1 - 1 ©2003 prentice hall business publishing, cost

1 - 1 ©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/F Key Themes in Management Decision Making Customer Focus Value Chain and Supply Chain Analysis Key Success Factors: Cost and Efficiency, Time, Quality, Innovation Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking

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Page 1: 1 - 1 ©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost

1 - 1©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Key Themes in ManagementDecision Making

Key Themes in ManagementDecision Making

Customer Focus

Value Chainand

Supply ChainAnalysis

Key Success Factors:Cost and Efficiency,

Time, Quality,Innovation



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1 - 2©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Customer FocusCustomer Focus

The challenge facing managers is to continueinvesting sufficient (but not excessive)

resources in customer satisfactionsuch that profitable customers

are attracted and retained.

The challenge facing managers is to continueinvesting sufficient (but not excessive)

resources in customer satisfactionsuch that profitable customers

are attracted and retained.

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1 - 3©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Value Chain andSupply Chain Analysis

Value Chain andSupply Chain Analysis

This theme has two related aspects:

1. Treat each of the business functions in the value chain as an essential and valued contributor.1. Treat each of the business functions in the value chain as an essential and valued contributor.

2. Integrate and coordinate the efforts of all business functions in addition to developing the capabilities of each individual business function.

2. Integrate and coordinate the efforts of all business functions in addition to developing the capabilities of each individual business function.

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1 - 4©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Value Chain andSupply Chain Analysis

Value Chain andSupply Chain Analysis

Supply chain – describes the flow of goods,services, and information from cradle to grave,regardless of whether those activities occur inthe same organization or other organizations.

Supply chain – describes the flow of goods,services, and information from cradle to grave,regardless of whether those activities occur inthe same organization or other organizations.

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1 - 5©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Key Success FactorsKey Success Factors

These are operational factors that directly affectthe economic viability of the organization.

Cost – organizationsare under continuous

pressure to reduce costs.

Cost – organizationsare under continuous

pressure to reduce costs.

Quality – customersare expecting higher

levels of quality.

Quality – customersare expecting higher

levels of quality.

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1 - 6©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Key Success FactorsKey Success Factors

Time – organizations are under pressure tocomplete activities faster and to meet

promised delivery dates more reliably.

Time – organizations are under pressure tocomplete activities faster and to meet

promised delivery dates more reliably.

Innovation – there is now heightened recognitionthat a continuing flow of innovative products

or services is a prerequisite to the ongoingsuccess of most organizations.

Innovation – there is now heightened recognitionthat a continuing flow of innovative products

or services is a prerequisite to the ongoingsuccess of most organizations.

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1 - 7©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Continuous Improvementand Benchmarking

Continuous Improvementand Benchmarking

Continuous improvement by competitors createsa never-ending search for higher levels ofperformance within many organizations.

Continuous improvement by competitors createsa never-ending search for higher levels ofperformance within many organizations.

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1 - 8©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Value ChainValue Chain

The term “value chain” refers to the sequence ofbusiness functions in which usefulness is addedto the products or services of an organization.

The term “value” is used because as the usefulnessof the product or service is increased, so is its value

to the customer.

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1 - 9©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Value ChainValue Chain

Management accountants providedecision support for managers in the

following six business functions:

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Value ChainValue Chain

R & D Design Production

Marketing Distribution Service

Management Accounting

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1 - 11©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Value Chain FunctionsValue Chain Functions

Research and Development

It is the process that is conducted to generateand experiment with ideas related to new

products, services, or processes.

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1 - 12©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Value Chain FunctionsValue Chain Functions

It is the detailed planning and engineering of products, services, or processes.


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1 - 13©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Value Chain FunctionsValue Chain Functions

It is the acquisition, coordination, andassembly of resources to produce

a product or deliver a service.


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1 - 14©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Value Chain FunctionsValue Chain Functions

It is the manner by which companiespromote and sell their products

or services to customers or prospective customers.


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1 - 15©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Value Chain FunctionsValue Chain Functions

It is the delivery of products orservices to the customer.


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1 - 16©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Value Chain FunctionsValue Chain Functions

It is the after-sale support activitiesprovided to customers.


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1 - 17©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Key GuidelinesKey Guidelines

1. Cost-benefit approach

2. Full recognition of behavioral as well as technical considerations

3. Using different costs for different purposes

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1 - 18©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Cost-Benefit ApproachCost-Benefit Approach

A cost-benefit approach should be used in orderto spend resources if they promote decisionmaking that better attains organization goals

in relation to the costs of those resources.

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1 - 19©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Behavioral and TechnicalConsiderations

Behavioral and TechnicalConsiderations

A management accounting system should have twosimultaneous missions for providing information:

1. To help managers make wise economic decisions

2. To help managers and other employees to aim and strive for goals of the organization

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1 - 20©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Different Costs forDifferent PurposesDifferent Costs forDifferent Purposes

A cost concept used for the external reportingpurpose need not be the appropriate conceptfor the purpose of internal routine reporting

to managers.

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1 - 21©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Line and Staff RelationshipsLine and Staff Relationships

Line management is directly responsible forattaining the objectives of the organization.

Staff management exists to provide adviceand assistance to line management.

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1 - 22©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Line and Staff RelationshipsLine and Staff Relationships

C o n tro ller A u d it T a x T rea su ry R iskM a n a g em en t

In v esto rR ela tio n s

C h ief F in a n cia l O fficer (C F O )

P res id en tC h ief O p era tin g O fficer (C O O )

C h a irm a nC h ief E x ecu tiv e O fficer (C E O )

B o a rd o f D irecto rs

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1 - 23©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Line and Staff RelationshipsLine and Staff Relationships

* G lo b a l F in a n cia l P la n n in g /B u d g etin g* O p era tio n s A d m in is tra tio n* P ro fita b ility R ep o rtin g* In v en to ry

* R o y a lties* G en era l L ed g er* A cco u n ts P a y a b le a n d R eceiv a b le* S u b s id ia ry a n d L ia iso n A cco u n tin g

E x a m p les o f F u n ctio n s:

C o n tro ller

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Professional EthicsProfessional Ethics





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1 - 25©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Cost Accounting 11/e, Horngren/Datar/Foster

Ethical GuidelinesEthical Guidelines

The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)is the largest association of management

accountants in the United States.

The IMA has issued a Standards of EthicalConduct for Management Accountant.