1 1. about swing 2. the applet framework 3. a first applet 4. swing applications 5. the swing event...

1 1. About Swing 2. The Applet Framework 3. A first Applet 4. Swing Applications 5. The Swing Event model 6. Containment hierarchies 7. Swing Taxonomy

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Page 1: 1 1. About Swing 2. The Applet Framework 3. A first Applet 4. Swing Applications 5. The Swing Event model 6. Containment hierarchies 7. Swing Taxonomy


1. About Swing2. The Applet Framework3. A first Applet4. Swing Applications5. The Swing Event model6. Containment hierarchies7. Swing Taxonomy

Page 2: 1 1. About Swing 2. The Applet Framework 3. A first Applet 4. Swing Applications 5. The Swing Event model 6. Containment hierarchies 7. Swing Taxonomy



Goal : Library to support (G)UIs

Java 1.0 AWT • looks the same (“mediocre”) on all platforms• restrictive (e.g. only 4 fonts available)• not OO ! Java 1.1 AWT • OO event model • JavaBeans Component model

First shot : Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT)

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• nickname : “Swing”• adds :

• plugable look-and-feel• many new components• “light-weight components”

no native code (-> better appearance !)• support for automatic code generation (GUI-builders)

Second (3 ?) shot : Java Foundation Classes (JFC)

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Philosophy : MVC

Model-View-Control architecture

View Controller

Data ModelClass contains• data• computations

Class presentedto the user

Controls :• data model (change, compute, …)• how data is presented to user

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Applet ?

= Small application run in browser environment

- security restrictions (e.g. no hard disk access)- slow to display (due to download)+ no installation (automatic latest code !)+ no catastrophe due to malicious code

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Applet - Browser interaction

Browser interprets HTML-page

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"><html><head><title>Algoritmisch Denken en Programmeren</title><meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0"></head>


<h1 align="center">Algoritmisch Denken en Programmeren&nbsp;</h1><h2 align="center">academiejaar 2000 - 2001</h2>

<dir> <li>Lesgevers : Bart Dhoedt en Mario Pickavet</li> <li><a href="#Berichten aan studenten">Berichten aan studenten</a></li></body></html>

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Applet - Browser interaction

Special applet-tag :

parameters codebase : location of Applet class filecode : name of Applet class fileheight : height of Applet area (in pixels)width : width of Applet area (in pixels)

<applet codebase="http://www.atlantis.rug.ac.be/inforasi/applets" code=AnApplet width=100 height=100> </applet>

• browser allocates (width x height) area for Applet• starts execution of Applet

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Testing Applets ...

// <applet code=AnApplet width=100 height=100> </applet>


• searches for <applet>-tag in text file• executes the Applet


Add to your *.java file :

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Applet Class

4 methods• init() : called once when Applet is created (performs layout)• stop() : called each time Applet goes out of window• start() : called each time Applet gets back into window• destroy() : called once when page is removed from browser


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Applet class



M yJApplet


Brow serVM


How to code a JApplet ?

• import appropriate packagesimport java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import javax.swing.*;import javax.swing.event.*;

• make a public class, extending JApplet• override at least init()

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Coding Applets// <applet code=MyApplet width=100 height=100> </applet>import javax.swing.*;import javax.swing.event.*;

public class MyApplet extends JApplet {// class data// class operationspublic void init() {

}} // end of class MyApplet

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Hello World !

// Source File : FirstApplet.java// <applet code=FirstApplet width=100 height=100> </applet>

import javax.swing.*;import javax.swing.event.*;

public class FirstApplet extends JApplet {public void init() {

JLabel text = new JLabel("Our first Applet !");getContentPane().add(text);

}} // End of class FirstApplet

Test with appletviewer :

C:\> appletviewer FirstApplet.java

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Hello World !

Test with browser :

(1) construct HTML-file<html><head> <title> Illustration of an Applet running in a Browser </title></head><body>This is a first Applet :<hr><applet code=FirstApplet width=100 height=100> </applet><hr></body></html>

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Hello World !(2) RUN HTML-converter

<html><head> <title> Illustration of an Applet running in a Browser </title></head><body>This is a first Applet :<hr><!--"CONVERTED_APPLET"--><!-- CONVERTER VERSION 1.3 --><OBJECT classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93”WIDTH = 100 HEIGHT = 100 codebase="http://java.sun.com/products/plugin/1.3/jinstall-13-win32.cab#Version=1,3,0,0"><PARAM NAME = CODE VALUE = FirstApplet ><PARAM NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;version=1.3"><PARAM NAME="scriptable" VALUE="false"><COMMENT><EMBED type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.3" CODE = FirstApplet WIDTH = 100 HEIGHT = 100 scriptable=false pluginspage="http://java.sun.com/products/plugin/1.3/plugin-install.html"><NOEMBED></COMMENT></NOEMBED></EMBED></OBJECT><!--<APPLET CODE = FirstApplet WIDTH = 100 HEIGHT = 100></APPLET>--><!--"END_CONVERTED_APPLET"--><hr></body></html>

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Hello World !

(3) Open browser and select generated html-file

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Applet Framework// Source File : AppletFramework.java// <applet code=AppletFramework width=500 height=100> </applet>import javax.swing.*;import javax.swing.event.*;public class AppletFramework extends JApplet {

private String labelText="<INIT>";JLabel text = new JLabel(labelText+" ");public void init() { getContentPane().add(text);

System.out.println("<INIT>");}public void stop() { labelText+="<STOP>";

text.setText(labelText); System.out.println("<STOP>");

}public void start() { labelText+="<START>";

text.setText(labelText); System.out.println("<START>");

}public void destroy() { labelText+="<DESTROY>";

text.setText(labelText); System.out.println("<DESTROY>");

}} // End of class AppletFramework

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• same possibilities as text applications• + graphical components• has main()-method !

How to code Applications ?

• code a class extending JFrame• include a public constructor, performing initialisation (cf. JApplet’s init() method !)• create an object of this class

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import javax.swing.*;import javax.swing.event.*;class MyApplication extends JFrame {

public MyApplication(String title) {super(title); // sets frame title// add operations here

}} // End of class MyApplication

public class MyApplicationTest { public static void main(String[] args) {

MyApplication app=new MyApplication(”<Add title of application here.>");app.setSize(200,200); // sets width and height of frameapp.setVisible(true); // makes the frame visibleapp.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // since JDK1.3 !

}} // End of class FirstApplicationTest

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JFram e

+JFram e(title : S tring)+setV isible(b : boolean)+setS ize(width : int, height : int)+setDefaultC loseOperation(operation : int)


M yApplication

+MyApplication(title : S tring)

M yApplicationTest

+m ain(args : S tring[])

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A First Application

// Source File : FirstApplicationTest.javaimport javax.swing.*;import javax.swing.event.*;class FirstApplication extends JFrame {

public FirstApplication(String title) {super(title); // sets frame titlegetContentPane().add(new JLabel("Our first application !"));

}} // End of class FirstApplicationpublic class FirstApplicationTest { public static void main(String[] args) {

FirstApplication app=new FirstApplication("Title : Graphical Application.");app.setSize(200,200);app.setVisible(true);app.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // since JDK1.3 !

}} // End of class FirstApplicationTest

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Swing componentclass

Application class

Interface class• presents component to user• intercepts user interaction

Instantiates Swing components

Code to act upon user input ? ListenerObject

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Swing componentclassApplication class


Interface class• presents component to user• intercepts user interaction

• Instantiates • Swing components• Listener objects

Contains handling code

• makes connection between listener and Swing object

Calls back handling codeof all registered listeners

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Application class

Listener Object


JTextField f = new JTextField(20);

Listen a = new Listen();


public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {// …








ActionEvent object

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Listener object • Must implement interface agreed with Swing class generating event• JTextField, JButton requires ActionListener

class JTextField {Vector listen=new Vector();public void addActionListener(ActionListener a) {

listen.addElement(a);}private void fireEvents {

ActionEvent e = new ActionEvent();for(int i=0;i<listen.size();i++)



Listener class usually implemented as inner class !

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Listener optionsOption 1 : Listener class named inner class

class ListenText extends JFrame {JLabel a = new JLabel("Please input text : ");JTextField f = new JTextField(25);ListenText(String title) {

super(title);Listen l = new Listen();Container cp=getContentPane();cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));cp.add(a);cp.add(f);f.addActionListener(l);

}private class Listen implements ActionListener {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {System.out.println("ENTER PRESSED !");






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Listener optionsOption 2 : Listener class named inner class

anonymous listener object

class ListenText extends JFrame {JLabel a = new JLabel("Please input text : ");JTextField f = new JTextField(25);ListenText(String title) {

super(title);Container cp=getContentPane();cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));cp.add(a);cp.add(f);f.addActionListener(new Listen() );

}private class Listen implements ActionListener {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {System.out.println("ENTER PRESSED !");






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Listener optionsOption 3 : Listener class anonymous inner class

anonymous listener object

class ListenText extends JFrame {JLabel a = new JLabel("Please input text : ");JTextField f = new JTextField(25);ListenText(String title) {

super(title);Container cp=getContentPane();cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));cp.add(a);cp.add(f);f.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.out.println("ENTER PRESSED :"+f.getText());}

} );}





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Listener optionsOption 4 : Listener class anonymous inner class

named listener object

class ListenText extends JFrame {JLabel a = new JLabel("Please input text : ");JTextField f = new JTextField(25);ListenText(String title) {

super(title);Container cp=getContentPane();cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));cp.add(a);cp.add(f);ActionListener l=new ActionListener() {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.out.println("ENTER PRESSED :"+f.getText());}






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Listener options

Named Anonymous



• >1 objects of listener class• listener to > 1 Swing object

• >1 objects of listener class • listener to 1 Swing object

• 1 object of listener class• listener to >1 Swing object

• 1 object of listener class• listener to 1 Swing object



er O



Listener Class

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Construct a Swing application :• label shows text : “Put lower case text here : “• text field (width 30) to input text• when “ENTER” is pressed, text in text field is put in upper case

Use JTextField methods :• public void setText(String)• public String getText()

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Listenersclass UpperCase extends JFrame {

// UI-components UpperCase(String title) {

super(title);Container cp=getContentPane();cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));cp.add(a);cp.add(f);// ...

}}public class UpperCaseTest { public static void main(String[] args) { UpperCase app=new UpperCase("Change to Upper"); app.setSize(500,200); app.setVisible(true); app.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); }}

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Many listeners

Application object

Swing object





Event Object

Listener object

Listener object



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Many listenersclass ManyListen extends JFrame {

JLabel a = new JLabel("Type your text : ");JTextField f = new JTextField(30);ManyListen(String title) {

super(title);Container cp=getContentPane();cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));cp.add(a); cp.add(f);f.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {System.out.println("I'm listening ... ");

}});f.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {System.out.println("Me too ... ");



Callback order ???

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Many listeners

Construct a Swing application :• label shows text : “Input text : “• text field (width 30) to input text• register array of listener

Listener object :• has a number• appends number to text in text field

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Many listeners

class ArrayListen extends JFrame {JLabel a = new JLabel("Type your text : ");JTextField f = new JTextField(30);ArrayListen(String title) {

super(title);int listenSize = 4;Container cp=getContentPane();cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));a.setFont(font);f.setFont(font);cp.add(a);cp.add(f);// ...

}// ...


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ONE listener

Application object

Swing object 1





Listener object Swing object 2

Swing object 3

Event Object 1

Event Object 2

Event Object 3












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ONE listener

Listener object• is called back by many objects• action should depend on originator

Use of Event-object

getSource() yields REFERENCE to event firing object

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ONE listenerclass OneListen extends JFrame {

JLabel first = new JLabel("Type your first name : ");JLabel last = new JLabel("Type your last name : ");JTextField firstName = new JTextField(30);JTextField lastName = new JTextField(30);OneListen(String title) {

super(title);Container cp=getContentPane();cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2));cp.add(first);cp.add(firstName);cp.add(last);cp.add(lastName);ActionListener l=new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JTextField t=(JTextField)e.getSource(); if(t==firstName) { System.out.println("Input in first name.");

t.setText((t.getText()).toLowerCase()); } else { System.out.println("Input in last name.");

t.setText((t.getText()).toUpperCase()); } }};firstName.addActionListener(l); lastName.addActionListener(l);

}} Try to avoid type-checking code !

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ONE listener

Construct a Swing application :• array of text fields shown in a column• concatenation of text shown in label 1• sequence of text fields “entered” shown in label 2

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ONE listener

class ListenToArray extends JFrame {JLabel label1 = new JLabel("");JLabel label2 = new JLabel("");// ...ListenToArray(String title) {

super(title);int size=10;Container cp=getContentPane();// layout ???

// ...}

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Dynamic event binding

Listener objects can be• registered• deregistered

during program execution




• two listener objects “red” and “green”• only one listener active at given time• turns text in text field in color defined• switches to other colour

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Dynamic event bindingclass RedGreen extends JFrame {

JLabel label = new JLabel("Type your text here : ");JTextField text = new JTextField(30);ActionListener red,green;RedGreen(String title) {

super(title);Container cp=getContentPane();cp.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));text.setForeground(Color.green);cp.add(label);cp.add(text);red=new ActionListener() {public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {


}};green=new ActionListener() {public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {




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In general ...

• Swing Components can fire Events

• Registered listener objects are called

• Listener objects implement agreed interface




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In general ...




Component JButton JCheckBox JFrame

ActionEvent ItemEvent WindowEvent

addActionListener addItemListener addWindowListener

ActionListener ItemListener WindowListener

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Example : JFrame

Listener Object must implement WindowListener interface

• public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e)• public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)• public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e)• public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e)• public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e)• public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e)• public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e)

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Example : JFrameclass JFrameEvent extends JFrame {

JFrameEvent(String title) {super(title);}}public class JFrameEventTest { static JFrameEvent app=new JFrameEvent("Event Testing ..."); public static void main(String[] args) { app.setSize(200,100); app.setVisible(true); app.addWindowListener(new WindowListener() { public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {System.out.println("windowOpened");} public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

System.out.println("windowClosing ...");app.dispose();}

public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {System.out.println("windowClosed ...");System.exit(0);}

public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {System.out.println("windowActivated");} public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {System.out.println("windowDeact.");} public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {System.out.println("windowIconified");} public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {System.out.println("windowDeicon.");} }); }}

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Adapter ClassesMotivation• some interfaces contain a lot of methods• in lot of situations : only a few are useful• other methods must be implemented• -> a lot of methods are dummy methods

Java trick • all interfaces with more than 1 method : adapter class with empty methods• inherit from adapter class, and only define methods you need

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Adapter ClassesExample : WindowListener


+windowO pened(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowC losing(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowC losed(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowActivated(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowDeactivated(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowIconified(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowDeiconified(e : W indowEvent) : vo id

MyWindow Listener

+windowO pened(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowC losing(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowC losed(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowActivated(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowDeactivated(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowIconified(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowDeiconified(e : W indowEvent) : vo id

Implementation without adapter class

public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) { }…public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

// things to do when window closes}…public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) { }

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Adapter ClassesExample : WindowListenerWindowListener

+windowO pened(e : W indowEvent) : void+windowClosing(e : W indowEvent) : void+windowClosed(e : W indowEvent) : void+windowActivated(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowDeactivated(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowIconified(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowDeiconified(e : W indowEvent) : void

Window Adapter

+windowO pened(e : W indowEvent) : void+windowClosing(e : W indowEvent) : void+windowClosed(e : W indowEvent) : void+windowActivated(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowDeactivated(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowIconified(e : W indowEvent) : vo id+windowDeiconified(e : W indowEvent) : void

MyWindow Listener

+windowClosing(e : W indowEvent) : void

Implementation withadapter class

public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) { }…public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

// things to do when window closes}…public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) { }

public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {// things to do when window closes


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Adapter ClassesExample : WindowListener

class WindowAdapterTest extends JFrame {WindowAdapterTest(String title) {


}public class AdapterTest { static WindowAdapterTest app=new WindowAdapterTest("Adapter Testing ..."); public static void main(String[] args) { app.setSize(200,100); app.setVisible(true);

app.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

System.out.println("We're leaving the application !!!");app.dispose();System.exit(0);

} }); }}

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Concept3 types of components

Top-level containers

Intermediary containers

Atomic components

• provide space for other Swing components• provide services for : layout and event handling• composed of menu bar and content pane (+ …)• examples : JFrame, JApplet, JDialog

• provide space for other Swing components• provide services for layout• example : JPanel

• can not hold other components• visible for user interaction (input/output)

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Top-level containers

Menu bar

Content Pane

Title bar

class Chooser extends JFrame {Chooser(String title) {

super(title);JMenuBar menuBar=new JMenuBar();JMenu[] menus = {new JMenu("File"),new JMenu("Edit")

,new JMenu("Search"),new JMenu("Help")};for(int i=0;i<menus.length;i++) menuBar.add(menus[i]);setJMenuBar(menuBar);

}} Not added to the content Pane

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• can hold other componentscreating a “containment” hierarchy

• components held controlled by• add(…)• remove(…)

• layout controlled by own layout manager• setLayout(LayoutManager l);• doLayout(); (force layouting)

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Construct a Swing application (without event handlers),showing following layout :

JTextArea object

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Containment hierarchyJFrame

Content Pane

JPanel light

JPanel buttons

JTextArea a JButtongreen



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class Traffic extends JFrame {JPanel light;JTextArea show = new JTextArea(“ \n\n\n”);;Traffic(String title) {

super(title);Container cp=getContentPane();// ...



Content Pane

JPanel light

JPanel buttons

JTextArea a JButtongreen



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Forcing layoutexample

class ForceLayout extends JFrame {Vector buttons = new Vector();Container cp;ForceLayout(String title) {

super(title);cp=getContentPane();cp.setLayout(new FlowLayout());JButton add = new JButton("Add a button");cp.add(add);add.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {JButton b=new JButton("Button "+buttons.size());buttons.addElement(b);cp.add(b);




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Forcing Layout

Extend the previous example :• add a remove button• organize all buttons in 2 columns

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Abstract Window Toolkit

The awt-package

java.aw t




















“containing” components

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The awt.event-package

java.aw t.event



Window Event




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Awt - Swing connection

java.aw t.Component

java.aw t.Container

javax.sw ing.JComponent

• hints for layouting (object size)• external representation of component (paint)• handling events associated with component

• add/remove components• perform layout (setLayout, doLayout)• decide when to (re)paint component

• parent class of all J******* classes except top-level containers• services to child classes :

• tooltips, borders, pluggable look&fee, layout support, ...

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Swing java.aw t.Component



java.aw t.Panel

java.aw t.Container

java.aw t.Window

java.aw t.Frame

javax.sw ing.JComponent

javax.sw ing.JWindow

javax.sw ing.JFrame

javax.sw ing.JApplet

javax.sw ing.JPanel

java.aw t.Dialog

javax.sw ing.JDialog


Top-levelSwing containers

All otherSwing components