election to be hold in said city on the 6th day of November I 1906 tho said vote to be taken In the manner and as provided by law for I the submission of public questions to i tho voters of said city t Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and to In force from Its passage approval and ratification byt tko qualified voters ot tho city of Pa I IIot II Paducah Water company YIwlthll1 t j certificate ot its approvalat limo popu ¬ tar election Al the present time too water com- pany ¬ has installed tor title uso of the city 411 pie plugs l which under tho old contract aro rated and coat each I year as follows ito fire plugs at > 1000C00000 80 lire plugs ht tabOO 90000 a0i > fire plugs at 2BOJ v 577500 Totalr iiyillSiOTSOft Under the prot osddcontract this same eorvlca would cost tbo city but I82i00d i ire h ot the firlitt ten years of tho pdntract a saving Upon the ntimber bt hydrants note Installed of 445500 per annum and for the ten year period d saving ot 44t 55000 For oach ot time list eight years which the franchise has to run the cost for lit hydrants would bq C- mtCtI0 165 a BaVlne t to tho eltjf ot pbrdda6il of 6i UiiuS1 fir ta > maitre tiftbt yjiri ot t ihe frii chillii i teiklfci 14 iilai folii 6 ibi cltj t>edpatheuCldkfd doa- tflclaEiiii a i- t the propose contract of 90030 There is nothing contained In the- e proposed contract changing the rights ot time city or those of the water com ¬ pany under the original franchise Thoclty still retains tho right to pur- l cha o time water conipauya plant at the expiration of each live year period in accordance with the terms of the original franchise This committee imam also compared the rates contained In the proposed contract with those In effect in 127 other dUes for the same class of SON Ivlco and finds tho proposed rates lo- wier thant those paid by any of these cities Tho Approximate average cost per hydrant In tub number of rifles mentioned above la = 48 The rates referred to were submit ted by the l meal water company amid this committee assume that the fig ¬ ures are correct Tho list of the cities with the rate paid In each U on Ole with this committee sad anydue desiring to Verify the figures con ¬ tained therein may have the oppor ¬ tunity of doing so at any time It should also bo borne In mind that until atotsdontract I la entered into totwcen the city and tho water company thnt the rates charged Un ¬ der the existing contract will main offereds arRe tor discontinue the servlce tho latter ol course being quIte Impossible Therefore this cdmmlttco has no hesitation In recommending to the general council and to tho voters of tho city of Paducah that time pro ¬ posed contract bo ratified JOINT LIGHT AND WATER COM SUTTEE eltonmeDoclrinu Is Upheld Berlin Oct 3 IGreat proml ¬ nence is gluon by some of the papers to the remarks Saturday by Profes- sor ¬ Burgess concerning tho Monroe dootrlllelroCobtloi Uurgcss Is tho first Incumbent of tho Theodore Roosevelt professorship of American history and Instruction at the Uni ¬ versity Ot Merlin Concerning tho Monroe doctrine Protestor Burgess Paid rbore Bro two doctrines In the wvhlchy doct ¬ trines the discussion of which may not oven bo proposed by a foreign power without risk of awakening hostility In tho United States These aro tho high protective tariff theory and tho Monroe doctrine Our poli- ticians ¬ do not appear to havo tho load notion that both of thoso doc ¬ trines nro almost obsolete and that the reconstruction of European states and their constitutions and tho acceptance by tho United States It ¬ self of ltd position ns a world power havo made them both nearly sense ¬ lessProfessor Burgess said he regard- ed ¬ tie discussion of tho protective tariff diplomatically between tho United States and any foreign gov- ernment as futile Declared tho best Interests of the United States and the world would bo advanced by a strong Teutonic tide of emigration to South America AUTO THIEP KETUIINS JEWEMIV Part of Plunder Taken From Mrs Yule Mysteriously JlcMoml Kenosha aVIS Oct 31 Mrs Gcprgo A Yule whoso automobile was robbed of jewelry valued at 2 50Q Thursday night has recovered two of the rings They wero dropped lute thu trait box at the Kenosha J poetofllco Sunday and turned over to the pollee today Tho rings valuedI at tOOwero Inclosed in a plain en vclopnclther sealed nor addressed I and time mailing clerk opened it ThoI I police declare arrests will bo mode tomorrow Chief Ollara says ho be fovea the other Jewelry will bo found store Heather THE thI6FOUR I ISew I THE iCST LINE TO PlblANAPOLIS PEORIACHICAGO And ell polats In Inalina and Michigan TOLEDO DETROITA BUFFALO > NEWYORktBOSTON petalsSaatfnfo e4 oa applleatten at Cltr Ticket Ott < cesI3lg 1fur kOllte1fo 2OJt9 r Aveto writ to 1S i t OMI Aa t P UP irliat- LaalrlJ i It t oil tae Atf e Idieiili l o NewArtistic ArtisticPicture Framing andWall WallPapering lt at Sanderson i Cos 428 Eadway Phone 151 3 KVANSVILLK PADCOAH AND CAIRO LUtE- Incorporated i Kraarllle and Padncah paCket Dally Except Sunday a Steamers Joe Fowler and John B Hopkins leave Paducah for Erata vllle and way landings at 11 a m Special l excursion rate now In ef ¬ feet from Paducah to Bvansvllle and return j400 Elegant music oa the boat Table unsurpassed STEAMER DICK FOWLER Ltuyes Paducah for Cairo and way landings at 8 a in sharp dally ex- cept ¬ Sunday Special excuvlon rates now in effect from Paducah to Cairo and return with or without meals and room Good music and table un ¬ surpassedFor Information apply to S A Fowler General Pass Agent or Gluon Fowler City Poss Agent at FowlerCrqmbaugh tk Cot oleo Both phones No 33 41 LOUIS AND TENNESSEE roVER POI r COMPACT ron TENNEBSEBRIVmr I STEAMER CLYDE Leave Padacab for lee Rlvii Every Wednesday at 4 Po ra aL W WRIGHT Ha tel EUGENE ROBINSON Clerk This company I U not responsible for Inyolce charges nnleaa collectei 7 by the clerk of the boat 4 KILlTHE COUCH AND CURE THE LUNC8 KingsNew 1 IIFOR GON OLDSI I Surest aa Quickest Cure for all THROAT And LUNG TROUB- LES or MONEY BACK NEW STATE HOTEL PlOpMETROPOLIS ILL Newest and heat hotel in the city Satsi 200 Two large sample rooms Bath rooms Electric i Hgnts The only centrally located hotel in the cityi i CMUMrdal FatrMWi Silidtii Henry Matninefl hi- mntt x d TWri Ml KnfaMky Book Binding Bank Work lciil- aed Llbr tT Work optclaliv DR HOYER Ronal 209 Friliallf Building Olflei rMai nlRResldue fl Plum 434 btlI4a f Li COa CAMPBELL BLOCK Tellptilai OrlC1t6gltNfdNeli 7 If INSURANCE DRAOdHQNS p1 ttRlt- ieeepeeate4 I4SIILLfalb t I N lclltVAll UtlIl lolo arte 1 Can or nun orm

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Page 1: 1 ArtisticPicture lIHI HIIIIIHJ 1i Itt coattacu · not hire them direct we hire them from Mr Durrtovo mul pay their waxen ... all limo tub oaslrr mohcy except 2 00000fn silver rims

1 + pw ir

tt f f ZT-r

IUd fof It 4TT



With EdgedTools iliili-



fftr1 tkt Sous felui CwIfroo CM CttertUM ttoluhu Uo

4t Copyright 1801 br Harper C llrothcn 1




JncU Meredith looked on UIP lIllIlI-


IInqulrI yj r anybody anything to suy

f to nteV lie nukedThere win n lend silence Rome ono

r Inuslied rather feebly In the background e

Tlien I tlilnk 11 will KO ou with roylireakfnst

Which In Accordingly proceeded 1tododroppero 1

titi awns to own

IttMIri Tnko It nvny Mild1 Mcrudltli In

dlciitlnx the body of time dead mnnwith Ills lonnpoou

II InrlerII theta do not let tin Imvc nuy mow of1 this nonsense It will only lend to nn

plenniuitniMg Sonic of the Him grinned They were

not pnrtlcnlnrly respectful In the rmanner of bearing nway the morta-



r remain lit their Into leader The feeli nx had nlrcndy turned






It olcrIsurrounded by hostile tribes who made i

desultory raids from lime to timeTheo the little force on the summit

10VIIS able to repulse but a combinedattack front say to sides nt once

1l a

iinonld ivrlnlnly luC been successfulhad no reason to suppose that

Ida 011 eat for help had reached JIualaJInfested ns lire Intervening forestswere by rnunlbnl tribes Provisionswere nt ti low ebb There seemed toIw no hopcof outsldo old and dlwjffectlou will rite In ble small forceInck Meredith who was no soldierfound himself called upon to defend aweak position with unreliable mell-or nu IIndefinite periodJoseph hall n rough knowledge of sol

lterlns nnd n very rudimentary notiont of fortification Rut he had thnt which

+ It served nil wellthe unerring eyefor covert of n marksman lie WUH alead shot at any range and knowingwhat he could hit ho also knew how toscreen himself from the rids of anenemy

t Above nil perhaps was the quietInfluence of a man who never flinchedaroma danger or xccuuxl to be in theIKist disconcerted by Its presence

ilt neeuis sir said Joseph to hitmuster later In the day that youvohinder slumped them They dont miiJvralnnd yonii

They lull ttboIlpt In check by fearThere li nu other way replied Mere ¬

dith rather Atcarlly Of tats ho had

tell Iless and less Inillned to exert himt it5e1Ct Yet sir Those sort imeuii

C Meredith mode no answer null aftera little pause Joseph related thewords stgnlflcmitly It iiucrniumatlcnlly Those sort o men t

What do you meanSlaves replied Joseph sharply

touching his lint without knowing whySlnves What are you talking

nboulrThe mnn rare a llttlo nearer

Those forty men leastwise thirtyh allfour men that wo broughts from Mnaln

Mr DurhovoH omen that cultivate thisere ulnilnclne as they call It Theyredifferent from the rest sir

des of course they are We donot hire them direct we hire themfrom Mr Durrtovo mul pay their waxen

IThey are of n different tribeIfrom the others not fighting men but I

IIlrlclIllIrlelttMinJo3cpll paused Strange I

thing sir but Ive not seen cm han ¬

yetWellYes sir-

Having unburdened himself Of hisshaklugt4 Jtho words Just recorded would havearoused Jack Merediths attention butthe singular slotlifuluens that seemedlo he creeping over his Intellect wmsnlreajly acting ns n clog ou his mentalenergy

To be rr tiuucu

A nice thing about being poor IUilrefusingVfound public Institutio-

nswk1I toe Thaljitmu




I A Former Citizen ObservesGreat Improvements

Iktlcp Htrcctft nnd Sewers In IastIYear Pluto Htored timid tivueriilAilvniiccincnt


It some times takes an outsider to1lea Paducalmns what a good town

Paducah Is to make them properlyappreclato tho city

Mr W IU Bowman of OweniboroI

n tanner Pnducnhan who hall beeni

away now a llttlo over two cnrs iIn the city this week and to somefriends sold I tell you you Paducnh people dont halt appreciate Paducah I never saw a town Improveto much as It hat In the short time Ihave been away and I see evidencesall around of a continuation of tnoImprovement Indefinitely

When I wan a resident of Paduroh1 thought I fully appreciatedjtho enterprise and comprehensivegrasp of big things of Paducah bust¬

ness men tho Inherent striving forImproving tho town In nil of Its cltliens and thought r could torosesomething of Its future but youare oven surpassing any predictionsI monde for tho town

You havo tine streets now andsoma of tho handsomest stores luithu south You have soma splendid1Inow public buildings and I notic-you are adding an extensive addition

Ito the sewerage system and Jiavomoro In contemplation In everway you are certainly going for¬

ward nnd upward In tho ranks ofItho best towns In tho youth

Owcnsboro Is watcnlni you andjtrying to keep pace with you and IIbelieve the two towns will have alively competition In tho Improve¬

ment line Ono thing you are to harkthat we should like to have Is apobare u7sIsuoI 1


have them by all meansMr Bowman was formerly A mum r

her of tho firm of Drey fuss Well tcompany and Is now a member ofthe firm of J W McCulIough kcompany ot Owensboro

ma LOSS>


KtiiM Taken to Will St Louis Sidtreasury Cntli Starts Report

St Louts Oct 31Tho Installa ¬

dos of opaque glass frames over thewire screens of the tellers cages Intho United States subtrcasury as nnI

extra precaution against enoak4hlovca purloining government fundswas begun today Thls has elWI

rite to tho theory rtSf a tlmbt bytho manipulation pCwlnylnHtDuniontsmay have stolen the01000 whichIs now the subject of 09 Investiga ¬

thin The experts >rtjo have countedI

all limo tub oaslrr mohcy except 2

00000fn silver rims will finis htheir work Wcdncsdaj The only of¬

ficial report of the Inquiry will beghen out at Washington


Campaign tankern Mlhviiukoo-Itrlnpi Acilou Aptinst Sviillnel-


MilwaukeeQet llorCd U t 01rent ono of tho managers of JatrlctIAttorney McQovorns candidacy foroolectlon brought a lIbel suit to-


against tho Sentinel M C Douglas managing editor and Charles P 1

Poster Lorenz wanta 259000 dam ¬

ages because tho paper published aII

statement saying Lorenz had paid a°

Ono of 2C for shootlng ducks out ofa gasoline launch and later used UIIIIIIIn connection with the campaign Mrlorenz In Ills complaint denies howas ever fined ns stated nnd assertstho publlcatloli was niadd for thoIIpurpose of Injuring his clturaclerI

iioTin iimvAisPalmerPiP Pock a ri Ashland

City goons hiIw W Uushland I

ClIntonjSMles Anna Marshall MisonlaMoht t H G Stewart Clnclh

natl IJJ OJ Tarter Chicago A Cohen ashvlteaCII Wiley Xbw tYork P HKubo Chicago 13 SYoung Fort Wayne Indj 0 QBatcman Joppn 111 H A Roil JrMurray R H Drlsklll Unlbn CityTerm C L Ilaie > Now York LM YVltigueld Toledo OA P Nlch

Bois Kansas City Mot 8 J TurnerCovlngtort Tenn F D Phelps NowLondon 0-

Belvedereli W Looser ColrpsIII J FcnbCnthii Memphis B 6Taylor Chicago j Clareneo lewlLouisville JMt Hbhnlngford ClHclnnutl Qcoreb McQownn st Louts

D Davis Lexington H F Lee =Now York James Hume VicksburgMiss

Hooo Is Gdllq fPlttsburs Pa Oct 31 Clifford

Hooo tho negro formerly coachmantar Augustus Hartjo was convicted t


of perjury today In connection with 1

his deposition against Mrs MaryScott Hartje and which formed tbU


t ltdlotcctttaiThinks right cfth hem bo re

lUiI y



Court llaiuls Down Decision I

Lnio At Night

Held Sjiechil Kisxlon All Aftcnioon 1toi Consider the Question



Albany X y Oct 31 The coot tof npjicalB loaf night handed down ndecision afllrmlng the right of theIndonendonfco League of Now YorkCity to make nomination by multiplepetition

srh court also decided that In thejudicial nominations judicial certlflrates filed first had a prlbr claim audthat tho Independence league had aright to designate their own candldates

The decisions were hooded downiAt 11115 last night following a spec ¬

ial session of the court which reranImlj ¬

pellate division ordcjEVln the SewYork City homlnntlons As a resultof the decision these candidates willLeagun °




Jo tIf

IIffItlvor Singe

Cairo 151 TlSOfatY I

CIncInnati 124-


08 fall1Evnnsvlllo i0 10 tallFlorence 34 OC tallJohntonvlllo 63 OC tall1loulsvlllc u5 04 tallMt Carmel l2 if StdNaahvlilo lCaJl fallPItlsburg 7S08 flic

IrevlslBland Dam GIG 07 <3fiin1St loulB 58K01 1rlse-

10G5MtI Ycrnon 1lC rte ettls7 <

Thcro has beena good stago In tborivers here tliroughqutr October Tholowest eta edins 87 nod tho highestwas 211 i lialnfal for tho monthone nearly two Inches 131l Busltress at the whartshows an Increaseover lie summer months At thways ned dry docks work has beensteady bargo repairing bolug theprincipal item Several of the bigpackets have gotten back iota thetfada sad plans for starting newlines are under way

Tho Ferguson stator derrickboat went down to Drookport thismorning to raise one of that firnVutugs tho Hazel which sank there onSunday Tho strong wind lIs sup ¬

posed to have swamped lime HazelCaptain Clareneo Nichols and En <

glnccr Dan Manning ot tho FredHtrtweg camo up on tho Dick FowIcr last night to go on the elm Mo ¬

ron which passed down from Pitts


Barrettline Is In tlu city tQilClJI wastelling of n now appariftus made atSt Louts which burns oil in the furylire for makIDglllteiarhinitbad of coalAt present this Invention is used partlcularly for house heating but It 1m

asserted that It can be used on atcn n

fboats at a saving of CO per cent orCO bushels out of every 100 Thosuccessful appHcntlou of oil feel toIgcoiiiQtlVQ purposes would argue Itssuccessful use sooner or later onsteamboats

rTho Saltlllo arrived late frothltbeTennessee river today and left otterunloading for St Louis

ThoClydo will clear for the Ten¬

nessee river this evening at 6 oclockTime Little Clydo arrived from tho

Ohio river this morning after a pro ¬

tracted visit away from tills portTwo more barges were pulled outrepairsrAs

ing to bo dono on throe parses thoship carpenters aro engaged on vari ¬

ous jobs along tho river frontTho Button arrived lato thlll

morning from Clnrksvlllo and huttied on back to Nnehvlllo

The Henry Harloy was tho Evansvlllo packet today Tho John Hopkips was not ready to go out on thistrlpq

The Itoyul did nut get away forGolconda till C oclock last evening

Time Dick Fowlor left on time thismorning with an indifferent trip toCairoIt

has been suggustod that the oldwharfiibat alight be used ad a vaudCtvlllo theater with tho Idle river menas the performers It would bo a lent

showOnaccount of the rapid and heavy

accumulation of cotton along tho j

banks of the Mississippi I arid tiltscarcity ot boats to carry It to Mom


iLiteri jIluMrl >

HclieiiclC Chcmlcnl CotueJrunrJ °

Pn Imarty Ii Inr rsiulU and move tth e-

nldutco ot others whi Ir lira utt thorn iind 111mduBeIA1IaauprurCalntrtlrotMbIttkttwPAttllAdl4y

Dr Pierces Favorite Prescriptio-nI not a gccrot or pitent mndlcln 8ialn twhich tho most Intelligent people artquite naturally averse because ot the un ¬

certainty as to thnlr harmless characterbut tol a medicine or mx town cpMrosiTiova full list ot all Its Ingredients beingprinted in plain Enaluh on every bottlwraptJerAn examination of this list ofIngroolonts will disclose the fact that IItchemIlIcally pore glycerine paco othe commonly used alcohol In Its makeUP Time Favorite Prescription of Dr

I nessesuprorand ailments sold through drug


gists that does not contain alcohol andtfIfJe too In I4roe quanUllt Furthermoreicineforwomansspecmdiseases u1

the unanimous endorsement of all theleading medical writers and teachers ofall the several schools ot practice Andthat too as remedIes for tho allmonla forwhich Favorite Prescription Is recoamended

A little book of some ot these endorse ¬

ments will bo sent to any address post-paid


and absolutely free it you requestIttDont forgot that Dr llcrc s Favorite

InddelicatelrcscrlpIon ¬


atoll physician engaged In the practiceof his chosen speclaltythat of diseasesof women that Its Ingredients are printedin plain Engllthon every bottlewrapperthat It IIs the only redline especially designed for the euro of womansthat contains no alcohol and the onlone toot has a professional endonemen-worth

imore than all the nocalled testi ¬

monials ever published for other med1trines Send for these endorsements asabove They arorcc for tho asklne

I f you sailer tram periodical hlOldocl rbackache dizziness pain or draggingidown sensation 10 down In the abdomellweak back have disagreeable and weak

ring catarrhal pelvic drain or ate iIndistress from being long on your feet thentaldDIDrDr Iiercos Pleasant Iellets tho best laxatlvo and regulator of the bowels TheyrInvigorate stomach liver and towelOne a laxaMvoi two or three a cathartic

phis the Leo Duo steamers have beenwithdrawn from the Cincinnati nudMemphis trade for tho present ttocarry the big accumulation of c ttonInto Memphis Soonas tho cotton I

all moved tho Leo lino boats frill resumo their trips In tho Cincinnatiand Memphis trhdc CourierjournalITom Boy Is the nnme of CapeJohn Hrcckenrldgos gasollno1 boat

1whleh he will launch Saturday Theboat was built here and Is one of tit obest on the river Capt rireckcnridge will use It for hunting and fish ¬


OIllclnMoreciistsThe Ohio nt Evansville and Mt

Vornon will fall dif nIng the next lJBCV

oral days At Piiducah will Com ¬rrdlyIAe Cairo will Tlsdrsiowly during thonext 12 to 211 hours come to a standthen fallT-

ime Tennessee Jfrom Florence tothe mouth will continue falling dur ¬daysoTho Mississippi from below StLouis tp CftJWiaQtnnlojbilc aniBaduring the next fl hours


I iilglit Uernllinentfast evening at70 oclock an ex ¬

Ira freight train was derailed at Kutlawn ind blocked traffic tar severallioura liight cars left the railsttn l

the local wrecker was sent nut to replace tho cars iWcqulred severalhours Xo one was Injured Thowrecker and crew retirrneuLthis mornlug NN-

Doyouthink dot AJII I ever lovmot Suro14 SheV4 loved me nndshes loved Jacjcaml hes Ipved souoral others Of couVfe1 she wlllr1I01i toll Po-




That In addressIng Mrs PinkImam you aro con ¬

privatel11a i

a woman whoso expertenco with womens dis ¬

eases covers a greatmanyeal3IthedauqhterIn


suffer lin silence and drift along fromthatthey tan eblt a natural modesty Impelsthem to shrink from exposIng them-selves


to tho questions and probable



money or price you can consult a o-man whoso knowledge from actual expericnce Is great a

Mrs Plnkhams Staadlng InvltatloaWomen suffering from any form of

female wcaUneRsnreiUTitcdtopromptly j

communicate with Mrs Pinkham atLynn MOM All letters are receivedopened read and answered by womenonly A woman can freely talk 6f herprivate Illness to a woman thus has

ldencebetweenbeenIexperience which she haa to draw fromit 18 more than possible that she lits jgained the veFy knowledge that oilhelp your case She asks nothing inreturn except your goodwill and her tadVlce has relieved thousands Surely

taveryloolislmifgenerous offer of assistance

If you are 111 dont hesitdLe to get abottle of Lydia E PinkhainaVcgetabUC6rapoundatonciandwrlteMbPlnk II-




U1e11at ItJJ






coattacu band tho local water company for firhydrants expires during the currentmonth It was Incumbent Upon thegeneral council to negotiate for stirhservice covering tho remaining periodlwhich the franchise ot limo watercompany still has to run towlteighteen years

After several conferences betweenub Jwlut tight and water committeeand the ofllcohs of the water company ya scale of rates for firm hydrants wasHgrccd upon by tho committee audtalesto

tcdniraci I

era council for such action as tubwisdom of that Lady rosy determineIt the proposed contract IS favbrabiyacted upon by tho general councilIt must bo submitted to the votes djlfile city nt the text election andaffirmatively ratified by hot less hadi

two thlyds of the vote then cast uponthe question before contract bbtween the city and the water com ¬

pang can be finally executedIt Is therefore worth while forth eI

voter of tire city to carefully con ¬

sider the terms of tho proposed Con ¬

tract before easting their votes at thoir8oI

tHit the proposed contract Is to titAdvantage of the city then to

approval thereof upon their hatrtotsIn order that tile voters may have

tullyadflsellposed contract a copy of the wise tIsI

herewith submitted whloli roads allI


Section 1 That tho City of Paducah 1Ky agrees to rent and doehereby rent from Paducah Watercompany Its successors and assigns I

four hundred amid cloven 411double nozzto Ore hydrants now esJnbllshcd la eald city for a Perlod ofrelshtoon 18 roars from the passagetand final approval of this ordinancelifter man election by aims people asI

hereinafter provided Tho annualrental for east of said Ore hydrantswhich tho city of Paducah herebyagrees to pay tor the first ten 10years of said term shall be tweat

3 2000 doilarsIand the annual trental for the remaining eight Syears shall bo fifteen J1506 dol ¬

lama unless the said city shall soonerwlfhdsix C per cent Interest upon defer ¬

red payments The payments of saidrentals shall be made as provided In41io original ordinance contract

Section 2 All additional hydrantrpn extensions of mains that may he-

n erected hereafter by tho PaducahWater company Its succeraprs or assIgns as provided In time original orlasses contract during tbo saideighteen years shall be charged andpaid for as provided In section onehorcof but ut tho expiration ot tea10yearsfromtime time thlsordlI

nanco shall have toon flnallyapproved as set out above all tho thenpre hydrants shall be charged andpaid for at thfc uniform rate as aboveprovided and the contract thereforshall expire at the end of tho eighteenrears fixed In section one

Section S Before this ordinance J

shall become enecvo It shall bo submated to a oloot time qualifiedVoters of the city of Paducah KII

at the general election to be hold insaid city on the 6th day of November I

1906 tho said vote to be taken In themanner and as provided by law for I

the submission of public questions to i

tho voters of said city t

Section 4 This ordinance shalltake effect and to In force from Itspassage approval and ratification byttko qualified voters ot tho city of Pa IIIotII

Paducah Water company


certificate ot its approvalat limo popu ¬

tar electionAl the present time too water com-


has installed tor title uso of thecity 411 pie plugsl which under thoold contract aro rated and coat each I

year as follows

ito fire plugs at > 1000C0000080 lire plugs ht tabOO 90000

a0i> fire plugs at 2BOJ v 577500

Totalr iiyillSiOTSOftUnder the prot osddcontract this

same eorvlca would cost tbo city butI82i00d iire h ot the firlittten

years of tho pdntract a saving Upon

the ntimber bt hydrants note Installedof 445500 per annum and for theten year period d saving ot 44t55000

For oach ot time list eight yearswhich the franchise has to run thecost for lit hydrants would bq C-

mtCtI0165 a BaVlnet tto tho eltjf otpbrdda6il of 6i UiiuS1 fir ta>maitre tiftbt yjiri ott ihe friichillii iteiklfci 14 iilai folii 6 ibicltj t>edpatheuCldkfd doa-



t the propose contract of 90030There is nothing contained In the-

e proposed contract changing the rightsot time city or those of the water com ¬

pany under the original franchiseThoclty still retains tho right to pur-

l cha o time water conipauya plant atthe expiration of each live year periodin accordance with the terms of theoriginal franchise

This committee imam also comparedthe rates contained In the proposedcontract with those In effect in 127other dUes for the same class of SON

Ivlco and finds tho proposed rates lo-wier thantthose paid by any of these

cities Tho Approximate average costper hydrant In tub number of riflesmentioned above la = 48

The rates referred to were submitted by the lmeal water company amid

this committee assume that the fig ¬

ures are correct Tho list of thecities with the rate paid In each U onOle with this committee sad anyduedesiring to Verify the figures con ¬

tained therein may have the oppor¬

tunity of doing so at any timeIt should also bo borne In mind

that until atotsdontract Ila enteredinto totwcen the city and tho watercompany thnt the rates charged Un ¬

der the existing contract will mainofferedsarRetordiscontinue the servlce tho latter olcourse being quIte Impossible

Therefore this cdmmlttco has nohesitation In recommending to thegeneral council and to tho voters oftho city of Paducah that time pro ¬

posed contract bo ratifiedJOINT LIGHT AND WATER COM


eltonmeDoclrinu Is UpheldBerlin Oct 3 IGreat proml ¬

nence is gluon by some of the papersto the remarks Saturday by Profes-sor


Burgess concerning tho MonroedootrlllelroCobtloi Uurgcss Is thofirst Incumbent of tho TheodoreRoosevelt professorship of Americanhistory and Instruction at the Uni ¬

versity Ot Merlin Concerning thoMonroe doctrine Protestor BurgessPaid

rbore Bro two doctrines In thewvhlchydoct ¬

trines the discussion of which maynot oven bo proposed by a foreignpower without risk of awakeninghostility In tho United States Thesearo tho high protective tariff theoryand tho Monroe doctrine Our poli-


do not appear to havo thoload notion that both of thoso doc ¬

trines nro almost obsolete and thatthe reconstruction of Europeanstates and their constitutions and thoacceptance by tho United States It¬

self of ltd position ns a world powerhavo made them both nearly sense ¬

lessProfessor Burgess said he regard-ed


tie discussion of tho protectivetariff diplomatically between thoUnited States and any foreign gov-ernment as futile Declared thobest Interests of the United Statesand the world would bo advanced bya strong Teutonic tide of emigrationto South America


Part of Plunder Taken From MrsYule Mysteriously JlcMoml

Kenosha aVIS Oct 31 MrsGcprgo A Yule whoso automobilewas robbed of jewelry valued at 2

50Q Thursday night has recoveredtwo of the rings They wero droppedlute thu trait box at the Kenosha J

poetofllco Sunday and turned overto the pollee today Tho rings valuedIat tOOwero Inclosed in a plain envclopnclther sealed nor addressed I

and time mailing clerk opened it ThoII

police declare arrests will bo modetomorrow Chief Ollara says ho befovea the other Jewelry will bo foundstore Heather





And ell polats In Inalina andMichigan




petalsSaatfnfo e4 oaapplleatten at Cltr Ticket Ott<cesI3lg1fur kOllte1fo 2OJt9 r Avetowrit to 1Si t

OMI Aa t PUP irliat-LaalrlJ iIt t

oil tae Atf e Idieiili l o







Sanderson i Cos428 Eadway Phone 151 3


Incorporated iKraarllle and Padncah paCket

Dally Except Sunday a

Steamers Joe Fowler and John BHopkins leave Paducah for Eratavllle and way landings at 11 a m

Speciall excursion rate now In ef ¬

feet from Paducah to Bvansvllle andreturn j400 Elegant music oa theboat Table unsurpassed

STEAMER DICK FOWLERLtuyes Paducah for Cairo and waylandings at 8 a in sharp dally ex-cept


Sunday Special excuvlon ratesnow in effect from Paducah to Cairoand return with or without mealsand room Good music and table un¬

surpassedForInformation apply to

S A Fowler General Pass Agent orGluon Fowler City Poss Agent atFowlerCrqmbaugh tk Cot oleoBoth phones No 33





Leave Padacab for lee RlviiEvery Wednesday at 4 Po ra


This company IU not responsiblefor Inyolce charges nnleaa collectei 7

by the clerk of the boat4


KingsNew 1


Surest aa Quickest Cure for allTHROAT And LUNG TROUB-LES or MONEY BACK



Newest and heat hotel in the citySatsi 200 Two large samplerooms Bath rooms Electric iHgnts The only centrally locatedhotel in the cityii

CMUMrdal FatrMWi Silidtii

Henry Matninefl hi-


d TWri Ml KnfaMky

Book Binding Bank Work lciil-aed Llbr tT Work optclaliv

DR HOYERRonal 209 Friliallf Building

Olflei rMai nlRReslduefl Plum 434


Tellptilai OrlC1t6gltNfdNeli 7IfINSURANCE



I4SIILLfalbt I NlclltVAllUtlIl lolo arte 1 Can or nunorm