1 5 analyticalmethoddevelopment validation

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  • 8/20/2019 1 5 AnalyticalMethodDevelopment Validation


    Analytical Method Developmentand Validation

    Bob Seevers

  • 8/20/2019 1 5 AnalyticalMethodDevelopment Validation


    Importance of Analytical Methods inDevelopment Stability Studies

    • Without analytical methods it is notpossible to know what has happenedduring stability – Assay

     – Impurities/Degradation roducts

     – Dissolution

     – !hiral urity – reservative !ontent

  • 8/20/2019 1 5 AnalyticalMethodDevelopment Validation


    Interactive "ole of Analytical

    Methods and Stability Data

    •  #his is a chicken and egg problem – $eed analytical methods to generate stability data

     – $eed stability information to develop methods

    • Start with preliminary method based on what is

    known of drug substance – !an determine content of drug substance

     – %nown or e&pected degradants are separated

    • 'se preliminary method to analy(e stress stability

    studies – Stress deliberately creates signi)cant degradation

     – !an evaluate ability of method to separate degradants

    • 'se this information to modify/improve method

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     #ypes of Stress Studies

    • hotostability

    • *igh #emperature

    +ow #emperature• ,&idation

    • p* e&tremes

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    Selection of !hromatographicMode

    • *+!

    • "eversed-phase *+!

    !hiral *+!• .!

    •  #+!


  • 8/20/2019 1 5 AnalyticalMethodDevelopment Validation


    Identifying Degradants

    • redicting routes of degradation

     – Acid/base hydrolysis of esters and amides

     – ,&idation of thiols0 alcohols and amines

     – +oss of methyl groups

    • Synthesi(ing possible degradants – repare possible degradant


    %nown Structure – #est it in potential analytical method

    • Detectability

    • Separation from parent peak

  • 8/20/2019 1 5 AnalyticalMethodDevelopment Validation


    Assay "un #ime vs1


    • +ong run times for an assay meanthat stability testing will take moretime and cost more

    • Shorter run times mean that testingwill go faster and be less e&pensivebut – +ower resolution

     – Some peaks may not be separated

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    2alidation rotocol

    • A validation protocol lays out ahead oftime the e&perimental design that will beused to establish the validity the

    analytical methods – "eagent0 solvents

     – Sample0 standard0 solution preparation

     – Identify e3uipment to be used

     – !hromatographic conditions

     – System suitability

     – !alculations

  • 8/20/2019 1 5 AnalyticalMethodDevelopment Validation


    I!* 45 2alidation of Analyticalrocedures

    •  #ypes of Analytical rocedures to be2alidated – Identi)cation tests6


    4uantitative tests for impurities7 content6 – +imit tests for the control of impurities6

     – 4uantitative tests of the active moiety in samplesof drug substance or drug product or otherselected component8s9 in the drug product1

    • See also 'S .eneral !hapter :;55

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    With "egard to Stability

    •  #ypes of Analytical rocedures to be2alidated – Identi)cation tests6

     – 4uantitative tests for impurities7content6

     – +imit tests for the control of impurities6

     – 4uantitative tests of the active moietyin samples of drug substance or drugproduct or other selected component8s9in the drug product1• Drug product assay

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     #ypical 2alidation !haracteristics

    • Accuracy

    • recision

     – "epeatability


    Intermediate recision• Speci)city

    • Detection +imit

    • 4uantitation +imit

    • +inearity

    • "ange

    • "obustness

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    • !loseness of agreement between thevalue found and either – the value accepted as a conventional

    true value

     – or an accepted reference value

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    Accuracy for DrugSubstance

    • Several methods of determining accuracyare available> – application of an analytical procedure to an

    analyte of known purity 8e1g1 referencematerial96

     – comparison of the results of the proposedanalytical procedure with those of a secondwell-characteri(ed procedure0 the accuracy ofwhich is stated and/or de)ned6

     – accuracy may be inferred once precision0linearity and speci)city have been established1

  • 8/20/2019 1 5 AnalyticalMethodDevelopment Validation


    Accuracy for Drug roduct

    • Several methods for determining accuracy areavailable> – application of the analytical procedure to synthetic

    mi&tures of the drug product components to which known

    3uantities of the drug substance to be analysed have beenadded6

     – in cases where it is impossible to obtain samples of all drugproduct components 0 it may be acceptable either to addknown 3uantities of the analyte to the drug product or tocompare the results obtained from a second0 wellcharacteri(ed procedure0 the accuracy of which is statedand/or de)ned6

     – accuracy may be inferred once precision0 linearity andspeci)city have been established1

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    • recision of an analytical procedure e&presses thecloseness of agreement 8degree of scatter9between a series of measurements obtained frommultiple sampling of the same homogeneous

    sample under the prescribed conditions1 – "epeatability

     – intermediate precision

     – reproducibility1

     #he standard deviation0 relative standard deviation8coe?cient of variation9 and con)dence intervalshould be reported for each type of precisioninvestigated1

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    • "epeatability should be assessedusing> – a minimum of @ determinations covering

    the speci)ed range for the procedure8e1g10 concentrations/ replicateseach96


    or – a minimum of determinations at ;CC

    of the test concentration1

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    Intermediate recision

    • Depends on the circumstances under whichthe procedure is intended to be used1

    • +ook at eEects of random events on the

    precision of the analytical procedure1 – Days

     – Analysts

     – e3uipment0 etc1

    • It is not considered necessary to study theseeEects individually1 #he use of ane&perimental design 8matri&9 is encouraged1

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    • "eproducibility is assessed by meansof an inter-laboratory trial1"eproducibility should be considered

    in case of the standardi(ation of ananalytical procedure0 for instance0 forinclusion of procedures in

    pharmacopoeias1 #hese data are notpart of the marketing authori(ationdossier1

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    • Speci)city is the ability to assessune3uivocally the analyte in thepresence of components which may

    be e&pected to be present1 #ypicallythese might include impurities0degradants0 matri&0 etc1

    • +ack of speci)city of an individualanalytical procedure may becompensated by other supporting

    analytical procedure8s91

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    • Able to discriminate between compoundsof closely related structures which arelikely to be present1

    •  #he discrimination of a procedure may becon)rmed by obtaining positive results8perhaps by comparison with a knownreference material9 from samples

    containing the analyte0 coupled withnegative results from samples which donot contain the analyte1

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    Detection +imit

    •  #he detection limit of an individualanalytical procedure is the lowest amountof analyte in a sample which can be

    detected but not necessarily 3uantitatedas an e&act value1

    • !an be determined

     – 2isually

     – Signal to $oise

     – Standard Deviation of the "esponse and theSlope

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    Detection +imit> Signal to$oise

    •  #his approach can only be applied to analyticalprocedures which e&hibit baseline noise1

    • !omparing measured signals from samples

    with known low concentrations of analyte withthose of blank samples and establishing theminimum concentration at which the analytecan be reliably detected1

    A signal-to-noise ratio between or 5>; isgenerally considered acceptable for estimatingthe detection limit1

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    Detection +imit> Standard Deviationof the "esponse and the Slope

    •  #he detection limit 8D+9 may be e&pressedas> D+ F 1 G/S – G F the standard deviation of the response


    S F the slope of the calibration curve•  #he slope S may be estimated from the

    calibration curve of the analyte1 #heestimate of G may be carried out in a

    variety of ways0 for e&ample> – Based on the Standard Deviation of the Blank

     – Based on the !alibration !urve

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    4uantitation +imit

    •  #he 3uantitation limit of an individualanalytical procedure is the lowestamount of analyte in a sample which

    can be 3uantitatively determinedwith suitable precision and accuracy1

     #he 3uantitation limit is a parameter

    of 3uantitative assays for low levelsof compounds in sample matrices0and is used particularly for the

    determination of impurities and/or

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    4uantitation +imit

    • 2isual valuation

    • Signal-to-$oise

    • Standard Deviation of the "esponse and the Slope – 3uantitation limit 84+9 may be e&pressed as> 4+ F ;C


     – G F the standard deviation of the response

    • S F the slope of the calibration curve

    •  #he estimate of G may be carried out in a varietyof ways0 for e&ample> – Based on the Standard Deviation of the Blank

     – Based on the !alibration !urve

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    •  #he linearity of an analytical procedure is itsability 8within a given range9 to obtain test resultswhich are directly proportional to theconcentration 8amount9 of analyte in the sample1

    •  #est results should be evaluated by appropriatestatistical methods0 for e&ample0 by calculation ofa regression line by the method of least s3uares1 – correlation coe?cient0 y-intercept0 slope of the

    regression line and residual sum of s3uares should besubmitted

     – minimum of < concentrations is recommended

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    •  #he range of an analytical procedure is the intervalbetween the upper and lower concentration 8amounts9 ofanalyte in the sample 8including these concentrations9 forwhich it has been demonstrated that the analyticalprocedure has a suitable level of precision0 accuracy and


    •  #he following minimum speci)ed ranges should beconsidered>

     – Hor the assay of a drug substance or a )nished 8drug9product> normally from C to ;5C percent of the test


     – Hor content uniformity0 covering a minimum of JC to ;Cpercent of the test concentration0 unless a wider moreappropriate range0 based on the nature of the dosageform 8e1g10 metered dose inhalers90 is Kusti)ed6

     – Hor dissolution testing> L/-5C over the speci)ed range

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    •  #he robustness of an analytical procedure is ameasure of its capacity to remain unaEected bysmall0 but deliberate variations in methodparameters and provides an indication of its

    reliability during normal usage1 – stability of analytical solutions6

     – e&traction time1

     – inuence of variations of p* in a mobile phase


    inuence of variations in mobile phase composition – diEerent columns 8diEerent lots and/or suppliers9

     – #emperature

     – ow rate1

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    Method 2alidation "eport

    • rovide results of validation eEort

    • &plain – !hoice of acceptance criteria

     – *ow method was developed

    • Method 2alidation "eport will besubmitted to regulators

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    "evalidation May be$ecessary

    • !hanges in the synthesis of the drugsubstance6

    • !hanges in the composition of the)nished product6

    • !hanges in the analytical procedure1