1. 2. 3. in a lecture on sexual functioning, the nurse

1. The structures most directly involved in the production of milk are (a) Papillae (b) Glands of Montgomery (c) Acini cells (c) (d) Lactifero sinuses 2. A high concentration of estrogen in the blood: (a) Causes ovulation (c) (b) Stimulates lactation (c) Inhibits secretion of FSH (d) Is one cause of osteoporosis 3. In a lecture on sexual functioning, the nurse plans to include the fact that ovulation occur when the: (a) Oxytocin level is high (b) Blood level of LH is high (b) (c) Progesterone level is high (d) Endometrial wall is sloughed off 4. LH surge occurs (a) 24 hours after ovulation (b) During ovulation (c) 24 hours before ovulation (C) (d) 4 days after ovulation 5. Which hormone stimulates oocyte maturation? (a) GNRH (b) LH (c) LHRF (d) FSH (d) 6. What is the menarche? (a) A girl’s first menstruation (a) (b) The first year of menstuatoin, which usually occurs without ovulation (c) The entire span of the menstrual cycle from onset to menopause (d) The onset of uterine maturation 7. After ovulation has occurred, the ovum remains viable for (a) 1 to 6 hrs (b) 12 to 24 hrs (b) (c) 24 to 36 hrs (d) 48 to 72 hrs 8. Hormone which plays the most important role in preparing the uterus for pregnancy? (a) Prolactin (b) Progesterone (b)

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1. The structures most directly involved in the production of milk are

(a) Papillae

(b) Glands of Montgomery

(c) Acini cells (c)

(d) Lactifero sinuses

2. A high concentration of estrogen in the blood:

(a) Causes ovulation (c)

(b) Stimulates lactation

(c) Inhibits secretion of FSH

(d) Is one cause of osteoporosis

3. In a lecture on sexual functioning, the nurse plans to include the fact that

ovulation occur when the:

(a) Oxytocin level is high

(b) Blood level of LH is high (b)

(c) Progesterone level is high

(d) Endometrial wall is sloughed off

4. LH surge occurs

(a) 24 hours after ovulation

(b) During ovulation

(c) 24 hours before ovulation (C)

(d) 4 days after ovulation

5. Which hormone stimulates oocyte maturation?

(a) GNRH

(b) LH

(c) LHRF

(d) FSH (d)

6. What is the menarche?

(a) A girl’s first menstruation (a)

(b) The first year of menstuatoin, which usually occurs without ovulation

(c) The entire span of the menstrual cycle from onset to menopause

(d) The onset of uterine maturation

7. After ovulation has occurred, the ovum remains viable for

(a) 1 to 6 hrs

(b) 12 to 24 hrs (b)

(c) 24 to 36 hrs

(d) 48 to 72 hrs

8. Hormone which plays the most important role in preparing the uterus for


(a) Prolactin

(b) Progesterone (b)

(c) Human chorionic gonadotropin

(d) Follicle stimulating hormone

9. Which hormone holds the pregnancy?

(a) Estrogen

(b) Progesterone (b)

(c) Luteinizing

(d) All above

10. Corpus luteum secretes

(a) Progesterone (a)

(b) LH

(c) FSH

(d) Estrogen

11. Before the placenta functions, the corpus luteum is the primary source for

synthesis of which of the following hormones?

(a) Thyroxine

(b) FSH

(c) Estrogen and progesterone (c)

(d) T4 and TSH

12. The opening of the Bartholin’s ducts are situated in the

(a) Vagina

(b) Uterus

(c) Perineal pouch

(d) Vestibule (d)

13. The increase in basal body temperature after ovulation is due to:

(a) Oestrogen

(b) Progesterone (b)

(c) Leutenizing hormone

(d) Gonadotropin releasing hormone

14. The average blood loss in a normal menstrual cycle is

(a) 200 to 250ml

(b) 40 to 80ml (b)

(c) 60 to 100 ml

(d) 150 to 200ml

15. The constant phase in a menstrual cycle is

(a) Menstrual phase

(b) Proliferative phase

(c) Luteal phase (c)

(d) Ovulation phase

16. The phase in which the lining cells of the ovarian follicle are stimulated by

leuteinizing hormone to develop the corpus luteum, to produce progesterone

and estrogen is:

(a) Menstrual phase

(b) Proliferative phase

(c) Secretory phase (c)

(d) Follicular phase

17. In 28 day human ovarian cycle ovulation occurs on

(a) Day 14 (a)

(b) Day 28

(c) Day 5

(d) Day 1

18. Fern test is used to assess

(a) Ovulation (a)

(b) Pregnancy

(c) Cancer cervix

(d) Menstruation

19. The thickest layer of uterus is

(a) Endometrium

(b) Myometrium (b)

(c) Perimetrium

(d) Peritoneum

20. The permanent stopping of the menstrual cycle in women is called

(a) Menopause (a)

(b) Menarche

(c) Dysmenorrhea

(d) Amenorrhea

21. Painful menstruation is termed as:

(a) Menorrhagia

(b) Dysmenorrhea (b)

(c) Amenorrhea

(d) Decreased production of prostaglandins

22. Regularly timed episodes of bleeding that are excessive in amount are called:

(a) Metrorrhagia

(b) Menorrhagia (b)

(c) Polymenorrhea

(d) Menometrorrhagia

23. Irregular, acyclic bleeding from the uterus is termed:

(a) Menorrhagia

(b) Epimenorrhoea

(c) Metrorrhagia (c)

(d) Dysmenorrhoea

24. Commonest cause of primary amenorrhea is:

(a) Genital tuberculosis

(b) Mullerian anomalis (a)

(c) Ovarian dysgenesis

(d) Hypothyroidism

25. When are the chances of acute endometritis developing in a woman?

(a) After menopause

(b) After menarche

(c) After abortion or childbirth (c)

(d) In childhood

26. In following which is the main cause of PID:

(a) Abruptio placentae

(b) Placenta previa

(c) Ectopic pregnancy

(d) PPH (d)

27. The client with a recto-vaginal fistula is at risk of infection. The intervention,

most important in preventive aspect of nursing care is:

(a) Administering antibiotics

(b) Ensuring adequate rest to enhance healing

(c) Monitoring temperature and WBC count

(d) Performing perineal care

28. Which is the full form of DUB:

(a) Direct uterine bleeding

(b) Direct uterine blood vessels

(c) Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (c)

(d) Disturbed uterine bleeding

29. When are the chances of acute endometritis developing in a woman?

(e) After menopause

(f) After menarche

(g) After abortion or childbirth (c)

(h) In childhood

30. Following condition is one of the indications for vaginal douche:

(a) Post partum period

(b) Pregnancy

(c) Vaginal haemorrhage

(d) Foul smelling vaginal discharge (d)

31. The fetal kidneys start producing urine at

(a) 12 week (a)

(b) 8 week

(c) 14 week

(d) 10 week

32. A pregnant client asks a nurseabout the purpose of the placenta. The nurse

responds most appropriately by telling the client that the placenta.

(a) Cushions and protects the fetus

(b) Maintains the body temperature of the fetus

(c) Prevents antibodies and viruses from passing to the fetus

(d) Provides an exchange of nutrients and waste products between the mother

and fetus (d)

33. The main substances that are excreted from the fetus is:

(a) Billirubin

(b) Carbon dioxide (b)

(c) Uric acid

(d) Tissues

34. Fetus get nutrition through

(a) Placenta (a)

(b) Amniotic fluid

(c) Umbilical cord

(d) None of above

35. In which condition, the umbilical cord is attached to the margins of placenta?

a. Battledore placenta

b. Circumvallate placenta

c. Placenta membranacea

d. Velamentous placenta (a)

Sol- if the umbilical cord is attached to the margins of placenta it called

battled placenta and if the umbilical cord is attached to the membrane it

called velamentous placenta.

36. The placental abnormalities in which, a thin fibrous ring is present at the fetal

vessels appear to terminate is-

a. Circumvalate placrenta

b. Placenta membranecea

c. Placenta marginate

d. Placenta spuria (c)

37. The placental abnormalities in which, the accessory lobe is developed from the

activated villi on the chorionic leave is-

a. Placenta succenturiata

b. Placenta spuria

c. Placenta extrachorialis

d. Placenta marginata (a)

Sol. Placenta succenturiate is an accessory lobe of placenta that is developed from

the activated villi on the chorionic leave.*In the absence of communicating blood

vessels it called placenta spuria.

38. Placental bed blood circulation through-

a. Villi

b. Spiral arteries

c. Chorionic membrane

d. Umbilical artery (b)

Sol- By 120 to 200 spiral arteries (coiled terminal branch of a uterine artery) carry

oxygenated blood and open into intervillous space of placenta.

39. Omphalitis is the infection of ………in new born children

a. Umbilical cord

b. Eyes

c. Pharynx

d. Ears (a)

Sol- *Omphalitis means inflammation of the umbilicus

*Umbilicus is a depressed point in the middle of the abdomen; it is the marks of the

former attachment of the umbilical cord to the fetus.

40. …………….is the another term used for the umbilical cord

a. Funis

b. Chorion

c. Onphalon

d. Amnion (a)

41. The outermost membrane of the placenta is-

a. Amnion

b. Chorion

c. Yolk sac

d. Cotyledons (b)

Sol-* A double membranous structure that protect and support the embryo and

provide its nutrition, respiration and exvretion called fetal membrane.

* Outer membrane called chorion and inner membrane called amnion

42. In following which statement is not true regarding amniotic fluid:

a. At term it measures about 600-800 ml

b. It is alkaline in nature

c. Specific gravity is about 1.010

d. Near term its colour is golden (d)

43. In post term pregnancy usually liquor amnni:

a. Diminishes

b. Remains same

c. Adequate

d. Nothing significant (a)

44. Greenish yellow colour of amniotic fluid indicates:

a. Foetal distress

b. Rh-in compatibility

c. Postmaturity

d. I.U.D (c)

45. Saffron coloured meconium seen in:

a. Post maturity

b. TB

c. Breech

d. Normal in appearance (a)

46. If the colour of the amniotic fluid is green, it indicate

a. Foetal distress

b. Hypertension

c. Post maturity

d. Prematurity (a)

47. In foetal distress what is found in amniotic fluid:

a. Vernix caseosa

b. Meconium

c. Polyhydramnios

d. Bile (b)

48. Meconium stained amniotic fluid during delivery indicate

a. Prematurity

b. Foetal distress

c. Foetal death

d. Preterm delivery (b)

49. Which of the following best describes the characteristics of normal amniotic


a. Clear, dark amber, and contains shreds of mucus

b. Straw-coloured, clear and contains shreds of mucus

c. Milky, greenish yellow and contains shreds of mucus

d. Greenish yellow, cloudy, and contains little white specks

Sol-* Characteristic of normal amniotic fluid is clear pale straw-coloured and

contains shreds of mucus.

* Dark amber coloured fluid suggests presence of bilirubin and greenish yellow

indicate the presence of meconium

50. What is the normal colour of the amniotic fluid when the bag of waters ruptures?

a. As like water

b. Bluish

c. Brownish

d. Yellowish (a)

51. Functions of amniotic fluid include all of the following, except

a. Cushioning effect to the foetus

b. Improves urine output

c. Maintains even temperature for the fetus

d. Promotes development of foetus (b)

52. The major contribution to amniotic fluid is

a. Fetal urine

b. Fetal plasma

c. Mother’s plasma

d. Mother’s urine (a)

Sol- Amniotic fluid is secreted by fetal urine (major source) exudates of umbilical

vessels, fetal skin and amniotic epithelium.

53. Fetal circulation functions fully by

a. 12th week

b. 28th week

c. 8th week

d. 6th week (a)

54. Which of the following hormones is not produced by placenta?

a. Testosterone

b. Estrogen

c. Progesterone

d. Human chronic gonadotropin (a)

Sol-* Placenta produces hormones like human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG),

estrogen, human placental lactogen (HPL) or human chorionic

somatomammotropin (relaxin and progesterone during pregnancy

*Testosterone produced by testes into male.

55. Organogenesis takes place in which stage of development?

a. Germinal

b. Zygotic

c. Embryonic

d. Fetal (c)

56. The umbilical cord soufflé is synchronous with:

a. Maternal pulse

b. Foetal pulse

c. None of these

d. All of the above (b)

Sol-Two other sound confused with fetal heart sound auscultation are-

*Umbilical cord soufflé or fetal souffle (sound produce by rushing of blood through

umbilical arteries) is synchronous with fetal heart sound

*Uterine soufflé (sound produce by rushing of blood through dilated uterine

vessels) is synchronous with maternal pulse.

57. What is correct about test tube baby

a. Fertilization inside female genital track and grown in test tube

b. Rearing of prematurely born in incubator

c. Fertilization outside and gestation inside womb of mother

d. Both fertilization and development are effected outside the genital track


Sol- A baby born to a mother whose ovum was removed, fertilized outside her body

(in-vitro fertilization, IVF) and then implanted in her uterus called test tube baby.

58. Chorionic gonadotropin is secreted by

a. Syncytotrophoblast

b. Thyroid gland

c. Ovary

d. Uterus (a)

Sol-Syncytiotrophoblast is the outers layer of cells covering the chorionic villi of the

placenta which secrete human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), human placental

lactogen (HPL) and estrogen.

59. The transmission of infection from the mother to the fetus through placenta is

termed as

a. Iatrogenic

b. Teratogenic

c. Nosocomial

d. Fomites (b)

Sol- Any agent (like drugs, pathogens, toxins etc.) which causing abnormal

development of the embryo called teratogenic.

60. Oxygenated blood enter the fetal circulation from umbilical vein via-

a. Ductus venosus

b. Ductus arteriosus

c. Intra hepatic vein

d. Intra hepatic artery (a)

Sol-* Ductus venosus (highest oxygen content) is the smaller two branches of the

umbilical vein abdomen of the fetus.

*It empties oxygenated blood into the inferior vena cava (into fetal circulation )

from umbilical vein.

61. Which among the following vessel contain highest oxygen concentration in fetal


a. Umbilical vein

b. Pulmonary artery

c. Ductus venosus

d. Ductus arteriosus (a)

62. Obliterated umbilical vein is called

a. Ductus ovale

b. Ligamentum arteriosum

c. Ligamentum teres

d. Urachus (c)

Sol- Ligamentum teres is the remnant of the fetal obliterated (closed) umbilical vein

into adult.

63. During fetoplacental circulation the shunt between two artria is called

a. Dustus venosus

b. Foramen magnum

c. Ductus arteriosus

d. Foramen ovale (d)

Sol- Foramen ovale is a temporary opening between the two artria of the fetal heart

64. The umbilical vein carrying the blood from the placenta enters the foetus with

a. Oxygenated blood by 80% saturation

b. Oxygenated blood by 25% saturation

c. Deoxygenated blood

d. Both a & c (a)

Sol- The umbilical vein carrying the 80% oxygen saturated blood from the placenta

to the foetus.

65. The uterine blood flow at term

a. 50 ml/min

b. 100-150 ml/min

c. 350-375 ml/min

d. 500-750 ml/mim (d)

Sol- Uteroplacental blood flow through the placenta at term is about 500 to 600

ml/min and fetoplacental blood flow is about 400 ml/min

66. The foetal blood flow through placenta is about

a. 300 ml/min

b. 400 ml/min

c. 500 ml/min

d. None of above (b)

67. Umbilical cord contain

a. Umblicus

b. Placenta

c. Discus proligerus

d. Allantoic artery and vein (d)

Sol-* Allantoic is concerned with allantois

*Allantois is a transient embryonic structure

*Later, the allantois, its adjacent connecting stalk, and the yolk stalk merge to form

the umbilical cord

*The walls of the allantois give rise to the umbilical vein and arteries

68. The placenta is developed from

a. Chorion frondosum

b. Decidua basalis

c. Decidua capsularis

d. a & b (d)

sol- The placenta develops from two sources.

*The principal component is fetal which develops from the chorionic frondosum

*Minor component is maternal which develop from deciduas basalis.

69. When the placental villi invade the myometrium the placenta is termed

a. Placenta accrete

b. Placenta increta

c. Placenta percreta

d. Placenta extrachorialis (b)

Sol- Placenta increta is form of placenta accrete in which the chorionic villi invade


70. The mechanism involved in the transfer of substance across the placenta are

a. Simple diffusion

b. Facilitated diffusion

c. Active transfer

d. All of the above (d)

sol- The mechanism involved in transfers of substances across the placenta are

simple diffusion facilitated diffusion active transfer, endocytosis, exocytosis and


Normal Pregnancy

71. For a 6 month pregnant lady, which of the following are contraindicated?

a. Retinol

b. Tetanus toxoid

c. Folic acid

d. Ferrous sulphate (a)

Sol- Massive dose of vitamin a (retinol) during pregnancy may cause teratogenic

effect. (causing abnormal development of the embryo.

72. Movements of the baby felt by the mother are known as;

a. Lightening

b. Engagement

c. Quickening

d. Ballottement (c)

Sol- A woman’s initial awareness of the movement of the fetus within her womb

(uterus) called quickening.

73. The mother generally feels the active fetal movements, first at the end of;

a. 16th week

b. 12th week

c. 14th week

d. 10th week (a)

74. Lightening takes place at which week:

a. 30

b. 32

c. 34

d. 36 (d)

Sol-* The descent of the presenting part of the fetus into the pelvis called lightening

or engagement.

*This often occurs 2 to 3 weeks before the first stage of labour begins (at 36-38

weeks of pregnancy) in primigravida.

75. After 38 week of pregnancy, fetus shift to lower pole of uterus which causes the

fundal height to be reduced. This makes the women feel relaxed This condition is


a. Quickening

b. Lightening

c. Hegar sign

d. All above (b)

76. Total weight gain during pregnancy is about:

a. 6 kg

b. 8 kg

c. 11 kg

d. 14 kg (c)

Sol- Normal total average weight gain during whole pregnancy is 11-12 kg (24-26


77. What is trimester wise weight gain in pregnancy?

a. 1, 5, 2 kg

b. 5, 2, 5 kg

c. 1, 5, 5 kg

d. 5, 5, 5 kg (c)

78. Identify the formula which is used for the estimation of the fetal weight?

a. Johnson’s formula

b. Shepard’s formula

c. Hadlock’s formula

d. All of above (d)

79. The approximate weight gain of the fetus between 32 and 40 weeks of gestation


a. 10 g/day

b. 20 g/day

c. 25 g/day

d. 50 g/day (c)

Sol- Maximum rate of fetal weight gain is 26.9 gm/daySS

*It decrease to 24 gm/day at 36 to 40 weeks of gestation.

80. Amniocentesis should not be perform during first 3 month of pregnancy, why

a. There are more chances of infection

b. There is not enough amniotic fluid

c. Chances of damage of foetus

d. All of above (d)

Sol- Aspiration of amniotic fluid after 15 weeks through the abdominal wall below

umbilicus called amniocentesis.

81. Early amniocentesis is done in which period of pregnanacy?

a. 6-10 wks

b. 11-15 wks

c. 16-18 wks

d. 9-11 wks (b)

82. What is correct about amniocentesis?

a. Intrauterine diagnosis

b. Withdrawl of allantoic fluid from pregnant women

c. Chemical analysis of fluid of pregnant women

d. Culturing amniotic cells and study of met aphasic chromosomes to identify

chromosomal abnormality


Sol- Withdrawl of allantoic fluid {fluid found in the fetal membrane (amnion &

chorion)} from pregnant women called amniocentesis.

83. Hypertrophic sebaceous glands around nipples during pregnancy?

a. Montgomery’s tubercle

b. Sebaceous cyst

c. Chloasma

d. Linea nigra (a)

Sol- Hypertrophic sebaceous glands around nipples (Montgomery’s glands) during

pregnancy called Montgomery’s tubercle.

84. Chloasma during pregnancy is commonly found on

a. Breast

b. Chest

c. Abdomen

d. Cheek (d)

85. Bluish discoloration of cervix during pregnancy is;

a. Jacquemier’s sign

b. Hegar’s sign

c. Chadwick’s sign

d. Godell’s sign (c)

Sol- Jacquemier’s sign:- Blue or purple colour of the vaginal mucosa, it is a

presumptive sign of pregnanacy.

86. Which of the following would the nurse identify as a presumptive sign of


a. Goodell sign

b. Nausea and vomiting

c. Cervical effacement

d. Positive serum pregnancy test (a)

Sol- Presumptive sign (objective evidence) of pregnancy are all the signs, describing

into above question breast change and suprapublic bulge at 12th week of pregnancy.

87. The symptoms at 6-8 weeks of pregnancy include

a. Amenorrhea, morning sickness, breast discomfort

b. Morning sickness, frequency of micturition quickening

c. Amenorrhea, morning sickness, frequency of micturition, breast discomfort

d. Amenorrhea, quickening (c)

88. Osiander’s sign during pregnancy is the:

a. Increased pulsation felt in lateral fornices

b. Softening of the cervix

c. Bluish discolouration of the anterior vaginal wall

d. None of the above (a)

89. All of the following are positive signs of pregnancy except:

a. Quickening

b. Foetal heart sound

c. Movement of foetus

d. Amenorrhea (d)

90. What is the positive sign of pregnancy?

a. Frequency of urination

b. Vomiting and backache

c. Braxton hicks contraction

d. Fetal outline by sonography (d)

91. The hormone that conferm/diagnose pregnancy is-

a. TSH

b. FSH

c. HCG

d. LH (C)

92. A Hormone that prevents menstruation and maintains pregnancy by sustaining

the function of the corpus luteum is:-

a. Follicle stimulating hormone

b. Leuteinizing hormone

c. Gonadotrophin releasing hormone

d. * Human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone (d)

Sol- Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone secreted in early pregnancy

by the fertilized ovum(zygote).

*hCG maintains the corpus luteum during early pregnancy to secrete both estrogen

and progesterone.

93. Which of the following is not a presumptive sigh of pregnancy?

a. Vomiting

b. Increased frequency of micturition

c. Pain in breasts

d. Presence of foetal heart sound (d)

Sol- Presence of foetal heart sound is a confirmatory sign of pregnancy not

presumptive sign.

94. The fetal kidneys start producing urine at

(e) 12 week (a)

(f) 8 week

(g) 14 week

(h) 10 week

95. A pregnant client asks a nurseabout the purpose of the placenta. The nurse

responds most appropriately by telling the client that the placenta.

(e) Cushions and protects the fetus

(f) Maintains the body temperature of the fetus

(g) Prevents antibodies and viruses from passing to the fetus

(h) Provides an exchange of nutrients and waste products between the mother

and fetus (d)

96. The main substances that are excreted from the fetus is:

(e) Billirubin

(f) Carbon dioxide (b)

(g) Uric acid

(h) Tissues

97. Fetus get nutrition through

(e) Placenta (a)

(f) Amniotic fluid

(g) Umbilical cord

(h) None of above

98. In which condition, the umbilical cord is attached to the margins of placenta?

e. Battledore placenta

f. Circumvallate placenta

g. Placenta membranacea

h. Velamentous placenta (a)

Sol- if the umbilical cord is attached to the margins of placenta it called

battled placenta and if the umbilical cord is attached to the membrane it

called velamentous placenta.

99. The placental abnormalities in which, a thin fibrous ring is present at the fetal

vessels appear to terminate is-

e. Circumvalate placrenta

f. Placenta membranecea

g. Placenta marginate

h. Placenta spuria (c)

100. The placental abnormalities in which, the accessory lobe is developed from

the activated villi on the chorionic leave is-

e. Placenta succenturiata

f. Placenta spuria

g. Placenta extrachorialis

h. Placenta marginata (a)

Sol. Placenta succenturiate is an accessory lobe of placenta that is developed from

the activated villi on the chorionic leave.*In the absence of communicating blood

vessels it called placenta spuria.

101. Placental bed blood circulation through-

e. Villi

f. Spiral arteries

g. Chorionic membrane

h. Umbilical artery (b)

Sol- By 120 to 200 spiral arteries (coiled terminal branch of a uterine artery) carry

oxygenated blood and open into intervillous space of placenta.

102. Omphalitis is the infection of ………in new born children

e. Umbilical cord

f. Eyes

g. Pharynx

h. Ears (a)

Sol- *Omphalitis means inflammation of the umbilicus

*Umbilicus is a depressed point in the middle of the abdomen; it is the marks of the

former attachment of the umbilical cord to the fetus.

103. …………….is the another term used for the umbilical cord

e. Funis

f. Chorion

g. Onphalon

h. Amnion (a)

104. The outermost membrane of the placenta is-

e. Amnion

f. Chorion

g. Yolk sac

h. Cotyledons (b)

Sol-* A double membranous structure that protect and support the embryo and

provide its nutrition, respiration and exvretion called fetal membrane.

* Outer membrane called chorion and inner membrane called amnion

105. In following which statement is not true regarding amniotic fluid:

e. At term it measures about 600-800 ml

f. It is alkaline in nature

g. Specific gravity is about 1.010

h. Near term its colour is golden (d)

106. In post term pregnancy usually liquor amnni:

e. Diminishes

f. Remains same

g. Adequate

h. Nothing significant (a)

107. Greenish yellow colour of amniotic fluid indicates:

e. Foetal distress

f. Rh-in compatibility

g. Postmaturity

h. I.U.D (c)

108. Saffron coloured meconium seen in:

e. Post maturity

f. TB

g. Breech

h. Normal in appearance (a)

109. If the colour of the amniotic fluid is green, it indicate

e. Foetal distress

f. Hypertension

g. Post maturity

h. Prematurity (a)

110. In foetal distress what is found in amniotic fluid:

e. Vernix caseosa

f. Meconium

g. Polyhydramnios

h. Bile (b)

111. Meconium stained amniotic fluid during delivery indicate

e. Prematurity

f. Foetal distress

g. Foetal death

h. Preterm delivery (b)

112. Which of the following best describes the characteristics of normal amniotic


e. Clear, dark amber, and contains shreds of mucus

f. Straw-coloured, clear and contains shreds of mucus

g. Milky, greenish yellow and contains shreds of mucus

h. Greenish yellow, cloudy, and contains little white specks

Sol-* Characteristic of normal amniotic fluid is clear pale straw-coloured and

contains shreds of mucus.

* Dark amber coloured fluid suggests presence of bilirubin and greenish yellow

indicate the presence of meconium

113. What is the normal colour of the amniotic fluid when the bag of waters


e. As like water

f. Bluish

g. Brownish

h. Yellowish (a)

114. Functions of amniotic fluid include all of the following, except

e. Cushioning effect to the foetus

f. Improves urine output

g. Maintains even temperature for the fetus

h. Promotes development of foetus (b)

115. The major contribution to amniotic fluid is

e. Fetal urine

f. Fetal plasma

g. Mother’s plasma

h. Mother’s urine (a)

Sol- Amniotic fluid is secreted by fetal urine (major source) exudates of umbilical

vessels, fetal skin and amniotic epithelium.

116. Fetal circulation functions fully by

e. 12th week

f. 28th week

g. 8th week

h. 6th week (a)

117. Which of the following hormones is not produced by placenta?

e. Testosterone

f. Estrogen

g. Progesterone

h. Human chronic gonadotropin (a)

Sol-* Placenta produces hormones like human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG),

estrogen, human placental lactogen (HPL) or human chorionic

somatomammotropin (relaxin and progesterone during pregnancy

*Testosterone produced by testes into male.

118. Organogenesis takes place in which stage of development?

e. Germinal

f. Zygotic

g. Embryonic

h. Fetal (c)

119. The umbilical cord soufflé is synchronous with:

e. Maternal pulse

f. Foetal pulse

g. None of these

h. All of the above (b)

Sol-Two other sound confused with fetal heart sound auscultation are-

*Umbilical cord soufflé or fetal souffle (sound produce by rushing of blood through

umbilical arteries) is synchronous with fetal heart sound

*Uterine soufflé (sound produce by rushing of blood through dilated uterine

vessels) is synchronous with maternal pulse.

120. What is correct about test tube baby

e. Fertilization inside female genital track and grown in test tube

f. Rearing of prematurely born in incubator

g. Fertilization outside and gestation inside womb of mother

h. Both fertilization and development are effected outside the genital track


Sol- A baby born to a mother whose ovum was removed, fertilized outside her body

(in-vitro fertilization, IVF) and then implanted in her uterus called test tube baby.

121. Chorionic gonadotropin is secreted by

e. Syncytotrophoblast

f. Thyroid gland

g. Ovary

h. Uterus (a)

Sol-Syncytiotrophoblast is the outers layer of cells covering the chorionic villi of the

placenta which secrete human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), human placental

lactogen (HPL) and estrogen.

122. The transmission of infection from the mother to the fetus through placenta is

termed as

e. Iatrogenic

f. Teratogenic

g. Nosocomial

h. Fomites (b)

Sol- Any agent (like drugs, pathogens, toxins etc.) which causing abnormal

development of the embryo called teratogenic.

123. Oxygenated blood enter the fetal circulation from umbilical vein via-

e. Ductus venosus

f. Ductus arteriosus

g. Intra hepatic vein

h. Intra hepatic artery (a)

Sol-* Ductus venosus (highest oxygen content) is the smaller two branches of the

umbilical vein abdomen of the fetus.

*It empties oxygenated blood into the inferior vena cava (into fetal circulation )

from umbilical vein.

124. Which among the following vessel contain highest oxygen concentration in

fetal circulation?

e. Umbilical vein

f. Pulmonary artery

g. Ductus venosus

h. Ductus arteriosus (a)

125. Obliterated umbilical vein is called

e. Ductus ovale

f. Ligamentum arteriosum

g. Ligamentum teres

h. Urachus (c)

Sol- Ligamentum teres is the remnant of the fetal obliterated (closed) umbilical vein

into adult.

126. During fetoplacental circulation the shunt between two artria is called

e. Dustus venosus

f. Foramen magnum

g. Ductus arteriosus

h. Foramen ovale (d)

Sol- Foramen ovale is a temporary opening between the two artria of the fetal heart

127. The umbilical vein carrying the blood from the placenta enters the foetus with

e. Oxygenated blood by 80% saturation

f. Oxygenated blood by 25% saturation

g. Deoxygenated blood

h. Both a & c (a)

Sol- The umbilical vein carrying the 80% oxygen saturated blood from the placenta

to the foetus.

128. The uterine blood flow at term

e. 50 ml/min

f. 100-150 ml/min

g. 350-375 ml/min

h. 500-750 ml/mim (d)

Sol- Uteroplacental blood flow through the placenta at term is about 500 to 600

ml/min and fetoplacental blood flow is about 400 ml/min

129. The foetal blood flow through placenta is about

e. 300 ml/min

f. 400 ml/min

g. 500 ml/min

h. None of above (b)

130. Umbilical cord contain

e. Umblicus

f. Placenta

g. Discus proligerus

h. Allantoic artery and vein (d)

Sol-* Allantoic is concerned with allantois

*Allantois is a transient embryonic structure

*Later, the allantois, its adjacent connecting stalk, and the yolk stalk merge to form

the umbilical cord

*The walls of the allantois give rise to the umbilical vein and arteries

131. The placenta is developed from

e. Chorion frondosum

f. Decidua basalis

g. Decidua capsularis

h. a & b (d)

sol- The placenta develops from two sources.

*The principal component is fetal which develops from the chorionic frondosum

*Minor component is maternal which develop from deciduas basalis.

132. When the placental villi invade the myometrium the placenta is termed

e. Placenta accrete

f. Placenta increta

g. Placenta percreta

h. Placenta extrachorialis (b)

Sol- Placenta increta is form of placenta accrete in which the chorionic villi invade


133. The mechanism involved in the transfer of substance across the placenta are

e. Simple diffusion

f. Facilitated diffusion

g. Active transfer

h. All of the above (d)

sol- The mechanism involved in transfers of substances across the placenta are

simple diffusion facilitated diffusion active transfer, endocytosis, exocytosis and


Normal Pregnancy

134. For a 6 month pregnant lady, which of the following are contraindicated?

e. Retinol

f. Tetanus toxoid

g. Folic acid

h. Ferrous sulphate (a)

Sol- Massive dose of vitamin a (retinol) during pregnancy may cause teratogenic

effect. (causing abnormal development of the embryo.

135. Movements of the baby felt by the mother are known as;

e. Lightening

f. Engagement

g. Quickening

h. Ballottement (c)

Sol- A woman’s initial awareness of the movement of the fetus within her womb

(uterus) called quickening.

136. The mother generally feels the active fetal movements, first at the end of;

e. 16th week

f. 12th week

g. 14th week

h. 10th week (a)

137. Lightening takes place at which week:

e. 30

f. 32

g. 34

h. 36 (d)

Sol-* The descent of the presenting part of the fetus into the pelvis called lightening

or engagement.

*This often occurs 2 to 3 weeks before the first stage of labour begins (at 36-38

weeks of pregnancy) in primigravida.

138. After 38 week of pregnancy, fetus shift to lower pole of uterus which causes

the fundal height to be reduced. This makes the women feel relaxed This

condition is called:

e. Quickening

f. Lightening

g. Hegar sign

h. All above (b)

139. Total weight gain during pregnancy is about:

e. 6 kg

f. 8 kg

g. 11 kg

h. 14 kg (c)

Sol- Normal total average weight gain during whole pregnancy is 11-12 kg (24-26


140. What is trimester wise weight gain in pregnancy?

e. 1, 5, 2 kg

f. 5, 2, 5 kg

g. 1, 5, 5 kg

h. 5, 5, 5 kg (c)

141. Identify the formula which is used for the estimation of the fetal weight?

e. Johnson’s formula

f. Shepard’s formula

g. Hadlock’s formula

h. All of above (d)

142. The approximate weight gain of the fetus between 32 and 40 weeks of

gestation is:

e. 10 g/day

f. 20 g/day

g. 25 g/day

h. 50 g/day (c)

Sol- Maximum rate of fetal weight gain is 26.9 gm/daySS

*It decrease to 24 gm/day at 36 to 40 weeks of gestation.

143. Amniocentesis should not be perform during first 3 month of pregnancy, why

e. There are more chances of infection

f. There is not enough amniotic fluid

g. Chances of damage of foetus

h. All of above (d)

Sol- Aspiration of amniotic fluid after 15 weeks through the abdominal wall below

umbilicus called amniocentesis.

144. Early amniocentesis is done in which period of pregnanacy?

e. 6-10 wks

f. 11-15 wks

g. 16-18 wks

h. 9-11 wks (b)

145. What is correct about amniocentesis?

e. Intrauterine diagnosis

f. Withdrawl of allantoic fluid from pregnant women

g. Chemical analysis of fluid of pregnant women

h. Culturing amniotic cells and study of met aphasic chromosomes to identify

chromosomal abnormality


Sol- Withdrawl of allantoic fluid {fluid found in the fetal membrane (amnion &

chorion)} from pregnant women called amniocentesis.

146. Hypertrophic sebaceous glands around nipples during pregnancy?

e. Montgomery’s tubercle

f. Sebaceous cyst

g. Chloasma

h. Linea nigra (a)

Sol- Hypertrophic sebaceous glands around nipples (Montgomery’s glands) during

pregnancy called Montgomery’s tubercle.

147. Chloasma during pregnancy is commonly found on

e. Breast

f. Chest

g. Abdomen

h. Cheek (d)

148. Bluish discoloration of cervix during pregnancy is;

e. Jacquemier’s sign

f. Hegar’s sign

g. Chadwick’s sign

h. Godell’s sign (c)

Sol- Jacquemier’s sign:- Blue or purple colour of the vaginal mucosa, it is a

presumptive sign of pregnanacy.

149. Which of the following would the nurse identify as a presumptive sign of


e. Goodell sign

f. Nausea and vomiting

g. Cervical effacement

h. Positive serum pregnancy test (a)

Sol- Presumptive sign (objective evidence) of pregnancy are all the signs, describing

into above question breast change and suprapublic bulge at 12th week of pregnancy.

150. The symptoms at 6-8 weeks of pregnancy include

e. Amenorrhea, morning sickness, breast discomfort

f. Morning sickness, frequency of micturition quickening

g. Amenorrhea, morning sickness, frequency of micturition, breast discomfort

h. Amenorrhea, quickening (c)

151. Osiander’s sign during pregnancy is the:

e. Increased pulsation felt in lateral fornices

f. Softening of the cervix

g. Bluish discolouration of the anterior vaginal wall

h. None of the above (a)

152. All of the following are positive signs of pregnancy except:

e. Quickening

f. Foetal heart sound

g. Movement of foetus

h. Amenorrhea (d)

153. What is the positive sign of pregnancy?

e. Frequency of urination

f. Vomiting and backache

g. Braxton hicks contraction

h. Fetal outline by sonography (d)

154. The hormone that conferm/diagnose pregnancy is-

e. TSH

f. FSH

g. HCG

h. LH (C)

155. A Hormone that prevents menstruation and maintains pregnancy by

sustaining the function of the corpus luteum is:-

e. Follicle stimulating hormone

f. Leuteinizing hormone

g. Gonadotrophin releasing hormone

h. * Human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone (d)

Sol- Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone secreted in early pregnancy

by the fertilized ovum(zygote).

*hCG maintains the corpus luteum during early pregnancy to secrete both estrogen

and progesterone.

156. Which of the following is not a presumptive sigh of pregnancy?

e. Vomiting

f. Increased frequency of micturition

g. Pain in breasts

h. Presence of foetal heart sound (d)

Sol- Presence of foetal heart sound is a confirmatory sign of pregnancy not

presumptive sign.