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Page 1: 1 1. 2 IV 3 Educational Climate Career education virtually abandoned Public education open to all people Transition movement evolved from legislation


Page 2: 1 1. 2 IV 3 Educational Climate Career education virtually abandoned Public education open to all people Transition movement evolved from legislation


Transition Education Transition Education MovementMovement

1980s1980s * Educational climate * Educational climate

* Legislation* Legislation

* Researchers* Researchers

1990s1990s * Educational climate * Educational climate

* Legislation* Legislation

* Researchers* Researchers IV

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Part IV 1980s-Transition Education


Educational Climate Career education virtually


Public education open to all people

Transition movement evolved from legislation as a result of Madeline Will’s speech

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Part IV 1980s-Transition Education


Educational ClimateWho is Madeline Will?

In 1984-Director of Office of Special Education

Rehabilitation (OSERS)Address at CEC convention Picture of M. Will

and son

Introduced transition as a federal initiative to fund projects in schools for school to work

Transition became a national priority

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Part IV 1980s-Transition Education


Educational Climate Madeline Will cont’

Defined transition: as a set of coordinated

activities as an extension of career

education as programs and services in

school as a process that should include

adult community linkages as a shared responsibility

Introduced new model in which to follow

Bridges Model

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Part IV 1980s-Transition Education

MovementEducational Climate

OSERS Bridges Model Five-part model provides a way of

organizing activities and plans to improve transition

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Part IV 1980s-Transition Education

MovementEducational Climate

OSERS Bridges Model Five-part model provides a way of

organizing activities and plans to improve transition

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Part IV 1980s-Transition Education

MovementEducational Climate

An alternative transition model emerged in 1985 by Andrew Halpern.

articles\Will's and Halpern's comparison.htm

By Phillip Browning, PhD

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Part IV 1980s-Transition Education

Movement Who was Andrew “Andy”

Halpern? Research Interest:

student assessment curriculum development program evaluation student self-determination policy analysis.

In 1997 Halpern and others developed and published the Next S.T.E.P.

Framed definition of transition in 1994

(Picture: Don Brolin to left and Andy Halpern to the right)

Areas of research: student assessment curriculum

development program evaluation student self-

determination policy analysis employment


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MovementClass activity:

Divide into 2-4 groups (depending on class size)

1) Groups 1: Skim information about the Will’s model and

repot to the class a brief description of its parts.

2) Group 2: Skim information about the Halpern’s model

and repot to the class a brief description of its parts.

3) Group 3 Identify strengths and weakness of Will’s model

and report to class.

4) Group 4 Identify strengths and weakness of Halpern’s

model and report to class.

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How did these two models in the 1980s change how professionals viewed transition practices for people with disabilities?

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Vocational Legislation 1984-Carl D. Perkins Vocational

Educational Act Underrepresented served in vocational

programs Equal access to all program and services Required vocational assessment, counseling,

support, and transition services 57% of funds divided among special groups-

10% to special education Appropriations matched equally by state and

local funding

Easy to read brochure articles\Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical

Education Act Chpt_5.pdf

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MovementVocational Legislation Carl D. Perkins Vocational and

Applied Technology Educational Act Amendments

1990- name changed Eliminated Set-aside funds eliminated Called for greater integration Called for greater local accountability

1998- Develop the academic, vocational, and technical

skills of secondary and post secondary programs Academic Standards Integration of activities Flexibility in programming Research and professional development


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Part IV 1980s-Transition Education

MovementSpecial Education Legislation

1983- Education for all Handicapped Children Act Amendments (see slide 53)

Work Legislation 1982- Job Training and Partnership

Act Job training and placement for economically

disadvantaged (including persons with disabilities)

Funding for adult and summer youth programs

Income requirements Receive welfare Income at poverty level

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Work Legislation cont’1986 Job Training and Partnership Act Amendments and Reform Amendments of 1992

Establish programs for youth facing barriers to employment

Continued fundingService delivery areas must

establish community linkages

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ResearchersMary Wagner-Director, Center for

Education and Human Services Conducted almost 20 projects for federal,

state, and local governments and for foundations and private clients

Principal investigator for The National Longitudinal Transition

Study-2 The National Behavior Research

Coordination Center (NBRCC). The National Effectiveness of First Step

to Success http://www.nlts2.org/reports/2006_08/


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ResearchersPaul Wehman

Vocation Transition Model (Wehman et al, 1985) Work preparation model where special

education, vocation edication, and rehabilitation were linked to support students with severe disabilities

Wehman's Three-Stage Vocational Transition Model (Wehman, Kregel, & Barcus, 1985)

He pioneered the development of supported employment at VCU in the early 1980s

He has published over 150 articles, 24 book chapters, and authored or edited 33 books

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ResearchersRobert Stodden

Over the past 25 years, served as principal investigator/director of more than 100research andtraining projects

Director of the Center on Disability Studies and the National Center for the Study of Postsecondary Educational Supports, and is a Professor of Special Education at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Served as a Kennedy Senior Policy Fellow with the Disability Policy Subcommittee in the United States Senate

were he drafted much of the transition language in IDEA of 1997

Part IV 1980s-Transition Education


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ResearchersPatricia L. Sitlington 3 text books

1998-A Practitioners Handbook

2006-Transition Education and Services for adolescents with disabilities

2008- A Practitioner's Handbook on Transition Assessment

University of Northern Iowa

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20On to the 90s

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Part IV 1990s-Transition Education


What do you remember about special education climate when you were in school?

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MovementEducational Climate

Research in self-determination Quality–of-life focus on transition Quality-of-life focus influence state

and national research from 1985-1985

20 or more seminal follow-up and follow-along studies from: Mithaug, Horiuchi, and Fanning (1985) Hasazi, Gordon, & Roe (1985) Wehman, Kregel, & Seyfarth (1985) Kranstover, Thurlow, & Bruininks (1989) Affleck, Edgar, Levine, & Kortering (1990) Iowa studies (Sitlington & Frank, 1990, 1993,

1994; Frank & Sitlington, 1993; Frank, Sitlington, & Carson, 1991)

SRI National Longitudinal Transition Study

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Part IV 1990s-Transition Education


Educational Climate Various definitions transition

by leaders in the field Andrew Halpern defined

Transition in 1984 and many other professionals took his position.

CEC adopted his definition of transition as their “official definition.”

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Educational Climate Transition Models

1998- Paula Kohler Taxonomy for Transition Planning

This is a model for planning, evaluating, and implementing transition services for youth with disabilities.

The planning services include Student focused planning Family involvement Program structure an attributes Interagency collaboration Student development

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View Taxonomy:http://homepages.wmich.edu/~kohlerp/pdf/Taxonomy.pdfResearch on Taxonomy:Kohler, P.D. (1996) Taxonomy for transition programming: Linking research to practice. Champaign, IL: Transition Research Institute. University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign

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Who is Paula Kohler? Professor in the Special Education Program at Western Michigan University (WMU) and previously a senior research associate with the Transition Research Institute at the University of Illinois. Interest include:

effective transition programs transition-related competencies career and technical experiences work-based education other aspects of transition-focused


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Compare and Contrast Activity

Visually compare and contrast the 4 models discussed:

Will (1984) Halpern (1985) Kohler (1998)

Clark (1979-2006)

Which model best reflects your belief practices in transition?

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Special Education Legislation IDEA 1997

The definition remained the same with two exceptions

1) coordinated set of activities could include related services2) transition began at age 14

At age of majority student must include statement of informed rights in IEP

If unable the state must appoint a legal guardian

Access to general education IEP team must consider assistive


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Special Education Legislation IDEA 1990

First federal legislation mandating that a statement of needed transition services be in the student’s IEP by age 16 (or young when appropriate).

The definition Included multiple postsecondary

outcomes Mandated the need for student

involvement Included that the IEP team could include

personnel for community and adult agencies

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Rehabilitation Legislation Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 and

Title IV: Workforce Investment Act of 1998 linked the state vocational rehabilitation system

to state work force investment system. Workforce Investment Act of 1998

5 titles Title I: Work force investment (WIA) Title II: Adult Education and Literacy Title II: Workforce Investment Title IV: Rehabilitation Act Amendments

of1998 Title V: General Provisions

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Rehabilitation Legislation Workforce Investment Act of 1998

Title I: Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Designed to serve low-income individuals Out-of-school youth Individual with disabilities Older and dislocated workers Fund services of youth 14-21 who are in and out of

school One-stop- centers

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Rehabilitation Legislation The Americans with Disabilities

Act of 1990 Extended Section 504 of

Rehabilitation Act 1973 Equal access and reasonable

accommodations to private sector Schools community employment

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Vocational Legislation School to Work Opportunity Act

of 1994 Transition supports for all students To train all students for work or continued

education To provide work-based learning

integrated with classes To improve linkages between

occupational and academic learning and secondary and postsecondary environments

Ensured students with disabilities employment opportunities in nontraditional careers.

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Researchers Authored 7 books Interest include:

Applying self-determination methods to educational and workplace settings

postsecondary and the workforce

Student-Directed Transition Planning Process

Jim Martin

Zarrow Endowed Chair in Special Education and is Director of Oaklahom University’s Zarrow Center


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MovementResearchers Transition competencies for

educators http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/info_briefs/dcdt/trans_educators.htm

Research interest: Primary-transition of youth with

disabilities from secondary school

to adult life Developing skills of self-

awareness, self-advocacy, self-motivation, and self-satisfaction

Parental involvement Conflict mediation and resolution Leadership development

Sharon Defur

As a Co-Principal Investigator

at W&M T/TAChttp://web.wm.edu/ttac/?&=&svr=www

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MovementResearchers James Patton-

Private consulting Adjunct Associate professor

The University of Texas at Austin Developed Transition Planning Inventory with Gary Clark Research interest:

transition assessment the infusion of real-life content into existing curricula, study skills

instruction, behavioral intervention planning, accommodation of students with special needs in inclusive settings

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MovementResearchers Stan Shaw

Co-author of Postsecondary Education and Transition for Students with Learning Disabilities (PRO-ED).

Co-Director of the Center on Postsecondary Education and Disability. http://www.cped.uconn.edu/index.html

Interest:•professional development •for postsecondary disability personnel•services for college students with disabilities•disability policy and law•Implementation of Section 504•teacher education

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MovementResearchers Michael Wehmeyer

Authored more than 180 articles or book chapters

Co-authored or co-edited 19 books on: self-determination transition, universal design for learning access to the general curriculum for students with significant disabilities, technology use by people with cognitive disabilities.

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Parts IV 1990s

Class Discussion

1) Identify two events and/or people during the 1980s and 1990s that you feel have been most important in shaping current transition practices?

Explain why?